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Strategy and Tactics - TR 100 woodelf tournament rosters

Xtreme - Apr 03, 2005 - 11:05 PM
Post subject: TR 100 woodelf tournament rosters
Just kicking around a few ideas. Was wondering if anyone could share any TR100 woodelf rosters they have seen at tournaments.

Had a crazy idea I was going to run a few test games with. Thought about maxing out on Catchers and proving that Speed Kills.

So here was my roster idea

4 Catchers, 1 Tree, 6 Lineelves, apothecary, 1 reroll and 1 fan factor.

The one reroll kinda bothers me, 4 ST 2 players players may be a problem but with their speed I don't see why two of them can't get to the same spot to team up on a st 3 player for atleast an even block. Of course I would hope there would be some other players around for a more favorable block. I've seen several elf teams do a lot with a little which leads me to belive that this team may get beatup, but perhaps I could win down players.

So how crazy am I? If I played this team would I be setting myself up for a horrible ass kicking?
Tojurub - Apr 04, 2005 - 01:07 AM
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that's pretty crazy, but what the heck: try it.

I'm just amazed that you want to play without any wardancers, but a tree in the lineup
MightyZug - Apr 20, 2005 - 08:57 AM
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Well, the irony here is that Xtreme emptied the pitch of my Woodies at the South Bend Slaughter.

I had three elves with Block/Dodge but his Khemri didn't care. SMACK, POW, BOOM!

I personally don't like the Speed Kills roster because it goes against my philospophy of playing Woodies as a Big Play defense. With the 2 Wardancers and Strip Ball for both I feel that I can take the ball away from most opponents.

Of course, Xtreme's Throw-Ra's with Sure Hands sure put an end to that...
absent - Apr 21, 2005 - 04:22 PM
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it seems to me the only reason woodelves do modertly well in tourneys is because they don't need to develop a defense, they have one to start (hoo-ray wardancers) so it would seem to me that going without would be a disaster, but of course, i am the guy with no thrower on orcs, so i can appretiate a try at a non traditional team list. :p
Xtreme - Apr 21, 2005 - 09:43 PM
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The one reroll thing isn't working for me. I figured it wouldn't.

So I'm thinking along these lines now.
4 Catchers
2 throwers
5 lineman
2 rerolls

or possibly stay with the first roster and trade the Apothecary for a 2nd reroll.

I would like to have wardancers on the team, but in a tournament setting I don't think they justify their cost. [ducks for cover]
absent - Apr 22, 2005 - 12:21 PM
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lol! how do you play defense vs a bashy team with them if i might ask?
snew - Apr 22, 2005 - 12:53 PM
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Balls out speed! Get there before the cage forms.
Xtreme - Apr 22, 2005 - 02:30 PM
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Thats the plan. Anoy you before you get the cage together, or if you make a mistake I'm ready to score.
absent - Apr 22, 2005 - 03:19 PM
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fair enough, i'd like to see how it works for you,
Xtreme - Apr 22, 2005 - 03:25 PM
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Still working it out.
Definatly taking Woodelves to GenCon, just need to figure out the roster and if I can get this to work.
juck101 - Apr 25, 2005 - 05:48 AM
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maybe you use different aspects of play; but for me only team is 2wardancer and one cathcer (2rr). Catcher is for high speed ball pursuit and maybe put a zone turn one if ball dropped.

I understand plenty more to their game, but a war-dance all over the ball maybe with sidestep can force most teams to collapse. granted extra catchers alternative edge to same tactic, but is easy to stop with a few grinding turns of pain. Trust me i nailed an elf team last tourni by binning linemen and all of a sudden MA is rendered ineffective as you get beatten to a pulp.
Not sure but think vs tackle the team is really game over. 2WD is a lotter harder to bust if one on one over the pitch. Can only expect with 3+ st2 players that most rivals will decide to kill you in order to win the game. Without more defensive muscle you are playing into their hands with just one reroll for the majority of your team to opperate.
Kyrie - Apr 25, 2005 - 08:24 PM
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In Spain we play a more aggresive roster.

Well, it's not aggresive, it's suicide.... but works! Wink Wink

4 Catchers
2 Wds
5 Lineelfs
NO RR !!!!!
5 FF
Xtreme - Apr 25, 2005 - 09:50 PM
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I've seen that roster. Has anyone had any real success with it? 1 RR scares me enough can't imagine 0.
Doubleskulls - Apr 25, 2005 - 11:23 PM
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Just imagine playing after turn 2... Wink

I think the zero RR roster can work well - and I think its done well at some tournaments - but for my taste it would lack consistency.
Kyrie - Apr 26, 2005 - 03:24 AM
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I have to ask if that roster won the "Bilbali Cup 2005".

This 4 Catcher team, may lack of lineelfs. The fact is that only 5 of these are going to support de attack, and thats too few people.
Gorbad - May 13, 2005 - 10:17 AM
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This may be a bit late... but...

I played with the no reroll roster at TR 100 (EuroBowl 2004) and TR 110 (Lutece 2005) to test it out.

At TR 100 it's pretty amazing, the usual problem for woodies is the fact that you start your second half with 5 players.... But in TR 100, with 6 Dodge players, and not a lot of opposition with Block, these guys just won't go down, and I started with atleast 8 players every second half.... except against dwarves, but then again, in a swiss system you shouldn't be playing them a lot.

TR 110 - Well... I did it mainly for a joke, and that's what it turned out to be, the opposition has more positionals, and the fact that you could pick a skill just before the game ("duh, I think I'll take tackle") was pure murder.
won two, lost the rest IIRC....

Conclusion.. at TR 100, pretty nice, but at TR110 there a lot more options for woodies that are definitely better.
juck101 - May 14, 2005 - 11:31 AM
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i must say i played a wood vs wood game and my extra reroll didnt make much odds. (2compared to 1)
but for my take i just dont think leap wardancers are a threat without a reroll left - reason enough to take as many as possible
twist - Jun 27, 2005 - 02:25 PM
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BUD and I both used the 2 WD, 2 Catchers, 1 thrower, 6 linemen, and 1 RR dealie. Worked great for both of us, but my luck ran out in the last 2 tourneys, wiping out most of my hard earned NAF points. I just got outbashed and outfouled with prolonged plays, which happened because I couldn't roll a 2 to complete the drive with the TDs. Razz

I've moved on to lizards for the time being. Very Happy
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