NAF World Headquarters

North America - Bongo Bowl 2008, Mississauga Ontario June 7th, 8th

Shadowseer2005 - Apr 26, 2008 - 12:10 AM
Post subject: Bongo Bowl 2008, Mississauga Ontario June 7th, 8th
The Bongo Bowl is being held in Mississauga this year. The location for this 2 day swiss style tournament is:

Recreation Room
6699 Falconer Drive
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
L5N 2E3

For complete rules go to the Bongo Bowl web site at:

A quick rundown of team building and pitch rules.

Coaches have the standard 1,000,000 crowns with which to build their teams and have an additional 60,000 crowns that may be used to purchase skills. You may purchase skills and stat increases as follows:

Regular Skill - 20K
Doubles Skill - 30K
+MA/AV - 30K
+AG - 40K
+ST - 50K

Any unused money from the 60,000 may be used towards Fan Factor only. Coaches must CLEARLY indicate on their rosters what their pre-game skill choice(s) are and who it was given to.

Also all games except game 4 will be played using the rules for the Bongo Chasm.

The Bongo Chasm:
The Bongo Chasm is located beside a great chasm, deep within the Lustrian jungle. Very
few outsiders have been able to see this field and returned to speak of it. The treacherous
winds and slippery surface (due to all the banana peels) have seen to the fact that anyone
uninvited did not leave alive. But now mighty Blood Bowl teams have been invited to
play before Bongo to see who is truly the most powerful.
The Pitch:
The pitch itself is located beside an enormous chasm. Perhaps the most striking
difference the teams will notice is that there are no spectators on the south side of the
field. While this may seem to save the players the danger of being pushed into the
crowd, the entire south side of the pitch ends into a chasm.
Stumps/Rocks: As the field lies between a Chasm and a dense jungle, the pitch has
stumps or rocks littering the outskirts of the pitch. Each player will roll a d6 before
determining kick/receive. Each coach will receive obstacles to be placed on the field.
According to the dice result they roll.
1 = 1 rock/stump
2-4 = 2 rocks/stumps
5 = 3 rocks/stumps
6 = 4 rocks/stumps
These obstacles can only be places on either short sides of the pitch. No rocks/stumps
may be placed in the middle playing area.
South Side Crowd Push: If a player should be pushed off the pitch on the south side
then they have been pushed off the field and into the Chasm. The coach of the pushed
player must immediately roll a d6 and on a roll of 4+ a Giant Eagle plucks you up before
you strike the rapids below. The eagle will drop you into your dugout and the player may
be placed in the reserved box. If you fail the roll then the player falls into the rapids and
misses the rest of the game.
Being located within and open area beside a chasm leads the pitch to be subjected to
fickle weather conditions. The following table will be used while playing in The Bongo
2 ??? ???Hot & Humid?????? The conditions on the pitch is like playing in a huge cauldron of
boiling water. Due to this all players suffer a -1 modifier to all d6 rolls to be made on the
3 ??? ???Torrential Rain??? ??? A torrential downpour is causing complete havoc! All attempts
to handle the ball, including Picking Up the ball and all Catch and hand-off rolls have a -
1 modifier. Only Quick Passes may be attempted. The extremely muddy conditions
reduce all MA by 2. (Adjusted MA cannot be reduced below 3). This type of rainfall is
notoriously quick: roll again on the Weather Table after this drive.
4 ??? 10 ???Nice??? ???Perfect Bongo Bowl Weather
11 ??? ???High Winds???- From time to time the chasm creates high winds or miniature twisters
that ravage the field. Any failed GFI will result in the player being pushed into a random
square (if the square is occupied then the player in the occupied square is moved using
normal rules as if he had been pushed. If a player has the ball and fails a GFI and is
pushed into the end zone then the player fumbles the ball before entering the end zone.
Only quick passes may be made. Kick offs and bouncing balls scatter 1 extra square.
12 ??? ???Mist???- The cold winds mixed with the hot surface of the field has created a mist
thicker than a Bugman???s Brew. All players suffer from Bonehead until the next half or
Kick off table results:
2 ??? ???Tribal Drums??? ??? The natives are restless (which normally means hungry). The
players are so distracted that re-rolls are halved (rounded down) for the remainder of the
game. Re-roll further incidences of Tribal Drums.
3 ??? ???Earth tremor??? - The Lustrian jungles are no stranger to earthquakes and the like.
Roll a d6 for each and every player on the field. On the roll of a 1, they are placed prone
(face up) to represent their shaky footing. No injury roll is made, but they must sacrifice
the 3 movement points to stand as normal.
4 ??? ???Severed Head??? - A decapitated head is used as a ball. Whenever a player tries to
pick up, catch or receive a hand off roll a D6. On a result of 1 the player is too revolted to
by the Head ending his action.
5 ??? ???High Kick??? - as per normal kick off rules
6 ??? ???Cheering Fans??? - as per normal kick off rules
7 ??? ???Changing Weather??? ??? as per normal kick off rules
8 ??? ???Brilliant Coaching??? - as per normal kick off rules
9 ??? ???Quick Snap??? - as per normal kick off rules
10 ??? ???Blitz!??? ??? as per normal kick off rules.
11 ??? ???Throw a Banana??? ??? as per normal kick off rules (throw a rock)
12 ??? ???Banana Peels??? ??? Those misfit monkeys have littered the pitch with banana peels,
making it hazardous to attempt any heroics. Players cannot use the following skills:
Dodge, Sure Feet and Leap. All GFI will fail on a 1 & 2.

Attending the Bongo Bowl:

jrock56 (confirmed)
spazzfist (confirmed)
glen jones (confirmed)
Notorious_jtb (confirmed)
Marc-Andre (possible)
Chris (possible)

Hope to see yas all out for the tourney.

Clan_Skaven - Apr 26, 2008 - 12:54 AM
Post subject:
This year is my 1st year back to Rugby in 11 years, so if I'm able to make it to the Bongo Bowl or any other Summer run BB Tournies I'll try... (with my playing Rugby again , Summer weekends are bad)

No promises, but maybe I can make the Bongo-Bowl or the Lakeside Cup (I really doubt both, but whoever's I don't make this year I'll make it a priority to go next year.

Notorious_jtb - Apr 26, 2008 - 07:13 AM
Post subject:
sounds good dan, Missisauga is closer than London right? That improves my attendance chances dramatically.

Do you have the dates set yet?

Spazzfist - Apr 26, 2008 - 07:47 AM
Post subject:
Yeah Dan! Tell that bastard monkey to set a date already! Smile

Also I feel that I shoudl remind you to tell everyone why game 4 is not on the Bongo Chasm.... :wink
Shadowseer2005 - Apr 26, 2008 - 04:49 PM
Post subject:
      Notorious_jtb wrote:
sounds good dan, Missisauga is closer than London right? That improves my attendance chances dramatically.

Do you have the dates set yet?


June 7th & 8th 2008.

Remember game 4 is a Dungeon Bowl Game.
Notorious_jtb - Apr 27, 2008 - 09:54 AM
Post subject:
Do you have the rules available for the dungeon bowl game?

dates seem fine to me. I will see what kind of possie from Ottawa wants to head down.
Shadowseer2005 - Apr 27, 2008 - 02:37 PM
Post subject:
      Notorious_jtb wrote:
Do you have the rules available for the dungeon bowl game?

dates seem fine to me. I will see what kind of possie from Ottawa wants to head down.

Follow this link for the Dungeon Bowl Rules.

The more the merrier mate. It's always good to get out of towners in for a tourney. Let me know if you guys need anything else.
Spazzfist - Apr 27, 2008 - 03:41 PM
Post subject:
      Notorious_jtb wrote:
Do you have the rules available for the dungeon bowl game?

dates seem fine to me. I will see what kind of pussies from Ottawa wants to head down.

I think this is what you meant to say! Razz

This is it Byers! You are coming into the turf of Spazz now to lay claim to my throne! I have been nice with you before and allowed you to save face with a tie, but now comes the time when I must CRUSH you!

The oral sex monkey will be mine once again!
Notorious_jtb - Apr 27, 2008 - 04:08 PM
Post subject:
      Shadowseer2005 wrote:
      Notorious_jtb wrote:
Do you have the rules available for the dungeon bowl game?

dates seem fine to me. I will see what kind of possie from Ottawa wants to head down.

Follow this link for the Dungeon Bowl Rules.

The more the merrier mate. It's always good to get out of towners in for a tourney. Let me know if you guys need anything else.

cheers dan
Notorious_jtb - Apr 27, 2008 - 04:11 PM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
      Notorious_jtb wrote:
Do you have the rules available for the dungeon bowl game?

dates seem fine to me. I will see what kind of pussies from Ottawa wants to head down.

I think this is what you meant to say! Razz

This is it Byers! You are coming into the turf of Spazz now to lay claim to my throne! I have been nice with you before and allowed you to save face with a tie, but now comes the time when I must CRUSH you!

The oral sex monkey will be mine once again!

You do realise that I did smack your arse till it was sore at the Qermitt in 07?
This surely qualifies as your own back yard, and it was orc on orc too!

Evidence =

But i will admit to the other two ties. The one against the vampires makes me ashamed Embarassed
jrock56 - Apr 27, 2008 - 04:42 PM
Post subject:
Craig, will you and Joe stop playing tonsel hockey with each other...Ottawa Pussies huh we'll have to put that one to the test, you better come correct or not at all then. One other thing Joe, I saw your glorified statistics, one thing was omitted from that though, I think it is your winless record against me!!! You will all be a battered mess after the next tourney,

With Regards,


PS You like the "with regards" because it's for your many losses LOL Twisted Evil
Spazzfist - Apr 27, 2008 - 08:28 PM
Post subject:
The only reason that my arse was sore at Q'ermitt III is because you slipped my some rohypnol in my drink Friday night!

Let's be honest with one another Joe. Do you think I would put my full effort into winning at my own tournament? Sorry man, I am not as cheesy as you in that way! Don't get me started on your bending of your own rules at the first CCKO!

But my more recent memory serves to remember a certain orc team being unable to deal with a team of hopeless vampires at the Niaggoroth tourney! Twisted Evil

Adam, you can end your messages however you want, but your attempts at diplomacy and formality are about as convincing as a chihuahua barking at a doberman. Go back to your kennel little pup, this is between the big dogs!

My only fear in defending my title as the Bongo Bowl champion is not that I will lose to the likes of Joe or The Pup, but rather that I am going to crush all my opposition so mercilessly that I am going to rob them of all hope and desire to ever play again. I will defend my Bongo crown with extreme prejudice. The Ottawa boys will be like smears oon Rod's shorts once I am done with them. Ben will be a husk of his former self, and the boys from Viagra Balls will be clutching onto each other sobbing when the crown is placed fimply upon my head once again.

If the rest of you guys want to show up to vie for second place, then I suppose it may be worth the trip for you. But the other trophies are spoken for: First, Best Team, Most Cas. Most TDs will be mine, and The Pup will have the wooden spoon.

Sorry if this affects your projected attendance Dan, as people now know the outcome, but I feel that people need to be forewarned in case they need to book early for their therapy appointments.

Bongo is my bitch.
Shadowseer2005 - Apr 28, 2008 - 07:17 PM
Post subject:
If the rest of you guys want to show up to vie for second place, then I suppose it may be worth the trip for you. But the other trophies are spoken for: First, Best Team, Most Cas. Most TDs will be mine, and The Pup will have the wooden spoon.

Bongo is my bitch.[/quote]

Did you get Eric to go forward in time again to get the results...because you saw how well that turned out...only 25% of trophies and not 70%. You may just be giving the Ottawa boys " INCENTIVE ". Which some people recently have lackd\ed Rolling Eyes
Spazzfist - Apr 28, 2008 - 07:58 PM
Post subject:
Well given how well Eric's time machine worked out the first time, that is one Delorian that i do not want to be riding in!

I'll take my chances with the Morlocks.....
Spazzfist - May 06, 2008 - 07:30 AM
Post subject:
I have to admit that I was very skeptical about the Dungeonbowl game, especially when I had seen the new format of the board, but was going to reserve my opnion until I had a chance to try it out (I mean, no sense in shooting my mouth off like Rod did about LRB5, and then have to eat my word...... like Rod did with LRB5! Razz)

Dan and I played a game on it last night, and I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised! One thing that I really liked about the new board setup was that it allows a lot more opporunities for strategies and manouevering that the old one did not. It is not so easy to block traffic and totally grind things to a halt. The teleoprters played a HUGE role in our game, as Dan was within a couple of steps of scoring with a four man advantage over me, but a failed GFI, a bit of ball scattering, a lucky pick up on a 5+, and then a quick jump in a teleporter meant that I was now on the other side of the board and pretty clear! Good fun.

I am still undecided about which race to take. I have a couple teams that I started converting/painting, and tourneys are always a good excuse to get them done, but then I kinda want to do my Nurgle again and have them defend their title.... will have to have a few games with each to decide!
Eric.R. - May 06, 2008 - 08:03 AM
Post subject:
I agree the board is a little more player friendly this time. I will post a pic of the board on the Bongo site as soon as I am finished designing it.
Shadowseer2005 - May 06, 2008 - 06:46 PM
Post subject:
      Eric.R. wrote:
I agree the board is a little more player friendly this time. I will post a pic of the board on the Bongo site as soon as I am finished designing it.

That great Eric.


Eric.R. - May 07, 2008 - 06:47 AM
Post subject:
      Shadowseer2005 wrote:

That great Eric.

Darn right I am That Great Eric, although Eric the Great will also be acceptable.
Spazzfist - May 07, 2008 - 12:24 PM
Post subject:
Don't tease Dan because he is reverting back to his caveman grammar!
Eric.R. - May 07, 2008 - 04:52 PM
Post subject: Da Board
Here is the dungeon Bowl board that will be used at the tournament:
Spazzfist - May 07, 2008 - 05:14 PM
Post subject: RE: Da Board
I think you need to flip the positions of the number one and two teleporters and their respective chests. (At least that is the way it was when Dan and played...)
Notorious_jtb - May 07, 2008 - 07:44 PM
Post subject: Re: Da Board
      Eric.R. wrote:
Here is the dungeon Bowl board that will be used at the tournament:

where do you score? in the coloured squares?
Spazzfist - May 07, 2008 - 08:48 PM
Post subject: RE: Re: Da Board
Yeah, the coloured z\ones are where the players enter, and then you have to scoe on your opponents zone
Eric.R. - May 07, 2008 - 09:44 PM
Post subject: Re: Da Board
      Notorious_jtb wrote:

where do you score? in the coloured squares?

I usually score in yo` momma`s bed . . . (sorry could not resist).

Anyhoo, as Spazz Pointed out you score by bringing the ball to your opponent's starting zone, as per origanal DB rules (circa 2nd Ed. -- the 3rd edition rules availible online for reference from specialist game). Also it is first goal wins, if I recall correctly.

@ Spazz: Will have to check my notes on the warp/treasure locations . . . but seeing that I did not write down the changes Dan made, TS!!! An artist never comprimises!! Seriously though, will check with him b4 the OFFICIAL layout is made.
jrock56 - May 07, 2008 - 10:13 PM
Post subject:
Hey guys I know I'm knitpicking but dungeon endzones have to be 2 squares wide and 4 squares long according to the rules. One other thing hope your all ready to BOW DOWN!!!

Clan_Skaven - May 08, 2008 - 12:54 AM
Post subject:
      jrock56 wrote:
Hey guys I know I'm knitpicking but dungeon endzones have to be 2 squares wide and 4 squares long according to the rules. One other thing hope your all ready to BOW DOWN!!!

Ya bow down to this $%%^&%$ !!!!!!!!!!! & you can bring your spikey haired freak body gaurd, cause he can bow down to what I have to offer, & after I'm done with you....... Bi........................atch!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Glenn can beg for more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Whooooooooooooooooohaaaaaaaaaaaaa it feels great to be a jerk!!!!!!!!!!!!

Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

Eric.R. - May 08, 2008 - 07:53 AM
Post subject:
      jrock56 wrote:
Hey guys I know I'm knitpicking but dungeon endzones have to be 2 squares wide and 4 squares long according to the rules.

It also says the teams are mixed race and based on the respective college of magic. But, we ain't using that rule either. In anycase, that is the pitch u r playing on.
Notorious_jtb - May 08, 2008 - 08:02 AM
Post subject:
      Eric.R. wrote:
      jrock56 wrote:
Hey guys I know I'm knitpicking but dungeon endzones have to be 2 squares wide and 4 squares long according to the rules.

It also says the teams are mixed race and based on the respective college of magic. But, we ain't using that rule either. In anycase, that is the pitch u r playing on.

Can you smell what the Da Rube's is cookin!

Spazzfist - May 08, 2008 - 08:03 AM
Post subject:
      jrock56 wrote:
Hey guys I know I'm knitpicking but dungeon endzones have to be 2 squares wide and 4 squares long according to the rules. One other thing hope your all ready to BOW DOWN!!!

Man, I know you prefer the long and wide, but it doesn't matter, because you are going to lose. Badly!

The only thing I am going to have to bow down for is to see you on the rankings list from my position at the top!
Notorious_jtb - May 08, 2008 - 08:03 AM
Post subject:
      Clan-Skaven wrote:

it feels great to be a jerk OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!


I'm sure it does Laughing
Spazzfist - May 08, 2008 - 08:04 AM
Post subject:
      Clan-Skaven wrote:

Whooooooooooooooooohaaaaaaaaaaaaa it feels great to be a jerk!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's good man! Play to your strengths!
Clan_Skaven - May 08, 2008 - 11:56 AM
Post subject:
Ahhh, yes the morning after (well almost 2pm, but to me thats morning) a drunk night's posting on NAF....

Jrock or Adam or whatever, I hope your virgin ears weren't offended by my slurred ramblings, hey at least they made better sense than that other drunken post a while back...

See you guys later..........


PS, I hate hang overs, I need some Burger King
Shadowseer2005 - May 08, 2008 - 07:28 PM
Post subject:
Good to hear the smack talk starting. Just to gives you all a quick run down. The prizes have been ordered, the venue is set, the trophies are almost complete. All that's needed are the coaches who have incentive to de-thrown the current Bongo Champ. ( there you go spazz....the only credit you will get from me).

IPlease go to the website and register for the tourney. Also could you let me know who is planning on attending so I can take a head count ( both confirmed and possibles please)

Spazzfist - May 08, 2008 - 08:32 PM
Post subject:
Dude, what I say isn't smack talk, it's just a statement of the truth! These chumps are nothing to me! None of them has what it takes to dethrone me!

Just make sure your spelling of my name is better! Don't want you messing up my trophies! Looking forward to my oral sex monkey threesome! Very Happy
Clan_Skaven - May 09, 2008 - 12:44 AM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
Looking forward to my oral sex monkey threesome! Very Happy

Oh I did not know Zombie was going to be there, let alone be back in NAF....
Spazzfist - May 09, 2008 - 07:06 AM
Post subject:
      Clan-Skaven wrote:
      Spazzfist wrote:
Looking forward to my oral sex monkey threesome! Very Happy

Oh I did not know Zombie was going to be there, let alone be back in NAF....

Laughing ZING Laughing
Notorious_jtb - May 09, 2008 - 01:55 PM
Post subject: Re: Bongo Bowl 2008, Mississauga Ontario
ok, actual rules questions now, not just smack! Crazy I know.

0) Which is the south side?
A long side?

1) rocks/stumps.
What do these chaps do?
Sounds like they can only be placed in endzones?

2) Kick off roll 4: Severed head.
If the player is too repulsed to pick up/catch/accept hand off does the ball scatter once from the players square?

3) Draft
Where did you think of that one? Wink

4) Red card
-30 points
max points from games = 18 (6 wins at 3pts each)
Harsh! but fair Smile

5) Sportsmanship
"While it is almost certain that there will be several people tied with perfect scores."
Not that likely as no one should get 6 "3"s as each coach is only supposed to give out no more than 1 per tournament as a 3 represents the best game they ever played.
Could easily still be a tie, just not with perfect scores.

6) Draft
When you say the TO will pick the skill if you run out of time, are you gonna pick nice, or mean?

7) Spazz
How could he possibly have won last year?
Was it some freak alignment of planets?
Or did he really have a big pack of monkeys stealing his opponents figures so he could just run in the winning scores?

Cool Dungeon bowl,
This may be dumass but I didn't see the rules in the pdf, where can I find them?

Cheers Bongo,

Hope I make it, fingers crossed.

I am positively itching with incentive!!!!!
Spazzfist - May 09, 2008 - 03:49 PM
Post subject: Re: Bongo Bowl 2008, Mississauga Ontario
      Notorious_jtb wrote:
7) Spazz
How could he possibly have won last year?
Was it some freak alignment of planets?
Or did he really have a big pack of monkeys stealing his opponents figures so he could just run in the winning scores?

I think the better question is how did I not win before? I do have a opack of monkeys, but left them all at home for the tourney. I do the out of town tourneys to get away from them! Very Happy

      Notorious_jtb wrote:
Hope I make it, fingers crossed.

I am positively itching with incentive!!!!!

Sure, sure. incentive, crabs, call it what you will, we all know you got it from Eric's mom. But all the pubic crustaceans in the world are not going to save you from my wrath!
jrock56 - May 09, 2008 - 08:12 PM
Post subject:
Hey Dan, it is confirmed THE MOST ELECTRIFYING MAN IN SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT will be attending, and it's quite simple frankly... It's like this I'M RICK JAMES TO YOU ALL AND YOU WILL ALL BE MY BITCHES!!!!!!

To make it simple for you simpletons, you are all like the New England Patriots this past year, OVERHYPED and OVERATED, while I remain LIKE THE NEW YORK FOOTBALL GIANTS, GREATNESS REVEALED TO THE WORLD!!!! You should all run and hide like I've been molesting you since childhood cause it will be like taking candy from the BABIES come June.

Enuff Said.

Spazzfist - May 09, 2008 - 09:18 PM
Post subject:
Jrock, if we meet on the pitch then it is going to take more than a riot to save yous sorry ass! Our match will be the equivalent of Richard Simmons vs Vanderlei Silva in a MMA fight to the death, and I will not be the one who is sweating to the oldies!! Laughing

There will be no mercy for you Little Pup!
jrock56 - May 09, 2008 - 09:55 PM
Post subject:
Hey Spazz....but isn't that what you are already A SWEATING OLDIE!!! and with good reason I might add, I'd be sweating too from those nightmares that are obviously still entrenched in your mind from our first meeting on the pitch....RIOT.....OH NO HE SCORED!!!!AAAAAHHHHH!!!! I'll quote another here "I CAN'T BE BEAT, I WON'T BE BEAT...YOU PAPER CHAMPION!!!" At least if I was Richard Simmons it would give you a chance, it would be like winning the lottery for you though, that glimmer of hope exists so you keep playing and playing but that door just slams in your FACE repeatedly as you just don't learn!!!! what a

Shadowseer2005 - May 09, 2008 - 10:10 PM
Post subject: Re: Bongo Bowl 2008, Mississauga Ontario
      Notorious_jtb wrote:
ok, actual rules questions now, not just smack! Crazy I know.

0) Which is the south side?
A long side?


1) rocks/stumps.
What do these chaps do?
Sounds like they can only be placed in endzones?


2) Kick off roll 4: Severed head.
If the player is too repulsed to pick up/catch/accept hand off does the ball scatter once from the players square?


3) Draft
Where did you think of that one? Wink


4) Red card
-30 points
max points from games = 18 (6 wins at 3pts each)
Harsh! but fair Smile


5) Sportsmanship
"While it is almost certain that there will be several people tied with perfect scores."
Not that likely as no one should get 6 "3"s as each coach is only supposed to give out no more than 1 per tournament as a 3 represents the best game they ever played.
Could easily still be a tie, just not with perfect scores.


6) Draft
When you say the TO will pick the skill if you run out of time, are you gonna pick nice, or mean?


7) Spazz
How could he possibly have won last year?
Was it some freak alignment of planets?
Or did he really have a big pack of monkeys stealing his opponents figures so he could just run in the winning scores?


Cool Dungeon bowl,
This may be dumass but I didn't see the rules in the pdf, where can I find them?


Cheers Bongo,

Hope I make it, fingers crossed.

I am positively itching with incentive!!!!!

Notorious_jtb - May 10, 2008 - 08:12 AM
Post subject: RE: Re: Bongo Bowl 2008, Mississauga Ontario
cheers dan, must have missed the dungeon bowl rules
Spazzfist - May 10, 2008 - 08:33 PM
Post subject:
      jrock56 wrote:

Dude, I don't think that any of us want to know what you say to the tissue when you're alone in the washroom! Laughing Too much info!

You keep barking Little Pup, because I am going to stick a muzzle on you and pummel you into the ground. I'm gonna whup you so bad that your grandkids are going to feel it!

As I am the ONE AND ONLY Bongo Bowl Champion in the world, I will punish with extreme prejudice anytone who dares to stand before me. Beg as you may for mercy, I will give none. Game after game will end with only my players standing on the field as all teams are sent to the casualty box as a grim reminder of my prowess.

Tremble in fear. They will be no shame in screaming. For I am Spazz. And I am going to crush you.
Shadowseer2005 - May 10, 2008 - 09:45 PM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
      jrock56 wrote:

As I am the ONE AND ONLY Bongo Bowl Champion in the world, I will punish with extreme prejudice anytone who dares to stand before me.

Tremble in fear. They will be no shame in screaming. For I am Spazz. And I am going to crush you.

"anytone"...and you dare talk about my caveman speaking abilities. Razz
Spazzfist - May 11, 2008 - 04:01 PM
Post subject:
      Caveman2005 wrote:

"anytone"...and you dare talk about my caveman speaking abilities. Razz

Whatever Flintstone! You cannot compare a simple spelling typo to your caveman grammar!

Just for that I do hope that you have to play as the odd man out just so I can school you on the BB field!
Spazzfist - May 13, 2008 - 01:59 PM
Post subject:
Hey Dan, any idea why this was never stickied?
Shadowseer2005 - May 13, 2008 - 08:10 PM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
Hey Dan, any idea why this was never stickied?

Guess me ain't enough special! (how you like caveman talk spazz)
jrock56 - May 16, 2008 - 10:13 PM
Post subject:
Hey guys, have a quick question? Does anyone know if Ben is attending Bongo tourney as I would like to renew membership so I can get the new blocking dice. They are yellow with blue inlay in case you didn't know already. Actually look pretty sweet!, want a set for sure. One other thing too I am looking to acquire some of the previous sets of blocking dice and was wondering if any of you have extra sets or would be willing to part with any of them. Mainly the Black with gold inlay,

Shadowseer2005 - May 17, 2008 - 08:46 AM
Post subject:
      jrock56 wrote:
Hey guys, have a quick question? Does anyone know if Ben is attending Bongo tourney as I would like to renew membership so I can get the new blocking dice. They are yellow with blue inlay in case you didn't know already. Actually look pretty sweet!, want a set for sure. One other thing too I am looking to acquire some of the previous sets of blocking dice and was wondering if any of you have extra sets or would be willing to part with any of them. Mainly the Black with gold inlay,


Not sure If Ben is coming. I haven't heard from him but I will send him a pm to see if he will be attending. In regards to extra dice I do not have any but maybe one of the other guys might.

Also guys we are 3 weeks away, the trophies are done, the prizes shoud arrive this week coming. Could you let me know who is attending. Anyone from the Falls making it? The London crew? Local guys? Ottawa boys? Come on guys show me some signs of life (see first entry for list so far)
Spazzfist - May 17, 2008 - 12:11 PM
Post subject:

Adam sent me a message on Facebook saying that he, Joe and Glenn were coming for sure, and that Marc-Andre and Chris were maybes.

I'm working hard on my skaven team to get them ready - I would like to try them out for the tourney - sometimes this is the incentive that I need to get new teams done!
jrock56 - May 17, 2008 - 03:18 PM
Post subject:
Hey Dan,

Spazz is correct as the three of us Joe,Glenn, Myself have already registered on Bongo Website. Haven't spoken to Marc-Andre, and Chris is suffering from a losing to the Jones's syndrome that he may not overcome in time for the Hopefully he does so he can get spanked again...anyhow hope for at least 4 of us from Ottawa.


Shadowseer2005 - May 17, 2008 - 08:16 PM
Post subject:
Great Adam...thanks for the update. I will keep my fingers crossed that Chris and Marc-Andre can also make it.
Grell - May 18, 2008 - 08:31 AM
Post subject:
well wiht my work situation not sure if I can come or not but if I still am not with permant work I will be there let u know closer to the tourmant =-)
Cramy - May 18, 2008 - 05:42 PM
Post subject:
Well, I won't be able to make it. Have fun all.
Spazzfist - May 18, 2008 - 07:02 PM
Post subject:
      Cramy wrote:
Well, I won't be able to make it. Have fun all.

Sorry to hear it Marc-Andre! Was looking forward to an easy victory off of you! Wink
Shadowseer2005 - May 18, 2008 - 08:14 PM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
      Cramy wrote:
Well, I won't be able to make it. Have fun all.

Sorry to hear it Marc-Andre! Was looking forward to an easy victory off of you! Wink

Sorry you can't make it Marc-Andre. hopefully you can make next years.

I guess you'll actually have to work damn hard for those wins the spazz (you ratings whore you)...start paying homage to Chairman Bongo and maybe you won't be seeing him on your dice.
Spazzfist - May 20, 2008 - 09:44 AM
Post subject:
      Shadowseer2005 wrote:
I guess you'll actually have to work damn hard for those wins the spazz (you ratings whore you)...start paying homage to Chairman Bongo and maybe you won't be seeing him on your dice.

Ratings whore? I take great offense to that! I can't help it that I am #1 Nurgle coach in the world! Don't hate me because I am great! Laughing

As for Chairman Bongo..... don't get me started on that bastard monkey! I will never pay homage to him! Last year the more I swore at him, the more he tried to appease me, so expect more of the same this year! Bongo realizes that I am a true champion. I expect the rest of you lot to do the same!
jrock56 - May 21, 2008 - 04:23 PM
Post subject:
I take offence to that too as spazz is not a ratings whore...he is my whore aka my personal whipping boy as he himself will soon come to realize. I guess your holding out for Bongo as you need that homefield turf...too afraid you'll be put out to ruin in Ottawa huh? Figures I guess. Razz

One other thing I just looked at Bongo website...What is going on? there are only 4 people registered and 3 are from Ottawa. Where are all the Torontonians or are they in hiding after the Quermitt or what? At least Spazz will take his beatings gracefully...anyway pony up people, or should I say that in a language you can all understand..BRING IT


PS I hope you all can take my verbal thrashings as I kid a lot.
Spazzfist - May 21, 2008 - 05:28 PM
Post subject:
The verbal thrashings are the only thing you will be dishing out Little Pup, as we have no means to block you.

No riot will save you this time Beeyotch! It will be nothing personal when I make an example of you. You Otta-wa-wa boys have been getting too big for your britches, and need som putting in your place!
Notorious_jtb - May 22, 2008 - 08:22 AM
Post subject:
Our place being the Podium!

I reckon we can take all the trophies back to O Town this time around, we are going to be like European "explorers" arrive, beat everyone up, and leave with all the gold.

Spazzfist - May 24, 2008 - 03:08 PM
Post subject:
Hey guys,

The realization came upon us recently that the weekend of the Bongo Bowl is also the weekend that Streetsville (where I live) is going to be holding their Bread and Honey Festival, which is a bunc of rides,, food and of course a giant beer tent!

Dan and I were thinking that if people wanted to make some time to attend that then we were thinking whether people would want to modfiy the schedule to make more time for the Festival.

Option 1 - Three games on Saturday and three games on Sunday - means that you leave a little later to go home.

Option 2 - Start earlier on the Saturday, and thereby finish earlier.

Option 3 - Stop dickin' around with the schedules Spazz! Things were fine the way thery were!

Let me know what you guys think.

P.S. Things are cool with Mrs. Spazz for the Ottawa boyz staying over. Guess you weren't as smelly as she had feared!
jrock56 - May 24, 2008 - 10:54 PM
Post subject:
Thanks Spazz much appreciated by the way. As a side note though I was speaking of the collective "MANSTENCH" from 26-30 of us there letting flatulence and Eau de Natural waft around the room for 2 days. Less beer more Febreze next time I guess LOL. Laughing
Anyhow thanks again, for accomodating us and thank Mrs. Spazz as well for us. See you soon, the anticipation of my sweet victory is almost too much to bear.

Spazzfist - May 25, 2008 - 03:46 PM
Post subject:
Nicely done Adam, totally ignore the body of the message and reply only to the post-script!
jrock56 - May 25, 2008 - 04:49 PM
Post subject:
HAHA, sorry man, I'm down for whatever is the consensus, I'm just there to have a good time and get some bowlin' in, in the process. Would be cool either way Spazz, just that your post script was directed specifically at us so I figured I'd respond to that first. Take it easy Big Dog (even if your all bark no bite) LOL. Twisted Evil
Shadowseer2005 - May 29, 2008 - 05:48 PM
Post subject:
Alright...we are just about 1 week away now. I hope your all up for some fun, some blood, some gore and possibly bread, honey and beer. I think that if we can get finished early enough on Saturday we should hit the Bread and Honey festival and check oout the Beer tent and whatever else they have going on.

Can't wait to see yas all there fighting for Bongo's glory.

The odds are severely stacked against spazz bringing any glory for the local crew as he is out numbered so far but you never know. Bongo may bless him as he did last year.
Spazzfist - May 29, 2008 - 09:09 PM
Post subject:
Bah! You could play it as Deathbowl with those chumps against me and I would still come out on top!

Bongo is my b*tch and I plan to keep it that way!
Notorious_jtb - Jun 02, 2008 - 02:26 PM
Post subject:
So just a couple of days before Bongo feels my Wrath!

Looking over the rules I think we can totally play the four games on saturday becuase the dungeon bowl games won't last the full 2 hours, or most won't. So we should finish nice and early.

Any news on the rest of the T-dot whipping boyz krew?

Is it just Spazz vs the Ottawa Juggernaut?

Wow we really got you guys beat haven't we Laughing
Notorious_jtb - Jun 02, 2008 - 02:39 PM
Post subject:
More rulez questions.

Read the dungeon bowl rules. I have some questions.

1) Dugout teleporter. Where do players go when they teleport from the dugout? Endzone or random teleport pad? Can they move after teleporting?

2) Bouncing off walls, this rule references a diagram, I don't see it in the PDF. Is it just an equal and opposite thing, so diagonal throw bounces off on the next diagonal and straight throw comes right back at you?

3) Magic banana peel. Can this really return players from the "stunned box" to the reserves? What is the stunned box? Or was this supposed to mean BH players? Looks like we need to roll for type of injury, correct?

4) hmmm thats it right now. oh no wait, Are you going to put teleporters in the endzones? might be a really quick game that way?!@#$@##$

Spazzfist - Jun 02, 2008 - 03:33 PM
Post subject:
nJoe, I will take the liberty to answer the questions. Dan can correct me if need be.

1) The dugout teleports you into your own endzone. You can start moving as soon as you teleport onto the field.

2) dunno - unlike you Ottawa boyz, I am not a fan of bouncing balls! Laughing

3) It means BH. Instead of moving a player onto the field you can move the player into the reserves box. Then tne next turn you can move the player back onto the field.

4) No teleporters in the end zones - although that is what you would need in order to beat me!

Still trying to whip the TBBF into submission here an get some more of the boys out. Started to hear some murmurings, will keep you posted.

One more thing - to those who are staying with me, remember to bring your swim trunks as the pool is open and is very likely to be used! No skinny dipping from you lot! We don't want the property values to plummet!
Shadowseer2005 - Jun 02, 2008 - 05:05 PM
Post subject:
Thanks spazz for clearing up those questions. I will add a couple of things below.

      Spazzfist wrote:
nJoe, I will take the liberty to answer the questions. Dan can correct me if need be.

1) The dugout teleports you into your own endzone. You can start moving as soon as you teleport onto the field.

2) dunno - unlike you Ottawa boyz, I am not a fan of bouncing balls! Laughing

The ball can be bounced off a wall if you succeed the throw then the pass can be caught ( intercepted) as normal. If the pass is failed then you bounce the ball as per the rules. 1-3 bounces to square on the right 2d6 and 4-6 bounces to the left 2d6 of target square.

You may wonder why do this...well theoritically ( and some luck ) you could throw the ball around the corner to an available player even if you do not have line of sight. Sneeky play that could be.

3) It means BH. Instead of moving a player onto the field you can move the player into the reserves box. Then tne next turn you can move the player back onto the field.

It does mean BH or KO'd.

4) No teleporters in the end zones - although that is what you would need in order to beat me!

Still trying to whip the TBBF into submission here an get some more of the boys out. Started to hear some murmurings, will keep you posted.

One more thing - to those who are staying with me, remember to bring your swim trunks as the pool is open and is very likely to be used! No skinny dipping from you lot! We don't want the property values to plummet!

Clan_Skaven - Jun 03, 2008 - 01:14 AM
Post subject:
Ok its a slim chance, but I may be there at Bongo Bowl....

but only if i can bribe someone from down here to drive up friday night after i finnish work at 11:30 pm. (so don't hold your breath Embarassed )

Notorious_jtb - Jun 03, 2008 - 09:17 AM
Post subject:
Cheers for the answers boys, cleared things up.

I like the slight randomness of the bouncing off the walls thing, makes it more interesting.

Pool sounds good.

Hope you can make it Rod, could use the extra win Wink
Spazzfist - Jun 03, 2008 - 10:23 AM
Post subject:
      Notorious_jtb wrote:

Hope you can make it Rod, could use the extra win Wink

Yeah, 'cuz he's sure as hell not going to get one from me! Twisted Evil
Shadowseer2005 - Jun 03, 2008 - 05:34 PM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
      Notorious_jtb wrote:

Hope you can make it Rod, could use the extra win Wink

Yeah, 'cuz he's sure as hell not going to get one from me! Twisted Evil

I hope you can make it...for no other reason then to take 75% of the trophies back to the Falls where the rushing water will drown out the moans and graons from T.O and Ottawa.
Spazzfist - Jun 03, 2008 - 06:34 PM
Post subject:
      Shadowseer2005 wrote:
      Spazzfist wrote:
      Notorious_jtb wrote:

Hope you can make it Rod, could use the extra win Wink

Yeah, 'cuz he's sure as hell not going to get one from me! Twisted Evil

I hope you can make it...for no other reason then to take 75% of the trophies back to the Falls where the rushing water will drown out the moans and graons from T.O and Ottawa.

Wow.... thanks for the vote of confidence there buddy! You do remember that I am the defending Bongo Champion, right?
Shadowseer2005 - Jun 03, 2008 - 06:53 PM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
      Shadowseer2005 wrote:
      Spazzfist wrote:
      Notorious_jtb wrote:

Hope you can make it Rod, could use the extra win Wink

Yeah, 'cuz he's sure as hell not going to get one from me! Twisted Evil

I hope you can make it...for no other reason then to take 75% of the trophies back to the Falls where the rushing water will drown out the moans and graons from T.O and Ottawa.

Wow.... thanks for the vote of confidence there buddy! You do remember that I am the defending Bongo Champion, right?

Sorry buddy but got to give incentive to show up at this point
Spazzfist - Jun 04, 2008 - 07:55 AM
Post subject:
Bah! I do not need you approval or the well wishes of any other! My victory is certain!

Although I have only played managed to get in one practise game with my skaven, that will be more than enough to deal with the Otta-wa-wa wannabes!
Clan_Skaven - Jun 04, 2008 - 12:25 PM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
Bah! I do not need you approval or the well wishes of any other! My victory is certain!

Although I have only played managed to get in one practise game with my skaven, that will be more than enough to deal with the Otta-wa-wa wannabes!

Shouldn't be too hard, all I had to do was bring my rats outa retirement to Win a tourney in thier own back yard! Wink
Spazzfist - Jun 04, 2008 - 02:02 PM
Post subject:
I think we should all turn against Joe, and spike his fizzy pop to ensure that he takes the spoon home! Laughing
Notorious_jtb - Jun 04, 2008 - 02:21 PM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
I think we should all turn against Joe, and spike his fizzy pop to ensure that he takes the spoon home! Laughing

When Rod made me drink a beer with him at Daggerbowl my day improved dramatically. Not sure he'll be giving me any more beer after my win against his Skaven with Chaos Dwarfs Smile
Clan_Skaven - Jun 04, 2008 - 09:57 PM
Post subject:
      Notorious_jtb wrote:
      Spazzfist wrote:
I think we should all turn against Joe, and spike his fizzy pop to ensure that he takes the spoon home! Laughing

When Rod made me drink a beer with him at Daggerbowl my day improved dramatically. Not sure he'll be giving me any more beer after my win against his Skaven with Chaos Dwarfs Smile

Ya you beat me, but I beat the 2 people you could not beat. (Mike & Adam)

Clan_Skaven - Jun 04, 2008 - 10:00 PM
Post subject:
Ok it is confirmed, Bryan & myself from the Falls are going we will be leaving Friday just b4 midnight.

We need a place to crash (late notice I know) but anyone mind us crashing at a arrival of 1am ish????

Clan_Skaven - Jun 04, 2008 - 10:04 PM
Post subject:
Any inducements allowed (Bribes ect)?

Spazzfist - Jun 05, 2008 - 06:44 AM
Post subject:
      Clan-Skaven wrote:
      Notorious_jtb wrote:
      Spazzfist wrote:
I think we should all turn against Joe, and spike his fizzy pop to ensure that he takes the spoon home! Laughing

When Rod made me drink a beer with him at Daggerbowl my day improved dramatically. Not sure he'll be giving me any more beer after my win against his Skaven with Chaos Dwarfs Smile

Ya you beat me, but I beat the 2 people you could not beat. (Mike & Adam)


And I have beat you several times, which makes me the champion! Hurrah! Laughing
Spazzfist - Jun 05, 2008 - 06:48 AM
Post subject:
      Clan-Skaven wrote:
Ok it is confirmed, Bryan & myself from the Falls are going we will be leaving Friday just b4 midnight.

We need a place to crash (late notice I know) but anyone mind us crashing at a arrival of 1am ish????


Well you know you always have a place at my home Rod - as long as you can put up with the smoke (...and the dogs..... and the cats.... and the smell of stale urine and dried feces...... Wait, no, that last part was Eric's house).

Seriously though, we will probably stil be up at that time as the Otta-wa-wa boys are only due to show up at 11:00ish so we will be probably up gabbing or playing Guitar Hero or some such shenanigans...
Notorious_jtb - Jun 05, 2008 - 08:15 AM
Post subject:
      Clan-Skaven wrote:
Any inducements allowed (Bribes ect)?



"??? No inducements allowed, no Wizards and no Star Players"
Bongo 7:08

it is vanilla (mainly)

"Coaches have the standard 1,000,000 crowns with which to build their teams and have an additional 60,000 crowns that may be used to purchase skills. You may purchase skills and stat increases as follows:
Regular Skill - 20K
Doubles Skill - 30K
+MA/AV - 30K
+AG - 40K
+ST - 50K
Any unused money from the 60,000 may be used towards Fan Factor only. Coaches must CLEARLY indicate on their rosters what their pre-game skill choice(s) are and who it was given to."

Bongo 8:08
Notorious_jtb - Jun 05, 2008 - 08:16 AM
Post subject:
      Clan-Skaven wrote:
      Notorious_jtb wrote:
      Spazzfist wrote:
I think we should all turn against Joe, and spike his fizzy pop to ensure that he takes the spoon home! Laughing

When Rod made me drink a beer with him at Daggerbowl my day improved dramatically. Not sure he'll be giving me any more beer after my win against his Skaven with Chaos Dwarfs Smile

Ya you beat me, but I beat the 2 people you could not beat. (Mike & Adam)


Rod, you don't need to try so hard, you won the tournament. I am the one who needs to talk myself up this time!

I get to brag about beating the winner!
Notorious_jtb - Jun 05, 2008 - 08:18 AM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
      Clan-Skaven wrote:
Ok it is confirmed, Bryan & myself from the Falls are going we will be leaving Friday just b4 midnight.

We need a place to crash (late notice I know) but anyone mind us crashing at a arrival of 1am ish????


Well you know you always have a place at my home Rod - as long as you can put up with the smoke (...and the dogs..... and the cats.... and the smell of stale urine and dried feces...... Wait, no, that last part was Eric's house).

Seriously though, we will probably stil be up at that time as the Otta-wa-wa boys are only due to show up at 11:00ish so we will be probably up gabbing or playing Guitar Hero or some such shenanigans...

...about that smoke.....are we smoking indoors here?
Spazzfist - Jun 05, 2008 - 08:38 AM
Post subject:
      Notorious_jtb wrote:

...about that smoke.....are we smoking indoors here?

Mrs. Spazz is a smoker and she generally does smoke indoors - however I know that Glenn and some of the others were being considerate to smoke outdoors last time they were down, and I am sure that the Mrs. would do so as well if enough people are bothered.
Spazzfist - Jun 05, 2008 - 08:40 AM
Post subject:
      Notorious_jtb wrote:
Rod, you don't need to try so hard, you won the tournament. I am the one who needs to talk myself up this time!

I get to brag about beating the winner!

"Yea, and verily, despite the efforts of all who opposed him, it was the Fist of Spazz that held the Bongo O.S. monkey above his head declaring himself the true Champion of Bongo once again, and amongst those who were defeated by him there was much wailing and gnashing of teeth".

Bongo 10:32

Notorious_jtb - Jun 05, 2008 - 09:23 AM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
      Notorious_jtb wrote:
Rod, you don't need to try so hard, you won the tournament. I am the one who needs to talk myself up this time!

I get to brag about beating the winner!

"Yea, and verily, despite the efforts of all who opposed him, it was the Fist of Spazz that held the Bongo O.S. monkey above his head declaring himself the true Champion of Bongo once again, and amongst those who were defeated by him there was much wailing and gnashing of teeth".

Bongo 10:32

you got the reference wrong, that was Bongo 10:07, nice history, but thats all it is baby. Live in the now man, or maybe its going to be too painful for you thats why you must seek refuge in your happy place Laughing
Spazzfist - Jun 05, 2008 - 11:26 AM
Post subject:
      Notorious_jtb wrote:
you got the reference wrong, that was Bongo 10:07, nice history, but thats all it is baby. Live in the now man, or maybe its going to be too painful

No man, this is the updated Joseph Smith version. Read the Bongo Bible; Book of Revelations - you will find it in Chapter 10 Verse 32. It is right before the Book of Spazz.
Clan_Skaven - Jun 05, 2008 - 12:14 PM
Post subject: addy info
Spazz i need yer adress info for bryan....

Shadowseer2005 - Jun 05, 2008 - 05:00 PM
Post subject: Re: addy info
      Clan-Skaven wrote:
Spazz i need yer adress info for bryan....


I know I am not spazz but I am a step's the address Rod


and here is a map:
Spazzfist - Jun 05, 2008 - 08:20 PM
Post subject: RE: Re: addy info
Thanks dude, now the paparazzi are going to be flooding my neighbourhood! I already PM'd him you bastard monkey!

Sheesh. You have no idea what it's like being a Blood Bowl celebrity! Cool
Spazzfist - Jun 06, 2008 - 06:56 AM
Post subject: RE: Re: addy info
Good News!

The ranks of the TBBF members have now doubled in our fight to stop the Northern Barbarians. Peter "Flanders" Meers called me last night to say that his computer has been down but he plans on attending the Bongo. He will be coming by my place tomorrow morning and we will arrive as a united TBBF force. Tremble in the wake of Spazz and Meers!

TBBF is going to stand for: "The Bongo Bowl Finalists" me vs Meers for the O.S. Monkey, and that is when the alliance will break and Meers shall fall like the rest (wih the aforementioned wailing and gniashing of teeth!

(although Meers wailing and gnashing might be a bit muffled by that luxurious 'stache of his!) Laughing
Notorious_jtb - Jun 06, 2008 - 09:35 AM
Post subject: Re: RE: Re: addy info
      Spazzfist wrote:
Good News!

The ranks of the TBBF members have now doubled in our fight to stop the Northern Barbarians. Peter "Flanders" Meers called me last night to say that his computer has been down but he plans on attending the Bongo. He will be coming by my place tomorrow morning and we will arrive as a united TBBF force. Tremble in the wake of Spazz and Meers!

TBBF is going to stand for: "The Bongo Bowl Finalists" me vs Meers for the O.S. Monkey, and that is when the alliance will break and Meers shall fall like the rest (wih the aforementioned wailing and gniashing of teeth!

(although Meers wailing and gnashing might be a bit muffled by that luxurious 'stache of his!) Laughing

All Flanders will be saying is "Congratdidulations Notriousarino" as he watches me take the trophy!
jrock56 - Jun 06, 2008 - 04:12 PM
Post subject:
Hey TO Boys we are on the way to Stomp on your heads this weekend...GET YOUR POPCORN READY!!!!

ps. hate TO but a good saying nonetheless.

Spazzfist - Jun 06, 2008 - 06:30 PM
Post subject:
      jrock56 wrote:
Hey TO Boys we are on the way to Stomp on your heads this weekend...GET YOUR POPCORN READY!!!!

ps. hate TO but a good saying nonetheless.


Huh? Getting a head start on the drinking Little Pup?
Talons - Jun 06, 2008 - 07:15 PM
Post subject:
Well, i would just like to say good luck to everyone going to the Bongo this weekend. Unfortunately, I will not be able to make the tourney. I hope you all have fun and just remember.......#uck You Bongo!!!!!!! Laughing
Shadowseer2005 - Jun 06, 2008 - 08:19 PM
Post subject:
      Talons wrote:
Well, i would just like to say good luck to everyone going to the Bongo this weekend. Unfortunately, I will not be able to make the tourney. I hope you all have fun and just remember.......#uck You Bongo!!!!!!! Laughing

I'm sorry I screwed things for you by moving the date there Talons. I am thinking about whether to hold the tourney next year in June or move it to mid November. Would you attend a tourney in November? (November of 2009 not 2008)
Talons - Jun 07, 2008 - 09:43 PM
Post subject:
yeah definitely would be better to have the tourney in November. I would have an easier time getting the date off in Nov. then in june. But don't change the dates for me, do it for yourself. I hope your turnout was good.
Clan_Skaven - Jun 08, 2008 - 04:53 PM
Post subject:
Wo what a great tourney....

WAY TO FRIGGIN HOT, but awsome otherwise....

As like last year it was a small turnout of 8 people, but it was a great crowd!

I'm not sure of points, but here I think were the standings.

1) Adam Jones Dwarves
2) Joe Byers Undead
3) Rod Davidson Skaven
4) Glenn Jones Norse
5) Peter Meers Dark Elf
6) Craig Thompson-Wood Skaven
7) Bryan Carlaw Wood Elf
8 ) Dan Campbell Skinks

TD leader i think a 3 way tie, Adam, Bryan, Rod (Adam took prize)
CAS leader i think also a 3 way tie Joe, Glenn & Rod (Joe took prize)
Best team Joe
Best Sport Bryan

Did I miss any or post any errors?

Clan_Skaven - Jun 08, 2008 - 04:59 PM
Post subject:
Thanks go to Dan for a great tourney (air conditioner woulda be splendid, lol Wink )
Thank your wife again for the cookies & helping me escape the heat & also helping me cure my hangover.

Thanks to Craig for providing me a place to hang out, the sleep outside rocked!

Thanks to Glenn for drinking with me till sunrise Sunday morn.

Thanks to Bryan for giving me the lift up.

Thanks to all my opponents (mostly to those three I defeated, lol Wink )

Hope to see you all soon.

Spazzfist - Jun 08, 2008 - 07:08 PM
Post subject:
      Clan-Skaven wrote:

Did I miss any or post any errors?


Yeah you missed these tied winners for the Most Drunken Bastard Awards!

That`s what you get for polishing off 30 beers between you two! Laughing
jrock56 - Jun 08, 2008 - 09:02 PM
Post subject:
HAHAHAHA!!!! That is some funny Sh*t Craig. Classic.

The Champ is home baby!!!!, Thank you Dan for an awesome tourney, love the tourney action. Thanks to Craig and Monica for putting us up for the weekend. One more thing Spazz...BONGO IS MY BIT*H NOW!!! your time is over. lol. Was great fun all, hope to see you all over the summer again. Thanks to Rod for sobering up and coming through in the clutch to seal the deal for me against Joe. Still can't believe Dwarves took home most TD's as well, crazy.

Take it easy everyone and looking forward to Lakeside next, EASTSIDE!!!!!
Notorious_jtb - Jun 08, 2008 - 09:40 PM
Post subject:

O town rulez!

shame those stupid rats spoiled the little monopoly on the trophies for us Sad

Thanks Dan for hosting, November sounds good to me, but I am a limey and we only experience heat like that when we open the oven!

Congrats to little pup, jammy b*st*rd Laughing

I have to say I love the laughing happy fall on the line monkey, quite apt considering the way I choked with victory in site. I guess next time I have to stay up all night with Rod again to beat his ass!

Shadowseer2005 - Jun 09, 2008 - 09:07 AM
Post subject:
Congrats to all the winners and great time was had I agree.

I am glad that everyone had a blast ( except for the heat and no a/c). I will have the stats up within the next 2 days. Did everyone like the trophies? Any suggestions for making different but still Bongo themed trophies?

In the next few months I will be making a final decision about whether to keep the tourney in June or move it to November. Apart from the heat did you guys like the hall? I may rent it again next year if I hold the tourney in November.

All feedback is appreciated.


Notorious_jtb - Jun 09, 2008 - 10:20 AM
Post subject:
      Shadowseer2005 wrote:
Congrats to all the winners and great time was had I agree.

I am glad that everyone had a blast ( except for the heat and no a/c). I will have the stats up within the next 2 days. Did everyone like the trophies? Any suggestions for making different but still Bongo themed trophies?

In the next few months I will be making a final decision about whether to keep the tourney in June or move it to November. Apart from the heat did you guys like the hall? I may rent it again next year if I hold the tourney in November.

All feedback is appreciated.



Trophies = Ace

Room was good, it would be fine for a few more players, and in cooler weather it would be nice, with that kitchen etc.

Cheers for your efforts Dan, I enjoyed the Dungeon bowl, despite getting angry at myself for not knowing the rules properly.
Shadowseer2005 - Jun 09, 2008 - 10:39 AM
Post subject:
      Notorious_jtb wrote:
      Shadowseer2005 wrote:
Congrats to all the winners and great time was had I agree.

I am glad that everyone had a blast ( except for the heat and no a/c). I will have the stats up within the next 2 days. Did everyone like the trophies? Any suggestions for making different but still Bongo themed trophies?

In the next few months I will be making a final decision about whether to keep the tourney in June or move it to November. Apart from the heat did you guys like the hall? I may rent it again next year if I hold the tourney in November.

All feedback is appreciated.



Trophies = Ace

Great to hear.

Room was good, it would be fine for a few more players, and in cooler weather it would be nice, with that kitchen etc.

Glad you liked it.

Cheers for your efforts Dan, I enjoyed the Dungeon bowl, despite getting angry at myself for not knowing the rules properly.

Most of the blame is mine for not going over the rules with a fine gel pen. I will make full Dungeon Bowl Rules revision for the following Bongo Bowl.
Shadowseer2005 - Jun 09, 2008 - 10:42 AM
Post subject:
The results have been posted. Can someone please tell me if the results show up properly. I hit the Finalize button after entering all the match results and it took me back to the match results page. I am not sure if it took as I cannot seem to find the results under the Tourney section.

Let me know.


Notorious_jtb - Jun 09, 2008 - 11:35 AM
Post subject:
      Shadowseer2005 wrote:
The results have been posted. Can someone please tell me if the results show up properly. I hit the Finalize button after entering all the match results and it took me back to the match results page. I am not sure if it took as I cannot seem to find the results under the Tourney section.

Let me know.



yep results are in, go tourneys, click on bongo in the past tourneys section, and then click on view results and you should see them.

If you check your tournament record the games appear there too. The correct coach ratings will not appear until a high up "pushes the button" so until then only the last result is reflected in your ranking.
Taxal - Jun 09, 2008 - 04:10 PM
Post subject:
Wow..looks like we missed a great tourney. Will have to try to make it out next year for it. Please tell me thats where they past out. Way to
jrock56 - Jun 09, 2008 - 04:57 PM
Post subject:
That's where they passed out alright!!! They had a goblin horde thief there spots on the couch and were too drunk to get them back, so they forfeited and went outside to finish drinking and watch the sunrise together nice. Then they proceeded to make Chewbacca, or TaunTaun noises as they came to and made there way back in the house. It was like watching a troll (Rod), and an Ogre (Glenn) come in after a hard fought match of their own...did I say match, meant MATING session. Look how Rod cradles his beer while being curled up in a little ball after being violated by the ogre in the lawnchair. Tourney moments to remember for sure HAHAHA!
Notorious_jtb - Jun 10, 2008 - 09:23 AM
Post subject:
Gotta hate those little greenskins!

In other good news, the magic button has been pushed and the rankings have been updated.
Clan_Skaven - Jun 10, 2008 - 11:14 AM
Post subject:
My Rats are getting up there in rankings!
Chairface - Jun 11, 2008 - 08:58 PM
Post subject:
Sorry the London crew missed it Dan. Maybe next year.
Shadowseer2005 - Jun 13, 2008 - 08:08 PM
Post subject:
      Chairface wrote:
Sorry the London crew missed it Dan. Maybe next year.

You better all make it or else Bongo will make you his paltry little slaves...carrying his bananas.
Chairface - Aug 09, 2008 - 04:42 PM
Post subject:
      Shadowseer2005 wrote:
      Chairface wrote:
Sorry the London crew missed it Dan. Maybe next year.

You better all make it or else Bongo will make you his paltry little slaves...carrying his bananas.

I'm pretty sure he won't. He lives on my desk. Smile
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