NAF World Headquarters

Painting - My chaos team: what do you think?

ponkavitch - Feb 05, 2004 - 09:45 PM
Post subject: My chaos team: what do you think?

These are some pictures of my chaos team called "Chilly Khorne Carnage". (no not origional but i like it)

what do you think?

The squigs are used for re-roll counters and score markers and the guy with the chainsaw hands if the apothecary (still a work in progres)

I went for a smoother more subtle shading and highlighting. (I realy dislike it when people think that a line of black, then i line of red then a line of yellow is shading a highlighing.)

what do you think?


P.s. the wrightin on the base of the ogre is "I'll take pleshu in gittun' you boy"
Djengis_kahn - Feb 06, 2004 - 01:36 AM
Post subject:
the pics don't work from here.. Mad
Melifaxis - Feb 06, 2004 - 05:30 AM
Post subject:
same here...
ponkavitch - Feb 06, 2004 - 06:48 AM
Post subject:
none of them?
I've got no idea why they arn't working. If any one has a clue can you give me hand? thanks.
Old_Man_Monkey - Feb 06, 2004 - 07:22 AM
Post subject:
OK, they're starting to roll out.. but they are HUGE - very high resolution -
Ponk, please see if you can resize and half the resolution; it will still be fine for posting here.

BTW, they look awesome!
Torpor - Feb 06, 2004 - 07:46 AM
Post subject:
Great looking team, but the pictures do take an age to load due to their resolution and file size. Nice twist on a traditional colour choice - (Red, Black, Gold and in this instance White). Excellent shading and detail work. Let us know how they fare on the field,

ponkavitch - Feb 06, 2004 - 08:07 AM
Post subject:
Well someone disabled the web server without telling me but I could still access the file over the network. the server is now back up and every thing should be fine.

As for how they fare on the field. not to good. I play to the odds and only roll skulls and ones while my opponents decide to make 7 3+ rolls with the one player in a row without any possible re-rolls and don't fail one. though my starting line up is a bit unorthadox with 1 0rge, 3 CWs, 7 BMs, 1RR, 4 FF and 1 Apoth. (I always start with an apoth as for 50k he could save me at least 60k if not 120k)

As for the size I'll see what I can do but are they really much larger than others on here? and the slow down load speed is due to the fact they are hosted on my house network router/web server.

The colour scheme I wish I could take credit for but I can't as it was origionaly my friends team that I was helping him to paint (he only painted one (the second CW on the left in the team shot)) and I hade to keep the same colours. but I like it so much that nearly any team/army that I pant from now on will have the same scheme (plus it means I can use the Ogre in any team, not that many can have them any more)

thanks for the praise
- Chris

P.s. I am now starting to paint a shadowforge nun team would you like me to post a tutorail/step by step so you can learn (nearly) all my trick and cheats? feel free to say no I won't be offended.
Melifaxis - Feb 06, 2004 - 08:25 AM
Post subject:
Very cool squad. That orc is twisted Very Happy
Grasshopper - Feb 06, 2004 - 08:34 AM
Post subject:
Nice. Did you varnish all of them or jsut the squigs? And BTW I like the EDDIE avatar. Smile
Melifaxis - Feb 06, 2004 - 08:50 AM
Post subject:
      ponkavitch wrote:

P.s. I am now starting to paint a shadowforge nun team would you like me to post a tutorail/step by step so you can learn (nearly) all my trick and cheats? feel free to say no I won't be offended.

Yes, I'll take all the painting tips I can get Very Happy
BlanchPrez - Feb 06, 2004 - 09:52 AM
Post subject:
      Melifaxis wrote:
Yes, I'll take all the painting tips I can get Very Happy

Same here. Smile

Torpor - Feb 06, 2004 - 10:57 AM
Post subject:
Painting tips are always welcome. Very Happy

Squiggoth - Feb 06, 2004 - 01:57 PM
Post subject:
LOL, I've been waiting for five minutes and there are 3 pics uploaded already - please shrink them Very Happy
Anyway, the colour scheme rules! This must be the first time I've seen Khornates in white and it looks bloody cool!
Tackledummy - Feb 06, 2004 - 03:20 PM
Post subject:
Looks awesome man. I'm stuck in the stigma of always painting my Chaos stuff in dark colours and its really good to see them in white like yours. Makes them stand out and makes them original.
ponkavitch - Feb 08, 2004 - 02:59 AM
Post subject:
Thank you all very much your your comments. Unfortunatly the resizeing of the pictures will have to wait untill early in the week.

As to Grasshopper's question I varnished them all with copius amounts of Citadel Clear Varnish and they are still constantly chipping epecialy on the beastmen where they get picked up. and the Eddie avitar is from the Iron maiden website.

When I finnish the apothecary I hop he will look like he was origionaly human.

one interesting "problem" with using white for the team was that the Chaos Allstars number transfers are yellow for going on black so I had to use the orcs black nunbers. not much of a problem I must must admit.

aerofool - Feb 09, 2004 - 08:06 AM
Post subject:
      ponkavitch wrote:
As to Grasshopper's question I varnished them all with copius amounts of Citadel Clear Varnish and they are still constantly chipping epecialy on the beastmen where they get picked up. and the

I've found that the Citadel Varnish works better to make parts of the model glossy, but not as a paint job protectant. I'm not sure if it's because it's water based or just runs too thin. I would suggest getting a can of minwax oil-based clear matte poly, and dip your models. You can also get it in aerosol spray, but make sure you put a fairly thick coat on it.
Squiggoth - Feb 10, 2004 - 10:07 AM
Post subject:
I use Folkart Matte varnish, it's totally matte (REALLY totally matte as in "no shine at all") and flexible when fry, meaning that the varnish won't chip if the model gets bend slightly (especially handy for plastics off course).
Amok - Feb 12, 2004 - 11:47 AM
Post subject:
I also use a matt varnish (humbroll) it really is a myracle. no shining at all
it even works over glossy varnish

For the models GREAT, though I think that the chaos warrior stands as if he was experimenting with kinky toys last night Shocked , but it's still a great team to look at.
Tojurub - Feb 12, 2004 - 12:08 PM
Post subject:
Great job....I like the CW (or is it Borak?) the best....How do you get the shading and highlighting that smooth??
Melifaxis - Feb 12, 2004 - 01:34 PM
Post subject:
I probably should star varnishing more. Right now I only really do it on things I want to shine Embarassed
KLK - Feb 14, 2004 - 10:27 PM
Post subject:
this is one of the best chaos teams I ever seen.
ponkavitch - Mar 04, 2004 - 12:22 AM
Post subject:
Thanks for all the praise and sugestions I will look into them.

I have now shrunk the pics so they should be faster.

As for the comments on the CW with the claw. He was converted from a Chaos knight. I thuoght the spred leg pose was nice and bloodbowly so I chopped off his lance arm and built a claw out of paper clips (good for all pin joints and bases of extenstions), extended his neck a bit (I can't remember why now) and aded to the base of his heels so they reached the ground.
The ogre was made by getting a 40K ogrin (since at the time you could not get fantasy ogres) chopping off his gun and replacing it with the arm sword from Tyrus the Inquisitor model then wrapping the realy bad join in twine then covering it in superglue. easy.

The way I got the shading so smooth is by a trick I call "wet drybrushing". I know that sound stupid but what I do is wet down some paint then drybrush it on so it adds very thin layers so you can make nice gradual transistion. Play around with it.

Xtreme - Mar 04, 2004 - 01:11 AM
Post subject:
      aerofool wrote:
      ponkavitch wrote:
As to Grasshopper's question I varnished them all with copius amounts of Citadel Clear Varnish and they are still constantly chipping epecialy on the beastmen where they get picked up. and the

I've found that the Citadel Varnish works better to make parts of the model glossy, but not as a paint job protectant. I'm not sure if it's because it's water based or just runs too thin. I would suggest getting a can of minwax oil-based clear matte poly, and dip your models. You can also get it in aerosol spray, but make sure you put a fairly thick coat on it.

Do you just dunk your models in for a second and pull them out to dry? I'm always afraid to varnish after i've spent so much time painting figures, but I really need to I guess. This sounds pretty controled which I would prefer. could you brush it on as well?
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