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Rules Questions - 0-2 or 0-4 Norse Blitzers

ThrudsFan - Feb 21, 2003 - 06:17 AM
Post subject: 0-2 or 0-4 Norse Blitzers
I picked up the 2002 Bloodbowl Annual the other day and noticed the Norse team lists 0-2 Blitzers. The Living Rulebook lists 0-4 Norse blitzers. I am assuming the 0-4 is correct, but can anyone confirm please.
Grumbledook - Feb 21, 2003 - 06:27 AM
Post subject:
0-4 they were changed after the annual was printed i think, that or its just a typo.

The LRB 2 is the most up to date and correct version of the rules.
Dave - Feb 21, 2003 - 04:13 PM
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I actually had a firm discussion on this, or actually the blitzers power, with Sputnik and the Chaos Dwarf playing German at the Dutch Open

They thought the blitzer was way over the top with a Trait (Frenzy) and an impossible-to-get-trait (Jump Up)

I argued that they die way to easy. A really dedicated opponent can kill / injure all four of them in just one match.

(The blessing of AV7 Evil or Very Mad )
Jmac - Feb 21, 2003 - 07:48 PM
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Yeah, I have a Norse team, and my apoth is dedicated to keeping my blitzers alive. I won't use him for anyone else.
Grotemuis - Feb 24, 2003 - 08:02 AM
Post subject:
to keep a norse team competitive you have to have four blitzers (as does the human team). Norse die way to easily to just have two (maybe I won't sweat so much if one of them goes down).
skummy - Feb 24, 2003 - 08:55 AM
Post subject:
I don't find that you have to have 4 blitzers to field a competitive human team. I find that rerolls are the most important thing for the humans, and having an Ogre is a close second. Two of every positional player will serve you very nicely as a starting team.
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