NAF World Headquarters

North America - Niagaroth Brewery Bloodbowl Open

Clan_Skaven - Jul 02, 2007 - 04:33 PM
Post subject: Niagaroth Brewery Bloodbowl Open


September 15-16 2007
Niagara Falls Ontario Canada

Owner and self proclaimed Brew Master, Dark Elf Bloodprince Kciredor has in the past attempted to create fine Brews, Ales, & Stouts that would rival such brands as Bloodwiser & such Breweries as Bugmans Brewery. With little to no such luck in that attempt Bloodprince Kciredor looked to get his Brews to be sponsors for any of the Top Bloodbowl teams. The only problem was his Brews were not known outside the small city of Niagaroth Falls & no team like the Darkside Cowboys or the Reikland Reavers would dare have an unheard of sponsor on their uniform.

So it was back to the drawing board for Kciredor, and with no prospects to make his mark in the Brewers Guild as a true Brew Master, he turned his efforts to seeking out other flavors of the land, which lead him to War Boss Thog of the Orc Warband Razorback.

War Boss Thog and his Orcs after years of treaty with Bloodprince Kciredor and his Dark Elves against the invaders of the Oldworld . Heard of Kciredor???s dream to be the Brew Master & saw this as an Opportunity to be ???Da Ultamit Orc Brew Mazta??? ! So with the riches from the Dark Elves combined with the already qualified brewers from the Orcs came forth a joint endeavor between Niagaroth Brewery & Big Orc Brewery to produce Fine Ales & Brews to quench the thirsts of the lands (& fill the pockets of Kciredor with riches)

War Boss Thog had a recipe that he told Kciredor brought out the Whaaaaaagh!! In you, only the name was not all that appealing to Kciredor. ???War Boss Thog???s Scream Ale??? , Bloodprince Kciredor suggested that in keeping with War Boss Thog???s namesake & involving the theme of his Orc Warband???s love for riding wild boars into a frenzied battle, that the name be modified to ???Warthog Scream Ale??? the Ale that brings out the Whaaaagh in you. War Boss Thog agreed after some deliberation with the Bloodprince (to this day though Thog still thinks it is pronounced War-thog not Wart-hog). So with the 1st Top Brew produced under Big Orc Brewery & financially backed by Niagaroth Brewery it was time to market the product for Bloodbowl Sponsorship again, but alas the end result was the same.

Until one night while outside the Brewery in the Brewery courtyard, the Razorback Tribe???s Grenskins were fighting over who was going to keep the Goblin head that was being tossed around the courtyard by the barbaric Orcs. This gave Bloodprince Kciredor an idea, why not have War Boss Thog Organize his Boyz into that of a Bloodbowl team & call them the Warthogs (with Warthog Scream Ale as the team???s official sponsor) Once the idea was passed on to War Boss Thog it was only a matter of seconds before his Finest Orcs, Black Orcs & even a large dim witted Troll was assembled.
So thus was the start to the Warthogs legacy to bring fame & fortune to Kciredor & Thog. Only the best the Warthogs could muster out of four tournaments was three losing records & one tourney record of 3 Wins & 3 Loses (not exactly the kind of Success that was hoped for) With that lack of success the brew Warthog Scream Ale became almost unheard of again.

On almost certain bankruptcy to both Breweries War Boss Thog & Bloodprince Kciredor decided to give it one last chance at success in the Brewers Guild & the Bloodbowl Community. Since it seemed the only teams interested in wearing the brands of the two local Breweries as their sponsors were almost complete rookie squads of BloodBowl teams, it was decided that a Bloodbowl Tournament was to be held on the grounds of the joint Brewery in Niagaroth Falls, with the winner receiving a sponsorship deal from one of the local brands. So it was advertised that the 1st ever Niagaroth Brewery Bloodbowl Open would be held right on the grounds of the Brewery Courtyard (where the idea was formed from the tossing of the poor Goblin???s head). Only rookie Bloodbowl teams need apply. This would be a rookie Brewery looking for the best rookie team to wear their name.

All seemed to be looking bright for the unlikely Brew Masters (Kciredor & Thog) Until the day before the tournament start date the Brewers Guild decided that this would be an opportune time to host a Brewers Convention right on the very grounds of the Niagaroth Brewery Bloodbowl Open Tournament. With Beer tents all around & Beer Wenches handing out fine Ales to all Beer swilling masses from all the beer brands from Nagaroth to Lustria to the Chaos Wastes to the Empire & beyond.

To any other all the publicity would be great for the Bloodbowl Tournament & the Brewery alike, but with the combination of free Beer & Ales Bloodbowl players it was quite possible that the actual tournament became lost in the shuffle & all hopes of fame & fortune for War Boss Thog & Bloodprince Kciredor would be lost.

The Tournament Rules???

All Coaches must bring two rosters to the tournament (must be two different races)
Your starting roster will be a 1,050,000 (50,000 in sponsorship from the Brewers Guild)
Your 2nd roster will be a 1,000,000

All rules will consist of the LRB 5.0 rules.

Game Schedule

When each coach registers his/her two teams they will draw a token to see if their Staring roster plays in the odd number games (1,3,5) or the even number games (2,4,6)

(The reason that coaches have to bring two different teams is that with all the beer distraction no team can stay on the pitch or out of the beer tents for too long.) The starting roster has the extra 50,000 to build the team as a sponsorship deal from a local brewer or the Brewers Guild, while the 2nd teams start with no extra cash (due to the fact that they were not registered for the tournament & only picked up by the coach as a last minute substitute, when their 1st team was off missing in one of the various beer tents getting pissed!)

Skill Progression

Upon registration each coach will randomize one player from each team (one team at a time) & make an upgrade roll for him. Then do same for 2nd team. (Skill or Stat advancements must be made during registration so have a general idea of all the possible outcomes both your rosters can get) An example of the roll could be Player X???s 1st team (Human) player #5 Lineman gets 2+2=4 So he can take any double for a Human Lineman or a normal Human Lineman upgrade. Player X???s 2nd team (Orcs) player #3 Troll gets 5+6=11 So he can give his Troll +1 Agility or a normal Skill Roll for a Troll.
After round 1 is over upon handing in results each coach will make 3 skill rolls for his/her team that played in round 1 only (one at a time) to 3 random players (it is possible that a player could get more than one skill roll or stat upgrade)
The same goes for the teams that played in round 2.
The same goes for the teams that played in round 3.
The same goes for the teams that played in round 4.

So each team will get a total of 7 upgrade rolls after round 3 (for the Odd Teams) & after round 4 (for the Even Teams), where this can be spread out between 7 different players or all used up by one Uber All Star player or somewhere in-between, depending on the players on the roster being randomized.)
(The reason the upgrades are totally random is that either due to the fact that every player on any given team whether it is a lowly Rotter to an impressive Wardancer, wants to someday play in the Big Leagues & they will stop at nothing to get there, or it is due to the fact that some players are so smashed that they are unable to progress in their drunken state.)

Difference in Team Values

If a team with a team value of 105 (1st team) meets a team with a team value of 100 (2nd team) the lower valued team can take either a Bloodwieser Babe or a 50,000 inducement card (but not both) for this match only. If the card is chosen it is a random card from all 4 suits, the player can not chose what suit to pick from due to the fact that the head Coach is not at the game (for he is trying to round up his 1st team for the next game)

Changes to the Kick Off Table

4 = Oh I think I???m going to be sick. Both coaches roll a D3 (do not add any modifiers such as FAME, Coaches, or Cheerleaders) the lower roll is affected, both if a tie. The affected player (randomly chosen) has had just a wee bit too much to drink (if that is even possible for a BloodBowl Player) & he is in a constant state of vomiting. He is treated as having the No Hands Skill, Bone Head, & Foul Appearance for this Drive only.

10 = BLITZED! The Offence sort of start their drive off before the defense is ready. All normal rules to Blitz in the LRB 5.0 apply, except any player wishing to move, blitz or foul must pass a Bone Head Roll to do so. (If they fail the roll they are treated as being Bone Head until they successfully pass a Bone Head Roll on a future turn. (Once a player passes a Bone Head Roll this rule no longer applies. Any player still affected by this rule at the end of the current drive or half snaps out of it.) Players who already suffer from Bone Head, Really Stupid, or Wild Animal are not affected by this rule)

Tournament & the NAF

Rounds 1, 3, 5 will be the N.B.B.O. Cup for NAF Ranking Purposes
Rounds 2, 4, 6 will be the N.B.B.O. Bowl for NAF Ranking Purposes
The overall tournament winner will be the best combined record of all 6 games. (So it is possible let???s say Coach X wins the N.B.B.O. Cup, but does poorly in the N.B.B.O. Bowl, & Coach Y wins the N.B.B.O. Bowl, but does poorly in the N.B.B.O. Cup. But if lets say Coach Z does very well in both tourneys & has the best combined record then Coach Z would be the Tournament Champion (despite not winning either one of the smaller Tourneys).

More to be added later. (Any opinions would greatly be appriciated)

Aristodeimos - Jul 02, 2007 - 07:43 PM
Post subject: RE: Niagaroth Brewery Bloodbowl Open
This is definitely thinking "out of the box". Love the fluff. Count me in, Rod. Any excuse to get up to Niagara...err, Niagaroth Falls and beat up on friends. Any chance some of the Bloodweiser Babes will make a personal appearance?
Eric.R. - Jul 02, 2007 - 07:52 PM
Post subject: RE: Niagaroth Brewery Bloodbowl Open
I am liking it. Especially "oH i AM going to be Sick". Good stuff . . .
Eric.R. - Jul 02, 2007 - 07:55 PM
Post subject: RE: Niagaroth Brewery Bloodbowl Open
Just came to mind: Will the diffent type of Skills/Ability progressing be accounted for in the difference in TV? I assume so far it does not as it seems pretty cut and dry from your discription. But, just want to check.
Clan_Skaven - Jul 02, 2007 - 08:08 PM
Post subject: Re: RE: Niagaroth Brewery Bloodbowl Open
      Eric.R. wrote:
Just came to mind: Will the diffent type of Skills/Ability progressing be accounted for in the difference in TV? I assume so far it does not as it seems pretty cut and dry from your discription. But, just want to check.

No TV will stay the same throughout the tourney no matter what upgrades you get (so either 105 or 100)

Clan_Skaven - Jul 03, 2007 - 08:30 PM
Post subject:
Any chance on getting this topic 'sticky'd' ???

Thanks, Rod
Spazzfist - Jul 03, 2007 - 09:16 PM
Post subject:
Sounds good Rod, always love a tourney with a little more than the regular vanilla - the fluff really helps too! Now all you need is some custom boards!
Talons - Jul 04, 2007 - 03:02 PM
Post subject:

It sounds good....the fluff and all. As your odd man out.....I hope there is an odd number of people, so I can play in this tourney. If not, I will have a good time anyways. Talk to you later
Ben - Jul 04, 2007 - 03:19 PM
Post subject:
      Talons wrote:

It sounds good....the fluff and all. As your odd man out.....I hope there is an odd number of people, so I can play in this tourney. If not, I will have a good time anyways. Talk to you later


Why don't you just be your own odd man out? It's not that hard to organize and play at the same time, unless your as unorganized as Spazzfist is.

I can always help out with the tourney if you end up playing and need some help with running things.

Clan_Skaven - Jul 04, 2007 - 03:25 PM
Post subject:
      Ben wrote:
      Talons wrote:

It sounds good....the fluff and all. As your odd man out.....I hope there is an odd number of people, so I can play in this tourney. If not, I will have a good time anyways. Talk to you later


Why don't you just be your own odd man out? It's not that hard to organize and play at the same time, unless your as unorganized as Spazzfist is.

I can always help out with the tourney if you end up playing and need some help with running things.


I could be my own odd man out, but I want to make sure my 1st tourney goes off without a hitch (don't wanna screw myfelf & get people not returning next year)

Notorious_jtb - Jul 08, 2007 - 11:41 AM
Post subject:
Liking it Rod.

I think this sounds like it should be a bit of a different tournie altogether. Especially as it forces people to play 2 different races, I hate it when someone only ever plays one race, so boring Wink

I think its apparent from what you say above, but just to check, you can't buy any skills at the start right?
This is straight away a huge difference maker!

Love the fluff, you have to think that all this drinking will separate the dwarfs from the elves Wink

Clan_Skaven - Jul 08, 2007 - 03:04 PM
Post subject:
No skills bought....

When you register (both teams) they get one random player who gets one random roll.

After every round each team (that played in that round only) gets 3 more random player(s) random rolls.

So going into the 2 final rounds (round 5 for odd teams, round 6 for even teams) each team will have a total of 7 randomly rolled players with 7 randomly rolled upgrades. (it is possibly that a player may have multipal upgrades)

When rolling your 3 upgrades you randomise player first, then you randomise his upgrade roll , you do not make next roll untill that upgrade has been decided.

All upgrade rolls & choices will be infront of the tourney organiser.

Cramy - Jul 08, 2007 - 08:01 PM
Post subject:
I really like it Rod. I like the rules, and the fluff. Nice way of making your tourney that much different from the others.

And we'll get to see Joe play with something other than Orcs Smile. I can hear the paint brushes working Wink. Unless he borrows one of Glenn's teams.

Just got back from a one week camping trip in Niagara last week. Man, what a nice region.

I'll do my best to make it to the tourney. I'll keep you updated on that as we get closer to the tourney date.

Notorious_jtb - Jul 08, 2007 - 08:33 PM
Post subject:
Haha, yeah been thinking about the painting Smile

Good to know, so which teams come with all the skills i want then........
Cramy - Jul 08, 2007 - 08:44 PM
Post subject:
      Notorious_jtb wrote:
Haha, yeah been thinking about the painting Smile

Good to know, so which teams come with all the skills i want then........

But you get lots of skills for the second and third game, although on random players. So with Orcs, you run the risk of having your line orcs getting all the skills, and the BoBs getting nothing. Even though Orcs start with lots of skills. While elves start with almost no skills in such a tournament, getting all your random skill on line elves ain't that bad.

Have to think about this some more.

Clan_Skaven - Jul 09, 2007 - 02:47 PM
Post subject:
      Cramy wrote:
      Notorious_jtb wrote:
Haha, yeah been thinking about the painting Smile

Good to know, so which teams come with all the skills i want then........

But you get lots of skills for the second and third game, although on random players. So with Orcs, you run the risk of having your line orcs getting all the skills, and the BoBs getting nothing. Even though Orcs start with lots of skills. While elves start with almost no skills in such a tournament, getting all your random skill on line elves ain't that bad.

Have to think about this some more.


Don't forget it is possible lets say with a Wood Elf team the 7 skill/attribute upgrades could be used up between 2 Line Elves (heck even one player could hog up all 7 skills) just all depends on the luck of the draw.

Notorious_jtb - Jul 09, 2007 - 02:54 PM
Post subject:
Yeah, I think you totally cannot rely on the new skills, its a bit random who gets them so you need your lads to be able to put on a good show regardless of the new stuff.

I still expect Glen to get +1 ST on his Troll slayers though, jammy git Wink

Wonder if anyone will manage a double on an Assassin or a bombardier Smile
Clan_Skaven - Jul 09, 2007 - 04:07 PM
Post subject:
      Notorious_jtb wrote:
Yeah, I think you totally cannot rely on the new skills, its a bit random who gets them so you need your lads to be able to put on a good show regardless of the new stuff.

I still expect Glen to get +1 ST on his Troll slayers though, jammy git Wink

Wonder if anyone will manage a double on an Assassin or a bombardier Smile

Or how bout two STR upgrades to a Gutter Runner?? Rolling Eyes

Cramy - Jul 14, 2007 - 01:57 PM
Post subject:
OK, got a baby sitter lined-up for the weekend, and approval from all interested parties (a.k.a. my wife). And I'll be moved-in my new second-hand house, so I've got my own approval Wink

The Gargaroth Spoilers will make an appearance to one of the two tourneys, not sure who will play in the other yet.

Hopefully at least one other Ottawa person will be going, as I'm not too keen to do the 7 hour drive all by myself. I have a vehicle available for the Ottawa folks to go there and back. Let me know if you want in.

Notorious_jtb - Jul 15, 2007 - 11:50 AM
Post subject:
Sounds good.

I am pretty keen myself. havent been to Niagara falls. So any trip with me involved would involve swingin by the watery bit at some point Wink

I have ideas for a couple of teams, but not sure yet re the painting.....

so there you are, I'm definitely maybe, probably yes
Cramy - Jul 15, 2007 - 07:11 PM
Post subject:
Great. We can swing by the falls. But we may need to leave earlier on Friday, or come back home later on Sunday. It is a 7 hour drive ...
garth - Jul 26, 2007 - 03:08 PM
Post subject:
Sounds kinda complicated. But then again, I'm pretty stupid... No, wait, I'm a genius. I guess it IS kinda complicated...

Otherwise, sounds like fun! Very creative!

My two cents: don't you wish you didn't ask me to 'evaluate' your rules! Sorry, it took so long to get back to you. I just finished my summer course today, and I am planning a soccer tournament this weekend. BTW, you called me the first time during one of the U-20 world cup games -- no wonder I forgot to return you call!

I will be down in your neck of the woods in middle of August for a Bills pre-season game.

Clan_Skaven - Jul 29, 2007 - 10:09 AM
Post subject:
Just got some news on prizes...

I will be getting some promotional merchandice from Sleeman's Breweries, I'll try & provide better info when I get it.

Daggers - Jul 31, 2007 - 10:55 AM
Post subject:
      Cramy wrote:
Great. We can swing by the falls. But we may need to leave earlier on Friday, or come back home later on Sunday. It is a 7 hour drive ...

Hello all;

Been outta the loop for a while, but I am back and planning on coming up for the tourney.

Cramy, if we drive through the states its only a 5 hour or so drive. Just so you know.
Notorious_jtb - Jul 31, 2007 - 01:49 PM
Post subject:
I don't have a passport right now so if i'm in the car it might cause issues....................
Cramy - Jul 31, 2007 - 03:18 PM
Post subject:
Great news Mark. Yeah, we could go through the states. Will have to think about that. Don't want them to cause a stink there though. I don't think that we need a passport when driving into the states, we only need a passport when flying in. But I do have a passport, and I'm sure that it makes things easier at the border.

Will have to check what the rules are. Anybody else know? Joe, can you check to see if whatever ID you have is adequate, as you probably don't have a drivers license either?

Either way, we'll get there with everybody on board ...
Cramy - Jul 31, 2007 - 03:31 PM
Post subject:
Hi Rod,

The Best Western doesn't have any rooms available for that weekend. Do you have any other suggestions for hotels, ideally within walking distance?

Clan_Skaven - Jul 31, 2007 - 04:32 PM
Post subject:
Off hand no, but I will check into it, my computer will be off line for about a week or so.

So I'll have Rob from the Falls post a message for me. (There are tonns of hotels in Niagara Falls) most on the same street.

Cramy - Aug 01, 2007 - 06:37 AM
Post subject:
Thanks Rod. I figured that there would be tons of them. But if you guys can narrow it down to a few good ones that are close (i.e. cheap but clean), then that would be great.
Eric.R. - Aug 01, 2007 - 07:29 PM
Post subject:
I was about to post that I would be comming when the date sounded way too familiar. Turns out I have plans that date which is a shame as I really wanted to do 2 tournies in one weekend. Maybe next year.
Talons - Aug 02, 2007 - 09:13 AM
Post subject:
Guys, there are several hotels and motels on Lundy's Lane in Niagara Falls. The only problem is that you will have to drive from them to the Cairn Croft Best Western. It also depends on what you are looking for???? The Travel Lodge and Ramada Corral Inn are nice. The Carriage House is another good one. The Days Inn on Lundy's Lane is good, then there are a list of motels and stuff further down the lane that will probably be a little cheaper but definitely not in walking distance. I will look up some links and post them ASAP!!!!!
Cramy - Aug 02, 2007 - 07:49 PM
Post subject:
Thanks Rob. Keep us posted.
Notorious_jtb - Aug 09, 2007 - 11:28 AM
Post subject:
Any more news on hotels?
Keen to get something sorted out for accomodation. then we just need to plan my trip to see the falls Smile
Clan_Skaven - Aug 12, 2007 - 12:05 AM
Post subject:
I just got back online today, but I'll try & find some hotels that are free that weekend (may not be walking distance BUT MAY BE BESIDE A FEW STRIP CLUBS)

Spazzfist - Aug 12, 2007 - 09:12 AM
Post subject:
Eeewww.. boobies are yucky! Laughing

Rod, can you confirm the date, so that I can make sure that I am available?

Thanks buddy.
Clan_Skaven - Aug 12, 2007 - 09:49 AM
Post subject:
well it is on the tourney list, but Serpt. 15-16

Spazzfist - Aug 12, 2007 - 12:21 PM
Post subject:
Yup. Just wanted to be sure that that date is set in stone.
Spazzfist - Aug 16, 2007 - 03:18 PM
Post subject:
Hey Rod,

Are you going to have any special rules for the ogres (year of the ogre and all) , what about goblins and halflings for anyone mental enough to bring them?
Clan_Skaven - Aug 16, 2007 - 03:37 PM
Post subject:
No speacial racial rules for any race.

Just make sure both teams are different races (sure they can be close , like Elf & High Elf) but just have to be actual different races

Also I need you to bring 2 coppies of both rosters, one for me & one for you, of both your teams, so in fact you will be bringing 4 rosters

And as usual all bring your boards & Duigouts as I only have one set.

Spazz as advertisement to your tourney you are welcome to bring some of your custom pictches to the tourney, (just not the boat, Chaos Dwarf Pitch, or any other that may be too abstract.) (& obviously the speacial CoQ rules will not be used for the tourney.)

Any news if the London boys will be attending, I do not have either ones number.

Spazzfist - Aug 16, 2007 - 04:49 PM
Post subject:
      Clan-Skaven wrote:

Spazz as advertisement to your tourney you are welcome to bring some of your custom pictches to the tourney, (just not the boat, Chaos Dwarf Pitch, or any other that may be too abstract.) (& obviously the speacial CoQ rules will not be used for the tourney.)

Cool, will look into it.

      Clan-Skaven wrote:
Any news if the London boys will be attending, I do not have either ones number.


Dan is now a Mississauga boy! I will be speaking to him in the near future to find out whether he plans on coming or not.
Shadowseer2005 - Aug 17, 2007 - 09:20 AM
Post subject:
Hey Rod,

As of right now it's still in the air but a may depend on who is going down from Mississauga/Brampton and if there will be a bunch of us sharing on a room and transportation down to the Falls. I will talk to Craig soon and find out.

I will talk to Dave and see if he is coming also. I'll let you know more within the next couple of weeks.
Clan_Skaven - Aug 19, 2007 - 02:24 PM
Post subject:
Just trying to do the math (more like calculate the losses) LOL!!!

Can I get a conformation list as to who is attending for sure? & who are a maybe, & who are a certain no show....

Thanks Rod.
Spazzfist - Aug 19, 2007 - 03:20 PM
Post subject:
Well as it stands now, the custody arrangement is that I am supposed to have the kids that weekend. I am looking into getting that changed. Barring that, nothing short of a terrorist attack or a screaming case of SARS is going to keep me away!
Spazzfist - Aug 19, 2007 - 03:22 PM
Post subject:
Hey Rod,

just wondering if star players are going to be allowed. I know it would be tight given the starting allotment, but just curious.....
Clan_Skaven - Aug 19, 2007 - 04:49 PM
Post subject:
Sorry I must have missed that, .....

No Star Players or Wizards (Flings can have thier Master Chef as thier head Coach if they want, but thats it).

KarlLagerbottom - Aug 19, 2007 - 05:49 PM
Post subject:
Question from the sidelines...but hoping it helps...

      Clan-Skaven wrote:
(Flings can have thier Master Chef as thier head Coach if they want, but thats it).

Does that mean the Chef is free for the Flings or they have to pay the 100K GC price? (As per the inducement.)

Clan_Skaven - Aug 19, 2007 - 08:09 PM
Post subject:
Wait, I have not played Flings in 5.0 & I lent my rules out to a new player, so help me out here, is the Halfling Master Chef only available from Inducements?


(if it is only available from inducements then no it can not be taken, sorry for any confusion)
Spazzfist - Aug 19, 2007 - 09:12 PM
Post subject:
Wow, no love for the little guys! Razz
Ben - Aug 20, 2007 - 08:16 AM
Post subject:
You can count me in.
KarlLagerbottom - Aug 20, 2007 - 09:16 AM
Post subject:
      KarlLagerbottom wrote:
Question from the sidelines...but hoping it helps...

      Clan-Skaven wrote:
(Flings can have thier Master Chef as thier head Coach if they want, but thats it).

Does that mean the Chef is free for the Flings or they have to pay the 100K GC price? (As per the inducement.)


Yep...inducements only I believe.

100GC For the Flings
300GC For anyone else.

I don't get it...but after initially being against the "new" ogres...and now having a blast with them...I'll defer to Tom on this one too. Smile
Cramy - Aug 20, 2007 - 09:41 AM
Post subject:
Yep, 100GC inducement for Flings is the cost for the master chef. One thing in consideration for the next rules change, I believe, is 50GC chef for the flings. And 50GC bribes for goblins.

And I'm in for the tourney.
Blank_Page - Aug 20, 2007 - 09:42 AM
Post subject:
Can't make it.
Clan_Skaven - Aug 22, 2007 - 07:54 PM
Post subject:
Rob O think you make an appearance?

KarlLagerbottom - Aug 23, 2007 - 04:31 AM
Post subject:
Probably not Rod, sorry to say...not many days available for me between now and the end of the year...
Clan_Skaven - Aug 23, 2007 - 04:19 PM
Post subject:
Ok who still needs a hotel? There are not many since every weekend in Sept, theres Softball tournies in the Falls. (I think next year I may move it to November)

I have found a few rooms so far, I can do one of 2 things....

1) I can give you the hotel in question & have you book you're selves (what I'd prefer)


2) I can go pay for the rooms Friday in advance, (but if I do this, you better not stiff me on attendance!)

Spazzfist - Aug 25, 2007 - 03:41 PM
Post subject:
I know I am going to get some heat for this, but how are you going to handle the best painted? Is it going to be the "best team", as is more the trend nowadays? Also, is it going to be a combination of both teams, or one of the teams?
garth - Aug 25, 2007 - 07:32 PM
Post subject:
Just my 2 cents for hotel rooms. The Fairway Motor Inn ( is quite cheap and clean. I am not sure how far it is from the venue (5958 Fallsview Blvd.)
Cramy - Aug 25, 2007 - 09:14 PM
Post subject:
Hi Rod. For the Ottawa guys, just give us the name of the hotel(s) and we can take care of the booking.

Garth, I'll look-up that hotel. Do you plan on going?
Spazzfist - Aug 26, 2007 - 08:30 AM
Post subject:
Joe, if you are planning on coming can you get my TBBF team sheet from Glenn and bring it to me? That would be muchos gracias.
Notorious_jtb - Aug 26, 2007 - 03:27 PM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
Joe, if you are planning on coming can you get my TBBF team sheet from Glenn and bring it to me? That would be muchos gracias.

Hey Spazz, my plan is to come along. I'll ask glen for your sheet.
My coming may depend on the passport service though as i need it to take the shortcut through the states with Mark and Marc-Andre. Unless they forgive me for making them drive 2 hours longer each way... Sad

Garth, you thinking of coming?
Cramy - Aug 27, 2007 - 10:49 AM
Post subject:
Joe is coming. We'll just take the longer route, and that's fine. So that's three people from Ottawa. Need to take care of lodging, and we're all good to go.

We may try to put Joe in the trunk to go though the US customs. If we get stopped we'll just eject him and claim that we don't know who he is. The good side of this is that it will increase everybody else's chances of winning this tourney. Smile

Garth, if you do plan to go and would like a ride, send me a PM.

Clan_Skaven - Aug 27, 2007 - 04:05 PM
Post subject:
So who is the 3rd from Ottawa? Joe, Marc-Andre & ???
Clan_Skaven - Aug 27, 2007 - 04:12 PM
Post subject:
The 2 hotels that said they had rooms available were

1) Flamingo Inn 1-905-956-4646, Reservations 1-800-738-7701

7701 Lundy's Lane , Niagara Falls , Ontario


2) Falcon Inn 7865 Lundy's Lane Niagara Falls Ontario

Toll Free:1-866-FALCON-0
Notorious_jtb - Aug 28, 2007 - 08:40 AM
Post subject:
      Clan-Skaven wrote:
So who is the 3rd from Ottawa? Joe, Marc-Andre & ???

Mark D'Agostino
Me Smile
Notorious_jtb - Aug 28, 2007 - 08:41 AM
Post subject:
Ta for the room options Rod
Cramy - Aug 28, 2007 - 12:14 PM
Post subject:
The Flamingo is fully booked. So is the Fairway Motor Inn.

The Falcon Inn only has rooms with 1 King size bed and a cot. That's our best bet for now, and it's pretty cheap at less than $150 for the weekend.

Will look at other options now. If anybody has other hotels to suggest, please let us know.

Cramy - Aug 28, 2007 - 12:41 PM
Post subject:
Booked at the Ramada Coral Inn. Looks to be walking distance too from what I can see at So we're all set.
Eric.R. - Aug 28, 2007 - 12:59 PM
Post subject:
It now appears I can make it after all. Dates have changed as of 2 minutes ago. I'll will have to confirm everything before I give a solid answer.

Could I win 2 wooden spoons in 1 weekend? Oh, to dream . . .
Cramy - Aug 28, 2007 - 01:23 PM
Post subject:
The Ramada reviews are pretty horrid. Changed our booking to The Inn at Lundy's Lane. The reviews aren't great, but seem better. With the baseball tournament going on, can't be too picky.

Spazzfist - Aug 28, 2007 - 01:37 PM
Post subject:
There are a lot of B+B's in the Falls too - an option if all the hotels are booked.
Clan_Skaven - Aug 28, 2007 - 05:10 PM
Post subject:
Not that it needs asked, but I will just in case, can you all bring boards & if you have them the templates & current 5.0 rules? Please & thankyou.
Clan_Skaven - Aug 28, 2007 - 05:12 PM
Post subject:
      Cramy wrote:
The Ramada reviews are pretty horrid. Changed our booking to The Inn at Lundy's Lane. The reviews aren't great, but seem better. With the baseball tournament going on, can't be too picky.


Can you give me an adress or website? I do not recall "The Inn at Lundy's Lane"


Ok I just found it, thats about a twenty minute walk for me to the tourney location, but then again I have the average stride of a Sasquatch & I'm a fast walker. So it may be a half hour walk for you guys. I'd suggest splitting a cab ride (so you can drink during tourney, the room is licensed so you can bring you're own booze in.) Plus a cab to there will cost no more than like $5-$8 (thats before you split it 3 ways) & it should not take you longer than 5 minutes to arrive,

Eric.R. - Aug 29, 2007 - 07:25 AM
Post subject:
Is there any space left in anyone's hotel room for an extra body? Or am I gonna need to sleep in the car?
Eric.R. - Aug 29, 2007 - 09:52 AM
Post subject:
Has anyone event thought of using a camp ground? They are cheap as dirt. here is one 6 mins away from the venue:

A cabin (12 ' ?? 12' - which is 2¼ times larger then the room I stayed in at university ) is $60. Tent lots are even cheaper.
Spazzfist - Aug 29, 2007 - 10:20 AM
Post subject:
Eric, if you want to go for the cabin, then I will split it with you - probably more comfy than a couch anyways!
Eric.R. - Aug 29, 2007 - 11:02 AM
Post subject:
sounds cool to me. I'll call to get more details and let you know.
Ben - Aug 29, 2007 - 03:39 PM
Post subject:
I should find out about my accomodations tomorrow so you boys coming from Brampton don't book anything just yet till i can confirm i get a room.

My room will be free through a company i am associated with.

I should find out by tomorrow.

Clan_Skaven - Aug 29, 2007 - 04:00 PM
Post subject:
I still have to confirm through roomate (she is on vacation) but I have 2 sorta 3 couches & a recliner lazy boy. If she gives me the green light & any of you get really stuck, I can put ya up in my living room.

Eric.R. - Aug 29, 2007 - 04:53 PM
Post subject:
      Ben wrote:
I should find out about my accomodations tomorrow so you boys coming from Brampton don't book anything just yet till i can confirm i get a room.

My room will be free through a company i am associated with.

I should find out by tomorrow.


Better tell us quick, I wanna book something ASAP
Clan_Skaven - Aug 29, 2007 - 06:21 PM
Post subject:
Ya with 200+ Softball teams coming to the Falls that weekend hotel rooms are evaperating quick
Spazzfist - Aug 29, 2007 - 07:08 PM
Post subject:
      Ben wrote:
I should find out about my accomodations tomorrow so you boys coming from Brampton don't book anything just yet till i can confirm i get a room.

I say that we get the room anyways and make Ben sleep on the picnic table if his falls through! Very Happy

EDIT - Y'know Ben, the message you are giving is unclear. It kinda sounds like you want us to not book in case you get a room for you (and you alone), and so we have to wait to hear so that we know whether we will have the honour and privilege of bunking with a TRUE Spike! champion!
Eric.R. - Aug 30, 2007 - 07:16 AM
Post subject:
Is any who is travelling to the tourny have spare High Elves they are looking to unload? I can't recall the exact positionals I need at the momment but PM me and I will let you know exactly what I am looking for.

Also, anyone interested in purchasing a Goblin team box set with the 4 secret weapon players (all unpainted and unused)? Once again, PM me.
Notorious_jtb - Aug 30, 2007 - 08:37 AM
Post subject:
Hey Rod,

what is the schedule like, when do we start and finish on each day?

Trying to work out when to go see the falls Smile

Spazzfist - Aug 30, 2007 - 08:47 AM
Post subject:
      Notorious_jtb wrote:
Hey Rod,

what is the schedule like, when do we start and finish on each day?

Well that all depends on whether or not we put you on a timer! Wink
Notorious_jtb - Aug 30, 2007 - 11:30 AM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
      Notorious_jtb wrote:
Hey Rod,

what is the schedule like, when do we start and finish on each day?

Well that all depends on whether or not we put you on a timer! Wink

Not the start time Wink
Notorious_jtb - Aug 30, 2007 - 01:36 PM
Post subject:
Another question: do deaths and injuries reset after each game, or do they have their normal effects?
Clan_Skaven - Aug 30, 2007 - 05:58 PM
Post subject:
As for start finnish times, I'll post later (sorry) I plan on 4 games Sat. 2 Sun.)

And no all injuries Death's are regenerated to full next round.

Spazzfist - Aug 31, 2007 - 02:44 PM
Post subject:
Well I know one team that I am bringing for sure, and am even making a bit of time to do some painting for one model that I needed for the team. For my secondary team I was seriously thinking of bringing goblins until Rod reminded me that there are no inducements, and bribes are inducements! Argh!
Spazzfist - Sep 01, 2007 - 11:22 AM
Post subject:
Alrighty then! I have worked out my two teams for the tourney - going to keep it a surprise, all I will say is one of the teams is one that I have never played in a tourney before! Should be fun!
Spazzfist - Sep 02, 2007 - 09:12 AM
Post subject:
The thing I like about this tourney, is that it gives you the opportunity to try out a team that you have never played before (maybe because you did not want to play that team for six games in a tourney, and still get to play a team that you like more. Nice one Rod!
Shadowseer2005 - Sep 05, 2007 - 10:40 AM
Post subject:
Ok well I have been able to persuade the banker (wife) to let me go. So you have room Eric I would like to get a ride down with you and Craig. Also craig mentioned about the cabin. I'm up to pitching in for that also if space is still available. I'll call ya tonight to confirm.
Spazzfist - Sep 05, 2007 - 12:01 PM
Post subject:
Good stuff Dan! Glad you can make it! And I know that Rod will be happy to see you as well!
Eric.R. - Sep 05, 2007 - 12:41 PM
Post subject:
Coolio Dan, there is always room in the Shaggon Wagon. As for the Cabin, we'll have to spot anothe $6 for the extra adult, but that is nothing. Forgot to mention that the camp site is within walking distance to a strip club . . . though I do not think it would be better than Brampton `rippers.
Spazzfist - Sep 05, 2007 - 01:54 PM
Post subject:
Within 6 minutes of the tourney site and walking distance of a strip club..... this campground isn't some vacant parking lot run by winos is it Eric? I mean, I'll probably still stay there if it is, but I just need to know if I should get my shots first.
Eric.R. - Sep 05, 2007 - 03:53 PM
Post subject:
You may need your shots, but be a man for once Razz
Spazzfist - Sep 06, 2007 - 06:26 AM
Post subject:
      Eric.R. wrote:
You may need your shots, but be a man for once Razz

Yes sir.
Talons - Sep 07, 2007 - 08:04 AM
Post subject:
      Notorious_jtb wrote:
Hey Rod,

what is the schedule like, when do we start and finish on each day?

Trying to work out when to go see the falls Smile


Joe, the best time to see the falls would be at night time anyways. The falls are all lit up and look amazing for the first time to see them that way. At 10 o'clock each night the city lets of a fabulous fireworks display over the falls. Don't get me wrong, the falls are amazing when you see them for the first time during the day as well, but for the full effect of one of the wonders, I would say at 10 would be best. Just my 2 cents.
Notorious_jtb - Sep 07, 2007 - 08:56 AM
Post subject:
      Talons wrote:
      Notorious_jtb wrote:
Hey Rod,

what is the schedule like, when do we start and finish on each day?

Trying to work out when to go see the falls Smile


Joe, the best time to see the falls would be at night time anyways. The falls are all lit up and look amazing for the first time to see them that way. At 10 o'clock each night the city lets of a fabulous fireworks display over the falls. Don't get me wrong, the falls are amazing when you see them for the first time during the day as well, but for the full effect of one of the wonders, I would say at 10 would be best. Just my 2 cents.

cheers Rob, I guess i need to speed up my play to make it to the 10pm show on the saturday Wink
Spazzfist - Sep 07, 2007 - 11:00 AM
Post subject:
      Notorious_jtb wrote:

cheers Rob, I guess i need to speed up my play to make it to the 10pm show on the saturday Wink

It's funny, because it's true!
Cramy - Sep 10, 2007 - 06:31 AM
Post subject:
Rod, do you have a schedule yet? Mostly interested in start times for both days.

Notorious_jtb - Sep 11, 2007 - 08:27 AM
Post subject:
I'm interested in the schedule too Smile

Getting properly excited now!

BRING IT ON!!!!!!!!!
Spazzfist - Sep 11, 2007 - 09:57 AM
Post subject:
      Notorious_jtb wrote:
I'm interested in the schedule too Smile

Getting properly excited now!

BRING IT ON!!!!!!!!!

As oppose to being "improperly" excited? Confused

Oh you silly Brit..... Laughing

P.S. I am going to CRUSH you!
Notorious_jtb - Sep 11, 2007 - 04:07 PM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
      Notorious_jtb wrote:
I'm interested in the schedule too Smile

Getting properly excited now!

BRING IT ON!!!!!!!!!

As oppose to being "improperly" excited? Confused

Oh you silly Brit..... Laughing

P.S. I am going to CRUSH you!

only if you sit on me Smile
Spazzfist - Sep 11, 2007 - 04:35 PM
Post subject:
      Notorious_jtb wrote:

P.S. I am going to CRUSH you!

only if you sit on me Smile[/quote]

Only if you buy me a drink first! Wink
Clan_Skaven - Sep 11, 2007 - 06:46 PM
Post subject:
Ok just off the phone with Crammy, I was planning on doing 4 games Sat, 2 games Sunday, but if the Ottawa guys wanna see the Falls earlier Sat, then I'll do 3 games each day, (I left the choice up to the Ottawa boys due to the fact that they have the longest drive)

Eric.R. - Sep 11, 2007 - 07:11 PM
Post subject:
Sounds cool to me
Spazzfist - Sep 11, 2007 - 07:35 PM
Post subject:
My only concern is that I have to be able to pick up my kids by 7:00 in Oakville. Beyond that I don't care.
Cramy - Sep 12, 2007 - 06:33 AM
Post subject:
Haven't talked to Joe and Mark yet, but I prefer the 4 games on Saturday and 2 games on Sunday. We can go see the falls after the 4th game on Saturday, or before we leave on Sunday.

Notorious_jtb - Sep 12, 2007 - 09:13 AM
Post subject:
Yeah, I guess its better to have 4 and 2.

Its a shame cos I expect that means I won't make the fireworks but a happy wife is key.

What time do we start the games on the saturday?
Spazzfist - Sep 12, 2007 - 09:15 AM
Post subject:
... and happy wife means "fireworks", so you won't miss out after all! Smile
Clan_Skaven - Sep 12, 2007 - 06:38 PM
Post subject:
      Notorious_jtb wrote:
Yeah, I guess its better to have 4 and 2.

Its a shame cos I expect that means I won't make the fireworks but a happy wife is key.

What time do we start the games on the saturday?

Well doors open at 9 am, I am hoping to do registration from 9am till 10 am

Round 1 10 am till 12 noon
**** Lunch Break*****
Round Two 1 pm till 3 pm
Round Three 3:30 pm till 5:30 pm
***** Dinner Break**** (optional majority vote)
Round Four 6 pm till 8 pm (or if Dinner Break taken, 6:30 pm till 8:30 pm)

Sunday there is two games to play & I have room from 9 am till 11 pm so as far as start time whatever you guys want is cool ( 9 am, 10 am ect....)
Clan_Skaven - Sep 12, 2007 - 06:53 PM
Post subject:
As far as prizes go I'm getting some figures but Majority of prizes are Beer themed!

There will be plaques made after tourney for the winners , but I will mail them to winners with thier name & races represented engraved on them. (So I will need mailing adresses for all winners.

Sportsmanship will be done like this (I know some won't like this system, but this system I think is best. On you're Matc Record sheet I have left you all a space for comments (this is really important to write the sportsmanship of the opponent in.) After Round Six you will rank you're six opponents from best (6) to farthest from best (1) *** a 1 does not mean that you were a poor sport (although it may) it may just mean that you were a great sport, but not as great as the other five. *****IMPORTANT**** you do not rate you're opponents untill after round six (so for those of you with bad memory use the cooments space to record oppont's actions & sportsmanship during game). Also you can only give out one of each of the six (1,2,3,4,5,6) number's so no giving out 2 6's or three 1's, ect..

The person with the Highest total will be best Sportsman (in case of a tie I will make coice) The person with the lowest total will win worst Sportsman & win the "Golden Soother!

Any questions?

Talons - Sep 12, 2007 - 10:43 PM
Post subject:
YESSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!! Finally an award that I can WIN!!!!!! That Golden Soother is mine. Let's get the trash talking started already guys. Or should I say Bitches!!!! After the last game on Sunday is finished, everyone will bow to my feet, and rightfully salute me as a Bloodbowl GOD!!!!! Ben, you are no longer the master, you are just a has been. us all a favour, Don't even bother showing up at the tourney on Saturday, as it will get very embarassing for you. To the rest of the bottomfeeders who plan on attending.....Stay out of my way, or I will run over your beaten and battered bodies as I stride to the top of the leaderboard.
Spazzfist - Sep 13, 2007 - 06:15 AM
Post subject:
Well the only thing that you got right in your little rant there Piddles is that you will be receiving the Golden Soother Award! You are going to be needing that soother to calm your pouty nerves after I am done handing your sorry carcass of a team back to you!
Cramy - Sep 13, 2007 - 09:02 AM
Post subject:
You guys from the south will have to go back where you came from, down. My teams will score so many touchdowns that you will go back home to cry at your wive's feet on Sunday.

Rod, can't remember what the venue allows for alcohol. Can we bring our own beer in, or do we have to buy from them? If we bring our own beer in, I'm assuming that we have to be discreet about it?

When we get to the hotel, I'm assuming that we head to the information desk and ask where the BloodBowl tournament is, and they'll show us the way and not call the cops?

Spazzfist - Sep 13, 2007 - 10:55 AM
Post subject:
I hope that you are not going to be the one driving back Marc-Andre, because you are not going to be able to see the road very well with all the tears in your eyes! You boys better re-think the driving thing and maybe book a train or bus, because you are all goin got be a bunch of blubbering schoolgirls by the time the GFTS (Guys From The South) are done with you!
Eric.R. - Sep 13, 2007 - 11:26 AM
Post subject:
I really have no basis to make trash talk, so alll I will say is: Yo' Momma, Biatch!!

Thats it . . .
Notorious_jtb - Sep 13, 2007 - 02:35 PM
Post subject:
Its Bandit season!

Lock up your trophies you soft southern scum!
Spazzfist - Sep 13, 2007 - 05:04 PM
Post subject:
For those of you who did not read Joe's message before he edited it.....

      Notorious_jtb wrote:
Its Butt Bandit season!

Lock your doors you soft-skinned southern succulents!!


Whatever Joe, you are going to god down in flames with the rest of them! Prepare to be schooled by the teecher! Cool
Daggers - Sep 13, 2007 - 06:47 PM
Post subject:
They only thing flaming, is you GFTS'ers!! BIG FLAMING GFTS'ers!!!!! The trophies are coming north with the real men, and you boys can go lick your wounds, and whetever else you normally lick.
Spazzfist - Sep 13, 2007 - 07:22 PM
Post subject:
Our wounds will be mere scratches, mild abrasions even, compared to the medieval style castration that you lot are going to be on the receiving end of. You lot should consider yourself lucky if the GFTS from GOD - (Golden 'Orseshoe District) even leave you with a tongue with which you can lick the mangled remains of your sorry selves.

It's on b*tches! Bring it! 'Cuz Spazz is taking no prizners!
Clan_Skaven - Sep 13, 2007 - 07:53 PM
Post subject:
I just talked Rob Keefe into attending. I gave him Eric, Craig & Ben's numbers (hope thats ok)

Clan_Skaven - Sep 13, 2007 - 08:00 PM
Post subject:
So here is list of confermed....

From Ottawa
1) Marc-Andre
2) Joe
3) Mark

4) Eric
5) Craig
6) Ben

7) Dan

Etobico (spelling probably off)
8 ) Rob

Niagara Falls
9) Greg
10) Rob
11) Brian
12) Chris
*****Odd Man Out "Me"

Did I miss anyone?
angryrob - Sep 13, 2007 - 08:01 PM
Post subject:
That right ladies i ll be there!
All i have to do now is figure out what box i packed my teams in, moving to the big smoke can really set you back.
see you saturday
Spazzfist - Sep 13, 2007 - 09:33 PM
Post subject:
Good stuff, Rob! Will be good to see you out - especially seeing as you are now amongst the GFTS from GOD!

Will send you a PM with all my contact info so that we can arrange to get you down there.
Clan_Skaven - Sep 14, 2007 - 04:29 AM
Post subject:
In the proccess of me moving, I have either lost or missplaced my digital camera, so can you guys bring you're cameras since I can not find mine?

Thanks, Rod
Ben - Sep 14, 2007 - 07:49 AM
Post subject:
      Dwarfrunner wrote:
and you boys can go lick your wounds, and whetever else you normally lick.

The only thing i will be licking is your momma Laughing
Ben - Sep 14, 2007 - 07:50 AM
Post subject:
Well seen as i just got back from holidays a few days ago, i haven't had time to book anything.

Anyone have any extra space for a body?

I am coming down Saturday morning so i will just need to crash somewhere on the Saturday night.

Talons - Sep 14, 2007 - 12:06 PM
Post subject:
Ben, do you have the new Naf dice???? If you do, can u bring them with you as I have to renew my membership. As for a place to stay, I am sure Rod will have some space possibly, his number is 2892967748. Give him a call and talk to him about it. See you all Saturday........Biatches!!!!!!
Spazzfist - Sep 14, 2007 - 01:48 PM
Post subject:
Not coming out drinking tonight Rob? Eric and Dan were hoping you would come out tot he campground so that they coul re-enact that scene from "Deliverance" Squeeeeee! Laughing

Seriously, get your sorry a$$ out to have some beers with the boys you mutt!

Well my work day is done, I will be Falls-bound in a couple of hours! See you guys there!
Shadowseer2005 - Sep 14, 2007 - 01:52 PM
Post subject:
      Talons wrote:
Ben, do you have the new Naf dice???? If you do, can u bring them with you as I have to renew my membership. As for a place to stay, I am sure Rod will have some space possibly, his number is 2892967748. Give him a call and talk to him about it. See you all Saturday........Biatches!!!!!!


I have to renew my membership also, so if you can bring dice for me too.

Notorious_jtb - Sep 14, 2007 - 02:55 PM
Post subject:
Ho ho ho, The Invincible Team Ottawa are mustering for the invasion of Niagara!

We shall except your GFTS with good grace!

an' Yo Mamma!!
Spazzfist - Sep 14, 2007 - 03:27 PM
Post subject:
      Notorious_jtb wrote:
Ho ho ho
Oh? Are your moms coming too?

      Notorious_jtb wrote:
The Invincible Team Ottawa are mustering for the invasion of Niagara!

Invincibles? More like invisibles! The GFTS from GOD will run over you guys like you aren't even there!

      Notorious_jtb wrote:
We shall except your GFTS with good grace!

And hate to get all "teachery" about it.... but when you say that you mean that you will leave us out. Good of yout to realize that any invasion could not possibly hope to succeed against the GFTS from GOD!

      Notorious_jtb wrote:
an' Yo Mamma!!

Thanks for leaving them out of this too! Wink
Clan_Skaven - Sep 16, 2007 - 03:32 PM
Post subject:
Wow running a Tourney is much harder than I thought. I hope all went well for everyone & that I wasn't too bitchy to anyone. (Spazz)

I will post standings tonight or Monday, as far as NAF rankings I will need a green light from Ben regarding Chris's new membership & Bryan's fix up on his account.

Please post on here any problems or ideas on ways to improve for next year.

Were the prizes ok?

Was the location ok?

How was the system?

Anything you did not like about the tourney?


(Please be 100% honest..... I will not be offended, I need to know what wasn't liked if I'm to improve & make it better for next year!)
Clan_Skaven - Sep 16, 2007 - 05:12 PM
Post subject:
NBBO Final Standings
1st..Joe B........................4........0......2........10........10/2.........13/6.............14
2nd..Marc-Andre R.........3.......0........3.........9.........10/6.........6/8..............30
3rd..Rob P.......................3........1........2........8..........8/5..........9/6...............23
5th.Mark D.......................3........2........1........7..........10/7..........6/9............26
6th.Greg S......................2.........2........2........6...........7/9..........14/6...........23
7th. Craig T.....................2........2.........2........6...........9/7...........8/7.............17
8th.Chris P......................2........2........2.........6............9/7...........3/13..........17
9th.Dan C........................2........4........0.........4............11/9..........13/12.......24
10th. Bryan C..................2........4........0..........4............7/12..........11/9........16
11th.Rob K......................1.........4........1.........3............5/12...........3/10........24
12th. Eric R.....................0.........4.........2.........2............3/16..........2/10........18

Everyone had two races at the Tourney one team with a 105TV & another with a 100TV, each team played in either the NBBO Cup (games 1,3,5) or they played in the NBBO Bowl (games 2,4,6) Here are a list of the two teams each Coach took & if thier 105 or 100 team played in the NBBO Cup or NBBO Bowl.

......................................NBBO Cup..............................NBBO Bowl
Marc Andre R................Dark Elf 105..............................Skaven 100
Bryan c.........................Chaos Dwarf 105......................Goblin 100
Mark D...........................Wood Elf 105.............................Dwarf 100
Greg S...........................Lizardmen 105...........................Skaven 100
Dan C..............................Lizardmen 100.........................Orc 105
Eric R............................Human 105.................................Amazon 100
Joe B.............................Undead 105..................................Orc 100
Chris P............................Wood Elf 105.............................Chaos 100
Rob K.............................Necromatic 105..........................Chaos..100
Craig T............................Orc.105........................................Vampire.100
Rob P..............................Dwarf 105...................................Orc.100
Ben T..............................Dwarf 100...................................Skaven 105

Anything I missed?

Clan_Skaven - Sep 16, 2007 - 05:55 PM
Post subject:
To the Winners

Champion.....Joe B.

NBBO Cup Winner........Joe B.

NBBO Bowl Winner..........Ben T.

Most TD's...........Ben T.

Most Cas........Ben T. & Greg S.

Best Team........Bryan C.

Sportsmanship.....Marc-Andre R.

Last Place....Eric R.

Worst Sportsmanship.... Joe B.

I need you're Mailing addresses so I can mail out you're plaques once I get them made.

Cramy - Sep 17, 2007 - 10:54 AM
Post subject:
Thanks for running a great tourney Rod. I had lots of fun. Playing with two different teams really added flavour to the tourney.

The location was very good. And the prizes were quite good as well.

An idea for next year. When you selected the odd and even teams, we ended-up with lots of TV105 teams in the NBBO Cup and lots of TV100 teams in the NBBO Bowl. Instead, you could set it up such that the Cup and the Bowl each have half TV100 teams and half TV105 teams. For the selection, you could randomly pick coaches. The first coach gets his TV105 team in the Cup. The second coach gets his TV105 team on the Bowl, then Cup, then Bowl, etc...

Just an idea. The random system that you used was fine as well.

Hope to see you all at the DeathBowl V.

Notorious_jtb - Sep 17, 2007 - 11:17 AM
Post subject:
Yeah good work Rod. Great format. Good location. Nice Selection of prizes.

I like Marc-Andre's idea about splitting the teams 50-50 re the ratings. That way everyone should get at least one game with 50k value more and one game with 50k value less.

My wife was dissapointed but not surprised by the pressence of the "Golden Soother".
She is forcing me to display it with my trophies as a reminder!
I think I'll have a soother with me for the Deathbowl.
Spazzfist - Sep 17, 2007 - 01:12 PM
Post subject:
Thanks for running another tourney within a couple of hours of home, certainly makes it easier to sell to the wife!

As has already been said, I thought the idea of two teams was cool, an certainly saved me from having to play those stupid vampires for all six games! But at least was an opportunity to try something new.

Look forward to seeing some of the pics, and to seeing a lot of you at the Deathbowl!
Shadowseer2005 - Sep 17, 2007 - 02:54 PM
Post subject:
Great tourney Rod,

As said before good location and good assortment of prizes. I also agree with MArc-Andre about possibly spliting the teams up in each division to make it more even. I loved the fact that there was 2 teams each to give the tourney some flavour and variety.

Again great job.

You guys have a blast at the Deathbowl as I will not be able to attend this year. So I hope to see all of ya at the CCKO in January.

angryrob - Sep 17, 2007 - 05:15 PM
Post subject:
Thanks Rod! Great tourny, even if my record wasn't.
I like the idea of 50/50 on odd and even teams, the chance to use cards in a tourny was great except for the fact my rogue wizard back fired on me. damn you Bongo!
Clan_Skaven - Sep 17, 2007 - 09:40 PM
Post subject:
I too like the idea of a more even split, but I think just to make it more random I'd have red & blue tokens (red being odd & blue being even) but I'd toss in two extra of each colour just to randomize things a bit.

So if next year I have again 12 teams have 16 tokens (8 red & 8 blue)

That way it may not be an even split, but still should be a good mix.
Eric.R. - Sep 18, 2007 - 07:03 AM
Post subject:
      Clan-Skaven wrote:
To the Winners

Champion.....Joe B.

NBBO Cup Winner........Joe B.

NBBO Bowl Winner..........Ben T.

Most TD's...........Ben T.

Most Cas........Ben T. & Greg S.

Best Team........Bryan C.

Sportsmanship.....Marc-Andre R.

I need you're Mailing addresses so I can mail out you're plaques once I get them made.


What about the spoon? Am I not even worth acknowledging? Crying or Very sad
Notorious_jtb - Sep 18, 2007 - 07:55 AM
Post subject:
      Clan-Skaven wrote:
I too like the idea of a more even split, but I think just to make it more random I'd have red & blue tokens (red being odd & blue being even) but I'd toss in two extra of each colour just to randomize things a bit.

So if next year I have again 12 teams have 16 tokens (8 red & 8 blue)

That way it may not be an even split, but still should be a good mix.

like it!
Blank_Page - Sep 18, 2007 - 10:48 AM
Post subject:
Dang, Am I the only one to beat Joe in this country?

Wish I had the old frenzied enthusiasm for this game.
Spazzfist - Sep 18, 2007 - 11:41 AM
Post subject:
      Blank_Page wrote:
Dang, Am I the only one to beat Joe in this country?

Wish I had the old frenzied enthusiasm for this game.

Well, I haven't beat him, but he has yet to beat me yet too! Both games we have played ended up in ties.
Notorious_jtb - Sep 18, 2007 - 12:02 PM
Post subject:
      Blank_Page wrote:
Dang, Am I the only one to beat Joe in this country?

Wish I had the old frenzied enthusiasm for this game.

Peter Meers beat me in the deathbowl game at deathbowl IV last year.

It shows up as a tie against Rug_Thug though cos he was my direct opponent and only peter scored.
Notorious_jtb - Sep 18, 2007 - 12:02 PM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
      Blank_Page wrote:
Dang, Am I the only one to beat Joe in this country?

Wish I had the old frenzied enthusiasm for this game.

Well, I haven't beat him, but he has yet to beat me yet too! Both games we have played ended up in ties.

true indeed.

I clearly don't have enough incentive Wink
Spazzfist - Sep 18, 2007 - 12:40 PM
Post subject:
      Notorious_jtb wrote:

I clearly don't have enough incentive Wink

Nah, it's the fact that my aura disrupts your chi! Very Happy
Notorious_jtb - Sep 18, 2007 - 02:10 PM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
      Notorious_jtb wrote:

I clearly don't have enough incentive Wink

Nah, it's the fact that my aura disrupts your chi! Very Happy

I guess so. My Chi did take a battering in that game, particularly in the first half, ouch!

Next time I'll Feng Shui my formation so it'll be all good
Daggers - Sep 19, 2007 - 10:52 AM
Post subject:
Awesome job Rod. Had a blast, everything was well done. See you all next year.
Eric.R. - Sep 19, 2007 - 09:36 PM
Post subject:
Awsome tourny, it proved that `Zone are better Humans, atleast in my hands . . . but that is not saying much . . . :-þ

I had a great time, from what I recall between the concusion and alcohol poisoning . . . but Niagra is so much like Ravenloft @ 3 in the morning . . . 20 ft thick fog borders all the towns in that area . . . y'all are NERDS who fullly understood that.

One last word, REPRESENT!!
Notorious_jtb - Sep 21, 2007 - 07:44 AM
Post subject:
So, its almost been a week now so I don't feel too rude asking about when the results are going to be inputted inthe ranking engine?

I can't wait for Rod to ask first this time Wink
Daggers - Sep 21, 2007 - 08:02 AM
Post subject:
Rod does realize there are computers to input the stuff right? He doesn't have to write it all out on paper first. haha. Sorry, that was a cheap shot.
Clan_Skaven - Sep 21, 2007 - 06:49 PM
Post subject:
I would have had it all dopne the Sunday night of the tourney, but my hands are tied untill the Canadian BB Directer gives me the greenlight on new recruits being added.
Notorious_jtb - Sep 21, 2007 - 06:51 PM
Post subject:
      Clan-Skaven wrote:
I would have had it all dopne the Sunday night of the tourney, but my hands are tied untill the Canadian BB Directer gives me the greenlight on new recruits being added.

aaah so we need to hassle ben!

Daggers - Sep 22, 2007 - 07:55 AM
Post subject:
Sounds good!

Ben doesn't want the points added in, since he will no longer be the top player in Canada. ALL HAIL THE NEW POWEHOUSE!! OTTAWA!!
Chairface - Sep 23, 2007 - 12:12 PM
Post subject:
Rod - sorry I didn't call like I promised. Had a death in the family this week and I forgot about everything else. Glad everyone had a great time.
Clan_Skaven - Sep 23, 2007 - 03:26 PM
Post subject:
Here are the pics to my Tourney......
KarlLagerbottom - Sep 23, 2007 - 03:47 PM
Post subject:
Nice Orcs Spaz.
Spazzfist - Sep 23, 2007 - 03:55 PM
Post subject:
Thanks man, have you seen the pitch that was made for them?
KarlLagerbottom - Sep 23, 2007 - 08:52 PM
Post subject:
No, I have not.
Notorious_jtb - Sep 24, 2007 - 08:04 AM
Post subject:
good pics Rod, takes me right back.

I do appear to have several unflattering angles, like 360 of them Sad

good stuff.
Daggers - Sep 24, 2007 - 10:12 AM
Post subject:
Yeah, but that's just cuz your an ugly git. ;P
Spazzfist - Sep 24, 2007 - 05:13 PM
Post subject:
If you have any pics of Brian's goblin team (even if they were not from the tourney) you should put them up! That team was really cool!
Clan_Skaven - Sep 24, 2007 - 08:46 PM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
If you have any pics of Brian's goblin team (even if they were not from the tourney) you should put them up! That team was really cool!

I can probably arrange that with him.

Clan_Skaven - Sep 29, 2007 - 04:22 PM
Post subject:
Ok the stats are in , just waiting for the button to be pushed.
Clan_Skaven - Sep 30, 2007 - 09:58 AM
Post subject:
Ok I reported a game that was not there. In my one tourney the NBBO Cup in the 2nd round there is an extra game that does not belong there. it is the game where Talons beats Shadowseer 2-1 (this game never took place)

How do I remove that game?

Clan_Skaven - Sep 30, 2007 - 12:01 PM
Post subject:
      Clan-Skaven wrote:
Ok I reported a game that was not there. In my one tourney the NBBO Cup in the 2nd round there is an extra game that does not belong there. it is the game where Talons beats Shadowseer 2-1 (this game never took place)

How do I remove that game?


Ya so the button was just pushed but in the NBBO Cup game number 10 needs removed.
Spazzfist - Sep 30, 2007 - 08:58 PM
Post subject:
      Clan-Skaven wrote:
it is the game where Talons beats Shadowseer 2-1 (this game never took place)

Yeah, Rob beating Dan in a game.... that should have raised some red warning flags right away! Razz
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