NAF World Headquarters

North America - The Beantown Brouhaha (Boston, MA - 07/31-08/01)

Melifaxis - Mar 20, 2003 - 11:10 AM
Post subject: The Beantown Brouhaha (Boston, MA - 07/31-08/01)
Location: GW - Harvard Square in "The Dungeon"
Dates: 07/31/2004-08/01/2004

Deep within the caverns of Kul-Dor lays the fabled Hand of Roze-El. Secreted away for decades, the Hand lay dormant. But, knowledge of the Hand could not be contained indefinitely and has surfaced at long last. Orcs, dwarves, goblins, elves, men, and even the living dead have begun to gather their armies in hopes of acquiring the ancient artifact through force of arms.

The region stood upon the brink of war.

Desperate to stave off the destruction of his homeland, The Keeper of the Hand called for a Council of Generals. Facing certain death should his gambit not work, he approached the varied rulers and whispered a single word.


Delighted with the idea and each certain of his own team's victory, the warlords commanded Melifaxis to arrange for a tournament worthy of their vast domains.

Who will emerge the victor, grasping the fabled Hand of Roze-El? Will it be you?

Whether the relic is the actual hand of Roze-El has been the source of countless debate among Blood Bowl historians. One group firmly believes the Hand to be that of the fabled priest that the dwarf Roze-El named himself after, while another group firmly believes it to be the hand of the dwarf himself, still many more believe it to be something entirely different...

One thing is for certain. Whosoever possesses the Hand reigns supreme upon the pitch!

Registration and complete Tournament Rules are here:
skummy - Mar 20, 2003 - 11:21 AM
Post subject:
The best I could offer right now is a "maybe." Where in Boston would you be thinking of having it?
Melifaxis - Mar 20, 2003 - 11:34 AM
Post subject:
Right now I'm trying to quage interest, but options I'm exploring are:
A Hotel right off the MA Pike 15 miles from Boston
The GW Store in Harvard Square
A Scout Camp 15 miles from Boston
A Hotel right in the city (but this will be more costly)
CyberHare - Mar 20, 2003 - 12:50 PM
Post subject:
I voted yes but it would really depend on funds at the time and what other tournaments are being held around the same time.

jaylazer - Mar 21, 2003 - 12:59 PM
Post subject:
I'll try to make it if I can.

I'd be coming from Philly so it would be a long ride ... but blood bowl is so worth it.
-Q- - Mar 21, 2003 - 01:05 PM
Post subject:
I still need to make my way up to check out the Harvard Square store. I hear it's really cool. I can't say I'm very good at Blood Bowl but I'd be happy to spend a day playing! =)
hoxworth - Mar 21, 2003 - 08:48 PM
Post subject:
I'll probably be interested in attending. As jaylazer said, it will be a drive, but it will be really worth it.
Melifaxis - Aug 08, 2003 - 09:23 AM
Post subject:
Fall is fast approaching so I thought I would bump this up and start to examine dates/places once again.
Old_Man_Monkey - Aug 08, 2003 - 12:06 PM
Post subject:
I'd put my team on a pitch in Harvard Square or anywhere in the great city of Boston Mass...
Tutenkharnage - Aug 08, 2003 - 12:34 PM
Post subject:
Shoulda caught me 2 years ago on my Atlantic City - Boston - Thousand Islands summer trek Smile

snew - Aug 08, 2003 - 06:18 PM
Post subject:
I wanna play. Probably won't be able to make it though. I'll certainly try. I want ot see OMM and Jay againagain.
tinywv - Aug 08, 2003 - 07:52 PM
Post subject:
Count me as 100% for sure, probably. If I can possibly swing it I'd go.
snew - Aug 09, 2003 - 06:41 PM
Post subject:
LOL. I'm not sure what tiny means but I like it!
tinywv - Aug 09, 2003 - 07:34 PM
Post subject:
100% for sure, probably. Cmon snots! That's self-explantatory. Razz

I'd love to go and I'm always up for a road trip. After the Chaos Cup I think I have Dave hooked on tourney play and another guy in the league is interested too. Now if I can just convince my wife!

I'll bring the Scotch!
Melifaxis - Oct 26, 2003 - 06:25 PM
Post subject:
Ok, Fall is fast disappearing on me and I don't have things ready to go. I'm not the kind of person to do things half-way so I don't want to just throw something together.

I can either aim for the Spring or aim for next Fall. For those who expressed interest would either work out?

Minion number two will be born in early April, so it would probably be early March if I did the Spring. In fact, as I was thinking of calling the event The Boston Massacre, March obviously holds special significance. Let me know what you think.

Hmm..March 13th is even a Saturday.
CyberHare - Oct 29, 2003 - 08:27 AM
Post subject:
March is also the month when The Canadian Nationals (formerly known as The Orion Cup) are going to be held. I'd love to come down to Boston but if I have to choose I'd go to the Nationals. Sorry Sad

SBG - Oct 29, 2003 - 09:03 AM
Post subject:
I'd rather May... If the Habs continue to be that crappy, I might be able to take a weekend off to go to the Nationals... Mad

Melifaxis - Oct 29, 2003 - 11:09 AM
Post subject:
Didn't they get massacred by Boston Wink

Don't worry, I like the B's but I'm really a Wings fan and you beat us in Montreal the day after the Death Bowl.
Melifaxis - Oct 29, 2003 - 11:13 AM
Post subject:
      CyberHare wrote:
March is also the month when The Canadian Nationals (formerly known as The Orion Cup) are going to be held. I'd love to come down to Boston but if I have to choose I'd go to the Nationals. Sorry Sad


Understandable. Thanks for responding though. We'll see which way popular opinion goes.

SBG, May will be tough for me with a newborn so It would probably be March or Sept/Oct

CyberHare - Oct 29, 2003 - 12:20 PM
Post subject:
I'd say shoot for September. There are no big tournaments in North America in September.
Xtreme - Oct 29, 2003 - 04:51 PM
Post subject:
Depending on how life is treating me I may be able to attend in September.
SBG - Oct 30, 2003 - 08:15 AM
Post subject:
Mel : The Bruins better be ready tonight! (They're so big though!);
I understand that with the newborn, it will be tough, so I'll hope to get a weekend off whenever the tournament is held.

That job is fun, but man is it hard on my social life! Crying or Very sad

Melifaxis - Dec 01, 2003 - 01:34 PM
Post subject:
But, March 13th is OMM's FL tournament so I'm going to work with September. I'll check for other events and do my best to avoid those dates and then I'll start pulling this together once we are actually in 2004 Very Happy
CyberHare - Dec 01, 2003 - 03:59 PM
Post subject:
Umm Ok I know that I was the guy who, once upon a time, said that September would be a good month. Well... I was wrong. Sept. 18th + 19th is the official Spike tournament in Toronto Canada Sad

Ok lets look at this

January sucks because we're all broke from Xmas Sad
February is the Canadian Nationals in Toronto
March is Manhandle in the Panhandle
April is open but some of us are saving up to go to the BB
May is the Blood Bowl
June is open as far as I can remember
July is GenCon
August The Chaos Cup??
Sept is the Spike! tournament
October is the Death Bowl
November is UCon
which brings us back to December and everyone's poor again Wink

Best bet.. IMHO is April. People who can't make it to Florida probably won't be going to England so you're tourney might just fill a nice gap there Smile

But then I was the one who suggested Sept so...... Very Happy

Whatever you decide decide soon so people have time to make travel plans.
Melifaxis - Mar 18, 2004 - 12:29 PM
Post subject:
The idea is definitely still alive and kicking, especially after having a blast down in FL at the TKC! I'm working with my fellow HBBL coaches to organize things. I figure that even if it's a small tourney this year, then there's just room to grow for next year, a bit of a change of philosophy from last year Very Happy

The Beantown Brouhaha

More to follow...
Melifaxis - Mar 18, 2004 - 01:56 PM
Post subject:
July has some serious potential along with the fall - I'd like to stay as far away from competing with other North American events as possible which makes July look better.

I just spoke with Kevin Doherty at the GW-Harvard Square store, and he was very receptive to hosting a tournament. We would only have room for about 18 boards, so we'd have to cap things at 36 coaches (which I think is quite an ambitious number anyways).

I also opened communication with an events manager at the Seaport Hotel downtown (as it's owned by my company) to see what kind of deal I could get there as they a) do catering b) could give a discount on a block of rooms c) have meeting space so people could, in theory, roll out of bed and play.
Melifaxis - Mar 19, 2004 - 01:37 PM
Post subject:
Decided I didn't like the fluff I wrote so I'll write up a new version... Rolling Eyes
CyberHare - Mar 20, 2004 - 10:36 AM
Post subject:
Excellent, so when's it going to be. I've never been to the Boston area so it'll be a cool trip.
Opus - Mar 21, 2004 - 05:54 AM
Post subject:
I'm pretty sure that given enough notice, I could arrange for about 10 people to attend from the Rhode Island / Connecticut area. New Englanders need more Blood Bowl! Smile
Melifaxis - Mar 21, 2004 - 07:25 AM
Post subject:
Excellent! You will have at least 3 months notice Very Happy

Plans should be finalized in the next couple of weeks.
Teambloodyhorns - Mar 21, 2004 - 08:19 AM
Post subject:
all i can say is we will try depending on air tickets and hotell for me and typhon
Teambloodyhorns - Mar 21, 2004 - 08:20 AM
Post subject:
all i can say is we will try depending on air tickets and hotell for me and typhon fall would be better so you dont conflict with the tourney in fla
Opus - Mar 21, 2004 - 07:23 PM
Post subject:
      Melifaxis wrote:
Excellent! You will have at least 3 months notice Very Happy

Plans should be finalized in the next couple of weeks.

Do you need any help, other than advertising? If so, please feel free to contact me (
Melifaxis - Mar 22, 2004 - 10:53 AM
Post subject:
Much appreciated! I will e-mail you momentarily.

07/31-08/01 is the most likely date, but I still have to work things out with GW and the hotel. I will have a final date and location within 2 weeks. That way you'll have almost 4 whole months to plan.

I'm targeting this date becuase the LotR exhibit from New Zealand is travelling to the Museum of Science in Boston starting on 08/01 and should give out of town coaches some extra incentive to visit Beantown.

Unfortunately, I just saw on TBB that a tourney got announced in Calgary for this same weekend. Sad
Melifaxis - Mar 26, 2004 - 12:07 PM
Post subject:
I toured "The Dungeon" at GW-Harvard Square today on my way back out of the city, and I'm confident it will meet our needs. Now all we need is the blessing on the dates by the venue.

Parking at the Harvard Square Garage is $19 per day for those that can't find parking on the street.

Making progress, slowly but surely Very Happy
Melifaxis - Mar 29, 2004 - 12:57 PM
Post subject:
Should get the go/no go from GW-Harvard Square any day now.
Melifaxis - Apr 05, 2004 - 09:28 AM
Post subject:
GW - Harvard Square hath blessed the date! Come one, come all 07/31-08/01. Website for registration under construction. I will add the rules to the first post until they are up online.

This will be a NAF sanctioned Tournament!
Melifaxis - Apr 07, 2004 - 08:33 AM
Post subject:
Can a mod make this thread sticky please?

I wasn't going to award a wooden spoon, but I found a perfect prize for it yesterday in my travels, so there will be prizes for:
3rd Place
Best Sportsman
Best Painted
Best Conversion
Most TD's
Most Casualties
Wooden Spoon
Pub Quiz
Walking in the Door

Web site for registration, etc is under construction.
SkinkFury - Apr 07, 2004 - 01:44 PM
Post subject:
Not sure what I'm bringing...
but I'll be there!
CyberHare - Apr 10, 2004 - 06:28 AM
Post subject:
As usual someone from Montreal is going to have to come down and show you Boston lads how a game is played Razz I will most likely be there.
Melifaxis - Apr 14, 2004 - 07:34 AM
Post subject:
Like last night?

(Don't worry I'm hanging my head in shame as well because the Wings played like a peewee squad)

p.s. I'm ashamed of all you "Bruins fans" for letting something like this hang out there for so long without a response.

p.s.s. On the tournament front, I'm working on trophies and getting the website set of for registration.
GalakStarscraper - Apr 14, 2004 - 01:28 PM
Post subject:
When you get the tournament specs in line ... make a post at also.

Melifaxis - Apr 14, 2004 - 02:35 PM
Post subject:
Will do. I just want the website set up and then info will be out there on House Rulez,, TBB, NAF, and in local gaming stores Very Happy
SkinkFury - Apr 15, 2004 - 02:36 PM
Post subject:
So when the website is done we can register, right?
Melifaxis - Apr 15, 2004 - 03:27 PM
Post subject:
Yep Very Happy
Ben - Apr 16, 2004 - 06:19 AM
Post subject:
I will try and make it.
Cyberhare, if you go and are passing by Toronto, let me know and i'll hitch a ride with you and chip in for gas.

SkinkFury - Apr 16, 2004 - 10:19 AM
Post subject:
Excellent news!

More Canadians to crush beneath my boot Wink
Melifaxis - Apr 16, 2004 - 11:34 AM
Post subject:
Uh-oh...painters take notice. It just became much harder to walk away with best painted Very Happy

Glad to hear you're going to try and make it down!
Tojurub - Apr 16, 2004 - 12:18 PM
Post subject:
Hey Mel...great website so far....I like the menu buttons and the NAF-approved logo the best Razz Very Happy Wink
Melifaxis - Apr 16, 2004 - 12:48 PM
Post subject:
If you like that, wait til you see the form for registration and baseportal databases Wink

Did you do that logo and icons?
Tojurub - Apr 16, 2004 - 01:25 PM
Post subject:
I took the menu item logos from some other BB league homepage, but the NAF-approved logo I created myself by using the official NAF logo and playing around with Paint Pro.

Unless some kind of a miracle occurs the chances that I can attend your tourney are less than 0.0000000000001%....even though I'd love to attend, because I have been in 33 States so far, but the New England states (with the exception of CT) I haven't seen yet.

Do you want to come to my tourney, though? Wink
Melifaxis - Apr 16, 2004 - 01:39 PM
Post subject:
My hats off to you for the NAF-Approved logo. Very well done Very Happy

I also would need a miracle. My second child is due tomorrow, although she may be a bit late from the looks of things. Thus, my travel options are fairly limited this year.
CyberHare - Apr 26, 2004 - 05:31 AM
Post subject:
      Ben wrote:
I will try and make it.
Cyberhare, if you go and are passing by Toronto, let me know and i'll hitch a ride with you and chip in for gas.


Well I'm going but how exactly would you figure that I'd be passing through Toronto to get to Boston? It's completely in opposite directions Razz If you can get to MTL I'd be more than happy to give you a ride.

Mel Congrats if the baby has arrived.
Melifaxis - Apr 26, 2004 - 10:49 AM
Post subject:
Thanks, she has!

Abigail Rowan Fossey
8lbs 15oz
21 inches

Mom and baby are doing great! Very Happy
Tojurub - Apr 26, 2004 - 09:18 PM
Post subject: Jump Up?
Melifaxis - Apr 27, 2004 - 01:07 AM
Post subject:
Nope, but she does have Cute Appearance Wink
Melifaxis - May 04, 2004 - 03:14 PM
Post subject:
I've almost got the registration stuff working... Rolling Eyes
It's not saving email addresses, but I should have that fixed very soon...

I will also add a PayPal button and finalize all the rules in a better format.

It's not beautiful, but it's functional. King
Old_Man_Monkey - May 05, 2004 - 03:08 AM
Post subject:
OK, Melifaxis, I'm registered! Will paypal you when I return from the Blood Bowl this weekend.... YIAHH!

Melifaxis - May 05, 2004 - 08:10 AM
Post subject:
Sweet! Have a great time in Nottingham Jim! Very Happy
Wish I was going too Crying or Very sad

The web site seems to be fully functional, my thanks again to Tim, Jim, and Torsten for their assistance. Without their knowledge it wouldn't have been possible.

Maybe some day I'll buy HTML For Dummies Wink

What does this mean? You can register online now for a fun filled weekend this summer!

SkinkFury - May 06, 2004 - 02:27 PM
Post subject:
Registering now Very Happy
Melifaxis - May 07, 2004 - 01:24 PM
Post subject:
Glad to hear it!

I just made a quick Tournament Flyer to hang up at local hobby shops and added it to the web site, so if you'd like to help the tournament grow and want to hang a sign up at your local hobby shop it would be much appreciated.

I'll be hanging them at The Spare Time Shop, GW - Natick Mall, & GW - Harvard Square to begin.
SBG - May 12, 2004 - 11:20 AM
Post subject:
Mel ! I told you I would make it if you didn't do it in the hockey season! I will be attending the Beantown Brouhaha! and will most surely bring a fellow leaguer with me! I need to get down hard on the painting though! Only half of my squad painted so far!

Now, I need to know if there are some decent (read: clean sheets and showers) hotels or motels nearby at a decent price, cause we're still stuck with the shitty CAN $.

Beantown, here I (we?) come!

Opus - May 12, 2004 - 07:34 PM
Post subject:
      SBG wrote:
Mel ! I told you I would make it if you didn't do it in the hockey season! I will be attending the Beantown Brouhaha! and will most surely bring a fellow leaguer with me! I need to get down hard on the painting though! Only half of my squad painted so far!

Now, I need to know if there are some decent (read: clean sheets and showers) hotels or motels nearby at a decent price, cause we're still stuck with the shitty CAN $.

Beantown, here I (we?) come!


If anyone has trouble finding hotels in the Boston area, please let me know, and I will get information about hotels in the Providence area (only 45 miles south of Boston). I know it's not "optimal", but it may help.
Melifaxis - May 13, 2004 - 07:44 AM
Post subject:
Thanks Opus. Very Happy

Here is a link for info on youth hostels in Boston. The Harvard Square stop off of the T (the subway system in Boston) is on the red line. This is probably the cheapest way to stay in the city.

For those that want to stay right by the event, here is a list of hotels at Harvard Square itself. I'm still trying to find somewhere that will offer us a discounted block of rooms - more to follow on this (There are also Bed & Breakfasts in this link).

GW - Harvard Square is on 11 Dunster St. Cambridge, MA

Melifaxis - May 17, 2004 - 12:27 PM
Post subject:
      SBG wrote:
Mel ! I told you I would make it if you didn't do it in the hockey season! I will be attending the Beantown Brouhaha! and will most surely bring a fellow leaguer with me! I need to get down hard on the painting though! Only half of my squad painted so far!

Now, I need to know if there are some decent (read: clean sheets and showers) hotels or motels nearby at a decent price, cause we're still stuck with the shitty CAN $.

Beantown, here I (we?) come!


Glad to hear it! I won't tell anyone you work for the hated Canadiens while you are down here to save you the beatings Wink

Feel free to register online. No one needs to worry about paying until closer to the event date. Hostel and Hotel info is above, but I'm trying to get a discount on a block of rooms so if you want to wait for that it shouldn't be too much longer. Just waiting on a few Hotel Managers to get back to me.
SBG - May 17, 2004 - 01:07 PM
Post subject:
Great Mel !

Tell me, are Woburn and Burlington far from the event? Cause I could get a deal there for that weekend.

Thanks !

Melifaxis - May 17, 2004 - 02:50 PM
Post subject:
Burlington and Woburn are about half an hour away. The hotels are calling me back, but I shot the Harvard Square Hotel down. They wanted $169/night as their discounted rate.

I live about half an hour west of Harvard Square and I know that hotels are cheaper west of the city. I'll look into those as well. Let me know what kind of deal you got so I know what to beat pricewise Very Happy
Melifaxis - May 28, 2004 - 09:58 PM
Post subject:
The championship trophy has been named...

The Hand of Roze-El

First post updated, and complete rules and registration are online Trophy
SkinkFury - Jun 02, 2004 - 10:50 AM
Post subject:
Why issss the line of those foolish enough to challenge ussss ssso sssshort? Wink
Melifaxis - Jun 04, 2004 - 01:15 PM
Post subject:
Good question! Wink

Tournament fluff has been re-written with obvious theft from OMM and the TKC, but I liked his so much I modeled mine after his. Very Happy
Xtreme - Jun 06, 2004 - 09:40 PM
Post subject:
I am trying to get things together but it will be a pretty late decison wither I will be able to go or not. I should know by the 19th of July. Smile
Melifaxis - Jun 07, 2004 - 01:47 PM
Post subject:
Yeah, that's pretty late Wink

Glad to hear that you will still be trying to attend though Very Happy
Melifaxis - Jun 10, 2004 - 12:49 PM
Post subject:
The weekend rate at the below hotel is $89 per night and is about 20-25 minutes west of the event. Unfortunately, they would not offer a discount on a block of rooms like their Orlando counterparts Sad

Still searching for a hotel looking to make us a deal we can't refuse.

Courtyard Marriot: Natick
342 Speen Street Natick, MA 01760 USA
Phone: 1 508-655-6100

The Red Roof Inn right around the corner from there is $84 per night, but I would personally pay the extra $5 for the Marriot...

Red Roof Inn
650 Cochituate Road
Framingham, MA 01701
Inn Phone: (508) 872-4499
Melifaxis - Jun 14, 2004 - 09:49 PM
Post subject:
Ok, pics of the Hand of Roze El are on the site. Enjoy Very Happy
Xtreme - Jun 14, 2004 - 11:01 PM
Post subject:
Looks very nice Mel. Smile
Old_Man_Monkey - Jun 15, 2004 - 02:49 AM
Post subject:
Agreed! And it will look especially nice in my trophy/display case... Very Happy

Great job, Mr. M!
CyberHare - Jun 23, 2004 - 03:23 AM
Post subject:
Ok so things are all sorted out here at work. I'm in for sure now. From the list of teams already registered it's looking to be a heavy hitting tournament. That's ok while the rest of you are knocking each other around my ladies will be scoring all the td's Cool
Melifaxis - Jun 23, 2004 - 07:20 AM
Post subject:
Great news!

You can't score if you're in the Dead & Injured box Wink
Melifaxis - Jun 29, 2004 - 01:27 PM
Post subject:

For those who are worried that they won't have their NAF ID card in time for the event, don't sweat it we can just look your member number up online.

Mr. Green
Zinak - Jun 30, 2004 - 06:37 PM
Post subject: Hope you still have room
I know that I will be comming to your tourny from central Pa. along with another friend from harrisburg, pa. cant wait will be my first BB tourney ....

Melifaxis - Jun 30, 2004 - 09:50 PM
Post subject:
Sounds great! I hope it is a great first tournament for you Very Happy

If you guys haven't registered yet online, please do so (no need to pay yet). I don't think we'll hit the 36 coach cap but signing up now will help me plan better (food, prizes, etc) in advance.

bampf - Jul 01, 2004 - 12:38 PM
Post subject: Other
I m the other friend from Zinak s post about. Lookin forward to it!

It ll be first time to Beantown for both of us... but don t worry though, seeing the city is a distant third on our priority list below smashing skulls and scoring TDs!
Melifaxis - Jul 01, 2004 - 02:41 PM
Post subject:
Cool Very Happy

Looking forward to meeting you guys.

13 coaches are registered currently. Here's the racial breakdown so far with 1 month to go:

Amazon 1
Chaos Dwarf 2
Dwarf 1
Elf 1
Human 1
Lizardmen 1
Necromantic 1
Norse 2
Orc 3
Melifaxis - Jul 02, 2004 - 09:17 AM
Post subject:
For those who haven't signed up yet...
Come have a great time in Boston and compete for the following:
Tournament Champion
3rd Place
Most Touchdowns
Most Casualties
Best Painted
Best Conversion
Most Entertaining Opponent
Best NAF Rookie*
Homer / Wooden Spoon

*Highest finishing NAF member who has never played in a NAF sanctioned event before.

You know you want to make the trip.
Melifaxis - Jul 06, 2004 - 02:57 PM
Post subject:
15 coaches and climbing Very Happy
SkinkFury - Jul 12, 2004 - 01:03 PM
Post subject:
I'm looking forward to it. Only 3 weeks until the event!
Melifaxis - Jul 14, 2004 - 07:36 AM
Post subject:
It is indeed getting close! For those who wish to renew their NAF membership and for those who wish to sign up for the first time (not that they would be reading this site unless it's over a friend's shoulder) CyberHare has graciously offered to renew and sign-up NAF members at the event Very Happy
Grasshopper - Jul 19, 2004 - 09:12 AM
Post subject:
T-288 hrs. and counting.
Anyone else still finishing their team? Smile
CyberHare - Jul 19, 2004 - 05:40 PM
Post subject:
Doh.... I knew I forgot something Razz
Melifaxis - Jul 20, 2004 - 07:51 AM
Post subject:

Get painting guys T-Minus 11!!!
Grasshopper - Jul 20, 2004 - 08:36 AM
Post subject:
Looks like I'll be having GW lunches this week.
Melifaxis - Jul 20, 2004 - 02:23 PM
Post subject:
Bah! You work for the State. Just work on the team all day. Wink
Melifaxis - Jul 21, 2004 - 08:09 AM
Post subject:
Prizes are en route or in my grasp already.

There are 3 teams (1 by Phil 2 by GW), one of the rare minis, Silibili, the new Varag, 2e troll 1, 2e Ogre 2, a few BB Big Guy blisters, a NAF shirt, and a special surprise for our last place finisher.

More importantly we'll have a lot of fun playing the game we all love!

Hope to see you there!!

Very Happy
Hoshi_Komi - Jul 23, 2004 - 08:49 AM
Post subject:
anybody need a roommate? wife decided she doesn't want to sit through a 7 hour drive. Need help on logistics.


Melifaxis - Jul 26, 2004 - 12:31 PM
Post subject:
The Desert Kings are coming to show us how its done!

5 days to go Very Happy
bampf - Jul 26, 2004 - 01:19 PM
Post subject:
Is anyone else getting nervous about all the Democrats running about crowding the city. This is my first time to Boston and I ve already heard enough traffic horror stories... how bad will the DNC make things? I m hoping they re all leaving town as we arrive (and that the smell of dirty hippies doesn t linger).
Melifaxis - Jul 26, 2004 - 02:15 PM
Post subject:
The DNC ends on Thursday, so while some who arrived for the DNC will linger most will have left.
CyberHare - Jul 26, 2004 - 05:25 PM
Post subject:
You mean the tourney is THIS weekend....

Old_Man_Monkey - Jul 26, 2004 - 09:29 PM
Post subject:
...better the smell of dirty hippies than smug conservatives - glad we're not in NYC later this fall...
CyberHare - Jul 27, 2004 - 03:55 AM
Post subject:
....and back to the Beantown tourney.

Does the winner get to keep the trophy Mel or is the hand a legacy trophy like the DeathBowl axe or the TKC Stump?
Melifaxis - Jul 27, 2004 - 07:56 AM
Post subject:
The Hand is intended to be a legacy trophy for The Beantown Brouhaha, but if it's someone I know that I'll get it back from, they can take it with them and return it for next year. I intend to put the coach and team name engraved on the base and go around in a ring and then add a ring years from now when needed (a la the greatest trophy in sports; The Stanley Cup).

There is another trophy for the Champion to keep for all eternity though Very Happy
bampf - Jul 27, 2004 - 09:20 AM
Post subject:
I ll add that if it was the GOP in town I d complain about the chance of being shot by a right-wing gun nut while stuck in Boston gridlock. I m an equal opportunity insulter.

I m still really hoping that most of convention crowd doesn t hand around through the weekend. I m still terrified of the traffic.

Also, gken, this may be too late for you, but Zinak and I may have some floor space for rent. We have reservations at a Havard Yard hotel Friday, Sat and Sun.
Grasshopper - Jul 27, 2004 - 09:26 AM
Post subject:
      CyberHare wrote:
....and back to the Beantown tourney.

Does the winner get to keep the trophy Mel or is the hand a legacy trophy like the DeathBowl axe or the TKC Stump?

That's the special surprise for the last place finisher...
We cut off their hand with the ceremonial apothecary blade, and make the winner a brand new, ONE OF A KIND, trophy... and the LPF get's to keep the stump. Smile
Zinak - Jul 28, 2004 - 12:59 PM
Post subject: I better hurry
Doh my team is not yet painted all the way ... I had better get on the ball or I will be painting them in the hotel friday night hehe

Hoshi_Komi - Jul 28, 2004 - 01:06 PM
Post subject:
thanks for offer a ride and room with Old man Monkey. Smile

bampf - Jul 28, 2004 - 02:34 PM
Post subject:
Cool. Don t mention it.

So is anyone else besides Zinak and I still painting?

Damn procrastination.
Melifaxis - Jul 28, 2004 - 02:35 PM
Post subject:
We're getting close! Very Happy
Melifaxis - Jul 29, 2004 - 09:25 AM
Post subject:
I had the same painting problem at the TKC. Luckily, I'm using the same team so I am covered this time.
SBG - Jul 29, 2004 - 10:09 AM
Post subject:
Just completed my last Bull Centaur at 1 O'clock this morning! My first tourney! It's also my first fully painted team ! Man, am I looking forward to kick your a... I mean, to compete in a friendly atmosphere and have fun all weekend long! Wink

Melifaxis - Jul 29, 2004 - 10:14 AM
Post subject:
Nice! Can't wait to see him in your Dead & Injured box after my Flesh Golem rips out his spleen Twisted Evil

KarlLagerbottom - Jul 29, 2004 - 12:34 PM
Post subject:
...last Bull Centaur??? Does that mean that if we kill him we'll never have to deal with his kind again? Very Happy
bampf - Jul 29, 2004 - 12:36 PM
Post subject:
Trash talkin? Oh oh me too!

Lucky for my Black Orc Blockers that you get to reset rosters after every game... cause Bull Centaurs taste like Big Macs... mmm... BOBs love Big Macs!

However, Flesh Golems taste like rotten. Fleh.
Hoshi_Komi - Jul 29, 2004 - 02:49 PM
Post subject:
Well the Desert Kings are loving the competition right pesky rats or woodies that just run right by us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Come BASH with us at the Bru-hahahhahahahahahah
Grasshopper - Jul 30, 2004 - 05:51 AM
Post subject:
      bampf wrote:
Cool. Don t mention it.

So is anyone else besides Zinak and I still painting?

Damn procrastination.

I'm just doing touch-ups... and came to the conclusion last night that after this tourney, I'm stripping the team and starting over... I hate the colors now... well on the hobbo's anyway...

BTW GUYS check out the Brouhahaha web page. Boson's offering a load of free and discounted stuff this weekend to "apologize" / say thanks you for putting up with the DNC. May be something cool for our visitors on the list.

or you could just go here...
Melifaxis - Jul 30, 2004 - 05:27 PM
Post subject:
Well, this will be my last post before the tournament begins! I'll post an update late tomorrow night...

Very Happy
Xtreme - Jul 31, 2004 - 08:11 AM
Post subject:
Hope everyone has a blast.
Good Luck to all.
Melifaxis - Jul 31, 2004 - 09:43 PM
Post subject:
Well, it's all Jim's fault really for not chucking a few mummies onto the highway... Laughing

The Desert Kings (gken1) are in 1st after Day 1. They are followed by The Scarlet Mist (CyberHare), The True Sons of Faith (Old Man Monkey), and Skinkish (Zinak).

Day 2 looms on the horizon. Will anyone rise to the challenge of The Desert Kings?!!?!
Melifaxis - Aug 02, 2004 - 03:45 AM
Post subject:
*insert drumroll here*

and the winners are...

Tournament Champion: The Desert Kings (gken1)
Runner-Up: The Scarlet Mist (CyberHare)
3rd Place: Schwarzwald Beer Gutters (SBG)
Best Painted: Punchin Pugilists (bampf)
Most Touchdowns: Charles River Rapscallions (SkinkFury)
Most Casualties: The Desert Kings (gken1)
Wooden Spoon: Birds of Paradise (Jim Wolf)
Most Entertaining Opponent: Skinkish (zinak) & Zhar Nuggrun Knucklebreakers (Grasshopper)
Best NAF Rookie: Schwarzwald Beer Gutters (SBG)
Triple Skulls Winner: Punchin Pugilists (bampf)

and as I write this I realize I am a horrible TO.... Neutral

Best Conversion: Gruesome Gobblers (Bill Greenwald)

I will get in touch with Bill about his prize. My humble apologies for the screw up. I forgot to award this and I know I had a certificate and everything! Embarassed
Melifaxis - Aug 02, 2004 - 04:17 AM
Post subject:
Now for the important stuff! First of all, I hope everyone made it home safe and sound! It was great to see old friends and make some new ones. I know I did this yesterday, so for those of you that were there, you can just sit back and bask in the deja vu.

I want to thank a lot of folks who made this event possible:

GW-Harvard Square especially Kevin and Njorge. These guys were perfect hosts and I really appreciate a GW store showing such strong support for Blood Bowl. Thank you guys! Worship

Brian St. James (CyberHare) for giving me the tournament bug last year by running such a top notch tourney in Montreal (Everyone should go to the Deathbowl!) , for signing up NAF members at the event, running Triple Skulls, and for his guidance in setting up the tournament. Thank you Brian! Worship

Jim Lanier (Old Man Monkey) for many things from printing out certificates, to guidance on the tournament set-up, to helping arrange the prizes, to running a top notch tournament down in Orlando (Everyone should go to the Three Kingdoms Challenge!), to his tireless efforts to support NAF, and heck he even picked up our Champion in VA on his way up north! Thank you Jim! Worship

Brian O'Dwyer (Grasshopper) for his amazing work on the trophies, for keeping me focused on the task at hand, and maybe most importantly for beating SkinkFury by one point in the final standings! Wink Thank you OD! Worship

Tom Anders (Galak Starscraper) for his generosity in supplying a limited edition miniature for our tournament, for his work on the BBRC, and for his work in maintaining such a great BB website! Thank you Tom Worship

My wife for watching the kids all weekend while I goofed off Wink Thank you Worship If I forgot that one I'd need Regenerate Wink


To all of you that came to the event! Thank you!! Worship I hope you had a great time, I know I did!! We've put Boston on the tournament map, and next year we'll be back; bigger and better! I hope to see you then!! Very Happy
Tojurub - Aug 02, 2004 - 06:57 AM
Post subject:
I just can't believe that Gken and his lousy skeeltons are really that's the second bigger tournament in the US which he wins. I want to see him play at the GenCon!
Grasshopper - Aug 02, 2004 - 07:14 AM
Post subject:
I don't think it was the Skeletons so much as it was those 4 big piles of toilet paper they had with them.
Hoshi_Komi - Aug 02, 2004 - 07:38 AM
Post subject:
Well it was a brutal tourney and I had fun! I played Cyberhare in the last two games and they were complete opposites (I lost to him in game 4 but everyone else tied/didn't win by enough which allowed my earlier 3 wins to hold up and get me into finals.)

My first game I couldn't do anything right...but 2nd game I destroyed the Amazons. They are my nemesis and the Scarlet Mist will forever be the Desert Kings SWORN ENEMIES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SBG - Aug 02, 2004 - 09:18 AM
Post subject:

Great times in Beantown! I really had a blast and I am looking forward to my next tourney!

I'm glad that my only loss came to the hand of the Champion, but who knows what could have happened if that damn Hobgoblin didn't fumbled his pass for a would-be 1-0 lead... Oh well!

Thanks to Rob for this great opportunity to meet new friends. I really enjoyed my weekend! So did Chris, our newest NAF member in Montreal!

Hoshi_Komi - Aug 02, 2004 - 03:39 PM
Post subject:
      Tojurub wrote:
I just can't believe that Gken and his lousy skeeltons are really that's the second bigger tournament in the US which he wins. I want to see him play at the GenCon!

LOL!!! Well i'm still trying to make it there, but I don't know if Khemri would be good in a star player environment. --Zara, Luthor and Hthark would be expected contestants.

bampf - Aug 02, 2004 - 05:19 PM
Post subject:
I wanted to second the resounding thanks to Rob for running the tourney. Zinak and I had an awesome time! Great to meet and play all you guys. I ll have photos to post later tonight or tomorrow.
Grasshopper - Aug 02, 2004 - 05:36 PM
Post subject:
Ditto, what he said... aw crap... I forgot to get the Nuns... Oh well, now it looks like I have to go to Harrisburgh. Smile
bampf - Aug 02, 2004 - 07:24 PM
Post subject:
D'oh. Kent reminded me to remind you at about the three hour point into our drive home... figured it was a little too late by then!

I can mail stuff to people just as easy. LMK.
KarlLagerbottom - Aug 02, 2004 - 08:03 PM
Post subject:
Great job!!! Thanks for organizing a great event and getting me hooked on this tourney thing. Hopefully with this experience under my belt, I won't be such a push-over next time!!!! Neutral


Lesson #1...Do not field a tournament team with only strength 3 or less guys. Speed kills, but Mummies/Minotaurs/Rat Ogres/Bull Centaurs, etc. ... They kill faster!!! Rolling Eyes
bampf - Aug 02, 2004 - 08:13 PM
Post subject: Pics!!
All right, my pics are up.

First here s a thumbnails page. Click thumbails to see larger web friendly versions.

This link has the original high res images. If you click Toggle Display and view them all at once load times will be slow even on broadband.

I apologize if I didn t get you or your team. I tended to get mostly pics of my game and those around me. And for the record Old Man Monkey has the only group shots.

bampf - Aug 02, 2004 - 08:22 PM
Post subject:
While I m posting and monopolizing this forum. I ll bring up another nominally related issue.

Kent and I spoke to a number of you about a Harrisburg Tournament. While we still plan on doing that (Jan-Feb time frame). In the intirim I have been asked to run the BloodBowl tournament at the Baltimore Grand Tournament Nov 19-21. I am probably going to accept.

First, who would be interested/possibly able to attend?

Second, Brian (or any NAF official) could you email me concerning what I would need to do to have the tourney NAF sanctioned.

My email is {my user id} at {my user id} dot com

Thanks in advance.
Old_Man_Monkey - Aug 02, 2004 - 09:56 PM
Post subject:
OK, group shot before long sleep...:

And Bampf, I think a tourney in the PA snow would be great - go for it!
Grasshopper - Aug 03, 2004 - 11:05 AM
Post subject:
      bampf wrote:
D'oh. Kent reminded me to remind you at about the three hour point into our drive home... figured it was a little too late by then!

I can mail stuff to people just as easy. LMK.

So Kent was still thinking about me 3 hours later huh?... I thought he was a little too grabby in that paired photo shoot. Smile

Great pics BTW (you too OMM). I'm working on mine, I'll have links up soon.
bampf - Aug 03, 2004 - 12:11 PM
Post subject:
Yeah, back in the hotel room he kept climbing into my bed during the night trying to cuddle and calling me Odie... it was really uncomfortable.
Melifaxis - Aug 03, 2004 - 12:38 PM
Post subject:
Great pics Jeremy, thanks for posting them! Sorry to hear about Kent's unwanted nocturnal advances. Laughing

Thanks to Jim for posting the group shot as well Very Happy

Rob, glad to hear you are hooked! That's what happened to me back when I went to the Death Bowl in Montreal as my first tournament so I'll take that as high praise Very Happy
CyberHare - Aug 03, 2004 - 01:02 PM
Post subject:
Great tourney Rob. A good start to a new annual Boston event.

I'm entering the new NAF members now so the results can be entered soon.
Melifaxis - Aug 03, 2004 - 01:37 PM
Post subject:
Thanks Brian! KevnMakay should be KevinMacKay. Do you need to modify that before I enter results or will his ID number remain unchanged?

Thanks for taking care of the new member entry so quickly!! Worship
Zinak - Aug 03, 2004 - 07:41 PM
Post subject:
What is this I hear about me and some late night fun.. dammit he said it would be just between us.... dammm himmmmm


Ohh yah and the BTB was Kick ass

The best part for me was when one of the canadians claimed...Yah F*** the Anglo-Canadians and the frrench... could it be that i have found a spot in Canada that I could visit....
Melifaxis - Aug 04, 2004 - 10:46 AM
Post subject:
I suggest the Death Bowl Very Happy

The data has been submitted, so you should be able to see your record for the event. Once someone pushes "The Button" the NAF ranking should calculate. Mr. Green
KarlLagerbottom - Aug 04, 2004 - 11:04 AM
Post subject:
I see my ranking on the list and I guess that makes me official, but I have a question about the formula. My rating is 150 with a 2Wins 0Ties 3Losses, and the other USA/Human Team with a rating of 150 was 0-0-3 at Games Day in Baltimore. Can someone explain the system to me? Rolling Eyes

By the way...I took a beating and don't expect to have a good rating...I'm just worndering really.

Thanks. -Rob
Melifaxis - Aug 04, 2004 - 11:07 AM
Post subject:
The records are in, bt the Ranking won't calculate yet so it is still listed as the default value until someone pushes "The Button"
KarlLagerbottom - Aug 04, 2004 - 06:44 PM
Post subject:
Well whatever it is after someone presses "The Button" I am still sore from the beat-down that I took. Especially to the hands of the Dw-Norse.

My new Avatar pretty much portrays how I felt after the Brouhaha. Neutral

Grasshopper - Aug 05, 2004 - 06:51 AM
Post subject:
I hear ya... My CD's hang their heads in shame at letting the Skaven make that big a comeback. And btw Rob, in case I forgot, you've definitely got one of the nicer looking human teams I've seen. I really liked the Zug and Konshi.
KarlLagerbottom - Aug 05, 2004 - 07:04 AM
Post subject:
Thanks...although the Ogre will have to make the next trip. Wink

Also, I hope you don't mind, but I think I'll be stealing your idea on the CD bases. Very Happy

Did you do the work on the bases before puting the model on the base or after? I can imagine that if you did it after, painting the dwarfs/bases must have been tough.

Grasshopper - Aug 05, 2004 - 07:27 AM
Post subject:
Ick... Ogre's... Bad... Mad

I did the bases before the minis, and painted the minis on seperate "spare" bases. I should have done a step by step w/ pics, but then I never would have finished. But it went a little something like this...

1)Greenstuff into little balls, that I shaped with the scoop end of a modelling tool and some water into the rocks. Except for the BC, his greenstuff had already hardened, and that I cut and chipped at to make the rocks.
2)Prime white
3)Base Coat of fiery orange
4)Drybrush with yellow (any one will do), and I did a little stippling(sp?) too.
5)Stipple a little blood red (on the Mino I tried making little "flow lines" with a fine brush)
6)Drybrush F. Orange again
7) Now the annoying part... Paint all the rocks and base rim Chaos Black.
8 ) Drybrush the rocks Codex Grey
then drybrush Fortress Grey
9) then a liiiight drybrush of Skull White
10) finally, 2 -3 coats of Varnish or 'ardcoat (whatever they call it now) on just the Lava.

and Dats it Very Happy
Melifaxis - Aug 05, 2004 - 10:01 AM
Post subject:
      KarlLagerbottom wrote:
Well whatever it is after someone presses "The Button" I am still sore from the beat-down that I took. Especially to the hands of the Dw-Norse.

My new Avatar pretty much portrays how I felt after the Brouhaha. Neutral


Don't you mean skaven/fleshgolem/norse Wink

Sorry about that, but I think it was better than my still in the box norse minis.

Although I had fun playing Norse (despite AV7) and may bump them up on the painting list. Plus I bought the new mino a while ago and really want to paint him Very Happy
KarlLagerbottom - Aug 05, 2004 - 10:26 AM
Post subject:
Rob- recolection of our game was that all of your guys had AV 10, STR 5, Mighty Blow, and Block. Crying or Very sad Look at the pained look on my face from Bampf's picture of our game...also take a peak at my KO and Injury box. (You might also want to take a look at my KO and Injury Box from my game with Odie...I'm shocked I managed to keep that game to only a 2-1 loss.) Razz

It was fun though!
Hoshi_Komi - Aug 05, 2004 - 12:12 PM
Post subject:
Yeah if humans don't make people play the opposite bash team scory or scory team bash then they end up on the short end of the stick.
Melifaxis - Aug 05, 2004 - 01:00 PM
Post subject:
Well, they sure had Block Wink

Human vs. Norse can be a tough matchup. Just be glad he chose an ogre and not a mino Very Happy
Grasshopper - Aug 05, 2004 - 01:52 PM
Post subject:
Which should make no sense... I mean Norse are human right? Question Confused Question
Clan_Skaven - Aug 06, 2004 - 05:09 AM
Post subject: ..
      Grasshopper wrote:
Which should make no sense... I mean Norse are human right? Question Confused Question

Humans=North American Football Players
Norse=Rugby Players

Sure they are both humans, & sure the "Human" team has better AV. But the Norse are just that rare, totally insane breed of Humans. Just like good ole Rugby Players! Smile
Grasshopper - Aug 06, 2004 - 05:26 AM
Post subject:
Ah... I see now sifu. Grasshopper still has much to learn. *bow*

It's like Potheads vs. Crackheads. Mr. Green
Melifaxis - Aug 10, 2004 - 12:48 PM
Post subject:
Results are posted on the website and a photos page will be added soon.

Also, could a moderator please unsticky this thread in deference to the upcoming tournaments.

Melifaxis - Oct 29, 2004 - 09:17 AM
Post subject:
I added a photo page to the site a while back, but it only has a few shots so far. A lot of the ones I took came out blurry...must have been the haze from the broken A/C and sweltering heat or something Wink

I'll try and clear up some more of them and get them online soon.

Cleared up 8 more pictures this weekend and added them to the site.
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