NAF World Headquarters

North America - AdeptiCup 2005!

ggiersch - Nov 06, 2004 - 06:26 AM
Post subject: AdeptiCup 2005!

snew - Nov 06, 2004 - 02:57 PM
Post subject:
Illinois is fast becoming the center of Blood Bowl in the US. I may need to move. Any jobs out there?
dvuckovich - Nov 10, 2004 - 11:03 AM
Post subject:
If you register by Nov 30th you can save $5 on the AdeptiCon Badge.....On December 1st, the AdeptiCon badge will be $20 and $10 for AdeptiCup.

Dean V.
Xtreme - Nov 10, 2004 - 08:35 PM
Post subject:
Saturday April 2, 2005
7PM ??? 2AM

Am I reading this right? A one day tournament starting at 7pm.
How many games will that be, 3?
Not trying to be negative but could possibly see myself making another trip to Chicago just looking for some details.
dvuckovich - Nov 10, 2004 - 10:19 PM
Post subject:
      Xtreme wrote:
Saturday April 2, 2005
7PM ??? 2AM

Am I reading this right? A one day tournament starting at 7pm.
How many games will that be, 3?
Not trying to be negative but could possibly see myself making another trip to Chicago just looking for some details.

You are correct, 7PM-2AM....3 Games.....

Its a jammed packed weekend of Warhammer Gaming.....

Dean V.
GalakStarscraper - Nov 10, 2004 - 10:38 PM
Post subject:
I'd come up but I'll be at Disney World.

Clan_Skaven - Nov 11, 2004 - 12:38 AM
Post subject:
I was considering going to this tourney, but a 3 game tourney does not seem worth a 10+ hour car ride. Confused

Sorry not trying to sound negative, as already stated by Xtreme.

I wish you lots of success & hope the tourney is a great time by all!

I do however have one question.

Do you think all 36 spots will be taken? I mean unless its mostly locals attending, I really can't see folks making the long haul for 3 games.

(I hope I'm not sounding like a rude bugger, that's not my intention at all.)

Like I stated hope things go great, I'll be curios to know how many do attend when all is said & done.

Just my 2 cents.
AnthonyTBBF - Nov 11, 2004 - 05:08 AM
Post subject:
Not all tournaments have to be grand affairs. I wish there were more small tournaments all over the country.
Clan_Skaven - Nov 11, 2004 - 06:20 AM
Post subject:
      AnthonyTBBF wrote:
Not all tournaments have to be grand affairs. I wish there were more small tournaments all over the country.

Ok point well taken, but I'd imagion that a small tourney like this would be a more local gathering of close proximity players. (I just can't see long distance journies for a 3 game tourney.)

Hey prove me wrong! (I hope I am wrong, I hope small tournies are successfull, if they are maybe I'll change my mind about attending one so far away)

Don't get me wrong I'd attend a 3 game tourney no problem if it were not to far to travle.

I'm not saying small tournies won't work. I'm just saying I don't think you would get many distant out of towners.

(I think I pretty much just repeated myself a bunch of times there. Well I need sleep ((12 hour midnight shifts not good))

AnthonyTBBF - Nov 11, 2004 - 07:31 AM
Post subject:
That's just it... who cares if there are out-of-towners.

There should be hundreds of small tournaments going on. The NAF isn't about big monthly tournaments that draw people from all over the world. Our members should be holding events in their own regions all the time.

We are sending the wrong message if we keep telling people that you need people to travel to your event in order for it to be successful.
Old_Man_Monkey - Nov 11, 2004 - 08:54 AM
Post subject:
I agree with Anthony 110% on this one - I've seen the issue as really being the next step for the NAF to take. I don't think we've sent the wrong message, we just haven't included this message or encouraged this process to date.

It's a completely natural result that coaches who become TOs will want as many people to attend as possible - we just need to help with the expectations of both TOs and attendees. If TOs are guilty of anything, we have been creating all these great prizes and collectibles and perhaps that's been too much the focus.

When the new NAF Tournament Director puts together the basic Tournament Kit which includes some NAF items, then the local, small tournament scene can be promoted and kicked into another gear. We just have to applaud the efforts of every coach that goes to a GenCon or RDV2, then goes home and puts on a tournament in the local gaming store.
dvuckovich - Nov 11, 2004 - 09:45 AM
Post subject:
AdeptiCon is one of the United States' largest Games Workshop Club-run events drawing people from all over the midwest for Warhammer 40K and Warhammer Fantasy Tournaments. There 40K Team Tournament attracts people from all over the US.

We just wanted to add a nice little tournament of BloodBowl for the folks to do at night after they finished up there Fantasy/40K Tournaments, sit down, relax and bash some heads.

Will we fill up 36 slots?.....probably not, but that space was available. If we fill up all 36 that would be great ....if we attract people from far away, that would be even better.....

There are also plenty of other events/seminars that are going on that weekend at AdeptiCon that may make your trip for morth while...

Friday Night:
[7PM - 2AM] AdeptiCon Warhammer 40K Gladiator Tournament
[7PM - 12AM] Epic Armageddon Mega Battle
[7PM - 2AM] Open Gaming
[7PM - 9PM] Sculpting Seminar with Joe Orteza
[9PM - 11PM] Tournament Army Painting Seminar with Dave Pauwels

[7AM - 10:30PM]Rogue Demon Painting Competition Entry Submission
[8AM - 9:30PM] AdeptiCon Warhammer 40K National Team Tournament
[9AM - 6PM] AdeptiCon Warhammer Fantasy Championships
[10AM - 12PM] Miniature Painting with Jen Haley
[2PM - 4PM] Miniature Painting with Jen Haley
[6PM - 8PM] Miniature Painting with Jen Haley
[7PM - 2AM] AdeptiCup 2005 Blood Bowl Tournament
[7PM - 11PM] Open Bitz Trading
[7PM - 11PM] Open Gaming
[10:30PM - 11PM] Team Tournament Awards Ceremony

[8AM - 3PM] AdeptiCon Warhammer 40K Championships
[8AM - 3PM] AdeptiCon Warhammer Fantasy Team Tournament
[8AM - 3PM] AdeptiCon Warhammer 40K Youngblood Championships
[10AM - 12PM] Tournament Army Painting Seminar with Dave Pauwels
[12PM - 2PM] Model Conversion and Sculpting with Joe Orteza
[3PM - 4PM] Games Workshop Pre-release and Q&A Session
[4PM - 4:30PM] AdeptiCon Awards Ceremony

Dean V.
Clan_Skaven - Nov 11, 2004 - 02:00 PM
Post subject:
Ok OMM & Anthony I see your points, & now understand better what you mean. I just hope you guys don't think I was being petty or inconcidarite to "the small tourney system". Maybe I was reading & possibly sending the wrong message.

Well, who knows maybe I'll host a small tourney someday, instead of trying to plan a large tourney like I've wanted to do.

Thanks for the insight & showing me the light!

Jonny_P - Nov 14, 2004 - 01:55 AM
Post subject:
I will be at the Adepticup, and you guys are proably right about it mostly being locals. The sponsors of Adepticon is Currently at about 550 members, mostly in Chicagoland. I mention that because we honestly have no idea if it will fill up or not. It's a good break from the Warhammer/40k tournament battles for some, and the main reason for going for some others. I think it will do well, but it may not have the experience of players from a Chaos Cup or a Gencon bowl but will surely be a great time. Especially playing some BB past midnight into the waking beer, need coffee!
Xtreme - Nov 14, 2004 - 06:16 PM
Post subject:
I may come up it will probably be a last minute thing though.
dvuckovich - Mar 16, 2005 - 07:57 AM
Post subject:
Just a reminder, less than a month away......There are 225 people already registered for AdeptiCon 2005. We are hoping to get more people for AdeptiCup....

AdeptiCon 2005 (April 1-3, 2005)

Chicago Marriott Schaumburg
50 N Martingale Road
Schaumburg, IL 60173

BloodBowl Tournament
Saturday April 2, 2005
7PM ??? 2AM

NAF Sanctioned
Open to NAF and non NAF members.

Available Spots: 36
Fee: AdeptiCon 2005 Entry Badge and $10 for ADEPTICUP Tournament

All the rules can be found at under Saturday Events.

dean v.
MightyZug - Mar 31, 2005 - 03:48 AM
Post subject:
Are there still spots open?
I'd like to play this weekend, I'd come down from Madison, WI.
dvuckovich - Mar 31, 2005 - 07:05 AM
Post subject:
Yes there are still spots available, online registration closes today at 5:00PM. You can register at

This is the biggest AdeptiCon to date....there are over 325 registered players for the entire weekend.....

Also, dont forget its time change this weekend.

dean v.
MightyZug - Apr 04, 2005 - 02:56 AM
Post subject:
It was fun playing the Dark Elves and Pro Elves, I now am afraid of humans...

I truly appreciate the opportunity to play Blood Bowl and want to thank Adepticon for having us.

I was disappointed that the Blood Bowl was relagated to what I will refer to as "timeslot of death." Starting after hours so to speak and competing with the bits exchange and general player downtime.

I think at times that Blood Bowl is scheduled after Fantasy or 40k because the thought is pervasive that Blood Bowl players are Fantasy or 40k players first. I would like this myth to be squashed, kinda like my Woodies were against the Humans.

Did any Blood Bowl coaches in the tournament play 40k or Fantasy? Rather, I believe many coaches actively AVOIDED the tournament because of the time slot and the fact that it seemed to be just a couple of games and not a full scale legitimate tourney.

I would like to see a two-day Blood Bowl tourny starting in the morning on both Sat. and Sun. In this format we would have played four games on Sat. and three Sun. Every coach would have played every other coach.

It was fun, but let's figure out how to make it great next year!
Jonny_P - Apr 05, 2005 - 11:33 AM
Post subject:
Hey Mightyzug, we had an awesome game (I had my darkside cowboys!)....I can't believe our two elf teams tied at 0-0!!! We suck! Smile
MightyZug - Apr 06, 2005 - 01:04 AM
Post subject: Game Report
Game One vs. Dark Elves:

"That witch elf is a Bit@#." This was absolutely one of the "most funner" games of Blood Bowl I've ever played. Two cocky teams full of phenomenal athletes, if not necessarily ballplayers, and we couldn't manage a freakin' score but still had a blast. Both coaches were gettin' nervous as Buggman's was runnin' a game special where fans could get a buy one get one free after TD #1, buy one get two free after TD #2, etc. (This seemed like a very transparant attempt to increase pitch invasions in an otherwise non-partisan tournament crowd). Well, as we were both unable to score the crowd was turning ugly. Fortunately the match was called long before regulation and both teams were able to egress before the fans could properly organize.

Overall there were some fantastic plays by both bunches o' elves but these teams showed that once again Blood Bowl is not played on paper, these players were just not ready for the Big Time. I would like to say that incredible defense dominated both sides of the pitch, but I think it would probably be more true to admit that the talant level of the elves in this years' tourny just wasn't what we've been used to. One Wood-Elf, Thorien L'Aastiq, has already had to move to a different part of the forest as the dryads, treeman, and other Woodelves were relentless in their criticism of his tripping over his own feet attempting to prance into the end zone...

Game 2 vs. "Pro Elves?":

Well, for starters the game was interesting in that it exposed some "liberties" shall we say that were made on my Head Coach's resume. He hadn't even ever HEARD OF the pro elf team and really didn't have a coherent game plan. I've received a lot of criticism around the forest for hiring a Gobbo' coach in the first place, and while I defend the initiial hiring I acknowledge my mistake and anyone can stop by to observe the litttle fella' (or pay their respects) as he's strung up on the main Oak.

This was a fantastic game that the Woodies were lucky to win. I do want to step on the soapbox for a minute and again defend the unorthodox hiring of the gobbo' as his quick decision, in the second half, to bribe the scoreboard operator thus ending regulation. Clearly there was a lot of time remaining, and this great bit o' coachin' secured the match. This kind of thinking outside the box was exactly what I was lookin' for when I made the hire. I kinda feel bad now that I lynched the little fella' but what the hell he was just a gobbo'.

Game 3 vs. Humans:

Again the greenskin really showed his mettle as he positioned the Wood Elves to recover from casualty after casualty. Playing short handed and gettin' the snotlings knocked out of us could have led to a blowout. The greatest compliment I can make the dead little fella' is that he kept us in the game and we certainly had our chances. We very easily could have tied this game or perhaps even won had the ballcarriers focused a bit more on fundamentals. Again, one of the things I was lookin' for in hiring a gobbo' coach is someone who wasn't going to tolerate the showboatin' with the ball, and needless acrobatics where a vanilla run it in TD can be had. The little guy kept what could have been a massacre from gettin' out of had, and we had our chances. I'm wishin' right now that I hadn't had so much fermented tree sap and off'd the little fella as in sober reflection he was a helluva coach, but whaddya gonna do...
Cervidal - Apr 06, 2005 - 07:46 AM
Post subject:
Yo MZ!

I'm glad I got to run into you again. Maybe I'll get my book back at some point, even.
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