NAF World Headquarters

Rules Questions - "Eagle eye" Magic Card

GriffOberwald69 - May 20, 2003 - 03:02 AM
Post subject: "Eagle eye" Magic Card
This magic card allow a complete pass without a dice trow, what about the experience for the player ? Question


Redfang - May 20, 2003 - 03:05 AM
Post subject:
I don't know the exact wording of the card, but I'd think you'd get it normally; it's a completed pass, after all

Indigo - May 20, 2003 - 04:09 AM
Post subject:
out of interest, why are you still using those cards?
Agentrock - May 20, 2003 - 07:19 AM
Post subject: Re: "Eagle eye" Magic Card
      GriffOberwald69 wrote:
This magic card allow a complete pass without a dice trow, what about the experience for the player ?

Yes, your thrower gets the SPPs for the completion.
Gattolardo - May 20, 2003 - 07:58 AM
Post subject:
      Indigo wrote:
out of interest, why are you still using those cards?

In our league we still use them to add a little "twist" and uncertainity to the game.
Obviously we use the revised (4th edition) version of the cards.


(I play in the same league as Griff Smile )
Indigo - May 20, 2003 - 08:03 AM
Post subject:
I see. Do you not find they unbalance the game too much? Some are much more powerful than others.
GriffOberwald69 - May 20, 2003 - 12:57 PM
Post subject:

I see. Do you not find they unbalance the game too much? Some are much more powerful than others.

Really not, We think it's funny way to play ... However never try to break a orks cage (4 BO,4 Bl,Ogre, Varag ...) with only dark elves ? In this case the right card in the right moment and no one could be sure to score a easy touchdown ... Very Happy


skummy - May 20, 2003 - 01:13 PM
Post subject:
If they're freebooting Varag, you can afford a wizard. Cages tend to dislike fireballs.
Gattolardo - May 21, 2003 - 04:40 AM
Post subject:
      Indigo wrote:
I see. Do you not find they unbalance the game too much? Some are much more powerful than others.

The really powerful (and nasty) ones were modified or scrapped in the 4th edition revamp, so its quite diffcult to have (at least) long lasting effects on the team.
As for umbalancing the game, both coaches have the same chance of getting really useful or really stupid cards, so, in the end, is all a a matter of luck (like rollng 4 six in a row to pick up the ball, dodge, dodge, dodge TD!!!) or lack of it (a PRO troll standing stupid on the pitch 8 turns out of nine).
Gattolardo - May 21, 2003 - 04:47 AM
Post subject:
      skummy wrote:
If they're freebooting Varag, you can afford a wizard. Cages tend to dislike fireballs.

Yep, but even without Varag...

Sometimes the cards take the "math" out of the game....

BTW, in our league we don't allow freebooted wizards (only hired ones) and every SP takes up a position slot (so an orc tema cannot freeboot Varag if it already has four blitzas).
In the next league we'll scrap the wizzi altogheter and adopt the on-pitch spell casters Smile
skummy - May 21, 2003 - 06:56 AM
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I don't know that I'm qualified to give you advice. Your brand of BB is just too different from what I'm used to playing.
Gattolardo - May 22, 2003 - 05:02 AM
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Well, the rules are exactly the same, only with the teams from the MBBL form the good Galak, Stadiums, On-Pitch spellcasters, some little tidbit here and there (mainly most of the next BBRC revisions), the and the in-game use of cards....
Indigo - May 22, 2003 - 05:09 AM
Post subject:
I prefer playing a game of BB where the possibilities of outrageous good or bad luck are limited, and IMO that means ditching those cards. I'd prefer to win a game through skilful play rather than being lucky enough to get a special play card that gave a big advantage.

Having said that though, in one-off matches the special play cards were fairly good fun, but only when the outcome didnt really matter
Mordredd - May 22, 2003 - 05:16 AM
Post subject:
Special play cards added a variety to the games that I miss greatly. A certain random element that is present in real life tournaments of all kinds. I, too, want to win on skill, but outrageous fortune should still play it's part, if only occasionally.
Gattolardo - May 22, 2003 - 05:23 AM
Post subject:
I believe that, having to roll dice, outrageous good or bad luck comes into play an awful lot of times, regardless of the use of cards or not....

Indigo - May 22, 2003 - 05:34 AM
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I understand your point, but I think that it happens enough in games as they are without adding more through the special play cards, which IMO are unbalanced from the word go.

if it's any consolation you've inspired me to have a game using the cards again though Smile just not in the league though!
Gattolardo - May 22, 2003 - 05:50 AM
Post subject:
Give them a try Smile
But, be careful, the 3rd edition cards WERE too much umbalancing Smile
Try the revised ones,

(If you have MS Word I can send you the cards ready to be printed Smile )
jmccubbin - May 22, 2003 - 06:03 AM
Post subject:
      Gattolardo wrote:
I believe that, having to roll dice, outrageous good or bad luck comes into play an awful lot of times, regardless of the use of cards or not....


I second that. Nothing like rolling 6 1's in a row. Believe me I've done it. Boy did that game stink. Nothing like ALL your niggling injuries fail and all your players age in the same game, onmly to gain more niggling injuries.
Tutenkharnage - May 22, 2003 - 06:42 AM
Post subject:
      Gattolardo wrote:
Give them a try Smile
But, be careful, the 3rd edition cards WERE too much umbalancing Smile
Try the revised ones,

I much prefer the Special Play Cards we use here, which are designed to supplant the Handicap table. You can find them here:

Click on Rules and then click on Special_Plays. It's a PDF file, so you'll need Adobe Acrobat Reader to check 'em out.


Gattolardo - May 22, 2003 - 08:22 AM
Post subject:
Iìll give them a look as soon as I get home (THANK YOU WEBSENSE!!)
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