NAF World Headquarters

North America - Alberta Open, Sept. 3,4; Red Deer

Colin - Feb 24, 2005 - 11:11 PM
Post subject: Alberta Open, Sept. 3,4; Red Deer
The Alberta Open Blood Bowl Championship will be held on the Labour Day weekend (Sept. 3 and 4, 2005) at the Bunker, home of the G.R.O.T.S. gaming club, in the Compusoft Rogue Trader store, 2076A - 50 Ave, in Red Deer, Alberta, Canada.
Admission will be CDN$30.00, $25.00 for G.R.O.T.S. club members and NAF members.

The format will be a 5 round Swiss-style tournament with TR100 teams using the latest ruleset (LRB 4.0), no star players except for Goblin teams. Strict 2 hour timelimit for each round (4 minute turn rule will not be inforced). Teams reset after each round and players may add one regular skill choice to one different player at the end of each round. Max of 50 coaches. Prizes will be awarded for Most TDs, Most CAS, Best Painted Team, as well as for 1st and 2nd place. Special Nuffle Sucks awards for perons finishing last as well as Most CAS suffered. Special Triple Skulls award to anyone who is unfortunate enough to roll triple skulls during the tournament (if more than one, tie break goes to one who rolled first, exception will be for person who rolls triple skulls and rerolls triple skulls, they automatically win the award) Wink
Schedule as follows;

Sat Sept 3, 2005
9:00-10:00am Registration
10:00-12:00noon Round One
12:00-1:30pm Lunch Break
1:30-3:30 Round Two
3:30-4:00 Break
4:00-6:00 Round Three

Sun Sept. 4
10:00-12:00noon Round Four
12:30-2:00 Lunch Break
2:00-4:00 Final round
4:00-4:30 Break
4:30-5:30 Awards ceremony
2:30-3:00 Break
3:00-5:00 Round Three

More info to follow shortly.

Edit: The full rules are up on the website as well as a registration form you can print off and send in. Check out the website,
Tojurub - Feb 25, 2005 - 01:26 AM
Post subject:
why am I not surprised to see a whole bunch of NBA spirit in your tourney. I'd love to go, but being realistic enough to know that I probably can't.
Spazzfist - Feb 25, 2005 - 05:42 AM
Post subject:

I will giv this one some srious consideration. I have a lot of friends in Edmonton that I have not seen for some time, and would love the excuse!

Colin - Feb 25, 2005 - 04:14 PM
Post subject:
Would love to see you come, would then have to give out a most travelled award.
Da_Scum - Apr 13, 2005 - 09:54 AM
Post subject:
      Torg wrote:
Would love to see you come, would then have to give out a most travelled award.

I'm also tempted to go not just for loving alberta but it's a chance to spite Spazzfist of another award! Laughing

Clarification on the teams, especially the Star Players, you mean I can bring whirling death and other things to go dramatically wrong? And I can decide to blow the budget on Morg and have like only five players for hoots? Rolling Eyes

Details man! If I'm going to go down in flames (like calgary does on a regular basis) then I need to know these things to prepare the proper figures! (Like smoking crater, etc.) Orc
Melifaxis - Apr 13, 2005 - 10:09 AM
Post subject:
I would propose the following change:

Sat Sept 3, 2005
9:00-10:00am Registration
10:00-12:00noon Round One
12:00-12:30 Curse Nuffle for Your Round One Performance
12:30-1:30pm Lunch Break
1:30-3:30 Round Two
3:30-4:00 Curse Nuffle for Your Round Two Performance
4:00-6:00 Round Three
6:00-2:00am 12:00-12:30 Curse Nuffle for Your Day One Performance

Sun Sept. 4
10:00-12:00noon Round Four
12:00-12:30 Curse Nuffle for Your Round Four Performance
12:30-2:00 Lunch Break
2:00-4:00 Final round
4:00-4:30 Curse Nuffle for your Tournament Performance
4:30-5:30 Awards ceremony
5:30-12:00am Curse Nuffle for Fun
Colin - Apr 13, 2005 - 04:28 PM
Post subject:
I'll be getting a complete rules set put up (hopefully by this weekend, but as it's not my site, I have to rely on the owner to put the stuff up for me). To clarify, NO star players allowed, the only exception is the secret weapon weilding SPs for the gobbo team, but they will cost the full amount (not the freebooted amount) and as they are SPs they can't receive any skill after each round.
Also as stated on TBB, there will be no team wizards, exception is the Halfing team that can buy a Chef for 150K plus any extra ingrediants (which must be bought when the Chef is bought during team creation and can't buy any more during the tourney).

Hope that answers some of your questions. Like I said, I'll try to get a full rules set put up on the website explaining everything, including all the other stuff, like painting, sportsmanship, etc. I will also try to get a registration form put up that can be printed off and sent in.

BTW, GW and are supplying some of the prizes, I'm waiting to hear back from some other companies, but still the prizes should be good. There may be a limited edition fig given away to those who complete all their games as well, this will be done in conjunction with another tourney (in Europe), but still in the planning stages, so nothing definate, but it's possible.
Colin - Apr 16, 2005 - 11:47 PM
Post subject:
Just to update this, I have heard back from Shadowforge and Hasslefree minatures and they will both be supplying prizes as well for this tourney.
Full rules document and registration form should be up on the site hopefully within the week (('m hoping), before the end of the month anyway
(but that's not certain as I have to rely on someone else to put it up on the website so if anyone wants me to send them a copy of the full rules, just email me). Wink
Colin - Apr 20, 2005 - 04:04 PM
Post subject:
In case you missed the Edit in the top post here's the website to go to and get the full rules and registration form that you can print off and send in. Remember, as there is only room for 32 coaches, all coaches must pre-register.

Just click on the BB tourney banner and it will take you to the tourney rules. Wink
Colin - May 05, 2005 - 03:23 PM
Post subject:
Just an update, the prizes from GW arrived today and I was a little surprised as one of the things send was a very rare limited edition GW mini (and I'm NOT talking Rez GR here).

There will be other limited edition minis offered as prizes, but this rare GW mini will only be for the winner of the tourney (along with trophy, plaque, or whatever).
So go to the website and print off the registration form and send it in (along with your registration fee) to get the chance to play for this rare mini.
Colin - Jun 09, 2005 - 04:28 PM
Post subject:
I will make the same offer here as I did on TBB, just in case some people missed it. Anyone who is out of province and is considering coming but worried about the expenses (like Spazz Wink ), I will let them crash on my couch for that weekend to save hotel costs (though you are still resposible for your own food), all you have to do is pre-register for the tourney (so I know you're serious about coming) and contact me to tell me your interested in the offer (first come first served).
Colin - Jul 25, 2005 - 08:51 PM
Post subject:
Just an update on the prizes, along with the stuff from GW, Hasslefree and Shadowforge have sent some really cool stuff this week and I'll be picking up some limited edition minis from CyberHare at GenCon (probably will also pick up a signed copy of the BB novel for a prize as well).
So lots of great prizes, don't wait to regisiter.
Colin - Aug 13, 2005 - 12:27 PM
Post subject:
There will probably be a third game added on Sunday (played from 4-6) and if you let me know ahead of time that you will be definately coming, I can waive the pre-registration requirement (you can pay when you get here).
Colin - Aug 27, 2005 - 08:27 AM
Post subject:
Hey guys, only one week left until the tourney in Red Deer. It's on the Labour Day weekend so you all should have time off. Red Deer is easy to get to, just fly into Calgary or Edmonton and Red Deer is right in betweent he two (about an hour and a half drive either way).
This is an NAF sanctioned tourney so come and get those rankings up. It will be a lot of fun and there will be lots of prizes, plus you get to meet me (that should be worth the trip). Wink It's not too late, so come on down.
Da_Scum - Aug 27, 2005 - 08:40 AM
Post subject:
And Torg hasn't mentioned the added bonus of the free squigs!

...yes a certain imfamous Goblin team has decided to show up and make an appearance, besides it was all the TBBF had available to send. (Or so they told me...Twist has to get his nails done, Ben is getting a perm, you know how Toronto people are... )
Colin - Aug 27, 2005 - 02:22 PM
Post subject:
Ben was just afraid after he saw my awesome showing in the GenCon tourney (well I did beat up on that 9yr old pretty good, yeah, I'm a meany)
Colin - Sep 03, 2005 - 08:15 PM
Post subject:
Well, it's over. We needed 16 players to show up to do a two day evernt as the store the gaming club uses normally is closed on Sunday and needed enough people to afford to keep it open the second day. Unfortunately only 6 people showed up, so the even was only one day with 4 games played. Those that showed up had fun, but there was only one NAF vs NAF member game, Da Scum # 113 vs Balbaroy # 520 (Balbaroy claims he renewed his membership in July but never received his membership packet). Anyway, don't know if it's even worth reporting this match, such a small event, probably not even worth it. BTW, Da Scum's Gobbos lost to Balbaroy's Elves 2-1.
Colin - Sep 04, 2005 - 09:27 AM
Post subject:
Not that there's too many (if any) people interested but here's a run down of the tourney;

First Place - Toby Powers of Red Deer 3-1-0 40pts Best Painted Team
2nd place - Carson ? of Red Deer 2-1-1 34 pts
3rd place - Sean Conrad of Edmonton 2-1-1 31 pts Most Sporting Player
4th place - David Sutton of Edmonton 2-2-0 28 pts
5th place - Grant Dyck of Red Deer 0-3-1 23 pts
6th place - Anthony Klym of Red Deer 1-2-1 17 pts

The points system seems to have worked well with only difference between win loss tie record and points was between the last 2 finishers due to higher pointing points (Grant came in second in voting for Best Painted team).
Melifaxis - Sep 04, 2005 - 09:59 AM
Post subject:
The first year is always the hardest. Definitely report the match Very Happy
Colin - Sep 04, 2005 - 10:04 AM
Post subject:
Well as I'm not really sure on how to go about doing that, I doubt it will get done.
Colin - Sep 05, 2005 - 08:05 AM
Post subject:
Hey, someone can unsticky this now as it's done.
Melifaxis - Sep 05, 2005 - 04:53 PM
Post subject:
I can help you out with that. Smile

Click on the Tourneys icon and then Show past tournaments.

Next, Report Results

Then just follow the instructions from there. If you have any trouble just ask Very Happy
Paul - Sep 05, 2005 - 05:36 PM
Post subject:
Hey Torg,

sounds like it was fun, even if it was small. Keep the tourney going though, I've got family out in Edmonton, and it would be a nice excuse to go visit them if I can play in the Alberta open while there. I can't guarantee next year, but maybe the year after that.

I know what its like to promote the game in a small market (ie not Toronto/Montreal) I ran a league in Nova Scotia for years and I hope to one day return to have a Nova Scotia open some time.
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