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Strategy and Tactics - Human Tourney Team

Khaine - Sep 08, 2003 - 08:42 PM
Post subject: Human Tourney Team
Looking for a good balanced human team for an upcoming 5 Game tourney with teams being reset after each game(Ladder). Was thinking something like this...

2 Catchers
1 Thrower
2 Blitzers
7 Lineman
1 FF


2 Catchers
1 Thrower
2 Blitzers
8 Lineman
1 FF

There will be three skills at the begining of the tourney, And I am thinking 3 blocking lineman. Any other Suggestions?

I am limited on my Availible models to combinations of the above Smile also have one more thrower, but I don't have a very good passing game.
Gertwise - Sep 08, 2003 - 10:41 PM
Post subject:
I vote for the 1st one. 5 TRR will come in more handy than 13 players.
Khaine - Sep 08, 2003 - 11:30 PM
Post subject: Assistant Coaches
This being my first Ever GW tourney, is there any point to coaching staff or cheerleaders, or are they a waste of gold?
JessicaDeJong - Sep 09, 2003 - 01:28 AM
Post subject:

This being my first Ever GW tourney, is there any point to coaching staff or cheerleaders, or are they a waste of gold?

Waste of gold in game terms (usually), but it gives you the chance to show off you modeling and painting skills a bit more and gets your team noticed, so I usually take some! Smile
Doubleskulls - Sep 09, 2003 - 02:20 AM
Post subject:
Cheerleaders & Coaches are a waste of money.

My personal preference would be for

5 Line
2 Catchers
1 Thrower
4 Blitzers
3 FF

Lots of TRR are good, but when you've got skills like Sure Hands, Dodge & Catch you aren't using them too much.

Do you get any skills after the 1st 3?

If not I'd take Tackle on a blitzer, Strip Ball on another blitzer and one of: accurate on the thrower
kick on a line
dirty player on a line
block on a catcher.

If you do get more skills I'd take block on both catchers and tackle on one of the blitzers.
Indigo - Sep 09, 2003 - 02:52 AM
Post subject:
I took 4 blitzers to the BB and gave them all guard - worked REALLY well once I had 2 of them with it, but in hindsight I'd give at least one blitzer strip ball. Block on my catcher worked really well but I gave it too late for it to be any good.

I only took 1 catcher and paid for it - 2 are essential.
I'm taking the exact same team Ian has described above to cambridge so I'll let you know how it works out.
lackey - Sep 09, 2003 - 03:06 AM
Post subject:
Would it not be better to take an apothocary instead of the 12th lineman?

I'm considering taking a human team to cambridge as well

3 line
3 catchers
1 thrower
4 blitzers
1 aptho
3 trr
1 ff

though I'm worried that 3 st2 players may make this quite weak in defence. Perhaps take an extra thrower instead.
Indigo - Sep 09, 2003 - 03:11 AM
Post subject:
I toyed with the idea of taking a 3rd catcher, but had the same reservations.
Darkson - Sep 09, 2003 - 04:22 AM
Post subject:
IMO, a apoth is a better purchase in a tourney than a 50k lineman, but I know other disagree.
Doubleskulls - Sep 09, 2003 - 05:57 AM
Post subject:
I took a 3rd catcher to Amsterdam, but decided it was a waste of money and the 20k would be better in FF.

As for the apoth - well the argument is tight but I just don't like them (failed 4/5 in my 1st tournament) so I'd rather have extra players.
Tutenkharnage - Sep 09, 2003 - 06:18 AM
Post subject:
The longer the tournament, the less valuable the Apothecary becomes. Remember, they generally come into play only in the event of a casualty - and even then, only if you can roll a 2 or better on your D6. In a 4-game tournament, the odds of passing all four D6 rolls are less than 50%. And you might not even have occasion to use the Apothecary if you suffer a lot of knockouts - but the 12th player is always a good, solid bet to replace an injured player.

Regarding skills, focus on Accurate, Guard, and another Guard to start. Get Strip Ball shortly after that. Get Dirty Player as well.

And where's the Ogre? I'm surprised no one's suggest a lineup that features one.

Indigo - Sep 09, 2003 - 06:25 AM
Post subject:
I was going to have one, but it meant I only had 11 players and I felt I suffered at the BB because of it.

What I DID have in mind was

1 Ogre - 120k
4 Blitzers - 360k
1 Thrower - 70k
2 Catchers - 140k
3 Linemen - 150k
3 RR - 150k
1 FF

I could drop a RR to get a lineman maybe... whaddya think?
Deathwing - Sep 09, 2003 - 07:39 AM
Post subject:
Longfang had good success running with 3 catchers in 1,100K tournies, depends on your style I suppose.

With regards to apoth v. extra lineman, I like the apoth. Reasons are the options it brings. It's all very well having an extra lineman to bring on when your Guard Blitzer or sole Thrower is in the BH box, but I'd rather have the option of protecting my key positional players.
I've also been known to use my apoth on a KO or even a stun (on the last turn of a half) if putting a player face up means the difference between the chance of scoring or preventing a TD. And the longer you go in a game without using the apoth the greater scope you have to use it in this manner. If you're down to the last few turns then why not use it on a KO?
A man in the reserves box won't help you any then.

In a environment where teams reset, an apoth is much more of a 'throwaway' option than in a league where it makes more sense to save them for SIs.
Darkson - Sep 09, 2003 - 07:48 AM
Post subject:
Have to agree with DW. I had a apoth for the BB (with a skaven team), and I was glad I did for keeping the SV, GR or thower on the pitch
Khankill - Sep 09, 2003 - 10:04 AM
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I like the 12th man. It more "I got caught fouling" insurance than anything else for me.
Khaine - Sep 09, 2003 - 12:33 PM
Post subject:
Wow lots of great options, I am limited by minatures also. Alot of places don't have minature singles and I'm not inclined to pay 40 dollars to add a couple lineman to a team I will be playing mainly for the experience of being at a tourney. I think I will be taking team A. Why would block not be a good option?? I don't believe we are getting skills after the first match as it said team roster would be "reset". I will write and get clarification on this.
Deathwing - Sep 09, 2003 - 02:06 PM
Post subject:
Pretty certain I've got a coupla buckshee 3e plastic linemen kicking around somewhere. Yours if you want them. Buzz me a mail or pm.
Khaine - Sep 09, 2003 - 06:49 PM
Post subject:
Thanks for the offer but I actually went out and bought another BB set. Mine has been through a flood which means it's perty dang yucky. I figure this way I have my own dice templates etc to bring and don't have to worry about not having something. Also depending on how industrious I feel <20 days to paint a team is enough of a headache for me> I may preview my Wooden BB field/Display Case/Game and Minature Caddy. Wish me luck Smile.
Hangus - Sep 10, 2003 - 03:02 AM
Post subject:
i would go with the extra lineman rather than the apoc only because i'm mine has failed too many times, but then again he is a norse apoc.

thrower " arrrgh i think i've broke my leg"
Norse Apoc " mmmm broken leg eh mmmmm I know have some beer"
Khaine - Sep 10, 2003 - 04:37 PM
Post subject:
Chuckle I'm sure to not take an appoth actually going to try to do a 4 blitzer one thrower team with extra lineman. My apoth rolls as of late have been 1's and more 1's so Smile. I also think the extra blocking will greatly help me as I have more of a bashy style suited more to dwarves then to humans but I figure getting creamed in one tourney will be fun then I can opt for a dorf team . Pow
Indigo - Sep 19, 2003 - 01:07 AM
Post subject:
I'm still undecided. TR 100 and do I take:

4 Blitzers
2 Catchers
1 Thrower
5 Linemen
3 RR
3 FF


4 Blitzers
1 Ogre
2 Catchers
1 Thrower
4 Linemen
2 RR
1 FF

I suspect the first is more balanced...
Doubleskulls - Sep 19, 2003 - 02:59 AM
Post subject:
I'd want 3 TRR, but 4 Blitzers & the Ogre are very tempting to give you an excellent bashing capability.
Indigo - Oct 02, 2003 - 09:18 AM
Post subject:
OK now I've got to make a TR110 human team

The two rosters I'm considering are:

Roster A
4 x Blitzer
2 x Catcher
2 x Thrower
5 x Linemen
3 RR
Roster B
1 x Ogre
4 x Blitzer
2 x Catcher
1 x Thrower
5 x Linemen
3 x RR
1 x FF

Since I expect to be facing either finesse teams with a few skilled players (multiple WD/GR) or bashy teams with strength in depth, I figured roster A would give me

Pow 13 players - good for when the casualties roll in, and as CamCarnage showed they DID roll in and I suffered.
Pow Lots of players with skills - should even the playing field somewhat against elf/skaven teams?
Pow Good FF/RR - speaks for itself.

I'm leaning heavily toward this one, although the Ogre in roster B is awfully tempting as it could offer a superb strength advantage against the elf/skaven teams and go some way to evening the playing field against Undead/Orc. I'm dreading facing an Orc team with 4 Black Orcs, and Ogre and 3 or 4 Blitzers... and it seems that Roster B would be better equipped to deal with that.

Can anyone else spot any additional pros or cons for these rosters, or maybe suggest others? It's my last tournament this year, and the last for my humans so I want them to go out in a blaze of glory Smile
Doubleskulls - Oct 02, 2003 - 09:49 AM
Post subject:
I think I'd take

2 Blitzers
2 Catchers
1 Thrower
6 Linemen
4 FF

I like having the Ogre to give some beef against the bashy teams.
Tutenkharnage - Oct 02, 2003 - 10:19 AM
Post subject:
I was just about to suggest Doubleskull's roster. Two Blitzers can cover the backfield on defense; the Ogre plays the middle. You need only one Thrower. (If he gets hurt, send a Lineman.)

Tutenkharnage - Oct 02, 2003 - 10:21 AM
Post subject:
At TR 110, play with any of the following:

* Re-roll, Blitzer upgrade, FF
* Lineman, Blitzer upgrade, FF
* Lineman, re-roll
* Lineman, FF

Sub "Apothecary" for "Lineman" as desired. Heck, just add an Apothecary and a Lineman if you're worried about depth.

Indigo - Oct 02, 2003 - 11:59 AM
Post subject:
So Roster C is now:

1 x Ogre
3 x Blitzer
2 x Catcher
1 x Thrower
5 x Linemen
4 x RR
5 x FF

I can't see the point in adding a re-roll though - the fan factor 5 means you are standing a good chance of winning a RR based KO table result, but I already have 4 so 5 would be too much. This means

1 x Ogre
3 x Blitzer
2 x Catcher
1 x Thrower
6 x Linemen
3 x RR
5 x FF

seems a more balanced option. I still think I'd prefer the extra skills on the field from a thrower upgrade (-2FF) but I'm not sure.
What about skill progression? My original opinion was to take guard on all 4 blitzers, but that failed at the BB so I tried to vary the skill choices at CC and ended up getting it wrong.

What skills, to whom, when and why?

I think tackle & strip ball will be useful on blitzers (and when I planned on having 4 blitzers I figured two with each skill), although if my first 4 skills were given to my blitzers it might be to the detriment of block/sure hands on my catchers - sure hands to guard against strip ballers.

so many choices :-/
Darkson - Oct 02, 2003 - 12:30 PM
Post subject:
Can I just suggest swapping a lineman from D for a apothecary? Just a personal choice.
Doubleskulls - Oct 02, 2003 - 05:09 PM
Post subject:
      Indigo wrote:
I can't see the point in adding a re-roll though - the fan factor 5 means you are standing a good chance of winning a RR based KO table result

Cheering fans is only 1/9 chance per kick off. Even if you always win I reckon at most you are getting 1/2 TRR per game - and a proportion of those will be too late.

At 110 I'd probably take all 4 blitzers and either the 4th TRR, an apoth or lots of fans. If this is for Spikey I'd not worry about the fans as there is less potential for devasting Pitch Invasions.
Indigo - Oct 03, 2003 - 02:19 AM
Post subject:
It is for spiky, which means I can't take an apoth either.
Darkson - Oct 03, 2003 - 03:58 PM
Post subject:
D'uh, right you are Embarassed
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