NAF World Headquarters

North America - hmm

Zinak - Sep 16, 2004 - 10:28 AM
Post subject: hmm
In the North American tounrie Circuit which tourney would be the dont miss event of the year. I mean if you could only goto one which would it be?

jaylazer - Sep 16, 2004 - 10:33 AM
Post subject:
As things are now, I think that the Gen Con tournament is the best. It has had over 50 people per year.

It also has all of the other events going on. So if you are into more than just BB, it's really nice.

Spike looks like it might be a really good time though. The rule set looks good and the turnout should be good.

I'll let you how it is next week.
Spazzfist - Sep 16, 2004 - 10:47 AM
Post subject:
Well that would have to be the Challenge of Q'ermitt! Very Happy

I mean, where else can you have the opportunity to play on nine specially constructed Blood Bowl boards? check out the forum page for web links and pictures! (Coming in March'05)
Zombie - Sep 16, 2004 - 10:57 AM
Post subject:
The Death Bowl, definitely.

GenCon, and anything else held at a con, would never get my vote, nor my presence.
Melifaxis - Sep 16, 2004 - 11:30 AM
Post subject:
I can endorse the TKC and the Deathbowl. The Brouhaha was good, but I have some work to do to live up to Brian and Jim's example.
Hoshi_Komi - Sep 16, 2004 - 01:07 PM
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I'd vote Deathbowl---6 games of blood bowL Smile with different types too!

TKC is good too down in florida.

I don't like the 4 game format of Gen Con---but it's getting to 5 this next year so It's definitely in top 3
CyberHare - Sep 20, 2004 - 02:34 PM
Post subject:
Thanks for the praise guy's. I aim to give everyone a good time and something unique.

As far as my picks go. I'll leave the Deathbowl off the list as I'm a little biased Smile . TKC in Florida was probably my favorite tournament this year. The Beantown tourney though small was probably second on my list this year for a good time had. What these two events have in common is the personal attention that the TO put into the event. They created an atmosphere unique to them. Personally I look for that more than the number of people at an event as numbers doesn't guaruntee a good time.

Gencon is a great event but also a double edged sword if you are a fan of gaming in general. There is just so much going on that a person who has never been there simply cannot imagine how big the event is. It's big! Having only 4 games at the Gencon bowl makes it a small event at a big venue. This is good for people who like to see gencon, bad for people who just want BB. Next year There will be 5 games. This will be good for those who like BB and not so good for those who have other things to see there. It's a tough call. For someone like me who loves and works hard for BB I want to spend as much time as I can with the event and the great guys who attend. I also have other gaming interest though that I like to persue at Gencon which often conflict with BB.
GalakStarscraper - Sep 20, 2004 - 06:00 PM
Post subject:
      Zombie wrote:
GenCon, and anything else held at a con, would never get my vote, nor my presence.
Is there grey in your version of Earth, Zombie ... Very Happy

Knowing Jim ... I'd have to list the TKC in Florida on this list. Everyone had a great time. Also knowing the amount of work that Brian put into the Deathbowl ... its a small but exciting tournament and highly recommended.

And yes, GenCon will move to a 5 game format next year to make it more of a BB tournament and less of a Con event.

So my top 3 from what I've seen would be TKC, DeathBowl, and GenCon.

jaylazer - Sep 21, 2004 - 08:15 AM
Post subject:
Let me restate myself a little here.

The one tournemant that I will go to every year is Gen Con. I do like the size of Gen Con and all of the other gaming things available at it. With the BB stuff only on 2 days of the 4, I can still do the hang out with BB guys and hit more of the generic Gen Con scene.

I do agree that the size of a tournament doesn't necessarily mean that it will be better.

Having been to both TKC and Spike, I can say that both of those tournaments are worth going to. I had a great time at both and they can really only get better as the years go on.

If you only play BB then Gen Con probably isn't the best for you. Even if you aren't distracted by the rest of the con, other players will be, so the hang out potential is lower. (However, I think the hang out time we had this year was awesome).
snew - Sep 21, 2004 - 08:33 AM
Post subject:
      jaylazer wrote:
(However, I think the hang out time we had this year was awesome).

Indeed it was Jay. That's why I go. I want to hang out with my friends and make new ones. We had a good crew this year and I hope that we have an even better one next year, with more people to hang out with. I'm a beer and eats kinda guy. I want to hit the bar and go out ot eat. GenCon is a distraction. I'm hoping to make a dedicated tourney, hopefully the TKC, to see how it compares.
AnthonyTBBF - Sep 21, 2004 - 12:29 PM
Post subject:
From my experience, they are all good. Just visit one close to you and you will have a great time!

One thing I am trying to stress is that running tournaments is not a competition... I don;t want people being put off running an event because they think they have to have a mini sculpted or build a giant stadium every time.
Grumbledook - Sep 21, 2004 - 12:54 PM
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go to the one that has an onsite bar
GalakStarscraper - Sep 21, 2004 - 03:07 PM
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      AnthonyTBBF wrote:
because they think they have to have a mini sculpted or build a giant stadium every time.
I tried to buy the MasterMaze stadium for GenCon but they wanted $5000 USD for it ... so I guess that's a plan on hold for now ... Laughing

But I understand what you are saying Anthony. I love going to the Underworld Cup. A nice tournament with a lot of guys I enjoy spending time with. We all go out together the night between days and discuss/argue/poke fun. That's what makes a great tournament.

I agree that GenCon is its own best friend and worst enemy. You get folks like CyberHare who play at GenCon because they are coming to GenCon anyway, and folks who find the Con a distraction. I hold the GenCon Bowl for four reasons. 1) They give me the space for free and handle all the administrative stuff for me for free. 2) I'm taking time off that week already 3) Someone's got to run a tournament at North America's largest gaming convention ... and 4) Its the best platform I've found to getting to meet my online friends face to face.

AnthonyTBBF - Sep 21, 2004 - 03:17 PM
Post subject:
I am gonna make it to GenCon one day!
Darkson - Sep 23, 2004 - 03:16 PM
Post subject:
Ditto (even if it's under Vault rules).

P.S. that was not a cheap pop at the Vault rules, but Galak knows what I think of them, and so how much I want to make a GenCon.
Clan_Skaven - Sep 23, 2004 - 05:08 PM
Post subject: ..
For me the fun after the BloodBowl event is the best part. So all the partying I did up at GenCon with OMM,Snots,Jay,Val ect ect... was a blast!

The beer fest after the Canadian Open & SPIKE were fun as well!

As far as the BB tournies themselves, well I kinda have a bias opinion on the SPIKE (winning isn't everything, but getting wins is fun Laughing )

SPIKE & cANADIAN were both a blast, GenCon was also fun (I don't buy into the whole distraction excuses!)Gen Con is a 4 day event. The BB was only 2 days (& part days at that) so there was plenty of time to look around the CON after & before (& if your quick inbetween the BB)

The only tourney I didn't think that was well organised was the 2003 Gamesday BB Tourney Held in Toronto in AUG 2003. (I had fun, but it did not seem to run smoothly.) I did get to meet Da Scum, BUD, Anthony, Brian St. James, Ian Dundas for the first time, so that was cool! But all in all, I'm not sure if I'll attend another Games Day tourney again. (unless It's been months since my last BB Tourney Laughing )
Zombie - Sep 23, 2004 - 05:46 PM
Post subject: Re: ..
      Clan-Skaven wrote:
GenCon was also fun (I don't buy into the whole distraction excuses!)Gen Con is a 4 day event. The BB was only 2 days (& part days at that) so there was plenty of time to look around the CON after & before (& if your quick inbetween the BB)

That's exactly the problem. For someone like me who has zero interest in looking at the other games, there is no advantage whatsoever in going to GenCon. But for a lot of people who are going there, Blood Bowl is secondary to the Con itself. If people do indeed visit the Con before, after and in between matches, that's less people to talk to and hang out with. You also get people quiting the tournament right in the middle, which really takes away from the enjoyment.
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