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Strategy and Tactics - Team for Newbie

Rottweilerrme - Dec 07, 2005 - 09:36 AM
Post subject: Team for Newbie
My brother is looking to get into the game and is looking for a team that has decent speed, agility, and AV. Any suggestions.
SolarFlare - Dec 07, 2005 - 10:09 AM
Post subject:
Sounds like you're describing the human team.
JumpingElf - Dec 07, 2005 - 03:16 PM
Post subject: Re: Team for Newbie
      Rottweilerrme wrote:
My brother is looking to get into the game and is looking for a team that has decent speed, agility, and AV. Any suggestions.

... or try an Orc Team! Wink
Paul - Dec 07, 2005 - 04:08 PM
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Actually, a dark elf team would be best. best AG, decent armor (for elfs) and the speed isn't that bad either.
AK_Dave - Dec 07, 2005 - 05:05 PM
Post subject:
I might suggest High Elves as a better newbie starter team than Dark Elves, but Humans are still a good choice. High Elves are more like Humans in terms of types and numbers of position players. The Human advantage is more and better skills, relying in a lot of cases on skill rerolls to do what Elves do naturally on AG4. Some would say thats not much of an advantage, but their players are cheaper so it is easier to field a team with a little reserve bench and have more options. Humans can also have a Big Guy, something that neither HE or DE teams can take, and an Ogre thumping around on the LOS can be nice.

Hard to ignore Orcs as a solid choice for a newbie starter team. I have both Human and Orc teams in my collection for this exact reason.

Another consideration for a newbie starter team is what sort of a briar patch you're going to throw him into. Established league? Starting league? Bashy/Agile? Tournament only? TR100 starter teams only?
Rottweilerrme - Dec 08, 2005 - 01:42 PM
Post subject:

Another consideration for a newbie starter team is what sort of a briar patch you're going to throw him into. Established league? Starting league? Bashy/Agile? Tournament only? TR100 starter teams only?

Right now I want him to learn the basics then throw him in a league that has yet to be discused if it's going to be a "Roll Over" style leaague or a new start for all. If it is esablished I know he will get a lot of help frpm the defending league champion, me Very Happy .
AK_Dave - Dec 08, 2005 - 02:34 PM
Post subject:
I still think that Humans and High Elves are two of the easiest teams for a noob to get started with, especially since you're basically holding his hand and walking him through his first games.

Why don't you just open up your team collection to your brother and let him pick one of your teams to play against you in one-off no-SPP TR100 games? Then you can just play any other teams in your collections against him, swap sides, and let him figure out what he likes. Which only works if you have a few spare teams unused, like any good Defending League Champion ought to have.
Gaussgoat - Dec 08, 2005 - 06:08 PM
Post subject:
The other thing is, of course, what does he like? Preference can rule all. If he just likes to brawl, give him some dwarves or Norse. If he wants to score touchdowns, give him a more finese team.
Rottweilerrme - Dec 09, 2005 - 09:54 AM
Post subject:

Why don't you just open up your team collection to your brother and let him pick one of your teams to play against you in one-off no-SPP TR100 games? Then you can just play any other teams in your collections against him, swap sides, and let him figure out what he likes. Which only works if you have a few spare teams unused, like any good Defending League Champion ought to have.

I would but he doesn't want to use a team I have already done or am using.
SolarFlare - Dec 09, 2005 - 11:11 AM
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Well, then why don't you give us a list of the teams you have already used, so we don't repeat them...
Rottweilerrme - Dec 09, 2005 - 01:01 PM
Post subject:
Ok, I have Norse, Necros, Lizards, Choas Dwarves, Halflings, and Orcs. I think he is leaning tword the Undead team due to the fact of the mummies.
AK_Dave - Dec 09, 2005 - 03:08 PM
Post subject:
Well, there you have it: Undead. Or Khemri.

The idea about having your brother borrow one of your teams for one-off games was mostly just for him to get a feel for what sort of a team (bashy/agile/skill/etc) he likes.
Hál - Dec 10, 2005 - 04:49 AM
Post subject:
I would try to convince him to play high elves as mentioned before...or if skeletons than undead or necros. dont give him khemri. the chance to lose fun is huge with khemri as the first team....i can imagine Wink
meletrone - Dec 11, 2005 - 06:54 PM
Post subject:
I'd suggest Chaos Dwarves. They have all that block and tackle on the front line and hobgobbo's to run around screaming with. They can hold the line against the crunchy teams and keep the elves in check with their tackle. I learned on the choas dwarves and now my team, a few years down the line, has my highest SPP getter: A Block, Dauntless, Pro hobgobbo.
Agent_Venom - Mar 22, 2006 - 06:51 AM
Post subject:
I would suggest Humans, for a few reasons.
1. easy to play, with an adaptive set of position players and optional big guy, nice skill selection for players aswell.
2. Able to adapt to a running or brawling game with the ability to change during a match.

I started recently, and used a human team against the range of other teams in a tournament & league, i didnt do great but i did ok as a rookie, I found the humans could punch elves then run/blitz to the endzone, avoid most bashy teams(mostly) and bash the softer teams about a bit.
AzrielLoki - Mar 31, 2006 - 02:00 AM
Post subject:
Humans or orcs. If he likes bashing the orcs would be better for him as they have the black orcs and blitzers. Also the entire orc team (apart from thrower) has AV9 so they dont get hurt that often. But if he wants more mobility then humans.
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