NAF World Headquarters

North America - CCKO 2014 - January 25 & 26, 2014 - Ottawa, ON

Daggers - Dec 30, 2013 - 07:25 PM
Post subject: CCKO 2014 - January 25 & 26, 2014 - Ottawa, ON
Kick-off the new year in the nations capital with the return of the CCKO!!! Lots of fun will be had, as well as the return of the much loved/hated SKILLS DRAFT!!! Who will get to pick first?!?

This tournament is part of the East Coast Grand Prix (ECGP)...

January 25-26, 2014

FDB Website
114 St-Raymond Blvd.
Second Floor
Gatineau, QC

Google Maps

$40-NAF members, $50- Non-NAF members (with $10 going towards NAF membership sign-up).

Food included for both days.

6-games of Blood Bowl being played over two days (4 on Saturday, 2 on Sunday). Swiss-style match-ups after game 1. With the famed SKILLS DRAFT after game 3. Tournament points are W/T/L - 3/1/0

1.1mil team build to start. Each coach must purchase a minimum of 11 players. You may also purchase re-rolls, fan factor, assistant coaches, cheerleaders and apothecaries. No skills or stat increases of any kind may be purchased.

No inducements may be purchased unless you are the coach of a “Stunty” team. Stunty teams include; Halfling, Goblin, Ogre and Underworld (without Skaven), and Lizardmen (without Saurus) teams. Stunty teams may purchase 0-1 Star Players, but must purchase 11 players before they can purchase any Star Player. Goblin teams may purchase bribes and Halfling teams may purchase a Halfling Master Chef, all as per standard CRP/LRB6.0 rules.

Each team may choose between one of two skills packages after team creation. You may choose either:
• 5 regular skills
• 2 regular skills + 2 doubles skills

As well, to promote race diversity, certain races are given additional skills. The following races get additional skills as listed:

• Chaos, Chaos Pact, High Elves, Elves, Humans, Khemri, Nurgle, Slann: 1 additional regular skill
• Halflings, Goblins, Ogres, Vampires, Underworld: 1 additional regular skill + 1 additional doubles skill

There is a 0-2 cap on any skill during team creation, meaning no skill may be taken more than twice during the team creation stage. As well, no player may receive more than one skill upgrade during team creation.

More information to follow...
Daggers - Dec 30, 2013 - 07:27 PM
Post subject: RE: CCKO 2014 - January 25 & 26, 2014 - Ottawa, ON
Skills Draft

After the third game, there will be a skills draft where coaches may select new skills/improvements. A coach may only select improvements which are accessible to their race through standard skill selection (ie normal, doubles or stat increase rolls on the improvement table). No player may gain more than two skills/improvements during the tournament.

Each coach will be given 45 seconds to pick a skill/improvement. If the coach does not pick within that time, they lose their spot and the next coach picks. The coach will get to pick a skill at the end of the round rather than at their selection time. Each coach may pick one skill/improvement per round. There will be four rounds in the draft; therefore each coach will select four skills/improvements.

The draft order will be seeded by tournament position at the end of play after the third game. Only tournament points from gaming will be used to determine ranking. The team with the lowest ranking will pick first and the other coaches will follow in reverse ranking order, i.e. first place will chose last, and last place will chose first in each and every round. The draft order will be the same for each round.

For each 12 players, or part thereof, there will be one full set of skills and improvements available for the draft. Because of the limited number of skills available during the draft, the lower ranked coaches will have a better chance to select the more sought after skills, (i.e. stat increases, block, dodge, guard), while the higher ranked coaches will be forced to choose less common skills. The result of this will hopefully give the lower ranked coaches a chance to make their way back up the ranks, and also result in less common skills combinations being selected.
Daggers - Dec 30, 2013 - 07:28 PM
Post subject: RE: CCKO 2014 - January 25 & 26, 2014 - Ottawa, ON
NAF CANADA website will be updated with this information, and a finalized ruleset will be posted. Check it out here once it is updated.
Daggers - Jan 03, 2014 - 09:21 AM
Post subject: RE: CCKO 2014 - January 25 & 26, 2014 - Ottawa, ON
Here is the schedule for the weekends festivities.

Day One:
Day One:
09:00-09:15 Registration
09:15-09:30 Match-up Announcements
09:30-11:45 Game 1
11:45-12:45 Lunch (included)
12:45-15:00 Game 2
15:00-15:15 Break
15:15-17:45 Game 3
17:45-18:45 Draft & Dinner (included)
18:45-21:00 Game 4

Day Two:
09:00-11:15 Game 5
11:15-11:30 Break
11:30-13:45 Game 6
13:45-14:00 Calculating Results, Best Painted Voting & Lunch (included)
14:00 Awards & Closing Ceremony
Daggers - Jan 03, 2014 - 09:23 AM
Post subject: RE: CCKO 2014 - January 25 & 26, 2014 - Ottawa, ON
As mentioned, you can now pre-reg here -> Click
List of attendees:

1. Grant H
2. Alex W
3. Adam J
4. Mark H
5. Kohl H

1. Gord M
2. Leathan K
3. Colin K
4. Ryan H
grant85 - Jan 04, 2014 - 10:08 AM
Post subject: RE: CCKO 2014 - January 25 & 26, 2014 - Ottawa, ON
do you want us to pre-reg? any news on the location front?
natsirtdm - Jan 06, 2014 - 11:14 AM
Post subject: RE: CCKO 2014 - January 25 & 26, 2014 - Ottawa, ON
pre-reg is here ->
grant85 - Jan 07, 2014 - 04:51 PM
Post subject: RE: CCKO 2014 - January 25 & 26, 2014 - Ottawa, ON
preregistered! got my 2 assistant coaches & 2 cheerleaders FREE!!!

might have to double check my roster again closer to January 20th, 2014 at noon but Im happy with what Ive got so far.
Daggers - Jan 08, 2014 - 06:01 AM
Post subject: RE: CCKO 2014 - January 25 & 26, 2014 - Ottawa, ON
Thats right Grant, thanks for the promo. Don't forget your free extra CCKO dice. Wink
jrock56 - Jan 11, 2014 - 10:59 PM
Post subject: RE: CCKO 2014 - January 25 & 26, 2014 - Ottawa, ON
pre-registered as well, will be good to get a few games in shortly!! Very Happy
Stimme - Jan 17, 2014 - 03:54 PM
Post subject:
Only three more days left for the 2 Coach/Cheerleader preregistration bonus. Right now it looks like all those kick-off event rerolls are Grant's, Adam's and mine!
grant85 - Jan 19, 2014 - 05:13 PM
Post subject:
      Stimme wrote:
Only three more days left for the 2 Coach/Cheerleader preregistration bonus. Right now it looks like all those kick-off event rerolls are Grant's, Adam's and mine!

Daggers - Jan 20, 2014 - 05:57 PM
Post subject:
Sorry for the delay, but the venue is confirmed. The great people at Boutique FDB will be hosting us this year, as well as giving us prize support.

FDB Website
114 St-Raymond Blvd.
Second Floor
Gatineau, QC

Google Maps
grant85 - Jan 21, 2014 - 06:20 PM
Post subject:
Stimme - Jan 21, 2014 - 08:58 PM
Post subject:
Do I have to bring my passport?
Daggers - Jan 22, 2014 - 05:46 AM
Post subject:
QUEBEC!!! Yep, luckily its just over the bridge, so not far at all.

@Stimme: Just behave and they won't have to kick you out.
Daggers - Jan 22, 2014 - 08:06 AM
Post subject:
Schedule had to be altered to work better with their store hours. Check back on the original post for times.
grant85 - Jan 23, 2014 - 07:55 PM
Post subject:
see you suckas soon!
Daggers - Jan 24, 2014 - 08:56 AM
Post subject:
Great Grant, see you soon amigo.
Daggers - Jan 26, 2014 - 07:30 PM
Post subject:
With the dust settling, CCKO 2014 is in the books. A huge thanks goes out to everyone that made it out (especially Grant for driving all that way in a really shitty snow storm), and really huge thanks to the guys at FDB for the great space and prize support. I think this may become a new home for Blood Bowl in the region. It was small group this year, but everyone had fun, look for bigger and better things next year.

In the end the final standings were:
1. Leathan Keillar, Norse, Tournament Champion
2. Gord, McDougall, Dark Elf, 2nd Place
3. Mark Hickling, Slann, 3rd Place
4. Grant Hallas, Wood Elf, Best Offence
5. Kohl Hedley, Necromantic, Most Violent
6. Colin Keillar, Nurgle
7. Adam Jones, Norse, Wooden Spoon
8. Mark D'Agostino, Pro Elf, TOURNAMENT ORGANIZER

All the matches have been entered into the system. Some interesting facts, Leathan won by only 1 point, and the difference in standings between Gord and Hickling was decided by the fourth round tie-breaker. Kohl had a sizeable lead in the CAS race, but had to work for it in the final match by getting 4 CAS, since Colin had got 6 (against me) and had surpassed him briefly.

Thanks again to everyone that came out, and hope to see you at either the Dagger Bowl on February 22 or the Canadian Open on March 22-23.
grant85 - Jan 27, 2014 - 06:59 PM
Post subject:
Thanks for a great weekend Mark! I had a blast, good location (cant go wrong in a hobby shop above a cheese store), great opponents, comfy mattress = perfect BB weather.....urm, wait, I mean weekend. I was pleased as punch to manage a win against the likes of Hickling and Jones. See you gents at the Canadian Open in March!
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