NAF World Headquarters

Europe - none-NAF memebers in NAF Sanctioned Tournaments

SunDancer - Feb 21, 2003 - 01:41 AM
Post subject: none-NAF memebers in NAF Sanctioned Tournaments
Yes or no? Do you allow them or not? Discuss! ;)
Grumbledook - Feb 21, 2003 - 06:14 AM
Post subject:
Yer of course you can play in the tournaments without being a NAF member. Your games just won't affect the rankings at all.

Its kinda annoying though I won a match at the dutch open against someone who wasn't in the NAF and I don't get the points for winning but both my losses counted :p. Went from second to twenty first in the rankings.
ChrisB - Feb 21, 2003 - 10:33 AM
Post subject:
Of course. you could even manage to recruit new members.

Could get a rep to bring a laptop so they can join that day
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