NAF World Headquarters

Europe - Dungeonbowl Report from Geggster

Geggster - Mar 02, 2004 - 08:23 AM
Post subject: Dungeonbowl Report from Geggster
First up, what a great weekend.

Those that could make it had a great time. The Hostel where the event took place was smart, clean and cheap. It had a bar with tables perfect for a friendly and a great restaurant round the corner for meals if bored of the hostel fair. Arrived Friday afternoon, and after settling in, settled down to play Frank???s Khemri on his wonderful stadium (complete with Sphinx and pyramids for scoring/turn marker). Cool Really enjoyed that - winning 2-0 - and set me up for a good weekend.

Played Skaven (Darkthunder Cheatahs) with 12 players (4 Gutter Runners and One Vermin), 3 rerolls, apo and 1FF.

76 coaches present. Everyone getting a limited Edition coin, a stein and a tee-shirt.

Dwarves in first round. Opposing coach fairly newish to BB and not helped by two first half blitzes by me. 4-1 in the end although highlight was his TD as he needed a longbomb from a dwarf runner surrounded by GRs (needed a 6 not to be a fumble then a catch and some GFIs). Took Tackle on the Storm Vermin.

Up to table three and playing Woodies with One re-roll but two wardancers, two catchers and a thrower. Decided to step up and force two die blocks (or dodges) from his players and he used his reroll early in each half. Then I could wait for the turnover and pressurize him downfield. 3-1 at half-time became 5-2 at the end. Took Dirty Player on Linerat. Twisted Evil

Up to Table One Shocked for last game of the day, again against Woodies. This time with two rerolls, two wardancers, one catcher. Started brilliantly with the early score and a foul that injured one of his wardancers. He was down to nine players with another injury but did manage to equalise before I took the lead again at half time. Stepped up to pressurize him but needed a failed dodge to get my chance. Failed dodge and simple task of picking up ball with GR for the 3-1 score. Snake-eyes. DAMN. First ever visit to table one and maybe throwing my chance away!

He manages to injure a couple of my players before scoring (2-2) so I???ve even lost the numerical advantage. Three turns left for the winner. Going well on offence but another snake-eyes for a dodge to head down-field in the pocket and I???ve spilled the ball. Sad DAMN, DAMN, DAMN! Without re-rolls he recovers the ball, throws it accurately but then rolls one for the catch in the end-zone! Embarassed I still had one turn left and dodged out a GR from mid-field (practically)to collect the ball from his own end-zone, long-pass it (Langer-pass) to a GR who handed it off to another GR needing a GFI to win with re-roll. 1, ohmigod, ohmigod, ohmigod. Please not again. 2. Phew! 3-2 win but very very cruel for oppo to lose that way. Took Strip Ball on GR.

Ended day one leading the tourney and with 12 TDs, leading TDs aswell. With only five three-time winners, I only needed a draw in round four to make table two for round five (and therefore effectively the semis) but playing against well-known Berlin chap in game four with Skaven. Found out that he had only 11 players including a rat-ogre and Thrud (!?). He had Thrud at �100,000. Andy Hall wasn???t sure that he should be allowed at all as he is a freebooter only but the organiser had said that it was okay. Also found out that this chap demanded to play the four-minute rule (and was fairly experienced at it ??? so bit of an advantage). Chatted to Andy for a bit, had loads of beer and went to bed to contemplate the coming day.

Match Four. Table One. I asked the organiser to rule that the four-minute turn was not needed. He had a chat with the oppo but there was no budging, he was going to have this rule and the organiser felt he couldn???t over-rule. Table One in a major, loads at stake, playing against Thrud and a bit of a rules-lawyer with the four-minute rule. Tension was high.

The kick-off was vital. If I won it, I could possibly score and then Thrud???s loyalty was random. But I lost it. And the oppo took the whole first half to score after KO-ing my Strip Ball. No injuries to that point but 3 GRs KO???d and they all failed to come back. Still the oppo had not set up for the one-turner and with Thrud on my side, it wasn???t too difficult to send GR into scoring position with secondary push-backs. Unfortunately he failed the catch and used my re-roll, leaving me without a re-roll when I failed the 2nd GFI to score. DAMN! And then he killed himself too. Would have been 1-1 but now up against it.

Thrud stayed with me but all three KO???d GRs failed the roll again so I was starting the 2nd half without any GRs. I was quite lucky to get away with a fluffed play in my back-field but did manage to get the ball to Thrud and he headed off down-field, knocking aside skaven. Not wanting to need to roll for Bonehead in the last turn, I didn???t mind him forcing me to score in my turn 7 but it did leave him 2 turns to win it (although without a reroll).

Disaster, again all three KO???d GRs fail the roll, so I???ve just failed all nine KO rolls with the little blighters. Thrud still stays with me but I can???t take advantage of my ???blitz??? on the kick-off table as I kicked it out! Course that means that he doesn???t need to pick it up and can therefore use all available players to set up a cage in my half to spring the scorer in his last turn. He needs a few GFIs and makes all of them. I force him to roll a few dice but without my strip baller, he sneaks the win. Took Tackle on a line-rat and headed off for a bit of sulk.

Post lunch, still on Table Four and again against Skaven. Light-hearted game with good dice rolls from both of us. Strip baller helped make it 3-1 to me at the half rather than 2-2 and I failed a couple of good opportunities to make it 4-1 before being pegged back to 3-2 and nearly drew in the end. Took block on GR.

Whilst this was going on, the Thrud coach called an Illegal Procedure to turn his 2-1 down into a 3-2 win and proceeded to the final.

I ended up on table one for my last game (although it was really table two as the final was played in a separate Dungeon) in the third place play-off. Played against the poor chap that had been IP???d to prevent him getting to the final and he was still pretty cut up.

He shouldn???t have worried too much as he proceeded to put the boot in heavily having ???Got the Ref??? at the beginning of both halves. Big play was my fumble, re-roll, fumble at 1-1 in a scoring position that let him go 2-1 up instead of 2-1 down at the half. He repaid the favour in the second half for me to equalise but went 3-2 and numbers eventually stopped me getting the final score.

Six games, 4 wins, 2 defeats, 18 touchdowns, 1 casualty caused only. 4th place (I guess having lost the third place play-off). Disappointed to have lost to Thrud (who went on to win it although Thrud himself, didn???t actually play in the final) but still very memorable and will want to go back next year.

Nice reward to get Top Touchdown Scorer (jointly) and goes nicely with Top Touchdown Scorer at last year???s Bloodbowl.

Roll on May. Very Happy
Melifaxis - Mar 02, 2004 - 10:57 AM
Post subject: Re: Dungeonbowl Report from Geggster
      Geggster wrote:

Whilst this was going on, the Thrud coach was using a few dodgy tactics (complaining about dice rolls that landed flat on the range-ruler to name just one) and called an Illegal Procedure to turn his 2-1 down into a 3-2 win. I???m shaking my head as writing this.

On a range ruler?!?! I'd have called the ref over for that one, that's total BS. I hope he got the minimum in sportsmanship points. Perhaps Sportsmanship Points need to be increased for all tournaments so that people like this can't get ahead. At the Death Bowl last year, it was a great bunch of guys and almost everyone (or everyone) had max sportsmanship points. I figure most tournaments are like this. If that's truly the case, and you increase these points, then it should only impact the poor sportsmen.

I think all tournaments should state in their rules that IP is not used it just doesn't promote the spirit of fun.

Pow Pow Pow
Glorian_Underhill - Mar 02, 2004 - 11:36 AM
Post subject:
The Coach from Berlin hasn´t made many friends at this tournament.
One Austrian Coach rushed on the Balcony after his game against the guy from Berlin and told that he has never seen anyone in his 12year carreer in Blood Bowl cheating.

Something like throwing some dice, and then tell wich dice was for which action.

I couldn´t judge on him, but a lot of other coaches were really pissed of by him.
Tutenkharnage - Mar 02, 2004 - 11:38 AM
Post subject:
This sort of play (the dodgy guy) is exactly why a coach who finishes undefeated should not be a lock to win a tournament. And the tourney organizers did a poor job handling this chump if half the rumors are true.

Glorian_Underhill - Mar 02, 2004 - 11:41 AM
Post subject:
What then else ?????

I don´t say that you have to be fair. But don´t be jerk will help!
Norse - Mar 04, 2004 - 01:53 AM
Post subject:
I think Chet is suggesting that the Refs could have docked points for continued misdemeanors... in future I'd be quite in favour of disqualifying a player if need be... he may have paid his money to attend, but that doesn't give any coach the right to ruin people's weekends, especially if they have travelled over-seas to play..

Of course opponents should not stoop to the same level, but I think the Refs should have been firmer from what I have heard...
Doubleskulls - Mar 04, 2004 - 03:09 AM
Post subject:
Any idea when the NAF results will be in?
Tim - Mar 04, 2004 - 06:36 AM
Post subject:
In Mannheim, Wolfgang was very quick. However, he has to enter quite a couple of new NAF members before (more than 10 signed up at the tournament), so i guess it will take some time.

My Excel NAF-simulator suggested that i'll be around 176 points after the tournament, let's see how good the guess is Wink Could have been much better if there would have been a certain Halfling team taking a 10 point bite out of my rating Shocked Evil or Very Mad Wink
Doubleskulls - Mar 04, 2004 - 07:27 AM
Post subject:
I reckon I should get to ~195 - AFAIK 2 wins against NAF newbies and a draw against Kheldar (1st NAF Orc tourney I think).
Indigo - Mar 04, 2004 - 08:14 AM
Post subject:
Any chance you can share your ANF ranking pre-calculation calculator? Wink
Sputnik - Mar 04, 2004 - 08:39 AM
Post subject:
jap, I would also be interested in your calculator.

Although there is not much to calculate again Evil or Very Mad . 1 loss and 1 win. I can just hope that at least one of the others decided to sign up at the tournament. Crying or Very sad

Old_Man_Monkey - Mar 04, 2004 - 08:57 AM
Post subject:
What's a ANF calculator??? Very Happy Wink
Tim - Mar 07, 2004 - 04:29 AM
Post subject:
      Indigo wrote:
Any chance you can share your ANF ranking pre-calculation calculator? Wink

Yes i can, after the weekend, as it's on my work computer.

However it's dead simple ... enter your rating and the opponents' (here you will have to guess after the first round) and the number of NAF coaches at the tournament, then apply the 2 formulas from the NAF page. Multiply formula to 6 rounds. Nothing you could not build yourself in 2 mins.
KaduC - Mar 07, 2004 - 08:13 AM
Post subject:
      Old_Man_Monkey wrote:
What's a ANF calculator??? Very Happy Wink

Absolutely Not Fabulous calculator...

Confirmed by Tim:
      Tim wrote:
Nothing you could not build yourself in 2 mins

Indigo - Mar 07, 2004 - 02:43 PM
Post subject:
Embarassed didn't mean to let it slip, the ANF is a rival BB organisation that only the best coaches are allowed in Wink
Doubleskulls - Mar 07, 2004 - 04:12 PM
Post subject:
      Indigo wrote:
Embarassed didn't mean to let it slip, the ANF is a rival BB organisation that only the best coaches are allowed in Wink

I told you not to tell anyone, you plonker.
Norse - Mar 08, 2004 - 01:00 AM
Post subject:
can I join the ANF??

what do you get, white block dice? Wink
Canbacon - Mar 09, 2004 - 02:32 AM
Post subject:
Felt sorry for you Greggster, for the High ELf player even more so. Over @ TBB the champ stated that he enjoyed the tension created by IP's an 4 mins rule. He also was happy about his IP decision in the semi final that gave him a chance to win.
EvilGit - Mar 10, 2004 - 02:17 PM
Post subject:

what's the coaches name on tbb?
DiNaturz - Mar 11, 2004 - 02:50 AM
Post subject:
      Evil_Git1 wrote:

what's the coaches name on tbb?

Cheeky Berlin

since his avatar shows 0 posts, maybe he was now banned (or someone played with tbb database too much)... Pow Rolling Eyes

McDeth - Mar 11, 2004 - 04:07 AM
Post subject:
The guy is a complete twat. Glad i wasn't there to see it.
Sputnik - Mar 11, 2004 - 05:46 AM
Post subject:
shouldn't it be 'cheaty Berlin' anyway?

Doubleskulls - Mar 11, 2004 - 10:15 AM
Post subject:
Any idea when the NAF results will be in?
wolfzell - Mar 11, 2004 - 02:16 PM
Post subject:
Just a quick note why the result aren´t up yet:

The simple reason is: I haven´t received the data from the GW-guys yet, so I can´t enter them, sorry... They told me, they would send me the data, but it hasn´t arrived here yet.

wolfzell - Mar 11, 2004 - 02:17 PM
Post subject:
Just a quick note why the result aren´t up yet:

The simple reason is: I haven´t received the data from the GW-guys yet, so I can´t enter them, sorry... They told me, they would send me the data, but it hasn´t arrived here yet.

Aramil - Mar 11, 2004 - 11:16 PM
Post subject:
      wolfzell wrote:
Just a quick note why the result aren´t up yet:

The simple reason is: I haven´t received the data from the GW-guys yet, so I can´t enter them, sorry... They told me, they would send me the data, but it hasn´t arrived here yet.

Shocked Oh my godness me! Shocked

I've already seen once that movie... Neutral

Let's hope they would do differently this time, or we'll see (if ever) the results up after the Old World Cup in November... Crying or Very sad

Doubleskulls - Mar 12, 2004 - 02:35 AM
Post subject:
Thanks for the update.
Tojurub - Mar 12, 2004 - 07:07 AM
Post subject:
I thought Tim gave them his software to do the tournament? Wouldn't it be simple to take a floppy to the tournament and when it's over have them copy to it and take it home with you?

....oh wait, that's too simple!
Traveller - Mar 17, 2004 - 06:07 AM
Post subject:
Well, just mailed Andre from GW Germany about the missing list for wolfgang and NAF ranking.

... ich bin nicht ganz up-to-date, da ich nicht mehr im HQ in Düsseldorf arbeite, aber ich habe Chris gerade gefragt und er hat mir mitgeteilt, die Liste geht heute an Wolfgang ...

Quick translation:
Andre told me, he isnt working at GW HQ anymore, so he dont knew whats going on in this case, but he asked and Chris will send the list today to Wolfgang. Very Happy Lets see...

Tim - Mar 18, 2004 - 02:59 AM
Post subject:
I also asked Chris yesterday Smile After i spoke to him regarding a different topic. Should be solved soon.
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