NAF World Headquarters

Europe - Announcing 'The NAF Championship' - 7/8 May 2011

Pipey - Oct 23, 2010 - 12:53 PM
Post subject: Announcing 'The NAF Championship' - 7/8 May 2011
Hi everyone

The NAF are proud to announce that they will be taking over the running of Games Workshop's annual Blood Bowl tournament at Warhammer World.

It will be held on Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th May 2011 at Warhammer World, Nottingham, UK. This will be an entirely independently-run NAF event.

We are very excited about the prospect and hope to breath new life into this major annual fixture on the Blood Bowl tournament calendar.

We plan to provide:
*Excellent value for money
*Quality prizes and freebies
*Trophies to take home for the winners
*A tournament run by the community for the community

We hope to regain the positive aspects which have historically given the tournament a special place in the hearts of so many Blood Bowl fans.

Watch this space for more details!

Joemanji - Oct 23, 2010 - 01:21 PM
Post subject: RE: The Blood Bowl - NAF Announcement
Woo \o/
juergen - Oct 23, 2010 - 02:37 PM
Post subject: RE: The Blood Bowl - NAF Announcement
Way to go! Well done
AnthonyTBBF - Oct 23, 2010 - 05:33 PM
Post subject: RE: The Blood Bowl - NAF Announcement
Excellent news.
Clan_Skaven - Oct 23, 2010 - 08:01 PM
Post subject: Re: RE: The Blood Bowl - NAF Announcement
      AnthonyTBBF wrote:
Excellent news.

Anthony, you're alive! good to hear from you
Grumbledook - Oct 24, 2010 - 05:57 AM
Post subject: RE: Re: RE: The Blood Bowl - NAF Announcement
Shouldn't this be posted on the front page where the "news" is, I nearly missed this entirely

finally it can stop being called the GT and go back to being the Blood Bowl

great news though, look forward to the changes
Long_Bomb - Oct 25, 2010 - 01:29 PM
Post subject: RE: Re: RE: The Blood Bowl - NAF Announcement
This is great news, I can't wait for next year.
Pipey - Oct 28, 2010 - 09:38 AM
Post subject: RE: Re: RE: The Blood Bowl - NAF Announcement
Some additional info regarding the event title.

We have been in discussion with Games Workshop and there are legal issues with the use of the term ‘Blood Bowl’ or ‘The Blood Bowl’ as the official title.

We have decided to give the tournament a title which reflects that it is no longer organised by GW but by the NAF.

Our title is The NAF Championship – a change of name, but it will continue to be one of NAF’s five Major tournaments alongside The Chaos Cup, Dungeon Bowl, Spike and CanCon.

This remains Blood Bowl’s most prestigious and best-attended individual tournament world-wide. We intend to keep it that way and hope that under NAF control it will become even bigger and better!

Grumbledook - Oct 28, 2010 - 10:17 AM
Post subject: RE: Re: RE: The Blood Bowl - NAF Announcement
good stuff pippy shame we can't use the actual name but anything beats "the gee tee"
Long_Bomb - Oct 28, 2010 - 04:07 PM
Post subject: RE: Re: RE: The Blood Bowl - NAF Announcement
You couldn't call it the Bloodwiser Championship and play for the Buddy Grafstein Trophy?
Hangus - Nov 01, 2010 - 05:17 PM
Post subject: RE: Re: RE: The Blood Bowl - NAF Announcement
I think we should call it the GT just to annoy Jon.

Hopefully I will be at the GT but just depends upon if I can get time off for the GT.

Doubleskulls - Nov 12, 2010 - 03:46 PM
Post subject: Re: RE: Re: RE: The Blood Bowl - NAF Announcement
      Pippy wrote:
We have been in discussion with Games Workshop and there are legal issues with the use of the term ‘Blood Bowl’ or ‘The Blood Bowl’ as the official title.

Rolling Eyes How utterly pathetic. Why can't you be GWs agent to run the event? FFS they need a better lawyer.
Pipey - Nov 19, 2010 - 12:40 AM
Post subject: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: The Blood Bowl - NAF Announcement
On one level it's a pity we have to change the title. However I prefer to look at the positives; this is now the NAF's event and it has a title which reflects that. Exciting times!
Pipey - Dec 08, 2010 - 09:17 AM
Post subject: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: The Blood Bowl - NAF Announcement
Greetings sports fans! Little bit of an update, which hopefully will answer some questions people have had.
The price will be £40 per head. This will include:
*three meals (lunch and dinner on Saturday and lunch on Sunday)
*at least one gift for every entrant
*prizes and trophies for the winners (in several categories)
Payment / Availability
We will be accepting payment some time in early 2011, most likely January. Full details will follow as soon as possible. We have reserved space for 180 coaches and places will be allocated strictly on a first come, first served basis. We aim to give advanced warning of the ticket sale date on the NAF site and TFF to keep people in the picture. If we sell out, the possibility exists for the capacity to be increased but we make no guarantees.
This will be a NAF-ranked Major tournament (with associated increased rankings points at stake). Coaches will have 1,050,000 to spend on their teams and are permitted to take one regular skill before each game. All 24 teams are permitted, as are non-GW miniatures. There will be 6 rounds including a final for the top 2 coaches after round 5. The scoring system will be similar to previous Blood Bowls, with a modified tiebreaker for coaches on the same points.
A full rules pack will be made available on the net in the next few weeks.
I, for one, can’t wait! Very Happy
Kithor - Dec 08, 2010 - 12:13 PM
Post subject:
Myself and three others from Switzerland can't wait too Very Happy
be4ch - Dec 08, 2010 - 03:00 PM
Post subject:
Is there any chance of an admin type mail letting us know that tickets are on sale or is just a case of checking the forums each day?
Lycos - Dec 08, 2010 - 03:32 PM
Post subject:
There will be announcement shortly stating the date when and how to get a ticket. We didnt think the community would appreciate paying money out right before xmas etc so we will make an announcement with several weeks notice.

Tickets for the BBGT have always been on sale first week of Feb, to some extent, players have become used to that so it seems logical to keep the process.
Pipey - Dec 09, 2010 - 01:03 AM
Post subject:
We will give as much notice as possible re the ticket sale date, hopefully a few weeks' notice. Keep your eyes peeled on these forums.
lunchmoney - Dec 11, 2010 - 11:16 AM
Post subject:
Where will tickets be available from? The NAF site? GW stores?
Grumbledook - Dec 11, 2010 - 12:59 PM
Post subject:
already said the naf site haven't they

lol at getting them in GW stores ;]
Pipey - Dec 13, 2010 - 03:35 AM
Post subject:
Tickets will be on sale electronically via the internet. We'll give you the information on here (and places like TFF) with as much advanced warning as possible.

You won't be able to buy them at GW stores.
Pipey - Dec 13, 2010 - 03:39 AM
Post subject:
      be4ch wrote:
Is there any chance of an admin type mail letting us know that tickets are on sale or is just a case of checking the forums each day?

We'll look into this, time permitting. Obviously it's our aim to get the info to you all as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Podfrey - Dec 16, 2010 - 07:39 AM
Post subject:
I thought the whole reason for such a lengthy delay in the last Presidential election was due to creating a robust mass mailing system that could be used to push information out to the members?

Or has that now died on it's ar$e as well?
Lycos - Dec 16, 2010 - 08:55 AM
Post subject:
We will be mailing out but neither the NAF champ or the WC will be the lead "story". We have 3 or 4 things we want to say and we need to get each part of that all sorted before we do. There are some announcements to make regarding staff and functionality.
Utak - Dec 18, 2010 - 11:18 AM
Post subject:
add +1 from Switzerland, I will attend as well (if I can grab a ticket).
Grumbledook - Dec 21, 2010 - 04:02 PM
Post subject:
can we have the dates in the thread title as per forum convention and as stated in the sticky thread please!
Pipey - Dec 22, 2010 - 12:33 AM
Post subject:
OK Grum Smile
Grumbledook - Dec 22, 2010 - 04:01 AM
Post subject:
much obliged squire!
Tiamo69 - Dec 28, 2010 - 11:23 AM
Post subject: NAF Champs
excellent news Pip! Very Happy


The price will be £40 per head. This will include:
*three meals (lunch and dinner on Saturday and lunch on Sunday)
*at least one gift for every entrant
*prizes and trophies for the winners (in several categories)

& costs are already down £15 & we every entrant gets a free gift, Bonus
(hope it's not a set of NAF Dice though!) Rolling Eyes Wink

& TV has also increased to 1050, just to help with team selection.

Excellent news. Laughing

looking forward to my 3rd trip to WH World & am hoping to bring along at least 3 noobies from Burton League.

see you in New Year
Grantbotting - Jan 05, 2011 - 11:14 AM
Post subject: RE: NAF Champs
Cant wait for this years tourney as I've been to the past BB GTs three in a row same as my bro, hope to bring at least 3 noobs from my area
Oventa - Jan 09, 2011 - 06:21 AM
Post subject:
Is there already a plan when registration is possible?
Since I would prefer to book travel only after confirmation.


Pipey - Jan 14, 2011 - 08:04 AM
Post subject:
Just to keep you in the loop re the date for ticket sales... we aim to put them on sale some time in early-mid February, in keeping with the usual time GW's Blood Bowl GT tickets are available each year.

We will give you plenty of advanced notice re the ticket sale date / how you will be able to pay.
battlepuppy - Jan 29, 2011 - 06:43 AM
Post subject:
Thank you to all NAF staff in advance for this. I'm so looking forward to this tourney, I have a custom team constructed and painted just for it.

Pipey - Feb 02, 2011 - 06:24 AM
Post subject:
It is with pleasure that I can bring you details about how to pay and reserve your place for the NAF Championship! Smile
This excerpt from the NAFC rulespack (which will be available on-line in full early next week) gives you all the information you need:
There is a limited capacity at Warhammer World. Therefore places will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. Tickets will go on sale on Thursday 10th February at 0800 GMT. They can be purchased by PayPal only and are priced at £40 each.
To reserve your place please send PayPal payment to Each entrant must provide their full name, current email address and current telephone number. NAF members must also provide their NAF name and NAF number.
You will receive immediate confirmation of your payment by PayPal. Once we have received your payment and all information as above, the NAF will send you an e-ticket confirming your place. This may take a few days to arrive. You must print this e-ticket and show it to the organisers at registration.

Hope to see you there!
Deathwing - Feb 02, 2011 - 11:55 AM
Post subject:
Why a weekday? GW sales used to be on a Sunday. At 8.00 am Thurs 10th I'm going to be hard at work on a building site with no internet access. Should it sell out in hours (as it used to in the 'good old days') I (and I'm sure others) will have no chance. It's exactly the same concern I raised with the initial NAF WC 'first come first served' proposal that was scheduled for a weekday lunchtime. Is there any good reason why the timing of the sale should be a weekday during working hours?
( Example: The annual mad scramble for Glastonbury tickets always takes place on a Sunday morning for the simple reason that it disadvantages as few people as possible.)
Pipey - Feb 02, 2011 - 01:59 PM
Post subject:
Hi Woody

I take your point but whatever time/day we put them on sale, someone will always be inconvenienced. Some work evenings / weekends or have other commitments. A lot of our potential entrants go away for whole weekends at a time rolling dice Wink . Joking aside, you can't please everyone...

The facility does exist for people to buy for others. So if for some reason one person has difficulty paying for whatever reason, we would accept payment from another on their behalf.
Deathwing - Feb 02, 2011 - 03:07 PM
Post subject:
Thanks Pippy. I realize that you can't possibly please all of the people all of the time, but you can try as please as many as possible. It just seems a particularly odd time. A majority of people in the UK will be at work, travelling to work or rushing to get out for work. I just wondered if there's any particular reason for that time?
Pipey - Feb 03, 2011 - 02:46 PM
Post subject:
I hope it doesn't cause too much inconvenience. We intended the opposite and, as importantly, to keep a healthy gap between this and NAFWC payment.
Pipey - Feb 03, 2011 - 02:48 PM
Post subject:
      battlepuppy wrote:
Thank you to all NAF staff in advance for this. I'm so looking forward to this tourney, I have a custom team constructed and painted just for it.


Great stuff. Hope you enjoy it as much as we're all looking forward to it. Smile
be4ch - Feb 04, 2011 - 12:20 PM
Post subject:
Where do I find my NAF number to include with the payment. I've checked my membership details, profile and confirmation email from when I joined but can't see anything like a NAF number?


Don't worry, I've found it
starblayde - Feb 07, 2011 - 04:50 AM
Post subject:
      Pippy wrote:
To reserve your place please send PayPal payment to

(Copied over from TFF, just to make sure it's seen - despite it probably being a stupid question I don't want to invalidate a payment with the wrong option)

Which of the seven payment options (ok, 6, as admittedly it's not eBay Items) do we use?

  1. Purchase - Goods
  2. Purchase - Services
  3. Personal - Gift
  4. Personal - Personal payment owed
  5. Personal - Household expense
  6. Personal - Other

Pipey - Feb 07, 2011 - 09:29 AM
Post subject:
Purchase of services seems most appropriate.
lunchmoney - Feb 07, 2011 - 11:42 AM
Post subject:
      Pippy wrote:
Purchase of services seems most appropriate.

Doesnt PAYPAL take a percentage if you use that option?
Not that I'm against mega-corps taking their cut, but they get enough of my money via eBay.
Pipey - Feb 07, 2011 - 01:02 PM
Post subject:
It would take a small percentage from the recipient of the money, not the person sending money.
Pipey - Feb 07, 2011 - 02:55 PM
Post subject:
NAF Championship rules can be found here:
lunchmoney - Feb 08, 2011 - 12:55 AM
Post subject:
      Pippy wrote:
It would take a small percentage from the recipient of the money, not the person sending money.

That's kind of my point. I want to support the NAF, so me giving £40 means NAF only get £35 (number plucked out of the air, I dont know the exact percentage) is a little....... I dunno, wrong.
Darkson - Feb 08, 2011 - 01:05 AM
Post subject:
Can't the NAF use "Personal" payments?
Pipey - Feb 08, 2011 - 02:57 AM
Post subject:
Having discussed this with NAF Treasurer Geggster...

We feel that since a) we are indeed providing a service and b) a lot of money will be changing hands (making it important that we do things 'properly'), we are therefore happy to incur the cost of a PayPal payment for a Service.

Your choice is your own, but we feel Purchase of Services (as above) is most appropriate.

If you're reading Geggster, is there anything you would add?
starblayde - Feb 08, 2011 - 03:05 AM
Post subject:
I knew, deep down, that it wasn't that stupid a question after all.
Grumbledook - Feb 08, 2011 - 03:26 AM
Post subject:
Isn't buying a ticket a good rather than a service? (splitting hairs)

FWIW whenever I select personal and gift in paypal it still wants a charge anyway, so dunno whats going on there. Perhaps cause its paying straight from my bank account rather than using money sitting in paypal already? only having one account means I've nothing to compare against...
Geggster - Feb 08, 2011 - 03:55 AM
Post subject:
No-one will invalidate their purchase by selecting the wrong payment option. Let's make that clear to start with.

You can argue whether it's a "service" (a weekend of games provided by NAF) or a "good" (a ticket to gain access), but it's one of those.

Obviously we'd rather keep as much of the payment as possible (payment via "personal" or "gift" would achieve this) but as Pippy comments, that's not appropriate for a mass-ticket sale.
Tiamo69 - Feb 08, 2011 - 09:32 AM
Post subject: rules - stunty cup
Stunty Cup
This is awarded to the highest placed Goblin, Halfling or Ogre team.

so, no Skink + Krox teams being allowed into the Stunty Cup then...?

Can't wait, might even take Flings just for fun & looking forward to seeing 2-4 new players from Burton 'blooded' in the Tournament...

PS: with regards to payment options; agree with Pippy & Geggster...

due to the size of the event, selecting 'gift or personal' on paypal is just asking for trouble & for PP to come down on NAF hard...

if this was a 'normal' tournament, organised by a player & attracting 20-40 coaches it's a different matter entirely...

especially as said player/organiser usually has to put their hand in their own pockets months before the event to ensure that it actually happens &, as they have been known to run at a loss, PayPal creaming off extra percentiles is taking the P...

choosing the non-percentage attracting options for the NAF Championship could potentially lead to some challenge & fiduciary penalty being imposed on the NAF...

best keep everything above board...
Pipey - Feb 08, 2011 - 09:40 AM
Post subject: RE: rules - stunty cup
Yep, stunty cup is just the three cited in the rules pack.
Lemf - Feb 08, 2011 - 02:07 PM
Post subject:
      be4ch wrote:
Where do I find my NAF number to include with the payment. I've checked my membership details, profile and confirmation email from when I joined but can't see anything like a NAF number?


Don't worry, I've found it

I can't Embarassed
Darkson - Feb 08, 2011 - 06:17 PM
Post subject:
You are 14735.
Tournament info for Lemf (14735)

Pipey - Feb 09, 2011 - 12:28 AM
Post subject:
Individual NAF names and numbers would have been included in the auto email all members received last week.

It is also possible to find your number by typing your NAF name into the search box on the rankings page.
Kithor - Feb 10, 2011 - 01:02 AM
Post subject:
Good morning,

I ordered 4 tickets.
Due a limitation in the text field I only wrote my telephone number and left the number of the remaining three- I hope this is ok. Wink
starblayde - Feb 10, 2011 - 01:05 AM
Post subject:
Woo-hoo, 7 ordered (though due to text field limits I split this into an order of 4 and an order of 3)
Beppe - Feb 10, 2011 - 02:46 AM
Post subject:
Just bought 3 Wink
Joemanji - Feb 10, 2011 - 03:01 AM
Post subject:
Panic! Thought it was a 10am opening ... been sat here waiting to buy my ticket. Very Happy
KFoged - Feb 10, 2011 - 03:19 AM
Post subject:
Wink One ticket goes to denmark

More BB yeah!
Tiamo69 - Feb 10, 2011 - 03:49 AM
Post subject:
      Joemanji wrote:
Panic! Thought it was a 10am opening ... been sat here waiting to buy my ticket. Very Happy

lol @ joemanj!

one ticket bought & i'm pretty sure at least 4-5 others are coming from the Burton Club...
starblayde - Feb 10, 2011 - 04:13 AM
Post subject:
      Tiamo69 wrote:
one ticket bought & i'm pretty sure at least 4-5 others are coming from the Burton Club...

It's actually seven Wink
Pipey - Feb 10, 2011 - 11:45 AM
Post subject:
Thanks to all those who have paid today! Keep em coming Smile

To everyone who has emailed / pm'd please bear with us. You will receive confirmation emails / replies in the next few days.
Pipey - Feb 11, 2011 - 12:40 AM
Post subject:
We sold 115 tickets yesterday. Not a bad start! Wink

Something else that cropped up in messages I've received - some of you sent separate emails with your details, along side your payments. That's fine, we should be able to match them up. However it's much easier if it's included with the payment in PayPal's text field.
Thadrin - Feb 11, 2011 - 02:22 AM
Post subject:
Do you have your NAF and TFF accounts linked up like Facebook/twitter Bren?
Half tempted to change your rank over there to Mr Cut and paste...
be4ch - Feb 11, 2011 - 10:17 AM
Post subject:
      Pippy wrote:
We sold 115 tickets yesterday. Not a bad start! Wink

Something else that cropped up in messages I've received - some of you sent separate emails with your details, along side your payments. That's fine, we should be able to match them up. However it's much easier if it's included with the payment in PayPal's text field.

Yeah, I was one of them. Sorry Embarassed

It wasn't intentional but because of the early start on a workday I mailed my NAF number to work as I can't get on the site from work and I was in such a rush to get the application in I completely forgot about the other info.

Again. Sorry. Less haste, more speed next time Very Happy
Grumbledook - Feb 11, 2011 - 02:17 PM
Post subject:
Just sent my payment as well, assume it hasn't sold out already...
OON - Feb 14, 2011 - 01:45 AM
Post subject:
Just sent my payment as well, hope it hasn't sold out already... Wink
ManticoreRich - Feb 14, 2011 - 02:21 AM
Post subject:
Ordered 5 for Team Romford.

Because the PayPal message is limited to 300 chars, in future years an alternative might need to be investigated, especially for people ordering over 4 tickets there is just not enough room for all the information.the
pressie - Feb 15, 2011 - 01:25 AM
Post subject:
Should I be worried if I paid Thursday and have yet yet received my e-ticket?
Pipey - Feb 15, 2011 - 03:36 AM
Post subject:
Nope. No e-tickets sent yet. Coming very soon.

No we're not sold out just yet Wink
Lemf - Feb 15, 2011 - 02:17 PM
Post subject:
Smile Some nervous coaches out here now.
3 on order. The Islanders are on the way up country.
Belafon - Feb 16, 2011 - 03:47 AM
Post subject:
Twisted Evil An Island invading the mainland there is a change !!! Twisted Evil

Twisted Evil Sharpen your bloodaxes and Unleash the islanders ...we is coming !!!!
Twisted Evil
duketyrion - Feb 17, 2011 - 03:16 AM
Post subject:
I sent payment without my NAF number. Is this likely to cause a problem and do I need to do anything to ensure I still get my ticket?

It would be nice to get some kind of confirmation for those that have paid, even if it's not the full e-ticket yet.
ManticoreRich - Feb 17, 2011 - 06:52 AM
Post subject:
Any info on when we will recieve our tickets?
duttydave - Feb 17, 2011 - 09:11 AM
Post subject:
Payment sent this morning. Fingers crossed it's not sold out.
Pipey - Feb 17, 2011 - 09:38 AM
Post subject:
Don't worry it's not sold out.

E-tickets coming soon.
duttydave - Feb 17, 2011 - 11:53 AM
Post subject:
Cheers Brendan, put my mind at rest. Very Happy
rickardo - Feb 19, 2011 - 12:54 PM
Post subject:
Cant wait, Coming up from the South UK
Grantbotting - Feb 20, 2011 - 07:30 AM
Post subject:
Hi there my bro ordered our tickets on the 17th Feb when should they arrive. hope to see you all there my brother is going for a laugh as he is taking a all snotling team.
lunchmoney - Feb 20, 2011 - 10:07 AM
Post subject:
      Grantbotting wrote:
my brother is going for a laugh as he is taking a all snotling team.
Now I have to change my team choice Wink
Grantbotting - Feb 23, 2011 - 02:50 AM
Post subject:
just wondering when we should recieve our tickets as my bro shaun sent the money for himself, me and a friend to go on the 11th feb and we still have'nt recieved our tickets. Whats going ON?
DonShula - Feb 23, 2011 - 03:02 AM
Post subject:
It doesn't really matter if we don't have ticket now, since we'll get them before 6th may. Problem is I'd like to be sure that everything is ok before booking anything (travel, hotel and so on).

I'm sure the staff makes everything possible to be the fastest possible, but a simply list of people considered as registered would be really nice... I'm losing money with flights by waiting. Not a lot, but I'd rather drink beers in Bugman's with it Wink
Darkson - Feb 23, 2011 - 03:09 AM
Post subject:
      Grantbotting wrote:
just wondering when we should recieve our tickets as my bro shaun sent the money for himself, me and a friend to go on the 11th feb and we still have'nt recieved our tickets. Whats going ON?

Read the thread?
About 4 or 5 posts above yours:
      Pippy wrote:
E-tickets coming soon.

Pipey - Feb 23, 2011 - 03:33 AM
Post subject:
Everyone whose paypal payment has gone through so far is in.

This includes the Bottings, LarsE, ManticoreRich n co. E-tickets will be sent in a few days. Sorry it's taken a little while.

DonShula - Feb 23, 2011 - 05:08 AM
Post subject:
Please do not worry. As said before, I can understand organizing the BBT ask you loads of work.

Now it's, clear, we're in! Perfect!

Many thanks for the time you took for us Smile
duketyrion - Feb 23, 2011 - 09:59 AM
Post subject:
      Pippy wrote:
Everyone whose paypal payment has gone through so far is in.

This includes the Bottings, LarsE, ManticoreRich n co. E-tickets will be sent in a few days. Sorry it's taken a little while.


I think everyone can fully appreciate the workload that you are all under.

At the same time, it's slightly disappointing that the NAF's first shot at running the main tournament hasn't gone slightly smoother with confirmations.
Lycos - Feb 24, 2011 - 12:04 PM
Post subject:
Just to advise that the tickets are being sent electronically to the emails given when purchasing. I make that point, as I observed that there are a number of emails that are different to the ones in the NAF website in several profiles.

They will be sent this weekend as we are trying to get as many in this initial batch as possible. If by Monday night you have not seen the email (the 28th), can you contact me or Pippy. It is likely to go Sunday but might be earlier.

There are several names with no email address and there are several new members where the email may be incorrect. In these situations we can find an alternative means I am sure. There are also some of you asking for "multiple tickets" to be sent to the same address. Just letting you know we have seen those requests. (ie Manticore Rich, we have your request).
Tiamo69 - Mar 02, 2011 - 02:59 AM
Post subject: bookings

could you please let us know how many people have booked to date & how many spaces you currently have left...

we've got 8 people booked & confirmed from Burton Club 'Portal' & I'm going to try to get a few more 'virgins' to come along from Sutton Club 'Immortals'.

But before i speak to them on Thursday, i wanted an idea of how many slots are left...


duketyrion - Mar 02, 2011 - 08:43 AM
Post subject:
I have not received an conformation email yet, did they go out at the weekend as expected?
Pipey - Mar 02, 2011 - 03:35 PM
Post subject:
Thanks for letting us know. Anyone in a similar situation, please pm your name and email address to Lycos.

I will post a full list of entrants in the next few days to go alongside the e-tickets. Rest assured, if you have your PayPal confirmation, you're in.

We've sold 170 tickets. The preliminary max was 180 but we have agreed a new maximum of 228 places. Hopefully this will help to meet the high demand!

After the initial rush, tickets are now selling at a rate of 10-15 per week. If they carry on going at this rate they will sell out; so don't delay! Smile
Tiamo69 - Mar 03, 2011 - 02:08 AM
Post subject: RE: bookings
Thanks for update Pippy.

That's awesome news regarding numbers!

Will do my best to get some more bodies tonight...

it's going to be awesome
& anything but NAFf!
be4ch - Mar 08, 2011 - 01:09 AM
Post subject: Re: Rules
Can I ask a quick question regarding the rules. When it says that before each match a player can be given a skill from their permitted skill set, is that all permitted skills including those that would ordinarily require rolling a double or just the 'standard' permitted skills? Thanks.
Rodders - Mar 08, 2011 - 01:16 AM
Post subject: RE: Re: Rules
be4ch - Mar 08, 2011 - 05:05 AM
Post subject:
ok, thanks. Makes sense but it was a bit ambiguous.
ShaunBotting - Mar 11, 2011 - 03:31 AM
Post subject:
hey jus wan to ask if i cause a injury with a secret weapon does that count towards a casulity at the end of the match
Darkson - Mar 11, 2011 - 03:34 AM
Post subject:
Only record casualties that would give Star Player Points;

So no to Bombs & Chainsaws*, yes to B&C.

(*You would record the Cas if the Chainsaw player is BLOCKED and injures the attacker.)
Grumbledook - Mar 20, 2011 - 07:17 AM
Post subject:
is the first round going to be proper random rather than play someone who registered around the same time as you random?

or something else for that matter?
Pipey - Mar 20, 2011 - 10:43 AM
Post subject:
We've not yet finalised that yet, but it should be straight random.

Skills - chosen before each game (includes round 1), and from the player's 'permitted skill set' i.e. skills the player is normally allowed to take (therefore no doubles).

Casualties - yep just those that cause SPPs as Darkson says. CRP Rules should have all your answers.
Grumbledook - May 09, 2011 - 07:26 AM
Post subject:
well done pippy and crew, great event harking back to the original couple of years of the blood bowl

also nice to see some of the european players back over to play

congrats to Beppe too!

would like some more space between the tables if possible next year

also perhaps getting people to submit a roster using STARS before hand would help a lot with speeding up registration

I also think in future people should have to pay extra if they want to take Undead or Wood Elves Wink
be4ch - May 09, 2011 - 12:50 PM
Post subject:
It was my first ever tournament and my first experience of TT play in over 20 years. I had a fantastic weekend and really enjoyed myself. Everyone I played was very friendly and it was real pleasure to be there. Thanks for organising everything and I'm already looking forward to next year.
Lycos - May 09, 2011 - 02:15 PM
Post subject:
It was a great weekend and I was really pleased to hear so much great feedback from everyone. Pippy and his team (Joemanji, Jimmy, Pete W, Rodders and particularly Frank and Darkson) did a great job. It was really something to be there.
Besters - May 09, 2011 - 02:39 PM
Post subject:
Agree with all the above, best tournament at GW since World Cup.

Thanks to everyone for the organisationof a great weekend.
battlepuppy - May 09, 2011 - 02:41 PM
Post subject:
A huge thank you to Pippy and everyone from the NAF who made this weekend such good fun. And all the players, in particular those to travelled far and wide! This tournament was simply fantastic, the best I have ever attended by such a long way.

Until 2012.

Glowworm - May 10, 2011 - 05:15 AM
Post subject:
Just wanted to add my thanks to all involved in making the Gt the best one ever.

see you all next year (but NOT with goblins!!)
Teg - May 10, 2011 - 05:45 AM
Post subject:
Thanks to Brendan and to his staff, the best organization ever seen in the Warhammer World and a really great tournament!

Congratulations to Beppe "Pinolo" (pine seed)!!! Very Happy

sann0638 - May 10, 2011 - 12:25 PM
Post subject:
Glad you enjoyed it Teg even after game 6. Never seen so many skulls!
Joemanji - May 10, 2011 - 02:37 PM
Post subject:
Thanks to everyone for organising this, especially Brendan, and to Simon and Frank for reffing on the day.

I thought this was a great event, and I'd like to throw out an extra thanks to everyone who travelled from outside the UK to attend. It means a lot to us here that people would make the effort to come over, and it makes the event all that more special. Hopefully you'll all come back next year! Having a clash of 'big names' in the final with Beppe vs Lycos was amazing, I would have loved to spectate.
Grumbledook - May 10, 2011 - 04:11 PM
Post subject:
      glowworm wrote:
Just wanted to add my thanks to all involved in making the Gt the best one ever.

It is not the GT and it never was afaiac. It was the Blood Bowl and it is now the NAF Championship (or still the Blood Bowl if GW aren't around)
Joemanji - May 10, 2011 - 04:23 PM
Post subject:
Still on that hobby horse Jon? Wink
Grumbledook - May 10, 2011 - 05:45 PM
Post subject:
Nuffle won't be pleased with you implying that spreading the word is akin to being on a hobby horse.
Pipey - May 11, 2011 - 12:36 AM
Post subject:
Thanks guys. It was a genuine team effort. That was the key!

Glowworm/Grum - you're both right!

Well done again to Mr Pine Nut! Wink
Beppe - May 11, 2011 - 12:51 AM
Post subject:
Thanks again guys and special thanks to the organization for the huge effort they put on this magnificent tournament. I'll try to not miss next NAFC Wink
Thanks also to all my opponents which whom I played very good games. Pigstar and Lycos, sorry for my huge luck... Embarassed
See you at the WCII!!! Wink
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