NAF World Headquarters

North America - BLINGTOOF'S GITBASH: Nov. 5&6, 2011 (Toronto, ON)

wapcaplets - Mar 31, 2011 - 12:48 PM
Post subject: BLINGTOOF'S GITBASH: Nov. 5&6, 2011 (Toronto, ON)
Updated: 31-Oct-2011

The first ever Blingtoof's Gitbash will be taking place in Toronto, Ontario, Canada on the weekend of November 5th and 6th, 2011. The tournament is going to be goblin-themed and will be taking place at...

Meeplemart Canada
290 Carlaw Ave., Unit 202
Toronto, ON, Canada
M4M 3L1

The official homepage for the tournament is at and you can also follow @blingtoof on Twitter.


Coaches Registered so far (as of 31-Oct):


You can click here for the full rules pack but here are some quick highlights. I reiterate, these are *highlights* and all coaches are expected to have read & understood the full rules pack.

Team Creation & Progression

Special Goblin-Themed Rules

Tournament Scoring
I will be using the Score software program to track the tournament which will pair players randomly in the first round and then by Swiss pairings in subsequent rounds. Tie-breakers (in order) will be:

Trophies (in order of prestige)

We have received some great prize support from Impact Miniatures and Comixinos (click here to see a full list). In addition to these prizes, half of the registration fees collected (i.e. $20 per coach) will be going towards purchasing prizes from Meeplemart.

At the conclusion of the tournament, all the prizes will be laid out on a prize table. All of the above trophy winners (except the Wooden spoon) will, in the order listed above, select a prize from the prize table. Then, all coaches (including trophy winners) will have a chance to win the remaining prizes in a raffle. Raffle tickets may be earned for free in certain ways (see rules pack for details) and may also be purchased for $1 each at the tournament. Coaches may only win one prize each as a raffle prize.

Venue Details

Daggers - Apr 04, 2011 - 12:23 PM
Post subject: RE: BLINGTOOF
Very cool. Looking foward to seeing the rules. This could give me incentive to make a golbin team.
Lizardcore - Apr 04, 2011 - 02:46 PM
Post subject: RE: BLINGTOOF
"Blingtoof is just getting his stuff unpacked and trying to keep his pet Squig from drinking all of his Fungus-Brew Ale so there’s not a lot of information to share yet but check back often!"

LOL, you're a liar ! It's not a goblin themed tournament, it's an Eric&Craig themed tournament !
wapcaplets - Apr 06, 2011 - 04:47 AM
Post subject: Re: RE: BLINGTOOF
      Lizardcore wrote:
"Blingtoof is just getting his stuff unpacked and trying to keep his pet Squig from drinking all of his Fungus-Brew Ale so there’s not a lot of information to share yet but check back often!"

LOL, you're a liar ! It's not a goblin themed tournament, it's an Eric&Craig themed tournament !

Not so! I already have a date and a venue that won't change *AND* the venue knows what time to open.

I'll post a "beta" version of the rules by the end of this coming weekend.
wapcaplets - Apr 10, 2011 - 08:05 PM
Post subject:
The first draft of the rules for Blingtoof's Gitbash have been posted. At this point, I want to treat this as a living document and would welcome feedback and constructive criticsim. At the heart of it all, this is a Goblin-themed tournament so when I was writing the rules I had the following goals in mind:

1. The rules must be fun to play.
2. The rules should reflect that goblins are stupid, unpredictable little cheaters.
3. Coaches should be given incentives to play stunty teams.

CLICK HERE to download the latest rules document.

Additionally, Blingtoof is now on Twitter! Follow him at @blingtoof for all the important news and updates.
Spazzfist - Apr 11, 2011 - 07:04 AM
Post subject:
Just did a quick read of the the rules, and have one concern: you say that a "Stunty" team is one which has at least three players with the Stunty skill. Well orcs can get that without too much trouble, and Lizardmen will definitely have that. But to my mind, neither of those teams should be considered stunty teams.

I would suggest either pumping that number up to at least seven, because even lizardmen can easily field a tough team with six skinks, or re-defining it to say that the team is comprised of nothing but stunties and big guys.
generaljason - Apr 11, 2011 - 07:24 AM
Post subject:
A true stunty team is one that only has Stunty players and Big Guys. Star players are a variable, but Stunty/just Big Guys is the constant.
AnthonyTBBF - Apr 11, 2011 - 07:31 AM
Post subject:
My Dwarfs are short and should also qualify Wink
wapcaplets - Apr 11, 2011 - 09:18 AM
Post subject:
Thanks for the feedback, guys. Here was my thought around how I defined "Stunty" teams. First off, you guys are totally correct that the traditional definition of a "Stunty" team is a combination of only players with the Stunty skill and big guys. Personally, I haven't been to a ton of tournaments but one thing that I have noticed in the tournaments that I have attended is that Big Guys *always* have the Block skill. Big Guys are only supposed to have General skill access one in six times but 100% of the Big Guys I've seen at tournaments have Block. To me, this doesn't reflect how rare having Block on a big guy should be.

I wanted to address this in a way that gave "Stunty" teams a bit of an edge without making it too complicated. In my version of the rules before the one I posted I had a much more granular definition of a "Stunty Team" that took into account a lot of the points above (e.g. Lizardmen teams made up of only Kroxigor and Skinks) but, upon reflection, it just made the team building rules too complicated.

I figured that having three players with Stunty was a significant enough investment for teams that wouldn't ordinarily have that to justify allowing a Big Guy to have Double skills. Take Orcs, for example. With the 3-stunty rule I propose, that gives a likely starting build of 4 Black Orcs, 4 Blitzers, 3 Goblins, a Troll, and 2 re-rolls for 990K. I feel that having to invest 120K of TV on 3 goblins just so the Troll can have Block is pretty significant.

The only two other teams that aren't according-to-Hoyle "Stunty" teams would be Underworld and Lizardmen. I'll acknowledge that this does give Lizardmen a bit of an edge since there isn't a build for them that doesn't already include at least seven players with Stunty so they'd have access to Block for the Kroxigor but I feel that compelling Lizardmen teams to be only a Krox and Skinks to be considered a "Stunty Team" for the purposes of this tournament would be going too far in the other direction.

So, for the time being, I think that keeping the rule as-is strikes the best balance between compelling coaches to invest in players with Stunty to have access to upgrades other than Normal skills without ganking those teams entirely.

Whatever I wind up going with, though.... should I be using a term other than "Stunty Team" to avoid confusion?
wapcaplets - Apr 11, 2011 - 09:46 AM
Post subject:
I've been doing some more reflecting on the rules and I think I'm going to scrap the rule that says that you have to play with at least one Goblin on the pitch. I really like the idea of giving a Goblin "Fan Favourite" (credit to SpazzFist for that idea) but if the rules compel everyone to play with a Goblin on the pitch then Fan Favourite isn't going to mean much most of the time since they'll cancel each other out. Also, I want the inclusion of Goblins on all teams to be fun and if people have specific plays in mind that really rely on all 11 players being in position then I don't want to detract from the fun by saying that you *have* to play with a Goblin. That's the main reason why I put the starting team value at 1040 (the Goblin is essentially free). Thoughts?
wapcaplets - Apr 11, 2011 - 07:26 PM
Post subject:
Great news... Impact Miniatures, Comixininos, and Gaspez Arts are all willing to support the Gitbash with prize support.

Impact is allowing us to make a group order for personal use at a 10% discount. Then Impact will, based on the pre-discount price, donate 20% of the value of our group order as prize support. So, for example, if we put together a group order for $500 it will only cost us $450 ($500 less 10%) and we would be given $100 as prize support (20% of $500).

Comixininos will, for every 50 Euros (approx. $70) we put together as a group order for personal use they will provide additional copies of certain items as prize support if our order contains one of those items (i.e. buy one, get one free on certain items). Included among the items they're offering for free are their really cool skill markers:

Gaspez Arts is providing a very generous discount for any items that I purchase as prize support from them.

I know it's a long way off at this point but take a look at the Impact and Comixininos websites and start thinking about what you'd like to put on the group orders. I'll be submitting these orders to the respective companies on Friday, September 30th so we can be sure that the items get here in time for the tournament. Also, take a look at the Gaspez site and think about what you'd like to see as prizes from there. I'll definitely be taking suggestions!

Impact Miniatures:
Gaspez Arts:
xkobiex - Apr 12, 2011 - 08:34 AM
Post subject:
Chris, I am in for the group orders.

BTW, congrats on the 3DB contest.
wapcaplets - Apr 12, 2011 - 12:59 PM
Post subject:
      xkobiex wrote:
Chris, I am in for the group orders.

BTW, congrats on the 3DB contest.

Thanks on both accounts! I know it's way early but whenever you're sure of what you want from either Impact or Comixininos let me know at

Yeah, it was really cool to win the 3DB contest! Nothing like four cool free minis for an hour's work. Cool Cool Cool
xkobiex - Apr 12, 2011 - 04:39 PM
Post subject:
      wapcaplets wrote:
      xkobiex wrote:
Chris, I am in for the group orders.

BTW, congrats on the 3DB contest.

Thanks on both accounts! I know it's way early but whenever you're sure of what you want from either Impact or Comixininos let me know at

Yeah, it was really cool to win the 3DB contest! Nothing like four cool free minis for an hour's work. Cool Cool Cool

No kidding, I got an honourable mention, at least.

Anyway, I will be ordering something from both Impact and Comixininos. I may even decide to get one of the custom minis from Gaspez. Will let you know when I finalize my choices.
Daggers - Apr 12, 2011 - 06:47 PM
Post subject:
Count me in for some stuff, deffinently Impact, but will look at the others and get back to you.
natsirtdm - Apr 13, 2011 - 10:47 AM
Post subject: Re: RE: BLINGTOOF
      wapcaplets wrote:
      Lizardcore wrote:
LOL, you're a liar ! It's not a goblin themed tournament, it's an Eric&Craig themed tournament !

Not so! I already have a date and a venue that won't change *AND* the venue knows what time to open.

Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

      wapcaplets wrote:
Whatever I wind up going with, though.... should I be using a term other than "Stunty Team" to avoid confusion?

That's a good idea IMO
wapcaplets - Apr 15, 2011 - 03:51 PM
Post subject: RE: Re: RE: BLINGTOOF
I've updated the tournament rules to include the following:

- I'm using the term "Sanctioned Team" instead of "Stunty Team" to avoid confusion
- I've scrapped the rule compelling a goblin to be on the pitch
- I've added the following rule to encourage players to foul

Kikkum inna beenz: Goblins are used to having to use underhanded tactics to win. There will be a special award for the coach that fouls the most effectively. During each round, coaches should track the number of Stun, Knock-Out, and Casualty results that they achieve via fouling. Coaches will receive one fouling point for a stun, two fouling points for a Knock-Out, and four fouling points for a Casualty. Additionally, if a Goblin Player scored more fouling points than any other player on the team that coach is awarded an additional two fouling points. Whether or not players are ejected doesn’t matter; goblins just care that people are getting hurt.

Click here to download the latest rules.
wapcaplets - Apr 17, 2011 - 07:40 PM
Post subject: RE: Re: RE: BLINGTOOF
As was previously announced, Impact Miniatures and Comixininos have been very generous and offered up special deals for us to make group orders (for personal use) and provide a certain amount of free prize support for Blingtoof's Gitbash. Impact has even gone a step further and said that they will give our group order a 10% discount, which is awesome. Originally, I thought I would wait until later in the summer to make these group orders but that’s no fun so we’re going to make the order much sooner. What I’m going to do is get a list of what everyone wants and place the order on June 1st. Although I’d love to see everyone there, attending Blingtoof’s Gitbash is not required to take place in these group orders! Even if you can’t come, your contribution to the order will make more prizes available. Please take a look at Impact Miniatures and Comixininos and e-mail with what you’d like to buy and I’ll put the group order together and process it on June 1st. Additionally, I will pay for all the shipping

As a reminder, Impact is giving us 20% of the pre-discount value of our order as prizes and Comixininos will send us extra copies of certain items ordered for every 50 Euros we spend (50 Euros is about $70 Canadian). Please check out the Sponsors & Prizes page for full details on what our generous sponsors are providing.

For those local to Toronto, I will meet up with you and give you your items when they arrive. For those outside of Toronto that are planning on attending the Lakeside Cup in July, I will bring your items there. For anyone else, the orders will be there for you at Blingtoof’s Gitbash.

Remember: even if you can’t come, please take part in the order!
Spazzfist - Apr 18, 2011 - 07:38 AM
Post subject: RE: Re: RE: BLINGTOOF
Some very cool stuff on there! I especially like the hex bases with magnetic skills and the travel BB game! (On the Comixininos site)
Daggers - Apr 18, 2011 - 08:17 AM
Post subject: RE: Re: RE: BLINGTOOF
Yeah, me too. I don't need lots of figs, but I do like alot of the extra pieces available. And the travel game is cool.
wapcaplets - Apr 18, 2011 - 10:55 AM
Post subject: RE: Re: RE: BLINGTOOF
Yeah, I'm totally getting the travel game and the magnetic bases for myself from Comixininos. From Impact I'm definitely getting the goblin miniatures for indicating the weather and will likely be giving them out as prizes, too. What do you guys like the look of on the Impact site in terms of prizes? We have a lot more flexibility in terms of what we get from Impact as prizes.
AnthonyTBBF - Apr 18, 2011 - 11:07 AM
Post subject: RE: Re: RE: BLINGTOOF
Guys - don't waste your money on that travel set. It's totally not worth it. I got one recently and it's a piece of junk.
Lizardcore - Apr 18, 2011 - 11:57 AM
Post subject: RE: Re: RE: BLINGTOOF
I personnaly like the minis on comixinos or shadowforge better than impact ones.
wapcaplets - Apr 18, 2011 - 01:03 PM
Post subject: Re: RE: Re: RE: BLINGTOOF
      Lizardcore wrote:
I personnaly like the minis on comixinos or shadowforge better than impact ones.

Well, Shadowforge are available on both sites so if there's Shadowforge stuff you want let me know.
wapcaplets - Apr 18, 2011 - 01:04 PM
Post subject: Re: RE: Re: RE: BLINGTOOF
      AnthonyTBBF wrote:
Guys - don't waste your money on that travel set. It's totally not worth it. I got one recently and it's a piece of junk.

Really? That's too bad. It's a great idea and it looks really cool. What did you find disappointing about it?
AnthonyTBBF - Apr 18, 2011 - 02:28 PM
Post subject: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: BLINGTOOF
I'll bring it in if you want to have a look. It's basically just really shoddy and low quality. It was broken when I got it too. I would have been fine with it if it was cheaper but it's definitely not worth what they are charging.
Lizardcore - Apr 18, 2011 - 04:06 PM
Post subject: Re: RE: Re: RE: BLINGTOOF
      wapcaplets wrote:
Well, Shadowforge are available on both sites so if there's Shadowforge stuff you want let me know.

Then the zombie blowup dolls are just wicked Very Happy
xkobiex - Apr 18, 2011 - 06:27 PM
Post subject: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: BLINGTOOF
A few things I noticed from the Impact site that don't seem to be available anywhere else are the weather goblins as Chris said and metal numbered shoulder pads. They also have a huge supply of teams thanks to their partners. Comixininos has a different array of figs like the dwarf pirates which I find cool and the skill bases/travel sets. Now that Anthony has given the travel set a bad review, I'm sure a lot of us are disappointed as that would have been on almost everyone's list. Has anyone seen the skill bases? It seems weird that they are trying to sell magnets separate. Does that mean that the bases are not metal?

For all interested. I will be placing a sizeable order for magnets from a local supplier at a decent price. Mostly, these are for Warhammer but if the skill bases are not metal, you can use them there too. Various sizes will be ordered. Anyone interested is welcome to contact me.
wapcaplets - May 25, 2011 - 08:37 PM
Post subject: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: BLINGTOOF
So the guy that's designing my logo for the Gitbash gave me the final product today and I'm really thrilled with it. The following has been re-posted from my blog:

In November of 2011 I’m running the first ever Blingtoof’s Gitbash, a goblin-themed Blood Bowl tournament. I wanted to have a really great-looking logo for the event but I have absolutely no talent for illustration. Fortunately, through participating in the XTBBF, I met Chris Baginski, a very talented artist who owns & operates Frame of Mind Studio. I had him design a logo for me and he presented me with the final product and I couldn’t be happier with the results:

I was really impressed as to how he took an image that existed only in my mind’s eye and made it into the logo above. What’s particularly impressive is that he achieved this by looking at this embarrassingly bad MS paint drawing I did to get across the most basic of concepts in terms of how I wanted the goblin head to look:

If you’re interested in more of Chris’ great work also check out The Cbaggery (his blog). He’s challenged himself to do an art project every week and he posts his progress here. He also has a CafePress store with some great stuff! If you need any type of illustration or design done I couldn’t endorse him more heartily. Aside from high quality work he’s a great guy and turns around results very promptly.
Lizardcore - May 26, 2011 - 09:03 AM
Post subject: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: BLINGTOOF
Hey Chris, here are a couple of questions:

- Does the aditionnal goblins replace the goblins in the chaos pact team ? or do they all have animosity ?

- Painted minis required ?
wapcaplets - May 27, 2011 - 04:58 AM
Post subject: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: BLINGTOOF
Hey, Laurent.

Good question re: Animosity... That's a big part of the theme of the Chaos Pact team. Let me think on that one.

Yes, painted miniatures are required. I'll definitely go back and add that to the rules.
xkobiex - May 30, 2011 - 07:32 AM
Post subject: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: BLINGTOOF
Chris, I am going to try to get a list of items I want from Comixininos tonight. Sorry for the delay. I can also meet up with you in the GTA sometime to pay in advance...still not sure if I'll be able to attend the tourney.
Daggers - May 30, 2011 - 09:07 AM
Post subject: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: BLINGTOOF
Emailed you my list of goodies last night. Mostly modelling stuff and accessories, not alot of actual figures.
wapcaplets - Jun 13, 2011 - 08:58 PM
Post subject: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: BLINGTOOF
I just did a pretty significant update to the Blingtoof's Gitbash website which includes the registration form, a finalized version of the tournament rules, and information about the prizes that will be up for grabs for trophy winners as well as a raffle for everyone! Check out the latest blog post at:

As always, you can follow Blingtoof's Gitbash on Twitter at the link below to get instant updates, as well:
wapcaplets - Jun 16, 2011 - 07:52 AM
Post subject: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: BLINGTOOF
As part of your registration fee for Blingtoof's Gitbash 2011 you will receive a pair of black dice with the Blingtoof logo on the 6 and the name of the tournament on the 1. If you're one of the trophy winners you will also receive a pair of GOLD Blingtoof's Gitbash dice. I just got pictures of the proofs from Chessex and they look pretty amazing.

Daggers - Jun 16, 2011 - 05:49 PM
Post subject: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: BLINGTOOF
Awesome dice Wapa, nice idea on the dice for winners and such. Just curious, what is the symbol supposed to represent.
wapcaplets - Jun 17, 2011 - 12:14 PM
Post subject: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: BLINGTOOF
It's Blingtoof the goblin; the tournament's mascot & namesake! It's his football-shaped mouth with a big gold toof in the middle. Then it's his nose on top and his chin on the bottom. Essentially a simplified version of the logo below, minus the ears.

xkobiex - Jun 19, 2011 - 08:19 AM
Post subject: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: BLINGTOOF
I think I may be in, barring some bad weather. Time to finish converting my cheat-fest team.
flyingdingle - Jul 24, 2011 - 03:01 AM
Post subject:
It's looking less likely that i'm going the the World Cup which means its very likely that i'll be making it to the Gitbash Smile
wapcaplets - Jul 24, 2011 - 06:34 PM
Post subject:
      flyingdingle wrote:
It's looking less likely that i'm going the the World Cup which means its very likely that i'll be making it to the Gitbash Smile

Although I completely understand making the World Cup a priority having you at the Gitbash would be fantasic!
Chewblocka - Jul 25, 2011 - 10:22 AM
Post subject:
      wapcaplets wrote:
      flyingdingle wrote:
It's looking less likely that i'm going the the World Cup which means its very likely that i'll be making it to the Gitbash :)

Although I completely understand making the World Cup a priority having you at the Gitbash would be fantasic!

Why not go to both? Oh, wait. You might have a life, unlike some of us... like me. But on the up side, I'm going to the World Cup!
Lizardcore - Jul 25, 2011 - 10:35 AM
Post subject:
      wapcaplets wrote:
Although I completely understand making the World Cup a priority having you at the Gitbash would be fantasic!

no !

it would be awesome Very Happy
wapcaplets - Jul 25, 2011 - 11:36 AM
Post subject:
Hey, everyone.

Enough people that didn't get in on the first group order from Impact have been asking if I was going to do another order so I figured I may as well! To be clear, this time I'm only going to do an order from Impact, not Comixininos. I'm thankful that Comixininos made a prize support offer available but the shipping charges were a lot more than I anticipated. This one's going to be a lot shorter timeline than the last one. The deal is still the same (10% off Impact's list price for what you'd like to buy and the tournament gets 20% of the pre-discount price as prize support) but I want to have everyone's orders in by THIS SUNDAY (July 31st). I'll front the cost and cover the shipping again and let people know what they owe when the final total comes in.

So head on over to Impact's website and send me an e-mail at with what you'd like to purchase and I'll git 'er done!
wapcaplets - Jul 26, 2011 - 11:45 AM
Post subject:
Can’t commit to a whole weekend tournament? Why not form a tag team!? Hey, we’re all getting older and with kids, family, and all the other non-gaming related crap that life throws are way it gets harder and harder to get away for an entire weekend. If you’re in this boat then a great way to participate in Blingtoof’s Gitbash that doesn’t require a whole weekend away is to find a partner and participate as a “tag team” where one coach plays all three Saturday games and the other coach plays all three Sunday games.

The tag team will be considered a single coach for the purposes of tournament seeding and scoring. Additionally, any bonus prize raffle tickets will only apply once per tag team (e.g. if both coaches register early then the tag team gets five bonus raffle tickets, not five for each player). For any prizes won it will be up to the individual members of the tag team to work out the logistics of how they are shared. The cost to register a tag team for the tournament is $40 (the same price as a single coach). Players in a tag team may either play the same team all weekend or the Sunday coach may bring a new team and will apply the three rounds of upgrades before the start of the fourth game. Each tag team may only enter one team in the contest for best team. If you are registering as a tag team please have each coach register individually and e-mail with the name of your tag team partner.
Taxal - Jul 27, 2011 - 12:05 PM
Post subject:
If there is any dice left after the tournament I would like to get my hands on a set of them to go into my collection of BB dice. Would you be willing to sell a set of them. If so how much $$$
wapcaplets - Jul 27, 2011 - 01:31 PM
Post subject:
      Taxal wrote:
If there is any dice left after the tournament I would like to get my hands on a set of them to go into my collection of BB dice. Would you be willing to sell a set of them. If so how much $$$

I've made a note and will e-mail you about the dice. Thx!
wapcaplets - Aug 02, 2011 - 01:55 PM
Post subject:
Announcing Blingtoof's Stunty Invitational!!!

As a way to get people in a stunty frame of mine I'm going to do a single season league in the online Cyanide Blood Bowl game called Blingtoof's Stunty Invitational. It will be a stunty-only league so the only teams allowed are:

- Goblins
- Halflings
- Ogres
- Lizardmen (Skinks and Kroxigor only)

The overall winner will have a choice between receiving $20 off the price of admission for Blingtoof's Gitbash 2011 or, if you can't come to the tournament, I'll mail you a pair of Blingtoof's Gitbash tournament dice. The structure of this league will depend on how many coaches sign up. If you're interested in participating please send me a PM with your Cyanide username by midnight eastern time this coming Sunday (August 7th, 2011).

wapcaplets - Aug 19, 2011 - 08:51 AM
Post subject:
About a week and a half ago I tweeted a picture of the embossing die that I had made. My friend Adam Smith (of Sword in the Stone Crafts) is going to actually be making the leather pouches for the "bag of rats" trophies and he just brought over a sample of what the embossing looks like on a piece of scrap leather. I think it looks pretty darn sweet!

flyingdingle - Sep 21, 2011 - 08:39 AM
Post subject:
I'm not making the Warpstone now, but it's pretty much set in stone that i'll be making it to the Gitbash. Cya there!

(pssst...come to the Orctoberfest on Oct 8th)
wapcaplets - Sep 28, 2011 - 11:14 AM
Post subject:
Blingtoof's Gitbash is only five weeks away! I've updated the tournament rules based on feedback from some of you guys. Take a look, particularly those of you that have read through them already:

The changes from the last version are in red. There aren't huge changes but it's worth looking over. Also, don't forget to register ahead of time to get free tickets for the prize raffle! Here's the registration link:
Glamdryn - Sep 28, 2011 - 12:20 PM
Post subject:
Wish I could make it!

I added your tourny to the google map.

North America Tourny Scene
Spazzfist - Sep 29, 2011 - 09:01 AM
Post subject:
Hey Chris,

Just re-read the tournament rules, and have to say that I am really jazzed up about this tournament! I look forward to bringing a world of hurt to the other teams with the deadly boots of bean kickin'!

Underworld Gitz! Comin' ta getcha!
wapcaplets - Sep 30, 2011 - 07:43 AM
Post subject:
Sweet! Underworld representin' two tournaments in a row.
Spazzfist - Sep 30, 2011 - 08:55 AM
Post subject:
      wapcaplets wrote:
Sweet! Underworld representin' two tournaments in a row.

Sure.... if you don't count Orctoberfest and Deathbowl!
wapcaplets - Sep 30, 2011 - 10:02 AM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
      wapcaplets wrote:
Sweet! Underworld representin' two tournaments in a row.

Sure.... if you don't count Orctoberfest and Deathbowl!

Haha, good point. I guess I meant in a row in terms of tournaments I'll be at.
wapcaplets - Oct 08, 2011 - 05:47 PM
Post subject:
Hey, guys. I've updated the first post in this thread with more detailed information.
Daggers - Oct 26, 2011 - 10:34 AM
Post subject:
Still hoping to make this one, but I will be a late decision. Love the rules Wapcaplets.
Clan_Skaven - Oct 26, 2011 - 03:45 PM
Post subject:
Sadly too many people at work wanted that weekend off & i lost out, sorry Chris i can not make it, i really need to find a better job.
wapcaplets - Oct 26, 2011 - 04:33 PM
Post subject:
      Clan_Skaven wrote:
Sadly too many people at work wanted that weekend off & i lost out, sorry Chris i can not make it, i really need to find a better job.

Sux. Sorry to hear that, Rod.
wapcaplets - Oct 27, 2011 - 12:14 PM
Post subject:
Hey, guys. If people that have the means to transport them could bring game boards (pitches) with them I'd really appreciate it.

andyinjapan - Oct 28, 2011 - 09:14 AM
Post subject:
      wapcaplets wrote:
Hey, guys. If people that have the means to transport them could bring game boards (pitches) with them I'd really appreciate it.


Will do. I'll be driving, anyway.
Daggers - Oct 28, 2011 - 01:41 PM
Post subject:
Looks like I am coming to the Gitbash, so clear the way for an ass-whopping.

And I should be able to bring my boards. Think I got 3 now.
flyingdingle - Oct 29, 2011 - 11:17 AM
Post subject:
      wapcaplets wrote:
Hey, guys. If people that have the means to transport them could bring game boards (pitches) with them I'd really appreciate it.


I'd bring extra but I'm already in ny and I only have my snazzy new Chaos cup board in the bag.
wapcaplets - Oct 29, 2011 - 11:59 AM
Post subject:
      flyingdingle wrote:
      wapcaplets wrote:
Hey, guys. If people that have the means to transport them could bring game boards (pitches) with them I'd really appreciate it.


I'd bring extra but I'm already in ny and I only have my snazzy new Chaos cup board in the bag.

Thanks, Sol! As long as at least every other coach brings one we'll be more than fine.
Spazzfist - Oct 31, 2011 - 07:32 AM
Post subject:
I am not sure if any coachesd are going to be wanting to crash at the Spazz Cave (seeing as coaches who are closer to the venue are offgering up their place), but I am making it available to anyone who would like to stay here.

Just LMK
wapcaplets - Oct 31, 2011 - 08:17 AM
Post subject:
Thanks, Spazz!
flyingdingle - Nov 01, 2011 - 08:17 AM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
I am not sure if any coachesd are going to be wanting to crash at the Spazz Cave (seeing as coaches who are closer to the venue are offgering up their place), but I am making it available to anyone who would like to stay here.

Just LMK

You got room for wife, 6mo old, 2yr old, my cat, and I? Smile
Spazzfist - Nov 03, 2011 - 08:11 PM
Post subject:
Sorry man, it's a three bedroom apartment I would give up my bed for you and your wife, the kids would be squished between you and I don't think my three cats would take too kindly to another feline visitor!
Daggers - Nov 04, 2011 - 08:25 AM
Post subject:
W00t, only afew hours til I leave this town and forget aboutb the last week in a slurry of booze and Blood Bowl.
jrock56 - Nov 04, 2011 - 09:21 AM
Post subject:
Wish i was going! but have to pick my battles I suppose and wait for the World Cup...aargh! Have a good one guys kick as*es and take names!
wapcaplets - Nov 04, 2011 - 09:51 AM
Post subject:
Stoked you can make it, Daggers. There's always next year, Jones-y!
flyingdingle - Nov 04, 2011 - 10:34 AM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
Sorry man, it's a three bedroom apartment I would give up my bed for you and your wife, the kids would be squished between you and I don't think my three cats would take too kindly to another feline visitor!

No prob. I booked a little place on about 15 mins from meeplemart. Also, our cat turns into a raging maniac if exposed to other cats. Leaving NY in a couple hours. We'll see you guys in the morning.
wapcaplets - Nov 04, 2011 - 07:06 PM
Post subject:
Cats... nature's jerk.
wapcaplets - Nov 06, 2011 - 08:07 PM
Post subject:
Thanks to everyone who attended Blingtoof's Gitbash! We had fourteen great coaches show up at Meeplemart and the goblin-centric theme of the tournament seemed well-received. When I was coming up for the idea for this tournament my goals were that it should be fun and distinct and I think we collectively achieved both. It was a pleasure to hang out with all of the coaches and it was particularly nice to see some new faces on the tournament scene.

I wanted to specifically thank Solomon, Mark H., Mark D., Peter, and Robert who traveled the furthest to come to the tournament. It's great to have dedicated coaches that are willing to put miles on the ol' odometer to support a tournament, especially in the first year.

I was also really happy to give away what can only be described as a metric crap-ton of prizes. In addition to the custom leather dice-pouches and golden championship dice for the trophy winners we gave away prizes which included the following games & accessories:

- 3 copies of Blood Bowl Team Manager (card game)
- Goblin Team with 2 trolls and 4 secret weapons (Neomics miniatures)
- Dominion (card game)
- River Trolls (GW plastic miniatures)
- Goblin Regiment (GW plastic miniatures)
- Death Angel (Space Hulk-themed card game)
- Chaos Marauders (card game)
- Zombie Fluxx (card game)

On the subject of prize support, I'd be remiss if I did not, once again, thank Impact Miniatures and Comixininos for providing me with free prizes and, of course, none of that would have been possible without the people who made purchases as part of the group orders to those respective companies.

Below are the final official rankings for the tournament. Scoring was based on 3 points for a win, 1 point for a tie, and 0 points for a loss. The tie-breaker for tied records was fouling points (secondary tie-breakers were never required).

1. Solomon K. (flyingdingle) - Wood Elves
2. Alexander W. (Stimme) - Norse
3. Chris E. (wapcaplets) - Underworld
4. Mark H. (Zap_Rowsdower) - Human
5. Christian S. - Human
6. Laurent D. (Lizardcore) - Necromantic
7. Tristan M. (natsirtm) - Undead
8. Mark D. (Dwarfrunner) - Chaos Pact
9. Mike F. (Sharp1011) - Nurgle
10. David B. (turfchewer) - Orc
11. Peter M. (Peter_Meers) - Orc
12. Tyler K. - Orc
13. Craig T-W. (Spazzfist) - Underworld
14. Robert A. (andyinjapan) - Orc

FOUL POINTS (1 point for a stun, 2 points for a KO, 4 points for a casualty)
1. Tristan M. (natsirtm) - 116
2. Craig T-W. (Spazzfist) - 71
3. David B. (turfchewer) - 28
4. Alexander W. (Stimme) - 27
5. Mark D. (Dwarfrunner) - 25
6. Robert A. (andyinjapan) - 20
7. Peter M. (Peter_Meers) - 12
8. Mike F. (Sharp1011) - 12
9. Laurent D. (Lizardcore) - 9
10. Chris E. (wapcaplets) - 9
11. Tyler K. - 5
12. Mark H. (Zap_Rowsdower) - 4
13. Solomon K. (flyingdingle) - 1
14. Christian S. - 1

I am very pleased as to how much people embraced fouling during this tournament. In total, the fouls committed over the course of the tournament resulted in 96 stuns, 46 KOs, and 38 casualties. That's a total of 180 foul attempts that broke armour! Tristan went bat-shit crazy with his team and eclipsed everyone else with 18 stuns, 19 KOs, and 15 casualties. Spazz did his best and came in second with a total that almost tripled what the next closest coach did but Tristan's team was made with fouling as a priority and it performed exactly as intended. I feel that I succeeded in executing my concept when I saw people legitimately crestfallen when a block would yield a casualty instead of a simple knock-down so that they could have a foul attempt.

1. Solomon K. (flyingdingle) - 14
2. Mark H. (Zap_Rowsdower) - 12
3. Mark D. (Dwarfrunner) - 9
4. Laurent D. (Lizardcore) - 8
5. Christian S. - 8
6. Alexander W. (Stimme) - 7
7. Chris E. (wapcaplets) - 7
8. Tristan M. (natsirtm) - 6
9. David B. (turfchewer) - 6
10. Mike F. (Sharp1011) - 5
11. Peter M. (Peter_Meers) - 4
12. Tyler K. - 4
13. Robert A. (andyinjapan) - 3
14. Craig T-W. (Spazzfist) - 2

It's worth mentioning here that, going into the last round, Sol was not in the lead for TDs but managed to score *seven* of his 14 touchdowns in that game alone.

1. Mark D. (Dwarfrunner) - 15
2. Laurent D. (Lizardcore) - 15
3. Chris E. (wapcaplets) - 15
4. Mark H. (Zap_Rowsdower) - 11
5. David B. (turfchewer) - 10
6. Peter M. (Peter_Meers) - 9
7. Tyler K. - 9
8. Alexander W. (Stimme) - 8
9. Mike F. (Sharp1011) - 7
10. Tristan M. (natsirtm) - 6
11. Solomon K. (flyingdingle) - 6
12. Christian S. - 6
13. Craig T-W. (Spazzfist) - 5
14. Robert A. (andyinjapan) - 5

In addition to the trophies listed above, we also awarded a Best Team and Best Sport award (to maintain impartiality as TO I did not vote for either). For both awards people picked a first, second, and third choice which gave the respective individual three, two, and one points, respectively, and the coach with the highest total won.

Best Team was a measure not only of paint job but also conversions and overall theme. The award went to Mike F. (Sharp1011) and his Nurgle team which had one of the most creative takes on a Beast of Nurgle I'd seen. It was essentially one of the newer GW Chaos Spawn plastic models with almost all of the appendage sockets filled in with tentacles. Very cool!

The Best Sport award went to tournament newcomer Tyler K. who was awarded 20 prize raffle tickets.

I'll be posting pictures on the website once I get them all in and will be reporting results to NAF as soon as I get one of the new guys' NAF ID confirmed.

I really want to hear feedback, too. This is not fishing for compliments, either. While I'm pretty confident that everyone had fun I want to know what you liked and what you thought could be improved for next year. The biggest lesson that I personally learned is to have an odd man out arranged. While I had a blast playing Blood Bowl all weekend it was crazy trying to keep the tournament running and play my games!

Thank you, again, to everyone who attended. Every trophy-winning coach received a leather pouch with the Blingtoof's Gitbash logo embossed on it (the adornments varied a bit based on the award but the pouches were all the same).

Click here for a picture that Tristan took of his "Best Fouler" trophy.
Lizardcore - Nov 07, 2011 - 05:05 AM
Post subject:
Thanks for the tournament, Chris !

I also thank my opponents, I had a good time Smile

And congrats to Sol and Mark H (the East Champion)
wapcaplets - Nov 07, 2011 - 06:29 AM
Post subject:
Feedback Survey!

I've created a quick multiple-choice feedback survey for the tournament. It will be open for responses between now and Saturday, November 12th. It's eight short multiple-choice questions and can be anonymous if you wish. If you attended, please click on the link below and fill it out. Of course, additional feedback can also be posted here or e-mailed to

wapcaplets - Nov 07, 2011 - 07:12 AM
Post subject:
Just a quick update in terms of posting the results... I just need to get the NAF ID for Christian who re-upped his NAF membership and, once I do, I'll add his matches and finalize the results.
natsirtdm - Nov 07, 2011 - 10:38 AM
Post subject:
Thanks Chris for throwing an awesome tournament. Loved all the special rules and looking forward to next year already. Glad to be the barometer for fouling points Smile
Well done!
Stimme - Nov 07, 2011 - 12:40 PM
Post subject:
Great tournament! I am looking forward to the Blingtoof 2012.

PS: I filled out the survey.
flyingdingle - Nov 07, 2011 - 12:55 PM
Post subject:
I had a great time. Thanks for running a great Tourney Chris. I hope to make it back next year!!
andyinjapan - Nov 08, 2011 - 11:14 AM
Post subject:
Even though I came home with the wooden spoon, I had a great time. (Does this count for getting my name in lights?)

Looking forward to next year!
Daggers - Nov 08, 2011 - 07:22 PM
Post subject:
Thanks to all my opponents for some awesome games. And thanks to Chris for throwing one kick-a$$ tournament. Had a blast, and that store was interesting. Thank you to Alex for letting the Ottawa boys crash at his place. Had some good times and see everyone @ CCKO.

Christian has been added to NAF, so the final results can be entered.
Daggers - Nov 09, 2011 - 02:01 PM
Post subject:
Magic button has been pushed, results are finalized.....
Spazzfist - Nov 12, 2011 - 06:45 AM
Post subject:
For some reason Facebook is being dumb about loading my pics - so here is a link to them on Photobucket:
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