NAF World Headquarters

North America - Tournament preference - on site or cool location?

Old_Man_Monkey - Nov 18, 2003 - 09:13 AM
Post subject: Tournament preference - on site or cool location?
As I make final preparations for the 1st Sun's Bane tournament in Florida, I would like to hear whether those who would travel would prefer:

a. game play on site at the hotel
b. game play nearby (6 miles from hotel) with transportation provided

I can cover one free night at the hotel (to accomodate early arrivals) but would like to have a fun place to play the games.

What do you think?

Ben - Nov 18, 2003 - 09:17 AM
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Don't matter to me, just playing in the hot sun if fine by me. When do you plan on having this tournament?

Tutenkharnage - Nov 18, 2003 - 09:23 AM
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If the weather is nice, why not play outdoors in a semishaded area? That would certainly be novel.

Old_Man_Monkey - Nov 18, 2003 - 09:28 AM
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The dates are March 13th and 14th - not too hot, but potentially windy. I'm thinking of having an after-tourney cookout on Sunday afternoon - steaks, corn on the cob and a baked potato to and of course some Beck's to drink. Perhaps the Sunday games could be played outside under cover with the proviso to move inside if the weather is nasty.

Ben - Nov 18, 2003 - 09:34 AM
Post subject:
I'll be in the area anyways so you can definiantly count me in. That's the same time as the Florida fish farm shows. Right on. And i get to see my good buddy Jimmy. Kewl.
Old_Man_Monkey - Nov 18, 2003 - 09:50 AM
Post subject:
I am also looking a good name for the tourney...
In fact, let's make it a contest - I'll be the sole judge.

If the name selected is submitted by someone outside the Bitter Blood Bowl League of Tampa, FL, I'll send the author a $25.00 GW gift certificate.

Let the tournament naming begin (and any mockery of Disney is sure to be viewed with positive prejudice . . .)

AnthonyTBBF - Nov 18, 2003 - 01:01 PM
Post subject:
I prefer any place tghat has massive amounts of air conditioning, my extreme temperature tolerance only works in the downwards direction Wink

I would like to get down for this one, I am going to try my best.
Tutenkharnage - Nov 18, 2003 - 01:10 PM
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On behalf of Anthony, I suggest the "ABC" tourney - "Anywhere But Canada"! Wink

AnthonyTBBF - Nov 18, 2003 - 01:14 PM
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C'mon, March in Canada is lovely!
Old_Man_Monkey - Nov 18, 2003 - 01:18 PM
Post subject:
"The Tragic Kingdom Challenge" - slogan "Dis Knee in Yer Face";

"The Swamp Rat's Stomp"

"The Warped Rat Tour"

"Kollision in Orklando"

Very good work for just a few hours - keep the names coming!

(Louis X in Paris suggested "The Diss Me Cup" where sportsmanship points worked backwards but that could get really out of hand!

Tutenkharnage - Nov 18, 2003 - 03:02 PM
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"Dis(-located) Knee"? Wink

I opt for "Manhandle in the Panhandle." Like "Thrilla in Manilla," only a lot bloodier Smile

Xtreme - Nov 18, 2003 - 03:06 PM
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"The Tragic Kingdom Challenge" - slogan "Dis Knee in Yer Face";

I don't know if it gets much better then that.

"Manhandle in the Panhandle."

Would look good on flyers as well.
twist - Nov 18, 2003 - 06:12 PM
Post subject:
How about Sun Dried Tomat.. no.. Sun Dried Tourney?
Blood in the Sun Tourney?
the Bloody Hot Bowl? (as a canuck, my fave Laughing )
The Blood, Sweat, and Tears Bowl
and as a homage to a fave band of mine, how about the Hot Action Cup? (from hot action cop)

More brainstorming to come later... Cool
Melifaxis - Nov 18, 2003 - 08:35 PM
Post subject:
I am Disney fan, but I'll play along Very Happy

The Flyin 'Fling
Plain cRazy
The Picky Louse Thrud

ok, I'm too tired now...maybe tomrrow
Teambloodyhorns - Nov 19, 2003 - 04:17 AM
Post subject:
how about the tropacanna tromp
Teambloodyhorns - Nov 19, 2003 - 04:18 AM
Post subject:
how about the tropacanna tromp
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