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Rules Questions - LRB 5.0 Take Root

StoutYoungblood - Jul 27, 2006 - 07:17 AM
Post subject: LRB 5.0 Take Root
Embarassed A question came up last night in a preseason game. When a Treeman is down, he has to make a take root roll before doing anything, correct? What happens if he fails his Take Root roll? It says he looses his movement. Does this mean he must lay on the ground until the next TD or the half ends since it takes movement to stand up?
Mootaz - Jul 27, 2006 - 08:11 AM
Post subject:
If he takes root, he has MA 0. The rules state that to stand up costs 3 movement. And they state that if you have less than MA 3, you need to roll a 4+ to stand up. MA 0 is less than MA 3, so he has to roll a 4+. But as he only has MA 2 normally he has to roll that anyway Wink

The following sequence is correct.
Declare action (Move Action)
Roll for Take Root
Roll for standing up (regardless of result of Take Root)

Anything further then depends on whether or not it took root.
StoutYoungblood - Jul 27, 2006 - 10:27 AM
Post subject:
To make sure I am clear on this...

The treeman is prone
Declares he is going to stand
Roll to see if he is able to stand (lets say he can)
Roll Take Root (lets say he fails)

is he still able to stand up or is he stuck there until the next drive or TD?
Mootaz - Jul 27, 2006 - 10:38 AM
Post subject:
He roolls take root before he tries to stand. This is only a minor thing, but that is the correct order.
Regardless of the result of take root, he can try to stand up. take root is only a factor in what he can do after standing up. If he takes root and fails to stand up, he can try next turn to stand up, etc.
StoutYoungblood - Jul 27, 2006 - 11:25 AM
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Primesupreme - Jul 27, 2006 - 12:59 PM
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I thought that getting knocked down unroots the tree.
Doubleskulls - Jul 27, 2006 - 08:42 PM
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Yep, but they can root themselves getting back up again Wink
Primesupreme - Jul 29, 2006 - 12:40 AM
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does that affect them only if they stand up...?
Spazzfist - Jul 29, 2006 - 10:10 AM
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      Primesupreme wrote:
does that affect them only if they stand up...?

Well he can't move anyways if he's lying down!
Doubleskulls - Jul 29, 2006 - 06:51 PM
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No, so if they subsequently stand up they are still rooted.
Primesupreme - Jul 30, 2006 - 05:56 AM
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I thought being knocked down eliminated being rooted. Wouldn't the tree have to actually stand in order to be forced to make a roll for re rooting? It seems like a stupid rule that a treeman can root while down then be rooted when they manage to stand up...
Doubleskulls - Jul 30, 2006 - 09:38 PM
Post subject:
Whether its stupid or not, that's what the rules say. The act of being knocked down removes rooting, not being prone. You have to roll to root before any action. Standing up is part of an action so you must roll.
Primesupreme - Jul 31, 2006 - 01:12 AM
Post subject:
Actually wouldn't this mean that one had to be in a position other than prone in order to take root?

"On a 1, the player ???takes
root???, and his MA is considered 0 until a drive ends, or he is Knocked
Down or Placed Prone "

Since if they fail to stand they are once again placed prone.
Mootaz - Jul 31, 2006 - 03:29 AM
Post subject:
      Primesupreme wrote:
Actually wouldn't this mean that one had to be in a position other than prone in order to take root?

"On a 1, the player ???takes
root???, and his MA is considered 0 until a drive ends, or he is Knocked
Down or Placed Prone "

Since if they fail to stand they are once again placed prone.

Very small but important distinction. The tree is not "placed prone" but remains prone.
GalakStarscraper - Jul 31, 2006 - 07:05 AM
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Take Root is more a state of mind for a Treeman than anything.

In Lord of the Rings ... Treants could take hours to form simple thoughts at times. Its just they have a much different view of the world.

Take Root refers more to the Treeman loses sight of this game which for him happens really almost in the blink of an eye. So yes ... while prone a Treeman can Take Root ... he might have enough focus to realize he shouldn't be laying on the ground but beyond that he really has lost touch with the game. If something isn't immediately in his face (like an adjacent opponent or a teammate pounding on him to throw him) ... odds are he just isn't going to care.

So yes Treeman can take root while Prone. This was true for the LRB 4.0 version of Take Root as well.

Primesupreme - Jul 31, 2006 - 03:37 PM
Post subject:
Still don't like that but hey, you can't argue with the guy who wrote the rules:P
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