NAF World Headquarters

North America - Chaos Cup 2006 - Oct 21/22, 2006 - Chicago

GalakStarscraper - May 16, 2006 - 09:46 AM
Post subject: Chaos Cup 2006 - Oct 21/22, 2006 - Chicago
Final details for this year's tournament are now updated and posted to

JJ is flying over for the event.

First place gets $50 towards purchasing an up to 16 man team that the GW Battle Bunker will paint and base and ship to the winner.

Everyone signing up for the tournament gets a limited edition Sark Four-Eyes miniature.

5 games Swiss ... Entry fee is $20 ... but if you did not come last year and bring a friend than you get $5 off your entry for each friend you bring. You'll have to figure out in advance who gets to claim who ... no fist fights over who gets the discounts please Laughing ... or instead of $5 off you can receive an extra limited edition Chaos Cup figure from any of the previous 3 limited Chaos Cup figures.

Hope to see a good turn out for this year's tournament. If you can call them and let them know you are planning on attending that would really help as it will give them an idea of attendance in advance.

GalakStarscraper - May 16, 2006 - 09:46 AM
Post subject:
Oh and could someone approve the tournament for the NAF please ... thank you.
Melifaxis - May 16, 2006 - 10:26 AM
Post subject:
I just called up and reserved a spot. Team TBD.
Jonny_P - May 16, 2006 - 11:13 AM
Post subject:
I too just called to reserve a spot. I was impressed. An employee named Alan answered the phone and took down my name and number and said if there are any changes they would call me. Also he asked if I had any questions on the tournament and if I knew Jervis was coming. He said they are all looking foward to it.

I'm really happy the staff there is informed of this event and being quite helpful on the phone.

See you all there!!
nyarlathotep - May 16, 2006 - 06:40 PM
Post subject:
I just called and reserved a spot as well. Nice employee named Steve answered the phone, got me signed up in a couple minutes.
bampf - Jun 26, 2006 - 12:27 PM
Post subject:
Harrisburg Mafia is still working on logistics but hope to bring 3 or 4. Will post and call once we re sure.
StoutYoungblood - Jun 27, 2006 - 09:34 AM
Post subject:
I was at the bunker and Alan (the manager) told me they were planning to give a set of blocking dice to everyone. It would be marblized with the chaos symbol on one of the faces of the die. Shocked

Pretty cool if they actually do it. I know the winners last year never received their trophies, the manager, at the time, was promoted shortly after the CC and the trophies fell through the cracks.
GalakStarscraper - Jun 27, 2006 - 08:25 PM
Post subject:
      StoutYoungblood wrote:
Pretty cool if they actually do it. I know the winners last year never received their trophies, the manager, at the time, was promoted shortly after the CC and the trophies fell through the cracks.
They are still supposed to be getting those. I need to talk to the manager because he said he would have new trophies by this Chaos Cup as all 3 trophy winners were coming back.

I really need to talk to this guy on the phone and work everything out but he is never there when I call.

GalakStarscraper - Jun 29, 2006 - 10:26 AM
Post subject:
Hey guys ... you really need to call and let GW Chicago know if you are coming.

Right now only 9 guys have called them and I've seen a lot of posts from folks from overseas saying they were coming that I don't think have let GW know they are coming.

If you surprise the Chicago bunker with double the number of folks showing up compared to the folks that called and told them they were coming ... it will not be a good tournament for anyone ... so please get called in.

For the folks overseas ... I just called for Deathwing and Valen to register them ... I'm happy to do this for over folks as well. Just let me know ... but seriously if you are planning on attending you need to let them know ... it costs NOTHING to pre-register for the Chaos Cup but it is huge in the effect it will have on them having enough space and boards for everyone.

The number is 630-426-0120.

They'll want your name, phone number, and some idea of the team you are thinking about bringing (you can change your mind don't worry).

avatar666 - Jun 29, 2006 - 12:24 PM
Post subject:
I just called in and registered for myself.

I will pass this info along to the rest of our gaming league (CRUMBBL) and get them to sign up as well.
GalakStarscraper - Jun 30, 2006 - 10:05 AM
Post subject:
Okay it looks like in all honesty that the Chaos Cup might have a shot at being bigger than the GenCon Bowl this year which would be amazing.

I've worked hard to improve the reputation of the Chaos Cup so I'm pleased to see this happening. If it becomes the largest tournament in North America than it really will be worth calling a Major.

After seriously thinking this over ... I called GW Chicago yesterday and let them know that I won't be playing in the tournament. I'm just going to referee and run the tournament. I want everyone spending the money to fly over for this event to have a good time and I want it to be very well run and I think I need to not be playing for that to happen.

With the Chaos Cup using LRB 5.0 ... we'll need a referee that is very well up to date on what is in the new rulebook and it would seem that I am uniquely qualified on this as a referee (sigh!) ... not like I'd get to play any talented coaches anyway ... my best teams Flings really took a beating in LRB 5.0 for tournament playability.

Just wanted to let you know.

stick_with_poo_on_the_end - Jun 30, 2006 - 11:53 AM
Post subject:
With it being a "major" and lots of overseas coaches coming, can it be made 6 games instead of 5 ?
GalakStarscraper - Jun 30, 2006 - 11:59 AM
Post subject:
      stick_with_poo_on_the_end wrote:
With it being a "major" and lots of overseas coaches coming, can it be made 6 games instead of 5 ?
We've done it 5 games ... because a lot of the coaches need to drive home or catch planes home in order to work on Monday. Most the coaches leave very quickly after the prizes ... so while I understand why this would make the tournament better for the folks from overseas ... this would actually really put a crush on the USA crowd to be honest.

For example... its a 4 hour drive back to my house from Chicago ... from Canada it would be a lot worse.

KarlLagerbottom - Jun 30, 2006 - 02:09 PM
Post subject:
      GalakStarscraper wrote:
With the Chaos Cup using LRB 5.0 ...

      GalakStarscraper wrote:
... from Canada it would be a lot worse.

Aren't these things mutually exclusive? Smile

GalakStarscraper - Jun 30, 2006 - 02:17 PM
Post subject:
      KarlLagerbottom wrote:

Aren't these things mutually exclusive? Smile

Actually no they aren't. Just pockets of Canada.

Musta_Surma - Jul 12, 2006 - 12:39 PM
Post subject:
Hi Galak,

can you verify that they have my registration? I will fly in either Thursday night or Friday morning and leave either Sunday night or Monday night depending on the tickets I can get.

How far is the battle bunker from downtown?

GalakStarscraper - Jul 12, 2006 - 02:41 PM
Post subject:
PM me your real name and what race you were going to be playing and where you are coming in from and I'll check it out for you.

bampf - Jul 16, 2006 - 12:40 AM
Post subject:
Harrisburg Mafia has procured lodging with an old Harrisburg BBer turned mid-westerner. One big step closer to there being a Pennsylvania contingent at the Chaos Cup. Still have some logistics to deal with, but so far it s looking good... well, except for the 10 hour drive.
GalakStarscraper - Jul 19, 2006 - 07:08 AM
Post subject:
      bampf wrote:
Harrisburg Mafia has procured lodging with an old Harrisburg BBer turned mid-westerner. One big step closer to there being a Pennsylvania contingent at the Chaos Cup. Still have some logistics to deal with, but so far it s looking good... well, except for the 10 hour drive.

I hope to see you guys there.

I just went to a convention in Allentown over last weekend. Made the drive in 10 hours and 15 minutes from Indy to Allentown and then again in 10 hours and 15 minutes back ... and that was with stopping for a sit down lunch and a sit down dinner.

Zinak - Jul 19, 2006 - 07:32 AM
Post subject:
man all that way you should have yelled down to us for a game or two ... next time remember we are the way and we can provide lunch/dinner and a game :> that will really help break that drive down

GalakStarscraper - Jul 19, 2006 - 11:52 AM
Post subject:
      Zinak wrote:
man all that way you should have yelled down to us for a game or two ... next time remember we are the way and we can provide lunch/dinner and a game :> that will really help break that drive down

Wife was with me for this as it was her convention not mine (it was our first time away from the kids in over a year).

So I spent the drive eating quickly to get from point A to point B as fast as possible with her and the time at the convention was spent away from our two children enjoying the convention during the day, a quiet 2 hour dinner together, and some not quiet evening time together after. (no really time for a game of BB ... sorry Very Happy )

bampf - Jul 19, 2006 - 12:54 PM
Post subject:
10 hours and 15 minutes to Allentown eh? That s a good sign. We re 1.5 hours west of Allentown... sounds like a shorter trip than expected!
GalakStarscraper - Jul 22, 2006 - 08:04 AM
Post subject:
      bampf wrote:
10 hours and 15 minutes to Allentown eh? That s a good sign. We re 1.5 hours west of Allentown... sounds like a shorter trip than expected!
That would be if you were going to GenCon ... going to Chicago ... will add that 1.5 back on I'm pretty sure.

bampf - Jul 24, 2006 - 04:32 PM
Post subject:
Valen - Jul 27, 2006 - 11:10 AM
Post subject:
Well I will be there again with a few other brits in toe Smile
Melifaxis - Aug 22, 2006 - 07:48 AM
Post subject:
Well, sadly I'm going to have to back out. Just got a wedding invitation for the wife's cousin...
bampf - Aug 22, 2006 - 10:32 AM
Post subject:
Well, to counter Rob s bad news, the Mafia has confirmation of our lodging. So we are in. That will be 4 or 5 probably from PA. Once I have a firm head count I ll call the bunker (or should I just call and give em an estimate?).
SuM - Aug 23, 2006 - 07:29 AM
Post subject:
If you stop in at the Bampf/ Zinak/Reifan place for a game and chow, ignore the Medieval weapons.

Well, don't ask no questions...
"You toucha da weapons and I breaka your face."
GalakStarscraper - Aug 27, 2006 - 11:48 AM
Post subject:
      bampf wrote:
Well, to counter Rob s bad news, the Mafia has confirmation of our lodging. So we are in. That will be 4 or 5 probably from PA. Once I have a firm head count I ll call the bunker (or should I just call and give em an estimate?).
They want names and races ... so if you call with an estimate ... have names and races for it and then I would just call with an estimate since you don't have to pre-pay.

Musta_Surma - Aug 29, 2006 - 04:33 PM
Post subject:
The hotel and plain ticket has now been booked, looking forward to meet all of you
Zarhan - Sep 07, 2006 - 08:15 PM
Post subject:
Is there a cap on number of players? If I can get out of work Sunday I may be attending as well.

Bobbo Laughing Rolling Eyes
GalakStarscraper - Sep 08, 2006 - 07:28 AM
Post subject:
      zarhan wrote:
Is there a cap on number of players? If I can get out of work Sunday I may be attending as well.

Bobbo Laughing Rolling Eyes
I don't believe there is a cap that we'll hit ... come on down.

SolarFlare - Sep 18, 2006 - 05:39 AM
Post subject:
I have emailed you and PMd you--and have no response... Sad

Please contact me to confirm plans.
Musta_Surma - Oct 02, 2006 - 01:19 PM
Post subject:
Will it be possible to renew my NAF membership at this tournament?
Xtreme - Oct 02, 2006 - 08:43 PM
Post subject:
bampf - Oct 05, 2006 - 06:28 PM
Post subject:
Pennsylvania is 100% in. Only thing up in the air is if there will be 3 or 4 PAers to kick some IL butt... yeah, I m talking to you, Xtreme!

Now I must return to frantically painting my team...
Xtreme - Oct 05, 2006 - 08:38 PM
Post subject:
You guys can kick all the IL butt you want, as long as you don't run into any of the Indy crowd you'll be safe. Wink
bampf - Oct 06, 2006 - 01:24 AM
Post subject: Civil War
Damn... all those 'I' states just blur together. I warned you I was bad at talking smack.

For those not in the know, we re throwing down the gauntlet with the Indiana... Indiana-ins? Indianaese? Indians? Indianaites... well whatever... Hoosiers are getting it from the Keystone State.

So there.
SolarFlare - Oct 06, 2006 - 05:46 AM
Post subject:
As an Indianianaianaian, errr, a Hoosier player, all I can say is Bring it On! As our states are now nemesises, nemeses, nemesi... How do you spell that, anyway? I say we put extra weight on games where players play heads up between states, but whatever you and X decide will be fine.

To give everyone a fair chance, I promise to leave my Dark Elves at home this time...

Sheesh, I just can't wait to play. Win, Lose, or Draw, this is me at CC: Very Happy
Zinak - Oct 06, 2006 - 08:11 AM
Post subject:
bampf - Oct 06, 2006 - 08:24 AM
Post subject:
Well, at least we have official word on the proper term for a resident of IN... funny I never woulda guessed it was 'Indianianaianaian.'
nyarlathotep - Oct 06, 2006 - 09:49 AM
Post subject:
All of this trash talk between the hoosiers and the pennsylvanians is moot.

The trophy's coming back to Michigan with me.

We're number 1!

All others are number 2 or lower.
Musta_Surma - Oct 06, 2006 - 10:38 AM
Post subject:
I would not put my hopes to high. Its time for the trophy to leave US and I aim to bring it with me to Mexico Wink
bampf - Oct 06, 2006 - 12:49 PM
Post subject:
Michigan? What the hell has Michigan got? A lake? Wolverines? Well, Wolverine is the best X-Man and Red Dawn was really cool... but I have it on good authority that Wolverines (and really, any member of the weasel family) do not excel at BloodBowl.

Ergo, no trophy for you.

Mexico is barely even a US State so they re right out.

No, the Chaos Cup with look very nice sitting next to the Lombardi Trophy, and the Liberty Bell, and soft pretzels, and the amish... and all the other cool crap PA has (give me a minute I ll think of some more).
bampf - Oct 06, 2006 - 12:55 PM
Post subject:
Sadly getting away from non-smack talk content... Galak- I just called in our reservations to the Battle Bunker and the employee I talked to said they would be closing out registrations soon as they are hitting their maximum capacity... just thought you might want to know.
nyarlathotep - Oct 06, 2006 - 01:00 PM
Post subject:
      bampf wrote:
Michigan? What the hell has Michigan got? A lake? Wolverines? Well, Wolverine is the best X-Man and Red Dawn was really cool... but I have it on good authority that Wolverines (and really, any member of the weasel family) do not excel at BloodBowl.

Well, Michigan does have the highest unemployment rate in the united states, so that's nice. We need a victory like, say, my winning the Chaos Cup to bring us into the economic recovery! In addition, I have to make up for my terrible loss in round 4 of the Zlurpee Bowl II.

And until last year, there were no wolverines here.

All of those soft pretzels will just slow you down!
Zarhan - Oct 08, 2006 - 07:50 PM
Post subject:
What are the times for the tournament? Saturday times as well as Sunday's?

Bobbo Evil or Very Mad
Xtreme - Oct 08, 2006 - 08:07 PM
Post subject:
9 am-10 am Register
10 am-Noon Game 1
Noon-1 pm Lunch Break
1 pm-3 pm Game 2
3 pm-4 pm Break
4 pm-6 pm Game 3

9 am-11 am Game 4
11 am-Noon Lunch Break
Noon-2 pm Game 5
3 pm Awards

avatar666 - Oct 09, 2006 - 09:13 PM
Post subject:
I went back and was reading that this past Gencon had 45 coaches. I think it kind of sucks that the Bunker has to cap it off at 40 coaches due to its space. I really thought this may have been the start of the Chaos Cup topping Gencon's turn out. Rolling Eyes

Now just hopefully all the coaches that did pre-register make it out.

I'll be seeing all those who do in a couple weeks!
Jonny_P - Oct 10, 2006 - 12:25 PM
Post subject:
I will be there to play of course and to try and persuade people to make the drive north a month later to come to the Underworld Cup! Gotta keep the Midwest BB Tournament circuit running!

I have a feeling the Bunker mentioned the cap to keep room for 40k and Fantasy gaming. If we go over the 40, screw 'em! Blood Bowl players can kick Warhammer players asses any day!
majortusk - Oct 10, 2006 - 02:39 PM
Post subject:
Well I can officially say F U to GW.

Chaos cup is full. refusing to take more people.

Guess for the first time since the CC came out, I am being forced to miss it.

turning people away is not going to help this Event get any bigger
Jonny_P - Oct 10, 2006 - 05:26 PM
Post subject:
I really don't see how they can refuse people who are there, ready to play, and paying. But on the other hand, if you are coming in from out of town, it would suck butt to not be allowed. I'm sure there are people who called that aren't going to show either.
majortusk - Oct 10, 2006 - 05:54 PM
Post subject:
exactly, I am not gonna drive down to chicago for an off chance to play. really does suck for trying to make this tournament larger.
Xtreme - Oct 10, 2006 - 08:42 PM
Post subject:
In fairness from thier prospective looking at the last two years attendance, I'm sure they never expected to hit 40.
CyberHare - Oct 11, 2006 - 04:51 AM
Post subject:
Majortusk, there's always room at Death Bowl. Though time is certainly a little tight.
nyarlathotep - Oct 11, 2006 - 06:12 AM
Post subject:
I sure am glad that I reserved my spot way back in May. Smile

Galak asked people to sign up a long time ago. Probably because he wanted GW to not do exactly what they're doing now.

Although GW's attitude certainly won't help anyone's attitude toward the Majors Sad
SolarFlare - Oct 11, 2006 - 06:51 AM
Post subject:
      nyarlathotep wrote:

Although GW's attitude certainly won't help anyone's attitude toward the Majors Sad

Actually, I think the increased attendance (or, at least, signups) shows how people are taking the majors more seriously. Although, I agree GW's attitude is a problem, and I think the overall poor job really affects people's attitudes towards GW.

The BB tournament scene will continue to thrive as long as people like Galak continue to run fantastic tournaments.
Jonny_P - Oct 11, 2006 - 12:04 PM
Post subject:
Well, I just called now to make sure I was on there and even though I called back in June, or maybe even May, I was NOT on the list. 100% bulls**t. Apparently someone didn't write it down Rolling Eyes

I'm on there now (according to mgr Allen), but all this time I thought I was on there already and didn't have to worry.

F GW. Evil or Very Mad
majortusk - Oct 11, 2006 - 12:15 PM
Post subject:
aye, just completely crap, they never said there was a limit, just that they wanted to know how many were coming.

This is supposed to be big
nyarlathotep - Oct 11, 2006 - 02:34 PM
Post subject:
      jpeletis wrote:
Well, I just called now to make sure I was on there and even though I called back in June, or maybe even May, I was NOT on the list. 100% bulls**t. Apparently someone didn't write it down Rolling Eyes

I'm on there now (according to mgr Allen), but all this time I thought I was on there already and didn't have to worry.

F GW. Evil or Very Mad

Alrighty, since you called the day before I did, (see the 1st page of this thread), I'm going to call down there again and verify. I've got records of the call here and even the employee's name who took my call!

Twisted Evil Evil or Very Mad Rolling Eyes
nyarlathotep - Oct 11, 2006 - 02:44 PM
Post subject:
Yeah, they lost me too. I'm on the list again, though.
Jonny_P - Oct 11, 2006 - 04:08 PM
Post subject:
I think that list we were on is still in the backpocket of whoever answered the phone that day. Shocked
nyarlathotep - Oct 12, 2006 - 06:42 AM
Post subject:
      jpeletis wrote:
I think that list we were on is still in the backpocket of whoever answered the phone that day. Shocked

That Damn Steve... Evil or Very Mad
GalakStarscraper - Oct 13, 2006 - 05:32 AM
Post subject:
I posted the list of registered names over on TBB.

We still have 12 slots open as Allen agreed to allow up to 52 people.

40 people signed up for Chaos Cup:

Robert Schretzman
James Wappel
Joe Donka
Chris Rooney
Mike Muller
Justin Raupp
Kenneth Karru-Olson
Aron Wisneski
Nathan Wells
Jonathan Stevens
Christopher Nichols
Gavin Sutton
Dean Peletis
Jon Peletis
Philip Bowarek
Frank Bradford
Cal Bradford
Mark Monic
Bob Schutte
Alex Schutte
Brady Stillwell
Patrick Knox
Jon Bowers
Ian Fitton
Paul Gegg
Jim Lanier
Nick Anderson
Craig Gruber
Bryan Leenheer
Brian Crenshaw
Jeremy smith
Scott Tipping
Jason Karr
Bryan Mitchell
Jennifer Mitchell
Andy Welton
Steven Newman
Wil Kedrowski
Mark Swift
Kefie Muzik
KarlLagerbottom - Oct 14, 2006 - 09:09 PM
Post subject:
      GalakStarscraper wrote:
I posted the list of registered names over on TBB.

We still have 12 slots open as Allen agreed to allow up to 52 people.

40 people signed up for Chaos Cup:

Robert Schretzman
James Wappel
Joe Donka
Chris Rooney
Mike Muller
Justin Raupp
Kenneth Karru-Olson
Aron Wisneski
Nathan Wells
Jonathan Stevens
Christopher Nichols
Gavin Sutton
Dean Peletis
Jon Peletis
Philip Bowarek
Frank Bradford
Cal Bradford
Mark Monic
Bob Schutte
Alex Schutte
Brady Stillwell
Patrick Knox
Jon Bowers
Ian Fitton
Paul Gegg
Jim Lanier
Nick Anderson
Craig Gruber
Bryan Leenheer
Brian Crenshaw
Jeremy smith
Scott Tipping
Jason Karr
Bryan Mitchell
Jennifer Mitchell
Andy Welton
Steven Newman
Wil Kedrowski
Mark Swift
Kefie Muzik

Shame JJ isn't donning the pads. should try to get him to play, maybe some sort of inducement? Smile
Jonny_P - Oct 15, 2006 - 12:36 AM
Post subject:
How about special guest referee Jervis in the Final? Give him an appropriate looking JJ model and let him roam the field calling fouls and taking bribes as he pleases!
bampf - Oct 20, 2006 - 02:23 PM
Post subject:
One sleepless night, 13 hours of driving, 4 large coffees and one speeding ticket later, the PA creew is in IL poised to bring home The Cup!!

Feel our wrath!
KarlLagerbottom - Oct 20, 2006 - 03:47 PM
Post subject: Donkey Kong Barrells?
KarlLagerbottom - Oct 21, 2006 - 05:56 AM
Post subject:
      bampf wrote:
... the PA creew is in IL poised to bring home The Cup!!

Feel our wrath!

Show'em what PA is all about in the Windy City! Good Luck Guys.
Zinak - Oct 21, 2006 - 10:30 AM
Post subject:
where is the play by play report?
SolarFlare - Oct 23, 2006 - 05:56 AM
Post subject:
Congrats to Valen (and his Dwarfs) for his championship. A great opponent and a great coach.

Overall, there were 38 teams. Bashing was the name of the weekend. After 3 rounds, the four players at the top two tables were all coaching Dwarf teams!

Also, I don't remember who it was, but I do not have a superlative for the best painted team. There were 5 awesome teams to vote for on best painted, but I have never seen anything like the team that won... Did anyone get pictures of this?
SolarFlare - Oct 23, 2006 - 06:31 AM
Post subject:
And I should also say that Galak did a great job of running the show (as always!).

Also, it was great to see so many guys making the trip from England--not to mention Jervis being there.

Last: The Battle Bunker was very supportive of the event. Hopefully, the management will stay in place, and their enthusiasm for the event will continue to grow.
nyarlathotep - Oct 23, 2006 - 02:13 PM
Post subject:
      SolarFlare wrote:
And I should also say that Galak did a great job of running the show (as always!).

Also, it was great to see so many guys making the trip from England--not to mention Jervis being there.

Last: The Battle Bunker was very supportive of the event. Hopefully, the management will stay in place, and their enthusiasm for the event will continue to grow.

I will second all of your comments. This was a great tournament!
Jonny_P - Oct 23, 2006 - 03:19 PM
Post subject:
I had a very fun time!!! I have a Chaos Cup report with some pictures at this link:

Hopefully I will see a lot of the same faces at the Underworld Cup next month!!
bampf - Oct 23, 2006 - 08:30 PM
Post subject:
And PA has nabbed the Golden Cup from Indy! Thanks to Xtreme for making the trophy that rests on my mantle (and protected my genitals during the long drive home).

Huge thanks to Galak for a fantastic tourney! He now reigns over the two largest in North America! Impressive!

Too bad we let those pesky brits sneak off with the tourney!
jkarr - Oct 23, 2006 - 09:27 PM
Post subject:
I sure am glad we made the drive out from PA. Turn out for the Tournament was awesome. It was a lot of fun.

Thanks to Galak, the Battle Bunker, Old Man Monkey, Jervis and all the people there. It was a lot of fun and look for PA to be back next year with a bigger crew I hope.
Valen - Oct 28, 2006 - 12:19 PM
Post subject:
Great torni, looking forward to defending next year
Zinak - Oct 29, 2006 - 06:18 AM
Post subject:
It hurt me Valen to hear that you didn t use the skaven :> I would love to see one of my teams do well in a trouny .... and todo that they would have to be in someone elses hands :>

GalakStarscraper - Oct 31, 2006 - 05:35 AM
Post subject:
I have a business trip tomorrow that should give me some free time at night ... so plan is to enter GenCon and Chaos Cup results as I have them over my business trip this week.

Zarhan - Oct 31, 2006 - 05:19 PM
Post subject:
Thanx, for running a good tournament. Unfortunatley, I bombed with norse, guess not really my team. I was glad to play the number 1 ranked player in the world though. Boy I wish I could of used Orcs versus him, I didn't even realize he was the number one player until after talking with his partner. I will definately bring Orcs for my rematch next year, as they stand a way better chance versus Dwarves. I am looking forward to Gencon, I was thinking of trying my High Elves again, just to see. I do have a chaos team as well, but somehow after the tourneys I play, I never see them, and there must be a reason Smile

Jonny_P - Nov 08, 2006 - 11:45 AM
Post subject:
      GalakStarscraper wrote:
I have a business trip tomorrow that should give me some free time at night ... so plan is to enter GenCon and Chaos Cup results as I have them over my business trip this week.


Hey Tom,

Any update on the results for both of these?

Jonny_P - Nov 14, 2006 - 04:23 PM
Post subject:
Anyone?....Bueller?.....Anyone?....Bueller.... Anyone? Something-d-o-o economics?

Any update on the results? Even if the NAF rankings are not updated, I just want to see spreadsheets of the results for Gencon and Chaos Cup.
Grumbledook - Nov 15, 2006 - 05:53 AM
Post subject:
GalakStarscraper - Nov 15, 2006 - 09:04 AM
Post subject:
NAF is helping me get 10 NAF names for folks that signed up at the event soon as I have these I'll have the results entered. Without these 10 names ... the results will be bollocks anyway.

GalakStarscraper - Nov 15, 2006 - 11:33 AM
Post subject:
      GalakStarscraper wrote:
NAF is helping me get 10 NAF names for folks that signed up at the event soon as I have these I'll have the results entered. Without these 10 names ... the results will be bollocks anyway.


Just to show that this wasn't a delaying excuse. This morning I finally have the last of the NAF new names for the GenCon Bowl and those results are now entered.

As soon as I get the names of the 10 missing Chaos Cup guys ... I'll have these results in as well.

GalakStarscraper - Nov 15, 2006 - 04:29 PM
Post subject:

GenCon 2006

Chaos Cup 2006
GalakStarscraper - Nov 15, 2006 - 09:09 PM
Post subject:
      GalakStarscraper wrote:
NAF is helping me get 10 NAF names for folks that signed up at the event soon as I have these I'll have the results entered. Without these 10 names ... the results will be bollocks anyway.

I've been told that the new folks at the Chaos Cup that signed up are not yet in the system.

OldManMonkey and Xtreme are helping me get this resolved.

I'll get the results in as soon as these 10 guys get into the system.

nyarlathotep - Nov 16, 2006 - 02:27 PM
Post subject:
My last name is spelled "Leenheer", not "Leerheer". Smile

NAF#: 8611

GC# 26

Chaos Cup
GalakStarscraper - Dec 19, 2006 - 12:49 PM
Post subject:
Okay ... I think slup and Lycos have the 10 new sign-ups all fixed now. Just let me get a small breather from work and I'll get all the results in (definiely will all be entered before Christmas).

GalakStarscraper - Dec 19, 2006 - 05:52 PM
Post subject:
Chaos Cup results are entered. I don't know what needs to be done to give them the K value of a Major ... but the results are finally in the system.

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