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General - New Reference Cards would'nt go a miss

yarrick1imperial - Jun 21, 2006 - 05:39 AM
Post subject: New Reference Cards would'nt go a miss
Hi all

Does anybody know if the Ref cards are going to be updated, as they are old as you don't have the ogre and vampire teams on it, it would make it a little easier than flicking thru the book all the time, if there is anyone that could do this that would help us. Also it would help if we could have a kick off table ref card like you get in the game as the rules have changed. Confused

I know that since the rule book is free, maybe games workshop don't do this anymore, however, it would be good if the rulebook gets updated now and then, it would also be good if the Reference cards got done too. Very Happy

Darkson - Jun 22, 2006 - 02:24 AM
Post subject:
Once the final PBBL/LRB 5 version is up, a few members of the community are planning on making new ref sheets.
yarrick1imperial - Jun 22, 2006 - 03:58 AM
Post subject:
Awesome that would be great, i am surprised that the game is still running strong after all this time, i wonder if they will do an update on the teams as well meaning models, like they have done with the Human team?

looks like games workshop tho are focusing more on warhammer 40k and Warhammer fantasy.
Darkson - Jun 22, 2006 - 06:51 AM
Post subject:
      yarrick1imperial wrote:
i wonder if they will do an update on the teams as well meaning models, like they have done with the Human team?

Well, there were greens for new dwarfs (in a similar style to the bomb/chainsaw dwarf), and talk about redone skaven, but theyall seem to have fallen to the cutbacks. Sad
yarrick1imperial - Jun 22, 2006 - 02:53 PM
Post subject:
Hmm thats a shame it would be really nice to have a full 16 players like the Humans if they did decide to redo the models it would proberly revive Bloodbowl again for a while not that its gone, but it sure is not as poplular as it use to be.
I love the game always have and it a shame that its been pulled from Gamesworkshop stores.

Question are you on the BB community???

I am planing a BB League for our club and hopefully it will be a popular as it was a couple of years ago.
Glorian_Underhill - Jun 22, 2006 - 04:40 PM
Post subject:

you have made a step into a larger world. Very Happy

Reviving the Blood Bowl comunity? We are in the beginning of the golden age of Blood Bowl. A tourny every emperor frakking weekend all over Europe and soon over North America as well.

LRB 5. Tweaked teams....tens of thousands of coaches at fummbl the online client! A Eurobowl for the fourth time and a World Cup in 2007
Very Happy

Man, this comunity doesn´t need a revival it need sponsors and Red Bull chicks!!! Laughing Laughing Laughing
Darkson - Jun 22, 2006 - 04:58 PM
Post subject:
      yarrick1imperial wrote:
Question are you on the BB community???

Question Question Question We're all in the BB community. Confused
yarrick1imperial - Jun 23, 2006 - 01:30 AM
Post subject:
arrh i see... though it was like a special kinda elite group of people or something... but hey thats cool i understand...

Hmmm would like to play a tourny in Amercia i think that would be cool, i guess it would be pretty big over there as amercian football seems to be the big game over there, not like little New Zealand However we do play Rugby...

can't wait till the LRB 5 comes out then... is it usually round october as usual when the LRB gets updated??? or have they changed that too just like the LRB???
voyagers_uk - Jun 23, 2006 - 03:33 AM
Post subject:
      yarrick1imperial wrote:
can't wait till the LRB 5 comes out then... is it usually round october as usual when the LRB gets updated??? or have they changed that too just like the LRB???

and that is where you lose Darkson............. Rolling Eyes
Darkson - Jun 23, 2006 - 06:34 AM
Post subject:
LRB 5.0 [spit!] will be "official" as soon as JJ and Andy Hall get their communication lines sorted out (as Galak has delivered the "final" version" to them [and going off-topic a little, it seems the SG server has died, so it won't get uploaded until next week at the earliest!).
Wheter there will be a yearly review, I've no idea, ask Galak. Unless the BBRC remove the majority of the PBBL stuff in the next review I won't be paying much attention to it.
yarrick1imperial - Jun 23, 2006 - 04:56 PM
Post subject:
well i emailed andy a few days ago to update the ref cards still had no reply usually takes him a while to answer his email unless he is on holiday. Mr. Green

Last time i email him years ago to fix a glitch in the ref cards took him five days to get back to me, thought thas was pretty good. Smile

hmm good news all round then, i wonder what changes they could possibly have??? Confused
Spazzfist - Jun 23, 2006 - 08:00 PM
Post subject:
      yarrick1imperial wrote:
arrh i see... though it was like a special kinda elite group of people or something...

No, that is just what Clan-Skaven would have you believe about him! Wink
Darkson - Jun 24, 2006 - 03:16 AM
Post subject:
      yarrick1imperial wrote:
well i emailed andy a few days ago to update the ref cards still had no reply usually takes him a while to answer his email unless he is on holiday. Mr. Green

Last time i email him years ago to fix a glitch in the ref cards took him five days to get back to me, thought thas was pretty good. Smile

hmm good news all round then, i wonder what changes they could possibly have??? Confused

Have you read the PBBL/LRB 5 rules? If you have, you'll see that the cards are probably going to have to be re-done completely, rather than just changed (and seeing as GW have lost the original files, it's probably easier that way Rolling Eyes ).
Also, Andy is a one-man team now, getting the articles ready for the Fanatic Online mag and sorting out (any) Fanatic releases. The chances of him having time to re-do the ref cards are slim to none.
Igor_Tahavanale - Jun 24, 2006 - 10:03 AM
Post subject:
      Darkson wrote:
Also, Andy is a one-man team now, getting the articles ready for the Fanatic Online mag and sorting out (any) Fanatic releases. The chances of him having time to re-do the ref cards are slim to none.
Ah, GW really do like to look after their Specialsit Games range, don't they? Wink Rolling Eyes
GalakStarscraper - Jun 24, 2006 - 10:18 AM
Post subject:
      yarrick1imperial wrote:
can't wait till the LRB 5 comes out then... is it usually round october as usual when the LRB gets updated??? or have they changed that too just like the LRB???
JJ and Andy need to communicate before it goes up and the server is down.

The BBRC is planning to meet in September/October of 2007 per JJ but it will be only to propose new rules to be voted for in for the BBRC review of 2008.

GalakStarscraper - Jun 24, 2006 - 12:54 PM
Post subject:
I'll see if someone on TBB can help here.

yarrick1imperial - Jun 24, 2006 - 04:46 PM
Post subject:
Well i am going to make a new Reference card thats updated.
Hopefully it will turn out ok if it does then i will upload it to you guys here, make life a little easier until those guys at games workshop get it together Mr. Green
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