NAF World Headquarters

North America - Atlanta Gamesday

Atesca - Jan 23, 2004 - 06:39 AM
Post subject: Atlanta Gamesday
Wondering if they'll be any bloodbowl action taking place at Gamesday in Atlanta. Even if we have to do it ourselves.
Old_Man_Monkey - Jan 23, 2004 - 06:47 AM
Post subject:
I've emailed Tim Huckelberry and this was his response 10 days ago:

Haven't heard anything, but I'm putting you in touch with the guys who are running the show, Jeff & Aaron.

This is Jeff Hall and Aaron Dill at GW-US. I suggested to all of them that there would be several of the regular Blood Bowl crowd that would happily run the game at GamesDay.

So far, no response. Rolling Eyes Sigh, it still seems as though we are pulling teeth here in the US just in getting information.
Old_Man_Monkey - Jan 23, 2004 - 11:28 AM
Post subject:
I'm pretty sure after emailing back and forth with Tim today that something will happen - I just would like tournament rules in place that more closely resemble what the BB community has created over the past year than a typical RTT tourney with stars, SPPs, and other unbalanced criteria. Rolling Eyes

Tthose who remember the Baltimore Gamesday last year will agree, I believe - the coaches there decided to change several of the rules as a group before the tourney started! Twisted Evil

If ATL Gamesday does not happen and there is interest, I would happily run a tourney at night at the Marriott Courtyard hotel a few minutes away from the new GA Convention Center. Might be fun to do anyway - an afterhours tourney for NAF coaches only... Cool

Atesca - Jan 24, 2004 - 01:29 PM
Post subject:
That would be an agreeable compromise if they won't be running one there. Course we'd have to bring some refreshments to help with the coaching and what not, and I hardly think GW would like that one bit...
Old_Man_Monkey - Feb 09, 2004 - 11:23 AM
Post subject:
(this is also a TBB post, except the end...)

Well, just got word from the G-day organizers that they are NOT planning to run any Blood Bowl at the Atlanta event. They have said if I wanted to, I could run an event with "a couple of tables" in the Gaming clubs area! So I'm ready... to overrun the event!!! Shocked

I'd like to get at least twenty coaches - I'm playing because I don't think an outrider would be strictly necessary if it's mostly experienced coaches settling things in an organized way.

I suppose the apparent disdain just gets under my skin a little, so I think it would be very fitting to have a large number of BB players demanding to play at a Gamesday... they had a RTT at Baltimore for crying out loud!

If anyone has an opinion about this, good or bad, post it. Maybe I'm the only one who likes to shove back (even a little) when I'm getting pushed... Smile Wink


ps Of course, if every one would rather, we can hold an unofficial tournament at the hotel as discussed - I don't particularly care except to demonstrate to the Gamesday organizers that BB is a powerful event to include. I'm not really a revolutionary, but when there's a vacuum of leadership, I become a Cincinnatus... (look it up) Cool
Melifaxis - Feb 09, 2004 - 11:56 AM
Post subject:
(Lucius or Titus Quinctius Cincinnatus) (snsn´ts, ???nt´s) (KEY) , fl. 5th cent. B.C., Roman patriot. He was consul in 460 B.C. and dictator twice (458 and 439). According to tradition, in his first dictatorship he came from his farm to defeat the Aequi and Volscians, who were threatening the city from the east and southeast. He returned from battle, resigned his dictatorship, and went home to his farm. In 439 he came out of retirement to put down the plebeians. The separation of legend from history in Cincinnatus??? story is impossible.

Looked it up Very Happy

When is this event?
Melifaxis - Feb 09, 2004 - 11:58 AM
Post subject:
??? No Specialist Games Tournaments ??? In response to low turnouts the previous year, there will be no structured Specialist Game tournaments taking place at the Grand Tournaments. We will still provide scenery and materials to play your favorite Specialist Game during open gaming.
Old_Man_Monkey - Feb 09, 2004 - 01:07 PM
Post subject:
Not the GTs, the Gamesday events: Atlanta - April 3rd, Los Angeles - April 24th (tickets are on sale now for these events), Baltimore - May 22nd and 23rd, and Chicago - July 31st.

The Gamesday logo on the 'Community' page still says '2003' but click it and you get the information for the 2004 events...
Xtreme - Feb 09, 2004 - 01:51 PM
Post subject:
Chicago is still going to have the Chaos Cup last I heard. Though I think they are reducing the numbers even further then they did last year. Wish I could make a trip to ATL to join your fight but not this year.
Old_Man_Monkey - Feb 09, 2004 - 02:00 PM
Post subject:
Well, last I heard was that Chaos Cup was going to be at the Chicago Battle Bunker around the 3rd of November...?! I think this because some tickets to the event have begun to circulate as prizes, and I think they are genuine!!
Xtreme - Feb 09, 2004 - 02:06 PM
Post subject:
Yeah you're right. I knew it was in November just never put the two together.
Tutenkharnage - Feb 09, 2004 - 02:15 PM
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There's a Roman story much better than Cincinnatus. Unfortunately, I can't remember the chap's name. He fought Augustus across Spain, as I recall. He was ultimately murdered (surprise).

I'll look it up this week. I have a xeroxed history of this gentleman at home among my books.

Old_Man_Monkey - Feb 09, 2004 - 02:19 PM
Post subject:
Not sure I'd like to end up like him ?!?! Shocked Wink Smile
Melifaxis - Feb 09, 2004 - 02:20 PM
Post subject:
      Old_Man_Monkey wrote:
Not the GTs, the Gamesday events: Atlanta - April 3rd, Los Angeles - April 24th (tickets are on sale now for these events), Baltimore - May 22nd and 23rd, and Chicago - July 31st.

The Gamesday logo on the 'Community' page still says '2003' but click it and you get the information for the 2004 events...

Phew!! Worship
Old_Man_Monkey - Feb 09, 2004 - 02:21 PM
Post subject:
(I think we outght to storm the GT events, too!.... ssshhhh!!!!)
Old_Man_Monkey - Feb 17, 2004 - 08:54 AM
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OK, I will happily organize this event - if it's at Gamesday, then it'll cost the price of a Gamesday ticket, if it's at the Marriott Courtyard, it'll be $10 to cover the room AND it will be a two day, five game tourney... (real tourney playing!)

A. Gamesday rules - Swiss with team reset after each game, TR110, skill choice before each game

B. Courtyard rules - Swiss with team reset after each game - let's try a TR110 to start with one skill before the first three games, before game 4, you get the choice of one trait, two skills for two previously unskilled players, or a second skill for a player who has one, then one final skill before game five.

No stars or wizards and official GW figs in either location - we'll use TKC/CanadaCup painting and sportsmanship points...

So now it's up to the Gamesday people - I'll be posting here with new info.

Old_Man_Monkey - Mar 09, 2004 - 11:49 AM
Post subject:
(Careful what you ask for, they say... this is a dupe post from TBB):

Blood Bowl at Atlanta Gamesday is ON!!!!!

6 tables - max of 24 coaches - single day tourney.

Free event with your Gamesday ticket...
So I will be running the tournament so I'd like input as to rules and format ASAP?!?!

On this upcoming Monday, I will post basics...

So, here's our first chance of the year to show GW-US that there really is a Blood Bowl community in the US - it would be a great step forward since GW-US was not going to have a Blood Bowl tournament AT ALL at the Gamesday events.

Please PM or post your thoughts - this is important!

Old_Man_Monkey - Mar 22, 2004 - 04:32 PM
Post subject:
OK, I've got just two weeks to shake the trees and get coaches there, so:

A. here's the basic website for info:

B. You just need a Gamesday pass - the tournament is free.

C. I'll be bringing some left over prizes from the Three Kingdoms Challenge tournament: signed #12 BB mag, some full teams, some booster packs, and single minis...

I would really like for as many coaches to play as we can fit in... mostly to show GW-US that the game needs to be supported better here in the states.

So come to HotLanta on April 4th and play some Blood Bowl with some friends!

Melifaxis - Apr 06, 2004 - 07:49 AM
Post subject:
So, how did it go? Very Happy
Old_Man_Monkey - Apr 06, 2004 - 09:37 AM
Post subject:
Sorry - I posted more on the Baltimore Gamesday....

Tournament was fine, with six players plus me playing one-offs all afternoon. A lot of people stepped in, saying something like "Oh man, I wish I had known - I would have brought my Dwarves..." Rolling Eyes

I believe everyone had a really good time and several said they would try to make the two day Baltimore event - had one NAF signup, so all in all, not bad. Much more importantly, we were a noisy and fun presence right in the middles of the arena so I know the Gamesday people saw us.

Only disappointment was the no show of a group of 4-5 players from a new league - got an email from the commish who apologized that the entire group were no-shows - (would have been nice to have had ten or so, but oh well...) Razz

Glad to go and help and had a great time! Now I'm ready to play a few games for me! Very Happy Cool

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