NAF World Headquarters

North America - Canadian Open 2013 - March 9-10 - Toronto, ON

natsirtdm - Jan 29, 2013 - 04:06 PM
Post subject: Canadian Open 2013 - March 9-10 - Toronto, ON
PLEASE BE AWARE you need to pre-register your roster OR show up for the registration period (not all at 10:15 please) so we are ready to start playing at 11am at Dueling Grounds.

The Canadian Open is returning this year, and will be hosted in Toronto, ON. Please send a Private Message if you are interested in having somewhere to crash, we are certain we can accommodate everyone.

March 9-10, 2013

Dueling Grounds
1193 Bloor St W.
Toronto, ON

$20 - NAF Members, $30 - Non-NAF members (with $10 going towards NAF membership sign-up)
coffee & donuts provided on day 1 during registration (see schedule below)

5 games of Blood Bowl played over two days (3 on Saturday, 2 on Sunday) Swiss-style match-ups after game 1. Tournament is resurrection.
Tournament points are W/T/L - 3/1/0, with strength of schedule as primary tie-breaker.
We will be using the CRP rules along with the 3 additional NAF approved teams with the following exceptions:
A custom weather table will be used, weather will be rolled by top table and apply to all games.

Since we can only play during store hours, and there is no eating in the store we will complete registration and preparations for game one at my house which is a 5 min drive or 10 min walk to the store. Will provide more details regarding this later. This also means that you must be on time to start all your games, and timers may be required should the tournament organizer deem it so. Store hours are 11-7 on Sat and 11-6 on Sun.

Registration: 9:00am - 10:30am PLEASE PM for DETAILS

Game 1: 11:00am - 1:00pm
Lunch: 1:00pm - 2:00pm
Game 2: 2:00pm - 4:00pm
Break: 4:00pm - 4:30pm
Game 3: 4:30pm - 6:30pm

Game 4: 11:00am - 1:00pm
Lunch: 1:00pm - 2:00pm
Game 5: 2:00pm - 4:00pm
Awards: 4:15pm - 5:00pm

Coaches will have 1,000,000 gold crowns with which to build a "rookie" team. Each coach must purchase a minimum of 11 players. You may also purchase re-rolls, fan factor, assistant coaches, cheerleaders and apothecaries. No skills or stat increases of any kind may be purchased. Apothecaries work as described in CRP/LRB6.0 rules and may not be used on Star Players.

Norse teams get 1 Fan Factor at no cost as this is their turf.

No inducements may be purchased unless you are the coach of a “Stunty” team. Stunty teams include; Halfling, Goblin, Ogre, Underworld (without Skaven), and Lizardmen (without Saurus) teams. Stunty teams may purchase 0-1 Star Players, but must purchase 11 players before they can purchase any Star Player. Goblin teams may purchase bribes and Halfling teams may purchase a Halfling Master Chef, all as per standard CRP/LRB6.0 rules.

A player may receive a max of 2 upgrades during the entire tournament, this means you can give 2 upgrades immediately but that player becomes ineligible for random skill upgrades later.

Every team will get an extra allotment of TV to spend towards skills and stat upgrades before game 1 based on tier.
A max of 1 of each stat upgrade and 2 of each skill may be selected during this phase.

Tier 1 (70k) includes; Amazons, Chaos Dwarves, Dwarves, Dark Elves, Norse, Orcs, Skaven, Undead, Wood Elves
Tier 2 (100k) includes; Chaos, Chaos Pact, High Elves, Elves, Humans, Khemri, Lizardmen, Necromantic, Nurgle, Slann
Tier 3 (130k) includes; Halflings, Goblins, Ogres, Vampires, Underworld

After games 2 and games 4, teams will get an additional random skill - again based on tier. The 2 upgrade limit over the tournament continues to apply. Match ups will be determined before you must make your selection.

Tier 1; pick a player, pick 6 skills they can receive as a normal skill. Roll a D6 and add that skill to the player.
Tier 2; pick a player, pick 3 skills they can receive as a normal skill. Roll a D3 and add that skill to the player.
Tier 3; pick a player, pick 3 skills they can receive as either a normal or double skill. Roll a D3 and add that skill to the player.

Being that this is the Canadian Open, we have adjusted the weather table in order to reflect our unique weather.
(2) Bitter Cold: It’s so cold that some players have got Frost Bite! Roll a D6 for each player on the pitch at the end of a drive. On a roll of 1 the player has been stricken with frost bite and may not be set up for the next kick-off.
(3) Very Sunny: Cold, but the blinding sunshine causes a -1 modifier on all passing rolls
(4) Icy Conditions: It’s exceptionally icy on the pitch causing extreme slippery conditions. To reflect this, all players that move more then 3 squares including a Blitz make a roll, on a roll of 1 the player moves an additional square in the same direction ignoring any tackle zones if the player so happens to pass through one. If a player moves into an occupied square then treat it as a push result on the block dice. In addition, the icy conditions may also result in a player sliding out of bounds or into the end zone for the winning TD!
(5 – 10) Nice: Cold but otherwise decent Blood Bowl weather.
(11) Ice Rain: It’s raining, making the ball slippery and difficult to hold. A -1 modifier applies to all catch, intercept, or pick up rolls.
(12) Blizzard: It’s cold and snowing! The horrible conditions means that any player attempting to move an extra square (GFI) will slip and be knocked down on a roll of 1-2. In addition, only quick and short passes can be attempted.

The following awards are available to be won. A maximum of one performance award can be won by any coach.

Performance Awards
1st Place: Awarded to the coach with the most tournament points.
2nd Place: Awarded to the coach with the second most tournament points.
3rd Place: Awarded to the coach with the third most tournament points.
Stunty Champion: Awarded to the coach with the most tournament points playing a Stunty team.
Most Touchdowns: Awarded to the coach who scored the most touchdowns.
Most Casualties: Awarded to the coach who accumulated the most casualties from blocking.
Wooden Spoon: Awarded to the coach with the lowest number of tournament points.

Hobby Awards
Best Team: Awarded to the coach whose team earned the most votes (T.O. will be tie breaking vote if required)
Canuck Attitude: Awarded to the coach with the highest amount of sportsmanship points.

Will be very simple this year, send an email to and include;
NAF # or ID
and attach your roster.

If you wish to pre-pay, please indicate whether you would like to use EMT or Paypal in the email.

If you pre-register, you don't need to come for registration beforehand, but you'll miss out on coffee & donuts. This will be confirmed with you via email - and is dependent on your roster being accepted.
natsirtdm - Jan 29, 2013 - 04:06 PM
Post subject: RE: Canadian Open 2013 - March 9-10 - Toronto, ON
This post reserved for attendance tracking. Bold is pre-registered.

01: Alex M (odd man out)
02: Alex W
03: Kevin S
04: Tom R
05: Joe P
06: Craig T-W
07: Ryan M
08: Nick H
09: Chris E
10: Ezzard
11: Lindsay W
12: Gord M
13: David B
14: Grant
Stimme - Jan 29, 2013 - 04:26 PM
Post subject:
Hoor eh!

I am in.
doomington - Jan 29, 2013 - 06:09 PM
Post subject:
Great news! Once a year we get to own noobs on our own turf!
frostmane - Jan 29, 2013 - 06:58 PM
Post subject:
I'll be there, with or without bells on. Probably without. But I'll be there.
DarkOrk20 - Jan 30, 2013 - 01:57 AM
Post subject:
I'm there.
DarkOrk20 - Jan 30, 2013 - 02:00 AM
Post subject:
Can one of the locals tell me if studded tires are allowed in Ontario from Niagra Falls to Toronto? I tried finding it for myself but it seemed vague at best. Thanks.
frostmane - Jan 30, 2013 - 07:34 AM
Post subject:
The road from Niagara Falls to Toronto is a major highway, so you'd never actually need studded tires. Especially in March. I can't find anything that says that they aren't allowed though.
natsirtdm - Jan 30, 2013 - 08:05 AM
Post subject:
lol, Kev your google-fu sucks.
second link for googling "studded tires ontario" says they are banned in southern ontario
Tom, you might be looking at at >$100 fine and possibly getting impounded/towed.
frostmane - Jan 30, 2013 - 08:24 AM
Post subject:
I was looking on the MTO and couldn't find anything!
Clan_Skaven - Jan 30, 2013 - 09:06 AM
Post subject:
As of now put me down as a definate maybe, but I will spread to word to my fello Niagara Clan.
natsirtdm - Jan 30, 2013 - 06:40 PM
Post subject:
tournament rules finalized.
apartment42 - Jan 30, 2013 - 07:37 PM
Post subject:
Too bad you can't play in the tourney, Tristan, I think your forum signature needs to be longer Wink

Just wanted to add that between natsirtm and I we have plenty of crash space and live within stumbling range of one another so it should be a pretty good party Saturday night. Looking forward to seeing everyone!
Hitonagashi - Jan 30, 2013 - 08:32 PM
Post subject:
I'm in.
Hitonagashi - Jan 30, 2013 - 08:52 PM
Post subject:
Also..quick question:

Can you reroll the slippery weather roll....and if you can, can you re-roll a passed slippery weather roll to attempt to fail it?
Clan_Skaven - Jan 31, 2013 - 07:46 AM
Post subject:
      Hitonagashi wrote:
Also..quick question:

Can you reroll the slippery weather roll....and if you can, can you re-roll a passed slippery weather roll to attempt to fail it?

In past years yes to both, I'm sure Tristan will keep the same ruling this year.
natsirtdm - Jan 31, 2013 - 09:23 AM
Post subject:
Correct, yes you can reroll and reroll to fail.
Clan_Skaven - Jan 31, 2013 - 12:20 PM
Post subject:
Due to space is there an attendance cap?
natsirtdm - Jan 31, 2013 - 01:01 PM
Post subject:
Based on past attendance at DG hosted tournaments I estimated to owner that attendance likely would not exceed 20, but he said he did not anticipate any conflicts and didn't see a need for head count.
If the #'s start getting high enough I will look at doing pre-registration to hard confirm numbers and then contact him.
Spazzfist - Jan 31, 2013 - 01:42 PM
Post subject:
I am in! Celebrating 2013! The Year of the Horned Rat!

Squeeeee! Twisted Evil
Rando - Jan 31, 2013 - 04:06 PM
Post subject:
I'm in, my first ever T.O. tourney!
mubo - Feb 03, 2013 - 04:29 PM
Post subject:
Put me down!
Happy to send roster a priori if that makes registration easier for you guys.
tyrant - Feb 04, 2013 - 08:23 AM
Post subject:
I'm in!
wapcaplets - Feb 05, 2013 - 08:37 AM
Post subject:
My work-related travel has been canceled so I can come now. Looking forward to it!
Fevin - Feb 05, 2013 - 09:28 AM
Post subject:
Can I be added to the list too, please?
natsirtdm - Feb 05, 2013 - 10:42 AM
Post subject:
Sorry Lindsay, thought you mentioned only if weather permitting. Have been keeping a list of confirmed attendees only. (Maybe only counts in horseshoes!)
Fevin - Feb 05, 2013 - 10:59 AM
Post subject:
Whoops, that is what I get for skimming the information. Sorry about that.
Clan_Skaven - Feb 05, 2013 - 01:08 PM
Post subject:
I'm a definite yes & if needed I'm cool volunteering for an oddman out if needed. As far as others from the NFUL (Niagara Falls Underworld League) I'm not sure yet.
Boshka - Feb 06, 2013 - 01:09 PM
Post subject:
Looks like I will be attending now as well.
tlawson - Feb 08, 2013 - 11:35 AM
Post subject:
Hey, I was just wondering if there is still room for this tourny? If so please let me know

natsirtdm - Feb 08, 2013 - 12:47 PM
Post subject:
definitely still room! still room to crash too
ottovongoush - Feb 09, 2013 - 04:52 PM
Post subject:
I am in.
gmacd - Feb 10, 2013 - 10:11 PM
Post subject:
I'll be there
tlawson - Feb 11, 2013 - 09:21 AM
Post subject:
Ok, you can count me in
grant85 - Feb 21, 2013 - 03:14 PM
Post subject:
Hey all,

I might be able to pull this one off. Going to see what Eric and Rob are saying. I have the weekend free, just need to see whats-what.

Clan_Skaven - Feb 22, 2013 - 12:29 AM
Post subject:
      grant85 wrote:
Hey all,

I might be able to pull this one off. Going to see what Eric and Rob are saying. I have the weekend free, just need to see whats-what.


LOL Eric lives in BC now, so I'm sure what he says won't matter much. Laughing Wink
grant85 - Feb 22, 2013 - 06:01 AM
Post subject:
...yerp. Eric just wrote me back saying he lives in Vancouver now. Just need to get a dog sitter and Im in. Will let you know asap.
natsirtdm - Feb 25, 2013 - 09:13 AM
Post subject:
added list of awards and info about pre-registration...
tlawson - Feb 25, 2013 - 01:23 PM
Post subject:
As of right now I am going to have to back out, I apologize to you all, I got family veto'd as I would only be able to play the Saturday.

Once again I am sorry.
natsirtdm - Feb 25, 2013 - 02:02 PM
Post subject:
don't worry about it!
tlawson - Feb 26, 2013 - 10:06 AM
Post subject:
Thanks, I am really sorry. I just didn't want to leave short on the. Sunday.
kikurasis - Feb 26, 2013 - 11:54 AM
Post subject:
There's like 10+ local tournaments a year -- you'll make one of them. Wink
grant85 - Feb 26, 2013 - 01:11 PM
Post subject:
      natsirtm wrote:
definitely still room! still room to crash too


I got the dog sitter all lined up. I am 100% in! Could I crash at your place, if there is still room?
natsirtdm - Feb 26, 2013 - 01:46 PM
Post subject:
Hey Grant, there is definitely space for crashing.
grant85 - Feb 26, 2013 - 03:17 PM
Post subject:
Great! Thanks.
jrock56 - Feb 28, 2013 - 01:11 AM
Post subject:
It isn't looking good for me to attend this year, you never know but it will definitely be a last minute thing if I can make it. Don't think I am able to get the Sunday evening off work unfortunately! Will let you know if things change over the next 2 weeks...sigh I wanted another premature award this year Razz
Clan_Skaven - Feb 28, 2013 - 09:11 AM
Post subject:
Ok the good news is I have the time off to go, the bad news I may not have the cash...

Just accepted job layoff this morning, really a good thing, my back would have been ruined doing that job.

So keep me in the running for a definite maybe, (unless of course you run out of room) then I understand giving that spot to another.

Maybe see you guys soon.
natsirtdm - Mar 01, 2013 - 03:06 PM
Post subject:
just over a week to go and nobody has pre-registered. that is fine as long as you are planning to come to registration on the day - but I'm pretty sure a few have spoken about meeting directly at dueling grounds (wappy am looking at you) and I need a roster if that is your plan.
wapcaplets - Mar 02, 2013 - 05:19 AM
Post subject:
Absolooch! I'll get my roster to you by the end of the day tomorrow (just heading out to Gryphcon; if I did my roster now it would have Chewbacca and Lando on it). Guys, get off your keisters and pre-reg! It makes it so much easier for the TO if you do so ahead of time.
frostmane - Mar 03, 2013 - 09:16 AM
Post subject:
Aaaand registered.
natsirtdm - Mar 04, 2013 - 10:18 AM
Post subject:
final week countdown. please consider pre-registering (pre-pay is optional) to save us (me!) a stressful saturday morning.
DarkOrk20 - Mar 04, 2013 - 08:11 PM
Post subject:
Now why in the hell would we want to do that for you?
natsirtdm - Mar 05, 2013 - 08:06 AM
Post subject:
I wasn't expecting it from you. Razz
mubo - Mar 05, 2013 - 08:45 AM
Post subject:
Registered! See you guys Saturday!
Spazzfist - Mar 05, 2013 - 08:03 PM
Post subject:
Registered! See you Saturday!
jrock56 - Mar 05, 2013 - 08:45 PM
Post subject:
Hey Gents, unfortunately I won't make it out this year. Can't get the time off work for this, have a great tourney and I'll hopefully see some of you over the next few months at other tournies!

grant85 - Mar 05, 2013 - 08:46 PM
Post subject:
Registered! See you Friday! Motherfackas!
natsirtdm - Mar 08, 2013 - 10:39 AM
Post subject:
Please remember to bring 2 copies of your roster, block dice and any tournament dice you like.
Dice will unfortunately not be provided this year - so you are welcome to use any tournament dice you have.
We must also insist you allow your opponent to use your dice if they wish.
Clan_Skaven - Mar 08, 2013 - 12:51 PM
Post subject:
Sorry guys too much BS in real life going on, I have to bail. Sorry Ttistan. See most of you at the Q'rrmitt?
apartment42 - Mar 08, 2013 - 04:50 PM
Post subject:
Shitty, I'll miss you brother~
frostmane - Mar 08, 2013 - 06:10 PM
Post subject:
Can you print a copy of my roster Tristan? I am sans printer.
natsirtdm - Mar 09, 2013 - 09:55 AM
Post subject:
You can follow along on my blog here.

Live twitter updates!
natsirtdm - Mar 09, 2013 - 05:18 PM
Post subject:
After 3 rounds the standings are

Alex W
Nick H
Tom R
Ryan M
Chris E
Joe P
Lindsay W
Craig T-W
Gord M
Kevin S
Alex M
Grant H
Ezzard A
David B

Most TDs is hotly contested with 2 coaches w 6, 3 coaches w 5 and 2 coaches w 4
Most CAS is a bit more strung out - first has 13, second has 10, third has 8.
natsirtdm - Mar 10, 2013 - 09:18 AM
Post subject:
day two begins, more live updates via my blog and on twitter (@natsirtdm)
natsirtdm - Mar 10, 2013 - 03:42 PM
Post subject:
The Canadian Open has finished and with an epic final round of slippery weather!

1st Stimme, 2nd mubo, 3rd wapcaplets Stunty apartment42
Most TDs grant85, Most CAS boshka Spoon turfchewer
Best Team mubo, Canuck Attitude apartment42/grant85

Here are the full final standings.

Results have been submitted.

Thanks to all who came out.
Stimme - Mar 10, 2013 - 03:56 PM
Post subject:
That was fast!
Great and perfectly organized tournament. Thanks a lot, Tristan!
mubo - Mar 10, 2013 - 05:50 PM
Post subject:
Thanks Tristan- great event!

Awesome trophies Smile
wapcaplets - Mar 11, 2013 - 04:34 AM
Post subject:
Thanks, Tristan & Alex, for a great event with great trophies. I'm glad that one of the SWO mainstays now has a permanent home in Toronto.
delevus - Mar 11, 2013 - 06:51 AM
Post subject:
Sheez Ezzard 22 Casaulties.

Little bummed I couldn't swing this, but hopefully next year.
Clan_Skaven - Mar 11, 2013 - 08:05 AM
Post subject:
Congrats looks like a blast. I do have 2 questions though... thought Spazz told me he was 3-1-1 not 2-2-1 and how did spazz and rando tie in the final round -1 to -1 ?
Daggers - Mar 11, 2013 - 08:14 AM
Post subject:
Looks like alot of fun, someday I hope to make it back.

@C_S: I saw that, and fixed it. Let me know if it is still wrong.
Spazzfist - Mar 11, 2013 - 09:00 AM
Post subject:
      Dwarfrunner wrote:
Looks like alot of fun, someday I hope to make it back.

@C_S: I saw that, and fixed it. Let me know if it is still wrong.

Last game was mine. I won it 2-0.
natsirtdm - Mar 11, 2013 - 09:06 AM
Post subject:
Sorry Spazz, will look into it when I get home.
Spazzfist - Mar 11, 2013 - 09:54 AM
Post subject:
      natsirtm wrote:
Sorry Spazz, will look into it when I get home.

It's okay man, I didn't expect me to win either! Wink
natsirtdm - Mar 11, 2013 - 10:04 AM
Post subject:
Every time I was there you seemed to be failing dice rolls?
Daggers - Mar 11, 2013 - 10:59 AM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
      Dwarfrunner wrote:
Looks like alot of fun, someday I hope to make it back.

@C_S: I saw that, and fixed it. Let me know if it is still wrong.

Last game was mine. I won it 2-0.

Oh, well thats different. I just fixed the -1 score for each coach.
Spazzfist - Mar 11, 2013 - 11:24 AM
Post subject:
      natsirtm wrote:
Every time I was there you seemed to be failing dice rolls?

AAAARGH! YOU WERE A FUCKING CURSE! Seriously! Every time you were aroun my players were dying or I was rolling double 1's for Gutter dodging!
natsirtdm - Mar 11, 2013 - 12:06 PM
Post subject:
You definitely seemed the worst affected by the T.O. curse, but trust me everyone got a taste!
wapcaplets - Mar 11, 2013 - 01:37 PM
Post subject:
      natsirtm wrote:
You definitely seemed the worst affected by the T.O. curse, but trust me everyone got a taste!

I'll say. Friggin' riot almost gave me a heart attack in round 4.
natsirtdm - Mar 11, 2013 - 01:43 PM
Post subject:
      wapcaplets wrote:
I'll say. Friggin' riot almost gave me a heart attack in round 4.

that was so epic
kick off scatter = d6(3) + d8(3)
me: "roll another 3"
kick off result = d6(1) + d6(2)
chris: "%S$S@@&*"
me: "my work here is done"
DarkOrk20 - Mar 11, 2013 - 01:54 PM
Post subject:
Thanks for running the tourny Tristan. You can keep that damn ice weather. Made a difficult game more trying. That location was pretty good. The parking not so much.
natsirtdm - Mar 11, 2013 - 04:21 PM
Post subject:
A pebkac error occured, sorry Spazz. Thankfully it did not affect podium standings - though only through tiebreakers (whew!)
I have asked Mark to adjust the submitted results. I have updated the pic on page 5.
Spazzfist - Mar 11, 2013 - 04:52 PM
Post subject:
      natsirtm wrote:
A pebkac error occured, sorry Spazz. Thankfully it did not affect podium standings - though only through tiebreakers (whew!)
I have asked Mark to adjust the submitted results. I have updated the pic on page 5.

Glad to hear it. What were the tiebreakers, btw?
kikurasis - Mar 11, 2013 - 05:42 PM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
      natsirtm wrote:
A pebkac error occured, sorry Spazz. Thankfully it did not affect podium standings - though only through tiebreakers (whew!)
I have asked Mark to adjust the submitted results. I have updated the pic on page 5.

Glad to hear it. What were the tiebreakers, btw?

Don't lie, Craig! You would've loved to go over to Chris' house and take that trophy from him! Smile
natsirtdm - Mar 11, 2013 - 07:08 PM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
      natsirtm wrote:
A pebkac error occured, sorry Spazz. Thankfully it did not affect podium standings - though only through tiebreakers (whew!)
I have asked Mark to adjust the submitted results. I have updated the pic on page 5.

Glad to hear it. What were the tiebreakers, btw?

strength of schedule, then net td, net cas - but I don't think it went that far.
Spazzfist - Mar 11, 2013 - 08:59 PM
Post subject:
Nope. He definitely had me beat on strength of schedule!
Daggers - Mar 12, 2013 - 06:37 AM
Post subject:
      natsirtm wrote:
I have asked Mark to adjust the submitted results.....

Game is fixed, now showing Spazz winning 2-0. It was close though. I would have liked to see Spazz go out to Englers and take the 3rd palce trophy. Engler would have cried I bet.
Lizardcore - Mar 12, 2013 - 08:05 AM
Post subject:
AlexW: Gimme some pics !
Spazzfist - Mar 12, 2013 - 01:10 PM
Post subject:
      Lizardcore wrote:
AlexW: Gimme some pics !

He didn't specify what the pics should be of! Send him pics of lesbian midgets! Very Happy
Boshka - Mar 15, 2013 - 07:03 PM
Post subject:
      delevus wrote:
Sheez Ezzard 22 Casaulties.

Little bummed I couldn't swing this, but hopefully next year.

Shouldn't have been 22 of them. However I paid off Tristan to hook me up with a Wee Goblin team for my last match.
I will also be paying Tristan to go to other tournies not to play. Just to stand at the table and increase my ability to roll armor and injuries.
Stimme - Mar 17, 2013 - 10:08 PM
Post subject:
Here are some visual impressions from last weekend:

natsirtdm - Mar 18, 2013 - 09:54 AM
Post subject:
nice pics alex
grant85 - Mar 19, 2013 - 07:27 AM
Post subject:
      Boshka wrote:
      delevus wrote:
Sheez Ezzard 22 Casaulties.

Little bummed I couldn't swing this, but hopefully next year.

Shouldn't have been 22 of them. However I paid off Tristan to hook me up with a Wee Goblin team for my last match.
I will also be paying Tristan to go to other tournies not to play. Just to stand at the table and increase my ability to roll armor and injuries.

And Ezzard's beautiful dice tower was never seen again.......

Thanks for a great weekend lady and gents. I had a blast in all my games, especially the ones where I could run up the score like a dick Wink

Special thanks for the crash spaces, solid Toronto sofas for sure.

Looking forward to the next one!
Lizardcore - Mar 19, 2013 - 08:57 AM
Post subject:
thanks for the pics alex !

Great job tristan !

miss you all, you still look so sexy Wink
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