NAF World Headquarters

Rules Questions - Hey Galak, what's up....

Spazzfist - Sep 28, 2005 - 06:00 AM
Post subject: Hey Galak, what's up....
...with that new ogre team?

I saw that you posted a link for the new team in another thread, and I have to say that I am really not liking what I am seeing. The ogres have never been a very viable team to begin with, and now you are taking away the gobbos and making the ogres more expensive even though they are getting worse!

Care to explain what the rationale is behind that?
Doubleskulls - Sep 28, 2005 - 06:09 AM
Post subject:
This is an old conversation that would be better off on either TBB or the GW site.
Spazzfist - Sep 28, 2005 - 11:24 AM
Post subject:
      Doubleskulls wrote:
This is an old conversation that would be better off on either TBB or the GW site.

GalakStarscraper - Sep 28, 2005 - 12:00 PM
Post subject:
I'll give you the quick answer, but there are long threads discussing this.

1) After talking more with JJ ... the Ogre team is really meant to be able to win no more than Halflings.

2) The price raise on Ogres is a consistent change throughout the new rules ... ALL Big Guys had their price increased and it has been very well received.

3) The feedback from all the playtesters is that 0-12 Ogres was just too much Strength when the team developed. So like the Chaos Dwarf team and the Vampire team which has 0-6 of its name sake the Ogres were trimmed back to 0-6.

4) Snotlings instead of Goblins. Two reasons for this a) its makes the team not another Goblin team but with more Big Guys. b) you now have real options when designing a new team ... even in the LRB 4.0, the Ogre team has very very limited options for what a starting team can look like.

As with all changes of this nature ... some folks have loved it ... and some folks (like you) haven't. So far the yeahs have outnumbered the nahs and there were actually very real playtesting reasons for the changes.

And don't knock Titchy until you've seen it in action. 2+ dodge rolls anywhere means you really do have mobility even if the players are ST 1. Diving Tackle as a 1st skill often let's you have pretty good defense, and since Stunties can now get Dauntless ... even a Snotling can take out a ST 3 ball carrier in a cage 43.2% of the time now with a re-roll, Dauntless, and an Ogre cancelling out the two assists.

Khaine - Sep 28, 2005 - 12:30 PM
Post subject:
I have to agree with spazz on this one. I HATE seeing more rules added to the game. And titchy just seems uhmm strange. Probably just me though. I'd rather see something like 0-8 ogres and 0-12 snotlings. I was in the process of aquirng models for an ogre team, but with the review coming up there is no way I'd play a team of snotlings. Str 1 is just goofy. And having to get a specific skill to make something viable just doesn't seem like great balancing. Sad I can't say I have any rl experience with an ogre team, but I'd imagine to become "developed" it would take 20+ games just to get the other ogres hired, and it has to be a hard road. BTW why would the Big Guy Prices go up? They lost general skill access, and with their negatraits they seem almost perfectly priced to me. I always thought big guys added flair to the game. Plus they make outstanding models on the field. And a great oppurtunity to paint something I can actually see <currently working on female shadowforge elves and wondering how much a 100x visor is goign to run me so I can paint them to game standard>.
Paul - Sep 28, 2005 - 01:26 PM
Post subject:
I can't say I have any rl experience with an ogre team, but I'd imagine to become "developed" it would take 20+ games just to get the other ogres hired

I'm plaing an Ogre team now in the TBBF (using the existing LRB rules). After 12 games, I'm 5-6-1, I've had 1 Ogre Die (who had Guard/Break Tackle)

They hit really hard, but the goblins mean they take their fair share of casualties. I will admit, that my team is good because I've gotten lucky with the doubles rolls (3 Ogres have block, 1 Goblin has Sure Hands) and another Ogre has picked up a Strength upgrade along the way.

They're fun to play, I use them for fun and usually, my defense consists of smashing the opposing players, and then throwing a goblin at the guy who gets by with the ball hoping he a) scatters into his square (because for some reason you're not allowed to throw players at other players) or b) he manages to land and gets lucky on a 2 Die opponents choice Blitz.

Heres a link to their roster if you want to see what they're like

I will admit that having snotlings in the future is alittle dissapointing to face, but at the same time, I play them with fun, so what the hell. As long as I can throw snotlings at players (*hint*) I won't mind. And hell, with stunty players getting access to Dauntless now, I can't wait to see my opponents face when a Snotling kills his best player instead of a goblin.

I don't know how final the vault rules are, but what about a mix of Goblin/Snotling players?? Maybe allow them 2 or 4 Goblins on the roster as well. I know that now, you're pretty much pooched in what you start with. 5 Ogres 6 Goblins, 1 RR & 9 FF is the best, you can go with 6 Ogres, 5 Goblins 2 RR & 1 or 2 FF, but you'll never get the gate you need to win the cash to buy more Ogres. Since I started my team, I've bought 2 RR (140k each) and 2 Ogres (saving to replace Dullius Wappers who was killed by some underhanded Dark Elfs)

Ogres are fun, 6 of them is enough to have character. Fielding 11 of them (as you can now) would be a very scary sight to see, but you'll never be able to handle the ball, and bone-head will kill you each turn. Maybe on Defense I might send out 11 Ogres if I get there with that team (I doubt it) but I wouldn't recomend more than 7 or 8 on the field anyways, so only having 6 wouldn't be that bad.
GalakStarscraper - Sep 28, 2005 - 01:34 PM
Post subject:
      Paul wrote:
Fielding 11 of them (as you can now) would be a very scary sight to see, but you'll never be able to handle the ball
An 11 man Ogre team handles the ball the same way Khemri do. You use your doubles to get Sure Hands instead of Block.

snew - Sep 28, 2005 - 02:10 PM
Post subject:
Beat me to it.
carmachu - Sep 28, 2005 - 02:40 PM
Post subject:
Hey, I'm not sure i like how thro teammate is being handled. Only as far as the Strength of the trower is not sounding good.

But I trust you guys.
Paul - Sep 28, 2005 - 02:48 PM
Post subject:
An 11 man Ogre team handles the ball the same way Khemri do. You use your doubles to get Sure Hands instead of Block.

Bah, not having block would inhibit the ogres crushing ability, which is really the reason why I like playing them.

Yea, Sure hands on the Ogres would work, I'd still rather have a goblin with the ball whos faster and has stunty.
GalakStarscraper - Sep 28, 2005 - 04:05 PM
Post subject:
      Paul wrote:
I play them with fun, so what the hell. As long as I can throw snotlings at players (*hint*) I won't mind. And hell, with stunty players getting access to Dauntless now, I can't wait to see my opponents face when a Snotling kills his best player instead of a goblin.
I'll keep this in mind.

Spazzfist - Sep 28, 2005 - 04:46 PM
Post subject:
Is there any hope that this will not actually happen?

If it does happen, will the "titchy" players be able to be thrown farther due to their smaller size?

<discontented sigh>
GalakStarscraper - Sep 28, 2005 - 08:54 PM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
Is there any hope that this will not actually happen?
Not really. We've been working on the new rules since March 1st of 2004. Its in the final stages ... sorry that you don't like what you see.

If you have specific concerns ... you can always voice them on the official forum for this discussion.

Narkotic - Sep 29, 2005 - 02:41 AM
Post subject:
I like snotlings/titchy. We had an Ogre team with the current LRB rules in our league. after 20 matches they became so strong that they won every match plus partly destroying the opponent.
stick_with_poo_on_the_end - Sep 29, 2005 - 04:23 AM
Post subject:
I too like snotlings.

1. Gobos have their own team and can gatecrash an Orc team

2. Snotling minis are cool

3. Titchy is a great skill and can really annoy opponents

4. This looks that they will be a blast to play! And the size difference in the figures, really adds to little and large comedy value.

5. As already mentioned, these aren???t supposed to be a competitive team but a fun team like Halflings, if you want to win leaugues and tournies, then play Skaven or Undead

6. If anyone is listening, a snotling star player would be cool.

Anyways that???s just my 2 cents worth!
Khaine - Sep 29, 2005 - 08:18 AM
Post subject:
WOW remind me to never look at the vault. I can't believes the BBRC is further cutting the balls off of the game I love. Sigh. I guess they are moving towards a hasbro or matel friendly game. Evil or Very Mad Oh well I guess in 2007 I can play blood bowl with my 3 year old and since the players will be hitting each other with nerf bats it won't matter Rolling Eyes
Doubleskulls - Sep 29, 2005 - 09:20 AM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
      Doubleskulls wrote:
This is an old conversation that would be better off on either TBB or the GW site.


Sad I like keeping this a nice civil place where people aren't getting all upset by the vault all the time...
Khaine - Sep 29, 2005 - 12:31 PM
Post subject:
Yeah I can see why you say that DS. I won't talk about vault stuff anymore.
Shepherd - Sep 29, 2005 - 02:57 PM
Post subject:
      Narkotic wrote:
I like snotlings/titchy. We had an Ogre team with the current LRB rules in our league. after 20 matches they became so strong that they won every match plus partly destroying the opponent.

After 8 games, that's where the ogres in our current 6-team league are headed. Most now have multiblock and a couple have block. They just eat the other teams.
carmachu - Sep 29, 2005 - 06:29 PM
Post subject:

5. As already mentioned, these aren???t supposed to be a competitive team but a fun team like Halflings, if you want to win leaugues and tournies, then play Skaven or Undead

I find that to be BS reasoning(or rather a cop out). While I dont expect halflings to be AS competative as main event teams, amking it so there might not even be an outside chance they win is pointless. While I'll reserve judgement to see the final product, I'm not sure I'd take halflings in the current league with the new rules. Making them, and other armies liek ogres, more of a comedy or errors team doesnt sit well.

But I'll wait to see the final product first, to reserve final judgement.
Doubleskulls - Sep 30, 2005 - 06:01 AM
Post subject:
Ogres, Halflings & Goblins are supposed to be able to win around 1 game in 3 or 4. If you want to play a more competitive team there are 18 to choose from.

Personnally I really enjoy playing gobbos probably more than any of the tier 1 teams. It means I can shout & gloat about my victories Very Happy and have ready made excuses for when I lose Wink I don't want them to be competitive - I want them to be a challenge.

So fundamentally I think the argument saying all teams should be competitive is rubbish. You've got a huge range of competitive teams - for those of us who want a challenge or just some fun let us have a little bit of variety.
carmachu - Sep 30, 2005 - 06:26 AM
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I dont want them as competative as a normal team, but saying you've only got a 1 in 4 chance of winning isnt good either.
Shepherd - Sep 30, 2005 - 07:34 AM
Post subject:
      carmachu wrote:
I dont want them as competative as a normal team, but saying you've only got a 1 in 4 chance of winning isnt good either.

Well, in a "perfectly balanced" world every team has a 1 in 2 chance of winning any match. So having teams that generally win half as many games as Tier 1 teams seems reasonable to me.

I may play vampires next season, because I think it will be funny. I don't expect to win every game. I don't expect to win ANY game. I think it will be funny. And that's cool.
Khaine - Sep 30, 2005 - 07:44 AM
Post subject:
I agree that it could be fun to play a less competitive team for one off games, possibly. But it can also be viewed as taking some of the fun away for someone who say likes goblins, ogres, of halflings, who doesn't want to go in with a oh I know I'm going to lose most of my games. If I like a team/model/concept team, I expect to be able to buy the models and not have the team become changed in the next implementation of the rules. Looking at the "new" Khemri rules, I feel like I have wasted hard earned money on a team that after 2007 will be stuck on a shelf to gather dust. There seems to be no real reason to play a team when the only asset is made null and void. Shrug.
GalakStarscraper - Sep 30, 2005 - 08:51 AM
Post subject:
      Khaine wrote:
There seems to be no real reason to play a team when the only asset is made null and void. Shrug.
I have no idea what you are speaking of. The Khemri team in the new rules is the same as the one in the LRB 4.0 and will stay that way.

Khaine - Sep 30, 2005 - 11:42 AM
Post subject:
      GalakStarscraper wrote:
      Khaine wrote:
There seems to be no real reason to play a team when the only asset is made null and void. Shrug.
I have no idea what you are speaking of. The Khemri team in the new rules is the same as the one in the LRB 4.0 and will stay that way.


Hmmm I was under the impression from the GW forum that they were losing General Skill access.... If not then I must have misread.
GalakStarscraper - Sep 30, 2005 - 12:14 PM
Post subject:
      Khaine wrote:
Hmmm I was under the impression from the GW forum that they were losing General Skill access.... If not then I must have misread.
Discussed and rejected. So no they aren't losing General access.

Khaine - Sep 30, 2005 - 12:35 PM
Post subject:
Ahhh ok I reteact my nerf bat statement then. I do however long for the days where deaths were an accepted part of the game and while being a downer was just something you lived with. Heck I have 3 kills in my current league with my PRO ELVES. It is all in how bashy you want to play a given team. Granted, a nice str 4 claw block chaos warrior is probably going to rack up the kills alot easier it doesn't mean that they are the only ones who can Smile.
snew - Sep 30, 2005 - 01:14 PM
Post subject:
Can I get general back on my Skinks then?
Doubleskulls - Sep 30, 2005 - 01:54 PM
Post subject:
Laughing nice try
carmachu - Sep 30, 2005 - 08:21 PM
Post subject:
      Shepherd wrote:
      carmachu wrote:
I dont want them as competative as a normal team, but saying you've only got a 1 in 4 chance of winning isnt good either.

Well, in a "perfectly balanced" world every team has a 1 in 2 chance of winning any match. So having teams that generally win half as many games as Tier 1 teams seems reasonable to me.

I may play vampires next season, because I think it will be funny. I don't expect to win every game. I don't expect to win ANY game. I think it will be funny. And that's cool.

I dont. I'd like to have an outside chance of winning a league. Like I do now with the halfling team. Right now, I'm doing well, but I know as the league progresses, it'll get harder and harder. I dont build as well as, say skaven.

Putting out a team, and saying flat out you'll never have a chance, You'll only ever really win 1 out of 4 games, and building it that way, just seems wrong.

But thats just me. It seems a huge turn off. I was planning on ogres next league, but if the rules hit before the next league, chances are slim I'll play them.

But again, I reserve final judgement until the new rule set is out.
Shepherd - Oct 01, 2005 - 08:34 AM
Post subject:
I'd rank 'flings right in with Vampires, though. I'm not playing to lose, and heck -- if I have a very good season, don't make many mistakes, and get really consistently lucky on the OFAB rolls, I might take it!

But I wouldn't EXPECT to get to the finals. With Chaos Dwarves, Skaven, Orcs or Dwarves, I would be disappointed if I didn't. With Vampires, Flings, Ogres, Khemri, Goblins or Rotters, I'd be proud and pleased if I did. Because these are the "Tier 2" teams, and I'm OK with saying that "generally, they win less games."

As I think Doubleskulls said, that makes victory all the sweeter.
Doubleskulls - Oct 01, 2005 - 09:49 AM
Post subject:
I really don't get the insistence that flings/gobbos whatever have to be as good as Orcs. All the background of the game is that they are rubbish and consistently lose. If you really embrace the 'fling fluff then you ought to expect for your whole team to die every game. In some bizarre way you ought to want your whole team to die, just as much as a Chaos team wants to kill the opposition. That's not to say you shouldn't be trying to win - just that you should expect defeat.
KarlLagerbottom - Oct 01, 2005 - 10:22 AM
Post subject:
      Doubleskulls wrote:
I really don't get the insistence that flings/gobbos whatever have to be as good as Orcs. All the background of the game is that they are rubbish and consistently lose. If you really embrace the 'fling fluff then you ought to expect for your whole team to die every game. In some bizarre way you ought to want your whole team to die, just as much as a Chaos team wants to kill the opposition. That's not to say you shouldn't be trying to win - just that you should expect defeat.

Without having read the whole thread...I'll just say this. In my mind there is a difference in league play and tourney play that should be factored in the conversation. In either case should the stunty teams absolutely be as good as the "Teir 1" teams?

Maybe not...however, in a tourney setting I believe that some allowances should be made for stunty caoches just for the sake of variety. In North America where tourneys are spread out over great distances the investment in time and money to attend a tourney is fairly large. (At least when compared to tournies in the UK.) Given that, if a coach wants to play a team like Halflings or Goblins for the sake of variety, they should be given the opportunity to compete. Regardless of the rule set it will be a challange, but there are many tournies that either totally do away with the Master Chef or Secret Weapons and others that prohibit skill ups for the Big Guys. WHy would anyone take a stunty team to the tourney? And before you answer that question, let me ask another...Do you really want to go to a tourney and face the same couple of races every time?

On the other a league setting...the team is the team. They should not be played in a league setting unless the coach understands that they are fighting an uphill battle.

Anyway...there is my take.
KarlLagerbottom - Oct 01, 2005 - 10:56 AM
Post subject:
One added note now that I have read the thread...

I am guessing that someone on the BBRC plays Khemri. Does anyone reaylly think that AG2 balances out four STR5 Players with General Access?

Why is it that the Ogre's are broken to the point that they can only have STR1 complementary players and that Mummies are A-OK? Is it Fluff? Is it because that are a jokety-joke team that is supposed to only win 25% of the time?

Please...someone direct me to the Khemri fluff that says they are supposed to be so competitive.


P.S. The statement that the Gobbos are off of the Ogre team because ther already is a Goblin team should be brought to the attention to the person who keeps inventing Undead teams. I mean seriously how many of these variants do we need. I actually like them, but if that is being used as a justification to nerf the Ogre's further than let's please at least be consistant.
KarlLagerbottom - Oct 01, 2005 - 11:04 AM
Post subject:
      Khaine wrote:
There seems to be no real reason to play a team when the only asset is made null and void. Shrug.

General Skill access is the Khemri teams only asset? How about four STR5 blayers...blitzers and throwers. So they are AG2...the Throwers have Sure Hands to start...unlike Wood Elf throwers who certainly have "Surer Hands" than s a skeleton. And the Khemri Blitzers have STR Skill Access...unlike Wights, DE Blitzers, HE Blitzers, and Wardancers.

Seriously...why is the Khemri team beyond reproach?


P.S. And Khaime...I know exactly how you feel in terms of buying a team and having the rulkes changed right out from under you. My 17 Ogres will attest to that. (And 18 or so Goblins...if you can trust what they say. Smile )
carmachu - Oct 01, 2005 - 11:50 AM
Post subject:
      Doubleskulls wrote:
I really don't get the insistence that flings/gobbos whatever have to be as good as Orcs. All the background of the game is that they are rubbish and consistently lose. If you really embrace the 'fling fluff then you ought to expect for your whole team to die every game. In some bizarre way you ought to want your whole team to die, just as much as a Chaos team wants to kill the opposition. That's not to say you shouldn't be trying to win - just that you should expect defeat.

Please dont bring fluff in, or otherwise when you play marines I have to insist you only set up 10 marines. Fluff has no bearing on rules. Fluff is fluff, rules are rules.

As for insistance: I payed my money to buy the game, and minis, and spent my time assembling and painting. If you think its not worth any consideration, we'll I can always spend it on warmachine. Its one of those problems GW doesnt always consider. But I digress(this is another topic altogether).

Moving on:

Currently, halflings are pretty ok: in league play they'll do better than average in the beginning, but as the league progresses, I'm finding it will be harder and harder to compete. There's a skaven team thats going to give me fit eventually(one turn scorer gutterrunner, and now a ratogre on the line) and an Orc one(every black orc has guard and going on). Halflings wont be able to keep up eventually.

And I can except that.

But being told with ogres, vampires and halflings, well, with the new rules you'll lose 3 out of 4 out of the gate, just yank the teams. Its somewhat pointless.

Futhermore, the opinion that goblins shouldnt be on an ogre team beacuse they have thier own team(and orc team) is bad logic. I mean we have the standard undead team, the necromacor team, the Khemier team, and a vampire team. You've sprinkled the undead far and wide here, I dont see it as a problem.

Granted, I'll wait till final product before really ranting. I may like it. I might not. I'm amused by the reintroduction of snotlings. I dont expect halflings to be treated like a teir 1 team such as chaos, WE, skaven. On the other hand, I dont want them relegated to a joke team either.
Paul - Oct 01, 2005 - 12:24 PM
Post subject:
Fluff has no bearing on rules. Fluff is fluff, rules are rules

You've sprinkled the undead far and wide here, I dont see it as a problem.

Well, its the fluff that has made the various undead teams that you don't have a problem with. I mean, we might as well have varient Skaven teams with all their different clans, or go back to the days of Brettonian and Imperial teams. Maybe bring back Savage Orcs and stuff.

some teams just aren't ment to win. Yea, you'll win a few games, but if Halflings or Goblins win your league, then theres something wrong with the rest of the players in my opionion. We had a goblin team in the TBBF and he was doing pretty good, until my Orcs played him and killed 4 goblins and injured 4 others. That kinda stuff will happen to the teams eventually and then you're done.

The Ogres are too unpredictable, much like Vampires, with their off for a bite, one turn, they're all going to go bone head and the next turn, your opponent has an easy shot at the goblin with the ball. Let alone how unpredicatable goblins are. Yea, you can dodge anywheres, but you can't get the ball any better than a human lineman.

I don't expect my Ogre team to win many games. The fact that I've won 4 or 5 is a plesant surprise. The goblin teams I've played around with are the same, I don't expect to win, but it is possible, and much more challenging.

[quote]But being told with ogres, vampires and halflings, well, with the new rules you'll lose 3 out of 4 out of the gate, just yank the teams. Its somewhat pointless. [quote]

I'm not sure what your league is like, but in ours, you can play multiple teams. So, why not play a team like this for fun. My Ogres are the perfict example. I'll never use them in any of our league tournaments, they're more like the "hitmen" of the league, softening up an opponents team for someone else. But I don't know where someone gets the idea that you'll only win 1 in 4 games. Thats certinly not the case.

If you're going up against evenly matched TR teams, I'd say that Ogres, Vampires and even Halflings and Goblins have a good shot at winning the game. Goblins and Halflings make great cages. Their stunty/dodge lets you get guys away from your opponent with relitive ease, and then when the cage is surrounded, you can use a troll or a treeman to throw the ball carrir away, or just dodge away with stunty.

Odds are, you won't win with these teams, but with a little bit of luck and a lot of skill, you can get more wins than 1 in 4
carmachu - Oct 01, 2005 - 12:46 PM
Post subject:
      Paul wrote:
Fluff has no bearing on rules. Fluff is fluff, rules are rules

You've sprinkled the undead far and wide here, I dont see it as a problem.

Well, its the fluff that has made the various undead teams that you don't have a problem with. I mean, we might as well have varient Skaven teams with all their different clans, or go back to the days of Brettonian and Imperial teams. Maybe bring back Savage Orcs and stuff.

I really dont care. What I mean is: I dont see the problem with a couple of teams with the same figures: undead have mommies as do Khemier.
Things like that.


some teams just aren't ment to win. Yea, you'll win a few games, but if Halflings or Goblins win your league, then theres something wrong with the rest of the players in my opionion. We had a goblin team in the TBBF and he was doing pretty good, until my Orcs played him and killed 4 goblins and injured 4 others. That kinda stuff will happen to the teams eventually and then you're done.

THAT happens to any team. I watch Wensday a DE team lose another 2 guys, while already being down 2, and a few others injured. Death and injury HAPPEN, but that happens to any team. Hell I JUST took my first dead halfling Wensday as well. The new skaven player just took 2 dead in his first game. I fully expect to lose half my halflings one game.

I accept casualties, its part of the game.


I'm not sure what your league is like, but in ours, you can play multiple teams. So, why not play a team like this for fun.

Our league allows one and only one team to be played. Now you see why I'd be a bit put off by the "lose 3 out of 4" games.
snew - Oct 01, 2005 - 01:28 PM
Post subject:
This bears repeating.
      KarlLagerbottom wrote:
One added note now that I have read the thread...

I am guessing that someone on the BBRC plays Khemri. Does anyone reaylly think that AG2 balances out four STR5 Players with General Access?

Why is it that the Ogre's are broken to the point that they can only have STR1 complementary players and that Mummies are A-OK? Is it Fluff? Is it because that are a jokety-joke team that is supposed to only win 25% of the time?

Please...someone direct me to the Khemri fluff that says they are supposed to be so competitive.


P.S. The statement that the Gobbos are off of the Ogre team because ther already is a Goblin team should be brought to the attention to the person who keeps inventing Undead teams. I mean seriously how many of these variants do we need. I actually like them, but if that is being used as a justification to nerf the Ogre's further than let's please at least be consistant.
though I doubt anyone will actually touch it....
Darkson - Oct 02, 2005 - 07:53 AM
Post subject:
I'll just say this:

If you don't like the way the Vault/PBBL rules are heading, do what I'm doing and ignore them. Apart from the playtesting I've promised Galak (if he can ever get the time to finish the 2.6 tool version - poor sod!) and attending tourneys that use it (probably the majority) I won't be playing it. We're not going to use it at our club, and if I ever manage to get my tourney organized, it will be under LRB 4.0 rules, regardless of what the official rules are. There will be enough people out there that will either still play or know the old rules to be able to find some games. And if you're a league commish, it's even easier to dismiss them. Wink
Darkson - Oct 02, 2005 - 07:58 AM
Post subject:
      carmachu wrote:
I'm not sure what your league is like, but in ours, you can play multiple teams. So, why not play a team like this for fun.

Our league allows one and only one team to be played. Now you see why I'd be a bit put off by the "lose 3 out of 4" games.

I'm just asking here, not geting on your case.

Accepting the fact that in a perfectly balanced rules set, any team should expect to lose 1 in 2 games, what level would you like to see the Tier 2 teams at?

Personally, I've no problem with expecting to lose 3 in 4 games with the lower teams - I play them for laughs/the challenge repectively, but I am interested in what you'd see as a "fair" level.
carmachu - Oct 02, 2005 - 09:10 AM
Post subject:
      Darkson wrote:

I'm just asking here, not geting on your case.

Accepting the fact that in a perfectly balanced rules set, any team should expect to lose 1 in 2 games, what level would you like to see the Tier 2 teams at?

Personally, I've no problem with expecting to lose 3 in 4 games with the lower teams - I play them for laughs/the challenge repectively, but I am interested in what you'd see as a "fair" level.

No problem. I dont see it as getting on my case.

If teir 1 lose 50% of the time, losing 60% of the time, or 65% of the time isnt bad. Less of a chance, but still a decent chance.

Losing 75% of the time really isnt acceptable.

Or how about in cases of leagues, good chance in the beginning, and degenerates as time goes on. I know that say, skaven once built become obscene, as does a good chaos. I dont expect halflings or goblins to keep up, ever.
carmachu - Oct 02, 2005 - 09:16 AM
Post subject:
      Darkson wrote:
I'll just say this:

If you don't like the way the Vault/PBBL rules are heading, do what I'm doing and ignore them. Apart from the playtesting I've promised Galak (if he can ever get the time to finish the 2.6 tool version - poor sod!) and attending tourneys that use it (probably the majority) I won't be playing it. We're not going to use it at our club, and if I ever manage to get my tourney organized, it will be under LRB 4.0 rules, regardless of what the official rules are. There will be enough people out there that will either still play or know the old rules to be able to find some games. And if you're a league commish, it's even easier to dismiss them. Wink

Depends if the club goes for it or now. If they want to run with the newest rules.....

Doesnt matter. In the end there are plenty of teams to switch to.
Spazzfist - Oct 02, 2005 - 09:30 AM
Post subject:
      carmachu wrote:
      Doubleskulls wrote:
I really don't get the insistence that flings/gobbos whatever have to be as good as Orcs. All the background of the game is that they are rubbish and consistently lose. If you really embrace the 'fling fluff then you ought to expect for your whole team to die every game. In some bizarre way you ought to want your whole team to die, just as much as a Chaos team wants to kill the opposition. That's not to say you shouldn't be trying to win - just that you should expect defeat.

Please dont bring fluff in, or otherwise when you play marines I have to insist you only set up 10 marines. Fluff has no bearing on rules. Fluff is fluff, rules are rules.

And if you want to be so true to the "fluff" then why do Ogre teams have to be so bad? In the fluff, they were always a team to be reckoned with. (not to mention that in all the fluff they have gobbos, not snotlings on their teams).

In more fluff-related issues, what about hobgobins? They are supposed to be the stupidest creatures to ever take part in Blood Bowl! There was even mention of one hobgoblin player who had to show up three days early to a game to allow himself time enough to tie his shoelaces! Will we honour the fluff there?

I don't tweaking something that is broken, but what I am seeing coming forth is a major (and mostly unecessary) overhaul.
Khaine - Oct 02, 2005 - 09:55 AM
Post subject:
      KarlLagerbottom wrote:
      Khaine wrote:
There seems to be no real reason to play a team when the only asset is made null and void. Shrug.

General Skill access is the Khemri teams only asset? How about four STR5 blayers...blitzers and throwers. So they are AG2...the Throwers have Sure Hands to start...unlike Wood Elf throwers who certainly have "Surer Hands" than s a skeleton. And the Khemri Blitzers have STR Skill Access...unlike Wights, DE Blitzers, HE Blitzers, and Wardancers.

Seriously...why is the Khemri team beyond reproach?


P.S. And Khaime...I know exactly how you feel in terms of buying a team and having the rulkes changed right out from under you. My 17 Ogres will attest to that. (And 18 or so Goblins...if you can trust what they say. Smile )

I don't think the khemri team is beyond reproach. I do believe that every with 4 str 5 players that do not have access to skills like block etc, they are going to be less of a force then they were intended to be. As for having blitz-ra's and thro-ra's, agil 2 throwers are well useless with their current movement, and the blitz-ra's well they are decent for the cash so I can't say anything really negative about them. I hardly ever take thro-ra's myself but that is just a personal preference. I feel they are not that much better then a standard skeleton and I can't justify paying 40k for access to passing skills, when I find so many of the passing skills to be less then useful on khemri. If your reduced to a passing game with khemri your usually on the receiving end of a butt beating. I know exactly what you mean with spending <in your case> several hundred US on a team to have the rules change <and in the case of ogres the number of players you need.> and being stuck with either selling for a loss or in general ending up with unusable ogres and goblins. I was planning on an ogre team, but with snotlings being at a premium on e-bay I guess It will have to wait until I hit the lotto Smile.
Khaine - Oct 02, 2005 - 10:09 AM
Post subject:
Just out of curiosity, where did this idea of tier 2 non stunty teams come from? I mean I understand the logic behind a goblin and halfling teams being "worse" then say orcs or humans, but why are the non stunty teams catagorized by a tier system. I guess I may be a bit optimistic in the way games can be balanced, but why couldn't certain teams just be better at certain things like they are now, but made so that almost everyone is on equal footing... Make it the Coach and not the teams sta line that makes the difference in a game. I'm sure there are halfling coaches out there that can overcome this, but team choice should be less about a stat line to be competitive and more about I dig the models, or I like the fluff, or even on the outside I play a <insert army name> army and I would like to carry it over to blood bowl. I actually fell into the statline trap myself this league and I am having less fun then I would have if I would have played my khemri. While pro elves are fun to play and have taken me to a 3-0 season so far with only 2 nigglings to show for it, I feel I am doing well with them. I would have perfered to play my khemri, but with the shortness of the league I almost felt I had to play a more scoring oriented team. Anyway I just really would like to see closer balance of teams. I would also like to see the rules changed with a mind towards the fact that we are spending cash on mini's. I personally would be annoyed beyong belief if I was forced to change the makeup of my team just to get in line with the rules.
GalakStarscraper - Oct 03, 2005 - 12:00 PM
Post subject:
      KarlLagerbottom wrote:
P.S. The statement that the Gobbos are off of the Ogre team because ther already is a Goblin team should be brought to the attention to the person who keeps inventing Undead teams. I mean seriously how many of these variants do we need. I actually like them, but if that is being used as a justification to nerf the Ogre's further than let's please at least be consistant.

The Undead was supposed to be deleted from Blood Bowl. Issue #9 of Blood Bowl Magazine has an entire article written by JJ explaining why the Undead team were being removed from BB.

Likewise the High Elf team was supposed to be deleted at the same time.

However due to massive and I really mean massive amount of screaming by a lot of coaches (not just a handful of loud ones), these 2 teams were not deleted from the game.

So Rob ... hope the history lesson helps ... it wasn't the BBRC that created 3 Undead teams ... you can blame that on TBB to be perfectly honest. Me personally ... if I thought I could get away with it for the new rules ... I'd still delete both the Undead and High Elf teams

GalakStarscraper - Oct 03, 2005 - 12:07 PM
Post subject:
      Khaine wrote:
Just out of curiosity, where did this idea of tier 2 non stunty teams come from?

I guess I may be a bit optimistic in the way games can be balanced, but why couldn't certain teams just be better at certain things like they are now, but made so that almost everyone is on equal footing.

Tier 2 teams offer experienced coaches challenges to keep the game interesting. If not for the Halfling team I probably would have stopped playing BB years ago.

GalakStarscraper - Oct 03, 2005 - 12:16 PM
Post subject:
      KarlLagerbottom wrote:
Please...someone direct me to the Khemri fluff that says they are supposed to be so competitive.

Champions of Death are so clearly a Khemri team from the 2nd edition fluff. Yeah 3rd edition tried to recreate the team, but the bottom line is that I'd argue that the Champions are a Khemri team.

In fact, for the 20th anniversary edition we've strongly considered moving the Champions of Death back to the Khemri section instead of being an Undead team profile.

GalakStarscraper - Oct 03, 2005 - 12:27 PM
Post subject:
      carmachu wrote:
No problem. I dont see it as getting on my case.

If teir 1 lose 50% of the time, losing 60% of the time, or 65% of the time isnt bad. Less of a chance, but still a decent chance.

Losing 75% of the time really isnt acceptable.
In regards to the Flings ... I'm not sure why you are convinced they are so much worse in the new rules.

1) Grab makes the Treemen much better players.
2) Grab + Multiple Block REALLY makes them much better players.
3) Jump Up again makes the Treeman MUCH better if you want to take it on doubles (since the 4+ roll to block is the same as the 4+ roll to stand up so you get a block action for free with it .. or can just stand up without the 4+ roll).
4) While Throw Team-Mate is limited to 6 squares (7 with Strong Arm or Deeproot) for a Treeman .... its 6 squares in any direction (including diagonals) and you NEVER fumble the player (so no more dropping the player on his head when you try to pass him).

For the Flings:
1) While you don't get the Master Chef's free roll any more or the extra ingredients for 20k ... he is still pretty easy to get for any given game.
2) Halfling can take Dauntless on doubles
3) The Bloodweiser Babe is a serious asset to Halfling teams to fielding a stronger team the entire match.

The 1 in 4 win rate is supposed to be true for LRB 4.0 as well for Flings and Goblins... if you don't think it is ... that's great. I don't think you'll find your success with Flings any less with the PBBL rules.

dmchale - Oct 03, 2005 - 02:19 PM
Post subject:
galak, what do you think the odds are of "forgetting" to include the HE and Undead teams from the 2007 and seeing if JJ notices? Smile While I love my HE's to death, I would be behind trimming out some of the "fat" from the race selection.

People screamed about it back then, but what is the player base consensus now? I know I've seen multiple threads with people saying they would like to see some of the elf/undead excess removed... perhaps it would have a shot nowadays?
carmachu - Oct 03, 2005 - 04:52 PM
Post subject:
      GalakStarscraper wrote:
In regards to the Flings ... I'm not sure why you are convinced they are so much worse in the new rules.

First off, you might notice I've said I'm holding off final judgement to see the final product.

Second: I'm going by the statements of losing 3 out of 4 games. You said thats true of current edition. Dont see it. I see, in league play, early on you'll be in there with the best of them, but as the league goes on, you dont build nearly as well, and you'll find it harder and harder.

Spazzfist - Oct 03, 2005 - 04:54 PM
Post subject:
      Khaine wrote:
I guess I may be a bit optimistic in the way games can be balanced, but why couldn't certain teams just be better at certain things like they are now, but made so that almost everyone is on equal footing... Make it the Coach and not the teams sta line that makes the difference in a game.

I totally agree. You want to run and pass, play elves, you want to hit play orcs or dwarves. I don't agree with some of these proposed changes, especially what is planned for ogres. I mean, they are the biggest players in Blood Bowl (with the exception of treemen) why should they be so lousy?
GalakStarscraper - Oct 03, 2005 - 05:19 PM
Post subject:
      carmachu wrote:
Second: I'm going by the statements of losing 3 out of 4 games. You said thats true of current edition. Dont see it.
That's because you are a good Fling coach... I don't lose 3 of 4 with Flings either. But that is the same metric that the LRB 4.0 is held to ... so there was no change in the goal of the team winning from LRB 4.0 to PBBL at all.


Also to Spazzfist ... you don't like the Snotlings .. I'm really sorry.

But Ogres were repriced to 140k ... ALL the Big Guy in PBBL had price increases to make them more optional players than mandatory players on the teams they are on.

Now you build a team with 40k Goblins and 140k Ogres and let me know how many different rosters you come up with.

At least with the new Ogre team ... you've got options to actually design a team rather than pick it up off the shelf.

snew - Oct 03, 2005 - 08:44 PM
Post subject:
      GalakStarscraper wrote:
you can blame that on TBB to be perfectly honest.

You're full of crap. No one ever listened to us on TBB.
Spazzfist - Oct 03, 2005 - 09:06 PM
Post subject:
Fine the price increase I can live with, but all the other changes to the ogres (use of rerolls, snotlijgs, etc.) makes them a crappy team. BTW you never did get toi my question. You are so interested in fluff, so why does the ogre team have to be so bad - as you said, on par with the halflings? Where does the fluff support that?
GalakStarscraper - Oct 03, 2005 - 09:53 PM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
Where does the fluff support that?
What the fluff/rules supports is that Snotlings DID play on Ogre teams. An Ogre team in 2nd edition could be 6 Ogre + 8 Snotlings or 7 Ogres + 4 Snotlings.

As for the fluff ... if we followed the fluff .. you'd have to roll to see if you forfeit the match at the start of it since Ogres frequently couldn't even figure out where they were supposed to be playing.

As for the Ogre team not being good. That's was JJ's view of the team. Since you very well cannot have the team lose half its game on a pre-game dice roll for not showing up that was translated into the team performing poorly. When JJ first announced that he was working on the Ogre team he quite simply said ... "I want BB to have an ST 5 Halfling team". I remember that very clearly.

Again ... I apologize you don't like it. Some folks really have ... doesn't make it any better for you personally.

GalakStarscraper - Oct 03, 2005 - 09:55 PM
Post subject:
      dmchale wrote:
People screamed about it back then, but what is the player base consensus now?
Not enough for me to pull it off.

I'm not even going to run another poll to see. I know the tide has turned ... and a lot of folks would like to see some teams trimmed. But to be honest ... you'll find a very mixed bag of folks that would MUCH rather see the Khemri or Necro team deleted than the Undead who were supposed to go in the first place.

So I've just left that topic alone.

JumpingElf - Oct 04, 2005 - 04:03 AM
Post subject:
... Ouch! Shocked Every day the same never ending story. It´s the conflict between player interests and the balance of the game. If we think about that, we have to have to play with the rules like they are or we make houserules and play the game like we want to. Idea But never forget the background of the game and there are no great Ogre- or Khemriteams in Bloobowl history. Neutral Otherwise most of the Ogrecoaches use the Ogreteams as a better Goblinteams, because they can use more BigGuys. Is this against the game balance? I think defenitly yes! So I totaly agree with the new rules!
Khaine - Oct 04, 2005 - 08:06 AM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
      Khaine wrote:
I guess I may be a bit optimistic in the way games can be balanced, but why couldn't certain teams just be better at certain things like they are now, but made so that almost everyone is on equal footing... Make it the Coach and not the teams sta line that makes the difference in a game.

I totally agree. You want to run and pass, play elves, you want to hit play orcs or dwarves. I don't agree with some of these proposed changes, especially what is planned for ogres. I mean, they are the biggest players in Blood Bowl (with the exception of treemen) why should they be so lousy?

I am almost wondering why they didn't look at a lower agillity option to further downgrade the ogres. Losing so many ogres seems to me as if it's a betrayal to players who actually ponied up the cash for the 12 ogres took the time to model or paint ogres or in general made the effort on the current rule set to play an ogre team when they hit the LRB as "official".

Why not make a 0-8 ogre team with a lower agillity player. Maybe even make the ogres the primary ball handlers with a small race with a 2 str and 1 agillity. I know it sounds weird, and why would you want to play a team with such crap agillity. It would keep the team a true ogre team with the ogres not outnumbered by the secondary lineup, but would make the team less of a scoring force. They would be similar to khemri with the concern of ball handling, but would be able to take punishement with the ogres to offset the many rerolls wasted on picking up balls and or moving the ball around. I know this is probably a moot point but it would be nice to see what other people think. I'm just thinking of the coaches. I really would like to see people who have purchased models not feel disapointed by a rule change. I know price is probably not at the top of the list of "balance" but it should be a consideration.
JumpingElf - Oct 04, 2005 - 08:38 AM
Post subject:

Why not make a 0-8 ogre team with a lower agillity player. Maybe even make the ogres the primary ball handlers with a small race with a 2 str and 1 agillity. I know it sounds weird, and why would you want to play a team with such crap agillity. It would keep the team a true ogre team with the ogres not outnumbered by the secondary lineup, but would make the team less of a scoring force. They would be similar to khemri with the concern of ball handling, but would be able to take punishement with the ogres to offset the many rerolls wasted on picking up balls and or moving the ball around. I know this is probably a moot point but it would be nice to see what other people think. I'm just thinking of the coaches.

Ok! It´s an arguement if you say: They pay for their Ogres, so they want to play with all of them. I understand that it is very frustrating paying a lot of money for the Minis and the rulesupdate don´t allow to use them. But the question is: How can it function? Neutral Too many Ogres are damned bashing force Pow Pushback/Pow and together with Gobbos an experienced Team is hard to stop. Your suggestion to use a small race with 2 str and 1 ag is a nice idea, but can´t be realized, because there is no race in the warhammer world with such attributes. So there is no other way to handle it like the way the new rules do, I think. Neutral
Igor_Tahavanale - Oct 04, 2005 - 11:14 AM
Post subject:
However due to massive and I really mean massive amount of screaming by a lot of coaches (not just a handful of loud ones), these 2 teams were not deleted from the game.
And quite right too.
I'm not even going to run another poll to see. I know the tide has turned ... and a lot of folks would like to see some teams trimmed. But to be honest ... you'll find a very mixed bag of folks that would MUCH rather see the Khemri or Necro team deleted than the Undead who were supposed to go in the first place.
What is the point in deleting perfectly good teams? If its balanced then leave it alone. I'm all for more, I'd like to see another Chaos variant. I just don't see the point in removing some of the choice from the game for the sake of being able to save 1 page in LRB. Thats just chop-happy game editing for the sake of it.

As for the original Snotlings on Ogres issue, anyone whosays that Snotling can't be used to win matches has obviously never put them on a pitch and let them go nuts. I was going to (eventually) play an Ogre team with Gobbos, and I'll still do it with Snotlings - they're even madder!
Khaine - Oct 04, 2005 - 01:47 PM
Post subject:
      JumpingElf wrote:

Why not make a 0-8 ogre team with a lower agillity player. Maybe even make the ogres the primary ball handlers with a small race with a 2 str and 1 agillity. I know it sounds weird, and why would you want to play a team with such crap agillity. It would keep the team a true ogre team with the ogres not outnumbered by the secondary lineup, but would make the team less of a scoring force. They would be similar to khemri with the concern of ball handling, but would be able to take punishement with the ogres to offset the many rerolls wasted on picking up balls and or moving the ball around. I know this is probably a moot point but it would be nice to see what other people think. I'm just thinking of the coaches.

Ok! It´s an arguement if you say: They pay for their Ogres, so they want to play with all of them. I understand that it is very frustrating paying a lot of money for the Minis and the rulesupdate don´t allow to use them. But the question is: How can it function? Neutral Too many Ogres are damned bashing force Pow Pushback/Pow and together with Gobbos an experienced Team is hard to stop. Your suggestion to use a small race with 2 str and 1 ag is a nice idea, but can´t be realized, because there is no race in the warhammer world with such attributes. So there is no other way to handle it like the way the new rules do, I think. Neutral

Hmmm I thought they were keeping warhammer and blodbowl worlds sort of seperated.
Spazzfist - Oct 04, 2005 - 01:51 PM
Post subject:
      Khaine wrote:
Hmmm I thought they were keeping warhammer and blodbowl worlds sort of seperated.

It seems that they wuill quote the Warhammer world and BB fluff whenever it suits their arguments, but conveniently overlook it when it does not.....
Darkson - Oct 04, 2005 - 03:18 PM
Post subject:
      JumpingElf wrote:
But never forget the background of the game and there are no great Khemri teams in Bloobowl history.

Apart from the Champions of Death, a Khemri team if ever there was one.
JumpingElf - Oct 04, 2005 - 04:19 PM
Post subject:
      Darkson wrote:
      JumpingElf wrote:
But never forget the background of the game and there are no great Khemri teams in Bloobowl history.

Apart from the Champions of Death, a Khemri team if ever there was one.

A Khemriteam where Ghouls and Vampires play (1st and 2nd Edition stuff told so ..."Did you know" stuff)? In these days only "Undead"-Teams existed. There was no difference between Khemri, Nekromantic and Undead, they were all the same.
Paul - Oct 04, 2005 - 06:08 PM
Post subject:
A Khemriteam where Ghouls and Vampires play (1st and 2nd Edition stuff told so ..."Did you know" stuff)? In these days only "Undead"-Teams existed. There was no difference between Khemri, Nekromantic and Undead, they were all the same.

well, you can also argue that the 2nd Ed Undead was all Skeletons, which pretty much screams Khemri
JumpingElf - Oct 05, 2005 - 02:33 AM
Post subject:
      Paul wrote:
A Khemriteam where Ghouls and Vampires play (1st and 2nd Edition stuff told so ..."Did you know" stuff)? In these days only "Undead"-Teams existed. There was no difference between Khemri, Nekromantic and Undead, they were all the same.

well, you can also argue that the 2nd Ed Undead was all Skeletons, which pretty much screams Khemri

You are right! The Teamlist of the "Champions of Death" in "Starplayers" is full of Skeletons and Mummys, but why? They made no Rules for Ghouls, Zombies, Flesh Golems, Wights and Vampires in the 2nd Edition. You can take Undead-Stars like "Frank N Stein" and "Wilhelm Chaney" in this Team if you want to and this sounds in my Ears only like "Undead".
biggy - Oct 05, 2005 - 06:53 AM
Post subject:
Ok! It´s an arguement if you say: They pay for their Ogres, so they want to play with all of them. I understand that it is very frustrating paying a lot of money for the Minis and the rulesupdate don´t allow to use them. But the question is: How can it function?

Well as a coach that has got a 10 ogre team, I'd be pretty pissed to see the rules change to ban them. At present I have four fully painted (to golden demon standard) warhammer and 40k armies that I can no longer use legally because of GW's 'let's change the rules and make 'em buy more stuff' policy Evil or Very Mad . Bloodbowl has thusfar not succumbed to that (at least not to the degree of the other GW games) and it is one of the reasons that many people who no longer play the other games continue to play bloodbowl.

As for the ogres' playability, I just got well and truly creamed at MOAB by everyone Sad . The only game I won was against goblins and that was a close run thing. Dwarves just smash ogres (block takes care of the ogres and tackle does the goblins). Can't we just leave the teams alone for five minutes??

Doubleskulls - Oct 05, 2005 - 10:59 AM
Post subject:
The LRB Ogre team is horribly broken in the long run. Since the new rules are supposed to work perpetually they had to be changed.

I'm sorry people got screwed by the change - but the LRB roster was ill conceived and need fixing. IMO it should never have become official.
Khaine - Oct 05, 2005 - 11:04 AM
Post subject:
      Doubleskulls wrote:
The LRB Ogre team is horribly broken in the long run. Since the new rules are supposed to work perpetually they had to be changed.

I'm sorry people got screwed by the change - but the LRB roster was ill conceived and need fixing. IMO it should never have become official.

I would tend to agree with this statment. Whena team becomes "official" it should be because it will not be changed for quite a while. Orc
biggy - Oct 05, 2005 - 07:09 PM
Post subject:
Look, it's all well and good to say "gee sorry about that" but with the bloody ridiculous GW prices you're basically saying "ha ha you just pissed a couple of hundred bucks up against a wall".

"They shouldn't have been approved in the first place" doesn't cut it either. I've just busted my proverbial getting eight ogres painted for MOAB and have two more on the way, plus the goblins now painted that are to be useless under vault rules. Shall I just put the whole team into the cupboard next to my multiple unplayable GW armies?

Thanks Guys your sympathy really makes up for all the money and time.

GalakStarscraper - Oct 05, 2005 - 07:39 PM
Post subject:
      ABigwood wrote:
plus the goblins now painted that are to be useless under vault rules.
I have to ask why?

I would allow any coach that wanted to use Goblins for Snotling minis to do so. Even a GW tournament would allow this as they are still GW and still easily representive of the player they are for.

I really don't see a reason why Goblin figures cannot be used as Snotlings when this team is played ... and yes I am very serious about this.

As for your 4 extra Ogres ... now those I am sorry with. I have two teams with 12 Ogres each so I have enough to field 4 Ogre teams now ... I understand where you are coming from.

But minis purchased should not be the driving force for making rules for a team especially when said the rules around the team have changed and playtesting has shown the team to have serious long term issues.

Paul - Oct 05, 2005 - 08:27 PM
Post subject:
But minis purchased should not be the driving force for making rules for a team especially when said the rules around the team have changed and playtesting has shown the team to have serious long term issues.

yea, it sucks that you've got the extra ogres, and its making me reconsider buying more Ogres for my team, but you can't say "I bought all these, why can't I use them?" cause if thats the case, I've got 2 full skaven teams, change them so I can have 8 Gutter Runners and 2 Rat Ogres.
biggy - Oct 05, 2005 - 11:14 PM
Post subject:
The point is not that 'money equals playability'. My basic complaint is that (up until now) Bloodbowl has not generally succumbed to the change the rules - waste our customers time and money ethic that the rest of GW espouses.

As for goblins as snotlings? That is the age-old GW response "you can always use the 'counts-as' rule". It's not the same and it's not fair on your opponents. I for one like to have representative teams both for my own esthetic pleasure and for ease of play for my opponents. Look at it this way, an ogre team is still able to use some goblin star players. You put one of them on the pitch then it's very easy for your opponent (in the heat of battle as it were) to forget the rest of those 'goblin figures' are snotlings and assume your goblins are just that - goblins. I know a great many players who simply would not correct their opponent on this.

I understand the issues here (specifically balance), but surely the most pertinent place for balance is a tournament. At a tournament the ogres don't get the opportunity to advance very far and the team generally sucks. In a league it's basically a friendly situation anyway and with the inducement rules in the vault a balance can be achieved.

If you must change things don't go the knee-jerk route. Lower the number of ogres to say 8 that way you can still realistically call it an ogre team (not a snotling team with some ogres).

All of this is pretty useless anyway. If being around the gaming industry for 20 years has taught me anything it's that GW will do what GW wants not what the customers want. All us poor saps that want a representative team will just have to shell out for some snotlings I guess.

Spazzfist - Oct 06, 2005 - 05:50 AM
Post subject:
      GalakStarscraper wrote:
I would allow any coach that wanted to use Goblins for Snotling minis to do so. Even a GW tournament would allow this as they are still GW and still easily representive of the player they are for.

...and do you speak for GW on this Galak? I will believe this when I see it.
Doubleskulls - Oct 06, 2005 - 06:10 AM
Post subject:
Andrew - GW didn't make the change. Galak & I did. This has nothing to do with money and everything to do with game play.

The balance is crucial to league play because many people don't play in the same sort of league you do - and having an unbalanced killer team is bad for Blood Bowl - especially when the new rules are designed to promote long term league balance. Tournament play is not a significant consideration.

Sell your unpainted Ogres on eBay or something and you shouldn't be too far out of pocket. Heck, sell your painted Ogres & gobbos and I'm sure you'll make a handsome profit.
Khaine - Oct 06, 2005 - 10:34 AM
Post subject:
      Doubleskulls wrote:

Sell your unpainted Ogres on eBay or something and you shouldn't be too far out of pocket. Heck, sell your painted Ogres & gobbos and I'm sure you'll make a handsome profit.

WOW just WOW. So you don't consider the investment into a game something that should at least be looked at for the rules? I mean it's all well and good to say e-bay unpainted mini's for a loss when your not the one having to sell them off for a loss..
Igor_Tahavanale - Oct 06, 2005 - 10:49 AM
Post subject:
So you don't consider the investment into a game something that should at least be looked at for the rules? I mean it's all well and good to say e-bay unpainted mini's for a loss when your not the one having to sell them off for a loss..
Erm, no. If purchase of minis is allowed to drive rules then everyone can still play a Vampire Lord on their Vamp teams, cos the mini was purchased by just about all the coaches I would guess. The game balance is far more important. What is the point in playing a team which has been recognised as broken and which everyone knows wil eventually spoil their fun?

Maybe GW/fanatic should make it even clearer when they write the articles for unoffical or exerimental teams that the rules may be subject to change, and probably will change. Maybe its clear enough. I'll be honest, I don't have a ton of spare cash each month and I've been holding off the Ogre team until it settles down. I would have got it in its current incarnation, and then I'd have been screwed out of a load of Gobbos. So I can sympathise. But if you purchase for a team that is experiemental its a risk you take.

Still, on the bright side, with all the Ogres that were made illegal on a load of teams the other year a lot of people will have a load of spare Ogre minis anyway Rolling Eyes Skull

The only other thing is ask that your league continue to allow your team "as is" because of your investment. They may say yes, just be prepared for them to ask you to drop the team later if it is obvoiusly broken.
Spazzfist - Oct 06, 2005 - 02:02 PM
Post subject:
I think you are missing the point of the argument. If the team is broken, it should have been realized as suchg long before they made it official and encouraged people to buy all the models.

The fact that they can't seem to "get it right" is frustrating to all of us who go out and buy the teams, only to find out that they are no longer playable under new rules.
Khaine - Oct 06, 2005 - 04:07 PM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
I think you are missing the point of the argument. If the team is broken, it should have been realized as suchg long before they made it official and encouraged people to buy all the models.

The fact that they can't seem to "get it right" is frustrating to all of us who go out and buy the teams, only to find out that they are no longer playable under new rules.

Exactly. The Ogre team WAS official, and so people spent good money on the mini's. Ok so the teams broken and being fixed in 2007. For those who have 12 ogres and a dump truck load of goblins and not playing a goblin team are just kind of SoL.
snew - Oct 06, 2005 - 05:21 PM
Post subject:
They should only have 6 Goblins. Razz
biggy - Oct 06, 2005 - 05:50 PM
Post subject:
Oh OK just sell them. That solves everything. I invest more time and effort in painting than most BB coaches. I rarely sell my painted stuff because of the effort that goes into it. This is one reason why it's so annoying. All you whiners saying 'you can't base rules on purchases' wake up! That is not what I'm saying. In the past changes have been made to 'broken teams' that did not completely screw the team owners. A vampire lord is still a vampire. Use him as your team captain. A Goblin is not a Snotling and 6 Ogres is not 10 fully painted Ogres. This is the first time that BB has gone the Warhammer or 40k route and changed things wholesale.

Doubleskulls if only you and Galak are making the decisions then perhaps you should ask yourselves if making the changes the YOU TWO think are the best rather than what the majority of players want.

A lot of players I have spoken to recently feel that they are being ignored in a process that was supposed to include input from many coaches and that they're being TOLD 'no this is best for you'.

Maybe you should take a step back and look at that.

Spazzfist - Oct 06, 2005 - 07:46 PM
Post subject:
      ABigwood wrote:
Doubleskulls if only you and Galak are making the decisions then perhaps you should ask yourselves if making the changes the YOU TWO think are the best rather than what the majority of players want.

A lot of players I have spoken to recently feel that they are being ignored in a process that was supposed to include input from many coaches and that they're being TOLD 'no this is best for you'.

Maybe you should take a step back and look at that.


I second this.

I have to tell you, I was always indifferent to the Vault and thought that it was a good breeding ground for some interesting ideas. But this is enough to push me off the fence.

I do not mind fixing something that is indeed broken, but anything that I have read in the new LRB, anything that Galak or other pro-Vault boyz have written on here has only solidified my opinion that what you are doing to the Ogre team is wrong, wrong wrong. On so many levels it is wrong.
Spazzfist - Oct 06, 2005 - 07:57 PM
Post subject:
      Doubleskulls wrote:
This is an old conversation that would be better off on either TBB or the GW site.

Now Ian, would you have been saying this if you knew that this kind of discussion would not ensue? You even said later in the thread that you did not wanted to keep this a nice civil forum where people are not getting upset by the Vault. Then why does the Vault do things like this? I can live with change, I can handle modifying an existing team so that they are less broken. Make the ogres more expensive, make it harder for them to use rerolls. But to make them "S5 halflings" is preposterous. There is no reason for that.
Paul - Oct 06, 2005 - 08:59 PM
Post subject:
This is the first time that BB has gone the Warhammer or 40k route and changed things wholesale.

I'm kinda curious, you keep bringing this up, and earlier mentioned your 4 unusable armies, but in the last 13 years that I've been playing GW games, I can only think of 1 case (Chaos Dwarfs in WFB) where they outright eliminated an army and made them unusable.

Second, sometimes when things are broken you gotta cut back on the number of players on the team. Skaven used to be able to have 2 Rat Ogres, now they only get 1. I've got 2 Rat Ogres, I spent time painting them, so why don't I raise a big fuss because I can't use all of them What else are you going to do to the Ogre team? Jack up their RR cost to balance them out? Raise the price of the Ogres (which the vault rules are doing)

Yea, they're loosing their goblin players, oh well, its only 6 players. If you don't like it, don't play ogres. The fact is, right now, they're incredibly devestating, especially after they get 10-15 games under their belt. Hey, I like playing them, and I probably will play them with snotlings, they're for fun, not to win every game. If I want to do that I'll play Skaven or Dwarfs.
Spazzfist - Oct 06, 2005 - 09:03 PM
Post subject:
      Paul wrote:
I'm kinda curious, you keep bringing this up, and earlier mentioned your 4 unusable armies, but in the last 13 years that I've been playing GW games, I can only think of 1 case (Chaos Dwarfs in WFB) where they outright eliminated an army and made them unusable.

Well for one, there were the squats in 40K. Prior to the lizardmen there was a Slann army for WFB. Not to mention the massive changes they made to the WFB undead army when they went the route of the Vampire Counts and Khemri lists. Characterful, yes, but they did leave a lot of people with units they could no longer use. And this is just what pops to mind.....
KarlLagerbottom - Oct 06, 2005 - 09:34 PM
Post subject:
Yea, they're loosing their goblin players, oh well, its only 6 players. If you don't like it, don't play ogres.

Two immediate issue come to mind as I read your comments...

Yea, they're loosing their goblin players, oh well, its only 6 players

Ok, then if they suddenly drop Gutter Runner from the Skaven line-up, I guess a valid response would's only 4 players get over it. The number of players has no relevance at all on the issue. The problem is that half of the team has their strength cut by 50% for the Ogre Team.

If the Skaven lost the Gutter Runners, it would suddenly lose the player that gives it it's character, and allows for that "I have three players on the pitch, but I can still score" ability. Lose those guys and suddenly MA 7 across the board with AG3 is another of those "This team is meant to Lose" teams when coupled with AV7 on most of the roster.

If you don't like it, don't play ogres.

Since we as fans/players of Blood Bowl are all on the same side, this is a fairly insensitive statement. Given that anyone who purchased a full team of Ogres made a fairly sizeable investment...and given thet we did so in good faith that the team was the team was the's not a fair statement to now just say..."If you don't like it...too bad" when the context of the purchase is completely reversed. It is their game, and they can change it in any way that they like...I bought the figures for $20.00 a model and that is a sunk cost...BUT I have a right to express my dislike for the changes...AND it's not enough to just poo-poo these concerns in the manner that you (And others...the BBRC for example) have done. If this is supposed to be an open forum for point-counterpoint then folks like me that are voicing our disappointment at buying their product in good faith and great expense should at least be heard.


Skaven used to be able to have 2 Rat Ogres, now they only get 1. I've got 2 Rat Ogres, I spent time painting them, so why don't I raise a big fuss because I can't use all of them What else are you going to do to the Ogre team?

First of all...a second painted RatOgre is still useful because you could hire Headsplitter and have two on the pitch on occassion. Secondly, everyone is different. I'm not saying that you are wrong for not complaining...please don't tell me I am wrong for opting to let them know that I am not pleased with the changes that are planned.
biggy - Oct 06, 2005 - 10:17 PM
Post subject:
[quote]I'm kinda curious, you keep bringing this up, and earlier mentioned your 4 unusable armies, but in the last 13 years that I've been playing GW games, I can only think of 1 case (Chaos Dwarfs in WFB) where they outright eliminated an army and made them unusable.

OK then pick up a complete 1500 point army (any race) from even last edition of either game and see if you can play it as such under current rules without a) adding stuff (spending more money)
or b) using the infamous 'Counts as' rule. I have a fully painted Chaos Dwarf army. A fully painted Nurgle Demon army. A fully painted and converted 3rd ed. 'Lesser powers' of Chaos army (both Warhammer and Rogue trader) and a Rogue trader rules space marine army all of which are unable to be used because of rules changes. Why should I have to continually buy more stuf for a finished army? Anyway this is beside the point.

I'm not saying that things don't need to be cut back, what I'm saying is that knee-jerk reactions just make more problems. Sure cut back the ogres to say 8. Lower the strength of goblins to 1 and call them Gnoblars or whatever (at least then they can keep armour 7 and not die when a wood elf catcher hits them). Failing that have 0-6 ogre blockers with Agility 1 and 0-2 Ogre Blitzers with Agility 2 (The ogre figure in the sprinting position can be blitzers and the others blockers).

You don't need to completley castrate a team to fix them.

As I said, by far most coaches I've had contact with feel that a process that was supposed to improve things for everyone has devolved into a redesign of rules by a small number of people who don't appear to be listening to the 'unwashed masses'.

I never suggested that the reviewers were about money. What I said was basically that this process smacks of the GW ethic which IS about money. Intentional or not it's the way it looks and those not privvy to this whole design process will see it that way when the new set is released.

There are options that don't completly destroy teams and balance them anyway. To those few people who are redesigning things 'for OUR benefit' all I ask is that you listen to the people you're supposed to be helping and not tell us what is best for us.

GalakStarscraper - Oct 06, 2005 - 10:54 PM
Post subject:
      ABigwood wrote:
perhaps you should ask yourselves if making the changes the YOU TWO think are the best rather than what the majority of players want.
We did ... the majority of players asked for an Ogre team that wasn't broken once it was developed and didn't only have one roster option when created.

And to be honest ... Khaine started a poll at TBB to see if folks agreed with you 4 on this.

So far 22 votes saying in the end game balance is more important than money spent compared to 4 votes that the cash spent should be the major factor.

So ABigWood ... we did listen to the players ... they just were mostly on the other side of the fence.

This is the first time that BB has gone the Warhammer or 40k route and changed things wholesale.

Uhhhhh ... let's expose that statement to a harsher light...

Let's talk about the players who had Snotling teams, or Slann teams, or a Werewolf team in 2nd edition. What about the players that built entire 16 man Chaos Dwarf teams only have have them limited to 6 with the new team.

So if we follow what Spazzfist, Khaine, ABigwood, and KarlLagerbottom, then we'd still have these teams from 2nd edition because of the expense these players went to create their teams.

The Dwarf and Orc team would still have Ogres because those were expensive as well.

So yes I hear what you are saying ... but investment in miniatures is not a reason to not balance a team with an issue.

And to restate ... I'm affected by this change as much as anyone. I had built 2 different themed Ogre teams with 12 Ogres each. So I know have 12 extra Ogres. I losing a lot of money on these teams as well. So I hear what you all are saying. But in the end, I'd rather have to figure out what to do with 12 extra Ogres than to have a team that extensive playtesting shows problems.

As for playtesting. Yes the team was playtested but sometimes certain issues don't come to light until you have hundreds of players playing a team. That's why we've had the Vault openly ask for playtesters to give us feedback on balance on the game and will spend 2 years from the start to the end of playtesting to try and find the problems. The change to the Ogre team is a direct result of feedback from the playtesters.

Again ... I feel the pain of your loss directly as this change affects me just as much as each of you. And yes venting is fine. But if we allowed money spent to control the rules of the game, we'd still have several of the teams from 2nd edition.

Gothmog - Oct 06, 2005 - 11:23 PM
Post subject:
I have to say as an Ogre team owner, i'm not overly thrilled with the change either.... but i do see the concern. In the 2 cups they have played in so far, my team has won the first and came in second in the next... everyone is scared Sh&^less with the next 2 coming up. This is a league of 12 teams with experianced coaches. So yes i would grugenly agree that some chances are needed... but not total castration.

And where can you find these... snottling mini's? I can't find them on GW web store.
biggy - Oct 07, 2005 - 12:49 AM
Post subject:
You can't get snotling BB minis for love nor money.

Galak, as I've think I've stated several times money for playability was not what I was saying. In the last two weeks I've spoken with (either directly or via e-mail) with somewhere in the vicinity of 30 coaches who all feel disadvantaged and ignored by the current changes going on. I've seen several realistically viable options for toning back the ogre team that don't involve destroying it. Most of these options have not even warranted a 'thanks but no-thanks' from the 'reviewers'. This is what is leading to player dissatisfaction with the whole process.

The ogre problem simply brings this to light.

Now I for one have no illusions that the powers that be would condescend to change their opinions simply because people suggested mutually beneficial solutions. We are after all only the ones that play the game.

alternat - Oct 07, 2005 - 01:18 AM
Post subject:
Vault was created a couple of years ago, and since then it never stopped discuss on "fixing things". There are pages and pages of suggestions, and discussions, and flames almost about everything.

I see your point and I'm sorry, but to complain here and now it's a little bit late.

by the way, you have the whole 2006 and 2007 to enjoy your ogres, before Vault rules will come to effect.
Igor_Tahavanale - Oct 07, 2005 - 05:36 AM
Post subject:
Spazzfist I think you are missing the point of the argument. If the team is broken, it should have been realized as suchg long before they made it official and encouraged people to buy all the models.

The fact that they can't seem to "get it right" is frustrating to all of us who go out and buy the teams, only to find out that they are no longer playable under new rules.
No, I was answering a slightly different argument. Also bear in mind that I'm not personally knowledgable on the date that the guy purchased the minis.

I am in total agreement with the argument that these things should be right before they are made official. Whilst I do agree that minis owned should never be more important than the game balance I do think that the balance should be right before the stuff is made official. Releasing a team and then telling someone that £60 of it is of no use is a bit rough.

And on a seperate issue would it really bo so hard for GW to run off a load more BB snotlings. They're putting them on the Ogres, they're publishing (ok experimental) rules for them, and they're not selling them. Thats also quite slack. On recent performance... bad GW, bad fanatic. Say sorry.

It seems recently that Ogres, and everything connected with them, is destined to be diddled by the almighty powers that be.
Spazzfist - Oct 07, 2005 - 06:00 AM
Post subject:
      GalakStarscraper wrote:
So far 22 votes saying in the end game balance is more important than money spent compared to 4 votes that the cash spent should be the major factor.

But you are misrepresenting the stats Galak. There are not 22 people saying that there are only 16. Then there are 16 who say that there is a mix of game balance and investment needed, and 6 who say that their investment is most important. So if you want to look at it that way Galak, there are 22 people who say they do care about investment, which overrules your side of the fence as it were.

For the record I am not most concerned about the investment of my ogre team. I just hate what you propose on doing to them.
alternat - Oct 07, 2005 - 06:01 AM
Post subject:
Fanatic Games are not strategic for GW, it has been told some time ago.
Support for them will come only and only if there are resources to spare from "core games".
so, don't expect new teams very soon (surprised about humans, but most likely they were already going), and new star player minis as well.
in short: do with what you have, and have fun.
Spazzfist - Oct 07, 2005 - 06:02 AM
Post subject:
      GalakStarscraper wrote:
As for playtesting. Yes the team was playtested but sometimes certain issues don't come to light until you have hundreds of players playing a team. That's why we've had the Vault openly ask for playtesters to give us feedback on balance on the game and will spend 2 years from the start to the end of playtesting to try and find the problems. The change to the Ogre team is a direct result of feedback from the playtesters.

So then the question begs to be asked: Why are there so many other changes to the game being made? Was it really that broken?? By this I mean the addition of all the new skills. To my mind it it is opneing up the potential to have many problems which "were not seen until playtested by hundreds". Rolling Eyes

GalakStarscraper - Oct 07, 2005 - 07:16 AM
Post subject:
      ABigwood wrote:
I've seen several realistically viable options for toning back the ogre team that don't involve destroying it. Most of these options have not even warranted a 'thanks but no-thanks' from the 'reviewers'. This is what is leading to player dissatisfaction with the whole process.
That is so totally not true. I have discussed at length all the suggestions on the SG forums. I've made special efforts to not ignore ANYONE who posts on that forum. Other forums ... yeah ... I may not have even seen the thread. But the Experimental SG forum, I've responded to everything there.

If your 30 folks are not posting there ... I'm sorry but that is the forum for the feedback.

Doubleskulls - Oct 07, 2005 - 07:19 AM
Post subject:
I think I'm going to step in here and lock this thread. If you want to discuss the PBBL Ogre team - or any other aspect of the new rules you really ought to do so in the Specialist Games Forum ( and particularly the Experimental Rules Feedback ( if you don't like that then the Talk Blood Bowl forum is fairly active too.

If you really have an issue with me moving this to other (free) forums then PM or email me to discuss.
Doubleskulls - Oct 10, 2005 - 03:10 AM
Post subject:
Someone can't access the other forums so I've unlocked it.
Spazzfist - Oct 10, 2005 - 07:44 PM
Post subject:
      Doubleskulls wrote:
Someone can't access the other forums so I've unlocked it.

I'll bite my tongue on that one..... Confused

Anyways, just so eveything is clear Galak, could you maybe give us a rundown of how this process of taking an existing set of rules (which need tweaking - no argument there) and coming up with a new set? Besides JJ's input of S5 Halflings, what else takes place? How is it decided what new rules will be? (My apologies to anyone who has heard this a hundred times before....) What considerations are given (if any) to the coaches of those existing teams in terms of the overall team strength, models, etc.
GalakStarscraper - Oct 10, 2005 - 09:50 PM
Post subject:

I will try to do this explanation justice. The above is the latest version of PBBL sent to GW. The next version is not scheduled until mid to late February, but no major changes are planned (or even desired) for that version.

Rundown. March 1, 2004, JJ announces plans for a 20th anniversary edition of Blood Bowl. BB is to be taken back to 3rd edition and the the "patches" as he saw them in BB fixed.

These patches as he saw that he wanted wiped out included:
1) Special team rules (such as the double costs for stars for Goblins and Halflings or mutation access rules for Skaven and Chaos)
2) Traits
3) The Handicap table
4) The fact that Blood Bowl over-rewarded the older and higher Team Rating team.
5) The Special Play Cards no longer being part of the game.

Not all of these came right out in March ... but over the course of a couple months most of these were announced.

ALL coaches were invited to join the discussion on multiple occassions. This has been an open forum project since May 10, 2004. So as to what considerations were given to the coaches of existing teams ... they were all openly welcome to participate in the discussions on possible changes to their teams.

As for How is it decided what new rules will be? Most of the new rules that were worked out where based on JJ's basic goals for the new version and feedback from the playtesters over the last year+ of playtesting.

Two teams were changed majorly from this project.
The Ogre team was given Snotlings instead of Goblins and reduced to 0-6. This was based on direct feedback from multiple leagues where LRB and PBBL had been played at length. The end result was a desire to make a Tier 3 team on par with the abilities of the Halfling team that was not so extreme bashy when developed. We also wanted the Ogre coaches to be able to have more than one or two roster options for building a starting team.

The other team changed majorly was the Nurgle team which was struggling (really struggling) in virtually all leagues we received feedback from. The team was changed to have more disposable and easily replaced Linemen with the rest of the team having Regeneration to aid survival. (in the end the team much more resembles its 1st edition roots)

That's it in a nutshell. 19 1/2 months ago this project started. 17 of those months anyone willing to take the time and effort to assist (and several who didn't) have been able to voice their opinions and playtesting results. PBBL 1.10 is the result of that 19 1/2 months of work and playtesting.

carmachu - Oct 11, 2005 - 04:50 PM
Post subject:
      GalakStarscraper wrote:

So yes I hear what you are saying ... but investment in miniatures is not a reason to not balance a team with an issue.

And once again, the GW machine keeps rolling. Sorry to sound cynical, but forthe most part, the "change in rules means you have to buy new minis" method of GW was mostly free in BB.

Now we see its not. Shock and suprise.

*shrug* We'll see how the final product is, and we'll make a decision then.

I'm just glad I didnt drop $15 per ogre.....
Paul - Oct 11, 2005 - 05:28 PM
Post subject:
And once again, the GW machine keeps rolling. Sorry to sound cynical, but forthe most part, the "change in rules means you have to buy new minis" method of GW was mostly free in BB.

Geze, its only 1 team thats effected. You're ogres are still good, you gotta shell out for some Snotlings (which, last I checked are pretty cheep when you consider you get 10-20 of them in a pack) Its not like they're eliminating all the blitzers in the game.

Also, GW is a business right, they've gotta make money. Name any other game company that doesn't change the rules and make previous purchases out-dated.

What would you prefer, a team that is grossly overpowered that stays that way forever and ever amen becuase some people "already bought the minis"?
Mordredd - Oct 11, 2005 - 05:28 PM
Post subject:
Well I blame the members of the BB community who forced the change from 0-8 Ogres, as it was originally, to 0-12 Ogres on the grounds that 8 Ogres wasn't enough to make it an Ogre team. The new roster wouldn't be half as controversial if that mistake hadn't been made.
Khaine - Oct 11, 2005 - 05:40 PM
Post subject:
      Paul wrote:
And once again, the GW machine keeps rolling. Sorry to sound cynical, but forthe most part, the "change in rules means you have to buy new minis" method of GW was mostly free in BB.

Geze, its only 1 team thats effected. You're ogres are still good, you gotta shell out for some Snotlings (which, last I checked are pretty cheep when you consider you get 10-20 of them in a pack) Its not like they're eliminating all the blitzers in the game.

Also, GW is a business right, they've gotta make money. Name any other game company that doesn't change the rules and make previous purchases out-dated.

What would you prefer, a team that is grossly overpowered that stays that way forever and ever amen becuase some people "already bought the minis"?

I have to agree with GW being a money grinding machine. I have examples of FULL 3k point armies that are either partially worthless, or full worthless because of rules changes. I was glad when i started playing BB again and though well now I won't have to worry about this anymore. BTW a business can make money through means besides killing off mini's Smile. You can do like various other games that have a great following and just realease updates that keep the same mini's.
Mordredd - Oct 11, 2005 - 05:43 PM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
      GalakStarscraper wrote:
So far 22 votes saying in the end game balance is more important than money spent compared to 4 votes that the cash spent should be the major factor.

But you are misrepresenting the stats Galak...So if you want to look at it that way Galak, there are 22 people who say they do care about investment, which overrules your side of the fence as it were.
I don't think this is fair. Here are the three questions from the poll, for those who haven't read it themselves, and the current numbers.

Yes, they should think about mini's as well as balance.           17%  [ 11 ]
NO, game balance is the be all end all of the rule set.           38%  [ 24 ]
Maybe, there should be some consideration but balance             44%  [ 28 ]
should be the over riding factor. 
                        Total Votes : 63
Note that the third question says that balance should be the over riding factor so they are saying that balance is more important than what people have bought.

Also the first question says that investment and balance are of equal importance. So if anything Galak overplayed the support for investment being more important than balance.
Deathwing - Oct 11, 2005 - 06:09 PM
Post subject:
I think the 'sales' point is getting twisted here somewhere. Although it's obviously harsh on those who have already shelled out on Ogres, surely reducing both the number on the roster and the 'power' of the team in general means that GW are going to in fact sell a lot less Ogres than they are currently? (I don't think snotling sales are going to compensate somehow.)

I'm maybe missing something obvious, but to me this actually seems the very opposite to 'changing the rules to sell more minis'.
biggy - Oct 11, 2005 - 06:18 PM
Post subject:

I'm doing my best to keep this post civil. If you truly cannot see what GW does as an inefficient and 'punishing their customer' way of, as you say, 'making money', then you might as well bow out of this debate. Even long serving GW employees now concede that long term gamers get screwed by their companies policies. Open your eyes mate. As I said I have multiple fully painted (and several unpainted) armies unusuable as the army that they were originally due to constant edition changes and their 'sorry the big toe used in that conversion isn't GW can't use that mini' policy.

The point I was making from the beggining was that you don't need to cripple a team to balance it. Most ogre coaches would only have included 8-10 ogres on the roster as without at least three goblin on the pitch at a time you're gonna get hosed. Lowering the number of ogres to say 8 would no have impacted as badly on those coaches. As I've said before, lowering the goblins strength to 1 and maybe their armour to 6 and calling them Gnoblars (or whatever, I know we're distancing from WHFB) would have had the desired tone down effect without

a) completely screwing the team,
b) completely screwing the coaches who spent literally hundreds of dollars on a LEGAL team.

GW has made a habit of extorting customers. Go to any Australian tournie these days and you'll see Flames of War outnumber both 40k and WHFB. Most of those people playing it are ex-GW gamers fed up with constantly being rodgered. BB even outnumbered 40k and fantasy at Cancon (our biggest con) for two years running simply because B hasn't succumbed to the aforementioned rodgering policy.

As I stated before, people will SEE this as GW continuing with this policy regardless of whether or not it is INTENTIONAL. BB will lose players.

Please don't reply with another GW 'love-in' speech, we get it enough from them.

Paul - Oct 11, 2005 - 06:45 PM
Post subject:
Maybe I should have said it earlier, but I agree with you that GW does a great job of screwing over their customers. They do eliminate armies, they do release new editions that makes some old figures redundant, but again, there are very few game companies that don't do this.

but, you still say that the Ogre team is "Compleatly Screwed" by this change. Prove it. Try out the PBBL rules, play an ogre team with Snotlings, and see how bad you do. Thats the whole point of these rules being up now is to play-test them isn't it? Stop whining about what you read and give it a shot. You may find out that the team is just as good. Yea, you're going to have to change your strategy because you can't have 10 Ogres on the field. Maybe, you will find that the team is compleatly screwed, and you can report your findings to the proper channels (the SG forums I believe) and the people who are making these rules can say, gee, maybe we should tweak this abit.

I can tell you right now, that the team as is, is broken. I'm playing them right now, I've got about 15 games in, and the team is a tank. My opponents usually leave the game with 5+ casualties against them, and I usually win because I take the numbers advantage.

All you've done is whine about the money you've spent, and to be quite honest, its getting alittle old. I think it'd be a bad policy to not fix something thats broken because people have spent money on it, now matter how much.

I'm sorry if you're out a few hundred doalrs on this. It sucks, its a GW move, but a game will be better off if they do whats right for the game, and not whats right for the players all the time.
Khaine - Oct 11, 2005 - 07:28 PM
Post subject:
      Paul wrote:
Maybe I should have said it earlier, but I agree with you that GW does a great job of screwing over their customers. They do eliminate armies, they do release new editions that makes some old figures redundant, but again, there are very few game companies that don't do this.

but, you still say that the Ogre team is "Compleatly Screwed" by this change. Prove it. Try out the PBBL rules, play an ogre team with Snotlings, and see how bad you do. Thats the whole point of these rules being up now is to play-test them isn't it? Stop whining about what you read and give it a shot. You may find out that the team is just as good. Yea, you're going to have to change your strategy because you can't have 10 Ogres on the field. Maybe, you will find that the team is compleatly screwed, and you can report your findings to the proper channels (the SG forums I believe) and the people who are making these rules can say, gee, maybe we should tweak this abit.

I can tell you right now, that the team as is, is broken. I'm playing them right now, I've got about 15 games in, and the team is a tank. My opponents usually leave the game with 5+ casualties against them, and I usually win because I take the numbers advantage.

All you've done is whine about the money you've spent, and to be quite honest, its getting alittle old. I think it'd be a bad policy to not fix something thats broken because people have spent money on it, now matter how much.

I'm sorry if you're out a few hundred doalrs on this. It sucks, its a GW move, but a game will be better off if they do whats right for the game, and not whats right for the players all the time.


LOL and this is the same attitude that allows GW to continually make these "Rules upgrades" accross board that allow mini's to become redundant hunks of metal taking up shevling space. Personally I would rather buy updated rules til the cows come home to allow a company to thrive. I do not agree that every company does as GW does. I play many games that have used the same rule sets since the mid 80's and have just added source books and done reprints of the same base rules... I have no problem with rule changes, but as for being out hundreds of dollars, maybe you've won the lottery, and can just laugh this off, but us mere mortals actually have to work for a living and 100 bucks is alot more then most people want to spend on something that will be obsolete at the next rule change Smile. As for game balance, I believe you can achieve rules balance without totally destroying the teams. hell make the ogres str 4 instead of str 5 and say that they have become soft because of the lush bloodbowl lifestyle <compared to living in the wild fighting eachother every day.> I'm just saying the tedious once a year or once ever other year changes <not only in BB but in every game [Hell in Omaha if you can find people that even bother to play a GW game it's rare, and they are usually uising older rule sets]> it's just a bit much after a while. While I can't say that the ogre team was too powerful I can see how the team would be intimidating. I also understand that there seems to be a trend toward making the game less bashy and more prancy, which IMHO is where alot of the we need to look at high TR team tone downs comes from. More deaths = less tr = problem solved.
snew - Oct 11, 2005 - 08:00 PM
Post subject:
      Paul wrote:

Geze, its only 1 team thats effected.

I can post pics of my Rotters if you'd like. Rolling Eyes
GalakStarscraper - Oct 11, 2005 - 09:10 PM
Post subject:
      Khaine wrote:
More deaths = less tr = problem solved.
Point of reference and I already PM'd Khaine on this once.

Consistent feedback from all the playtesters has been that PBBL plays much more bloody than LRB 4.0. Why?

1) Apothecary is MUCH worse.
2) Each Niggle injury are +1 to injury rolls
3) AV and INJ modifiers stack
4) Piling On is much better
5) Underdog teams can compete in any given game meaning that the overdog suffer many more casualties than they ever did in LRB 4.0.

So there is definitely no less bashyness with this edition. Everything I've heard from the playtesters says it is more bashy which was a desired goal since PBBL deleted aging.

GalakStarscraper - Oct 11, 2005 - 09:20 PM
Post subject:
Also I'd like to point out that GW had nothing ... absolutely nothing to do with the changes to the Ogre or Nurgle teams.

These changes were driven by the PBBL playtesters and approved by Ian and I (for the Ogre team) and JJ and I (for the Nurgle team). GW had no hand in changing the rules and profit motives where never a part of the equation.

Also I have to agree with Deathwing ... getting a 16 man Ogre team now will only cost half to get for PBBL as it did for LRB 4.0.

Khaine - Oct 11, 2005 - 09:55 PM
Post subject:
      GalakStarscraper wrote:
Also I'd like to point out that GW had nothing ... absolutely nothing to do with the changes to the Ogre or Nurgle teams.

These changes were driven by the PBBL playtesters and approved by Ian and I (for the Ogre team) and JJ and I (for the Nurgle team). GW had no hand in changing the rules and profit motives where never a part of the equation.

Also I have to agree with Deathwing ... getting a 16 man Ogre team now will only cost half to get for PBBL as it did for LRB 4.0.


Sorry Galak I forgot to say that the last post was nostalgia for the OLDER pre LRB bloodbowl editions.
Mordredd - Oct 12, 2005 - 05:56 AM
Post subject:
It is also worth pointing out that yearly changes have been dropped in favour of only making changes when an entirely new edition is released. So there should be fairly long term stability with BB under PBBL, certainly more so than under the previous LRB system.

Also I don't think that it is fair to ask GW to avoid changing armies in favour of releasing new supplements when they make all their money on mini sales. For example I've heard it said by several people within GW that they don't actually make much profit, if any, on codexes and army books. (I don't know whether to believe it, but I've heard it said.) Plus there is a limit to the number of armies you can fit in the game. And how do you persuade people to buy a new version of an army book if nothing has changed?
Khaine - Oct 12, 2005 - 07:50 AM
Post subject:
      Mordredd wrote:
It is also worth pointing out that yearly changes have been dropped in favour of only making changes when an entirely new edition is released. So there should be fairly long term stability with BB under PBBL, certainly more so than under the previous LRB system.

Also I don't think that it is fair to ask GW to avoid changing armies in favour of releasing new supplements when they make all their money on mini sales. For example I've heard it said by several people within GW that they don't actually make much profit, if any, on codexes and army books. (I don't know whether to believe it, but I've heard it said.) Plus there is a limit to the number of armies you can fit in the game. And how do you persuade people to buy a new version of an army book if nothing has changed?

I truly have no problem with GW making money. Seriously I don't. I have been a supporter of GW games since I was in jr high. I truly like most of the specialist game systems and all of the wargames. What I don't like is having to refinance my home every few years to buy a new "current" army that is within the rule set. I don't mean to sound down on them but it's not a very effective business model. Hell they could be raking it in hand over fist if they signed some development deals with a studio to develop some of their IP into mutlimedia/movies. Some of the books written would translate perfectly into a dozen different media, and that would take pressure off of the mini's to be the "Only Source of Income" which is BS anyway. The easiest thing in the world to make profit on is a book. The costs can be kept very low per volume. Heck there are still people making money self publishing from basements for god sake. Making millions. Like I said I truly do not mind GW making money, but with all of the other less expensive more stable game systems coming out on the market are going to kill GW if their marketing and or policies don't change... Nobody is so big that mismanagement won't kill them. Several companies jump to mind.

On a side not I realized I was probably being harsher then I intended to be throughout this thread including this post. If I am burning bridges this was truly not my intention. I feel that the BBRC has a terrible job that I wouldnt wish on my worst enemy. In any online community that also has basis in RL it is incredibly hard to make anyone happy, let alone keep a majority happy. So far I haven't left the game due to rule changes, and have even come to like one or two rules I thought I would have hated. So if I have seemed harsh believe it is for the love of a game I have played on and off for nearly 20 years now.... It's close to my heart and like anything if you love something you want the best for it.
biggy - Oct 12, 2005 - 06:30 PM
Post subject:
OK Paul you've obviously not learnt how to read. So we'll ignore your posts from now on.


These changes were driven by the PBBL playtesters and approved by Ian and I (for the Ogre team) and JJ and I (for the Nurgle team). GW had no hand in changing the rules and profit motives where never a part of the equation.

Again please READ what I said. You've stated this several times. It doesn't matter what the process was. GW has a history of screwing over its customers and it APPEAR that they are doing it again. It doesn't matter that Ian and Galak are the ones that did it. People will assume GW has transferred their 'screw our customer' policy onto bloodbowl and the people that have stuck with BB because it is not perceived as one of those games with become disheartened and leave. BB will lose players.

I'll now sit back and wait for Paul to misinterpret this message and tell me to again stop whining about money.

Paul - Oct 12, 2005 - 06:42 PM
Post subject:
I'll now sit back and wait for Paul to misinterpret this message and tell me to again stop whining about money.

Actually, I believe I said to try them out before you declare them to be broken, my last post didn't have a thing to do with finances, which is what you keep telling me not to bring up. But what do I know, I can't read.
Deathwing - Oct 13, 2005 - 01:52 AM
Post subject:
I'm not going to let this degenerate into personal arguments that are in danger of getting overheated. Bear that in mind please or this thread will be re-locked.

We're way off the Ogre rule topic anyway, anti-GW rants about their policies of WH and WH 40K sales are very old news and aren't really relevent to BB anyway.

As far as BB goes, there's always been change and/or evolution making figures redundant. Who else has 2 surplus Wights, Ogres from Dwarf/Orc teams? I've got a team of (converted) snotlings from 4th ed days, hell, even Daemon and Bretonnian teams were legal for a while, Unicorns for Amazons etc.

We have had free rules for a number of years now, and worth remembering that both High Elf and Undead teams weren't scrapped simply because the community screamed blue murder. Try and apply some perspective.
Spazzfist - Oct 13, 2005 - 05:53 AM
Post subject:
      GalakStarscraper wrote:
ALL coaches were invited to join the discussion on multiple occassions. This has been an open forum project since May 10, 2004. So as to what considerations were given to the coaches of existing teams ... they were all openly welcome to participate in the discussions on possible changes to their teams.

Did I miss this? Was there some announcement on NAF to let us know that there was going to be this discussion going on? If so, my apologies for missing it. But if not, then you can hardly say that ALL coaches were invited as we are a large part of the BB gaming community.

GalakStarscraper - Oct 13, 2005 - 07:12 AM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
Did I miss this? Was there some announcement on NAF to let us know that there was going to be this discussion going on? If so, my apologies for missing it. But if not, then you can hardly say that ALL coaches were invited as we are a large part of the BB gaming community.

My first post discussing the PBBL/Vault forum was coming (ie informing NAF):

Post announcing the Vault/PBBL forum was open to all BB members

My first post asking NAF members to please contribute with a link:


As for did the NAF make an announcement on this on the main page. No, the NAF's position has been that it manages the tournament world and promotes the overall health of the game. So NAF management has never made an announcement over an area they felt was not their jurisdiction. To reinforce, I've never been part of NAF management.

So yeah ... the posts were there Spazzfist ... I'm sorry you missed them.

bareuf - Oct 13, 2005 - 07:19 AM
Post subject:
      Paul wrote:
I don't know how final the vault rules are, but what about a mix of Goblin/Snotling players??

that would be a nice suggestion
Spazzfist - Oct 13, 2005 - 07:32 AM
Post subject:
      GalakStarscraper wrote:
So yeah ... the posts were there Spazzfist ... I'm sorry you missed them.

Believe me, so am I! But thanks for letting me know.
GalakStarscraper - Oct 13, 2005 - 08:15 AM
Post subject:
      Deathwing wrote:
As far as BB goes, there's always been change and/or evolution making figures redundant. Who else has 2 surplus Wights
Yup I have those on the shelf
Ogres from Dwarf/Orc teams?
Yup got those on the shelf
I've got a team of (converted) snotlings from 4th ed days,
I do as well
hell, even Daemon and Bretonnian teams were legal for a while
I have all 4 Daemon teams and a converted Bretonnian team from 4th edition
Unicorns for Amazons etc.
Yup got the Unicorn.

Try and apply some perspective.
Deathwing forgot to mention having a Slann team which I do as well.

I wanted to post this with Deathwing's list ... because I want to reinforce that I am very aware of how changes to the official rules can suck when you've purchased the minis. Every single one of the changes Deathwing lists above has been money I spent that is no longer for an official part of a team. I won't approve a change to the rule that would cost the players money to deal with unless I felt game balance was a stake. I'll leave it at that.

Darkson - Oct 13, 2005 - 03:29 PM
Post subject:
Or you can do what I'm doing, which is to ignore the "official" Ogre team, and play a (imo) much more interesting one.

0-12  Ogre Blocker   5  5  1  9  Mighty Blow, Really Stupid, TSkull, Big Guy 100k   S
0-4   Ogre Blitzer   5  5  2  9  Bonehead, Mighty Blow, TSkull, TTM 120k   S
0-4   Goblin Catcher 6  2  3  7  Dodge, Stunty, Right Stuff 40k   A

70k Rerolls

That's the one which will be in our league rulebook (though I might go 6/2/3/6 for the Gobs, and call 'em Knoblars, as I like those figs), and the one which will be in our tourney (if I ever gor it off the ground).

I do agree with ABigwood though - wheter of not it had anything to do with GW, to those that "aren't in the know" it will just look like another case of GW screwing over it's customers.
Khaine - Oct 14, 2005 - 08:20 AM
Post subject:
      Darkson wrote:
Or you can do what I'm doing, which is to ignore the "official" Ogre team, and play a (imo) much more interesting one.

0-12  Ogre Blocker   5  5  1  9  Mighty Blow, Really Stupid, TSkull, Big Guy 100k   S
0-4   Ogre Blitzer   5  5  2  9  Bonehead, Mighty Blow, TSkull, TTM 120k   S
0-4   Goblin Catcher 6  2  3  7  Dodge, Stunty, Right Stuff 40k   A

70k Rerolls

That's the one which will be in our league rulebook (though I might go 6/2/3/6 for the Gobs, and call 'em Knoblars, as I like those figs), and the one which will be in our tourney (if I ever gor it off the ground).

I do agree with ABigwood though - wheter of not it had anything to do with GW, to those that "aren't in the know" it will just look like another case of GW screwing over it's customers.

That's not a bad team.. The RS makes the lone ogres really unreliable, and the ogre blitzers are the only one chucking gobbies. Plus I'm assuming that since your line ogres are "Big Guys" they can't use rerolls.. I actually like the idea of this team. It seems more like an ogre team and not a snotling team..
biggy - Oct 14, 2005 - 07:32 PM
Post subject:
This is similar team that I suggested (this one's better). But the die has been cast I'm afraid. We'll get what we're given and like it!

Darkson - Oct 17, 2005 - 09:41 AM
Post subject:
      ABigwood wrote:
This is similar team that I suggested (this one's better). But the die has been cast I'm afraid. We'll get what we're given and like it!

Like I said, if you don't like it, house-rule it out and put something you do like in it's place. It's not like GW are going to send the Rule-Enforcement squad round to check up on you. Wink
Darkson - Oct 17, 2005 - 09:46 AM
Post subject:
      Khaine wrote:
That's not a bad team.. The RS makes the lone ogres really unreliable, and the ogre blitzers are the only one chucking gobbies. Plus I'm assuming that since your line ogres are "Big Guys" they can't use rerolls.. I actually like the idea of this team. It seems more like an ogre team and not a snotling team..

Just to point out, I can't take any credit for that team, it was the one that TBB devised whe the Ogre figs were announced.

But yeah, the Ogre Blockers are BG's, so can't use RR's. The "fluff" behind it was that the clever Ogres mainly got out of their own teams, and went to play for others for more money (or whatever).
With only 4 players that can assist the RS guys (the Goblins/Knoblars), it makes having a full squad of Ogres less palatable, though you could risk it if you wanted to.

One of the reasons that it never stood a chance was that JJ reckoned it would be to difficult to tell the RS Ogres from the BH ones. Well, that "might" have been an issue (though total bollox if you ask me), but with those very nice Ogre Kingdom plastics out now, it would be a perfect time to bring it back. Of course, the fact that OK plastics would go on the balance sheet for WFB and not for Fanatic makes it a complete non-starter;).
Spazzfist - Oct 17, 2005 - 01:48 PM
Post subject:

I have had a chance to read over the vault rules, and I have to ademit that overall I do like a lot of what I am seeing in there. Skills like jump up being split into two skills and cool new skills like "Wrestle" make for a more interesting game. Also the fact that the Nurgle team is becoming a more viable for league play is very welcome.

However, I still have to say that I am unhappy about the ogres. I feel that there are better things that could be done with them. As Darkson suggested, having a distinction between ogre types would be one route. You could make the team more balanced in league play without cutting them off at the knees.
biggy - Oct 17, 2005 - 07:13 PM
Post subject:
Like I said, if you don't like it, house-rule it out and put something you do like in it's place. It's not like GW are going to send the Rule-Enforcement squad round to check up on you. Wink[/quote]

Yeah that's true at home. But at tournament level you're stuck with the piss-poor 'official' list. I just don't get why the team had to be utterly crippled to make it 'balanced'. But what do I know I only buy the product and play the game. I'm not the one that should be happy with rules now am I?

Khaine - Oct 18, 2005 - 08:55 AM
Post subject:

One of the reasons that it never stood a chance was that JJ reckoned it would be to difficult to tell the RS Ogres from the BH ones. Well, that "might" have been an issue (though total bollox if you ask me), but with those very nice Ogre Kingdom plastics out now, it would be a perfect time to bring it back. Of course, the fact that OK plastics would go on the balance sheet for WFB and not for Fanatic makes it a complete non-starter;).

Oh man that's just BS. Something as simple as bases with a specific rock, or colored ring around the outside would solve any problem with remembering RS. I can see where there Might be a concern, but it just seems unfounded since it could be taken care of quite easily. Well thanks for the view of what ogres could have been, I guess since I have yet to be to a tourney, I won't cry too much.
Darkson - Oct 18, 2005 - 10:46 AM
Post subject:
      ABigwood wrote:
Yeah that's true at home. But at tournament level you're stuck with the piss-poor 'official' list. I just don't get why the team had to be utterly crippled to make it 'balanced'. But what do I know I only buy the product and play the game. I'm not the one that should be happy with rules now am I?

I guess wheter a "varient" Ogre list would be acceptable at a tourney is a) up to the TO, and b) up to the NAF officials (for ranking purposes).
Spazzfist - Oct 18, 2005 - 11:21 AM
Post subject:
      Darkson wrote:
I guess wheter a "varient" Ogre list would be acceptable at a tourney is a) up to the TO, and b) up to the NAF officials (for ranking purposes).

If it were okay with the NAF officials, then I would definitely allow the variant ogre team at my tourney.

biggy - Oct 18, 2005 - 06:30 PM
Post subject:
Yeah, it's a much better variant. As for models, the ogres leaning down in a 'sprinting' (almost three-point stance) position are blitzers, the ones standing more upright are blockers. Really complicated hey?

The 'reviewers' keep espousing the virtues of 'old BB'. Well what about 16 identical figures with only coloured rings to differentiate? That wasn't too complicated.

As I said earlier though, it doesn't matter. We've all been told what's best for us.

GalakStarscraper - Oct 18, 2005 - 10:01 PM
Post subject:
It will be interesting ... I just opened an online league for the new rules.

2nd most popular team being taken right now ... Ogres. We'll see if it keeps up. But for a team that you guys keep telling me was completely trashed ... doesn't seem to lack interest.

I guess that's my way of saying ... just because you think the team is worse doesn't mean everyone else does.

And I freely admit people are just starting to sign up for teams so it is REALLY early. But I thought this early trend was interesting

snew - Oct 18, 2005 - 10:52 PM
Post subject:
      Darkson wrote:
      ABigwood wrote:
Yeah that's true at home. But at tournament level you're stuck with the piss-poor 'official' list. I just don't get why the team had to be utterly crippled to make it 'balanced'. But what do I know I only buy the product and play the game. I'm not the one that should be happy with rules now am I?

I guess wheter a "varient" Ogre list would be acceptable at a tourney is a) up to the TO, and b) up to the NAF officials (for ranking purposes).

Oh, there's a good idea. Rolling Eyes Don't you think the rankings are a big enough joke without adding variant rosters into the mix?
Spazzfist - Oct 19, 2005 - 07:26 AM
Post subject:
      GalakStarscraper wrote:
I guess that's my way of saying ... just because you think the team is worse doesn't mean everyone else does.

I think that that is an unfair assumption that you are making. Just because people are choosing the team does not mean they like the changes made to them. Maybe they are choosing the team to see if it is really as bad as we fear.
GalakStarscraper - Oct 19, 2005 - 07:58 AM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
I think that that is an unfair assumption that you are making. Just because people are choosing the team does not mean they like the changes made to them. Maybe they are choosing the team to see if it is really as bad as we fear.
Could be. ... we'll see as feedback comes in from them.

biggy - Oct 20, 2005 - 01:48 AM
Post subject:
My exact thought Spazz. People want to try them out. That doesn't suddenly mean that 'you da man!' Galak. People are curious. If you want stats have a look at how many people are still playing those teams after a few weeks. I've said it before with Goblins and halflings, there is always the chance of victory and when you pull it off it's a memorable game. It's NO FUN, playing a team that gets hosed each and every time. That is not balance it's lining the team up for being removed due to 'lack of interest'. Convenient heh?


BTW. I don't think I've ever read a more smug, 'told you so!' post as yours Galak. Well done.
Darkson - Oct 20, 2005 - 03:29 AM
Post subject:
      snotsngrots wrote:
      Darkson wrote:
      ABigwood wrote:
Yeah that's true at home. But at tournament level you're stuck with the piss-poor 'official' list. I just don't get why the team had to be utterly crippled to make it 'balanced'. But what do I know I only buy the product and play the game. I'm not the one that should be happy with rules now am I?

I guess wheter a "varient" Ogre list would be acceptable at a tourney is a) up to the TO, and b) up to the NAF officials (for ranking purposes).

Oh, there's a good idea. Rolling Eyes Don't you think the rankings are a big enough joke without adding variant rosters into the mix?

Which is why I said it should be up to the NAF officials as to wheter to allow them in the rankings or not.
If they say "no", then that's fine, just don't count any game where a varient roster (of any race) took part.

As for the rankings being a joke already, I don't think they are, but I don't exactly take them seriously in the first place. It's not like they're going to make me any money if mine get better.
Doubleskulls - Oct 20, 2005 - 05:59 AM
Post subject:
Just on the rankings. As far as I am concerned you can allow squirrel teams in your tournaments if you want (I'm sure Galak has a list somewhere Wink) but there is no way any unofficial team should count for ranking purposes so games including them would not be included. That was the rule for all the "experimental" teams and I see no reason to change it.
Spazzfist - Oct 20, 2005 - 07:16 AM
Post subject:
      Doubleskulls wrote:
Just on the rankings. As far as I am concerned you can allow squirrel teams in your tournaments if you want (I'm sure Galak has a list somewhere Wink) but there is no way any unofficial team should count for ranking purposes so games including them would not be included. That was the rule for all the "experimental" teams and I see no reason to change it.

and if you see no reason to change it, then why should we?
GalakStarscraper - Oct 20, 2005 - 12:04 PM
Post subject:
      ABigwood wrote:
BTW. I don't think I've ever read a more smug, 'told you so!' post as yours Galak. Well done.
Andrew ... geesch ... that post wasn't meant to be smug. It was meant to point out just what it did ... the roster isn't so bad that folks are walking away from it.

The rules rules allow Snotlings to land and knock down other players and to be picked up on a 2+. Add to this that we gave the team back it re-rolls and 1.10 with the ST pickup rule that will be in 1.11 did a lot to reduce what you feel made the team not worth playing.

And I said in my post it was early. So yeah ... in a couple weeks if the coaches of the Ogre teams walk away it says something. We'll have to see what happens. But at least I'll be able to see some of this, and I'm going to play an Ogre team myself in the league to see my thoughts on it as well. But with 2+ inaccurate throws ... I'm definitely thinking folks will need to stay on their toes because of the ability of the team to head on way and on a 2+/2+/4+ combo ... go the other no matter who is in the way. This however is theory ... I wait to see the proof of the matches.

Paul - Oct 20, 2005 - 12:50 PM
Post subject:
The rules rules allow Snotlings to land and knock down other players

I havn't read the rules yet, but are you saying we're going to be allowed to throw players directly at the opposing team now?????

If so, then you can make em st 0 snotlings, I don't care, I'm playing them.
GalakStarscraper - Oct 20, 2005 - 02:43 PM
Post subject:
      Paul wrote:
I havn't read the rules yet, but are you saying we're going to be allowed to throw players directly at the opposing team now?????

If so, then you can make em st 0 snotlings, I don't care, I'm playing them.
The pass is always inaccurate but yes you can throw them at other players. It has been pointed out probability wise that if you are trying to hit someone ... you are better off throwing one square beside them than at them.

But yes ... thrown players can take out opponents just like they can in the LRB 4.0.

snew - Oct 21, 2005 - 12:08 PM
Post subject:
      GalakStarscraper wrote:
      ABigwood wrote:
BTW. I don't think I've ever read a more smug, 'told you so!' post as yours Galak. Well done.
Andrew ... geesch ... that post wasn't meant to be smug.

I think you just come across that way. I read that into a lot of your posts. I know and like you but have a hard time holding my tongue sometimes when you state thing the way you do. You know that already though. Embarassed
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