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Rules Questions - Ball & Chain movement

Elan - Apr 10, 2003 - 07:59 AM
Post subject: Ball & Chain movement
My poor gobbo fanatic is even more confuzzled than usual.

LRB requires the use of the throw in template to "control" his somewhat erratic movement. In a recent league I was told that meant the poor bugger cannot move diagonally .... ie. only horizontal or vertical moves allowed. Shocked

I was of the opinion that the template inicated 1, 2 go left of where you aim, 3,4 you move to where you wanted, and 4,5 go right. This would allow diagonal moves, as is logical.

I personally think the person interpreting the LRB had snuck into the magic mushroom supply, as I can't see ANY gobbo (let alone a drugged-up looney with a ruddy great wrecking ball onna chain) being capable of moving only horizontally or vertically - it aint a chess piece for Mork's sake. Confused

Advice please?
Mordredd - Apr 10, 2003 - 08:15 AM
Post subject:
I don't know off hand how the LRB rules actually stand, but I've always played using your interpretation.
Gattolardo - Apr 10, 2003 - 08:34 AM
Post subject:
that's appaling!!!
Sure as hell the GF can aim diagonally!!! Exclamation
Taht's insane!!! Shocked

Every player in the damn BB can move diagonally.
Just to know, how did they cope with 1-2 and 5-6 results???? Rolling Eyes

Cheers Smile
Mordredd - Apr 10, 2003 - 09:38 AM
Post subject:
c r . l c r
l f . . f .
. . . . . .

I'm not very good at these drawings, but I hope this is good enough.
The fanatic (f) can "aim" to move diagonally, as in the drawing on the left.
1-2 = left (l) 3-4 = centre where he aimed (c) and 5-6 = right (r).
Some people are ruling that you may only "aim straight", as in the drawing on the right. I guess this is because the throw in template is designed for throwing the ball in from the sideline, and is thus straight.
Martin - Apr 10, 2003 - 10:22 AM
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We've always allowed diagonal movement like you want. I don't know if it's offical but it makes sense.

Doubleskulls - Apr 10, 2003 - 10:25 AM
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As I understand it the LRB does not state that the Throw In Template can be lined up at an angle - so you can't.
snew - Apr 10, 2003 - 10:34 AM
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The throw in template has to be lined up parrallel to the sideline or endzone. You can't aim it diagonally. The Fanatic, though, most certainly does move diagonally when a 1,2 or 5,6 is rolled.
Gattolardo - Apr 10, 2003 - 10:38 AM
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Also, if you'd been able to aim diagonally the TIT (Throw in Template) for a... throw in, then you'd risk to end up with the ball staying out Confused .... Smile

Agentrock - Apr 10, 2003 - 10:54 AM
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I don't think that they intended the TIT to be used strictly by the guidelines of a thrown in ball for the fanatic's movement...but just as a guide template for use when declaring which direction you wanted the fanatic to go.

We use the template as a guide for what "actual" direction the fanatic goes...the player nominates which square the fanatic intends to go towards (so a roll of 3-4 will get you where you nominated)...on a 1-2 or 5-6 the fanatic has veered off of it's intended course.
Martin - Apr 10, 2003 - 11:05 AM
Post subject:
"The end-zone “line of death” does not discriminate when one tempts fate by using a “go for it” to pass over it."

A very true statement. Last night my orc warboss (hopped up blizter) went for it to score vs halfings. He trips. The halflings grab the ball ran it to another halfing who runs up and heaves the ball as far as a halfing can throw it to another who runs it in to score (6 to throw and a 6 to catch). I ended up winning 3-2 (he scored once on a throw teammate). The scary part is he now has an agility 5 halfing. He will be a great throwee (at least until he has an unfortunate accident).

Agentrock - Apr 10, 2003 - 11:21 AM
Post subject:
Yeah, the end-zone line is a wily thing in our league...I will not try to Go For It over it without a reroll...and even then I have to sit there and debate myself over it!
Martin - Apr 10, 2003 - 12:28 PM
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I had a re-roll. It was just some sneaky halfing pulling up the goal line and tripping my guy. So once again our leagues curse bites another would be scorer. Turned what might have been a laugher into an interesting game.

Agentrock - Apr 10, 2003 - 12:35 PM
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This game would be a lot easier if you didn't have to make touch downs... Laughing
mikeyc222 - Apr 10, 2003 - 12:45 PM
Post subject:
know the feeling. last night i was one quick pass away from a st4 blizter being completely in the open for a td and a freakin dwarf rolls a 6 for an int
Martin - Apr 10, 2003 - 12:51 PM
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To be fair I did successfully go for it over the line on turn 8 to win the game. Maybe because 8 halflings were hurt a couple knocked out and one was in jail. Nobody left to pull up the line.

Agentrock - Apr 10, 2003 - 01:15 PM
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Hey...we dwarves have our moments!! They sometimes are few and far between but we have 'em!
darthnoir - Apr 10, 2003 - 02:48 PM
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Our league has always ruled that the Throw In Template can be placed diagonally. Reasons:

1) If the ball goes out of bounds diagonally off of one of the corner squares of the field, you should place the template diagonally (and guaranteed the ball lands on the field rather than repeated "oops out of bounds again" rolls)

2) The Kickers house rules used the throw in template, and not being able to aim the kick diagonally just struck us as silly.
Elan - Apr 10, 2003 - 10:40 PM
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Maybe a little LRB clarification for the diagonally challenged is in order?

In the event my gobbo still managed to kill his freebooting Morg (woohoo), and totally upset the other teams game plan (and mine), which is exactly the function that they have in Warhammer Fantasy, so I was not too distressed - but in future I will stick with my interpretation.

Thanks All! Mr. Green
BenArd - May 14, 2003 - 07:17 AM
Post subject:
Page 30 of the LRB states "place the throw in template over the fanatics head facing up or down the pitch or towards either sideline" Therefore, the throw-in template cannot be placed diagonally. i.e the square indicated by the 3-4 roll must be in either a vertical or horizontal direction.
Redfang - May 14, 2003 - 07:22 AM
Post subject:
      mikeyc222 wrote:
know the feeling. last night i was one quick pass away from a st4 blizter being completely in the open for a td and a freakin dwarf rolls a 6 for an int

Hey, that's the same way I prevented that Trambi's Witch Elf scored 2-1, and managed to win 1-2 against him at the French Open Very Happy

Dwarfs Rule!!!

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