NAF World Headquarters

Europe - ARBBL Pick'n'Mix Team Event, Andover, 23rd/24th November

Darkson - Feb 27, 2013 - 01:20 PM
Post subject: ARBBL Pick'n'Mix Team Event, Andover, 23rd/24th November
As per the discussion here, this will be a 3-coach team event, with coaches having different races on day 1 and day 2

Final rule pack available to download from the ARBBL Tourney page.

For those that have been to the ARBBL Open, note it will NOT be in the same location, as we're using a different hall.

Event will be NAF ranked, and will be submitted to NAF as soon as I finish the above.

Initially will be limited to 16 teams (48 players), but there is the possibility that we can get another 4 teams in if needed (though will probably need to borrow some tables from somewhere).

All teams need to nominate a captain, who will be responsible for payment for the team, and for submitting rosters to me in advance (date to be confirmed).

Prizes to be confirmed, but will definitely have #1 team, #1 individual coach, and if I can work it out, #1 Stunty player.
Like to thank Jason at Tritex Games and Oli at Hades Games for the prize support.

Finally, I'm happy to book teams as soon as they're ready, but should the event become over-subscribed, I'll have to go on a paid-for system (cost £12,£15 non-NAF).
Darkson - Feb 27, 2013 - 01:20 PM
Post subject:
Darkson (spare player)

Confirmed Teams:

1: Team ARBBL A - Paid
a) MoodyGit
b) ray648
c) Shipley_Dancing_Man

2: Team ARBBL B - Paid
a) TheyDeadDave
b) BigBelcher
c) Pass

3: Exiles A - Paid
a) Tempest
b) Lunchmoney
c) Diesel

4: Exiles Team Tee - Paid
a) DeeTee
b) ceetee
c) Itchen Masack (EeeTee)

5: The Mizfitz - Confirmed
a) Hawk
b) Besters
c) scs.sam

6: Team ECBBL - Confirmed
a) firebreather
b) Vmcat
c) Bsking

7: Team Cakebowl - Paid
a) Sann0638
b) kungfupanda
c) Pinback

8: The Terry Ling's - Confirmed
a) Mattwhile
b) Gazza
c) Lycos

9: Team Chuckle - Spot Confirmed
a) Nobby (looshkin)
b) Cerumol (I think.)
c) CharzHeidi

10. Exiles C - Confirmed
a) monkeynutts
b) ddark
c) irishdave

11. BUBBA - Paid
a) Loki
b) Rubick
c) Eski

12. Team Crumb - PAID
a) Glowworm
b) Be4ch
c) canteloup

13. Team G.O.B.B.L. - Confirmed
a) Hekdar
b) TomClark
c) Verr

14. Team SWAT - Confirmed
a) jecked
b) Spiky
c) Psmiddy

Available spots/unconfirmed teams

15: Team Teutonic





sann0638 - Feb 28, 2013 - 03:08 AM
Post subject:
Stick a team cakebowl on - we should be able to sort something out.
Lycos - Feb 28, 2013 - 04:03 AM
Post subject:
I will ask Matt, Gaz & Craig if we are teaming up. Will see you in two weeks as a four to chat anyway
Darkson - Feb 28, 2013 - 04:30 AM
Post subject:
      Lycos wrote:
I will ask Matt, Gaz & Craig if we are teaming up. Will see you in two weeks as a four to chat anyway

4 men on a 3-man team?
NAF Prez in cheat shocker! Wink
Lycos - Feb 28, 2013 - 05:43 AM
Post subject:
Competitive advantage, its all about finding that tweak in the rules that gives your team the edge and hope no one else spots it.
Darkson - Feb 28, 2013 - 11:39 AM
Post subject:
Link to rules added to OP.
Dave - Mar 01, 2013 - 11:08 AM
Post subject:
you don't know how much I would love to come .. already over there for the NAFC so this one will be out off my league
Darkson - Mar 02, 2013 - 04:32 PM
Post subject:
10 teams already down as interested.
Darkson - Mar 03, 2013 - 03:53 PM
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Make that 15!
Darkson - Mar 24, 2013 - 01:39 PM
Post subject:
Team lists updated in 2nd post.
Darkson - Apr 02, 2013 - 10:37 AM
Post subject:
Sad news. Sad

A technical issue has reared it's ugly head which means I may have to limit this to 16 teams after all. I tried to run a test tournament on Score, and although the help file says it will accept 32 groups, I could only get 16 to input. I've emailed Joris (the creator) about it - hopefully it's me being thick, but if it is limited to 16, the teams that signed up first will get dibs on the places.
Grumbledook - Apr 02, 2013 - 04:13 PM
Post subject:
could run 2 instances of score and split the field into two and then have the 2 halves play off in the final round 1v1 2v2 etc?

obv not ideal but it could make an interesting twist and a work around the problem
sann0638 - Apr 03, 2013 - 12:30 AM
Post subject:
Or make it teams of 6?
Darkson - Apr 06, 2013 - 04:50 PM
Post subject:
No reply from Joris yet (if anyone knows him, please give him a nudge!), so the only workaround I've found (so far is as follows).

I'd have to run two instances of Score next to each other, one where the "coaches" are the team names, the other a regular coach version. I'd draw the team one first, then have to manually go through the regular one to make the actual draw.

Example: Team A meets Team C. I'd have to run down the results list to find the first coach from Team A and Team C, and manually match them, so on for the 2nd and 3rd coaches from each team. Then move on to the 2nd match up etc.

Now, this is doable, but if I did it this way, it's going to be a lot of work for me between rounds and I would have to be strict on the timings of the games.

I know people get annoyed when their games are called for time (especially as everyone says "it's not my fault, my opponent has been playing slow"), but if I go with the "more teams than Score can handle", I will need to.

So I'm asking a genuine question (assuming I don't hear from Joris and/or the answer is it only handles 16):
Which would you, the coaches paying to come, perfer - capping it to 16 teams (and I'd give 1st dibs to the first 16 teams on the list), or going to the 20 the hall can hold, but playing with a strict time limit (2hrs 15mins, to give me at least 15 mins to sort out a draw)?

      sann0638 wrote:
Or make it teams of 6?

I'd rather not - with teams of 6, I'd really need 5 "stand by" players if a team doesn't show. At least with an odd team of 3, I can make the bottom 3 teams play mised together (yes, I know I can do it with bigger teams, but I'm trying to limit the manual input to avoid mistakes where possible [see above]).
Darkson - Jun 12, 2013 - 11:12 AM
Post subject:
Time for an update. Score now wants to play ball (no idea what the issue was!), so this is now a 20 team event, so there's a spot for (at least) one more squad.
Darkson - Jul 16, 2013 - 10:42 AM
Post subject:
Finally (! Rolling Eyes ) updated the first page with a correct list of teams.

There are 7 spots, either with unconfirmed teams or spaces - ideally I'd like at least one more team, just to make the draw easier each round ( Embarassed ).
Tojurub - Jul 22, 2013 - 03:39 AM
Post subject:
There is a 50% chance that I can field a Bavarian Team.... I'll keep you updated
Darkson - Jul 22, 2013 - 12:56 PM
Post subject:
Cool. I'll try and answer your questions when I get some time off work later this week.

But briefly, if anyone has used a B&B/hotel in the Andover area (for the ARBBL for example) could you let Tojurub have the details and costs. Also if anyone knows the easiest way from Stansted to Andover, and costs for that.
Tojurub - Jul 23, 2013 - 10:53 PM
Post subject:
Accomodation is the bigger problem....transportation seems to be easy Wink
Darkson - Jul 25, 2013 - 05:55 AM
Post subject:
      firebreather on TFF wrote:
Ah yes the 'Quality' Hotel, tbh its fine, ive stayed in better and stayed in worse. Does require a flashlight if your trying to get there on foot in the dark Laughing If someone want to re-post that on the NAF site for Tojurub feel free, i no longer have a membership.
Darkson - Jul 27, 2013 - 01:29 PM
Post subject:
Team SWAT added.
Darkson - Sep 11, 2013 - 02:06 AM
Post subject:
Url change to our tournament page:
Darkson - Sep 17, 2013 - 05:45 PM
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After many questions, and realising I might not get time to check completely, please ignore the restrictions on Stars for Stunty Cup teams. All teams may take 0-1 Stars from their respective lists.
Darkson - Oct 05, 2013 - 08:31 AM
Post subject:
7 weeks to go, and still room for last minute sign up.

For the captains, if you haven't already, can you please look at paying the remainder of the money.
Darkson - Oct 20, 2013 - 02:15 PM
Post subject:
Like to thank Jason at Tritex Games and Oli at Hades Games for the prize support.
Darkson - Nov 12, 2013 - 09:33 AM
Post subject:
PM sent to all captains regarding team choices.

I'm a f&$^ing muppet! I knew something had been bugging me about having an odd number of teams, but it's taken me till today to finally see the problem. With an odd number, I'll be mixing the bottom 3 teams each round by hand, but that leaves me with a spare player.

Obviously, it's not fair to make someone miss a game each round, so I'll play if need be.

So this is a shout out - if there's anyone without a team that would like to play as the "spare" player, please get in touch ASAP. Obviously, you won't be able to win the team award( Wink ), but I can make sure the draw if fair based on results, so you will be in contention for the normal individual awards (single winner, most TDs etc).
So if you know anyone who's available, give them a nudge - spot is open on a first come, first served basis (unless I get 3 people interested, in which case they can make a team!).
Darkson - Nov 12, 2013 - 10:54 AM
Post subject:
Sorted - Blocknroll's going to play rounds 2-6, I'll play round 1.
Darkson - Nov 17, 2013 - 02:43 AM
Post subject:
The plan is to try and keep some sort of update during the day, but will really depend on whether I have to play more than just game 1.

If I can, Twitter will be @arbblBB, most likely on the new ARBBL Facebook account and (if I've configured it properly) on the ARBBL FB page.

Won't be on G+, as I can't find a way to get twitter to post to it (seems Google doesn't like that idea... Rolling Eyes ).

Of course, being a bit of a luddite, none of the above might work...
Darkson - Nov 19, 2013 - 02:43 AM
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Remember - it's a different venus from the ARBBL Open! If you turn up at the worng hall, I won't have the time to come and find you. Wink
Darkson - Nov 23, 2013 - 12:31 PM
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For those that aren't following on Twitter, of the 80 rosters for the event, the most popular is Goblin with 10 teams, followed by Ogre (Cool and Khemri (6). There are no Wood Elf or Lizardman teams! Surprised

After round 6, the scores on the doors...


And to point out, the Spare Parts team is just Blocknroll, and he's only played 2 games (the ARBBL A team would be ashamed, if it wasn't expected!).

Races in attendance:

Darkson - Nov 24, 2013 - 02:50 PM
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And it's all over....
Darkson - Nov 24, 2013 - 02:50 PM
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Edit - no idea why the links aren't working, they're showing on TFF....
Darkson - Nov 25, 2013 - 05:29 AM
Post subject:
Discussion thread is up:
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