NAF World Headquarters

North America - No Spike it would seem...

Bikerbob - Jul 15, 2005 - 01:34 PM
Post subject: No Spike it would seem...
Looks like there is no spike this year???

I have talked to the people at GW Canada (Bunker) and they have no info,

Since the departure of Anthony Watts it would seem that BB is not something that anyone seems to be working on.

Oh well.. I will have to keep saving for Death Bowl!!! Mr. Green

majortusk - Jul 19, 2005 - 05:29 PM
Post subject:
come on down for the Naggaroth Cup Smile

suprisingly prize support by GW
Hoshi_Komi - Jul 19, 2005 - 05:57 PM
Post subject:
maybe GENCON should become the SPIKE Smile
Old_Man_Monkey - Jul 19, 2005 - 07:33 PM
Post subject:
or the Canadian Open, if we're trying to keep it to separate countries...

just more evidence that the NAF should be running the majors - assigning the tourneys and coordinating the promotion and organization...

so sad...
Bikerbob - Jul 19, 2005 - 08:03 PM
Post subject:
Hopefully Canadian Open will be ok dokie for this comming year.

Anthony was the driving force behind that tournament as well, and he has offically left TBBF (though he says he will drop in at times) and other of the more public and outgoing members have at least said they are on "Break" from BB, lets hope for TBBF (which I am a member) and the Canadian Open, which our group runs that this is only a break, or that us new group of players can find enough stout hands to pitch in and run it.

Hoshi_Komi - Jul 19, 2005 - 08:15 PM
Post subject:
As long as there is a Spike....

U guys should just grab the trophy and run it yourselves....who's to stop you? Take it on Bikerbob.....
Paul - Jul 20, 2005 - 06:04 AM
Post subject:
James, where have you been? the TBBF is going strong still. We had 8 people out last week, 5 games. New members are joining up left right and center.
Ben - Jul 20, 2005 - 08:39 AM
Post subject:
Hopefully i will get the opportunity to run the Canadian Open this year. I plan on doing a lot for the tourney this year such as t-shirts and custom boards.

I just need to talk to Anthony to gey the particulars.

Maybe changing the Canadian Open to the Spike is an idea if GW doesn't want to support it.

Hoshi_Komi - Jul 20, 2005 - 08:43 AM
Post subject:
well how about u guys throw a September Spike...then convert your Canadian Open to the Spike....that way a year isn't lost....
Bikerbob - Jul 20, 2005 - 10:23 AM
Post subject:
Well that is something we should consider.

I agree we need at least 2 tournaments a year... one early and one later around Sept.

Yes Paul.. I know.. and I only missed one week btw!!! Wink

I will be there tomorrow...

What about you Ben? Think you can get out Thursday? Maybe then as a group we should spend 20mins and see about this stuff?

Spazzfist - Jul 20, 2005 - 10:45 AM
Post subject:
I would be willing to help out - maybe we can make this a Hammers of the North thing, or TBBF - I'm not fussed. Just hate to think that there will be no Spike! I am going to be speaking to the "Hobby Champion" at the Oakville GW Battle Bunker, and see what I can get out of him.

Deathwing - Jul 20, 2005 - 05:06 PM
Post subject:
I'm looking into this, see what we (as an organisation) can do to make the Spike! go ahead in some form, may need some of you guys to step up to the plate and help make this happen. I'll post and keep ypu informed.
Bikerbob - Jul 20, 2005 - 05:28 PM
Post subject:
Just so everyone is aware I have talked to Andrew Sinclair (GW) and he says he will see how this event fits into GWs current projects and get back to me within 2 weeks. We can go from there if we are doing this with their support or on our own (NAF tournament of course) Wink

Thanks Woody, I am very local to GW office (10mins) so if you want a local contact I have no problem in helping out in this way.

GalakStarscraper - Jul 20, 2005 - 09:53 PM
Post subject:
To me ... and granted this is just me.

One of the NAF's prime missions should be to keep the Majors alive. So thanks Woody for putting this on your plate.

CyberHare - Jul 22, 2005 - 03:21 AM
Post subject:
If we are going to pick up the Spike and save it from it's demise then let's at least move it to the Spring. It makes no sense to have both North American Majors in tha fall. Besides there's already a major event in October, The Death Bowl.
Xtreme - Jul 22, 2005 - 03:44 AM
Post subject:
A move to the spring would be ideal for me, and i'm sure i'm not the only one.
bampf - Jul 26, 2005 - 11:11 AM
Post subject:
The store I partly own has a close relationship with GW Promotions (which is why we ran BB tourneys at GT Baltimore and Games Day Baltimore). The GW folks have asked us what it would take to make the GT Baltimore tourney the premiere US BloodBowl event. Moving the Spike there may be a fairly logical thing to do... it s already an established event, with a venue and heavy GW involvement.

I can speak to some of our GW contacts and see what they think. Opinions?
Old_Man_Monkey - Jul 26, 2005 - 11:41 AM
Post subject:
Tell them the decision about which countries and venues was originally determined by Jervis and the Specialist staff. Perhaps Tom (Galak) and the rest of us could talk to Jervis while he's attending GenCon and mention that if GW-Canada are not willing to carry on with the event, there are other sites and people interested in picking it up as a major.

Changing a major, particularly the country, should not be considered or done lightly or haphazardly - I know the great stuff you guys have done in Baltimore, bampf, and if there is not a Canadian follow-through, then you guys should be viewed as front runners along with several other preemminent existing tourneys, in North America and in Europe...

just my thoughts....
bampf - Jul 26, 2005 - 01:06 PM
Post subject:
Fair enough. I agree. Just putting it out there as much of the support structure is already there and having GW-US HQ in the backyard makes logistics easier.

In any case, an East Coast US major in Baltimore would be a nice addition, Spike or otherwise.
Deathwing - Jul 26, 2005 - 01:23 PM
Post subject:
I did in fact discuss this in person with Jervis at the BB.

Been back in contact with JJ, now waiting for the official word from GW Canada.

Current possibilities:
(In order of preference of both JJ (who has the final say) and myself)

i) Step in and assist GW Canada in terms of running the actual event while they take care of tickets, venue etc. This is obviously dependent on the extent that GW Canada are prepared to work hand in hand with us.

ii) The NAF runs it's first Major as an independent event (preferably in Canada).

iii) Assign it to an existing tourney elsewhere.

This in a lot of ways is a crucial point in terms of the NAF's history and future. We're committed to making the Spike! happen in some form, we're going to need some members to step up but there is full support behind this from the top. I'm confident in the strength of this organisation to get done what needs to be done.

Bikerbob, please keep me updated. Thanks bampf, agree that option iii) would be in many ways easiest, but it's not the ideal scenario at this point.

Thanks all.
Colin - Jul 26, 2005 - 03:33 PM
Post subject:
Just remember that if it can't (or won't) be done in Toronto, that doesn't exclude the rest of the country. It should be possible to host a major in Alberta (either Calgary or Edmonton) or BC (Vancouver).
snew - Jul 26, 2005 - 05:16 PM
Post subject:
Vancouver BC! Please! It's only 4 or 5 hours away.
Xtreme - Jul 26, 2005 - 09:31 PM
Post subject:
Have to say I'm pulling for option ii.
Darkson - Jul 27, 2005 - 12:00 PM
Post subject:
Wasn't there talk of a 5th major being added in to cater for Oz?

Maybe they could have Spike! as a one-off (to start with)?
Xtreme - Jul 27, 2005 - 09:51 PM
Post subject:
If you want to get them more in line with fluff I would think you would move the spike to US and have the Chaos Cup travel. there are plenty of places deserving of a Major. Canada, Australia, Spain etc etc.
Spazzfist - Jul 28, 2005 - 01:09 PM
Post subject:
I just spoke with the Andrew Sinclair of GW Canada and he has just informed me that they intend now to hold the Spike! at the GW Games Day in May of 2006.

Hope that this is not too much of a disappointment for people looking forward to it this fall.
Melifaxis - Jul 28, 2005 - 01:22 PM
Post subject:
Games Day 2006 has scheduled for May 27th, 2006.

Games Day has been scheduled at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre for Saturday, May 27th, 2006. This Games Day will cap off the 2005-2006 Hall of Heroes season, ended with the Grand Tournament.

A huge variety of events will be taking place including bring and battle gaming, open gaming, show up and play tables, painting and terrain clinics, and a variety of secret projects that we shall reveal throughout the season.

With all the time leading up to Golden Demon, we are expecting one of the best turnouts of stunningly painted miniatures. Get to work now, the competition will be fierce for the coveted Golden Demon Slayer Sword.
CyberHare - Jul 29, 2005 - 04:54 AM
Post subject:
Well at least it's in the spring.
Old_Man_Monkey - Jul 29, 2005 - 07:40 AM
Post subject:
so no Spike for '05?
Spazzfist - Jul 29, 2005 - 09:49 AM
Post subject:
      Old_Man_Monkey wrote:
so no Spike for '05?

It would seem not.....

Unless something is put together indpendently. I would be willing to lend a hand to Bikerbob to get things going. But from my conversation with GW it does not sound like they are going to be very helpful. They are too focussed on their Conflict event that is happening in September.

Questions remaining:
1) Are we (anyone) still going to have an '05 Spike!?
2) When should we do this?
3) Will it still be done in the Toronto area?
4) What should the cut off date be to declare whether or not it will happen (as people still have to make plans to attend or not)

All in all this makes me more disillusioned with GW than ever. I totally support the idea that NAF should shoulder the responsibility of running the majors. Gw is obviously more interested in hooking the pocked-faced teens into games of 40K and Fantasy, running their inane mega battles while making their screechy WAAAGH! noises intermittently. Sorry if I sound bitter. Evil or Very Mad

KarlLagerbottom - Jul 29, 2005 - 12:59 PM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
...making their screechy WAAAGH! noises intermittently...

Sort of sounds like you at Spike! 2004. Smile
Melifaxis - Jul 29, 2005 - 01:32 PM
Post subject:
Throwing something against the wall, but Deathbowl is an established tourney in Canada in the fall. Make it the Spike! for one year if Brian is willing.
Spazzfist - Jul 29, 2005 - 01:45 PM
Post subject:
Just my own opinion here, but I think that it would suck to turn the Deathbowl into the Spike!.

The Deathbowl is an established tournament with it's own distinct flavour, and to be honest I enjoyed it far more than the Spike! last year (even if my WAAAGH! was a bit screechy - thanks rob)

I say leave the Deathbowl as the Deathbowl, and let the Spike! be some other tourney some other time.

My two cents
KarlLagerbottom - Jul 29, 2005 - 04:16 PM
Post subject:
Sorry Spazz...but now worries...I think even Azhag might have had a screechy WAAAGH after two straight days


P.S. And while we are reminiscing "...PICK UP THE DAMN BALL!!!..."

Laughing Mr. Green Laughing

EDIT: I also strongly agree here with Spazz...Brian (Cyberhare) has earned the right to maintain the identity and integrity of his event. I'm sure that we all want the Majors to be successful, but until the NAF, or we, officially control them...let them sink or swim with GW. Until then...let the successfull events that our members organize take precedence.

Given Cyberhare's experience and trackrecord, maybe we should have him be on point for organizing a seperate event. Assuming that he would want the responsibility; he has worked in an official capacity at one of GW's majors. I think he was a referee at the Blood Bowl in 2003 and travelled on his own dime. That should speak for something with JJ. (Or whoever is running the Blood Bowl show at this point.)
Melifaxis - Jul 29, 2005 - 04:46 PM
Post subject:
I wasn't suggesting Brian change a thing, but that it count as a major (Spike!) for 2005. Just food for thought.
Spazzfist - Jul 29, 2005 - 06:38 PM
Post subject:
I understand what you are saying Mel, but I still think that Brian has earned the right to make the deathbowl his own thing, and not superimpose the Spike! major on it.

also, my understanding is that with some of these bigger events (the Majors and the Canadian open for example) that people are the BB purists and would not appreciate playing in major that had one round of BB7's and a round of four way deathbowl!

I would be disappointed if there was no Spike! tourney this year, but I would rather organize something separate. Which brings up the issue of the four questions I asked earlier.....
Clan_Skaven - Jul 29, 2005 - 09:38 PM
Post subject:
I know make the Challenge or Q'rmit the SPIKE! Wink

Sorry Spazz I couldn't resist!
Hoshi_Komi - Jul 29, 2005 - 09:39 PM
Post subject:
I'm holding the SPike '05 in my basement this weekend....hope you guys can make it Wink
Clan_Skaven - Jul 29, 2005 - 09:43 PM
Post subject:
      gken1 wrote:
I'm holding the SPike '05 in my basement this weekend....hope you guys can make it Wink

Sorry Ken I cant, but as far as the SPIKE goes I'd have to attend. Last years SPIKE was my best Tourney ever, 3W 2L 1T 16th/38 A winning record & my 1st, 2nd, & 3rd NAF wins!

Spazzfist - Jul 29, 2005 - 09:46 PM
Post subject:
      gken1 wrote:
I'm holding the SPike '05 in my basement this weekend....hope you guys can make it Wink

But what will your parents say? Wink
Old_Man_Monkey - Jul 30, 2005 - 04:04 AM
Post subject:
      Clan-Skaven wrote:
... Last years SPIKE was my best Tourney ever, 3W 2L 1T 16th/38 A winning record & my 1st, 2nd, & 3rd NAF wins!


and we all were SO relieved.... Wink
Clan_Skaven - Jul 30, 2005 - 06:14 AM
Post subject:
      Old_Man_Monkey wrote:
      Clan-Skaven wrote:
... Last years SPIKE was my best Tourney ever, 3W 2L 1T 16th/38 A winning record & my 1st, 2nd, & 3rd NAF wins!


and we all were SO relieved.... Wink

Ya I guess my ranting & whining was a bit much Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad

But I thought it was all in good fun....

OMM are you able to attend the Death-Bowl? I really wanted to attend the GEN-CON, but unfortunately I got fired from the Casino so I can't afford it.

If there is a SPIKE will you attend that?

CyberHare - Jul 30, 2005 - 06:29 AM
Post subject:
      KarlLagerbottom wrote:
I'm sure that we all want the Majors to be successful, but until the NAF, or we, officially control them...let them sink or swim with GW. Until then...let the successfull events that our members organize take precedence.

Precisely. They've already all but hung themselves. Leave them with their rope and they'll finish the job.

      KarlLagerbottom wrote:
Given Cyberhare's experience and trackrecord, maybe we should have him be on point for organizing a seperate event. Assuming that he would want the responsibility;

I'd be drawn and quartered by the wife if she ever found out I was organizing another big BB event Smile Not that I wouldn't be interested in the job though. It would depend on the circumstances. If the event was still attached to GW and they had financial control or final say about the event then I wouldn't touch it. If the NAF was handed the event (and the trophy) and GW could not simply yank it back at will, then I'd think about it.

As for making the Death Bowl the Spike! I don't think anyone believes I'm going to do that Wink The Death Bowl is a unique event. Now in light of the fact that this year there won't be a Spike!. If people would like to count the Death Bowl as a major for points standings that is up to the NAF. I'll neither ask for nor seek such a status. It would not turn down the offer though. It is agreed that it would suck if there were no Canadian "major" this year if only from a points standings point of view. I will not however be tacking "Spike!" onto my tournament anywhere Wink It would be The Death Bowl through and through and would have to be counted as such as a major.
Hoshi_Komi - Jul 30, 2005 - 12:44 PM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
      gken1 wrote:
I'm holding the SPike '05 in my basement this weekend....hope you guys can make it Wink

But what will your parents say? Wink

seeing as they live on the other side of the countyr....probably not much Wink

but the results for the spike '05 are in!!

Looks like everyone was afraid of the Desert Kings and decided to just let them win it this year Smile

Melifaxis - Jul 30, 2005 - 03:33 PM
Post subject:
You didn't say when this weekend. Voodoo is on the way Wink
Bikerbob - Aug 02, 2005 - 11:07 AM
Post subject:
The offical reply from GW (Canada) on Spike this calendar year.

-----Original Message-----
At 02:10 PM 28/07/2005 -0400, you wrote:

>Hi guys! I looked into the Spike tournament and we will be hosting it
>Games Day in May 2006. I will have plenty more details as the event
>approaches, but for now spread the word. I will also look into a web
>announcement for everyone. Any questions just give me a call.

From: James Schofield []
Sent: August 1, 2005 11:19 PM
To: Andrew Sinclair
Subject: Re: Spike Tournament 05-06 season

OK,,,,,,,,,, but what about 2005? Is that just going to be lost?

Would be nice to have one this year.. then continue next year in May.

Would you be able to allow us to run it this year at the Bunker then


Andrew's reply to me today was this...

>HI James. The intent was to hold the tournament on a seasonal basis, and
>the current season for Games Workshop events is 05-06. Kinda like
>hockey. So This upcoming Spike event is the 2005 event.

SO it would seem there will be no SPike in 2005, but will next year in 2006... making it a year and a half in between. Also it will seem we will have to pay GAMES DAY EVENT ticket prices for SPIKE usually about $100 CDN... but still PRETTY EXPENSIVE.

Crying or Very sad Rolling Eyes
KarlLagerbottom - Aug 02, 2005 - 11:11 AM
Post subject:
Ok, so then by that logic, I guess that there was no 2004 Spike!

Wow...that really is like Hockey!

I hope that Andrew and his mates are careful or they may also see a 24% roll-back on their salaries.

CyberHare - Aug 02, 2005 - 02:06 PM
Post subject:
They don't actually get payed. They do it for the pure joy of geekdom. Laughing
Bikerbob - Aug 03, 2005 - 08:00 AM
Post subject:
Oh well... saving money for Montreal... hmmm... very smart I idea...

Did someone give me that idea??

twist - Aug 04, 2005 - 11:06 PM
Post subject:
Aren't Games Days a one day event? Hopefully like they do with some of the US tourneys, they will add in the friday night or something! AHHH!!!

Last time there was a tourney at a games day, it was complete crap, and had all the games crammed into one day....

The last thing I want to see is the SPIKE! leave Canada. Brian already has the Deathbowl established, and here in Toronto we have the Canadian Open thats been going forever, well before NAFs creation. Its been through a few name changes throughout the years (used to be the Pandamonium Cup and Orion Cup). Ben (our Canuck NAF guy) is running the show this year, and has the rest of the TBBF to help him out. If GW drop the ball with the SPIKE!, we can replace the Canadian Open with it. The Toronto Convention we hold it at has already told us we can have as much space as we want, if it gets enough interest we'll just get a larger room set aside for us.
GalakStarscraper - Aug 05, 2005 - 08:19 AM
Post subject:
I fully support the decision to make the Death Bowl count as the major for this year. I also agree with Twist that if the Spike dies ... the Canadian Open should assume the title.

CyberHare - Aug 05, 2005 - 08:33 AM
Post subject:
The other problem with games day is that it's going to be increadibly expensive. If it's going to be a one day event that's upward of $100 to attend they might as well not hold the event. Who's going to go?
Old_Man_Monkey - Aug 05, 2005 - 08:46 AM
Post subject:
Good stuff then... the DBIII picks up the 'major' status for the year, and then we will look to the Toronto organization, with or without GW, to lead the charge in 2006 and beyond... and so how many TBBF'ers will be headed to DBIII, Cam??? Wink

hmmm, I suppose a trip to Montreal may now have to be arranged....

@cyberhare et al: agreed on the costs vs games - don't know of a ready solution except to offers games before or after - perhaps a solution can be sought with Andrew (a bunker setup either Friday or Sunday....)
Spazzfist - Aug 05, 2005 - 09:29 AM
Post subject:
      CyberHare wrote:
The other problem with games day is that it's going to be increadibly expensive. If it's going to be a one day event that's upward of $100 to attend they might as well not hold the event. Who's going to go?

Yeah, especially if it is only going to be a one day event. This sucks.
Melifaxis - Aug 05, 2005 - 10:02 AM
Post subject:
      Old_Man_Monkey wrote:

hmmm, I suppose a trip to Montreal may now have to be arranged....


CyberHare - Aug 05, 2005 - 10:03 AM
Post subject:
      Old_Man_Monkey wrote:
so how many TBBF'ers will be headed to DBIII, Cam??? Wink

It won't matter. The TBBF boyz know they have no luck in Montreal. Always the bridesmaids. Never the bride Razz Laughing
Melifaxis - Aug 05, 2005 - 10:28 AM
Post subject:
Says the two time coach who reached the finals in the Brouhaha Wink

But I agree, the TBBF can send all they want, they aint walkin out with the axe Very Happy
KarlLagerbottom - Aug 05, 2005 - 12:25 PM
Post subject:
Assuming that Yanks are allowed to participate in the Canadian Open...the seperation from Games Day at least is good news for me. I certainly would be more likely to attend a two day event rather than blow all that money on GW's one-day, Games Day fiasco.

Go Leafs Aye!
Paul - Aug 05, 2005 - 12:56 PM
Post subject:
Well, the Candian Open is an Open event so anyone can play in it. They don't have the PGA Canadian Open and not allow Tiger Woods to play in it because hes not Canadian.

As for Death Bowl, I've finished 2nd in the last 2 big tourneys up here, both to TBBF guys. I plan on this trend continueing, so it'll be 1-2 TBBF at the Death Bowl. Smile
Spazzfist - Aug 05, 2005 - 04:29 PM
Post subject:
Well I think my lifetime attendance of one night at the TBBF hardly makes me a member of the group, so I do not think I can be included in those rants. Not that it matters, because I am going to take this one!

(Okay maybe I should set more realistic goals - like at least being able to beat Clan-Skaven!) Twisted Evil

twist - Aug 07, 2005 - 05:31 PM
Post subject:
Laughing Maybe not Spazz, but we'll make ya an honourary member if you carpool with us. Wink Many of the TBBF regulars are wanting to leave Canada and come to Montreal, Cyber and OMM. LOL! We'll likely have 1 or 2 cars of guys.
Clan_Skaven - Aug 11, 2005 - 01:02 PM
Post subject:
      Paul wrote:
Well, the Candian Open is an Open event so anyone can play in it. They don't have the PGA Canadian Open and not allow Tiger Woods to play in it because hes not Canadian.

As for Death Bowl, I've finished 2nd in the last 2 big tourneys up here, both to TBBF guys. I plan on this trend continueing, so it'll be 1-2 TBBF at the Death Bowl. Smile

That is 100% correct Paul...

Now that I'm a TBBF member I would say that I will be in the top 1-2, of coarse I'll still be representing Niagara Falls (even though the rest of the Niagara Falls clan has without my involvement the combined ability to attend or run anything involving BloodBowl rivaling an average door knob!) at the Death-Bowl before Toronto, (sorry TBBF) . Well Talons from NIagara Falls will be there, but if you saw him play, well all I can say is someone has to play for the Wooden Spoon right?

I'm such an #@$% at times, but hey it's a talent that I'm gifted at. Wink

twist - Aug 12, 2005 - 02:57 PM
Post subject:

Watch thy tongue, foul knave! You don't represent Toronto, you represent the TBBF!!! Don't make me give you the boot, like I did to your block/claw/+1 ST/Buzzing Storm Vermin... Laughing

I'm not from Toronto either...
Paul - Aug 12, 2005 - 03:38 PM
Post subject:
Neither am I, but I play in the TBBF
Spazzfist - Aug 12, 2005 - 09:17 PM
Post subject:
      twist wrote:

Watch thy tongue, foul knave! You don't represent Toronto, you represent the TBBF!!!

Ummm..... Are you sure that you want Rod representing the TBBF? Wink
Clan_Skaven - Aug 13, 2005 - 01:03 AM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
      twist wrote:

Watch thy tongue, foul knave! You don't represent Toronto, you represent the TBBF!!!

Ummm..... Are you sure that you want Rod representing the TBBF? Wink

Man you lost to Garth, (no offence Garth) , so I woulsn't be pointing finger!
VBZ - Aug 13, 2005 - 03:42 AM
Post subject:
WOW!! Spazz lost or Garth!!?? GUFFAW!!!!!
KarlLagerbottom - Aug 13, 2005 - 09:03 AM
Post subject:
Go GARTH!!!!

::ooomies Mash Orcs! More pictures at 11::
-imagine newscaster voice over a shot of Spazz biting a savage orc in two.-
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