NAF World Headquarters

North America - The Capital City Kick OFF 2009: January 24-25th

Notorious_jtb - Oct 23, 2008 - 10:22 AM
Post subject: The Capital City Kick OFF 2009: January 24-25th
Just booked the Montgomery Legion @ 330 Kent Street Ottawa for next years CCKO.

January 24 - 25th

Mostly things will be the same as last year. A new version of the tournament rulebook is being looked at. It should be available online next week.

There will be a fun prized draw for preregistration.

Tickets will be $40 with a $5 NAF discount and a ticket package discount.

You can buy both your CCKO '09 ($40) and Deathbowl VII: The Year of the Vampire ($45) tickets at the same time for $75 or $65 for NAF members.

To get this discount you need to prepay before christmas 2008!
(you can send me a cheque but no paypal this time, fees suck, pm me for my address)

Eric.R. - Oct 24, 2008 - 05:54 PM
Post subject: RE: The Capital City Kick OFF 2009: January 24-25th
I have updated the webpage. So feel free to registar you team. I am just waiting on Joe for the Comprehensive Rules file for this year. Although, he did mention that nothing significant is changing.

@Joe: Anything you want changed let me know ASAP.
Spazzfist - Oct 24, 2008 - 06:36 PM
Post subject: Re: RE: The Capital City Kick OFF 2009: January 24-25th
      Eric.R. wrote:
I have updated the webpage. So feel free to registar you team. I am just waiting on Joe for the Comprehensive Rules file for this year. Although, he did mention that nothing significant is changing.

@Joe: Anything you want changed let me know ASAP.

Can you post a link to the webpage?
Eric.R. - Oct 24, 2008 - 06:40 PM
Post subject: Re: RE: The Capital City Kick OFF 2009: January 24-25th
      Spazzfist wrote:
Can you post a link to the webpage?

Sorry, my bad. Thought it was obvious Wink :

When I get a chance I will make it [along with the rest] availible in the "Candian Tourny Calender" that JTB so nicely added to his sig.
Spazzfist - Oct 24, 2008 - 06:46 PM
Post subject: RE: Re: RE: The Capital City Kick OFF 2009: January 24-25th
I did manage to find it in the previous year's CCKO postings, and have registered now.

I am not pulling "a Piddles" and waiting to the last minute to announce the team I am planning on bringing, but I really just need to do some work to get some ideas of what some of the teams might look like and take it from there. Right now am tempted to bring back the chaos dwarves, but am also looking to bringing a new team - maybe amazons or dark elves... Like I said have to do the math and see what is feasible.
Spazzfist - Oct 24, 2008 - 08:46 PM
Post subject: RE: Re: RE: The Capital City Kick OFF 2009: January 24-25th
Alright... after looking at the rulebook it occured to me that there really is only one choice for me to take as a team - one that I started long ago and never finished. It is also the one that will be the inspiration for one of the Q'ermitt boards I wanted to make.

Put me down for Necro - "The Forgotten Grimms"
Eric.R. - Oct 24, 2008 - 09:08 PM
Post subject: Re: RE: Re: RE: The Capital City Kick OFF 2009: January 24-2
      Spazzfist wrote:
Put me down for Necro - "The Forgotten Grimms"

I like it!! I remember talking to you about this LONG ago. Glad to see it will finally hit the field.
jrock56 - Oct 24, 2008 - 09:17 PM
Post subject: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: The Capital City Kick OFF 2009: January
HIT THE FIELD LITERALLY!!!! Like faceplanted into the field!!! is more like it!

There is probably a reason for "Forgotten" kinda like your game that you have continually FORGOTTEN behind eh SPAZZTASTIC!!! Cool
Clan_Skaven - Oct 25, 2008 - 03:15 AM
Post subject:
I will be most likely be bringing a new team that I do not normally play or would consider playing, (but it's Death-Bowl & in my Opinion the best BB tourney out there! Besides I may as well try for a best Team award again....... "Me 'N' Spazz in head to head running for it again?")!!!

I will say this: Many of you (if not all will be included in roster names or team fluff! Those of you who know my intentions or have an idea, I ask you to keep my team's race & identity a secret.


I'll be bringing out the Greenstuff shortly for the many conversions.....

But if I do not bring this new team I speak of, i'll bring Lizardmen or Skaven....

Spazzfist - Oct 25, 2008 - 07:57 AM
Post subject: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: The Capital City Kick OFF 2009: Janu
      jrock56 wrote:
There is probably a reason for "Forgotten" kinda like your game that you have continually FORGOTTEN behind eh SPAZZTASTIC!!! Cool


Adam, stop taking speech lessons from Joe Michaud!

(maybe Rod can post a link for me to show what I mean!)
Eric.R. - Oct 28, 2008 - 08:31 PM
Post subject:
OK, I hope I got it right this time . . .

The Comprehensive Rules have been updated . . .
Spazzfist - Oct 28, 2008 - 09:11 PM
Post subject:
Just checked out the rules, and I have a couple of questions.

1) I am assuming that regeneration will be working as normal, yes?

2) Are the undead and necro teams going to be allowed to Raise the Dead? Just want to know if I need to convert up another zombie.

BTW Eric, when you have a moment can you change my info on the tourney registry? Appreciate it.
Eric.R. - Oct 28, 2008 - 09:56 PM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
BTW Eric, when you have a moment can you change my info on the tourney registry? Appreciate it.

What are you talking about?!?! I am infallible!!!! Anyways . . . PM any errors that think I may have made . . . and I will TELL you why u r wrong! Razz
Spazzfist - Oct 29, 2008 - 06:48 AM
Post subject:
But I am admitting it was my own error. Duh!

I was just wondering if you could change my team name and race from TBA to "The Forgotten Grimms" and Necro

T'ank ya.
Eric.R. - Oct 29, 2008 - 06:58 AM
Post subject:
oh . . . Embarassed
Notorious_jtb - Oct 29, 2008 - 08:14 AM
Post subject:
      Eric.R. wrote:
OK, I hope I got it right this time . . .

The Comprehensive Rules have been updated . . .

cheers erci, all good.

Spazzfist - Oct 30, 2008 - 08:58 AM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
Just checked out the rules, and I have a couple of questions.

1) I am assuming that regeneration will be working as normal, yes?

2) Are the undead and necro teams going to be allowed to Raise the Dead? Just want to know if I need to convert up another zombie.

BTW Eric, when you have a moment can you change my info on the tourney registry? Appreciate it.

Any word on these things?
Notorious_jtb - Oct 30, 2008 - 09:11 AM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
      Spazzfist wrote:
Just checked out the rules, and I have a couple of questions.

1) I am assuming that regeneration will be working as normal, yes?

2) Are the undead and necro teams going to be allowed to Raise the Dead? Just want to know if I need to convert up another zombie.

BTW Eric, when you have a moment can you change my info on the tourney registry? Appreciate it.

Any word on these things?

Sorry i got confused when i read this the first time, thought you were talking about deathbowl.

but anyway,

1) Regenerate is never different at tournies in Ottawa

2) Raise dead only works at the end of the game and this is a reset tournament so no extra zombies for you sir.

BTW no clue on the website Wink

hope this helps
Spazzfist - Oct 30, 2008 - 09:18 AM
Post subject:
      Notorious_jtb wrote:

2) Raise dead only works at the end of the game and this is a reset tournament so no extra zombies for you sir.

Is that another rule that changed? Because it was always something that happened right away. I know, because I have on more than one occassion been on the receiving end of a casualty caused by a player who was playing for me at the start of the game! Razz

Checking the rulebook....

EDIT - (from pg 17 of the rulebook)

If a player from the opposing team with Strength 4 or less that does not have Regeneration or Stunty is killed during the match (after any Apothecary attempt if any) then the team may immediately place a new zombie model in the Reserves box of their dugout (this may cause the team to have more than 16 players for the remainder of the match).

So up to you on whether you are allowing this, but it is a possibility in tourneys.
Notorious_jtb - Oct 30, 2008 - 09:26 AM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
      Notorious_jtb wrote:

2) Raise dead only works at the end of the game and this is a reset tournament so no extra zombies for you sir.

Is that another rule that changed? Because it was always something that happened right away. I know, because I have on more than one occassion been on the receiving end of a casualty caused by a player who was playing for me at the start of the game! Razz

Checking the rulebook....

it is a big section of red in my lrb5 so it is a rule that changed and it is different to my memory.

you can raise the dead once per game with your necromancer.

Instead of purchasing an Apothecary, Necromantic and Undead
teams use the services of a Necromancer. The Necromancer is
free to the team and allows the team once per a match to ???Raise
the Dead???. If a player on the opposing team with Strength 4 or
less that does not have Regeneration or Stunty is killed during
the match (after Apothecary attempt if any) then the team may
immediately place a new Zombie player in the Reserves box of
their dugout (this may cause a team to have more than 16
players for the remainder of the match). During Step 5 of
Updating Your Team Roster (see page 29), you may add this
player to your roster for free if you have less than 16 players on
the team. A free Zombie still counts at full value towards the
team value

p.s. so this means make a zombie

p.p.s. i wish i had know this at bongo, i would have been out for all sorts of blood!!!
Spazzfist - Oct 30, 2008 - 09:38 AM
Post subject:
you beat me to it..... Wink
Spazzfist - Oct 30, 2008 - 09:44 AM
Post subject:
      Notorious_jtb wrote:

it is a big section of red in my lrb5 so it is a rule that changed and it is different to my memory.

That doesn't sound right either, because when I played on FUMBBL which uses LRB 4, I remember the zombies going directly into the reserves box when a player was killed, and it was always a race-specific zombie (i.e. a skaven killed would become a skaven zombie) for that one game, after that game they always looked more generic.
Eric.R. - Oct 30, 2008 - 10:50 AM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
That doesn't sound right either, because when I played on FUMBBL which uses LRB 4, I remember the zombies going directly into the reserves box when a player was killed, and it was always a race-specific zombie (i.e. a skaven killed would become a skaven zombie) for that one game, after that game they always looked more generic.

Who says FUMMBLE is perfect. Or even worth wasting time on?

From LRB4:
The spell may only be cast on players of roughly human size (ie,
not on large monsters like Ogres or Trolls, or small players like
Halflings or Goblins). The new player has standard Zombie
characteristics no matter what his skills or abilities in life, and
may only be added to the Undead team if it has fewer than 16
players at the time. If the Undead player has a spare Zombie
model available then the new player may be placed in the
Reserves box of the Undead team???s Dugout and used
immediately ??? much to the consternation of his former teammates!

The rule has not really changed for LRB5 only the locaion of rules.
Spazzfist - Nov 01, 2008 - 06:54 PM
Post subject:
      Notorious_jtb wrote:
.....p.s. so this means make a zombie

Well, made my zombie today and seeing as the team is based on fairy tales, I thought the bonus zombie would be the greatest fairy tale of all.... Talons holding the CCKO championship trophy! Laughing

Will post pics of this along with the rest of the team when I have a few of them painted..
Eric.R. - Nov 01, 2008 - 08:42 PM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
. . . Talons holding the CCKO championship trophy! Laughing

Thats just cold . . . funny . . . but cold Laughing
Spazzfist - Nov 02, 2008 - 08:28 PM
Post subject:
Played a practise half against Dan tonight, and if that game is to be any indication of what I can expect it is going to be a LOOOONG tourney! Got a poundin'!

I need to figure this team out! Anyone want to offer advice in the Strategy forum?
Notorious_jtb - Nov 03, 2008 - 08:22 AM
Post subject:
      Eric.R. wrote:
      Spazzfist wrote:
. . . Talons holding the CCKO championship trophy! Laughing

Thats just cold . . . funny . . . but cold Laughing

Cramy - Nov 03, 2008 - 07:10 PM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
Played a practise half against Dan tonight, and if that game is to be any indication of what I can expect it is going to be a LOOOONG tourney! Got a poundin'!

I need to figure this team out! Anyone want to offer advice in the Strategy forum?

I'd rather see you get a poudin at the CCKO. Wink

Seriously, not sure I can help with this team ...
Spazzfist - Nov 03, 2008 - 08:26 PM
Post subject:
      Cramy wrote:
I'd rather see you get a poudin at the CCKO. Wink

No love for the Spazz! Sad

I will be the dark horse that takes all! Forgotten Grimms will be remembered forever more as the team that crushed all and breaks all Blood bowl records!
Notorious_jtb - Nov 04, 2008 - 08:07 AM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
      Cramy wrote:
I'd rather see you get a poudin at the CCKO. Wink

Forgotten Grimms will be remembered forever more as the team that crushed all and breaks all Blood bowl records!

Forgotten Grimms will become the all time record holders of

Most TDs conceded

Most CAS against

Least TDs scored

Least CAS caused

Worst sportsmanship

Laughing Laughing Laughing
Spazzfist - Nov 04, 2008 - 08:46 AM
Post subject:
Wha' evah!

My team is fo' real! (touching fingers on shoulder)

Unfortunately, I think that the most likely one of that lot will be the sportsmanship! Embarassed
People! you have to understand, I am not a bad sport, just a really intense player! Razz
Eric.R. - Nov 04, 2008 - 09:02 AM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
People! you have to understand, I am not a bad sport, just a really intense player! Razz

That does not make you anymore enjoyable to play against Wink
Spazzfist - Nov 04, 2008 - 11:41 AM
Post subject:
      Eric.R. wrote:
      Spazzfist wrote:
People! you have to understand, I am not a bad sport, just a really intense player! Razz

That does not make you anymore enjoyable to play against Wink

That's funny, your MOM didn't seem to mind! Very Happy
Eric.R. - Nov 04, 2008 - 12:24 PM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
That's funny, your MOM didn't seem to mind! Very Happy

So, you are saying my Mom even skooled you at BB? Man, that is shameful . . . Laughing
Eggball - Nov 08, 2008 - 12:57 PM
Post subject:
What rules will be in use for CCKO? LRB 5 or 6? What about the rules reviews? And how about the new teams like Slann - are they legal yet? Haven't played in a long while hence the noob questions....

Notorious_jtb - Nov 08, 2008 - 01:30 PM
Post subject:
      Eggball wrote:
What rules will be in use for CCKO? LRB 5 or 6? What about the rules reviews? And how about the new teams like Slann - are they legal yet? Haven't played in a long while hence the noob questions....


I think most tournaments will still use LRB5 next year. So will we.

The three new teams are allowed, I think most tournaments will allow them now.
you can find the rules for the Slann, Underworld and Chaos pact in the downloads section.


It will be good to have you back!
SBG - Nov 30, 2008 - 08:15 PM
Post subject:
Most defintely will be attending!

Just waiting for the days off confirmation from the boss!

Cramy - Nov 30, 2008 - 08:27 PM
Post subject:
Good news SBG. Looking forward to seeing you there.
Notorious_jtb - Nov 30, 2008 - 08:54 PM
Post subject:
The more the merrier!

Especially merrier for folks who haven't been to an Ottawa event before!

Don't forget everyone about the pre payment discount!
The deadline is christmas!
Eric.R. - Dec 24, 2008 - 08:05 AM
Post subject:
I am not going to be able to make it this year. My work load will be heavy till about April which means that I will not have the flexibility to travel out of town for tournaments. Crying or Very sad
Taxal - Dec 24, 2008 - 09:58 AM
Post subject:
Hey does that mean I have a chance to win the Spoon Laughing
Spazzfist - Dec 25, 2008 - 12:46 PM
Post subject:
      Eric.R. wrote:
I am not going to be able to make it this year. My work load will be heavy till about April which means that I will not have the flexibility to travel out of town for tournaments. Crying or Very sad

That sucks. IO do not trust my vehicle in bad weather, so unless there is no snow forecast for that weekend, I will have to find another ride up. Amnyone know of anyone?
Notorious_jtb - Dec 27, 2008 - 04:58 PM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
      Eric.R. wrote:
I am not going to be able to make it this year. My work load will be heavy till about April which means that I will not have the flexibility to travel out of town for tournaments. Crying or Very sad

That sucks. IO do not trust my vehicle in bad weather, so unless there is no snow forecast for that weekend, I will have to find another ride up. Amnyone know of anyone?

Sorry to hear that Eric.
Hope you are getting lots of nice overtime pay.

Spazz, i dunno, I think Peter will probably come along...
Spazzfist - Jan 05, 2009 - 07:34 AM
Post subject:
Well if the weather is co-operating, I plan to make it up for this one. Is there anyone who would like to hitch a ride with me?
Notorious_jtb - Jan 06, 2009 - 08:59 AM
Post subject:
Good news Spazz!

In case people are wondering the rules are LRB5 with the new teams but NOT the experimental rules.
Expect the experimental rules which get approved to be used in 2010 at tournaments rather than 2009.

thread with links

Talons - Jan 06, 2009 - 02:32 PM
Post subject:
Spazz...If I can get the weekend off, I would like to go to Ottawa for the tourney. Unfortunately, I am not sure if they are going to give me the time off yet.
Spazzfist - Jan 06, 2009 - 03:08 PM
Post subject:
      Talons wrote:
Spazz...If I can get the weekend off, I would like to go to Ottawa for the tourney. Unfortunately, I am not sure if they are going to give me the time off yet.

Let me know - will be happy to give you a ride (and listen to you bitch and moan about the "Capital City Rip Off") Laughing
Eric.R. - Jan 06, 2009 - 08:30 PM
Post subject:
      Notorious_jtb wrote:
Good news Spazz!

In case people are wondering the rules are LRB5 with the new teams but NOT the experimental rules.
Expect the experimental rules which get approved to be used in 2010 at tournaments rather than 2009.

thread with links


That is BS; unless the the following teams are added as well:

First Edition:

Second Edition:

Oh, sorry . . . was having flash backs to an argument that took place some monthes ago.

Sorry to interrupt. Please return to the regularly scheduled tourney talk . . . and have a good time. Sorry I had to miss it.

Spazzfist - Jan 06, 2009 - 08:58 PM
Post subject:
      Eric.R. wrote:
Duh..... my name is Eric and I make pointless arguments...

Get a life Corky! Laughing
Eric.R. - Jan 06, 2009 - 09:01 PM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
      Eric.R. wrote:
Duh..... my name is Eric and I make pointless arguments...

Get a life Corky! Laughing

Why . . . Sad
Spazzfist - Jan 08, 2009 - 08:11 AM
Post subject:
The Forgotten Grimms are coming along nicely, and I should be able to finish the team in time for the tourney without too much trouble. Unfortunately, Christmas was busier than I had planned and I do not think I will have their board done before the Q'ermitt... Sad

I will get some pics up when I get a few more players done. But I just finished converting the werewolves, and I am quite pleased with the results!

EDIT - and unless Clan-Skaven comes with another giant-schlong beastman, then I may be a serious contender for the Best Team award! Very Happy
Spazzfist - Jan 11, 2009 - 03:14 PM
Post subject:
For what it is worth, I would be curious to see my "report card" for my Draft choices last year! Smile
Notorious_jtb - Jan 11, 2009 - 04:15 PM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
For what it is worth, I would be curious to see my "report card" for my Draft choices last year! Smile

this will happen spazz.

I plan on having all that stuff sorted out for the event in 2 weekends time!!!!

Should be fun.
Clan_Skaven - Jan 11, 2009 - 06:29 PM
Post subject:
      Eric.R. wrote:
      Spazzfist wrote:
      Eric.R. wrote:
Duh..... my name is Eric and I make pointless arguments...

Get a life Corky! Laughing

Why . . . Sad


ok, you can go swim with the dolphins....
Clan_Skaven - Jan 11, 2009 - 06:30 PM
Post subject:
A bit off topic, but anychance on seeing pics from Death Bowl Joe?
Spazzfist - Jan 11, 2009 - 08:06 PM
Post subject:
Has anybody heard from Death Bowl Joe recently? I heard he skipped town.... Wink
Notorious_jtb - Jan 12, 2009 - 10:24 AM
Post subject:
      Clan-Skaven wrote:
A bit off topic, but anychance on seeing pics from Death Bowl Joe?

hmm, not sure how many i took. in fact not sure i took any. but i will check. thanks for asking.
Notorious_jtb - Jan 12, 2009 - 10:25 AM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
Has anybody heard from Death Bowl Joe recently? I heard he skipped town.... Wink

That is a pretty good nickname.

I'll make sure to have my six shooter ready next time I run into Lil pup Jones Smile
Spazzfist - Jan 12, 2009 - 12:33 PM
Post subject:
Never mind the DB pics, I do not recall seeing many of the photos from last year's CCKO!
Notorious_jtb - Jan 12, 2009 - 01:30 PM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
Never mind the DB pics, I do not recall seeing many of the photos from last year's CCKO!


I think you must be speaking in jest

as you said this

      Spazzfist wrote:
Phew! looked at the all now!

Have to say that the pics of Dan's Khemri team (which won the Best Team award) do not do them justice - no insult to Joe's half ass photography skills or his piece of crap camera, but it was a great team and one that has a bigger wow! factor in person!

Hey Joe! where are those pics of me with the Jones-style party hats?

after looking at these:

the thread is here
Spazzfist - Jan 16, 2009 - 11:22 AM
Post subject:
This time next week (weather permitting) I will be on my way to teach you lumps a lesson in the finer points of Blood Bowl!

I hope to have my team done by this weekend, and will get some pics up when I do.

Other than that you can all expect to be mauled by my werewolves, feasted upon my ghoul, disemboweled by my wights and by the time it is all over your team will be calling my zombies brothers, as your players join the ranks of the walking dead! Muahahahahaha!

On a more hey-diddly-ocious level, Peter Meers just sent me an e-mail trying to get a ride, so it looks like he will be coming out as well. But he will just be one more victim to the Forgotten Grimms! Twisted Evil
jrock56 - Jan 16, 2009 - 05:36 PM
Post subject:
Hey Spazz...your teams name is quite suitable for your style of play. Forgotten ie. left behind, needle in a haystack, can't remember when he ever had game to begin with.

Glad a few of you guys can make it out, hope it's not -40 with the wind next week though. Not that that will make the beatings any less vicious but at least then you can get away to lick your wounds.
Spazzfist - Jan 16, 2009 - 07:01 PM
Post subject:
Holy shee-ite, what stump did crawl from under?

No word from you since forever, and as soon as I post something, then as soon as I post, you have to flap your Li'l Pup jaw. I think Rod is right about you man! Dude, I'm flattered, but...... no thanks.

The only thing that you will "forget" is the fact that I have faioled to beat you befor this tourney. After the beating I give you, you will be reeling from it for many tourneys to come. The other part of my team's name will describe the beating I give you: "Grim".

The pain is coming... Can you smell what Spazz is cooking?
Taxal - Jan 17, 2009 - 02:48 PM
Post subject:
Can't smell what Spazz is cooking, but I do know what Spazz smells like while cooking.

"Pimp my Lizards" are coming for you. Yes its true I am finally bringing a proper team and its all over for you all.
Eric.R. - Jan 18, 2009 - 02:27 PM
Post subject:
I am so sorry that I will miss this event; especially after all the smack that is passing around!!!

I would usually indulge in it, but I will save that for the Q`ermitt when I once again reign supreme!!! To be continued, eventually, on the appropriate thread.
Spazzfist - Jan 18, 2009 - 03:54 PM
Post subject:
Actually, I was thinking that this was more like Smack-Lite or Diet Smack..... Seems like people are learning to accept the fact that I am going to dominate them! Muahahahaha! Twisted Evil
Eric.R. - Jan 18, 2009 - 04:20 PM
Post subject:
More like "New" Smack. There will be an intense backlash that will cause you to publish a retraction Laughing
Spazzfist - Jan 18, 2009 - 08:50 PM
Post subject:
      Eric.R. wrote:
More like "New" Smack. There will be an intense backlash that will cause you to publish a retraction Laughing

No ways man. Any of Spazz's pearls of wisdom are referred to by many of the BB community as "Smack Classic"! Laughing
jrock56 - Jan 19, 2009 - 08:22 AM
Post subject:
Actually Spazz, it's more like the flapping of your gums just isn't very interesting to refute. Everyone knows your verbal diarrhea doesn't hold up when it counts! You keep enjoying your ride in on the shortbus though.

Cramy - Jan 20, 2009 - 09:08 AM
Post subject:
A few days left. Can't wait.
Spazzfist - Jan 20, 2009 - 09:40 AM
Post subject:
I got the team compltely finished last night. Just have to start thinking about a display base now.

I will get some pics done tonight and post them as a preview.
jrock56 - Jan 20, 2009 - 04:14 PM
Post subject:
Should be good times as always, am excited to get some Bloodbowl in, it's been a while. Who all is coming? Only 10 people registered right now...I'm sure there will be at least a few more than 10.

Spazzfist - Jan 20, 2009 - 07:33 PM
Post subject:
I am still waiting to hear from Rob whether he was able to get the time off, and Chris Poynter is still a possibility as well.

As promised, here is a link to the team that I am bringing:
Talons - Jan 20, 2009 - 08:38 PM
Post subject:
Unfortunately, I don't think I am going to make it to Ottawa for this one. I am unable to get Sunday off....I will keep trying but the outlook is not to good. Hopefully you guys and Alex!!!!!! Have a great time this weekend....I will be thinking about you guys.

P.S Almost forgot....I guess me winning the CCRO will be putoff for another year. Byers, you're won't need to cheat again this year as your competition got considerably weaker.....LOL!!!!
Notorious_jtb - Jan 21, 2009 - 07:56 AM
Post subject:
It won't be the same without you Galons!

I will point out though, that i didn't play last year and you still didn't win Smile Smile lol

Adam, I am pretty sure there will be more than 10 players. a few other folk has said they are coming to me, like Steph, Chris and Alex, I think Rob too all in Ottawa.
So I believe 16-20 will be our numbers unless we get bad weather and travellers get put off.If there are 10, then me and glenn will play to make it 12 anyway.


p.s. i found the draft grades. If i get over this cold and all the jobs i am applying to i will post it before sat
Spazzfist - Jan 22, 2009 - 07:45 AM
Post subject:
So keeping my eyesd on the weather stations and things seem like they should be okay for tomorrow. The weather is calling for some very light snow in the GTA with a greater chance of more snowfall in the Ottawa area. Has anyone heard any different? I am very reluctant to travel in bad weather....
Cramy - Jan 22, 2009 - 07:49 AM
Post subject:
-4 Celcius, light snow, almost no wind.

And as far as I can tell, the snow should end before end of day. So you might not get any snow at all while driving.
Spazzfist - Jan 22, 2009 - 08:31 AM
Post subject:
      Cramy wrote:
-4 Celcius, light snow, almost no wind.

And as far as I can tell, the snow should end before end of day. So you might not get any snow at all while driving.

Yeah.... you just want me there so you can beat on me! My safety is not an issue when it comes to your NAF ranking! Razz
jrock56 - Jan 22, 2009 - 11:27 AM
Post subject:
LOL, Where has your confidence gone to Spazz? Although sometimes misplaced you normally still have some. I guess Marc-Andre has that effect on people. Weather does look like it will be okay tomorrow, we are due for some snow tonight but, the temperature is supposed to drop over the weekend again with very little to no snow forthcoming. If you can handle the sub zero temperatures you should be good to go, safe drive in and I'll most likely see you tomorrow night.

jrock56 - Jan 22, 2009 - 11:30 AM
Post subject:
PS....On Saturday is a different story, as I hope your ready for an A** Whoopin'. This tie nonsense is going to end this weekend, with me being the victor of course!!!!!


Cramy - Jan 22, 2009 - 12:35 PM
Post subject:
Aaarrggggh! Why isn't today Friday? I need me a magic wand or something. Or a time machine.
Eric.R. - Jan 22, 2009 - 01:00 PM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
So keeping my eyesd on the weather stations and things seem like they should be okay for tomorrow. The weather is calling for some very light snow in the GTA with a greater chance of more snowfall in the Ottawa area. Has anyone heard any different? I am very reluctant to travel in bad weather....

I would be more worried about the weather passed Cobourg as you approach Bellville. They get some crazy weather in those parts during the winter months.
Spazzfist - Jan 22, 2009 - 01:34 PM
Post subject:
      Eric.R. wrote:
      Spazzfist wrote:
So keeping my eyesd on the weather stations and things seem like they should be okay for tomorrow. The weather is calling for some very light snow in the GTA with a greater chance of more snowfall in the Ottawa area. Has anyone heard any different? I am very reluctant to travel in bad weather....

I would be more worried about the weather passed Cobourg as you approach Bellville. They get some crazy weather in those parts during the winter months.

Thanks dude, really putting my mind at ease! I think YOU want me to stay so you can whup me at the league day!

Oh my shattered confidence!
Spazzfist - Jan 22, 2009 - 03:52 PM
Post subject:
      jrock56 wrote:
LOL, Where has your confidence gone to Spazz? Although sometimes misplaced you normally still have some. I guess Marc-Andre has that effect on people. Weather does look like it will be okay tomorrow, we are due for some snow tonight but, the temperature is supposed to drop over the weekend again with very little to no snow forthcoming. If you can handle the sub zero temperatures you should be good to go, safe drive in and I'll most likely see you tomorrow night.


Just trying to lull you lot into a false sense of security! Razz

Seriously though, I have played a couople of games with this team and I do not get them. I see how similiar they are to the Undead team and I did just fine with them, but cannot get my head around these guys.

My only hope is that I play Fred (SBG) as he says that he has never been able to beat necros, so I can play on the curse card with him, and then Li'l Pup, as this guy is a chump - I can beat him no problem! Very Happy

Be grateful to Mr. Meers boys, 'cuz if it were not for him I do not think that I would want to be making this trip alone. I will be picking him up in Couburg aroound noon, and should see you guys in the late afternoon.
Eggball - Jan 22, 2009 - 04:17 PM
Post subject:
Hey lads,

I've registered and am bringing along some frogmen I threw together quickly. Good luck with the drive in and see you all soon.

Notorious_jtb - Jan 22, 2009 - 04:46 PM
Post subject:
Great stuff eggball! gotta love what the slann can produce on the field of glory!!

I think we should be getting a good ottawa turnout, so its nice that at least one of those southern ontario whipping boys is coming over to recieve his medicine Smile

Still sick, that is why pre production has been slack this time. Sorry about that. Will make up for it, hopefully..........

The trophies are looking excellent as always. There may be a couple of new ones for this year too, so even more incentive for everyone!!!

Spazz, i assume you are crashing at Glenns? I know he is more than happy for all folks to crash there.
If you want more laid back I think dwarfrunner will be available as a host too, pm him or me.

get your dice rolling hands warmed up boys and girl!!
Spazzfist - Jan 23, 2009 - 09:04 AM
Post subject:
Alright ladies! Spazz if leaving the building! (The building in this case being my home). I have a last minut ringer coming up with me, and between the two os us and Flanders we should strip you boys of all the trophies (except the spoon, the Pup can have that!) to take back southwest where they belong!

Mark - got the message about the flagellant pieces - will get those right now.

See you in a few hours!

Notorious_jtb - Jan 23, 2009 - 09:11 AM
Post subject:
see you soon, i think your ringer might have registered!!!

good to see you soft southerners bringing some help Smile
Notorious_jtb - Jan 25, 2009 - 02:47 PM
Post subject:
Thanks to everyone who came out.

It was a blast as normal.

Updating the stats and getting viewing materials ready

Notorious_jtb - Jan 25, 2009 - 03:26 PM
Post subject:
stats are in.

The winners of the trophies were:

Taxal - Jan 25, 2009 - 05:35 PM
Post subject:
Another CCKO gone and of course a total blast was had by all I am sure. Congrats to all the winners. A big thank you to all my opponents, as always you all make it an excellent and enjoyable time to have. To Joe and Glenn, thank you again for puttin gon this awesome tournament. See you all soon.
Taxal (goose as Craig puts it, Dan Cha-pu as Joe puts it)
Spazzfist - Jan 25, 2009 - 08:41 PM
Post subject:
Thanks tgo all for the CCKO experience! Thanks to Joe and Glenn for putting on a good show (as always) and thanks to Pat for giving me the besxt laugh of th weekend with his swearing at Tom Cruise at the top of his lungs when his dice failed him! Laughing Laughing Not to mention that he swallowed the dice when it rerolled the one! Laughing

Good times!
Shadowseer2005 - Jan 26, 2009 - 08:11 AM
Post subject:
Great tournament guys. I want to thank Joe for a well run tournament and Glenn for giving up his bed for my poor injured body. Most of all I want to thank everyone there ass you all help me out with getting me items, food, drinks and also getting around.

It just proves that the bloodbowl community is not just people getting together for a tournament and only cares about winning ( like some fantasy and 40k tournies I have attended) but it is more like an extended family where we care and help each other. Again thank you all and hopefully I will have full use of all my body at the next tourney.

I had a great time and seeing all of you helped my recovery process.

See you all soon.
Cramy - Jan 26, 2009 - 01:14 PM
Post subject:
Did Pat actually swallow the dice? Laughing

Amazing fun, great to see everybody again. Looking forward to the next tourney.
Spazzfist - Jan 26, 2009 - 03:16 PM
Post subject:
      Cramy wrote:
Did Pat actually swallow the dice? Laughing

Yup! With a beer chaser! Laughing

We joked with him that when he craps it out he will look in the toilet to find the dice floating in a turd with the "1" facing him! Laughing Laughing
jrock56 - Jan 26, 2009 - 07:59 PM
Post subject:
HAHAHAHA!!! That is too funny Spazz, classic! Still can't believe he swallowed the dice I've seen plenty of reactions to bad dice rolling mostly involving throwing them somewhere but eating one is definitely new LOL Very Happy Great times as always Gents, thank you to everyone involved, love the comraderie of the tournaments.

I would also like to second what Shadowseer2005 aka. Dan was saying as well. Just glad you were able to make it out Dan, wish you good luck with everything going on with your back and hopefully you will be able to get that rectified sooner than later. Take care man. When it comes down to it that is what brings people out to tournies, I count a lot of you friends now who I didn't even know a year ago. If I had known how fun the tournament scene was I would have been playing years ago but just glad that it has seemed to blossom over the past year and a bit. Just my 2 cents worth anyway,

Take it easy all and hope to see you at a tourney soon, lates

Spazzfist - Jan 27, 2009 - 07:21 AM
Post subject:
Good job Joe! I see that the rankings are up already for the tourney! A+ for speed!

[I am more than a bit dismayed, however to see that my necros ended up with the same record that my halflings did at the Deathbowl a few years back! Sad Oh the humanity! But I have to say that any of the games (with the exception of the last one), really could have gone either way and I could have tied or won if my luck was a bit better. I know it is a poor coach who blames dice, so me a poor coach then! But honestly, I thought that "7" was the most common number rolled on two dice, not "4"! I rolled a crazy amount of 3+1, and Marc Andre noticed at least four doubles 1's on our game. <sigh> Nuffle hates me.....

But I did enjoy playing the necro, so people can expect to see me with them again at another tourney! Maybe with a bit of luck those wolves' claws can start breaking through some armour! Smile
Daggers - Jan 28, 2009 - 06:28 PM
Post subject:
      Notorious_jtb wrote:
stats are in.

The winners of the trophies were:

What are you saying Joe? That I didn't deserve it, I am only an ass to you, everyone else I love playing. You just like to dish it out, but can't take it back. Wuss.

Great job to you and Glenn, awesome time. And thanks to all my opponents for some great matches. I have to agree with Dan and Lil Pup, the tourneys are just as much about seeing and catching up with friends as they are about playing Blood Bowl, and that is what makes it so fun. Obviously winning makes it more enjoyable, but that I have yet to prove (ugh). See everyone soon, and rest assured, no more Dwarves or Wood Elves for me.
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