NAF World Headquarters

North America - Golden Sweetbun

Taxal - Oct 24, 2008 - 08:50 PM
Post subject: Golden Sweetbun

Going to start by posting a schedule...not set in stone...
Please let us know what you think about it...problems/ideas/etc etc

8am - 9am registration
9am - 9:30am questions/match ups/etc
9:30am - 11:30am game 1
11:30am - 12:30pm lunch (supplied)
12:30pm - 2:30pm game 2
2:30pm - 2:45pm break
2:45pm - 4:45pm game 3
4:45pm - 5:45pm supper (supplied)(voting best team)
5:45pm - 7:45pm game 4

9am - 11am game 5
11am - 12pm lunch
12pm - 2pm game 6
2pm - ??? awards
Eric.R. - Oct 24, 2008 - 09:04 PM
Post subject: RE: Golden Sweetbun
From a Southern Ontario perspective, the sooner a tourny can be wraped up on Sunday the better. But assuming from the sched. a departure at ~3pm would make for a 9 ~ 9:30 return home. Though knowing that BB'ers are consistantly running late I would account for hitting home more around 11pm. which would stil not be too bad. Beats the 2am return from DBIV and having to work 4 hour later Razz
jrock56 - Oct 24, 2008 - 09:04 PM
Post subject: RE: Golden Sweetbun
Schedule usually isn't a big deal for most of us, it seems along the same lines as most tournies which works out well. Glad to see you guys running an event Dan. Will give me an excuse to go to Montreal again, used to frequent there often but haven't in a few years. You guys should hook up with Feral on NAF, he seems pretty keen on doing something out of Montreal as well.

Take it easy,

Feral - Oct 24, 2008 - 10:02 PM
Post subject: RE: Golden Sweetbun
Hello hello!

Hope we can get the bun to lift! Don't know if I can do anything but I'd be glad to lend a hand.
Clan_Skaven - Oct 25, 2008 - 01:52 AM
Post subject:
Feral, Welcome to the scene, pardon my poor spelling & my large amount of beer comsumption (along with my brass postings!!!!!! It's who I am sorry in advance, P.S. , I'm currently drunk....

I'm from Niagara Falls, Ontario & I know as far as Ontario run tournies I'm the farthest to travle to, (but like all the Ontatrio Tournies I offer a different twist, if you'd like to know more abbout my tourney please just ask me.)

Every Ontario Tourney seems to offer a vast variety of different forms of BloodBowl....

From playing in a 4-Way Death-Bowl round every match, to a tourney where every match you play is on a different pitch with totally different weather & kickoff tables. Also don't forget my tourney were you bring two rosters (each playing 3 games, one games 1-3-5 the other games 2-4-6, but one of your teams has a higher TV than your other/ & so you can gain or give up a 50,000 inducement....
Lets not forget the Bongo Bowl with the ever-chalenging & frustrating Dungeon (spelling) Bowl matches! Then you have the "Lakeside Cup' (quike possibly the best meal you will ever get at a tourney!) With the Lakeside Cup all the Parpicipents (spelling) are divided based on home address geography location to either Team East or Team West. Matches are formed with only East vs West Coaches formed every round. (Peter being from Coburg (spelling) is the odd man out & will at last minute form the final spot of the East or West.... An Excellant tourney indeed!

Also despite a year of absence, If it returns there's the longest running tourney in Canada (Orriginally the Orrion Cup, turned into the Canadian Open! (But last year the Canadian Open was not run.) We can only hope for its return, along with it's record numbers of attendance!)

Cramy - Oct 25, 2008 - 07:02 AM
Post subject:
Schedule looks good, although having a game in 2 hours is tough (unless you plan to use timers).

Do you have a date in mind?
Taxal - Oct 25, 2008 - 07:27 AM
Post subject:
For the majority of us all 2 hours is very doable...3 1/2 minute turns comes up to just under 2 hours (if my math is good).

May 30th / 31st is the date that seems to be perfect for us. Not going to be anything very crazy, but all Halfling teams will get some bonus stuff. Being held by the Halfling community......
Wanted to find something random and fun, but will not change the game too much.....
Pat came up with this random skill and please let us know what you think of it.....

TV 110
no player can have more than three up-grades
all teams can be used (including the three new ones)

random skills
At registration you will pick 2 balls out of a box and those balls will represent two skills that you get for free. There will be no attribute or mutations possible. There will be one ball that will give you any skill you wish.

In between games 2 and 4 each coach will roll the dice to get one more upgrade. This roll will be like in league play, so attributes , mutations , etc etc will be available.

The Halfling community has paid off the wizards to help make sure it stays nice through out the tournament.

Kick-off table will be modified to represent the Halfling lands.

Because all games are taking place on Halfling fields, which are lush green grass. All armour rolls taken will be at a -1 to represent the soft landing. A roll of 11 or 12 will always injure. All injury rolls will stay normal. Any amour rolls taken from being pushed into the crowd are normal.

Again please let us know what you think of this.
Daggers - Oct 25, 2008 - 07:39 AM
Post subject:
K, I tihnk I found my next tourney to bring a halfling team. I feel they would have a slight advantage being it is their own tournament (hahah, yeah right).

Now I just need to find some halfling figs, a treeman, and a Master Chef and I should be all good.
Spazzfist - Oct 25, 2008 - 07:54 AM
Post subject:
      Taxal wrote:
At registration you will pick 2 balls out of a box and those balls will represent two skills that you get for free. There will be no attribute or mutations possible. There will be one ball that will give you any skill you wish.

So if I understand this correctly then, the balls will have the skill printed right on them? Interesting....

Is there going to be any incentive for halfling teams?
Taxal - Oct 25, 2008 - 01:56 PM
Post subject:
Yes for sure Halflings will have some incentive. Nothing crazy....working on stuff right now.

As far as the balls go...will probably go with bingo balls or something along that line for the first one.

With TV 110 to build and then getting two more random skills and with two more skills during the tournament I think it will make for some good games.
Notorious_jtb - Oct 25, 2008 - 03:00 PM
Post subject:
Mighty Sweetbun!


I showed the boys back home the data from CCKO 07 and they all loved the mighty sweetbuns name. Loving the theme being continued.

Good luck!
Taxal - Nov 08, 2008 - 11:47 AM
Post subject:
Ok things are starting to move forward and just need everyones imput on the schedule.... the first day is quite simple. The second day is this one good for everyone or would you all rather one hour ahead. that would mean finishing game 6 around 3 instead of 2.
Spazzfist - Nov 08, 2008 - 11:56 AM
Post subject:
Speaking as one of those who would probably be travelling the firthest distance, I opt for the earlier finish.
Cramy - Nov 08, 2008 - 08:03 PM
Post subject:
I prefer earlier as well.
jrock56 - Nov 08, 2008 - 08:52 PM
Post subject:
I don't mind either way to tell you the truth, but for those who must travel back to TO or Niagara earlier may be better. For any of us from the Ottawa area it's only 1 1/2 to 2 hours to get home so not a big deal either way.
Spazzfist - Nov 09, 2008 - 09:53 AM
Post subject:
      jrock56 wrote:
I don't mind either way to tell you the truth, but for those who must travel back to TO or Niagara earlier may be better. For any of us from the Ottawa area it's only 1 1/2 to 2 hours to get home so not a big deal either way.

Yeah, but the drive home is going to feel a lot longer for you guys as you wallow in your misery and fight to hold the tears back. You might want take a bus as it will certainly be dangerous to be driving while crying like that. You're going home empty handed beeyotch! Very Happy
jrock56 - Nov 09, 2008 - 11:03 AM
Post subject:
Haven't I heard that should stick to focusing on the CCKO as that alone will be a daunting task for you, try not to worry about a tourney that far ahead too many things at once will simply be too much for you to handle Spazz! Mr. Green
Spazzfist - Nov 10, 2008 - 07:15 AM
Post subject:
      jrock56 wrote:
Haven't I heard that should stick to focusing on the CCKO as that alone will be a daunting task for you, try not to worry about a tourney that far ahead too many things at once will simply be too much for you to handle Spazz! Mr. Green

The CCKO will be only the beginning.....
Daggers - Nov 10, 2008 - 02:11 PM
Post subject:
.... of a long list of excuses and never-ending tears as to why he didn't win again. Same as every other tournament. With a "Best Painted" and "Worst Sportsman" award thrown in for good measure (assuming Chris W doesn't show up, or he will probably take it again) ;P
Spazzfist - Nov 10, 2008 - 03:16 PM
Post subject:
I'll accept the Best Painted for sure, but Worst Sportsman? Moi? Maybe we'll get Peter Meers drunk enought o take this one for himself!
Cramy - Nov 10, 2008 - 08:10 PM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
Maybe we'll get Peter Meers drunk enought o take this one for himself!

I'd want to see that ... Razz
Daggers - Nov 11, 2008 - 10:59 AM
Post subject:
Hi-dilly-ho *hiccup* Flander-ino
jrock56 - Nov 12, 2008 - 02:30 PM
Post subject:
Yeah that would be hilarious, but I think Pete still remains pretty composed even when drinking, he just seems tired for the most part.

Spazz isn't a poor sport, I'll give him that! and intensity can be a good thing sometimes...the only thing is not everyone wants to hear your rants with yourself about how much you SUCK , the dice aren't fair, the list could go on and on. Can I give you a HINT leave your imaginary friends at home when you come to tournies and you should be okay. Surprised
Spazzfist - Nov 12, 2008 - 03:17 PM
Post subject:
      jrock56 wrote:
the only thing is not everyone wants to hear your rants with yourself about how much you SUCK , the dice aren't fair, the list could go on and on. Can I give you a HINT leave your imaginary friends at home when you come to tournies and you should be okay. Surprised

Ummmmm.. you lost me here. Are you taking speech lessons from Joe Michaud? Try forming a complete sentence, you neandrathal! Laughing

For a list that "goes on and on" I would really like to know what it is comprised of. For the record, I do not bitch and moan about dice, and if you think that I suck so bad then why have you never beaten me?

Go back to your kennel pup, before I take a rolled up newspaper to ya! Laughing
jrock56 - Nov 12, 2008 - 10:33 PM
Post subject:
Ummmmm.... my speech is fine thank you very much. I didn't know I was taking grammar lessons/English Class when I write thoughts on a forum. What I was saying in plain english since I have to spell it out for you is:
1. Nobody knows who you are talking to when you go off on some random babble. (Or at least that is my take on what comes out of your mouth)
2. I figured you must have some imaginary person you talk to so you can console yourself through your many losses.
3. You are just fortunate to have not stacked up your losses to me at this point in time, but don't worry they will follow in abundance shortly!

As for a kennel, well my bark is obviously louder than yours so why don't you put your tail between your legs and run and hide like a good little doggy!!!!! Mr. Green
Taxal - Nov 26, 2008 - 07:20 PM
Post subject:
Looks like we have a place for the tourney. Another Legion so that way you guys will have a place to drink at for

Its in LaSalle which is a suburb of Montreal. Couple of hotels not to far and will also see what can be done for some of you to stay at different houses/apartments to save a few $$.
Downtown is a 15 minute drive by taxi so that is always a good thing. Hope by end of December to have all the rules up and posted. Eric has kindly agreed to putting a small site up for the Sweetbun (thanks alot Eric).

Dan (taxal)
Cramy - Nov 28, 2008 - 06:03 AM
Post subject:
Yey. Great news Dan. Happy to see that the preparations are moving forward.
Taxal - Dec 07, 2008 - 09:35 PM
Post subject:
ok..its official we have the place all paid for. So just after the holidays the rules will be up and all the other stuff that goes with it.....

Hope to see some of you out there in Blood Bowl land come down to MTL for some fun

PANZERBUNNY - Dec 08, 2008 - 04:05 AM
Post subject:
Spzz with worst sportsman? No wayyy.... When he swears and curses its usually at his own players so I dont think it counts.
Taxal - Jan 30, 2009 - 05:51 PM
Post subject:
Ok the rules have been sent off to Eric who has kindly offered to set up a site for the Sweetbun. Hope to see you all there.....

Spazzfist - Jan 30, 2009 - 09:40 PM
Post subject:
I will read over that set of rules that you gave me tomorrow! Promise!
Taxal - Jan 31, 2009 - 06:16 AM
Post subject:
They have changed abit since last week. Nothing major, but Joe gave us some ideas and his thoughts and we went with them.
Daggers - Feb 01, 2009 - 12:09 PM
Post subject:
Oh god, DON'T LISTEN TO JOE!! Or if you do, take all his advice with a grain of salt. He just likes to hear himself talk. Can't wait to read the rules, HALFLINGS AWAY!!!!
Notorious_jtb - Feb 01, 2009 - 03:42 PM
Post subject:
      Dwarfrunner wrote:
Oh god, DON'T LISTEN TO JOE!! Or if you do, take all his advice with a grain of salt. He just likes to hear himself talk. Can't wait to read the rules, HALFLINGS AWAY!!!!

I am surprised you even realise I can speak given that you never listen to me Rolling Eyes

I see the projectile timer did not help me in this battle, sigh Confused
Notorious_jtb - Feb 01, 2009 - 03:43 PM
Post subject:
      Taxal wrote:
They have changed abit since last week. Nothing major, but Joe gave us some ideas and his thoughts and we went with them.

I can't claim much. I just said thats great, do it more Very Happy
Spazzfist - Feb 01, 2009 - 09:01 PM
Post subject:
      Taxal wrote:
They have changed abit since last week. Nothing major, but Joe gave us some ideas and his thoughts and we went with them.

Sorry Dan, seem to have misplaced them! Embarassed

If you want me to look over them still, then LMK and I can PM you my e-mail
Daggers - Feb 04, 2009 - 03:36 PM
Post subject:
      Notorious_jtb wrote:
      Dwarfrunner wrote:
Oh god, DON'T LISTEN TO JOE!! Or if you do, take all his advice with a grain of salt. He just likes to hear himself talk. Can't wait to read the rules, HALFLINGS AWAY!!!!

I am surprised you even realise I can speak given that you never listen to me Rolling Eyes

I see the projectile timer did not help me in this battle, sigh Confused

You are right, I do tend not to listen to you at tourneys, mainly since you love to hear yourself speak. And the flying timer was a bit surprising, almost as much as seeing you throw like a girl. Probably why you aimed for my chest and it almost hit my head.
Daggers - Feb 04, 2009 - 03:37 PM
Post subject:
      Taxal wrote:
They have changed abit since last week. Nothing major, but Joe gave us some ideas and his thoughts and we went with them.

Just let me know when the rules are posted so I can start making my team.
Eric.R. - Feb 05, 2009 - 12:41 PM
Post subject:
I slapped together a quick one page website for the time being.

The rules listed, although nicely formatted, are still rough in terms of wording. And unfortunately I saved over the DOC file after I went through it the first time Sad

Sorry for the rush job Dan but I am swamped with many things and thought I would put up something with the rules before I forget altogether.
Daggers - Feb 05, 2009 - 07:14 PM
Post subject:
Holy crap, are those bonuses for real. Halflings are gonna rock. This is gonna be sick.
Taxal - Feb 05, 2009 - 08:30 PM
Post subject:
No worries Eric.....

Thanks again for the help
Spazzfist - Feb 07, 2009 - 11:50 PM
Post subject:
This looks pretty awesome! Looking forward to reading more on the parts which have notes which say that more info is required. Can you give me a quick idea though on what the Golden Sweetbun Award is for? Is this for the #1 Halfling coach?
Taxal - Feb 08, 2009 - 07:08 AM
Post subject:
The winner of the tournament will get his/her name engraved on it. I have a buddy of mine sculpting a sweetbun to mount on top (insert Mom joke) of the base.
Am presently working on a trophy for the best stunty team. So that will be any of the stunty teams, not just Flings. Only problem is that only Flings that get the special bonus in the rules.
Any other questions please feel free to ask.
Daggers - Feb 08, 2009 - 01:26 PM
Post subject:
Does that mean the modified armor for the soft ground is for 'glings only. Totally missed that when I read through it, but all the better.
Taxal - Feb 08, 2009 - 02:23 PM
Post subject:
No all teams get that -1 to armour. It at least gives the flings that mighty armour of 7, which I seem to have a harder time to break over 8 or 9.
Clan_Skaven - Feb 08, 2009 - 05:12 PM
Post subject:
hmm depending on if I get my vaction days by then , I may be able to attend....

I'm very excited about the Skill balls idea
jrock56 - Feb 14, 2009 - 07:09 PM
Post subject:
Hey Clan-Skaven, you are just getting excited at the thought of any "balls idea" available. You just want to bring out your beastman eau de Cock&balls again don't you...LOL That thing is too ridiculous, especially to go along with your horn you had with it and sounded off on for every injury caused. Mr. Green
Spazzfist - Mar 22, 2009 - 07:51 PM
Post subject:
This looks like the first tourney I will be playing in since January! Looking forward to being a player again! Starting to plan the team now!
Taxal - Mar 28, 2009 - 06:04 AM
Post subject:
Ok Dice have been ordered, prizes from Impact have been ordered and my local store has also donated some prizes. The trophies are the next step and then the food. So all in all it is starting to all come together.
Spazzfist - Mar 28, 2009 - 10:30 AM
Post subject:
This may be my first tourney since the CCKO as I was the odd man out for the Open and am going to be my own odd man out for the Q'ermitt, so I may not even be playing there!

Going to be more pent up than Eric after he has watched his video of "Dancing Grannies!"
Taxal - Mar 28, 2009 - 04:18 PM
Post subject:
Going to be more pent up than Eric after he has watched his video of "Dancing Grannies!" .....LMAO
Spazzfist - Mar 30, 2009 - 05:51 PM
Post subject:

A couple of time now I have been looking for that website that Eric put together for you. If you plan on using it you should put it on your first post and/or include it in your signature. Make life easier for the Spazzes of the world!
Spazzfist - Apr 01, 2009 - 03:47 PM
Post subject:
Playing with some different configurations for teams, but have to say, you have made the 'flings very tempting! May just have to bring Bee LaDouche and the rest of the Killer Bees out of retirement!
Taxal - Apr 01, 2009 - 04:08 PM
Post subject:
Hopefully there will be a couple of Flings showing up. There will be an extra trophy...BEST STUNTY TEAM

Halfling , Goblin , Ogre teams are all up for this one. Trophy is called the Stunty Shield...highest ranked stunty team at the end of the tourney will have their name on said trophy.

Also I will not be playing in the Sweetbun (Pat is the odd man out), but my Fling team The Mighty Sweetbuns will be available to anyone that wishes to play Flings but does not have a team.[/img]
Taxal - Apr 06, 2009 - 04:43 PM
Post subject:
Question for you all....

It looks like there might be a few guys showing up that are not in NAF members. Will something like that make a big difference if you come or not. I am looking at somewhere upto 10.

Spazzfist - Apr 06, 2009 - 06:06 PM
Post subject:
What is their reasoning for not wanting to join NAF? If it is strictly financial, then Rod is such a ratings whore, that he would probably pay for all 10! Laughing
Spazzfist - Apr 06, 2009 - 06:12 PM
Post subject:
Couple of questions for you Dan:

1) Are star players allowed to get addiutional skills as per the drawing of the balls?

2) If Tom Cruise curses my d6s do I have to consume them (or can I just throw them across the room?)
Taxal - Apr 06, 2009 - 06:19 PM
Post subject:
Star Players are maxed out. Sorry

LMAO!!!!!!!!!!! Might have a surprise concerning the whole Tom Cruise thing.
Cramy - Apr 06, 2009 - 06:21 PM
Post subject:
I like stats and having my games recorded so that I can show them to my grand-kids when I get older. Razz

Really, if the guys are NAF, great. If not, doesn't matter. I play for the fun more than playing to have my results recorder. It's all good in my opinion.
Spazzfist - Apr 06, 2009 - 07:58 PM
Post subject:
Yeah, I plan on playing halflings, so I am not too worried about my rankings for this tourney! Wink
jrock56 - Apr 06, 2009 - 08:47 PM
Post subject:
Spazz...of course you'll play halflings, just so you have an excuse for your obscenely poor play and 0-6 record in the end!!! Oh sorry you may get a tie if your lucky enough to play another team of flings. Razz
Spazzfist - Apr 06, 2009 - 09:05 PM
Post subject:
Bitch, it will just make my victory over your all the sweeter! Very Happy
Eggball - Apr 07, 2009 - 08:14 PM
Post subject:
Sweetbun looks like the next tourney I'll be able to attend. Currently at work on a custom fling team. Now I just need to learn how to play them....

It doesn't matter to me if players are NAF members or not.

Taxal - Apr 07, 2009 - 09:38 PM
Post subject:
Great news Mike. Playing flings is not that hard. Learn to laugh and pray at the same time.
jrock56 - Apr 07, 2009 - 10:04 PM
Post subject:
Hey Taxal you forgot one thing to mention about playing flings...and that is that they don't go SQUISH!! under my boot. That goes double if your name is Spazz of course. Quite the score to settle with him still. Very Happy
Taxal - Apr 15, 2009 - 06:08 PM
Post subject:
Ok so all the prizes have arrived, the sweetbun dice also and the BEST STUNTY TEAM (Halfling,Ogre,Goblin) award is good to go. My brother has started to carve out the ten plaques and build the the GOLDEN SWEETBUN , SPANKING and PARTY ANIMAL trophies as we speak. Everything is really moving along and looking forward to the end of May. First though you all have to go and play at the Q'ermitt this coming weekend. Wish I would have been able to make it, but alas it was not to be this year.

Daggers - Apr 20, 2009 - 02:51 PM
Post subject:
I am hoping my team will be ready for the tourney. Just need to sit down and finish them. Then everyone will fear the Iron Chefs of Blood Bowl. Either way, I will be there with my chefs hat on.
Eric.R. - Apr 20, 2009 - 03:30 PM
Post subject:
Giving some thought about coming out for this one just to give Scared Hitless another shot on the pitch. One issue is I am planning on going to the Toronto Nationals game the night before (Major League Lacrosse has come to Canada!!!! . . . and I jizz'd in my pants Embarassed ). Maybe I will take Spazz to the game and travel up soon afterward Smile
Taxal - Apr 20, 2009 - 04:32 PM
Post subject:
Be cool if you can make it out to Montreal for the Sweetbun.
Spazzfist - Apr 20, 2009 - 04:34 PM
Post subject:
      Eric.R. wrote:
Giving some thought about coming out for this one just to give Scared Hitless another shot on the pitch. One issue is I am planning on going to the Toronto Nationals game the night before (Major League Lacrosse has come to Canada!!!! . . . and I jizz'd in my pants Embarassed ). Maybe I will take Spazz to the game and travel up soon afterward Smile

Dude. Don't be talking about jizzing in your pants, and mention myname in the next sentence. eew.
Daggers - Apr 22, 2009 - 01:58 PM
Post subject:
The fact that Eric jizzed in his pants over a Lacrosse team is a cause for concern. And Spazz, I thought you would be happy he did it in his pants, instead of the back of your mouth. ZING!!

Back on topic, only 5 weeks now til Sweetbun. My chefs hat and cleaver are ready for 6 games of halfling mayhem.
Clan_Skaven - Apr 22, 2009 - 03:57 PM
Post subject:
If any Toronto area guys are going, I have an outside chance of attending
Taxal - Apr 22, 2009 - 06:05 PM
Post subject:
Like I said before, I have some room for anyone looking at saving a few bucks. Its floor space, but should be able to hold a few of you. Just bring you blow up mattress (insert Mom joke) and sleeping bag and we can make due with what I got. If anyone would rather stay in a Hotel just let me know and I can get you some info of some not to far.
Taxal - Apr 22, 2009 - 06:58 PM
Post subject:
Question for anyone out there planning on coming to the Sweetbun.

Does anyone have any food allergies or any limitations toward food.

Also once you know that its a sure thing you are coming if you would be able to register so I can figure out how much food to make.


Spazzfist - Apr 22, 2009 - 07:53 PM
Post subject:
If I am coming, then I would like to book some of that floor space. But just promise me that if Adam is coming out that he will be sleeping in another part of the house!
Taxal - Apr 22, 2009 - 07:59 PM
Post subject:
LOL.....I live in a 5 1/2 upper duplex so there is not alot of hiding space to escape....
Daggers - Apr 23, 2009 - 03:39 PM
Post subject:
      Taxal wrote:
Like I said before, I have some room for anyone looking at saving a few bucks. Its floor space, but should be able to hold a few of you. Just bring you blow up mattress (insert Mom joke) and sleeping bag and we can make due with what I got. If anyone would rather stay in a Hotel just let me know and I can get you some info of some not to far.

If you don't have alot of space, I don't mind getting a hotel room, especially if it is within walking distance. Send me the info and I will talk with the folks in Ottawa as to what people prefer.
Eric.R. - Apr 23, 2009 - 09:18 PM
Post subject:
If I do end up coming I will most likely sleep in the car the first night and would be up for sharing room with anyone for the second. And, ezpecially if it is walking/shambling distance Razz
Taxal - Apr 23, 2009 - 10:13 PM
Post subject:
Eric your not going to sleep in the car, especially when you can just crash at my place. The only problem that we have is any hotels/motels are not in walking distance. Depends how this one turns out, next year might look at heading towards the downtown core were hotels/bars and the tournment would all be close.
will be able to fit about 6 - 8 at first glance. Might be able to go up to 10 with a bit of furniture moving. Anything to help you all out to keep more money for beer. There are a couple of bars within walking distance from my place and hotels are a quick 10 minute taxi/car ride from them. Any bars downtown are about a 20 minute taxi ride from my place.
So it will be first come first serve for my place.....

Eric.R. - Apr 23, 2009 - 10:51 PM
Post subject:
The car thing is going to be due to the fact that I will most likely be at the lacrosse game in Toronto the night before, making my departure time . . . maybe around 9:30 ~ 10:00 pm so I would be in the area at 4:00 am and there is no point in waiting up for me. Though judging from the last tourney maybe y'all will still be up at that point Razz
Cramy - Apr 24, 2009 - 05:51 AM
Post subject:
Great, thanks a lot Dan.

I'd like to reserve a spot for Glenn, Adam, Mike and I (as Mark already has a spot reserved). Wink

At this point this is the Ottawa crew that I know of.
jrock56 - Apr 24, 2009 - 04:44 PM
Post subject:
I believe Cramy has it right thus far Dan. If you have the space that would be great if it ends up too cramped some of us can stay at a hotel/motel whatever is close and somewhat inexpensive. There may be a few more yet from the Ottawa area as well so stay tuned.

@ Dan/Patrick Go G-MEN tomorrow in the Draft baby!!!!! I feel a playmaking receiver headed our way!
Daggers - May 04, 2009 - 10:27 AM
Post subject:
Sounds good Dan, thanks for the space. Let us know what we need to bring so I can ask Marc-Andre to borrow whatever it is. ;P If not, I am sure we can find a hotel no problem.

I just realized the tournament is in four weeks, and two of the next three weekends are booked up. So I guess I will be working on the Halflings during the week. I could have swore I had more time to work on them. The Iron Chefs will be ready to rock come tournament day.
Taxal - May 09, 2009 - 07:17 PM
Post subject:
The only thing I say is bring a sleeping bag/pillow/blow up mattress(not doll) everything else is cool.
Spazzfist - May 13, 2009 - 09:07 PM
Post subject:
Any chance of the UFC fights on Saturday night?
Taxal - May 17, 2009 - 12:04 PM
Post subject:
If there is some I can find a bar around my place that will be showing the fights.
Spazzfist - May 17, 2009 - 03:56 PM
Post subject:
Less than a week to go!

I am really hoping to be able to make it. The wife is having to have a procedure done, and is seeing the spcialist on Wednesday. My chances of attending all revolve around what happens then.
Clan_Skaven - May 17, 2009 - 04:27 PM
Post subject:
I'm still a maybe.....
Eric.R. - May 17, 2009 - 07:01 PM
Post subject:
It is not looking good for me at this point. My schedule is pretty rough for the next week (between work, playing Lacrosse in Brampton twice that week and some social obligations) that I may be reaching a burn out by that weekend making my mental and physical state questionable. If I do end up coming it will be a last minute thing and you'll now the answer Saturday morning.
jrock56 - May 17, 2009 - 08:26 PM
Post subject:
Hey gents, hope your all doing well and to see a few of you out at the Sweetbun in about 2 weeks. Looks like there will be a decent showing at the tourney from what I've heard. We may need a second vehicle just to get all of us from Ottawa there as it looks like 6 to 8 of us will make it out for this.

Take it easy, see you all shortly.

Spazzfist - May 20, 2009 - 07:34 AM
Post subject:
Huh..... though it was this weekend! Have to try to re-arrange things with the ex so that I am kid free otherwise it is a no-go fo sho!
Taxal - May 21, 2009 - 06:35 PM
Post subject:
Damn ....

Hopefully it all works out Spazz
jrock56 - May 21, 2009 - 09:01 PM
Post subject:
He's just scared to take another whoopin' like last time. Lookin' for a way out huh Spazz? You conveniently forget the date of the tourney...hmmm.....LOL Razz Honestly, hope a few of you can make it out should be good times as always.


PS. Shout out to Rod...HMMMMMM!...HMMMMMMMM!!! in case you all forgot he did that during the entire Qermitt tourney.
Clan_Skaven - May 21, 2009 - 11:42 PM
Post subject:

Sadly due to no job & still waiting on UI I can not make it.... Sorry guys....
Daggers - May 22, 2009 - 11:05 AM
Post subject:
That sucks Rod, waiting on that stuff is brutal. Been through it recently, sadly I found a new job before I ever got a cheque from the government.
Daggers - May 24, 2009 - 11:26 AM
Post subject:
Hey Dan, quick question. The -1 armor roll modifier for the soft ground, is that for ALL armour rolls? I assumed blocks, dodging/falling and TMM I can see, but fouling as well?
Taxal - May 24, 2009 - 02:53 PM
Post subject:
No not on fouling because your already on the ground and its more like your being kicked and the not falling on the ground. So everything other than fouling gives you a -1 armour roll.
Daggers - May 24, 2009 - 07:41 PM
Post subject:
Makes sense, just wanted to make sure. Wasn't clear in the rules.
Spazzfist - May 26, 2009 - 11:55 AM
Post subject:
Looks like I won't be coming out. About 99% sure.

Sorry Dan, would have loved to have come out.
Notorious_jtb - May 26, 2009 - 06:31 PM
Post subject:
I am unfortunately out as well.

Gutted the Kamikazee Squad won't be out there flexing.

Have a great weekend guys!

Daggers - May 27, 2009 - 05:48 AM
Post subject:
Dan, I don't have a sleeping bag, so can I call dibs on a couch or something? I slept on a hardwood floor at Ben's place yeats ago, and swore never to do it again.
Eggball - May 27, 2009 - 08:20 PM
Post subject:
Sorry I have to pull out as well Dan. I've got a family gathering thing that I can't get out of. Hope you guys have a good time.

Spazzfist - May 27, 2009 - 09:08 PM
Post subject:
      Eggball wrote:
Sorry I have to pull out as well Dan. I've got a family gathering thing that I can't get out of. Hope you guys have a good time.


Damn! so I actually would have had a chance for best team! Razz

I am officially 100% out. Family stuff. Long story.

Sorry guys, your whipping boy cannot make it!
Cramy - May 28, 2009 - 03:31 PM
Post subject:
That's too bad Mike and Spazz.

Looks like if Dan is having problems logging onto NAF. If you need to reach him, do it through email or TalkBloodBowl.
Taxal - May 28, 2009 - 07:10 PM
Post subject:
Finally able to get back on......don't have net anymore at home and cannot get on at work. So had to come my sisters place to be able to get the messages. Just got word that Lea and Colin are for sure to come in and they might be coming with a new player. Spazz and Eggball really sucks that you guys cannot make it.It actually looks like no one from the T.O. area will be coming down. Oh well next year I guess. See you all in a few days.
Spazzfist - May 30, 2009 - 10:04 AM
Post subject:
Make sure to give us updates when you have a chance!
Taxal - May 31, 2009 - 02:32 PM
Post subject:
Ok the Sweetbun is over and Pat and myself would like to say a big thank you for everyone that came out to it. We were 12 players and it was some interesting times. I played but was not able to win any of the trophies. The final standings are as follows......
1. Dan Chaput
2. Marc-Andre
3. Nathan
4. Colin Keillar
5. Adam Jones
6. Pat Gilbert
7. Mark D'agostino
8. Manu
9. Andrew
10. Pyt
11. Leathan
12. Peter

Yes you see that right boys...Leathan is 11th. He used my Halfling team and well he had fun at Thanks to the top three tables having ties in the last 2 rounds and us in the middle having wins it gave us the chance to get to the top. I have never seen that many ties before in any tournament.

Again thank you to all, hope you all enjoyed it.


ps: WARNING!!!!! making chilli for everyone for lunch is not a good stench was quity interesting at my place Saturday night and Sunday at the hall
Taxal - May 31, 2009 - 08:49 PM
Post subject:
Best Team- Adam Jones
Most sporting - Pyt
Most TD'S - Marc-Andre (15)
Most CAS'S - Pat Gilbert (15)
Spanking - Peter
Best Stunty - Mark D'agostino
Cramy - Jun 01, 2009 - 05:07 AM
Post subject:
Thanks Dan for hosting the Sweetbun. Had a blast. Hope to make it again next year.
Daggers - Jun 01, 2009 - 05:17 AM
Post subject:
Thanks from me as well Dan. For hosting an awesome tourney and for letting us crash at your place. Thanks to all my opponents for some awesome, if not stressful games.

Damn, I fell too 7th all because of my painting. Oh well, I knew I wasn't going to finish them, but still wanted to bring them anyways. I will say, in my defence, my ranking does not nearly do justice to the fact that I was in the running for three more trophies but missed by the narrowest of margins.
Bjorn9486 - Jun 01, 2009 - 06:27 AM
Post subject:
We would like to thank Dan & Pat for hosting the tournament, Colin for getting us back to the highway, and all the other great players we met there for giving us a great reception; we really enjoyed it and look forward to seeing you guys again soon.

The only thing that I might change would be that the sportsmen ship scores be done at the end; since you can only hand out one "3" score, it was hard for me to decide who was going to get it when I still had games to play, but that is just my 2 cents.
Daggers - Jun 01, 2009 - 09:01 AM
Post subject:
Bjorn, really glad you made the trip hope you can make it out again for some more tourneys.

Dan, can you list the final points for the standings, I am just curious how close it was with the final standings.
Notorious_jtb - Jun 01, 2009 - 04:25 PM
Post subject:

Someone else won their own tournament!!!


jrock56 - Jun 01, 2009 - 08:35 PM
Post subject:
The difference being that Dan from the beginning wasn't taking any trophies so Marc-Andre ended up in 1st and so on down the line.

@ Dan&Pat Thank you for hosting was good times as always my fellow Giants comrades. Besides Dan pulling off the biggest miracle 6 run on dice I have ever seen to cause a tie in our game and end up costing me 1st place you bastard!!! 3 sixes rolled in a row then a single die kapow (another six basically) everything went very well. Just kidding buddy I would have tried the same thing but it wouldn't have worked lol. Thanks for having us at your place too bro...too many f**ked up movies while drinking but it's all good. Sunday morning was a little rough but besides the chilli farts I could manage.

@ Nathan&Andy glad you guys came out man, you should fit right in the tournament scene with a bunch of us if your willing to make the trip on occasion. Take it easy, hope to see you out soon.

Was probably the closest tourney I have ever been a part of for sure, going into the last game 9 of the 12 participants had a chance to win the whole tourney as there were so many ties throughout. (Thanks again Dan Razz ) Was really fun but intense and stressful at the same time as you were never really out of it. Kudos to Mark D playing halflings and not even having a loss all tourney 2 wins and 4 ties with them is a feat in itself.

Take it easy all and hope to see many of you for the Lakeside Cup towards the end of July.


PS If you haven't seen the new dice for 2009 check under the announcement section titled NEW DICE pg 9 I believe. Picture is up...they are sweet!!!![/url]
Daggers - Jun 08, 2009 - 01:06 PM
Post subject:
Any idea when the matches will be inputted into NAF? Just curious to see how high I get in the Halflings rankings.
Notorious_jtb - Jun 08, 2009 - 03:17 PM
Post subject:
      Dwarfrunner wrote:
Any idea when the matches will be inputted into NAF? Just curious to see how high I get in the Halflings rankings.

Best way to predict is to look at the records of the guys you want to catch.

#1 halfling coach has a 9-0-4 record. (this is W-T-L)
However, some of the wins were at a big event therefore worht more!
Daggers - Jun 08, 2009 - 03:47 PM
Post subject:
Thanks for stating the obvious Joe. That was what I was doing, but now I would like some more concrete numbers. I am hoping to get Top 5, but it will be close if I do.
Taxal - Jun 10, 2009 - 05:47 PM
Post subject:
Will be posting the results this weekend.Sorry for the delay guys
Daggers - Jun 19, 2009 - 06:06 AM
Post subject:
Any update there Taxal? Are we waiting for someone to hit the big red button?
Notorious_jtb - Jun 19, 2009 - 06:42 AM
Post subject:
Don't forget to vote in the NAF presidental election guys and gals!
Taxal - Jul 13, 2009 - 05:27 PM
Post subject:
Guys wish to say a big sorry for the seriously long delay on putting up the results. Combination of PC problems and personal problems just made it really hard to input them. I have put them in and just need Joe to make a quick one over on them to make sure they are all good, then the button gets pushed and all will be good.

Sorry again and see you all in a few weeks for the Lakeside.

ps: still have Sweetbun dice from the tourney and I am willing to trade a set of custom dice from any tournament for a set of Sweetbuns. Will also be selling a set for 5$ if anyone wants one.
Daggers - Jul 14, 2009 - 10:22 AM
Post subject:
No worries Taxal, life has a tendency of getting in the way of everything else. But now that they are in, JOE CLICK THE DAMN BUTTON!!
Notorious_jtb - Jul 14, 2009 - 11:23 AM
Post subject:
      Dwarfrunner wrote:
No worries Taxal, life has a tendency of getting in the way of everything else. But now that they are in, JOE CLICK THE DAMN BUTTON!!

not quite ready yet.

also, i don't push the button. I don't have the power!
I just ask
Daggers - Jul 14, 2009 - 11:58 AM
Post subject:
Well, that was anti-climactic. Whoever has the power, PUSH THE BUTTON, when Joe is ready.
Taxal - Aug 19, 2009 - 08:11 PM
Post subject:
well 10 years later and its finally done....
Bjorn9486 - Aug 20, 2009 - 05:13 AM
Post subject:
Dan I'm missing my 2nd game. It was against Colin's son (I think) and he was using dwarves. I remember I won, but I don't know what the TD Delta or CAS Delta was.
Daggers - Aug 20, 2009 - 06:45 AM
Post subject:
I didn't jump as much as I hoped in the rankings. But I am still the #1 HALFLING COACH IN CANADA!!! Fear the halflings
Eric.R. - Aug 20, 2009 - 03:56 PM
Post subject:
And, I am last ½-ling coach Canada (Along with Human, High Elves, Chaos Dwarves and Amazons). But you do not hear me bragging about it . . . Wink

. . . now I am really wondering why I play this game? Rolling Eyes
Taxal - Aug 20, 2009 - 04:24 PM
Post subject:
Nathan Pete is not part of NAF so the game does not get registered. Sucks but it happens bud.

Bjorn9486 - Aug 21, 2009 - 03:31 AM
Post subject:
Ahh, that is fine Dan, I did not know that.
Daggers - Aug 21, 2009 - 07:42 AM
Post subject:
      Eric.R. wrote:
And, I am last ½-ling coach Canada (Along with Human, High Elves, Chaos Dwarves and Amazons). But you do not hear me bragging about it . . . Wink

. . . now I am really wondering why I play this game? Rolling Eyes

Hey, I ain't much better, thats why I find it so ironic that I did well with halflings, but suck with Wood Elves, Norse, Skaven..... etc etc etc.

Hey, you might be last with High Elves, but you still beat me with my Wood Elves, so atleast you beat someone.
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