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Strategy and Tactics - Nurgle Update

CoachGrodd - Mar 11, 2003 - 10:48 PM
Post subject: Nurgle Update
Somebody asked me to keep them updated on how my Nurgle team was doing, since they weren't sure how a team that was that expensive with no apothecary would do. So, I finally got to play my second game with them tonight, and it could have gone better.

I was playing a rookie orc team with my nurgle's, who are basically still rookies as well (no skill rolls yet, curses!) I managed to stall out his offense in the first half and force a turnover and camp on the ball to stop him from scoring. Second half he kicked to me, I barely get a drive started before a lot of my team gets beat up by orcs. He ends up winning the game 0-2. I was hurt by injuries in this game, thankfully only picked up BH's on three casualties, though, so I'll be back to full strength for the team's third game. Unfortunately, the MVP went to a player who was BH'd all game, so I still don't have any skills!!!!!

So far, I can do defense just about as well as anybody. Between the strength, horns, and foul appearance making the passing game extremely difficult, I've got defense covered. But I still can't get an offense going to save my life. Some help would be greatly appreciated.
Fondu77 - Mar 12, 2003 - 03:44 AM
Post subject:
so you play nurgle but u can't attack....

Question :
is this really usefull to play the ball....?
skummy - Mar 12, 2003 - 07:38 AM
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Have you seen the updated Nurgle's Rotters, with the changed beast and Regenerating Chaos Warriors?
Fondu77 - Mar 12, 2003 - 08:07 AM
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there is already an updated team....
Indigo - Mar 12, 2003 - 08:30 AM
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I advise giving sure hands to a few beastmen, or big hand if you roll a double. As you say, it sounds like defence is OK, provided you defend in depth to make up for your poor movement. With an Ogre on your front line you then have an impressive 4-4-5-4-4 LOS! Alternatively, and I have no shame in admitting I copied this setup from AnthonyTBBF, once you have an Ogre you can field all your ST4/5 players across the pitch ensuring all tacklezones are covered, for example


This basically means line your strong players up, covering all tacklezones, the place a beastman behind each one. The final beastman defends deep in your own half. Although by no means impenetrable, it can be tricky to break down. Beware the refused flank approach, which could leave one wing out in the cold when everyone is going down the opposite flank.
skummy - Mar 12, 2003 - 08:38 AM
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Sorry, should have provided the link:
Fondu77 - Mar 12, 2003 - 08:47 AM
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Deathwing - Mar 12, 2003 - 11:03 AM
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      Indigo wrote:
Alternatively, and I have no shame in admitting I copied this setup from AnthonyTBBF....


..... it can be tricky to break down.

Shocked No wonder you guys finished where you did!! Razz
CoachGrodd - Mar 12, 2003 - 01:57 PM
Post subject:
Hmm, so the rotter loses one point of movement and dex, and gains regen? I'll be excited if and when they ever get SI'd. I was trying to save up for the uber broken big guy, so I don't think i'll be picking up an ogre any time soon. I'm thinking things will get better once i've picked up some skills.

For the record, we started with 1.1 mil, so my roster as of now is
9 Beastman
3 Rotter
3 Re-Roll
9 FF (went up after game 1)

What do people who run chaos teams usually do for their offense? That's where I need the most help.
Melifaxis - Mar 12, 2003 - 03:34 PM
Post subject:
      CoachGrodd wrote:
Hmm, so the rotter loses one point of movement and dex, and gains regen? I'll be excited if and when they ever get SI'd. I was trying to save up for the uber broken big guy, so I don't think i'll be picking up an ogre any time soon. I'm thinking things will get better once i've picked up some skills.

For the record, we started with 1.1 mil, so my roster as of now is
9 Beastman
3 Rotter
3 Re-Roll
9 FF (went up after game 1)

What do people who run chaos teams usually do for their offense? That's where I need the most help.

I thought you could only have 2 rotters? BB Mag 5 said 4 in one spot and 2 in another, and I think it was supposed to be maximum of 2.
skummy - Mar 12, 2003 - 04:02 PM
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I think you have your count off, Melifaxis. BB mag 5 said you could have 6 rotters, and it was revised down to 5.
spree - Mar 12, 2003 - 04:31 PM
Post subject:
      CoachGrodd wrote:
Hmm, so the rotter loses one point of movement and dex, and gains regen?

Rotters with regenerate?! That doesn't make sense, I thought these guys are rotting, decaying and falling apart with disease!! Shocked
Darkson - Mar 12, 2003 - 07:03 PM
Post subject:
      skummy wrote:
I think you have your count off, Melifaxis. BB mag 5 said you could have 6 rotters, and it was revised down to 5.

Wasn't it revised to 4 (same as vanilla CW's)?
GalakStarscraper - Mar 12, 2003 - 07:30 PM
Post subject:
      spree wrote:
      CoachGrodd wrote:
Hmm, so the rotter loses one point of movement and dex, and gains regen?

Rotters with regenerate?! That doesn't make sense, I thought these guys are rotting, decaying and falling apart with disease!! Shocked

Yes and no .... actually in WFB, the Rot works not only to decay but also as a glue ... keeping the player running long after he should have fallen apart (thus the Regeneration) ... an injury that would completely take out a normal player is just a matter of shifting it all back together for a Rotter.

And while the Rotters have Regen ... the Beastmen do not ... so your ball handlers are pretty open to abuse.

And yes, the Rotters should only get 4 total Rotters.

skummy - Mar 12, 2003 - 08:10 PM
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Embarassed Heh, yeah - 4. Teach me to type in a hurry...
AnthonyTBBF - Mar 12, 2003 - 09:56 PM
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I have no shame in admitting I copied this setup from AnthonyTBBF

LOL! I only used that against John's weedy Skaven when he was drunk.
CoachGrodd - Mar 12, 2003 - 11:28 PM
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So far, I've yet to see why everybody was so upset when this team came out. Admittedly, the big guy was really powerfull, probably still is too powerfull, but the rest of the team still struggles with all the things chaos do and they're more expensive, and they have no apoth. I think they may have stumbled on a really balanced roster, almost by mistake.
GalakStarscraper - Mar 13, 2003 - 06:26 AM
Post subject:
      CoachGrodd wrote:
So far, I've yet to see why everybody was so upset when this team came out.

Most folks saw this (including myself):

Foul Appearance on 4 Chaos Warriors and a kick-*ss Big Guy that gets you free 110k player .... is significantly greater than .... loss of apothecary and extra 10k for Warriors

Since the original roster had access to all the Big Guys and Stars normal for Chaos .... the the original BB Mag Nurgle's Rotter roster is preceived as automatically BETTER than the Chaos roster without question by several folks (again myself included).

The new roster makes the Rotters more stationary and very likely not ball handlers which is a normal trick for Chaos is to have one Chaos Warrior who can do ball handling. It also removes all the other Big Guy options and access to any star but Thrud (whose dumb enough to play for anyone). Finally it tones down the Big Guy who many feel is still too powerful .... I tried to argue for ST 5 130k on him, but couldn't convince the court of appeals.

skummy - Mar 13, 2003 - 07:58 AM
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I'd rather just see him dropped to a 2 movement, which would limit his potential abuse. Don't think it will happen, though.
Terarin - Mar 13, 2003 - 03:49 PM
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Sorry to be so behind... but when/where did the Rotters get updated? Same for the other revisions from BBM? GW's website is blocked here and all I have are the relavent BBMs. Sad
GalakStarscraper - Mar 13, 2003 - 07:28 PM
Post subject:
      Terarin wrote:
Sorry to be so behind... but when/where did the Rotters get updated? Same for the other revisions from BBM? GW's website is blocked here and all I have are the relavent BBMs. Sad

Well the BBM teams are experimental which means they were looking for feedback. As that feedback comes in the BBRC kicks back possible changes based on what the testing to date so far has shown.

These are just POSSIBLE changes, but I try to keep it as absolutely as up to date as possible. Doesn't mean these are the final rosters ... just that they represent some of the latest semi-official thoughts on ways to fix or balance the rosters.

Melifaxis - Mar 14, 2003 - 07:51 AM
Post subject:
My bad, yup 4 I need some sleep.
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