NAF World Headquarters

Rest of the World - Eucalyptus Bowl 2006

Chunky - Jan 19, 2006 - 03:51 PM
Post subject: Eucalyptus Bowl 2006
Having not actually seen Ian since the inaugural Eucbowl, Cancon will probably be the scene of our first serious discussions for this years event.

The primary source of change for this years event will no doubt come from the feedback we received from the players at last years event. However there were plenty of you guys that couldn't make it, and we'd like to grow the event this year so would like you to come along.

If you have anything you'd like to raise before Ian and I get together at Cancon, chuck it up here.

Hopefully reasonably soon after Cancon we'll start to put the event together and release all the details.
Rabid_Bogscum - Jan 19, 2006 - 05:12 PM
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Not much to say.. brilliantly run thing.. have it at the same venue, resurrection was gold. Maybe try and incorpate a double or two on the skill choices. Prizes were good too.... expect even bigger and better things from you in the trophy stakes Chunk Smile Isnt Mrs Doubleskulls expecting soon? has anyone heard anything?
Chunky - Jan 19, 2006 - 08:55 PM
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Mrs Doubleskulls is ecpecting in March I believe, which probably means I'll have to take a bit more responsibility for the show this time around so Ian can concentrate on being Daddy Smile

I had some more ideas about prizes at one point, but can't seem to recall them at the moment. I know I prefer to focus on cool and appropriate trophies rather than product type prizes in general, though Blood Bowls lack of availability in Australia makes product prizes somewhat important as well.
Rabid_Bogscum - Jan 20, 2006 - 12:08 AM
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I think it worked well last time mate. Some product for winning coaches to choose from.. and if there is extra as lucky door prizes etc. But you gotta have big and ludicrous trophys... everyone loves a trophy. Reckon you can pull off some sort of Eucalyptus tree trophy? Maybe Gold paint a Deeproot Strongbranch and mount him as the trophy.
Babs - Jan 23, 2006 - 10:46 PM
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I really enjoyed it too. My only real complaint was 5 rounds was a short tourney - but it was enough to have my vie for top spot in the last round, so I was happy with that.
Doubleskulls - Jan 24, 2006 - 02:37 AM
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Well Freya is due in March, so that will either mean

a) I'm utterly exhausted and have no time for BB at all
b) I'm utterly exhausted and still play BB anyway

Regardless we'll see what we can do.
dan - Mar 01, 2006 - 03:28 PM
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C'mon chunky!!!!

Give us a date!!!!

Chunky - Mar 02, 2006 - 12:48 AM
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I called them again this afternoon - yet again the person I need to speak to wasn't there.

So I've sent an email to the clubs general email address, which I'm told she is the most likely one to read - so fingers crossed I'll have a date quite soon.
Babs - Mar 02, 2006 - 02:19 PM
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Yes, A date with Chunky Smile

Seriously, I'd like to have a firm calender spot for the tournament so I can help plug it!
ClayInfinity - Mar 02, 2006 - 07:54 PM
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Its September right? Not Fathers Day though Wink

I'm there!

I will also be at leviathan too...
Doubleskulls - Mar 02, 2006 - 08:57 PM
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I think we were thinking August over September (to keep distance from MOAB).
Babs - Mar 03, 2006 - 03:29 PM
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August is good for distance, but keep in mind this is when the Greenstone Cup is on in NZ and also when Komplete Fanatik ran last year in Melbourne (our very own GW BB tournament). Could it go another month earlier?
Doubleskulls - Mar 03, 2006 - 07:57 PM
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Is the Greenstone Cup still occuring? They haven't registered the NAF event since '04.

I think Chunky knows when the GW tournaments are.
Rabid_Bogscum - Mar 04, 2006 - 01:33 AM
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Anything but Fathers Day is fine with me.. I dont think Ian needs to find out what happens when you miss your first fathers day like I had to Sad
Chunky - Mar 05, 2006 - 09:36 PM
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I'm not sure GW knows when their tourneys will be on yet - its too damn hard to organise around them (trying to move around them is why we ended up on Fathers Day last year), and their events are starting to be looked down on enough in other games (WHFB I know for sure) that I think we'd be the bigger draw tbh. I would like to try and avoid KF though.

My preference is for July, as I'll be moving once again in August, making all the logistics more difficult considering I'll probably be in Broken Hill or Wagga.
Chunky - Mar 05, 2006 - 09:45 PM
Post subject:
OK, another update - just went looking and dug up some info on GW tourneys - they seem to be a lot more organised with dates this year.

Sydney GT is on 15/16th of July

KF is on 12/13th of August

The GT doesn't really concern me at all - I suspect there will be more people at Eucbowl than in the WHFB or 40K tourneys there tbh.

Will try and avoid KF (and Greenstone if we can get a date for it) if at all possible.

At this stage I've left numerous messages with the club saying we're looking at July or August.
Chunky - Mar 06, 2006 - 08:44 PM
Post subject:
OK people we have dates!

Get out your calendars (or tattoo needles if you have trouble remembering) and put down:

22nd and 23rd of July at Earlwood-Bardwell Park RSL (same venue as last year)

This year we'll be shooting for a turnout of 60+ people, building on the success of last years event when he had 40 players.

We hope to get the website up and running again fairly soon.
dan - Mar 14, 2006 - 01:34 AM
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Looks like we have a date: 22/23 July.

Hope to see you all there Smile
Rabid_Bogscum - Mar 14, 2006 - 11:40 PM
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Is there a Doubleskulls Junior yet?
Chunky - Mar 15, 2006 - 04:27 AM
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Dunno, I guess I'll have to give him a ring sometime.
Doubleskulls - Mar 17, 2006 - 03:28 AM
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There is now Very Happy
Rabid_Bogscum - Mar 18, 2006 - 02:45 PM
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Congrats Ian.. enjoy the sleepless nights mate Smile
dan - Mar 20, 2006 - 04:48 AM
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My congrats go to Mrs DoubleSkulls. Hope it all went smooth.
Doubleskulls - Mar 20, 2006 - 05:12 PM
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The website for 2006 is now up!
OZjesting - Mar 20, 2006 - 08:46 PM
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ok..i just tried to register and got a page full of errors then when I tried again (and again and again) I keep getting a "registration failed" message.

So I can only assume you are trying to keep everyone out til July to collect the extra cash Wink

Drop a note when it is working please.
Rabid_Bogscum - Mar 21, 2006 - 05:19 PM
Post subject:
/me nods and agrees with OZ and waits with baited breath till the moment he can register
Doubleskulls - Mar 24, 2006 - 05:41 PM
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Doh - I forget the rule of always test everything.

Your registrations were recorded, it just failed trying to send an email to me letting me know. Anyway, all fixed now and there is no need to re-register.

BTW the forum bit your old logins should work.
Doubleskulls - Jun 23, 2006 - 08:24 PM
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Bump. Just 4 weeks to go!
Doubleskulls - Jun 26, 2006 - 09:05 PM
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And Andy Hall has graciously provided us with a resurrection gutter runner and two Lizardmen cheerleaders. Neither of those minis were ever available for sale so I doubt there are many in Australia.
Elan - Jul 01, 2006 - 10:25 PM
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I will be at the Eucybowl, still don't know what I will be coaching, but I expect it will be interesting!

See you all on the field!
Babs - Jul 11, 2006 - 11:45 PM
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Don't forget to remind me before I come to bring prizes for Melbourne events coming up (Powerfist, I don't think you need prizes for Komplete Fanatik).
Babs - Jul 11, 2006 - 11:46 PM
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I think I've narrowed down prize support from the NAF too - for Euc Bowl.
How does this sound:

Michele Tenderness - Female ogre (with goblin love-interest)

Dwarf Vadurr - Chaos Dwarf Warrior (with Star Wars theme)
This guy comes with a football instead of the lazer-sword Rolling Eyes

Big Boris football mini

Goblin projectile

Classic Football figure (sold out, but up for grabs at Euc Bowl)

What do you think? Sound OK?
Elan - Jul 12, 2006 - 01:39 AM
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Quote: "Don't forget to remind me before I come to bring prizes for Melbourne events coming up (Powerfist, I don't think you need prizes for Komplete Fanatik)."

this is your REMINDER - and if we want NAF to be attractive, perhaps you should rethink the provision of a NAF prize to POWERFIST - only trophy winners get a trohpy there - there are no other prizes ... unfortunately!

Love your work!
Elan - Jul 12, 2006 - 01:41 AM
Post subject:

try again ... please rethink provision of NAF prize at KOMPLETE FANATIK - GW don't give prizes at this event - actual trophies are very pretty tho!

Still love your work ... Mr. Green
Babs - Jul 12, 2006 - 02:49 PM
Post subject:
Unfortunately I can't Elan. I talked to the organiser of Fanatik, and he specifically didn't want any minis given away. Evil or Very Mad
(some mutterance about this being equivalent to giving away prize money, cheapening the value of miniatures and against GW policy)

I could give away 'tickets' to events, and that's about it. So I'm happy for the winner of Komplete Fanatik to have free entry to CanCon '07, but that's about the best I can do.
(If we go that option, which we did last year, I need to print a certificate about that and get it to you at Euc Bowl)
Powerfist, on the other hand, I don't have a problem giving away stuff at Wink .
Doubleskulls - Jul 12, 2006 - 08:37 PM
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What absolute tosh. At the moment we are looking at having over a dozen prizes and everyone should go home with something.
Elan - Jul 13, 2006 - 12:44 AM
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I agree it is absolute tosh, but this is GW nd a GW event - they have their little foibles. I am just happy that the land of Oz has a GW recognised & supported event now ...

I think that I will take up Babs suggested "Cancon 07 entry ticket" as the NAF prize for Komplete Fanatik - Babs is the "NAFofOZ" and has already had discussion with GW officialdom on the issue, so "Its 'Nuff said". Very Happy

I take it however that this means that Doubleskulls will be at Komplete Fanatik? I will make sure he goes home with something if he does ... and it would be potentially curable.
Doubleskulls - Jul 14, 2006 - 02:45 AM
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lol - GW do have their foibles...

Anyway, come and chat to me about tickets for Euc Bowl 07 for prizes. I'm sure we can sort something out.
Elan - Jul 17, 2006 - 06:44 PM
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Oooh, prizes! I loves prizes! Will see you at Eucybowl Doubleskulls!

So, make sure you 'orrible lot come along to both events - Komplete Fantik in Sep and Powerfist in Nov ... entry to CanCon and Eucybowl now up fer grabs! And you get to visit Melbourne, Capital of the Southern Wastes League and one of the worlds most livable cities, as opposed to Sydney!

Perhaps I should offer to give away tickets to Komplete Fanatik and Powerfist at Cancon and Eucybowl? I have given away "Games Village SWL League season entries" (SWL on tabletop) at Komplete Fanatik and had a fun season watching a newbie getting beaten up ....

Whats the thoughts?

PS: Before anyone from FUMBBL asks, Twahn thought up the "Southern Wastes League" (SWL) name and its use was checked with him - given he is a player in the Games Village tabletop league, and The Southern Wastes League Trophy is fought for at Powerfist - it's all good and the title is TAKEN - before that damn Babs tries to steal it for Cancon again!
Elan - Jul 20, 2006 - 12:58 AM
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GW Australia have advised that as they have not got sufficient numbers to make the combined Komplete Fanatik Event - WHFB and BB economical, so it has been cancelled.

Damn shame - but commerical reality bites. In effect, the expected numbers for WHFB would have made BB and the event overall viable- but WHFB did not see registrations anything near expectations.

I discussed alternate days with GW however nothing reasonable is available. Looking forward, next year BB will be nestled with higher profile competitions to ensure that the event goes forward. The geographic location, amenities and public transport was also mentioned.

In part, commitment of BB players to the event would have been nice, but GW have made a reasonable decision in the circumstances.

Elan is Sad Now, BUT

Babs - Jul 20, 2006 - 03:59 PM
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And the prizes for Komplete Fanatik will just roll over to be for Powerfist - so twice the reason to be there!
ClayInfinity - Jul 21, 2006 - 05:27 PM
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When is Powerfist?
Doubleskulls - Jul 22, 2006 - 03:27 PM
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November I think
Elan - Jul 25, 2006 - 03:59 AM
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Read the Tourney list.
Doubleskulls - Jul 25, 2006 - 06:04 AM
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The full results are up for any of you interested in seeing exactly how you finished.

Once Babs has processed the new members I'll add the NAF results here too.
Babs - Jul 25, 2006 - 11:14 PM
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I'll do it by the end of the week.
Doubleskulls - Jul 26, 2006 - 06:25 AM
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And we've done it already - so all the results are in
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