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Strategy and Tactics - secret weapons for dark elves question....

Ironmokey - Nov 19, 2003 - 06:43 PM
Post subject: secret weapons for dark elves question....
I'm just rolling up a dark elves team and considering taking a dagger for a witchelf.

A risky move maybe. Considering one of skilled players might get kicked out for using and illegal weapon.

Now here's my dilema / question.

A player with the dagger may make a dagger attack instead of throwing a block. That being the case then can the player use the dagger a second time if that player has frenzy since the dagger attack is considered a block???? So can I give a dagger to a witchelf and end up with 2 chances to penetrate the armor of anyone I block or blitz?

I'm constantly coming up with these what if scenarios so bare with me aye. And let me know what you think?


Ironmokey - Nov 19, 2003 - 06:56 PM
Post subject: yikes wrong forum
can a modorator move this to the rules question section....


Darkson - Nov 20, 2003 - 01:03 AM
Post subject:
No, a WE with a dagger would only get one attack, as the Dagger takes the place of the block, and frenzy only works on blocks. Plus the fact you need to push your opponent back to throw the 2nd frenzied block, and as you don't throw any block dice it's kinda difficult to push them back Wink
Doubleskulls - Nov 20, 2003 - 02:42 AM
Post subject:
Darkson is right. LRB pp35 "Frenzy is not used with secret weapon attacks or any other kind of attack other than a straightforward normal block on one opponent!"

Money is so tight for rookie Elven teams I think its something to get later on - particularly once you are up against low Av teams.
Ironmokey - Nov 20, 2003 - 12:27 PM
Post subject:
thankx for the info...

I thought I must have been over looking one of the rule updates or something.

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