NAF World Headquarters

Painting - How many folks use a pro-painted team?

Esrik - Feb 01, 2005 - 04:45 PM
Post subject: How many folks use a pro-painted team?
I'm seeing various sites offering to paint models, but not too many showing bloodbowl figures. Guess I must be looking at the wrong sites!

Still, my question is, how many people here paint their own teams, or get someone else to paint it?
Doubleskulls - Feb 01, 2005 - 10:58 PM
Post subject:
I've got 2 pro painted teams (Orcs & Amazons) and another on the way (goblins).

Have a look on TalkBloodBowl as a few guys have advertised there in the past.
McDeth - Feb 02, 2005 - 07:53 AM
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Always paint my own

Melifaxis - Feb 02, 2005 - 08:04 AM
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Voted "Yes, always".

I do have some star players that I have hired folks to paint, and I do have a Legacy Team, but I enjoy painting so even though I'm only decent it's the way I choose to go.

That being said if I hit the lotto or get a big raise I may just get a pro painted team at some point just to have one. You can learn a lot looking at figures up close that were painted by people with that kind of talent. That's one of the coolest things about the Legacy Team. So many different talented folks' work to examine.
Esrik - Feb 02, 2005 - 08:12 AM
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And I can see why McDeth.
Norse - Feb 02, 2005 - 08:19 AM
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I have painted all my own teams and quite a few for others as well...

but before you ask, I have quit pro-painting so I have more time to work on my own projects... try Firebreather if you want a reliable pro-painter who knows BB

yes Rob, I know I still owe you a paint-job on a Rat Ogre.. Rolling Eyes

maybe next year? Laughing Wink
Esrik - Feb 02, 2005 - 08:27 AM
Post subject:
I forgot to add my own comment: I definatly paint all my own teams. For one thing I take pride in my painting; it's good practice for when I'm painting for other people; the satisfaction of seeing your newly painted team win it's first game makes all the time worthwhile!
Shadewe - Feb 02, 2005 - 10:42 AM
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oops I mis-voted. I paint all my miniatures. I feel better if I do my own work. I have currently 5 teams painted and working on my 6th team.
Darkson - Feb 02, 2005 - 12:23 PM
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I've painted a team, and I own a team painted by a mate, but I wouldn't call them "pro-painted" (they were done quickly for our home league, not for wider viewing).
KarlLagerbottom - Feb 02, 2005 - 03:32 PM
Post subject:
I have a strange twist to add to this discussion. I have a Pro Painted Goblin team that I intend to take on the tourney circuit. I paid a nice price for these because I think they are great. NOW...I am concerned with having the minis damaged during the tournies. (Sort of begs the question of why I would bother to pay for a team that I am afraid to play with, but that is for a different thread. Smile)

Anyway...I guess the question is...if you played an opponent that used a pro painted team, would you be insulted if they aksed that only they handle their models?

Just want to see if this will irk any of my opponents down the line. Neutral


P.S. I play with a mix of teams painted by friends, pros, and me. The difference is obvious once you get a look at the models. Smile
Esrik - Feb 02, 2005 - 04:08 PM
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Good question Karl. It'd slow the game down slightly with the push-back placements, but I'd be fine with that.
Doubleskulls - Feb 02, 2005 - 05:14 PM
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TBH I think that's unnecessary paranioa. A good coat of varnish and you'll be fine.
KarlLagerbottom - Feb 02, 2005 - 07:51 PM
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TBH...thats what I thought at first...but then I used one of my trolls as a proxy for a Ork Warboss in a game of 40K. He was knocked over once by my opponent and was nicked in a couple of spots.

So as you can see accidents do happen, and if they do happen while I am handling the models...I have no one to blame but myself.


P.S. So Ian, the question that something that you would be bothered by if your opponent asked to handle his own models?
Doubleskulls - Feb 02, 2005 - 07:55 PM
Post subject:
      KarlLagerbottom wrote:
P.S. So Ian, the question that something that you would be bothered by if your opponent asked to handle his own models?

People are adults. Normally they'll handle your minis with the care & respect you'd expect. Sometimes accidents happen. If they do then don't take it as a deliberate slight.

So I guess I'd consider it a bit anally retentive and I'd put it down in the "I won't share my dice" category. Rolling Eyes

If you are that bothered about your minis getting damaged then leave them in the display case/storage.
Xtreme - Feb 02, 2005 - 08:11 PM
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I wouldn't mind though you may have to remind me a few times, habits are hard to break.

If I could afford a pro painted team I may consder getting one, but I have so many ideas of my own that I want to get done i'd rather show off my own work.
Graf_Arnhelm - Feb 02, 2005 - 11:59 PM
Post subject:
I always paint my figs myself, but money provided, I might have a copy of my first team painted by a pro.

IMO, pro painted teams have anther purpose than the ones you paint yourselves: the first are to display, the latter to play with.

As to an opponent asking to handle his figs himself: that's paranoia and poor confidence in the other player!
Such a player probably knows what is likely to happen to a BB fig (hence his reaction), but then he shouldn't take them to a game in the first place!

I would give such a player low grades for Sportsmanship in a tourney.
Indigo - Feb 03, 2005 - 03:34 AM
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I'd only pay someone to paint my minis if I became really sick of the ever growing pile of unpainted minis Smile

I quite like the idea of at least having the chance of winning a painting prize if I go to a tourney. Provided Del isn't there Wink
KarlLagerbottom - Feb 03, 2005 - 06:44 AM
Post subject:
Ok...then perhaps I should tweak my stance. Given that all NAF sanctioned events are "open" to folks of all ages, etc. perhaps I would say to my younger opponents that only I can handle my models. (However, this might be seen as age discrimination.)

For my first tournament...I had an opponent that was a 13 year-old girl. (The daughter of one of the other tournament attendees.) When I injured one of her skinks because of a block she picked up my mini and dropped it from about a foot off of the table to the table surface. While my mind was trying to wrap itself around this...she did it again. (The additional bit of comedy here is that she did this while we played right next to her father...who said nothing.)

Whatever...I guess I will have to leave these guys at home. The ironic part is that I bought these boys to play with. Smile

Thanks guys for your candor in answering my question. And please know that you can use my dice anytime. (Assuming we are on the same continent at the same tourney. Smile )

Grasshopper - Feb 03, 2005 - 08:12 AM
Post subject:
1. Yes I paint all my figs. Painting was the main part of the Hobby for me for years. I hadn't played a game (Necromunda) since 91 until our recent Blood Bowl league started up. So 90% of the fun for me is at eh end of a loaded brush.
2. The definition of Pro Painted is way too broad - Just look at e-bay. Smile
3. I don't blame folks who are 'noid about they're nice minis... I mean they've put alo of time into them. And Stuff happens, at the Beantown Brouhaha I was looking at a new freshly finished Mordor Troll... being real careful... some kid comes in *bump*... Troll falls *BANG* arms go flying off. I thought the staff was gonna rip my arms off, but they were surprisingly cool about it.
Grasshopper - Feb 03, 2005 - 08:27 AM
Post subject:
      KarlLagerbottom wrote:
When I injured one of her skinks because of a block she picked up my mini and dropped it from about a foot off of the table to the table surface. While my mind was trying to wrap itself around this...she did it again. (The additional bit of comedy here is that she did this while we played right next to her father...who said nothing.)


Shocked WHAT!!!! Shocked you injured her Skink and she tossed your fig around? I think I know who you're talking about, and age or no, I would let her have it. If it is who I'm thinking about, she didn't seem too into the game, and def not as insanely into the mini's as the rest of us.
Spazzfist - Feb 03, 2005 - 09:42 AM
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Yeah, when I read it, I misread and thought that she was dropping her skink! I thought, oh well, whatever. But if she did thatto one of my figsI would have a fit!
KarlLagerbottom - Feb 03, 2005 - 10:03 AM
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Yep...I was going to blow it off after the first time because it was game 3 of the first day, and she had lost three times pretty convincingly. She actually was not acting her age for most of the day, but I think the loses maybe made her attention span and crankiness level a little less than optimal. (I was actually a bit more bothered by the dad who did not correct her for this...but whatever.)

She was better the next day, and when I played her dad she actually commented to her dad that I was a good sport and that she enjoyed playing me. (Water under the bridge.) BUT...If I would have been playing with a pricey Pro-Painted level team and she had done this...lets just say I would have been a little bit more unhappy...and possibly had a screwed up model on my hands.)

I can only imagine what some of my opponents will want to do to these guys aftre the gobbos start applying the boot to their stars. Orc


EDIT: I only beat her 1-0. Embarassed She kept it close up until that point and I then was in "Lets get this game over before she does some real damage" mode. Smile
SBG - Feb 03, 2005 - 11:59 AM
Post subject:
I have one team fully painted and "tournament-ready", so I play them! I'd really like to have more time and paint more, but hey! That's life! And I'm having a craving for painting D&D minis nowadays, with the new quest and all (insert D&D geak joke here!!).

@Karl (Rob): I would have been so bad if someone would purposedly toss my minis! At the Death Bowl, I was playing against skaven (Clan-Skaven I think: all 2nd edition Skaven, wonderfully painted) and I accidentally slapped one of his lineman that went flying, like 20 feet! I felt SOOOOOOOOOOOO bad! I mean, the next day I was still excusing myself. If I remmeber correctly, the fig wasn't in a bad shape though, afterward.

To answer your question: I wouldn't mind another player asking me not to touch his minis. I'd ask him not to Block mine in return ! Wink

Spazzfist - Feb 03, 2005 - 12:28 PM
Post subject:
      SBG wrote:
(Clan-Skaven I think: all 2nd edition Skaven, wonderfully painted)

Wonderfully painted? Couldn't have been clan-skaven! Laughing
Esrik - Feb 03, 2005 - 12:35 PM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
      SBG wrote:
(Clan-Skaven I think: all 2nd edition Skaven, wonderfully painted)

Wonderfully painted? Couldn't have been clan-skaven! Laughing

Ethrylain - Feb 03, 2005 - 02:00 PM
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I paint all my miniaturs myself, the only problem is that the miniatures come in faster then I get them painted
Esrik - Feb 03, 2005 - 02:21 PM
Post subject:
      Ethrylain wrote:
I paint all my miniaturs myself, the only problem is that the miniatures come in faster then I get them painted

Ahh, the gamers curse! That's a whole other topic in itself! [Smile]
Doubleskulls - Feb 03, 2005 - 03:15 PM
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The only reason I have any pro painted teams is that I'm a rubbish painter and some tournaments have inclusive painting scores...
biggy - Feb 03, 2005 - 11:32 PM
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Dropping a figure is nothing. I actually had some loser tip over a table full on minis when he lost a rules decision at a Warhammer tournament. Talk about a D*#khead. At the time I was pretty young and quite frankly gobsmacked that anyone would do that so I just started quietly picking up my minis and inspecting damage. Guess what he got for sportsmanship??
Xtreme - Feb 04, 2005 - 12:00 AM
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Guess what he got for sportsmanship??

A kick in the groin?
McDeth - Feb 04, 2005 - 03:25 AM
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I dont mind anyone handling my figures, its all part of the game, although i object if his player actually physically blocks one of mine Laughing

as for dropping a fig from a great height?? I'm not sure what i've have said Embarassed
juck101 - Feb 04, 2005 - 11:52 AM
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i would find i take pride in a team i have painted. if they aint in a juck paint job then they often play worse than unpainted figs (could just be paranoid)

Painting is a bit like food presentation - often not needed but well worth the effort. It would suck if someone complamented my team and i did not paint them
Apedog - Feb 04, 2005 - 12:00 PM
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I went for 'I started painting a team about half a year ago....' as i'm slow and never seem to find the time to paint my teams, but I wouldn't get someone else to paint them for me. Eventually I plan to have my teams painted, it's good to have goals Wink
Grasshopper - Feb 07, 2005 - 01:39 PM
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I'm having a memory...
RE: Handling & Physically Blocking Figs...
let me preface this by saying you'll only truly appreciate it if you've ever put together the Khemri team yourself, or watched someone doing it.

I was the Khemri playing at Meifaxis' place when his lil' snotling comes up to the table. "Bwudbowl bwudbowl" cute as hell... picks up one of my mummies, "ooohhh" Then makes like Collossus and serves up a fastball special right at the pitch. Flying Mummy Vs. Skeletons... Pow Pow Pow ...Mummy wins, and skeletons (only 2) shatter. This particular instance was so funny (and he's such a cute kid) that I couldn't get upset. Definitely a future blood bowl fanatic. He now calls me the Bwud Bowl Guy... how can you get mad at that. Smile
Melifaxis - Feb 07, 2005 - 02:16 PM
Post subject:
Mr. Green
Norse - Feb 09, 2005 - 02:42 AM
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well, I'm pretty defensive of my models and also don't like them being handled by others, especially if they are eating, smoking or I know them to take a piss without washing their hands afterwards.. Evil or Very Mad

sorry, I don't care who I offend, but I don't like having someone touch something I took multiple hours to get right.. I was beginning to calm down on this until last week where a guy snapped a spear tip off a converted Ogre and looked at me as if it was my fault for converting it in the first place... Evil or Very Mad stupid b'stard! Orc

also, while we are on the subject, I don't like kids, I don't think they are cute and I don't want them near me or my models... I am always surprised to hear that some of the people attending tourneys in the US are younger than 16... I can only think of one guy in Europe who attends tourneys who is under 24.. Shocked

anyway, before OMM retracts that place at TKC2 I'd better stop ranting... Embarassed Laughing
Djengis_kahn - Feb 14, 2005 - 01:05 AM
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I can only think of one guy in Europe who attends tourneys who is under 24..

that'll be me... ( I think..)
I'm 17 years old and quite care about my minis ! if someone would even dare to throw any of my gobos through the hall I'm not responsible for my actions ! I would be very very very mad !!
and I'm also alwayscareful with other models, only once I've asked a guy to be more careful with my minis ( it was on my skavens) he was losing and had quite some bad luck and then when he finaly got the gutter down he almost threw him of the table with his "real life block" on the gutterrunner...

I don't like the idea of younger guys not tuching your minis but I can understand if most of them realy are like that..

Djengis_kahn - Feb 14, 2005 - 07:46 AM
Post subject:
o yeah.. and I paint my own teams.. (if you didn't understand that allready..)
Don't see the point of buying a painted team unless you don't like painting yourself or just can't.
when you buy a team to just use for display is just waste of money and takes up space from my room which isn't big anyway..

hoomin_erra - Feb 14, 2005 - 08:16 AM
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Joy, i've heard you paint norse's teams for him as well, seeing as he can't paint for sh1t Wink
Grasshopper - Feb 14, 2005 - 09:37 AM
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      Norse wrote:

also, while we are on the subject, I don't like kids, I don't think they are cute and I don't want them near me or my models...

Well then, that settles it. NORSE is gonna be SANTA at the next NAF X-Mas Party!!!! Smile
Gertwise - Feb 14, 2005 - 06:15 PM
Post subject:
Where's the option of my wife paints them for me? I'm a horrible painter, but I sure like playing. She's a horrible player, but she sure likes painting (and is pretty good at it). And as an added bonus, she doesn't charge me very much.

That's my vote.
Esrik - Feb 14, 2005 - 06:37 PM
Post subject:
LOL, I apologise Gertwise, I did leave out that most vital member of the hobby team, the long suffering partner. Mine deals with my website issues, I deal with painting for my client issues. It's a happy compromise Smile
Norse - Feb 16, 2005 - 01:55 AM
Post subject:
      Grasshopper wrote:
      Norse wrote:

also, while we are on the subject, I don't like kids, I don't think they are cute and I don't want them near me or my models...

Well then, that settles it. NORSE is gonna be SANTA at the next NAF X-Mas Party!!!! Smile

Bah Humbug... Wink

actually, I wouldn't mind playing Santa as long as there were lots of Ho's.. Laughing
hoomin_erra - Feb 16, 2005 - 02:15 AM
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Only 3 mate!! Rolling Eyes
Norse - Feb 16, 2005 - 02:50 AM
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Probably 2 more than I could use anyway.. Embarassed Laughing
Indigo - Feb 16, 2005 - 05:03 AM
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I'm sure I could always take a couple off your hands Wink

I'm considering getting others to paint up some of my backlog, provided I can get the cash for it. Most of the time it'll be for teams I'll use only rarely and to complete the collection. What's the point of having a big box of unpainted lead you'll never use when you can get someone else to do a half decent job on it and give you the option of playing with it?
Firebreather - Feb 17, 2005 - 09:06 AM
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Hi Esrik, or should i say Andy how`s the US treating you?
Right thats the niceties out the way now bog off this is my patch Evil or Very Mad Wink
Grasshopper - Feb 18, 2005 - 10:26 AM
Post subject:
      Norse wrote:
      Grasshopper wrote:
      Norse wrote:

also, while we are on the subject, I don't like kids, I don't think they are cute and I don't want them near me or my models...

Well then, that settles it. NORSE is gonna be SANTA at the next NAF X-Mas Party!!!! Smile

Bah Humbug... Wink

actually, I wouldn't mind playing Santa as long as there were lots of Ho's.. Laughing

Picture if you will... VAIL in late December... you've jsut left the cheap bar where it's $2 for all the keg you can drink... and you get to one of the "Village Bars" in the middle of all the apres-ski drunken-ness, and happen upon... PIMP & HO night... and the 3 gorgeous bartenders are nametagged... HO, HO HO, & HO HO HO. I tell you... it was magical Mr. Green
Norse - Feb 21, 2005 - 06:13 AM
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wow, is that avatar authorised? Shocked Laughing
Oddbourne - Apr 11, 2005 - 03:25 AM
Post subject:
      Norse wrote:
well, I'm pretty defensive of my models and also don't like them being handled by others, especially if they are eating, smoking or I know them to take a piss without washing their hands afterwards.. Evil or Very Mad

I Agree.. Smile Exept for the smoking part Neutral (I too suffer the WAY too common legal drug addiction, so I can relate!!) Crying or Very sad
My friends roll their eyes, but what do I care.. wash up!! Wink
-DM- - Apr 28, 2005 - 10:03 PM
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I always paint my own models. I've been painting on and off for over 10 years and I've got enough ability to make a decent looking team....
MrNuffle - Apr 30, 2005 - 04:15 AM
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There always were a certain amount of pride in not using a team painted by someone else.

I suffer from the same problem most do.

I have ALOT of mini's and only a small percentage is painted.

The Darkelf team I will use at the Albion will be my second fully painted team. The first was the very first team i owned(also DE) and they were painted with a left hand using only red white and black.

Same with my WH army
Kyrie - Apr 30, 2005 - 05:18 PM
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I started to paint my WE team for Barnabowl I (June 2003), nowadays they're uncomplete, and will be forever.
Traveller - May 10, 2005 - 02:46 AM
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well, I'm pretty defensive of my models and also don't like them being handled by others,

... at the most tournaments the opposite coach asked me to lay down my own player when he stunned one. Smile Well, when a spike will break by accident and its quite easy to reclue, no prob. It can happen. But if someone kicks my minis with his minis around ( a kind of roleplayer at the pitch ? Wink ) i will tell him quite clear, what i think about it... Twisted Evil

The original question of the post about painting my own teams i dont have to answer, do i ? Wink

Dysartes - May 10, 2005 - 04:56 AM
Post subject:
I went with the "I started painting a team about half a year ago...." option, mainly because I need to strip the sort-of-started effort on my Dwarfs and start again.

Fortunately, the paint-stripping-medium should be with me next week Smile
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