NAF World Headquarters

Rules Questions - The roll of dice

jejaatin - Mar 16, 2004 - 11:47 PM
Post subject: The roll of dice
I was wondering about this one thing that I encountered on during my last match. situation: I was blitzing one nasty chaos warrior and voilá, down he goes Pow Pow . Then, in the heat of the moment, I follow up and accidentally move my player one step further Crying or Very sad . Then my insolent adversary said, when I was trying to make the amour roll, "you just forgot to roll the armour roll, haa haa" Laughing . Then I said, "no I didn't, you can't forget to throw it. And besides, I'll take the move back, because it didn't require any die rolls, so it didn't matter. " And roll I did, casualty and death Sad . Which wasn't very nice. Obviously he didn't like that and we argued about it. He is the comish of our league, so arguing against him is quite pointless. After a while we decided, because LRB didn't answer us, to vote on it inside our league and I lost. Now, this being a forum and having a lot of people that do know the rules, do please tell me, was I wrong?

To make it short: is armour roll compulsory when a player goes down in a block? Or if you have peas for brains as I do, can you forget it and lose to opportunity to kill and maim?
Ronnie - Mar 17, 2004 - 02:10 AM
Post subject:
i don't really know but in my leagues this is the order to do when blitzing: -

1) Declare the blitz
2) Move the player to the opponents player
3) Roll the block dice
4) Follow up (if opponent goes down)
6) Carry on the the blitzing player action

and if you forget the armour roll and still move the player your still doing his BLITZING action therefore i feel you still should make an armour roll.

sorry about the babbling on Mr. Green

tell your opponent to stop crying like a little baby

Xtreme - Mar 17, 2004 - 02:20 AM
Post subject:
I'd say as long as it was still that players action it is fine. In our league we often stop and say "I'll come back to the armour roll" and then continue on with the bliters movement, then roll the armour.
Doubleskulls - Mar 17, 2004 - 03:11 AM
Post subject:
Nah - your opponent was being an a***. Lots of time we do blitzes and keep moving the blitzer before working out the casualty - its only in the blitzers advantage to wait and see what happens after all.
smeborg - Mar 17, 2004 - 03:39 AM
Post subject:
If my opponent forgets to roll for armour, I will remind him.

Unless he's a beard, of course...

Hope this helps.


Smeborg the Fleshless
mtn_bike - Mar 17, 2004 - 07:45 AM
Post subject:
The only roll I see that is required before the continued movement of a player is scatter of the ball if player hit was carrying the ball. It's even in the basic rules that if a player goes down for any reason an armor roll is required. The only exception are skills which spacifically state "no armor roll required." Not bashing your commish but you may want to suggest an assistant commish and a ref for the league if this keeps up. That way you have one person with a bias opinion during matches.
Zombie - Mar 17, 2004 - 02:08 PM
Post subject:
I wouldn't mind if my opponent rolled for armour later. In fact, i wouldn't mind if he rolled it after moving all of his players. I've even reminded an opponent to roll for armour on one of my players when i noticed his mistake after he had finished his entire turn. Your commish is a dick.
neoliminal - Mar 17, 2004 - 02:36 PM
Post subject:
The amour roll isn't optional.
howlinggriffon - Mar 17, 2004 - 03:02 PM
Post subject:
I thought Blood Bowl was supposed to be one of the more light-hearted games that GW produce... I wouldn't want to forget to move the turn counter if I was playing him - he'd probably ban me from the league or something.

I think your league needs a less anal commish.
fnord23 - Mar 17, 2004 - 03:11 PM
Post subject:
I remind people if they forget armour rolls --- normally anyway.

I admit to not reminding people sometimes, (like last night, when I had
4 Thralls in the dead & injured box & 4 thralls & 3 Vamps in the KO box).

But if they remember later I do not have a problem with them rolling the
armour then.

jejaatin - Mar 18, 2004 - 02:19 AM
Post subject:
Thanks for the support. I'm still wondering whether I can base the armour roll being not optional on the rules. If that was be the case, I would have leverage to overrule such stupid, unsportsmanshippy (wow) rulings.
mtn_bike - Mar 18, 2004 - 07:33 AM
Post subject:
If you play by the LRB...
LRB P12 Injuries
Unless the rules state otherwise, any player that is knocked or falls over may be injured. The opposing coach rolls two dice and adds their scores together in an attempt to try to beat the knocked over player's Armour value. If the roll succeeds, then the opposing coach is allowed to roll on the Injury table in the next column to see what injury the player has suffered.

Can't get much clearer than than. The second sentence is a must happen event unless prevented by a skill.
Darkson - Mar 18, 2004 - 07:57 AM
Post subject:
Your commish is being a right t*sser, and deserves to be a commissioner of a league of 1. Evil or Very Mad
Hoshi_Komi - Mar 18, 2004 - 07:59 AM
Post subject:
your commish is screwed up. his player should be retroactively dead.

how did the rest of the league vote that down?
mtn_bike - Mar 18, 2004 - 08:47 AM
Post subject:
Ask the commish if you play by the LRB. If he says yes then you are right. If he says no then express to him that it would only be fair if he made avaliable the all rules that you are to play by. It should be made avaliable to you by internet or paper copy at his expense.

BTW, P12 injuries never says when the rolls for the armor are actually rolled. To my knowledge it is assumed after the block for simplicity. It could be done at the end of a turn as to not waste time in the 4 minute time limit. You do play by the 4 minute time limit, don't you? Wink
Melifaxis - Mar 18, 2004 - 08:51 AM
Post subject:
You guys need a new commish, or he needs to wake up. Pure cutthroat will just lead to pointless arguments and the game for it's purpose. To have fun! Be good sportsmen first and competitors next. The league will last much longer and be enjoyed far more.
redjack - Apr 15, 2004 - 05:09 PM
Post subject:
"anal commish" - I think a doctor can cure that like all fungi, bacteria and other infections - with a good shot of penicillin... Very Happy
Boshka - Apr 16, 2004 - 12:06 PM
Post subject:
Unless this was house ruled at the beginning of the season to change it mid-season is crap.
And if it was decided durning/after your game then thats fine. However the effects of your roll on his player should still stand seeing as the rule was not changed befor your game.
And though I wouldnt take it to far as it is just a game. I would be sure to remind him that he is a piece of crap for screwing you over in such a way.
Dave - Apr 16, 2004 - 03:18 PM
Post subject:
get him to read this thread .. (on hindsight .. maybe not Laughing )

Neo should convince him
Larthos - Apr 24, 2004 - 01:33 PM
Post subject: And this guy still has a league?
Anyone who would act like this has no business being in charge. Like howlinggriffon said, he should be replaced as soon as it is feasible. If he doesn't stand aside gracefully, then those of you who are tired of the bullying should just splinter off into your own league.
Mestari - Apr 28, 2004 - 05:05 AM
Post subject: Re: The roll of dice
      jejaatin wrote:
Obviously he didn't like that and we argued about it. He is the comish of our league, so arguing against him is quite pointless. After a while we decided, because LRB didn't answer us, to vote on it inside our league and I lost.

"Nyyh nyyh, mun ukkeli kuoli, muutanpa sääntöjä ettei se kuolekaan" Rolling Eyes

In my opinion a league commissioner should be extra careful to be fair and forgiving - he should have emphasis on the functionality of the league and the enjoyment of his coaches, not on how his teams succeed in the league. Seizing an opportunity to save his own players by bending the rules is simply intolerable for a fair commish.

The fact remains that should the roles have been reversed, this same commish would've fought to death for his right to roll AV.
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