NAF World Headquarters

Rules Questions - More on blitzing...

mosalva - Apr 25, 2004 - 12:43 PM
Post subject: More on blitzing...
This is the situation: My bull centaur has the ball and is in touchdown range. The only thing he needs to do is a succesful blitz against an orc lineman, BUT to get to the endzone he needs to run through the orc's square. otherwise, he would have to move to tackle-zone covered adjacent squares. So, the Pow and Pushback/Pow will work fine because they free the square. But the Both Down is trickier. The orc does not have block, the bull centaur does.

The blitz result is Skull Both Down . Do I have to continue moving before the armour roll? Can I stop and roll the armour in the hopes of injuring him and then continue moving to the endzone? As a general rule do most NAF coaches roll the armour straight after the hit, once the blitzer has finished his movement or it depends in the situation?

I think someone wrote:

1 declare blitz
2 move figure
3 roll dice, apply result (including armour roll)
4 continue moving.
Darkson - Apr 25, 2004 - 01:45 PM
Post subject:
You should make the AV/Inj roll (and Apo roll if applicable) before continuing your move.
Doubleskulls - Apr 26, 2004 - 09:04 AM
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You should always make the AV & Injury roll before continuing to move as the block is not fully resolved until you do so.
mtn_bike - Apr 26, 2004 - 10:41 AM
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May also create a path that requires no dodging on further moves.
TiMuN - Apr 28, 2004 - 10:50 AM
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Yeah, that is litterally 'running through the orc lineman'
you block the player down, roll for armour, and continue your movement after the armour (and injury) roll is made ...
mosalva - May 03, 2004 - 10:07 AM
Post subject:

Yeah, that is litterally 'running through the orc lineman'
you block the player down, roll for armour, and continue your movement after the armour (and injury) roll is made ...

Vale moltes gracies! Very Happy
KarlLagerbottom - Jul 23, 2004 - 09:02 PM
Post subject:
Ok...So just to confirm. A player needs to make armor rolls before deciding to follow up?

From what Double Skulls Skull Skull stated below, it seems that the entire block needs to be resolved before a continuing movement/following-up can be done. The entire block includes the armor, injury, and I presume possible Apotocary rolls as well.

Is this correct?

I am assuming here that Blitz Movement and Stationary Block/Follow-up to be the same for this discussion.
Thanks. -Rob
Darkson - Jul 24, 2004 - 10:12 AM
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Correct. You need to resolve the whole block (pushbacks/av/inj/apo) before you can continue the move.
Mordredd - Jul 26, 2004 - 07:04 AM
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Well actually no, it's not entirely correct.

The sequence is:
1) move.
2) block.
3) pushback (or whatever other result is rolled).
4) follow up (if appropriate and/or desired).
5) scatter ball (if necessary).
6) roll armour/injury.
7) complete move.

It is clearly stated that you MUST decide whether to follow up BEFORE you roll for the armour.
Zombie - Jul 26, 2004 - 10:13 PM
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I'm not sure the order between 5 and 6 has ever been officially given.
Mordredd - Jul 27, 2004 - 04:43 AM
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      Zombie wrote:
I'm not sure the order between 5 and 6 has ever been officially given.

You may well be right. In my league we've always viewed it as you drop the ball when you fall over and you roll for armour after you fall over, hence point 5 is resolved before point 6.
mtn_bike - Jul 27, 2004 - 08:42 AM
Post subject:
      Mordredd wrote:
Well actually no, it's not entirely correct.

The sequence is:
1) move.
2) block.
3) pushback (or whatever other result is rolled).
4) follow up (if appropriate and/or desired).
5) scatter ball (if necessary).
6) roll armour/injury.
7) complete move.

It is clearly stated that you MUST decide whether to follow up BEFORE you roll for the armour.

In our league we play it 6 then 5. Because the ball can have a lot happen to it before it settles.
CoffinDodger - Jul 31, 2004 - 05:57 AM
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We usually do armour first too - for much the same reason. SOmetimes makes a difference if the ball bounces off players as it can end up back where it was dropped by a downed player - who might or might not be there due to injury / KO...
Spazzfist - Oct 02, 2004 - 09:34 AM
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Okay, now what if a ball is in a tackle zone? Can you blitz the guy first to remove the trackle zone (assuming that you are standing in the swaure with the ball? Or do you have to pick up the ball first (with the minus) and then resolve the blitz?

kwailung - Oct 02, 2004 - 10:05 AM
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If you're standing in the square with the ball, I think you have to pick it up first -- isn't it compulsory, like having to try and catch a ball that lands on your player?

Now, you could always try and blitz from the other side to remove the tackle zone on the ball, couldn't you?
Spazzfist - Oct 02, 2004 - 10:52 AM
Post subject:
      kwailung wrote:
If you're standing in the square with the ball, I think you have to pick it up first -- isn't it compulsory, like having to try and catch a ball that lands on your player?

Well that is my whole question! I thought I heard somewehere that you have the option to try and block first, but could not find it in the rules. (This is the problem of being an "old git" I have played so many editions of BB that sometimes I look for a rule that is from an older rulebook!) Razz

      kwailung wrote:
Now, you could always try and blitz from the other side to remove the tackle zone on the ball, couldn't you?

In a perfect world, kwailung, in a perfect world..... but sometimes you only have the one choice.

KarlLagerbottom - Oct 02, 2004 - 02:13 PM
Post subject:
Not that the JavaBowl is the end-all/be-all source of answers for rules questions,BUT...last night when I was playing a game, I did a blitz with a treeman..ran to the square with the ball, hoping the ball would squirt out, or at least that I'd be able to make the block first, and he automatically tried (and failed Rolling Eyes ) to pick up the ball. This caused a TO and he was unable to throw the block.

Now if the developer of that game put it the accurate ruling for this in his code...then maybe the first action that a player MUST take when entering a square with the ball is to make the PU attempt. (I believe that in LRB 3 all but the Fanatic can try to pick up the ball. In his case it would probably scatter.)

Does that make sense to anyone? Is that the way the "flow" of actions must be done?

Darkson - Oct 02, 2004 - 02:23 PM
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You must always try to pick up the ball if you enter the square where the ball is. So yeah, if you want to Blitz someone and have to g through the square with the ball, you must try to pick it up, and if you fail it's a TO.
kwailung - Oct 03, 2004 - 07:43 AM
Post subject:
What Darkson said. It's on p. 9 of LRB 3.0, for anyone who wants to look it up. First sentence under "Picking up the ball":

"If a player moves into a square in which the ball is lying, they must attempt to pick it up, and -- if they wish and are able -- carry on moving."
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