NAF World Headquarters

North America - New England Blood bowler Joins the party...

TrowaVidel - Sep 08, 2006 - 02:57 AM
Post subject: New England Blood bowler Joins the party...
First time NAF memeber, long time player. I've been hooked on this game for years but can rarely find anyone who plays it beside the people I teach the game. Been looking for other blood bowlers to tumble with and to find a league would be glorious.

My names Chris, and have run to home leagues but haven't played regularly for about a year. I'm Partial to Undead as the saw me through two seasons as Champs, but I'm always curious to try teams.
twist - Sep 09, 2006 - 02:41 PM
Post subject:
Welcome to NAF! There are plenty of NAF sanctioned tournaments on the east coast... Planning on attending any? Deathbowl in Montreal is the next big one, I think...
CyberHare - Sep 09, 2006 - 03:41 PM
Post subject:
Hello and welcome to the NAF. Always good to see more faces here on the east coast.

If you are planning to attend a tournament there's one next weekend, the Maffia Massacre in Harrisburg, PA. There's also, as Twist mentioned and my personal favorite though I may be biased, Very Happy The Death Bowl. I hold that event in Montreal, Quebec each October. If I do say so myself, which I seem to be doing, if you're lucky enough to have Death Bowl as your first tourney experience you'll be hooked on tournament Blood Bowl! Of course if you're looking to wait a while there's the Beantown Brouhaha held in Boston each year.

Of course we're not just about tournaments around here either. We'll argue about rules and rosters and every now and then we'll actually play a game Wink
TrowaVidel - Sep 09, 2006 - 11:16 PM
Post subject:
I would love to do an offical tourney, I'll have to look into the ones around here. I've been itching to play for a while, I tried to get into the online BB but I could never get that damn program to work ya know.

Death bowl... hm, now how to get to Canada 6-_- If I'd had a bit more heads Up I might have been able to plan that in, maybe next year my life will be more settled... now the boston base one, I could swing that one but there no real mention for a time...

banter I can hadle too, hell it'll be nice to talk about BB without having to explain it first lol.
Glorian_Underhill - Sep 10, 2006 - 02:57 AM
Post subject:
      TrowaVidel wrote:

banter I can hadle too, hell it'll be nice to talk about BB without having to explain it first lol.

Thats the reason why we are all here. An account on an internet forum is cheaper than a therapy. Wait until you learn all that 3 letter acronyms and secret words. OT, LOS,GFI; Blodge. Very Happy
TrowaVidel - Sep 10, 2006 - 03:21 AM
Post subject:
Great just when I thought I was up to date on my dork lingo *sigh* but I suppose I can handle it. lol
Opus - Sep 14, 2006 - 03:26 PM
Post subject:
Hey Chris - I'm Mark. I live in Rhode Island. Melifaxis (who is a very popular character on this board) lives in the Harvard area. He and I have both hosted tournaments (although he's much more popular than I *sniff*).

I've been playing the Email version of BB for about 6 months, and am completely addicted. Smile Certainly not the comradery of face-to-face, but it's nice to play a turn "slowly" for a change.
twist - Sep 14, 2006 - 04:52 PM
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Popular?? I think the term infamous fits him better. Razz
TrowaVidel - Sep 14, 2006 - 08:46 PM
Post subject:
I always wondered how the e-mail BB worked, is there a system that monitors dice rolls and such? Well I'd imagine so but still I ask lol
Opus - Sep 21, 2006 - 02:32 PM
Post subject:
I joined this site:
I would be more than happy to guide you through a sample game to get the feel for it. Basically, you make a turn, "zip" the file created by the program, and email it to your opponent, who then does the same thing. You can review past turns, and almost every die roll is automated.
Melifaxis - Oct 05, 2006 - 08:56 AM
Post subject:
      twist wrote:
Popular?? I think the term infamous fits him better. Razz

Laughing You're probably right Cam.

Welcome to the NAF Chris. The Beantown Brouhaha invariably falls on the hottest weekend in Boston of the year Wink Click the WWW icon below my post to go the official site for all the past dates. Next year's tourney does not have a date yet...should be about the same time of year though.

You can also look into ArisaBowl in Boston on Jan 13th and/or 14th. I dont think it has been decided yet if it will be a one day tourney, two one-day tournies, or one two-day tourney yet.
Zinak - Oct 05, 2006 - 10:51 AM
Post subject:
Hot is an understatement... not only is it hot but then add to the mix anywhere from 12 to 24 stinky gamers in the dungeon of the Harvard GW store and.... well i think you get the idea.

PS the store has NO AC THAT WORKS....

But it is still rather fun I would suggest you head to beantown he will need people this year...... There might have been a slight paid to the Harrisburg crew this year when one Melifaxis cancelled on our tourney the day before it was happening... i mean i know this happen but he must have forgotten that for 2 years now the Harrisburg,PA crew has been half the people that show.....wonder if we can make it next year, i guess we will just have to see.... Confused

Melifaxis - Oct 05, 2006 - 12:23 PM
Post subject:
<--- Married with two little kids and a job that sucks but pays the mortgage from hell. Sorry to have let you guys down and missed the first Mafia Massacre Sad

But can I lure you back with the power that is Fire & Ice?

Any player from PA that attended in '05 or '06 and makes the trip in '07 will be entered in a raffle for free grub at Fire & Ice. 2 lucky winners. Figure I would have spent at least that on gas on the way there! Razz

Bribes are good right?
Ranthorn - Oct 05, 2006 - 12:42 PM
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Fire and Ice is delicious... Raffles for Fire and Ice are even better...... I'm sure it will be considered Razz
Zinak - Oct 05, 2006 - 01:05 PM
Post subject:
Hmm fire and ice..... Razz

but you should make it '04 'and 05 and '06 :> with two winners then i know who wins :>
Melifaxis - Oct 05, 2006 - 01:23 PM
Post subject:
Oh year is Brouhaha
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