NAF World Headquarters

Europe - NAF Championship LII - 25th & 26th May 2013 - Nottingham

Joemanji - Oct 16, 2012 - 11:31 AM
Post subject: NAF Championship LII - 25th & 26th May 2013 - Nottingham
Hello all,

The NAF are proud to announce the dates of the next NAF Championship : 25th and 26th May 2013.

The event will be run in a similar way to the previous two events, but there will be one major change - the venue! This year's event will not be held at Warhammer World, but instead at the East Midlands Conference Centre just a couple of miles down the road. The NAF are extremely excited about the possibilities that this change of venue offers, and we hope to run an event that truly reflects and celebrates all aspects of the Blood Bowl tournament scene.

The rules pack can be downloaded here :

We will be updating you at regular intervals with further details.

But to answer what might be some of the more common questions :

* Coaches may use any painted and based fantasy football miniatures (or appropriate conversions) in their teams. This means that the 'GW models only' clause no longer applies.

* The event will follow similar rules to the previous two years : 1.05 million value teams with one skill given to a player of your choice before each game.

* The event will cost £50.00. This will include lunch on both Saturday and Sunday and an evening meal on Saturday, plus free gifts and of course your entry to play Blood Bowl in the event itself. Payment details to follow shortly - we will release tickets for sale at a specific date and time as in previous years.

* We have negotiated discounted rates with The Orchard Hotel next to the venue of £35.00 for a single room or £45.00 for a twin room per night. The Orchard is a 4-star hotel and this rate includes full breakfast and use of facilities (including gym). This rate is available on the Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights. To receive this rate you must book through us no later than three months before the event. Details to follow.

* The Monday following the event (27th May) is a Bank Holiday in the UK.

If there are any further questions please respond below and if we can answer at this stage we will.


The NAFC team.

Current paid attendees :

0 Joemanji (ref)
0 Dave (ref)
0 Frank / Giraffe (ref)
0 lunchmoney (ref)
1 Valen
2 jon_boyce
3 antipixi
4 Kithor
5 billydee
6 Driesfield
7 Sjapie
8 wilzif
9 Butch
10 Besters
11 Raverten
12 Captain
13 Be4ch
14 Podfrey
15 shaniepoo
16 mepmuff
17 Loki
18 petew
19 winkle_picka
20 Purplegoo
21 Prostoglandin
22 CeeTee
23 DeeTee
24 FFFs
25 Ruthy
26 JT-Y
27 Mark_Turner
28 CunningStunt
29 layers6036
30 Glowworm
31 Beppe
32 Jericho
33 Urbaman
34 Demerzel
35 Balder
36 Eski
37 BSKing
38 Spartako
39 Rubick
40 Vmcat
41 Krys Rajca
42 Kfoged
43 Myrmedon
44 Mordredd
45 peterd
46 Pippy
47 Schmee
48 Simolekyyli
49 Zoesky
50 Cracol
51 Geggster
52 Duckwing
53 (new member)
54 (new member)
55 (new member)
56 Nazgob
57 Ravinator
58 Hawca
59 Neilpferd
60 David_Hamlin
61 LordOrc
62 Stig
63 Lard
64 VultureSquadron
65 Goldfish
66 battlepuppy
67 sonofbattlepuppy
68 (new member)
69 Barney_the_Lurker
70 mawph
71 Pete_Delafield
72 Leipziger
73 Rolex
74 Daboar
75 Boromir
76 Sann0638
77 eldritchfox
78 Dragons
79 scarloc
80 Mortimer
81 Chris Lewis
82 ManticoreRich
83 Crystalmcdoll
84 Wizaard
85 Gazza
86 Mago
87 johnnyd
88 Betty
89 Thursablot
90 SFisher91
91 MrNuffle
92 DaPiranha
93 Akzaar
94 Coma
95 MMM_Fluff
96 darkelfdan
97 Steven Williamson
98 Diamon Joe Quimby
99 Sizzling_Gromril
100 JockMcRowdy
101 BlocknRoll
102 Neil McGrory
103 Buggrit
104 Zedsdead
105 Ploppy_McPloppy
106 Steve_Chambers
107 Verbal_HM
108 (new member)
109 MrHannah
110 Hana_666
111 Lycos
112 (new member)
114 nonumber
115 richy376
116 headstrong
117 Jimjimany
118 Robsoma
119 Canteloup
120 Farina
121 Lurch
122 Balias
123 Bladd
124 Hungdonkeyman
125 Rodney_Dangerfield
126 Heff
127 Father_Gailus (from the USA!)
128 Itchen
129 pressie
130 MattWhile
131 Munson
132 Rob Brain
133 Drakk
134 Rockstar
135 Don Vito
136 Johnny_KTOU
137 BeardoSlatford
138 dontcallmeflossy
139 James Smith
140 Graeme Hulstrom
141 Inkpwn
142 xnoelx
143 TalonBay
144 Hawk
145 Lac1983DK


Please note the following information about Roster Pre-registration:

Hello all,

We are again asking for coaches to send us their rosters in advance of the NAF Championship to speed up the process of registration on the Saturday morning. There is no pressure to do this immediately so please take as much time as you want to deliberate over every fiendish roster choice! But the more of these we get, the faster the queue will move come the day.

Please send your roster to You may not necessarily receive a response, but please accept our silent thanks. Everyone will still need to bring two printed copies of their roster on the day.

Many thanks

garthnait - Oct 16, 2012 - 12:49 PM
Post subject: RE: NAF Championship LII - 3rd & 4th May 2013 - Nottingh
Friday and Saturday? Not Saturday and Sunday? Or do you mean 2014???
Joemanji - Oct 16, 2012 - 12:54 PM
Post subject: RE: NAF Championship LII - 3rd & 4th May 2013 - Nottingh
Fixed. Wink
Grumbledook - Oct 16, 2012 - 03:52 PM
Post subject: RE: NAF Championship LII - 3rd & 4th May 2013 - Nottingh
looks good, non GW minis should please many

how close is that hotel to the new venue?
Thadrin - Oct 16, 2012 - 04:22 PM
Post subject: RE: NAF Championship LII - 3rd & 4th May 2013 - Nottingh
I think this move will see a lot fewer people travelling from abroad.
As much as the move to allow all models, not just GW, is to be applauded, I feel that there was something special about playing in the Warhammer World hall, as opposed to a conference facility.
Simply put - there was value to playing at Warhammer world, value I don't think allowing all minis covers.
I suspect there are other motivations behind this move too, but those are of no real relevance.
Grumbledook - Oct 16, 2012 - 04:48 PM
Post subject: RE: NAF Championship LII - 3rd & 4th May 2013 - Nottingh
well an argument can be made that nottingham isn't the easiest place for people to travel to from other countries too

proof will be in the pudding as to how it affects attendance and without ever trying who knows...
Joemanji - Oct 17, 2012 - 04:23 AM
Post subject: Re: RE: NAF Championship LII - 3rd & 4th May 2013 - Nott
      Grumbledook wrote:
how close is that hotel to the new venue?
Next door.
Indigo - Oct 17, 2012 - 05:12 AM
Post subject: Re: RE: NAF Championship LII - 3rd & 4th May 2013 - Nott
      Thadrin wrote:
I think this move will see a lot fewer people travelling from abroad.
As much as the move to allow all models, not just GW, is to be applauded, I feel that there was something special about playing in the Warhammer World hall, as opposed to a conference facility.
Simply put - there was value to playing at Warhammer world, value I don't think allowing all minis covers.
I suspect there are other motivations behind this move too, but those are of no real relevance.

You honestly think that? What is special about Warhammer World aside from the lack of miniatures for sale, the requirement to purchase GW food/drink, the higher costs...

WW is interesting when you step through the door, but as soon as you sit on the child size stools and scrape your arms on the shoddy tables you see why it's more fun elsewhere.

Couldn't agree less mate.

WW is ok but it's not the be-all-end-all of the NAFC.
Joemanji - Oct 17, 2012 - 07:24 AM
Post subject: RE: Re: RE: NAF Championship LII - 3rd & 4th May 2013 -
If Warhammer World is a big deal for foreign coaches then they can still go there to visit! Perhaps on the Friday. It isn't very far away.
Purplegoo - Oct 17, 2012 - 07:44 AM
Post subject: RE: Re: RE: NAF Championship LII - 3rd & 4th May 2013 -
I’ve always argued (when the boo, GW arguments reared their ugly heads) that the WW venue was good for us. It has it’s own character (we normally play in bland pubs, hotels, working men’s clubs, generally not very nerd focused and a bit soulless), the food has got better in recent times, and it’s deeply linked with the hobby, making it attractive to visitors and first timers.

But rather than looking at the negative of losing that, I’d rather look at the positives a new venue brings. The NAF now have a chance to do whatever they like with a big event, and if the World Cup has taught us anything, that can end very well indeed. True, WW gave us a consistently good offering, but it had obvious limitations. Having a new venue gives the NAF a chance to take the event to the next level, and I’d rather look at that exciting possibility than bemoan the loss of WW.
Thadrin - Oct 17, 2012 - 10:14 AM
Post subject: RE: Re: RE: NAF Championship LII - 3rd & 4th May 2013 -
Yeah. That. I'm a bit Gegg about it - not angry...

Will see if I can make it again. Money's been a bit tight lately. Will miss playing in the cool hall though.
generaljason - Oct 17, 2012 - 10:35 AM
Post subject: Re: RE: NAF Championship LII - 3rd & 4th May 2013 - Nott
      Thadrin wrote:
I think this move will see a lot fewer people travelling from abroad.
As much as the move to allow all models, not just GW, is to be applauded, I feel that there was something special about playing in the Warhammer World hall, as opposed to a conference facility.
Simply put - there was value to playing at Warhammer world, value I don't think allowing all minis covers.
I suspect there are other motivations behind this move too, but those are of no real relevance.

No - I'd rather see it held outside of Warhammer World to be honest. This is a tournament that I'd like to do someday and this move just makes me more likely to do it not less. Hosting the Spike! I understand more than anyone that less parent company involvement the better. Jonny can also tell you this as well now that he's hosting Chaos Cup at the hotel like the Spike!

Good move dudes! Looking forward to seeing a massive NAF Championship Award in the future!

Manuel - Oct 17, 2012 - 04:01 PM
Post subject:
That's a great new! I was wondering when you will announce this. I will start checking for holidays and flights and trying to bring with me some fellows.

By the way, I totally agree with the decision of doing it outside the WW. We will still be able to visit it, but this way you can improve the event and do it the way you want it to be. Let's hope not too much people decide to stay at home just because the can't take a picture with a marine.
lunchmoney - Oct 18, 2012 - 12:17 AM
Post subject:
      Lordillo wrote:
Let's hope not too much people decide to stay at home just because the can't take a picture with a marine.
They can still do that, they just have to wander over to WW. It's not far away.
Manuel - Oct 18, 2012 - 12:19 AM
Post subject:
I know, I know. In fact, that's what I'm telling my friends. I wanted to say "because they think they can't" ^_^
Joemanji - Nov 16, 2012 - 12:47 PM
Post subject:
We must unfortunately announce a change of dates for the forthcoming NAF Championship in 2013. It will now take place on Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th May 2013.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused. The matter was completely out of our hands, however we have renegotiated for alternate dates and the new dates are immovable.

On the positive side we have negotiated the hotel discount we were to receive and as a goodwill gesture the venue have reduced the special rate for you to £35 for a single room or £45 for a double or twin. This is for 1-3 nights, including breakfast, next to the venue in a four star De Vere hotel. It is our hope that most people stay and make this an unforgettable weekend.

So without further ado we can announce that we will accept payment for the event starting from Saturday 1st December 2012 at 9am UK time. Payment of £50.00 should be sent via PayPal to the account

If you wish to take advantage of the rates we have negotiated with the venue's hotel you will need to book rooms with them directly. Please speak to them regarding any special requirements you may have, e.g. wheelchair access, double beds. Please remember that the discounted rate is only available up to 3 months before the event. To be eligible for the discounted rates you will need a code. We will release this code to anyone who purchases a ticket.

The first 100 people to pay will be entered into an 'Early Bird Prize Draw'. One lucky entrant will be chosen at random to receive a bundle of Blood Bowl goodies (full details to follow very shortly).
Raverten - Dec 08, 2012 - 01:12 PM
Post subject:
It would be great to receive the hotel discounted rate code soon, so we could book the rooms now, since the discounted rate should be only available up to 3 months before the event. Has anybody already received the code and could share it with me?


Beppe - Dec 15, 2012 - 12:23 PM
Post subject:
Payment done: here we go again!!! Very Happy
Grumbledook - Dec 15, 2012 - 03:53 PM
Post subject:
I completely forgot tickets were going on sale on the 1st.

No news or forum post about it at the time (or since) :/

      Joemanji wrote:
The first 100 people to pay will be entered into an 'Early Bird Prize Draw'. One lucky entrant will be chosen at random to receive a bundle of Blood Bowl goodies (full details to follow very shortly).

Has the early bird thing been and gone? The full details seem to be missing anyway ;]
Loki - Dec 16, 2012 - 06:41 AM
Post subject:
There was still space for the Early Bird thing last Wednesday...
Grumbledook - Dec 16, 2012 - 09:09 AM
Post subject:
Rolling Eyes
lunchmoney - Dec 17, 2012 - 04:10 AM
Post subject:
I think John's point is that info about the NAF Championship isnt being updated on the NAF site.
Grumbledook - Dec 17, 2012 - 12:33 PM
Post subject:
Indeed I wasn't rolling my eyes at Loki if anyone got that impression ;]

thanks for that info, though again it still it was accurate to last wednesday
Loki - Dec 17, 2012 - 01:29 PM
Post subject:
I agree, you shouldn't have to look at TFF for NAFC info and the updating to this point doesn't seem as comprehensive as last year BUT did tickets not go on sale much later (after new year) last year? So in a way we are still further ahead than this time last year.
Darkson - Feb 16, 2013 - 07:26 AM
Post subject:
      lunchmoney wrote:
I think John's point is that info about the NAF Championship isnt being updated on the NAF site.

I notice that the TFF thread was updated in the last week, and yet it's still not updated here.
So much for encouraging people to use this forum. Rolling Eyes
Darkson - Feb 23, 2013 - 12:12 AM
Post subject:
Seeing as no-one from the NAFC team can be bothered to post it here:
      Joemanji on Wed Feb 06, 2013 6:19 pm
Okay we have spoken to the hotel and there must have been a mixup. There are definitely rooms still available at the reduced rate of £35 for a single room or £45 for a double / twin. This is at a four star hotel.

You want to be booking before 22nd February so get buying tickets guys! You don't have to pay for the hotel up front if people are worried about a £140.00 outlay in one go! Just give over your payment information and payment will be taken at the time of your stay I believe.


      Joemanji on Wed Feb 13, 2013 10:45 pm wrote:
Anyone thinking of doing this should be looking to be booking the hotel before 5pm on 22nd February to be on the safe side.

sann0638 - Feb 23, 2013 - 01:15 PM
Post subject:
      Darkson wrote:
Seeing as no-one from the NAFC team can be bothered to post it here:
      Joemanji on Wed Feb 06, 2013 6:19 pm
Okay we have spoken to the hotel and there must have been a mixup. There are definitely rooms still available at the reduced rate of £35 for a single room or £45 for a double / twin. This is at a four star hotel.

You want to be booking before 22nd February so get buying tickets guys! You don't have to pay for the hotel up front if people are worried about a £140.00 outlay in one go! Just give over your payment information and payment will be taken at the time of your stay I believe.


      Joemanji on Wed Feb 13, 2013 10:45 pm wrote:
Anyone thinking of doing this should be looking to be booking the hotel before 5pm on 22nd February to be on the safe side.

Did you do that just as it ran out on purpose?
Darkson - Feb 23, 2013 - 07:44 PM
Post subject:
Nope, because I waited 10+ days from the time I first contacted Lycos about it. Didn't actually look at the dates until you pointed it out.
Grumbledook - Feb 23, 2013 - 09:08 PM
Post subject:
just falls on deaf ears imo Darkson
sann0638 - Feb 24, 2013 - 01:59 AM
Post subject:
On the upside, if anyone needs a bed still, I have a spare in my twin room! £22.50 Smile

Edit: gone now
Lycos - Feb 24, 2013 - 07:41 AM
Post subject:
I have asked for this thread to be updated as it happens however folks have been busy the last week or so. I also booked my room on Friday for Dutch Dave and myself and apparently it is nearly sold out. ( so the lady told me anyway)
Darkson - Feb 24, 2013 - 10:43 AM
Post subject:
Took me a couple of minutes to copy & paste those posts from TFF. Joe was to busy to do that? Seriously?
Grumbledook - Feb 24, 2013 - 11:42 PM
Post subject:
The last update was Nov 16th...

If people are too busy and need help they need only ask!
Darkson - Feb 25, 2013 - 12:14 PM
Post subject:
      Geggster on TFF on Mon Feb 25, 2013 4:24 pm wrote:
The code for the hotel has an extension to 5pm GMT TODAY.

We have booked out 72 of the rooms for the Saturday night (and 52 for the Friday) - should be quite the BB event!

If you haven't booked yet (perhaps you haven't got round to getting your ticket or maybe you weren't planning on staying) the code is CONFBB and the number is 0115 8760862.

Rolling Eyes
sann0638 - Mar 08, 2013 - 04:41 AM
Post subject:
First post has been updated with current attendees - should be fun!
Pipey - Mar 09, 2013 - 05:57 AM
Post subject:
Keep em coming guys! 10 weeks or so to go... getting close!

Just can't decide whether to do Zumba or Bodypump at the Orchard's free gym... Wink
sann0638 - Apr 14, 2013 - 11:40 AM
Post subject:

The tournament will use the ‘Competition Rules Pack’ Blood Bowl rules. All 24 teams will be permitted, including Slann, Underworld and Chaos Pact.

Each coach selects his team from a treasury of 1,050,000 gold crowns. You may spend money from your treasury on inducements. All inducements are permitted except Special Play Cards and Team Wizards. Teams are restarted after each game, i.e. injuries and deaths do not carry over; any SPPs earned are lost.

Before each match you may select one additional skill for a player on your team. The player will keep the skill for the rest of the tournament. Skills must be selected from the player’s permitted skill categories. A single player cannot be given more than one additional skill throughout the tournament. Star Players may not be given additional skills.

Each round, before choosing your skill, you are permitted to see your opponent’s roster including any additional skills he has chosen in previous rounds. Coaches may wish to choose their next additional skill in secret, before revealing their choice to their opponent. This is to prevent any potential advantage gained by one coach choosing their skill before the other.

Tournament points will be awarded as follows:

Win: 30 points
Draw: 10 points
Loss: 0 points

In addition to tournament points, record your touchdowns and casualties on your results sheet. Only record casualties that would give Star Player Points; those caused by fouls, crowd pushes, failed dodges etc. do not count.

A team of referees will be available to answer any rules queries. If you cannot find the answer in the rule book, ask for the assistance of a referee and he will be able to resolve the problem. Additionally, if your match is behind schedule a referee may ask you to hurry up in order to finish in time. If you are unable to finish the referee may stop the game prematurely. In any such case the referee’s decision is always final.
peterd - Apr 15, 2013 - 01:42 PM
Post subject:
No Wizards? For a long time it was possible to buy them at the NAF Championship. So it`s time to say goodbye! Thank you Wizards for all the fun, fireballs and lightning bolts. You give Khemri a chance to win games you normaly could not win. I will miss you! What will my Nurgle Team do this year in Nottingham without you? So it`s time for Brick Far`th & Grotty without Re-Rolls.... . Must hold back my tears!
Greetings Peter D.
Pipey - Apr 18, 2013 - 03:13 AM
Post subject:
I’m sure there’ll be lots of scope for unusual rosters even if it will be without wizards! Wink

Some information below about Roster Pre-registration:

Hello all,

We are again asking for coaches to send us their rosters in advance of the NAF Championship to speed up the process of registration on the Saturday morning. There is no pressure to do this immediately so please take as much time as you want to deliberate over every fiendish roster choice! But the more of these we get, the faster the queue will move come the day.

Please send your roster to You may not necessarily receive a response, but please accept our silent thanks. Everyone will still need to bring two printed copies of their roster on the day.

Many thanks

A reminder of the rules follows below :

The tournament will use the ‘Competition Rules Pack’ Blood Bowl rules. All 24 teams will be permitted, including Slann, Underworld and Chaos Pact.

Each coach selects his team from a treasury of 1,050,000 gold crowns. You may spend money from your treasury on inducements. All inducements are permitted except Special Play Cards and Team Wizards. Teams are restarted after each game, i.e. injuries and deaths do not carry over; any SPPs earned are lost.

Before each match you may select one additional skill for a player on your team. The player will keep the skill for the rest of the tournament. Skills must be selected from the player’s permitted skill categories. A single player cannot be given more than one additional skill throughout the tournament. Star Players may not be given additional skills.

Each round, before choosing your skill, you are permitted to see your opponent’s roster including any additional skills he has chosen in previous rounds. Coaches may wish to choose their next additional skill in secret, before revealing their choice to their opponent. This is to prevent any potential advantage gained by one coach choosing their skill before the other.

Tournament points will be awarded as follows:

Win: 30 points
Draw: 10 points
Loss: 0 points

In addition to tournament points, record your touchdowns and casualties on your results sheet. Only record casualties that would give Star Player Points; those caused by fouls, crowd pushes, failed dodges etc. do not count.

A team of referees will be available to answer any rules queries. If you cannot find the answer in the rule book, ask for the assistance of a referee and he will be able to resolve the problem. Additionally, if your match is behind schedule a referee may ask you to hurry up in order to finish in time. If you are unable to finish the referee may stop the game prematurely. In any such case the referee’s decision is always final.

Joemanji - Apr 19, 2013 - 08:14 AM
Post subject:
Hello all,

You can now download the Rules Pack for this year's NAF Championship here :

Many thanks to Manticore Rich for putting this together using his excellent tech skills!

Darkson - Apr 19, 2013 - 08:51 AM
Post subject:
#sad Crying or Very sad

While a family BBQ to celebrate my dad's 70th, and karting at Thruxton will be fun, think I'd rather be in Nottingham. Sad
Joemanji - May 01, 2013 - 12:32 PM
Post subject:
Joemanji - May 04, 2013 - 04:35 AM
Post subject:
Manuel - May 12, 2013 - 05:31 AM
Post subject:
I start the exams on monday 27... If only it had remained in the original 4-5 of may...

Now I'm struggling with the dilema of having the best weekend of the year... or risking not passing my exams.

Joemanji - May 18, 2013 - 08:51 AM
Post subject:
Father_Gailus - May 21, 2013 - 05:44 PM
Post subject:
Leaving for London tomorrow! I am so excited -- I might p**s myself! (Of course, that could also be the beer...)

Let's roll! Pow Pow Pow
sann0638 - May 22, 2013 - 12:02 AM
Post subject:
Safe journey!
lunchmoney - May 22, 2013 - 11:50 AM
Post subject:
      Father_Gailus wrote:
Leaving for London tomorrow! I am so excited -- I might p**s myself! (Of course, that could also be the beer...)

Let's roll! Pow Pow Pow

Bon Voyage, and see you soon. I'll be the purple haired zebra Smile
Darkson - May 27, 2013 - 04:43 AM
Post subject:

lunchmoney - May 27, 2013 - 05:22 AM
Post subject:
Winner jimjimany
2nd JockMcRowdy
League winner Podfrey
Best painted JT-Y
Stunty geggster (gobs)
TDs nonumber (1Cool
CAS mrhana (36)

Indigo - May 27, 2013 - 10:56 AM
Post subject:
Results are in and rankings calculated, any problems PM me.

I thought it was a cracking tourney, well organised and a good time had by all.
sann0638 - Jun 05, 2013 - 02:59 PM
Post subject:
Here's a pretty version of results that Lunchmoney posted:

Also contains the Score file and a spreadsheet with racial breakdown.
sann0638 - Jun 08, 2013 - 02:42 PM
Post subject:
This should have been posted earlier - all partipants got a most excellent turn counter!

Gaixo - Jun 08, 2013 - 05:01 PM
Post subject:
All times are
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