NAF World Headquarters

Rules Questions - Nurgle Rotters

Jmac - Feb 15, 2003 - 12:14 AM
Post subject: Nurgle Rotters
Hey guys, have a rather important question here. According to the BB Mag #5, you can have 6 rotters on your team. But, in the description of the Beast of Nurgle on the next page under the special rules, there is a note there. I quote:

"Note that the extra Rotter can only be taken if there is enough room for him on the team (ie. the team doesn't include 4 rotters already)."

Which one is correct? 4 rotters or 6 rotters?
Grumbledook - Feb 15, 2003 - 04:00 AM
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4, the correction will be coming out in the annual
Melifaxis - Feb 15, 2003 - 06:24 AM
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Yup, 4
Thadrin - Feb 15, 2003 - 07:46 AM
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I got a mail from Andy Hall confirming it should be 4, as per the normal Chaos roster.
Jmac - Feb 15, 2003 - 11:18 AM
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One more question about nurgle.. not sure if this section is fluff or not.

"Beasts of Nurgle are highly infectious, and even the modern remedies used by blood bowl players taking on a nurgle team won't always work against them."

does this mean apothocary won't work on a player killed by a beast of nurgle?
Darkson - Feb 15, 2003 - 11:31 AM
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It's fluff. The previous version of the Nurgle's Rotters had every player capable of causing the opposition to catch the Rot.

So yes, you can apoth someone killed by the Beast.
Pyrius - Feb 15, 2003 - 11:47 AM
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Just another question about the Rotters. In the Teambox are 3 Rotters, 4 Nurgle Beastmen and 5 "normal" Beastmen.
Now my question : Is there use for the "normal" Beastmen or will they sooner or later all become Nurgle Beastmen ?

CanĀ“t await BB Mag 5 to arrive in my local GW store in Cologne...
Jmac - Feb 15, 2003 - 11:59 AM
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to the best of my knowledge.. nurgle beastmen are the same as the regular chaos beastmen... neither have anything special about them
Pyrius - Feb 15, 2003 - 12:31 PM
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      philodox wrote:
to the best of my knowledge.. nurgle beastmen are the same as the regular chaos beastmen... neither have anything special about them

how boring... Crying or Very sad
Darkson - Feb 15, 2003 - 12:59 PM
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Just give all your beastmen FA on their 1st double.
Grumbledook - Feb 15, 2003 - 02:36 PM
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Thats what i would give them on a normal chaos team as well.
AnthonyTBBF - Feb 15, 2003 - 02:45 PM
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That's my plan on my TBBF team right now. Of course, I have only managed to roll one doubles in 17 games Confused
Jmac - Feb 15, 2003 - 03:43 PM
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Just started a team using Nurgle. Started off with 11 beastmen, 4 rerolls, 2 FF and 40k in the bank.. after my 2nd game, I bought a beast of nurgle.. 3rd game he got his first kill.. saved me 110k on a rotter.. I would highly suggest investing in a beast of nurgle first before you buy any additional rotters. Saves money in the long run
Jmac - Feb 16, 2003 - 12:16 PM
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I called the GW Trolls that are here in the U.S. They told me that the rotter team is allowed 0-6 Rotters. How did you find out that the next annual is going to change it to 0-4?
Grumbledook - Feb 16, 2003 - 12:45 PM
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Cause irrc either andy hall posted that they are only meant to have 4 on tbb or someone pasted his email reply which said the same thing. It has also been answered on the official blood bowl forum.

Just for the record never ask mail order trolls rules for blood bowl cause they usually don't know them.
Milo - Feb 16, 2003 - 07:15 PM
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I'll confirm that it was intended to be 0-4 in the first place. The 0-6 was simply a typo. You'll note that in another part of the rules it mentions the limit of 4.

McDeth - Feb 18, 2003 - 03:08 AM
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      philodox wrote:
I called the GW Trolls that are here in the U.S. They told me that the rotter team is allowed 0-6 Rotters. How did you find out that the next annual is going to change it to 0-4?

Never ever ask GW trolls about rules, Ass and elbow and the whereabouts of each come to mind
Jmac - Feb 18, 2003 - 10:52 PM
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Another question about the Rotters... Well, actualy it's about Foul Appearance. Do they stack? For example.. I have 3 FA players within 3 squares of the ball. Does the opposing coach's player have -3 to pick up the ball? I have been told both yes and no from various players. I was wondering if anyone heard something from an official source?

If the FA does stack, god forbid someone who plays against an experienced Nurgle team. They'll never pick up or catch the ball except on 6's... First doubles roll for all my beastmen will be FA... Kind of hard to pick the ball up when you're always -4 or -5 to your rolls
AnthonyTBBF - Feb 18, 2003 - 10:59 PM
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It does stack. However, FA only affects catches and passes, not pick ups.
snew - Feb 22, 2003 - 07:18 AM
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Can the Rotters have an apothecary? I was under the impression they couldn't. I don't have the mag yet so I can't check.
Narkotic - Feb 22, 2003 - 08:51 AM
Post subject:
      snotsngrots wrote:
Can the Rotters have an apothecary? I was under the impression they couldn't. I don't have the mag yet so I can't check.

The mag says no (because of fluff and the possibility to get Nurgle Chaos Players for free by the beast killing opponents). At TBB there is a discussion about this.

Furthermore, I do not like the Beast of Nurgle as it is proposed in the Mag. Too muich skills stacked onto that and too expensive for a single player (= you cannot afford it early in the game except you start with lousy RR and FF, and when you can afford it much later it rocks completely, making the argument that it will build your team with free players obsolete).

I prefer the stats as found at They gave him MA+1, AV-1 and dropped thick skull and stand firm, reducing its price from 160K to 140K. Sounds ok for me. And if you use the old archive beast of nurgle (the odd tentacled sluglike one) and not the new muscle/flesh Chaos spawn, you can really imagine how he grabs everyone and does not let go Cool

As far as I can recall the version is:
4/6/1/9, Big, really stupid, mighty blow, foul appearance, regeneration, tenctacles, nurgle's rot/ 140K [S/G/Phy]
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