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Strategy and Tactics - Teams that are better without the Cage

Primesupreme - Nov 10, 2006 - 01:57 PM
Post subject: Teams that are better without the Cage
Just out of curiosity are there any teams which benefit from not using the cage. Wood Elves seem a good one. Give the wardancer the ball and use the rest of the team to hunt the opposing team and hopefully force casualties.
Buggrit - Nov 11, 2006 - 04:17 AM
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Skaven and most of the other AgFrag teams (agile but fragile) are better without a cage.
juggler434 - Nov 11, 2006 - 06:06 AM
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Humans should not run the cage against dwarves. My dwarves got to teach this lesson to one of my leagues human coaches.
Buggrit - Nov 13, 2006 - 09:59 AM
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I have Skaven opponents who taught me not to cage against them. Mainly because they snuck into the cage and blitzed the ball carrier with a rat ogre!!
Spazzfist - Nov 13, 2006 - 10:26 AM
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      Buggrit wrote:
Mainly because they snuck into the cage and blitzed the ball carrier with a rat ogre!!

Yeah, those rat ogres are so sneaky!
Doubleskulls - Nov 13, 2006 - 07:46 PM
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If your opponent is tougher/stronger than you then don't cage!
juggler434 - Nov 13, 2006 - 08:05 PM
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Or if they have stand firm, that will hault your cage
Spazzfist - Nov 13, 2006 - 09:24 PM
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      juggler434 wrote:
Or if they have stand firm, that will hault your cage

Not if the opposition has juggernaut now! Mind you there is always just knocking him down!
juggler434 - Nov 13, 2006 - 10:55 PM
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I forgot about juggernaut.
KarlLagerbottom - Nov 14, 2006 - 02:14 AM
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Halfling Cages are where it's at! Smile

Got them surrounded?

::squirm:: ::squeeze:: ::squish::

The cage is reformed behind your defenders. Smile

Sure this is shaky logic requiring lots of rolls and poor defense...but hey it is possible! Smile
TuernRedvenom - Nov 14, 2006 - 02:32 AM
Post subject:
every team can and should cage, depending on the circumstances. My skaven caged vs humans this weekend at EB.
Same goes for stalling, my skaven stalled vs undead for 8 turns at EB.
aerofool - Nov 14, 2006 - 08:13 AM
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let's face it, the cage is possibly the most used and easiest protective strategy. Almost any team can use it effectively in the right situations. The strategy seems to favour the slow, tough teams (Dwarfs) over the fast, agile teams. Karl did bring up the point that even the patheticly weak can get some bennefit from the cage. Even if it slows the opponent down just a little bit.
Doubleskulls - Nov 14, 2006 - 04:39 PM
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I think we all need to be careful. Forming cages as one off protection for the ball carrier is one thing - and every team uses that tactic at some point.

"Caging" I tend to mean the 7 or 8 turn grind down the pitch. That strategy doesn't work for teams where the opponent is better at bash than you are.
Opus - Nov 15, 2006 - 08:42 PM
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I think that elf teams are hurt by using the cage. In my opinion, you want to spread out your opponent, giving you the opportunity to dodge, handoff, and pass your way into the endzone.
Primesupreme - Nov 16, 2006 - 08:39 PM
Post subject:
I have to agree with that. I run DE and I haven't used the cage in a match. I am still new so that may be the reason. My general tactic is isolate and decimate. It works well with 3-4 blitzers and line elves who have a good chance to dodge away from tackle zones.
TuernRedvenom - Nov 17, 2006 - 12:46 AM
Post subject:
      Opus wrote:
I think that elf teams are hurt by using the cage. In my opinion, you want to spread out your opponent, giving you the opportunity to dodge, handoff, and pass your way into the endzone.

Depends, dark elves can outbash a lot of races if they get a few doubles on skill rolls. I often run a mobile cage with them and control the clock vs teams I can outbash.
juggler434 - Nov 17, 2006 - 03:16 AM
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I tried caging with my dwarves against chaos in a match tonight. My dwarves didn't fare to well. (It didn't help that nuffle seemed to be in cahoots with the chaos gods for the match)
voyagers_uk - Nov 17, 2006 - 04:51 AM
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With any Elf team I tend not to "cage" per se, I use what I like to think of as a rolling pocket maul to get the ball carrier open.
Glorian_Underhill - Nov 17, 2006 - 06:22 AM
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Dwarfs need the tight "Star" Cage where Elfes tend to use an more open version.

Caging is important for elfes to park some turns before the opponents endzone. The error of most elf teams is that they just make a TD with high risks in 2 Turns.
aerofool - Nov 17, 2006 - 07:33 AM
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      juggler434 wrote:
It didn't help that nuffle seemed to be in cahoots with the chaos gods for the match

Should have guessed Nuffle is one of the many Chaos gods!
Barrel05 - Feb 25, 2007 - 07:59 PM
Post subject:
I'm a Skaven team and on the weekend i used the cage against humans. It worked well but meant that it took five turns to score when i could've done it in three without the cage if need be. Think i'll go back to running in a pack.
TuernRedvenom - Feb 27, 2007 - 03:31 AM
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      Barrel05 wrote:
I'm a Skaven team and on the weekend i used the cage against humans. It worked well but meant that it took five turns to score when i could've done it in three without the cage if need be. Think i'll go back to running in a pack.

You do realise that scoring in 5 turns instead of 3 is a good thing vs humans don't you? Smile Ideally you should score 2 or 3 turns before half time vs bashy teams (if the score would pull you level, if it puts you ahead stall till the last turn). It still gives them some hope at scoring but they'll need to take risks to pull it off which makes it easier for you to turn them over and score on their drive which will usuallly mean game won for you.
Primesupreme - Feb 27, 2007 - 10:04 PM
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Does this thread beg another thread..mainly tactics against (insert team here)
Barrel05 - Feb 27, 2007 - 10:29 PM
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      TuernRedvenom wrote:
      Barrel05 wrote:
I'm a Skaven team and on the weekend i used the cage against humans. It worked well but meant that it took five turns to score when i could've done it in three without the cage if need be. Think i'll go back to running in a pack.

You do realise that scoring in 5 turns instead of 3 is a good thing vs humans don't you? Smile Ideally you should score 2 or 3 turns before half time vs bashy teams (if the score would pull you level, if it puts you ahead stall till the last turn). It still gives them some hope at scoring but they'll need to take risks to pull it off which makes it easier for you to turn them over and score on their drive which will usuallly mean game won for you.

But if i'd scored in 3 i woulda had another chance to score before half time
ekimekim - May 18, 2007 - 05:02 AM
Post subject:
I've tried using the cage a handful of times, with orcs. It doesn't matter if they're more bashy than me, they just chain-push out my ball carrier and blitz him. I think I'm not getting the formation shape right...

I tried to use a solid block, with the carrier in the middle.

X 0 X

Edit: I should mention I've only really played 8 or so games (against competent players, anyway).
Primesupreme - May 18, 2007 - 08:11 PM
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A cage looks more like this

X_ X
X_ X
Cramy - May 21, 2007 - 12:43 PM
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With a solid block, your opponent can chose who to push when he hits a player on the edge of your cage, and you ball carrier will get pushed to the edge. Not good.

Use the cage that primesupreme suggests. On the more vulnerable side, keep a few players outside of the cage to create tackle zones to prevent a blitz to the cage. Those players are also there to allow you to move the cage laterally if you need to.

Primesupreme - May 21, 2007 - 05:31 PM
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Players on the outside also give you someone to pass to in case they manage to get a player into your center guys tackle zone. I play DE's most of the time and I don't think I ever really cage...I just keep guys open and pass off the ball...Very Happy
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