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Painting - Newbie painter needing help

Guerre - Aug 07, 2003 - 11:44 AM
Post subject: Newbie painter needing help
Hi guys,

after playing BB for a couple of years now, I thought it was about time getting some real teams instead of always playing with the plastic minis.

Soooo ... I have invested in an Amazon team (cool chicks Cool ), the GW starter paint set, some black undercoating, some Purity Seal and a couple of brushes.

So now I only have to paint the li'l buggers and that's where my problems start...

I haven't got a clue about how to do it - so I'd appriciate if any of you can point me to some really good websites with guides for this, and any help or advice in this forum would be appreciated as well (and it gives you guys a nice excuse to have a fight over the best way to get started with this). Twisted Evil
Grasshopper - Aug 07, 2003 - 01:32 PM
Post subject:
1) always thin down your paint a little before you apply...

2) Games workshop site has some of their painting tips

3) CoolMiniorNot has some good tips

I've got another GREAT link somewhere but can't find it. As soon as I do I'll put it up.

-Grass Twisted Evil
AnthonyTBBF - Aug 07, 2003 - 03:07 PM
Post subject:
There is also a new book out from GW called "How to Paint Citadel Miniatures" that has some really good advice.
Deathwing - Aug 07, 2003 - 03:08 PM
Post subject: Not the best thing to paint for a novice, the detail isn't very well defined which makes them fairly challenging.
Just concentrate on painting neatly and cleanly to begin with, results and techniques will improve with practice, but a neat and even base coat is pretty much key. It'll look good enough and will only get better.
dwarfcoach - Aug 07, 2003 - 03:19 PM
Post subject:
Probably the best thing you could do is go into a GW store. They can give you a great painting lesson....

The reason it is so good is:

1) They help you with things that as a beginner painter you may not have ever considered. (You can 'MIX' the paints if you don't like the basic colours...?)

2) It gives you something to compare the advice you will inevitably get....

Everyone has their own prefered way of painting, it developes after time and practice. Things such as

"Always use a black undercoat, it is more forgiving if you make mistakes"

"When painting yellows and reds over black, first paint fiery orange as it is a fantastic base for these colours"

... and a thousand more. If you can't get to a local GW then the painting guide is a great help, and remember if you go to tournaments there is almost always some paints hanging around and a huge store of painting knowledge to draw on.........
Torpor - Aug 07, 2003 - 05:15 PM
Post subject:
Welcome aboard to the world of painting.

Look in the miniatures section of Talkbloodbowl and search for the topics related to the amazon figures. There are pictures there of a very well painted team. then go to the forum section

Doctor Faust's Painting Clinic has some good basic techniques

Jennifer Haley also has a good site for information about painting

There are many other good websites out there. Just look at the links pages on the sites listed above or try using a search engine to find more places.

Find a local game shop (Games Workshop or independent), sit in there and ask questions of the people who bring in miniatures that you like the look of. Ask them how an effect was done. Most painters like to talk about their work and are willing to share information. GW shops (and others) do have beginner's painting days where you improve your skills with help from the staff.

Don't get discouraged. It doesn't matter how long you have been painting, I find that everyone is still learning something new with every miniature that they paint.

Good luck with them and post pictures of your progress. Very Happy
Mordredd - Aug 08, 2003 - 05:18 AM
Post subject:
Forget the painting guides, nothing is as good as being shown how to do it by a good painter. There are some extremely good painters in Denmark, so if you can find one and persuade them to give you lessons that would be best. The ones I know of are based in Arhus though, so if you can't find any go into the GW store in Copenhagen. I'm sure they will offer painting lessons just like the stores do in the UK.
Guerre - Aug 08, 2003 - 05:52 AM
Post subject:
Thanks for all the advice - just keep it coming Wink seems to be down. Anyone have other links to pics of painted 'zon teams?
LouisX - Aug 08, 2003 - 07:01 AM
Post subject:
Painting is mostly a question of experience. But to begin on the good way, i'd tell you that:
-First examine closely your figs before painting them. You can clean them and spot the difficult parts to paint at the same time. If it's small and not flat, it's not easy.
-Then think of an easy color pattern that will work for all the figs.
-Like DW said, try to paint them cleanly. If the colors don't go over each others, your figs will already look good on the pitch. And you can improve them later.
-Always dilute your paint with some water so you don't put dried pieces on your figs.
-To use your brush. The more you push your brush, widder is the painted surface.
-Most important: Have fun!!!
Hangus - Aug 08, 2003 - 08:29 AM
Post subject:
i am not good at painting but i think people get better with practice. I try and have a practice model ie an extra lineman just to try out the colours and experiment with. Cos when i start and start off badly i tend to get put off. 9 times out of 10 he ends up in the team, but its a good warm up
AnthonyTBBF - Aug 08, 2003 - 08:53 AM
Post subject:
Yes, practice is the key. You WILL get better as time goes on. I find the hardest thing to get over is how bad your paint job can look in the beginning stages when all you have is basecoats on. Sometimes I get discouraged by the look at that point, but I find if I push ahead and get some highlighting down 9 times out of 10 I feel alot better about the result.
Hangus - Aug 08, 2003 - 09:01 AM
Post subject:
i find motivation the hardest thing, i have lost many an hour just sittin at my painting desk in my study (ooooo get me) just daydreaming about the finished models rather than painting the damn things Rolling Eyes
Indigo - Aug 08, 2003 - 09:06 AM
Post subject:
getting started is my problem, but once all the paints, water, lamps etc. are out and ready I can happily sit for hours. Just as well, it's how I did my team for the BB Smile
Deathwing - Aug 08, 2003 - 09:09 AM
Post subject:
      Guerre wrote:
Thanks for all the advice - just keep it coming Wink seems to be down. Anyone have other links to pics of painted 'zon teams?

The 'zons recently posted on TBB happen to be mine. Smile I've recently uploaded them to the Wodell site. Go to Gallery --> Dykes.
Grasshopper - Aug 08, 2003 - 09:23 AM
Post subject:
      Guerre wrote:
Thanks for all the advice - just keep it coming Wink seems to be down. Anyone have other links to pics of painted 'zon teams?

Darkwing has a kickass team posted somewhere. Even better than the Studio team.

AnthonyTBBF - Aug 08, 2003 - 09:29 AM
Post subject:
      Hangus wrote:
...painting desk in my study (ooooo get me) just daydreaming about the finished models rather than painting the damn things

LOL, I do that too. Glad I'm not the only one.
Melifaxis - Aug 08, 2003 - 09:35 AM
Post subject:
I think we all must do that Very Happy
Torpor - Aug 08, 2003 - 09:57 AM
Post subject:
Hangus wrote

...painting desk in my study (ooooo get me) just daydreaming about the finished models rather than painting the damn things

yep. I gave myself a rule not to purchase any more minis until I got on with painting the ones that I had as the backlog was getting pretty bad... Marriage seems to have helped me on the painting front. Nothing is a greater incentive for finishing than my wife going "Aren't you done with those little men yet?" lol
Hangus - Aug 08, 2003 - 09:59 AM
Post subject:
      Torpor wrote:
Hangus wrote

...painting desk in my study (ooooo get me) just daydreaming about the finished models rather than painting the damn things

yep. I gave myself a rule not to purchase any more minis until I got on with painting the ones that I had as the backlog was getting pretty bad... Marriage seems to have helped me on the painting front. Nothing is a greater incentive for finishing than my wife going "Aren't you done with those little men yet?" lol

for a joke you should hire some midgets and the next time she says that march them out telling them you will finish the body painting tomorrow
Deathwing - Aug 08, 2003 - 10:41 AM
Post subject:
      Grasshopper wrote:


Melifaxis - Aug 08, 2003 - 10:54 AM
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Heh, I was just gonna search for pic of him to bust on GH about that Very Happy
Grasshopper - Aug 08, 2003 - 11:42 AM
Post subject:
      Torpor wrote:
Hangus wrote
Nothing is a greater incentive for finishing than my wife going "Aren't you done with those little men yet?" lol

Has she called them *shudder* DOLLS yet? Razz
Grasshopper - Aug 08, 2003 - 11:44 AM
Post subject:
      Deathwing wrote:
      Grasshopper wrote:


Whoops, eh sorry about that DW... I'll get Gyro over here to fix that glitch right away. Smile
Melifaxis - Aug 08, 2003 - 02:00 PM
Post subject:
Megavolt was a cool villain... Very Happy
snew - Aug 08, 2003 - 06:15 PM
Post subject:
      Grasshopper wrote:
      Torpor wrote:
Hangus wrote
Nothing is a greater incentive for finishing than my wife going "Aren't you done with those little men yet?" lol

Has she called them *shudder* DOLLS yet? Razz

My wife calls them dolls. She did that at the Gen Con tourney and jay lazer corrected her. She's been a little gun-shy since then but she's realized that I don't have my posse here anymore and she's slipping back into her old habits.
Grasshopper - Aug 11, 2003 - 08:05 AM
Post subject:
      snotsngrots wrote:

My wife calls them dolls. She did that at the Gen Con tourney and jay lazer corrected her. She's been a little gun-shy since then but she's realized that I don't have my posse here anymore and she's slipping back into her old habits.

Well she bettah recognize... Well maybe on the elf teams, but other than that these are nowhere close to being dolls. Smile
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