NAF World Headquarters

Strategy and Tactics - Best Dwarf starting line-up...

SBG - Nov 17, 2003 - 08:23 AM
Post subject: Best Dwarf starting line-up...
Go ahead! Hit me with them!

I can't access TBB from work anymore (thanks to Websense...), so I can't see the starting line-up section...


Doubleskulls - Nov 17, 2003 - 08:29 AM
Post subject:
For tourneys or leagues?

5 Longbeards
2 Runners
2 Blitzers
2 Troll Slayers
3 FF

6 Longbeards
2 Runners
2 Blitzers
1 Troll Slayer
9 FF
Tutenkharnage - Nov 17, 2003 - 09:41 AM
Post subject:
I used this at GenCon:

6 Longbeards
2 Runners
2 Slayers
1 Blitzer
4 FF

It worked very well. I'd give Guard to the lone Blitzer and Block to the Runners. The Blitzer has just enough mobility (and agility) to make Guard work; I honestly don't know what you'd do with a second one. (I'd rather have Tackle!)

In a league, I'd probably go with 1 Runner, 2 Blitzers, 2 Slayers, 6 Longbeards, 2 TRRs, and an 8 FF.

zeuzism - Nov 17, 2003 - 09:45 AM
Post subject:
Tournaments with fixed upgrade system, and automatic recovery:
1 Ogre
2 Slayer
2 Blitzer
2 Runner
4 Longbeards
2 FF

1 Ogre
1 Slayer
2 Blitzers
2 Runners
5 Longbeards
8 FF
1 RR

APO = first purchase, then Slayer

OR (if you think that's much of a gamble without the APO)

2 Slayers
2 Blitzers
2 Runners
5 Longbeards
6 FF
1 RR

while you're saving for an ogre, you might be lucky enough to draw 'extra training'! (or twice as I did Cool ). If you are playing without the cards... whatever, Dwarfs don't need all that Re-Roll stuff, they all have lot's of skills.

Look at it this way: One RR less and (plop!) A Blitzer instantly becomes an Ogre, While the other team is trying to get the big guy down, your other players might as well enjoy the weekend. No need for RR there. Ditch the other RR and you have all the FF you need to grow, if you are playing a leage. Or If you don't like Ogre's because you think they are to big for a Dwarf team: use the RR and 1 FF and buy an APO, that's a better investment. One Dwarf down and from the money you safe (by having an APO) you can buy a RR mid-season.

Good luck, Dwarfs Rock.

GRR, Sanne
SBG - Nov 17, 2003 - 10:49 AM
Post subject:
Thanks guys!

League, I should have specified...

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