NAF World Headquarters

North America - Canadian Open

Eric.R. - Jan 06, 2009 - 08:35 PM
Post subject: Canadian Open
Plans are in the works to get the Canadian Open running this this year after last years absence. The plan is to run it at the same time (i.e. March) as the previous years and will take place once again in the Brampton area.

More information will come available as dates and locations are set.
Spazzfist - Jan 06, 2009 - 08:59 PM
Post subject: RE: Canadian Open
Good to hear! Viva la local tourney!
Cramy - Jan 07, 2009 - 07:11 AM
Post subject: RE: Canadian Open
Another out of town Tourney. Yey. Now I need to practice my negociating skills.
Eric.R. - Jan 29, 2009 - 05:11 PM
Post subject: RE: Canadian Open
OK, been a long time but we are working on it. We are trying to secure a venue for either March 14th or 21st. The rules will be slightly different to the last time this was held, we are working on cleaning them up in the face of 2 years of tourney development.

In the end, come hell-or-high-water this will run and info should flow in at a faster rate as things are nailed down.

More info to follow.
Notorious_jtb - Jan 29, 2009 - 06:46 PM
Post subject: RE: Canadian Open
great news!

can't wait
Spazzfist - Jan 29, 2009 - 09:07 PM
Post subject: RE: Canadian Open
If you want to put heads together on any ideas, I will be happy to brainstorm with you. Dan and I discussed alternatives for the Draft on the way down, as the Open, the CCKO and Bongo were all using it. I LOVE the draft, but would rather see tourneys with their own unique style. We did come up with one, but Dan liked it so much that he lay claim to it.... Wink
Eric.R. - Feb 03, 2009 - 08:32 PM
Post subject:
Alright Gents & Ladies,

I am continuing to work on this as fast as possible to update all of you on the details.

A couple major points are:

The website [and rules] is coming in the near future. I had an awsome website designed till I realized that MSIE does not like any ideas that are outside the box, or based on minimum accepted standards for that matter Sad
jrock56 - Feb 03, 2009 - 08:49 PM
Post subject:
Sounds like a good idea for the rules you are changing, Personally the week of the 21st would work much better for me as I like to attend every tourney if possible. I usually drive 2 to 3 down with me so that would most likely give you at least 3 to 4 people from Ottawa if others are able to come. The weekend of the 14th I have my kids and it would take some heavy negotiating on my part to change anything there. I will try to come out regardless what date you choose but the likelihood of it happening would be much higher on the 21st. Not to mention both my "wife" and mom's birthday's are the week of the 14th as well....dang makes it even harder....anyhow hope things are running smoothly for you Eric and everything will be a success.

Quick question, is this a 1 or 2 day tourney? Haven't been to this tourney before so have no idea what to expect, although I'm sure you'll add your own flavour to it.

Eric.R. - Feb 03, 2009 - 09:46 PM
Post subject:
      jrock56 wrote:
Quick question, is this a 1 or 2 day tourney? Haven't been to this tourney before so have no idea what to expect, although I'm sure you'll add your own flavour to it.

Good question, this is a two day tourney. Forgot to mention that for anyone who has never come out to a previous Canadian Open.
Clan_Skaven - Feb 04, 2009 - 04:17 AM
Post subject:
I should be there, no idea what ramshackle group of missfits I can muster from Niagara, but there should be a few of us....

Spazzfist - Feb 04, 2009 - 08:16 AM
Post subject:

If it is going to be better for you to have the tourney on the 21st, then go for it. Try to get a projection as to the numbers for either way and see which one works better for you.

I was hoping to have the Q'ermitt in my basment again, but if the numbers are going to be anything like last year, then I will be looking for a different (i.e. more comfortable) venue. By having the Open a little bit closer to my tourney, then it will probably mean less for me, but honestly, I am okay with that.

Rod, Adam, you guys know that my home is always open for you to stay at should you choose. Just let me know if you are making and how many are in tow.
Spazzfist - Feb 04, 2009 - 08:23 AM
Post subject:
      jrock56 wrote:
The weekend of the 14th I have my kids and it would take some heavy negotiating on my part to change anything there. I

As it turns out, that would ALSO be the weekend that I have my kids. It would not take heavy negotiating to switch, as we are pretty relaxed about that kind of thing, but if I do change it, then I will mean that I will be having my kids on the weekend of the Q'ermitt, unless I change it again there....
Notorious_jtb - Feb 04, 2009 - 09:27 AM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
      jrock56 wrote:
The weekend of the 14th I have my kids and it would take some heavy negotiating on my part to change anything there. I

As it turns out, that would ALSO be the weekend that I have my kids. It would not take heavy negotiating to switch, as we are pretty relaxed about that kind of thing, but if I do change it, then I will mean that I will be having my kids on the weekend of the Q'ermitt, unless I change it again there....

you guys just need to get your kids playing and it will all be fine Laughing
Shadowseer2005 - Feb 04, 2009 - 12:51 PM
Post subject:
As mentioned by Spazz, my home is also open to anyone coming from out of town ( first come first served). Also Craig if you need a venue and are having issues finding a place I can ask about the location where the last Bongo Bowl was held. It should be big enough and April is not overly a hot month so no worries about a Swealtering Bowl 2.


If you need any help or brain storming I am here for ya bud.
Spazzfist - Feb 04, 2009 - 05:05 PM
Post subject:
Eric! Don't forget to post the tourney particulars on the BOMBBL website. When running a tourney you have to be a total promotional whore! Very Happy
jrock56 - Feb 04, 2009 - 05:29 PM
Post subject:
Hey Eric, Thanks for clarifying as everyone was talking about either the 14th or 21st as the tourney date, but it sounded singular like it was the only day for the tourney.

Thank you Craig and Dan for the invites as it will definitely help to have a place to stay for both Canadian Open and Quermitt, I plan on attending both but don't know as of yet what locals from Ottawa will be interested in going as well, I'm sure a few will be easily persuaded for one if not both tournies,

Take it easy Gents.

Clan_Skaven - Feb 04, 2009 - 10:11 PM
Post subject:
either date is cool for me but Rob from the Falls says 21st is better for him.
Eric.R. - Feb 05, 2009 - 12:57 PM
Post subject:
OK, it is sounding like the 21st is the best date for most who want to attend so I tentatively set it as the tourney date.

Also I got consent for the creator of the Advancement System that I wanted to implement. Right know it is a little rough and input is more than welcome. The general outline including team creation is as follows:

  1. Team Creation: 1,000,000 crowns. No upgrade, inducements, Star Players, etc. Money remaining after Team Creation CANNOT be carried into the tournament. I.E. Use it or lose it.
  2. Each team will be allocated 70,000 crowns to their treasury before the tournament.
  3. After games #2 and #4 a d4+3 will be rolled (by the T.O.) and each team in the tournament will add this value times 10,000 to their team???s treasury. i.e. d4+3 ?? 10,000 crowns.
  4. The money that is in a team???s treasury may be spent at any time AFTER a match [or After Team Creation] and BEFORE the next match-ups are announced, to purchase player upgrades or additional positional players at the cost listed in the most recent LRB. (no inducements, Star Players, etc. are allowed).
  5. EDIT: Any money remaining in the treasury may be used later on between subsequent rounds in accordance to the rules above
  6. No player may receive more than 3 upgrades at any point during the tournament.
  7. Team injuries ???reset??? after each game. i.e. injuries are erased, but skills remain.

Also, before Spazz asks . . . Yes the new teams will be allowed. In Canada we allow all races to compete equally . . . EXCEPT the Slann, they are not allowed . . . stupid frog-like thingies . . . Twisted Evil

Nah, just kidding they are allowed . . . but they better bring Punch and Pie Razz
Spazzfist - Feb 05, 2009 - 01:52 PM
Post subject:
      Eric.R. wrote:
[*]Team Creation: 1,000,000 crowns. No upgrade, inducements, Star Players, etc. Money remaining after Team Creation CANNOT be carried into the tournament. I.E. Use it or lose it.
[*]Each team will be allocated 70,000 crowns to their treasury before the tournament.

So doesn't this mean that the teams will have 1,070,000 for the tournament? Or is there going to be some kind of special allowances or limitations for the additional 70K?
Notorious_jtb - Feb 05, 2009 - 02:15 PM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
      Eric.R. wrote:
[*]Team Creation: 1,000,000 crowns. No upgrade, inducements, Star Players, etc. Money remaining after Team Creation CANNOT be carried into the tournament. I.E. Use it or lose it.
[*]Each team will be allocated 70,000 crowns to their treasury before the tournament.

So doesn't this mean that the teams will have 1,070,000 for the tournament? Or is there going to be some kind of special allowances or limitations for the additional 70K?


Did you read the other bits?

You get the 70 to spend after team creation.
So you can use it on players or skills before game 1 but not in combination with any of the cash from the 1,000,000. I.e. you have to make a full legal 11 man roster with no improvements which adds up to 1,000,000. Then you get 70k to spend in anyway you like.
Or you can save the 70k, which is the only bit of money you can hold onto until after game 2 and 4 to spend on new players or skills or apothecaries etc etc It can be spent after game 1, 3 and 5 &6 too as well, depending on if you think that extra +1 ST will help on the ride home after game 6 Smile Smile Smile Laughing
Spazzfist - Feb 05, 2009 - 04:14 PM
Post subject:
wo'evah..... Embarassed
jrock56 - Feb 05, 2009 - 04:18 PM
Post subject:
Joe I believe you misread Eric's post as well...With each amount of money you receive you must use it before the next matchup's are announced, thus not allowing you to stockpile funds to buy crazy things and impact the games too significantly.

DID you read the other bits properly!!!! LOL
Eric.R. - Feb 05, 2009 - 04:50 PM
Post subject:
I am glad to see others are pointing out the fact that reading a post before commenting is a good thing.

Though JRock, Joe is correct. The idea is to allow a treasury that can be used between any game (edit added to original post). But, you will not know who your next opponent will be before you decide to purchase stuff (i.e. rankings will not be announced until after the pairings are done).

If you really think stockpiling cash to help make a run for it in the later games you may find that you cripple you teams against those who have decided to use their cash. Which may lead to not being able to even bother making a run after a couple of loses.

And as Joe also [erroneously I assume] you may wish to purchase upgrades after Game 6, but as their is no Game 7 this strategy, although confusing to opponents, is not advised. But feel free, if you think you are man enough to do so.
Spazzfist - Feb 05, 2009 - 05:02 PM
Post subject:
      jrock56 wrote:
Joe I believe you misread Eric's post as well...With each amount of money you receive you must use it before the next matchup's are announced, thus not allowing you to stockpile funds to buy crazy things and impact the games too significantly.

DID you read the other bits properly!!!! LOL

Couple of things here Skippy.....

1) You ARE allowedto stockpile money between games, just not with the initial million. Otherwise you would get players shortchanging their intial roster just to buy more skills before game 1.

2) I think you mean to put the all caps on the "you" as oppose to the "did". At least it would make more sense that way. Just premature I guess. And from what Eric's mom tells me, the Caps Lock key is not the only thing that is..... Laughing
jrock56 - Feb 05, 2009 - 05:45 PM
Post subject: think I was actually siding with you, just to be clear here...which is why Eric edited the post, it read as if you had to spend the money before your next match. So piss off with your rubbish ya wanker!!!

The all caps was premature but you just like using the word as it is something you are accustomed to being. Razz
Notorious_jtb - Feb 05, 2009 - 08:03 PM
Post subject:
      Eric.R. wrote:
And as Joe also [erroneously I assume] you may wish to purchase upgrades after Game 6, but as their is no Game 7 this strategy, although confusing to opponents, is not advised. But feel free, if you think you are man enough to do so.

Teehee, what gave it away, the 3 smiley faces, the laughing face or using the +1 ST to whip lil pup around the ears in the car back to Ottawa?

sounds good to me mate, has fun potential.

You may want to record each Coaches TV for the matches though, as it influences the amount of NAF ranking points which are up for grabs.
Eric.R. - Feb 06, 2009 - 11:23 AM
Post subject:
      Notorious_jtb wrote:
You may want to record each Coaches TV for the matches though, as it influences the amount of NAF ranking points which are up for grabs.

I could, but I am not. The main reason is that if you decide to not spend your Treasury money, it is your own fault if you lose (same reason for no handicap system). The other is to keep the bookkeeping on my behalf as reduced as possible.
Spazzfist - Feb 06, 2009 - 11:59 AM
Post subject:
      Notorious_jtb wrote:

Did you read the other bits?

You know I think Joe's accent induces some sort of Jedi mind powers (and yes it even has the ability to transfer itself through the written word!). The more I thought on this though, the more I am convinced that I was right in the first place.

Eric did say that the initial 1,000,000 was for the team creation. Granted. But it was a bit confusing about the additional 70K because he did not list the stipulations of that until later. Not trying to be too much of a lawyer here, but he should have put the rules for the additional tourney money first and then could have referred to it when he talked about the money that was to be allocated in between rounds.

So DUUUUUUUDE!!!! right back at'ya. (and I even threw an extra "U" in there for good measure to show yout that I am more right than you. So I win!)

Eric, this is not meant to be a slight towards your writing abilities, as these kinds of things are hard to do. It is just me getting a jab in on the smarmy Englishman! Razz
Clan_Skaven - Feb 06, 2009 - 12:30 PM
Post subject:
Eric good job, as for Moe , Larry & Curly, err I mean Joe , Spazzy & Lil Puppy, how'd you guys get confused by thos rules, even I understood it.....

Heck even Corky probably did you bunch of stooges! Very Happy
Notorious_jtb - Feb 06, 2009 - 01:31 PM
Post subject:
      Eric.R. wrote:
      Notorious_jtb wrote:
You may want to record each Coaches TV for the matches though, as it influences the amount of NAF ranking points which are up for grabs.

I could, but I am not. The main reason is that if you decide to not spend your Treasury money, it is your own fault if you lose (same reason for no handicap system). The other is to keep the bookkeeping on my behalf as reduced as possible.

I take your point.
If you were to record it there would be a NAF rankings advantage to not spend the money as a lower TV coach would get more points or lose less points than thier oponents.

which actually could be a fun theme for a tournament. You could have the cocky types taking teams with low TV to try and get extra ranking points Smile
Notorious_jtb - Feb 06, 2009 - 01:32 PM
Post subject:
      Clan-Skaven wrote:
Eric good job, as for Moe , Larry & Curly, err I mean Joe , Spazzy & Lil Puppy, how'd you guys get confused by thos rules, even I understood it.....

Heck even Corky probably did you bunch of stooges! Very Happy

moe got it right dude! Laughing
Notorious_jtb - Feb 06, 2009 - 01:38 PM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
      Notorious_jtb wrote:

Did you read the other bits?

You know I think Joe's accent induces some sort of Jedi mind powers (and yes it even has the ability to transfer itself through the written word!). The more I thought on this though, the more I am convinced that I was right in the first place.

Eric did say that the initial 1,000,000 was for the team creation. Granted. But it was a bit confusing about the additional 70K because he did not list the stipulations of that until later. Not trying to be too much of a lawyer here, but he should have put the rules for the additional tourney money first and then could have referred to it when he talked about the money that was to be allocated in between rounds.

So DUUUUUUUDE!!!! right back at'ya. (and I even threw an extra "U" in there for good measure to show yout that I am more right than you. So I win!)

Eric, this is not meant to be a slight towards your writing abilities, as these kinds of things are hard to do. It is just me getting a jab in on the smarmy Englishman! Razz

Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes

Funnily enough I did actually reconsider my post and toned it down because of the clarity reasons you cite. BEFORE anyone commented Laughing I didn't want to be unfairly critical.

However, to address your lawyer statement. The order of the rules is only relavent to their clarity not their meaning or intent. Therefore, double DUUUUUUUUDE! on you Wink

p.s. I also am not attempting to criticise eric. I am supporting the full reading and understanding of all posts campaign he so valiantly champions Cool
jrock56 - Feb 06, 2009 - 02:02 PM
Post subject:
By Cocky types you would be speaking of yourself of course....right Joe!!! Razz Hey Clan Skaven, the only reason I got involved was to oppose Joe's DUUUUUDE post to Spazz but it took on a life of it's own apparently lol.

Great idea Eric, will add a little different twist to the tourney for sure. If the date is in fact the 21st you can pretty much count me in, just a matter of finding out the bunch of turds that want to come along for the ass whooping.
Spazzfist - Feb 06, 2009 - 03:12 PM
Post subject:
      jrock56 wrote:
Great idea Eric, will add a little different twist to the tourney for sure. If the date is in fact the 21st you can pretty much count me in, just a matter of finding out the bunch of turds that want to come along for the ass whooping.

And of course you mean the ass whooping that you will all be receiving! Very Happy
Eric.R. - Feb 07, 2009 - 11:47 PM
Post subject:
Don't worry Gents I am not taking any of this personal as this is the reason I posted this rule here. And, I wanted such constructive criticism.

I wanted to get the different interpretations of what was in my head to better present them in a rule set later on. And, I do admit, after the fact, that what I posted could have been clearer. Though I blame the several BEvERages I had that night for the sloppy nature that they appeared. Also,I did make the quick mention of the starting team cost & procedure on purpose to show the concept as a whole, regardless of how they will be laid out in the official rules.

From the sounds of it, most seem keen on the concept and I will add it to the first draft that will be available soon. Hopefully a proper website will follow not too long after. Although I will be going through a big change in my life in the coming weeks, so updates may be more delayed than planned (No I am not going to be a father, or atleast as far as I know Wink ). Though feel free to get on my back if you feel more info is needed and I will respond ASAP (this also goes for the TO's who I am webmaster for).

As for the date of the tourney, once I get confirmation of the venue I will post it the second I know.
Spazzfist - Feb 07, 2009 - 11:54 PM
Post subject:
      Eric.R. wrote:
Although I will be going through a big change in my life in the coming weeks, so updates may be more delayed than planned (No I am not going to be a father, or atleast as far as I know Wink ).

No, to be a father would mean that you are actually getting laid! Laughing

My guess is on the sex change operation. Am I right Erica? Wink

All jokes aside, everything looks good. The ideas you have put forward are solid and looks like an interesting variation to make this a more unique tourney. As always, if you need any help in getting anything ready for this tourney, I am there for you.
Eric.R. - Feb 08, 2009 - 12:38 AM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
No, to be a father would mean that you are actually getting laid! Laughing

Spazz . . . you know this will just lead to a Yo' Mamma joke . . . but I am going to let is go and be the bigger man Cool .

Seriously though, thanks for the offer of help and I am sure I will cash it in in the near future.
Clan_Skaven - Feb 08, 2009 - 04:07 AM
Post subject:
A bit off topic but Lil Pup your signature goes as is....

"2008 Bongo Bowl Champion"
"2008 Bongo Bowl Most Touchdowns"
"2008 Lakeside Cup Eastern Champions"
"2008 Deathbowl Champion"
"2008 Deathbowl Most Touchdowns"

But you won the Death Bowl with Wood Elves not Dwarves.... so your Dwarves rule the world thingy is kinda not valid....
Taxal - Feb 08, 2009 - 07:18 AM
Post subject:

Love how this is turning out.
jrock56 - Feb 08, 2009 - 02:35 PM
Post subject:
Hey Clan Skaven, Although this shouldn't be necessary since you were there and played a major role in it (beating Joe 2-0) It was representative of my first Tourney Champion at Bongo Bowl with a sidenote though you did sleep on a pool tarp after all so your memory might be a little hazy Smile I suppose I could include something about the Wood Elves from a more recent perspective.

Later Gents
Eric.R. - Feb 08, 2009 - 09:07 PM
Post subject:
Finally had some time to relax and get some work done on the rulebook. The highlighted areas are things I am working on either `cause they need more info or reworking. Any input is more than welcome.

Also, I would like to get an Idea of the number of people who are Planning on making it out. And if you are for sure going to make it or just 'planning' to attend. Sorry to sound bitchy about that but I need a solid number so I can determine which venue is best suited for us.
Spazzfist - Feb 09, 2009 - 07:20 AM
Post subject:

The rules are looking good. Very clear now. But based on historical evidence I am sure that there is going to be one of the usual suspects to give me some grief about that comment! Razz

I am down as a definite! A fo'sho! A 4 Reel! Wo'evah b!tches! I am going to rock this tourney!
Eric.R. - Feb 09, 2009 - 08:03 AM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
. . . But based on historical evidence . . .

that was for FLUFF reasons.
Spazzfist - Feb 09, 2009 - 08:47 AM
Post subject:
      Eric.R. wrote:
      Spazzfist wrote:
. . . But based on historical evidence . . .

that was for FLUFF reasons.

I liked it - just thought I would use it to get a jab in on a couple of my headbutting partners!
Notorious_jtb - Feb 09, 2009 - 12:29 PM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
      Eric.R. wrote:
      Spazzfist wrote:
. . . But based on historical evidence . . .

that was for FLUFF reasons.

I liked it - just thought I would use it to get a jab in on a couple of my headbutting partners!

I guess that just proves historical evidence is flawed. I suspect the range includes 40,000 GC as well Wink

like the stuff.
can't wait for icy conditions. maybe i should bring back the skaven for extra speed Smile

can we reroll the dice for the slide?
I.e. if we want to go the extra square can we try and reroll for a 1?
Eric.R. - Feb 09, 2009 - 12:45 PM
Post subject:
      Notorious_jtb wrote:
I guess that just proves historical evidence is flawed. I suspect the range includes 40,000 GC as well

Ah . . . JTB, in North America we use the "new" math. When we modify a range by a constant the lowest value of the NEW range is equal to the constant plus the lowest value of the base range. Razz

      Notorious_jtb wrote:
can we reroll the dice for the slide? I.e. if we want to go the extra square can we try and reroll for a 1?

Good point. I would think yes [at this momment] but I willl give it some thought.
Eric.R. - Feb 09, 2009 - 08:38 PM
Post subject:
I crunched the numbers and here is what I found for the chances of success concerning using Re-Rolls for the slide:

Looking at the numbers I will say YES, you are free to use your Re-Rolls for the slide however you wish, it is a viable tactic though risky. If you wish to prove the probability wrong, then I hope you are favoured in the eyes of Eris.

Although, keep in mind that you have a 3 in 36 chance (8%) that the weather suites this at the beginning of the game and a further 1.4% chance that it remains (or changes to) Icy Conditions after any further kick-offs. So the likelihood this being a winning strategy is very slim. Possible, though improbable.
Clan_Skaven - Feb 09, 2009 - 09:50 PM
Post subject:
      Eric.R. wrote:
So the likelihood this being a winning strategy is very slim. Possible, though improbable.

So Eric is that the reason you have chose to run & not play in the tourney? Wink
jrock56 - Feb 09, 2009 - 10:00 PM
Post subject:
Using re-rolls to attempt to roll one's....that's definitely different. Just hope you end up sliding out of bounds or into a Large Monsters tackle zone is all heheheh. I haven't heard of attempting to fail rolls to benefit oneself before but is somewhat unlikely that all the factors will come into play too often, should be fun.

If you are still planning for the 21st of March Eric, you can definitely count me in. I'll talk to a few people and see who else is definitely interested in going. Everything looks good with all the rules you have in place as well Eric. The weather table and gold coins in a treasury ideas will definitely add some flare/drama to the tourney. Take it easy all.

Eric.R. - Feb 12, 2009 - 07:59 PM
Post subject:
Working on the website:
Shadowseer2005 - Feb 13, 2009 - 03:41 PM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
      Eric.R. wrote:
Although I will be going through a big change in my life in the coming weeks, so updates may be more delayed than planned (No I am not going to be a father, or atleast as far as I know Wink ).

No, to be a father would mean that you are actually getting laid! Laughing

I guess no little brother or sister for you spazz since Eric is always with your momma.
jrock56 - Feb 14, 2009 - 07:04 PM
Post subject:
Nice Shadowseer, it's always good to hear other people bustin' balls on Spazzbit**. I can't always be the one to slap him around!!! Very Happy

Spazzfist - Feb 18, 2009 - 05:59 PM
Post subject:
When it comes to my choice for what team I am taking to the Canadian Open I am like Talon's sphincter after a visit to the Leaf's dressing room: torn! Laughing Laughing Laughing

It doesn't matter which team I bring because I am going to own you b!tches!
Eric.R. - Feb 19, 2009 - 05:09 PM
Post subject:
Ladies and Gents,

We have confirmation . . . on the venue!!!!

I have updated the website and rulebook to show the location [check it out].

Off Topic PS: Just to let everyone know, after this Friday (Feb. 20th) I will no longer be able to be reached on my cell. So either try the the land line oe email to contact me.
jrock56 - Feb 19, 2009 - 05:55 PM
Post subject:
Hey Eric, glad to see things are coming together. Is the location the same place Dan held the Bongo Bowl at last year? Right by Dan's house? At least if it is it will only be March and we won't have to deal with sweltering heat the whole time. Razz
I will be there for sure, still trying to round up a few locals to come along. Should be awesome, hopefully it will be after my Daggerbowl victory of course.

Eric.R. - Feb 19, 2009 - 08:13 PM
Post subject:
J-Rock, yes this is the same venue as the Bongo although due to the current climate I highly doubt that we will be playing in Sweltering Heat and, and I doubt is will be a Blizzard either though heating will be provided (as it is a legal requirement).

I hope that you can round up a few of the Ottawa Boyz for this tourney [as it will be a great ego boost to me] and I am sure they can find easy accommodations with the locals.

Can't wait to see everyone again.
Eric.R. - Feb 19, 2009 - 08:26 PM
Post subject:
@ the local BB players: Would any of you be willing to be the "Odd Man Out"? As compensation I will not charge the entrance fee should we need you to play in the tournament (I.E. you will play for free). And, you are welcome to the paid lunch, as well.

I would prefer that I would not have to play in an Odd Man situation if possible as this will be the first tourney that I an running and do not want to be overwhelmed by playing and conducting the booking at the same time.

PS: If there is an Out-of-Towner who wishes to be the OMO, I will not discriminate.
Clan_Skaven - Feb 20, 2009 - 12:24 AM
Post subject:
I'm not local, but I'll opt out for the odd man out.

I look at it as a win/win situation for me, if I'm not the odd man out I'll play for free (but even then I'll do whatever I can to assist you Eric & if there, Ben).

If I'm the odd man out I'll do as much as is needed to assist in any area of assistance ..... be it Stat Entry, Rulez Monger, Best Team Judge, or whatever ealse, heck I may even (no promises) be able to have my Dad Bagpipe in the Champ! (Ya I'm sure thats over the top, but if that was wanted & he was willing, I'm sure it could be done.)

Also if I was to be the Odd Man Out, I'm sure once my tourney came around that I'd have possibly more people willing to to return the favour to me.


Even with Eric's great assistance last year with the stats entry, it was still madness playing & running a tourney!

So Eric, I'm willing to be your odd man out, & honestly even if I were to end up playing, I'd probably still pay the entry fee, (just because, as a fellow tourney organiser I fully support the game & its growth!)

So, yes Eric I'll be willing to be your odd man out.

Clan_Skaven - Feb 20, 2009 - 01:14 AM
Post subject:
Just an idea if multiple people volunteered to be your odd man out, but still the final decision will be still totally up to you Eric, I just think this idea could add a bit of last minute excitement to the Tourney.

Lets say there was 3 of us willing to be your odd man out. I'll toss 3 names in the air (not asking or insisting anyone mentioned volunteer, just using your name's as examples.)

Lets Say Myself (Clan-Skaven), Spazzfist & Ben all offered to be your odd man out.

Well this is my suggestion, ask all three to bring a team/roster (incase no odd man out was needed), but if an odd man out was needed all 3 would role 3d6 to determin the odd man out (lowest total being odd man out, if needed reroll ties.) I think this way would be better, because if only one predetermined person was to be the odd man out then his/her team/roster may have just been made with no actual real consideration of actually competing & therefore just be a simple non-well planned last minute team/roster.

Personally I just think if there was more than one offer to be your odd man out, then all of those volunteering would most likely consider bringing a real well thought out team/roster to use , since thier chances of being the odd man out (if indeed needed) would therefore actually be greatly reduced.)

Also I'd suggest all those who offered to be your odd man out still have a team to be entered in the the best team compition (even if they are indeed not playing due to being your odd man out.)

THE ONLY STIPULATION I INSIST HERE BE, (for the Coach who (if needed) ends up being the odd man out, that his team/roster entered for best team be the the team/roster orriginally planned to be played in the Tourney, & not a last minute substitution. (I dunno, maybe I'm just being too anal here on this final part.)

Good ideas, or way too much thinking?

jrock56 - Feb 20, 2009 - 07:30 AM
Post subject:
WOW Clan Skaven, that was a mouthful!!! and all that discussion just to determine the odd man out. If I lived in town I would be willing Eric but I travel to play in these tourney's and seeing as it will be my first Canadian Open I really want to play, so I won't be able to offer my services as the odd man out.

I should be able to round up at least 3 and possibly 4 people to come with me, just a matter of confirming with them ahead of time. For the location it should be cool as it is close to both Craig and Dan's place, who have both been kind enough to offer us a place to stay. See you Gents soon,

Eric.R. - Feb 20, 2009 - 07:56 AM
Post subject:
That was one of the longest "I will do it" answer I ever saw. Though the adventure of slowly working through your posts and deciphering them is half the fun.

Thanks, for offering to the the OMO.

As for the Lottery for the OMO, I would think that any OMO would bring a competitive team and the recent rise in non-competative teams used by OMO is really because the TO ends up playing and is trying not to win his own tournament (unless you are JTB, of course). But, I will keep that idea in mind.
Notorious_jtb - Feb 20, 2009 - 09:49 AM
Post subject:
      Eric.R. wrote:
That was one of the longest "I will do it" answer I ever saw. Though the adventure of slowly working through your posts and deciphering them is half the fun.

Thanks, for offering to the the OMO.

As for the Lottery for the OMO, I would think that any OMO would bring a competitive team and the recent rise in non-competative teams used by OMO is really because the TO ends up playing and is trying not to win his own tournament (unless you are JTB, of course). But, I will keep that idea in mind.

i used goblins as odd man out in the last two deathbowls matey!

Not my fault no one could stop them Smile
(except pat)

I was always going to play in the CCRO (sic) so not an odd man out and thus no moral issue with winning the event Smile
Spazzfist - Feb 20, 2009 - 12:39 PM
Post subject:

Given my current Blood Bowl performance (which has been even worse than usual!) I will offer to be an OMO. I should also be able to be of some assistance, given that I am familiar with the tourney software.

You can accept my offer, or go with Rod's lottery which involves reading tea leaves and consulting lunar schedules, yadda yadda yadda.... I would think though that if you are going to travel from out of town, that you would want to actually play (as Adam suggested). Very kind of you Rod, and if you are still keen on being the OMO, then you're welcome to it.

Laurent indicated that he would like to come, and I have also made contact with a noob player through BOMBBL who may or may not be joining us.
Cramy - Feb 20, 2009 - 01:51 PM
Post subject:
Guys, if you want to make use of the software, go right ahead, but keep in mind that the tie-breakers are hard-coded in the software, so somebody (well, probably me) may need to change them for tourney. The CCKO and the Q'ermitt use slightly different tie-breakers.

The only other different between the Q'ermitt software and the CCKO software is the pitch related software for the Q'ermitt.

The number of rounds is hard-coded as well (6 rounds), so changes are required if the Canadian Open is not 6 rounds.

At any rate, if you need my assistance to make changes to the software, let me know. The sooner you tell me, the higher the likely-hood of me having the time to make the changes.

Unfortunately, I can't go to the Canadian Open this year.
jrock56 - Feb 20, 2009 - 03:01 PM
Post subject:
Hey Joe, how many people were involved in creating your roster for your Odd Man Out Gobbo's? One other point is you never played me directly in either Deathbowl or you would have surely lost Surprised .

Spazz...of course you would offer your services as an OMO eh! Just so you can avoid playing me and finally rendering a decision in one of our games...which would of course be a loss for you!!! I guess that could be your exact reasoning behind it though as I know you are scared.

As for Clan Skaven's offer/author (as he likes to write books at 2am or 3am) deciphering those posts are definitely good reading material lol.

Take it easy,

Eric.R. - Feb 20, 2009 - 06:09 PM
Post subject:

Not to start war but I think I will take Spazz as the primary OMO only because he is local and is free to retreat back to the real world should he not be able to play.

As for the ranking program, I am planning on using a program that I had touted a year so ago that is used for Chess tournaments but no one even acknowledged. The tie breaker is still up in the air as I am hoping to use one that the chess community uses, but I am currently researching them to determine which is best suited for us. Sorry if this goes against what we have become accustomed to over the last few years, but this is really the only chance that I can see to test them in a BB tourney. I will provide an explanation of the tie breaker when I have decided on the process that I plan to use.
Shadowseer2005 - Feb 20, 2009 - 07:16 PM
Post subject:
Wait Eric,

I think you should take me as the OMO. Due to my health I want to be there but if you end up with odd numbers then I can sit out and rest up. This way anyone from out of town can still play and since it seems Spazz needs all the games to practice and get better ( look at his league stats eheheh Smile ).

Let me know how you want to proceed.

jrock56 - Feb 20, 2009 - 10:31 PM
Post subject:
I second Dan's suggestion that Spazz needs all the games he can get to practice and get better!!!!! but not just because of his league stats. Very Happy

Cramy - Feb 21, 2009 - 05:52 AM
Post subject:
Hey Eric. Looking forward to seeing that program of yours. Let me know once you have it all done, I'd like to see it (and maybe even steal ideas from it, with proper acknowledgements of course) Wink.
Eric.R. - Feb 21, 2009 - 06:05 AM
Post subject:
      Shadowseer2005 wrote:
Wait Eric,

I think you should take me as the OMO. Due to my health I want to be there but if you end up with odd numbers then I can sit out and rest up. This way anyone from out of town can still play and since it seems Spazz needs all the games to practice and get better ( look at his league stats eheheh Smile ).

Let me know how you want to proceed.


You make a good point Dan, Spazz does need the practice Very Happy . You're in as the OMO.
Spazzfist - Feb 21, 2009 - 06:22 AM
Post subject:
Fine guys, I get it.....

but can I at least go swim with the dolphins?
Spazzfist - Feb 21, 2009 - 09:05 PM
Post subject:
      Eric.R. wrote:
      Shadowseer2005 wrote:
Wait Eric,

I think you should take me as the OMO. Due to my health I want to be there but if you end up with odd numbers then I can sit out and rest up. This way anyone from out of town can still play and since it seems Spazz needs all the games to practice and get better ( look at his league stats eheheh Smile ).

Let me know how you want to proceed.


You make a good point Dan, Spazz does need the practice Very Happy . You're in as the OMO.

Seems that my plan is working! Lure you into a false sense of security with my mediocre league play, and then dominate in the tournament scene! Prepare to feel the pain!!! Twisted Evil
jrock56 - Feb 21, 2009 - 10:31 PM
Post subject:
LOL Spazz, of course you can swim with the dolphins!!! What is this about dominate in the tournament scene though???? Do you also have mermaid friends and play in a land called Atlantis??? When your ready to come back to the real world we'll talk Very Happy.


Clan_Skaven - Feb 22, 2009 - 03:08 AM
Post subject:
Well Spazz if you wanna do odd man out its cool, i'd just offered to in case no locals were going to offer.
Spazzfist - Feb 22, 2009 - 06:53 AM
Post subject:
      jrock56 wrote:
LOL Spazz, of course you can swim with the dolphins!!! What is this about dominate in the tournament scene though???? Do you also have mermaid friends and play in a land called Atlantis??? When your ready to come back to the real world we'll talk Very Happy.



Jeez man, I thought at least YOU would get the reference, seeing as you were the star of the TV show and everything....
Eric.R. - Feb 22, 2009 - 07:42 PM
Post subject:
To give some incentive, here are the the Gold, Silver and Bronze Trophies:

Spazzfist - Feb 23, 2009 - 07:38 AM
Post subject:
Those look awesome Eric! How tall are they? Are those leaves edible?
Shadowseer2005 - Feb 23, 2009 - 08:36 AM
Post subject:
Great trophies Eric,

They look better than you described them.
Eric.R. - Feb 23, 2009 - 08:37 AM
Post subject:
Thanks guys, not to do the other 3 . . .

@ Spazz: The largest stands about 5~6 inches tall.
Notorious_jtb - Feb 23, 2009 - 01:44 PM
Post subject:
sorry spazz, i accidentally edited your last post instead of quoting it.

and changed it so much i couldn't change it back so just deleted it.

However, what eric means (i believe) is that he still has 3 more trophies to make.

I like the first three alot!

Spazzfist - Feb 23, 2009 - 03:10 PM
Post subject:
      Notorious_jtb wrote:
sorry spazz, i accidentally edited your last post instead of quoting it.

and changed it so much i couldn't change it back so just deleted it.

See this is what happens when you give someone too much power..... they just modify and delete arbitrarily!

Aaahh.... the "not" is to be a "now". then it makes sense. Thanks Joe.
Spazzfist - Feb 23, 2009 - 04:08 PM
Post subject:
BTW, I was hoping to have a new team ready for this tourney, but will not have it done in time (too much going on) but just to lay "dibs" on the idea, next year look out for "The True Norse Strong and Free" a Canadian themed Norse team!
Notorious_jtb - Feb 24, 2009 - 08:46 AM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
      Notorious_jtb wrote:
sorry spazz, i accidentally edited your last post instead of quoting it.

and changed it so much i couldn't change it back so just deleted it.

See this is what happens when you give someone too much power..... they just modify and delete arbitrarily!

Aaahh.... the "not" is to be a "now". then it makes sense. Thanks Joe.

the "not" could also be "got" and it would work that way too.
Spazzfist - Feb 24, 2009 - 09:14 AM
Post subject:
      Notorious_jtb wrote:
      Spazzfist wrote:

Aaahh.... the "not" is to be a "now". then it makes sense. Thanks Joe.

the "not" could also be "got" and it would work that way too.

But knowing what a stickler Eric is for proper grammar, it lacks the need "I have" in front to be "got". Wink
Spazzfist - Feb 25, 2009 - 08:03 PM
Post subject:
Well I think that I have narrowed down my choices to two teams - both of which I have never played before in a tourney. Should be interesting!

Eric, I know you are super busy right now, so if you need help, just let me know what I can do!
jrock56 - Feb 27, 2009 - 02:07 PM
Post subject:
Hey Eric, quick question with regards to team building. In your initial team with 1 mil, can you purchase any skill upgrades on your starting roster? Wasn't clear in the rules, just wanted to check with you.


Spazzfist - Feb 27, 2009 - 02:24 PM
Post subject:
      jrock56 wrote:
Wasn't clear in the rules, just wanted to check with you.

Watch out Adam! I sense a Joe rant coming on!

<Insert rant here>
Eric.R. - Feb 27, 2009 - 05:41 PM
Post subject:
      jrock56 wrote:
In your initial team with 1 mil, can you purchase any skill upgrades on your starting roster? Wasn't clear in the rules, just wanted to check with you.

The 1000K is used to build a 'Rookie' team. No skills, inducements, etc.

The rulebook states:

      Canadian Open Rulebook wrote:
Coaches will have 1,000,000 gold crowns with which to build a valid ???Rookie??? team. All normal team building rules apply as outlined in the LRB.

Team creation [as described] in the LRB does not include any of these extras so I thought it was self-evident. Although as with anyone who writes up rules, no matter what I would have written it would have been obvious in my mind.
jrock56 - Feb 27, 2009 - 05:58 PM
Post subject:
Hey Spazz, guess I should be careful in what I ask LOL. Cool Eric, just thought I would ask as "Rookie" team doesn't have the same meaning for everyone. People don't always stick to the "Official" rulebook for everything when it comes to they're tournies. It's all good though I'll still wipe the floor with my competition anyhow...if you can even call it that Surprised
Spazzfist - Feb 27, 2009 - 06:06 PM
Post subject:
Yeah, you can wipe the floor man. Instead of being a whipping boy in the tourney you can come and be the janitor! If you do decide to play, I hope that your play is better than your ability to read the rules! Laughing
jrock56 - Feb 27, 2009 - 06:48 PM
Post subject:
I could be a whipping boy, janitor, and Bubbles all wrapped into one and still beat you in the standings, go back to your dolphins while you still have a chance Spazz!! If I decide to play...weren't you the one trying to get out of playing by being the OMO. I hear your scared little whimper Spazz it's okay little buddy we won't hurt you MUCH! Smile

Spazzfist - Feb 27, 2009 - 07:37 PM
Post subject:
B!tch, while you're holding your mop, I will be mopping up the floor with the rest of the Ottawa Crew! Come to think of it, the Nortorious one does hold a striking resemblance to a mop! Very Happy
Eric.R. - Feb 27, 2009 - 08:18 PM
Post subject:
Gentlemen, calm down a little . . . let us remember the true spirit of the CO: Good honest games and plenty of BEvERages, as is the Canadian tradition Razz .
Spazzfist - Feb 27, 2009 - 09:32 PM
Post subject:
      Eric.R. wrote:
Gentlemen, calm down a little . . . let us remember the true spirit of the CO: Good honest games and plenty of BEvERages, as is the Canadian tradition Razz .

Who the hell is this guy and what is he smoking? Laughing

Iz gunna rip Jrocks lips off and kiss my own ass with them! Jus' cuz that's the way I roll in the S-Dot! Laughing
Spazzfist - Mar 01, 2009 - 05:56 PM
Post subject:
Alright, I have been starting another team this weekend, and I am confident that I will be able to finish this one in time for the tourney!

Seeing as I cannot break armour to save my life, I have decided on a different strategy - to score lots!

Fear the "Midsummer Nightmares"!!
Spazzfist - Mar 01, 2009 - 05:59 PM
Post subject:
Eric - You may want to change the link of the Canadian Tournaments webpage (takes you to "monkeys Like Milk") and make the current one more easy to find!
DarkOrk20 - Mar 05, 2009 - 06:31 AM
Post subject:
I tried to pre-register but the link is broken. I thought I would try the contact link but guess what... Its broken too.

I will be there. Does this count as a pre-reg?
Notorious_jtb - Mar 05, 2009 - 08:18 AM
Post subject:
      DarkOrk20 wrote:
I tried to pre-register but the link is broken. I thought I would try the contact link but guess what... Its broken too.

I will be there. Does this count as a pre-reg?


Eric is going through major life movements right now, so the website updating is probably a low priority.

I expect full on Eric action as soon as he gets himself settled.
Eric.R. - Mar 05, 2009 - 05:13 PM
Post subject:
Very sorry for the absence as of late, gents. Trying o get my bearings with the new job and new city. But, I hope to get the Registration page up and running very soon. Can't beleive the tourney is a short ways away . . .
Spazzfist - Mar 05, 2009 - 05:27 PM
Post subject:
      Eric.R. wrote:
Very sorry for the absence as of late, gents. Trying o get my bearings with the new job and new city. But, I hope to get the Registration page up and running very soon. Can't beleive the tourney is a short ways away . . .

No probs Eric, I was aware of the life changes, but was just trying to help keep you on track for the tourney! Want your first time to be a success!
Eric.R. - Mar 05, 2009 - 06:10 PM
Post subject:
Thanks about thinking of me and my eminent 'cherry popping' event. :p

I got the Reg page set-up and it should be running properly. I already signed up Dan (aka TBBW) as the test run since he has offered to be the OMO.
Spazzfist - Mar 05, 2009 - 08:22 PM
Post subject:
Good stuff- I am officially registered! Is there some way that I can prepay you for the tourney?
jrock56 - Mar 05, 2009 - 11:47 PM
Post subject:

I expect full on Eric action as soon as he gets himself settled.[/quote]

I was waiting for someone to respond to this....but seeing as no one did....Joe apparently likes Eric's FULL ON ACTION that will help get him settled. Too funny Joe, you can't leave doors that wide open. I could run with that all day but I'll leave it at that.

Glenn and myself are also registered for the tourney. See you all soon

DarkOrk20 - Mar 06, 2009 - 05:39 AM
Post subject:
I'm in. See you guys in 2 weeks
Talons - Mar 06, 2009 - 07:53 AM
Post subject:
In Reference to page 5 chat........NO CORKY!!!!
Spazzfist - Mar 06, 2009 - 07:58 AM
Post subject:
      Talons wrote:
In Reference to page 5 chat........NO CORKY!!!!

Hey B!tch! Long time no hear! Are you going to be coming out for your whipping at this tourney?
Talons - Mar 06, 2009 - 08:26 AM
Post subject:
Yep, I will be there for sure. I am going to have to call in sick for the weekend but I will be there for sure. I already have the Qermitt booked off already so I am good to go. I may have some issuesw to deal with the weekend of the CO but I am committed to being there.

P.S Eric, how are things going???? Hope all is well and if you need anything let me know.
Eric.R. - Mar 06, 2009 - 09:14 PM
Post subject:
      DarkOrk20 wrote:
I'm in. See you guys in 2 weeks

I just checked the Participant page and I can only guess you are the man from Ohio!!!

Holy Crap!!! Is all I got to say to that!! Now I am really stocked. This is awesome!!! International competition has come to Canada . . . again!!! Woo Hoo!!

Safe trip, my friend.
DarkOrk20 - Mar 07, 2009 - 08:20 AM
Post subject:
Yes, I be the one from Ohio. I maybe bringing a friend. I haven't gotten confirmation yet on that though. I am looking forward to it.
Eric.R. - Mar 08, 2009 - 09:38 PM
Post subject:
Well, that is awesome. I hope I can put on a 'good show' for you and your friend [should he come].
Spazzfist - Mar 11, 2009 - 07:51 AM
Post subject:
Little more than a week left! Good thing I have the March Break right before as I will need the time to get the team painted!
Eric.R. - Mar 13, 2009 - 07:34 PM
Post subject:
You are a lucky bah-tard (as the Quebecois say). I wish I had a week before MY tourney to make sure things are going alright. But, alas I do not . . . especially since I am still on probation at the new job . . .

But, I will be ready regardless . . . I hope . . . damn my pessimistic side!! ;-þ
Eric.R. - Mar 13, 2009 - 08:16 PM
Post subject:
Here is a view of the Canadian Softwood Lumber Spoon:

Sorry for the quality [I used my cell camera], as part of the last month's rent my parent took my camera . . . damn my niece for being so cute . . . Razz
Spazzfist - Mar 13, 2009 - 09:03 PM
Post subject:
Good job on the spoon! I am sure it will look good on the mantle of one of the Ottawa Boys! <cough> Adam <cough>
Eric.R. - Mar 13, 2009 - 09:38 PM
Post subject:
LOL, That is your dream, Spazz. Though I hope at least one of our southern friends takes a prize as to further foster the fact that the Great White North has some good tourneys to offer. As much as I hope it is the spoon [as I also hope the rest of you a strong enough to represent; especially since I am not playing Razz ] I will be happy to award them with any 'physical' prize even if it means shaming our skillz.

It is all about international exposure, baby!!
Spazzfist - Mar 13, 2009 - 10:11 PM
Post subject:
On a serious note:

For those who have not heard, Our friend Dan is now in the hospital with complications from his back injury. Our thoughts and prayers go with him. I know he really wanted to be able to make it out for this, but is going to be in hospital for at least a month. I know he has mentioned on many occassions it has been the support of his friends, many of whom are in the BB community who have kept his spirits up during this time. I will keep you all posted with news as it happens.

To this end, I will act as the Odd Man Out for the tourney.
Eric.R. - Mar 13, 2009 - 10:29 PM
Post subject:
I think I speak for all of us when I say we wish him all the best. He has always been a great friend and staunch supporter of the BB community. And, we send him all our prayers and best wishes in his recovery.
jrock56 - Mar 14, 2009 - 10:41 AM
Post subject:
You have it exactly right Eric, Spazz please pass on the best wishes for his recovery as we are unable to do so properly. That is a rough situation, hopefully they do expect a full recovery or at least that he will recover his full mobility. I know how difficult back injuries and rehabbing from them can be (having gone through that myself years ago). Keep us posted Spazz. May head over to see him when we come down for the open next week.

Spazzfist - Mar 15, 2009 - 09:34 AM
Post subject:
Thanks Adam, I am sure that Dan would appreciate that.

But I know that Dan also said that he did not want to be looked at with sympathy and pity. He wants us to have our fun but keep him in our thoughts.

To that end, let me crank up the smack talk meter and tell you boiys that you had best pray that I will not be playing otherwise I am going to give you boys a schoolin' in the fine art of Blood Bowl! (Which would mean another ride on the short bus for you Adam! Very Happy )

Bring it!
jrock56 - Mar 15, 2009 - 09:51 AM
Post subject:
Hey Spazz, it's all good. I am sympathetic to his situation is all having been there and done that. No doubt the last thing he wants is people's pity. I just thought he may want to see...THE CHAMPIONSHIP TROPHY before I head back to Ottawa with it leaving you guys with the Spoon of course!!! I know you wanted to be the OMO all along cuz your scared of the game that we bring, Shortbus...I heard you've already purchased your Yearly Pass so you have unlimited access! And what's this "Bring it" nonsense, you Sing it awfully good but your game is lacking in the bring it category. Surprised

Spazzfist - Mar 15, 2009 - 11:26 AM
Post subject:
Dude, when it comes to siging the good game, I am an American freakin' Idol! And don't you be worrying about the game I bring - that is unless we get paired up in the first round. Because after that I am am moving up to the top table with the big boys, while you are going to be joining the rest of the slack-jawed droolers and the Pull-Up wearing numbnuts fighting for the spoon.

According to the Chinese calendar this is the year of the Spazz. Together with my natural talent, my formidable inteligence and now the gods of fortune favouring me, I am going to be unstoppable!

Gung-Hei-Fat-Ass B!tches! I am going to go all Spazz-Fu on y'all! Very Happy
Eric.R. - Mar 15, 2009 - 04:47 PM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
Gung-Hei-Fat-Ass B!tches!

Well done Spazz, u get a star on the 'well done wall' for that one Laughing
Clan_Skaven - Mar 15, 2009 - 04:50 PM
Post subject:
Ok I'll be going, I'm just not sure how I'm going to get there, may take bus (who knows) who has room for me to crash?
Eric.R. - Mar 15, 2009 - 04:58 PM
Post subject:
I got the Most TD's Trophy done today (Note the lettering. . . awful ain't it Razz. This is my first attempt at writing with a paint brush, so deal Wink )

All I got to say is Dollarama is a trophy makers Hot bed. Apologies for that fact that the trophies maybe a little inconsistent looking. But, as this is the first time, I keep getting ideas as I go along, and Spazz is doing up the Most CAS's for me (Thanks Spazz!!).

In ant case, can't wait, less than a week boyz (and girlz??).
Spazzfist - Mar 15, 2009 - 05:04 PM
Post subject:
That looks awesome Eric! I will do the Most Cas trophy on a similar base, and will let you do the lettering on Friday night, that way there will at least be a bit more consistency. The awards look awesome Eric, don't sweat it! The maple leafs are a nice common bit that links them together.
Eric.R. - Mar 15, 2009 - 05:06 PM
Post subject:
      Clan-Skaven wrote:
Ok I'll be going, I'm just not sure how I'm going to get there, may take bus (who knows) who has room for me to crash?

I got the same problem. Spazz mentioned that things are getting tight for room at his place. So, depending how things go I may be crashing at the parents but the lack of bed or couch is a problem that I have to sort out. You are more than welcome at my parents (I am assuming Razz) but some sort of bedding (sleeping bag a minimum) may be required as I stole the only spare bed when I moved.

BTW, depending scheduling for the bus I could pick you up (and drop off) in Hamilton if it makes things easier. PM me.
Eric.R. - Mar 15, 2009 - 05:16 PM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
But I know that Dan also said that he did not want to be looked at with sympathy and pity. He wants us to have our fun but keep him in our thoughts.

An additional thought (which may have been mentioned Razz ). I know Dan would appreciate any visit from the BB'ers, no matter how short it may be, even just to say hi and share a few jokes.
Clan_Skaven - Mar 15, 2009 - 05:44 PM
Post subject:
Eric, what you use for the balls on the trophey?
Eric.R. - Mar 15, 2009 - 05:53 PM
Post subject:
      Clan-Skaven wrote:
Eric, what you use for the balls on the trophey?

I found a football game where you try to get the ball through the uprights using a spring loaded launcher (similar to those basketball games) at Dollarama. It came with 5 balls [and I think I used four sets of balls . . . $$$$] They are really cheap though, many have big dimples as the mould did not have proper risers!! (sorry my engineering side kicked in there Razz ) In any case, depending what you want to use them for, about 1 in 4 have minimal to no dimples; though the dimples make gluing real easy (and they can always be hidden when glued to models or magnets).

PS: Don't be a Spazz and steal others ideas Very Happy
Spazzfist - Mar 16, 2009 - 12:52 PM
Post subject:
Dan is going to be moved to another room, probably today, so when I get the new info I will post it here. Visiting hours are from 8-8:30, so dedpending on what time people arrive on Friday wwe can go see him, or maybe do a quick visit Sunday after the tourney for me to gloat about my champion status!

Dan says he liked me coming to visit him, because he knows he is in the presence of greatness! Smile
Ben - Mar 16, 2009 - 07:42 PM
Post subject:
Hey guys

Glad to see this is happening. If it wasn't for Craig emailing me, i wouldn't have known.

Anyway, if i can rearrange my schedule to play this weekend, i would love to. If not, i will at least show up to make an appearance and see all you guys.

Eric - call me when you get an opportunity
Spazzfist - Mar 17, 2009 - 08:03 PM
Post subject:
For anyone who was planning on visiting Dan, the visiting hours at the hospital are 8:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. every day. He is in room 2158 at the Credit Valley Hospital. His phone number is (905) 813-1111 ext 2158.

<and now back to your regularly scheduled smack talk>

Four more sleeps 'til Spazzmageddon ladies! Be afraid!
DarkOrk20 - Mar 18, 2009 - 10:55 AM
Post subject:
      jrock56 wrote:
I just thought he may want to see...THE CHAMPIONSHIP TROPHY before I head back to Ottawa with it leaving you guys with the Spoon of course!!!

Someone must be blowing smoke up your a$$. That trophy is going to the yank. See you in 3.
Spazzfist - Mar 18, 2009 - 02:03 PM
Post subject:
The only "yank" of any consideration around here, is the yank on the chain that you guys are doing.

@ Jrock The chances of you winning? Not likely! Unless we are talking about the Soft Lumber Spoon, and then it is all yours! (Although you might have to fight Talons for that one!)

@DarkOrk - The only way that the Canadian Open trophy will cross back over the border is if I am not playing due to the number of players being even, but even then our worst Canadian player could still mop the floor with any American! Isn't that right Adam? You could beat them, right? Laughing
Spazzfist - Mar 18, 2009 - 06:11 PM
Post subject:
Okay, a couple more people added to the fray!

Lizardcore (aka Laurent) and Peter Meers (aka Flanders) are going to be coming out. Hopefully Pete can convince Diaperman to come out, and will bring him with.

I spoke to Peter tonight and he assures me that he is still cool and that he still drinks beer! Laughing
Clan_Skaven - Mar 18, 2009 - 10:13 PM
Post subject:
Ahh I see I quit drinking beer to better myself, & so that makes me not cool!

Oh I see the true Spazz.....

I see what tangled web you weave you sly guy....

Its on bi-atch & if I wasn't sooo sleepy & sober I'd rant on & on at you....

Clan_Skaven - Mar 18, 2009 - 10:16 PM
Post subject:
      Clan-Skaven wrote:
Ahh I see I quit drinking beer to better myself, & so that makes me not cool!

Oh I see the true Spazz.....

I see what tangled web you weave you sly guy....

Its on bi-atch & if I wasn't sooo sleepy & sober I'd rant on & on at you....


Pete (Flanders) just called me .....

He agrees with me Spazz, & I think I agree with him.....

You are a Sniggle Poof, (whatever that means)
Spazzfist - Mar 19, 2009 - 07:43 AM
Post subject:
Yeah? Well Flickerdoo to you buddy! I am sorry that I had to use such harsh words, but you touched a nerve....
Notorious_jtb - Mar 19, 2009 - 08:58 AM
Post subject:
don'cha be no playa hayta spazz.

I support you Rod!
Spazzfist - Mar 19, 2009 - 11:02 AM
Post subject:
      Notorious_jtb wrote:
don'cha be no playa hayta spazz.

I support you Rod!

When did you two become bedfellows?

I see how it is, you two are prejudiced against me because of my blatant spazz-ocity.

Bring it! You two can team up against me all you want, I am still your king and master!
jrock56 - Mar 19, 2009 - 05:35 PM
Post subject:
What kinda trash talk is this anyway...did I wake up in Ohio or something to blow smoke out my A** Very Happy This is all a bunch of indulgent nonsense. I guess this is the "Nice Guy" forum, don't we remember where nice guys finish....that's right LAST and in bloodbowl Dead Last aka Spoon Feeders!!! Hope your all ready to take your feeding lessons!!! BIT**ES.

Clan Skaven gets a pass from the previous statement as I will always have respect for his game after Bongo Bowl 2008 and the depths from which he came to clear my path to victory (Through Joe of course) see Pool tarp picture and you will understand.

Hopefully leaving at a decent hour as I have arranged to have the day off so will see you all most likely mid to late afternoon.

Eric.R. - Mar 19, 2009 - 07:46 PM
Post subject:
I got a Coach sheet setup that is also used to track upgrades and Treasury. If you get a chance to fill it out before the tourney that would be great. Thanks.
Clan_Skaven - Mar 20, 2009 - 12:28 AM
Post subject:
Do we need to bring boards?

Or is Ben's CDN Open pitches from the past being used?

Eric.R. - Mar 20, 2009 - 06:43 AM
Post subject:
Bring your boards (I belive I said that in the rulebook). No idea about the other boards.
Spazzfist - Mar 20, 2009 - 07:58 AM
Post subject:
      jrock56 wrote:
This is all a bunch of indulgent nonsense.

Wow, I never noticed it before but now it is apprently clear! Adam Jones is really Simon Cowell from American Idol!
Notorious_jtb - Mar 20, 2009 - 08:42 AM
Post subject:
hey adam, do you have time to pick up naf dice and trophy from me?

      jrock56 wrote:
What kinda trash talk is this anyway...did I wake up in Ohio or something to blow smoke out my A** Very Happy This is all a bunch of indulgent nonsense. I guess this is the "Nice Guy" forum, don't we remember where nice guys finish....that's right LAST and in bloodbowl Dead Last aka Spoon Feeders!!! Hope your all ready to take your feeding lessons!!! BIT**ES.

Clan Skaven gets a pass from the previous statement as I will always have respect for his game after Bongo Bowl 2008 and the depths from which he came to clear my path to victory (Through Joe of course) see Pool tarp picture and you will understand.

Hopefully leaving at a decent hour as I have arranged to have the day off so will see you all most likely mid to late afternoon.


Notorious_jtb - Mar 20, 2009 - 12:50 PM
Post subject:
Alas, it seems Adam and Glenn will be arriving without a cart load of NAF dice.
If my job situation was more stable, I would have come along and it would all have been good.

I apologise for this. There will be copious dice at the Q'ermitt that is fo shizzle ma nizzlay

Eric.R. - Mar 21, 2009 - 08:38 PM
Post subject:
First Day done. Things are going good.

Fight now Glenn is in First, Rob Second and Thomas/Rod/Adam are tied for 3rd (before tie-break)

Let's see how day 2 goes.
DarkOrk20 - Mar 23, 2009 - 06:25 AM
Post subject:
Nice job Eric. I had a great time. It was great meeting all of you guys eh. You guys are my kind of BBer's. I didn't learn everyones name but I am a lot closer. I will definitely be putting a couple more of those Canadian tourneys on my list. All I need now is more vacation days. I don't think it will be a problem.
Eric.R. - Mar 23, 2009 - 06:43 AM
Post subject:
First I would like to thank everyone for coming out to the tourney, especially Thomas who made the drive from Ohio. Sorry we did not have the turn out that was expected.

The final results were:

1st - Glenn J.
2nd - Rob P.
3rd - Thomas
Wooden Spoon - Peter M.

Most CAS's - Glenn J.
Most TD's - Glenn J.
Most Sporting - Chris P.
Best Team - Thomas

The results should be inputed by the end of the week.
Clan_Skaven - Mar 23, 2009 - 09:31 AM
Post subject:
Thankyou Eric for a great tourney!!!!

Sure there was only 8 people there, but I'll take an 8 man tourney with 7 other awsome people anyday!

Thanks to all my opponents.

Game one Chris P. (Chaos Dwarves) Fun game, sorry bout calling you on a cocked die... (but if ya use the dice tower it happens much less.... Wink ) Win 3-1

Game two, Thomas (Chaos Dwarves) Fun game, but the Blizzard (then changing to Blizzard & my Rat Ogre going wild on most of my 1st half Blitzes, in combination with his CD's grinding my rats to a bloody Pulp, made for a poor outing by me. Thanks Thomas for making the trip to the great white North! Lost 2-0

Game three, Peter M. (Dark Elves) Despite my stalling out most of the 2nd half to secure the 2-1 win . Peter was in (as always great spirits). Very fun game & dang those Witch Elves are annoying.... Laughing Win 2-1

Game four Glenn J. (Norse) ummmm one of the funnest games I ever had in getting my A$$ handed to me! Laughing in end two Rats left on pitch. this game was Karma kicking me in the twig & berries for game 3, (lost to the 2nd half stall ball game Crying or Very sad Laughing ) Lost 2-1

Game five , Adam J. (Skaven) Most intense game I had by far! a combined 5 TD's scored! In the end I lost 3-2 despite a last turn chance to tie it up! Lost 3-2

Game six , Laraunt D. (Skaven) Poor guy, worst luck I have seen anyone get in a very long time...... Not much more I can say, he did however take the loss very well. Don't worry buddy, next time I'm sure you will kick my but. Wink
Won 5-0

Congrats on all the Winners!

See you all next month at the Challenge of Q'ermitt!
Cramy - Mar 23, 2009 - 01:14 PM
Post subject:
Sounds like if you guys had a blast. Too bad that I couldn't make it.

See you guys at the Challenge of Q'ermitt.
jrock56 - Mar 23, 2009 - 05:50 PM
Post subject:
First off want to say Thank you to Eric for hosting the tournament had a great time. Awards were cool even though I got screwed out of 2 of them by my brother in the last game...the greedy bastard LOL! As far as the turn out, remember it's the quality not always the quantity that really matters and makes the tourney what it is.

Thank you to my opponents for a lot of fun and excitement it was quite the rollercoaster of a tourney for me. I either dominated or got killed it was crazy. The only game that was close was against Rod which was quite the intense battle right down to the 8th turn of the second half...just remember to avoid those thrown rocks next time Rod LOL Razz

@Thomas: Thanks for making the trip you seemed to fit right in with the rest of us. Was good times even though you crippled my team to the point that you scored the winning td when I had no players left on the pitch. Quite the turn-around after I casualtied a bull centaur and hobgoblin on my first 2 blocks of the tourney, well done and congrats on the trophies.

Another big thanks to Spazz and Monica for letting us stay at there place for the weekend makes tourney life a whole lot easier when you have a place to stay, much appreciated. Take care all and hope to play you again soon.

Eric.R. - Mar 23, 2009 - 08:23 PM
Post subject:
Thanx for all for the praise . . . I will not let it go to my head Razz

Here are my photos from the tourney (including some from the night before). Enjoy.

Lizardcore - Mar 23, 2009 - 08:34 PM
Post subject:
Hey guys,

Thanks for this great Week End ! sorry for the very last minute decision, it's great that you made me a place anyway (so thanks to eric for the tourney, and spazz for a suite in the chateau)!
Next time i'll only come for the zombie-killing part Wink (not talking about you rod, but the PS2 game).

Hope to see you soon.

Laurent (aka le gros noob français).

PS: the good point with small tourney is that the air available is sufficient so you don't need a lung replacement because of prolonged exposure to eric's and rod's farts...
Eric.R. - Mar 23, 2009 - 09:04 PM
Post subject:
Great that you could come out, and loved the French curses. Being the only one able to understand 75% of what came out of your mouth even made it funnier.

Sorry for the noxious gas, but that was the most junk food I had eaten at once in a long time. But the reactions were priceless Laughing
Eric.R. - Mar 23, 2009 - 09:20 PM
Post subject:
Here are the final standings:

The first column is the Swiss score (1 - Win, ½ - Tie, 0 - Loss). The second is the first tie break (Median-Buchholz AKA Harkness). The third is the second tie break (Buchholz AKA Solkoff). The forth is the third tie break (Progress AKA Cumulative). Explanations can be found here.

And here is the cross-table to see the opponents of the participants and the result:

Notorious_jtb - Mar 24, 2009 - 08:54 AM
Post subject:

The first column is the Swiss score (1 - Win, ½ - Tie, 0 - Loss). The second is the first tie break (Median-Buchholz AKA Harkness). The third is the second tie break (Buchholz AKA Solkoff). The forth is the third tie break (Progress AKA Cumulative). Explanations can be found here.

Loving it!

absolutely going to get involved with these tiebreakers for the OGBL tournaments.
Notorious_jtb - Mar 24, 2009 - 08:56 AM
Post subject:
      Lizardcore wrote:
Hey guys,

Thanks for this great Week End ! sorry for the very last minute decision, it's great that you made me a place anyway (so thanks to eric for the tourney, and spazz for a suite in the chateau)!
Next time i'll only come for the zombie-killing part Wink (not talking about you rod, but the PS2 game).

Hope to see you soon.

Laurent (aka le gros noob français).

PS: the good point with small tourney is that the air available is sufficient so you don't need a lung replacement because of prolonged exposure to eric's and rod's farts...

It is a shame I could not make it. The air sounds delightful.

Alas my job hunt did not give me the time Sad
Spazzfist - Mar 24, 2009 - 09:23 AM
Post subject:
      Notorious_jtb wrote:

Alas my job hunt did not give me the time Sad

What about the Q'ermitt? You going to make it to that one?
Eric.R. - Mar 26, 2009 - 04:57 PM
Post subject:

Terrible news . . . I lost all the sheets with the game results . . . .

My bad . . .
Eric.R. - Mar 26, 2009 - 05:00 PM
Post subject:
Just kidding,

I am missing Glenn's however. Though I can get the results from his opponent's sheets. But I do need his NAF ID so I can input the results.


PS. I was hoping to get them in tonight, but depending on how fast I get a response it may be till sometime next week when I get a new computer. I am planning on formatting my laptop before handing it to Dan so he can communicate with the out side world.
Eric.R. - Mar 26, 2009 - 05:55 PM
Post subject:
OK, I got Glenn's NAF name and I started to input the results, but after a couple of errors, either on my [network] end or NAF's that caused lost and scrambled data I am giving up for the night. So later on next week I will have the results finalized. For the rating wh○res among us . . . chill out I will get it done.
Clan_Skaven - Mar 26, 2009 - 09:25 PM
Post subject:
      Eric.R. wrote:
OK, I got Glenn's NAF name and I started to input the results, but after a couple of errors, either on my [network] end or NAF's that caused lost and scrambled data I am giving up for the night. So later on next week I will have the results finalized. For the rating wh○res among us . . . chill out I will get it done.

Ok we all know this is directed at me......
DarkOrk20 - Mar 27, 2009 - 06:52 PM
Post subject:
Its ok Rod, I was just getting to get on him about this. I was hoping to know what the end result was for me before my tourney. I have patience, just very little. I will give you some more time Eric. I will be checking again in an hour. (Just kidding)

Hey, about those french curses... What did he say at our game? You can respond here. It will be just between the two of us.

I miss you guys already. Rod, I am considering coming up for the one in Niagra Falls.
Eric.R. - Mar 27, 2009 - 09:50 PM
Post subject:
Unfortunatlely my neighbour caught on to me "borrowing" his bandwith and has [finally] locked his network. Right now I am piggy-backing on another neighbour's but not sure how long that will last. I guess I will need to pay for my own internet soon. So when I get that setup I will get the results in. Should not be too long.
Spazzfist - Mar 28, 2009 - 10:31 AM
Post subject:
Laughing cheap bastard!
Eric.R. - Mar 29, 2009 - 01:18 PM
Post subject:
OK, I got the results in a few days ago and I thought I posted about it here. I guess not . . . so enjoy the good and bad news of your rankings Smile
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