NAF World Headquarters

North America - NBBO 2 (Sept 20-21/08)

Clan_Skaven - Jul 25, 2008 - 09:50 AM
Post subject: NBBO 2 (Sept 20-21/08)


September 20-21 2008
Niagara Falls Ontario Canada

Owner and self proclaimed Brew Master, Dark Elf Bloodprince Kciredor has in the past attempted to create fine Brews, Ales, & Stouts that would rival such brands as Bloodwiser & such Breweries as Bugmans Brewery. With little to no such luck in that attempt Bloodprince Kciredor looked to get his Brews to be sponsors for any of the Top Bloodbowl teams. The only problem was his Brews were not known outside the small city of Niagaroth Falls & no team like the Darkside Cowboys or the Reikland Reavers would dare have an unheard of sponsor on their uniform.

So it was back to the drawing board for Kciredor, and with no prospects to make his mark in the Brewers Guild as a true Brew Master, he turned his efforts to seeking out other flavors of the land, which lead him to War Boss Thog of the Orc Warband Razorback.

War Boss Thog and his Orcs after years of treaty with Bloodprince Kciredor and his Dark Elves against the invaders of the Oldworld . Heard of Kciredor???s dream to be the Brew Master & saw this as an Opportunity to be ???Da Ultamit Orc Brew Mazta??? ! So with the riches from the Dark Elves combined with the already qualified brewers from the Orcs came forth a joint endeavor between Niagaroth Brewery & Big Orc Brewery to produce Fine Ales & Brews to quench the thirsts of the lands (& fill the pockets of Kciredor with riches)

War Boss Thog had a recipe that he told Kciredor brought out the Whaaaaaagh!! In you, only the name was not all that appealing to Kciredor. ???War Boss Thog???s Scream Ale??? , Bloodprince Kciredor suggested that in keeping with War Boss Thog???s namesake & involving the theme of his Orc Warband???s love for riding wild boars into a frenzied battle, that the name be modified to ???Warthog Scream Ale??? the Ale that brings out the Whaaaagh in you. War Boss Thog agreed after some deliberation with the Bloodprince (to this day though Thog still thinks it is pronounced War-thog not Wart-hog). So with the 1st Top Brew produced under Big Orc Brewery & financially backed by Niagaroth Brewery it was time to market the product for Bloodbowl Sponsorship again, but alas the end result was the same.

Until one night while outside the Brewery in the Brewery courtyard, the Razorback Tribe???s Grenskins were fighting over who was going to keep the Goblin head that was being tossed around the courtyard by the barbaric Orcs. This gave Bloodprince Kciredor an idea, why not have War Boss Thog Organize his Boyz into that of a Bloodbowl team & call them the Warthogs (with Warthog Scream Ale as the team???s official sponsor) Once the idea was passed on to War Boss Thog it was only a matter of seconds before his Finest Orcs, Black Orcs & even a large dim witted Troll was assembled.
So thus was the start to the Warthogs legacy to bring fame & fortune to Kciredor & Thog. Only the best the Warthogs could muster out of four tournaments was three losing records & one tourney record of 3 Wins & 3 Loses (not exactly the kind of Success that was hoped for) With that lack of success the brew Warthog Scream Ale became almost unheard of again.

On almost certain bankruptcy to both Breweries War Boss Thog & Bloodprince Kciredor decided to give it one last chance at success in the Brewers Guild & the Bloodbowl Community. Since it seemed the only teams interested in wearing the brands of the two local Breweries as their sponsors were almost complete rookie squads of BloodBowl teams, it was decided that a Bloodbowl Tournament was to be held on the grounds of the joint Brewery in Niagaroth Falls, with the winner receiving a sponsorship deal from one of the local brands. So it was advertised that the 1st ever Niagaroth Brewery Bloodbowl Open would be held right on the grounds of the Brewery Courtyard (where the idea was formed from the tossing of the poor Goblin???s head). Only rookie Bloodbowl teams need apply. This would be a rookie Brewery looking for the best rookie team to wear their name.

All seemed to be looking bright for the unlikely Brew Masters (Kciredor & Thog) Until the day before the tournament start date the Brewers Guild decided that this would be an opportune time to host a Brewers Convention right on the very grounds of the Niagaroth Brewery Bloodbowl Open Tournament. With Beer tents all around & Beer Wenches handing out fine Ales to all Beer swilling masses from all the beer brands from Nagaroth to Lustria to the Chaos Wastes to the Empire & beyond.

To any other all the publicity would be great for the Bloodbowl Tournament & the Brewery alike, but with the combination of free Beer & Ales Bloodbowl players it was quite possible that the actual tournament became lost in the shuffle & all hopes of fame & fortune for War Boss Thog & Bloodprince Kciredor would be lost.

The Tournament Rules???

All Coaches must bring two rosters to the tournament (must be two different races)
Your starting roster will be a 1,050,000 (50,000 in sponsorship from the Brewers Guild)
Your 2nd roster will be a 1,000,000

All rules will consist of the LRB 5.0 rules.

Game Schedule

When each coach registers his/her two teams they will draw a token to see if their Staring roster plays in the odd number games (1,3,5) or the even number games (2,4,6)

(The reason that coaches have to bring two different teams is that with all the beer distraction no team can stay on the pitch or out of the beer tents for too long.) The starting roster has the extra 50,000 to build the team as a sponsorship deal from a local brewer or the Brewers Guild, while the 2nd teams start with no extra cash (due to the fact that they were not registered for the tournament & only picked up by the coach as a last minute substitute, when their 1st team was off missing in one of the various beer tents getting pissed!)

Skill Progression

Upon registration each coach will randomize one player from each team (one team at a time) & make an upgrade roll for him. Then do same for 2nd team. (Skill or Stat advancements must be made during registration so have a general idea of all the possible outcomes both your rosters can get) An example of the roll could be Player X???s 1st team (Human) player #5 Lineman gets 2+2=4 So he can take any double for a Human Lineman or a normal Human Lineman upgrade. Player X???s 2nd team (Orcs) player #3 Troll gets 5+6=11 So he can give his Troll +1 Agility or a normal Skill Roll for a Troll.
After round 1 is over upon handing in results each coach will make 3 skill rolls for his/her team that played in round 1 only (one at a time) to 3 random players (it is possible that a player could get more than one skill roll or stat upgrade)
The same goes for the teams that played in round 2.
The same goes for the teams that played in round 3.
The same goes for the teams that played in round 4.

So each team will get a total of 7 upgrade rolls after round 3 (for the Odd Teams) & after round 4 (for the Even Teams), where this can be spread out between 7 different players or all used up by one Uber All Star player or somewhere in-between, depending on the players on the roster being randomized.)
(The reason the upgrades are totally random is that either due to the fact that every player on any given team whether it is a lowly Rotter to an impressive Wardancer, wants to someday play in the Big Leagues & they will stop at nothing to get there, or it is due to the fact that some players are so smashed that they are unable to progress in their drunken state.)

Difference in Team Values

If a team with a team value of 105 (1st team) meets a team with a team value of 100 (2nd team) the lower valued team can take either a Bloodwieser Babe or a 50,000 inducement card (but not both) for this match only. If the card is chosen it is a random card from all 4 suits, the player can not chose what suit to pick from due to the fact that the head Coach is not at the game (for he is trying to round up his 1st team for the next game)

Changes to the Kick Off Table

4 = Oh I think I???m going to be sick. Both coaches roll a D3 (do not add any modifiers such as FAME, Coaches, or Cheerleaders) the lower roll is affected, both if a tie. The affected player (randomly chosen) has had just a wee bit too much to drink (if that is even possible for a BloodBowl Player) & he is in a constant state of vomiting. He is treated as having the No Hands Skill, Bone Head, & Foul Appearance for this Drive only.

10 = BLITZING the Seal. The Defense sort of start their drive off before the offence is ready. All normal rules to Blitz in the LRB 5.0 apply, except any player wishing to move, blitz or foul must pass a Bladder Roll (a 2+ Roll) to do so. (If they fail the roll they must immediately get to a sideline or end zone to empty their bladder, if unable to for ANY reason they go directly to the reserves box. This does not end the teams Blitzing the Seal turn & more players may attempt the Bladder test to see if they wish to take action on the Blitzing the Seal turn!) The Blitzing the Seal Roll is made before any other negative roll, such as Take Root, Bone Head, Really Stupid, Wild Animal, or Bloodlust.

Tournament & the NAF

Rounds 1, 3, 5 will be the N.B.B.O. Cup for NAF Ranking Purposes
Rounds 2, 4, 6 will be the N.B.B.O. Bowl for NAF Ranking Purposes
The overall tournament winner will be the best combined record of all 6 games. (So it is possible let???s say Coach X wins the N.B.B.O. Cup, but does poorly in the N.B.B.O. Bowl, & Coach Y wins the N.B.B.O. Bowl, but does poorly in the N.B.B.O. Cup. But if lets say Coach Z does very well in both tourneys & has the best combined record then Coach Z would be the Tournament Champion (despite not winning either one of the smaller Tourneys).
Clan_Skaven - Jul 25, 2008 - 10:03 AM
Post subject:
Just waiting for the NBBO Cup & NBBO Bowl to be Approved by NAF.

Any questions?
Eric.R. - Jul 25, 2008 - 10:32 AM
Post subject:
Will have to check my schedule, but should be able to make it out.
Notorious_jtb - Jul 25, 2008 - 10:45 AM
Post subject:
sounds good.

hopefully I'll be there to defend the crown.

interesting to see that there are more advancements this year. coolio!

Clan_Skaven - Jul 25, 2008 - 11:03 AM
Post subject:
      Notorious_jtb wrote:
sounds good.

hopefully I'll be there to defend the crown.

interesting to see that there are more advancements this year. coolio!


Same as last year, for each team you get one roll on one random player before rounds one & two
three rolls on three random players before rounds 3 & 4
three rolls on three random players before rounds 5 & 6
Clan_Skaven - Jul 25, 2008 - 11:05 AM
Post subject:
note theres a change on the Blitz result (10 on kick off table from last year)

Changes to the Kick Off Table

4 = Oh I think I???m going to be sick. Both coaches roll a D3 (do not add any modifiers such as FAME, Coaches, or Cheerleaders) the lower roll is affected, both if a tie. The affected player (randomly chosen) has had just a wee bit too much to drink (if that is even possible for a BloodBowl Player) & he is in a constant state of vomiting. He is treated as having the No Hands Skill, Bone Head, & Foul Appearance for this Drive only.

10 = BLITZING the Seal. The Defense sort of start their drive off before the offence is ready. All normal rules to Blitz in the LRB 5.0 apply, except any player wishing to move, blitz or foul must pass a Bladder Roll (a 2+ Roll) to do so. (If they fail the roll they must immediately get to a sideline or end zone to empty their bladder, if unable to for ANY reason they go directly to the reserves box. This does not end the teams Blitzing the Seal turn & more players may attempt the Bladder test to see if they wish to take action on the Blitzing the Seal turn!) The Blitzing the Seal Roll is made before any other negative roll, such as Take Root, Bone Head, Really Stupid, Wild Animal, or Bloodlust.
Clan_Skaven - Jul 25, 2008 - 11:08 AM
Post subject:
Can I please get this stickied?
Notorious_jtb - Jul 25, 2008 - 12:40 PM
Post subject:
      Clan-Skaven wrote:
      Notorious_jtb wrote:
sounds good.

hopefully I'll be there to defend the crown.

interesting to see that there are more advancements this year. coolio!


Same as last year, for each team you get one roll on one random player before rounds one & two
three rolls on three random players before rounds 3 & 4
three rolls on three random players before rounds 5 & 6

oh really, well i obviously have a bad memory, thought we jsut got one advance after each game my bad:(
Notorious_jtb - Jul 25, 2008 - 12:41 PM
Post subject:
      Clan-Skaven wrote:
note theres a change on the Blitz result (10 on kick off table from last year)

Changes to the Kick Off Table

4 = Oh I think I???m going to be sick. Both coaches roll a D3 (do not add any modifiers such as FAME, Coaches, or Cheerleaders) the lower roll is affected, both if a tie. The affected player (randomly chosen) has had just a wee bit too much to drink (if that is even possible for a BloodBowl Player) & he is in a constant state of vomiting. He is treated as having the No Hands Skill, Bone Head, & Foul Appearance for this Drive only.

10 = BLITZING the Seal. The Defense sort of start their drive off before the offence is ready. All normal rules to Blitz in the LRB 5.0 apply, except any player wishing to move, blitz or foul must pass a Bladder Roll (a 2+ Roll) to do so. (If they fail the roll they must immediately get to a sideline or end zone to empty their bladder, if unable to for ANY reason they go directly to the reserves box. This does not end the teams Blitzing the Seal turn & more players may attempt the Bladder test to see if they wish to take action on the Blitzing the Seal turn!) The Blitzing the Seal Roll is made before any other negative roll, such as Take Root, Bone Head, Really Stupid, Wild Animal, or Bloodlust.

like these results, nice and not game breaking, but fun and anoying
Clan_Skaven - Jul 29, 2008 - 07:05 PM
Post subject:
There will be a new location this year for the NBBO, it will be at the Boathouse in Chippawa (Niagara Falls ON) . Its a bar that will lend us the upstairs, for the two days.

Will have more info like addy posted shortly....

Spazzfist - Jul 29, 2008 - 07:13 PM
Post subject:
Sounds good - I alfready am plotting which teams I will be taking....
Spazzfist - Jul 30, 2008 - 05:43 PM
Post subject:
I was looking at the rules and was not sure whether people could use the starting money to buy any skills/stats for the players. I am assuming that you cannot simply because you do not mention the costs of the upgrades, but can you please clarify this?


EDIT - While I've got you answering questions, are the Chaos Pact, Underworld Creepers and Slann going to be allowed in this tournament provided that they are NAF approved by that time? Your answer just might influence my choice of team(s)......
Clan_Skaven - Jul 31, 2008 - 12:01 AM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
I was looking at the rules and was not sure whether people could use the starting money to buy any skills/stats for the players. I am assuming that you cannot simply because you do not mention the costs of the upgrades, but can you please clarify this?

No skills, inducements or Star Players may be bought, a Bloodwieser Babe or a 50K Inducement may be used by your 100 TV team if they play a 105 TV team.


EDIT - While I've got you answering questions, are the Chaos Pact, Underworld Creepers and Slann going to be allowed in this tournament provided that they are NAF approved by that time? Your answer just might influence my choice of team(s)......

All NAF approved & only NAF approved teams will be allowed. Even if NAF gives the greenlight to use the new 3 rosters, they will only be allowed if they will be in the ranking system. (& yes to all those haters, "I am a Rankings whore!" (despite my horrid rankings Embarassed Laughing ))

Spazzfist - Jul 31, 2008 - 07:11 AM
Post subject:
      Clan-Skaven wrote:
All NAF approved & only NAF approved teams will be allowed. Even if NAF gives the greenlight to use the new 3 rosters, they will only be allowed if they will be in the ranking system.

Thery are approved teams by the BBRC, it is just a case of the NAF giving the approval. They said that this should happen by September, so we will see what happens....
Eric.R. - Jul 31, 2008 - 06:42 PM
Post subject:
Alright, I finally got around to making a NBBO web site; so stop bitching CS!! Razz It is partially done as the flame war I am having is a little pre-occupying. Any errors please let me know.
Spazzfist - Jul 31, 2008 - 07:10 PM
Post subject:
Perhaps a picky point - but the title suggests that Rod is giving out free beer...... Are you Rod???

Are you having trouble communicating a clear mesage Eric? Laughing Laughing
Eric.R. - Jul 31, 2008 - 07:47 PM
Post subject:
Leave it to the teacher to point this out . . . .

I will think up a less suggestive tagline . . . unless he is providing free beer Wink
Clan_Skaven - Jul 31, 2008 - 08:48 PM
Post subject:
      Eric.R. wrote:
Alright, I finally got around to making a NBBO web site; so stop bitching CS!! Razz It is partially done as the flame war I am having is a little pre-occupying. Any errors please let me know.

"Skills, Inducements and Star Players may be purchased according to the most current LRB. "

This is not correct, no Star Players are allowed, no buying of Skills, each team will over the coarse of the tourney will get 7 upgrade rolls on 7 separately rolled random playes (posible but unlikely one player could hog all 7 upgrades)

But thanks!

Eric.R. - Aug 05, 2008 - 08:15 AM
Post subject:
OK. Take № 2.

I fixed what Rod had pointed out and have added the sign-up and participant page.
Eric.R. - Aug 06, 2008 - 01:06 PM
Post subject:
I just made my reservation for a cabin at the same location as last year ( and it is only about 15 mins from this years venue. Anyone interested in staying in my cabin I have room, though I will give priority to those travelling down with me. Anyone else wishing to rent their own cabin act quickly as there are a few left. It costs about $60 a night so if you get 3 peeps in there that is $40 lodgings for the entire weekend. Not to mention, the `rippers is walking distance from the campgrounds Wink
Diaperman778 - Aug 06, 2008 - 08:59 PM
Post subject:
Hey Eric, are "rippers" just a crass term for the "ballet"?
Eric.R. - Aug 07, 2008 - 06:33 AM
Post subject:
      Diaperman778 wrote:
Hey Eric, are "rippers" just a crass term for the "ballet"?

Yes . . . That is a true gangsta term str8 from the BPT. Word Razz
Spazzfist - Aug 08, 2008 - 09:36 AM
Post subject:
Got a few teams planned out for the tourney - one of which is one of the still unofficial three teams. Shouild the NAF have these teams for rankings before the tourney then I will bring it (sorry Eric!), otherwise I have a couple of back up plans. One is a new team for me, the other is a revamp of an existing team.

Looking forward to it! The best thing about this tourney is that it gives me something to look forward to after I have gone back to work!

Eric count me in for the cabin - I figured this was assumed.but I just want to be clear! Razz
Eric.R. - Aug 08, 2008 - 02:49 PM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
Shouild the NAF have these teams for rankings before the tourney then I will bring it (sorry Eric!) . . .

What is there to be sorry about, that was a joke that went way out of hand because people do not read posts. I had even said [in the same forum] that whether or not they are official I would not shun any opponent because of it. Now, lets drop it before I hijack another forum Twisted Evil

      Spazzfist wrote:
. . . the other is a revamp of an existing team.

Do you mean re-Vamp by chance????

      Spazzfist wrote:
Eric count me in for the cabin - I figured this was assumed.but I just want to be clear! Razz

As clear as rubbing a Fillet-O-Fish on a brick wall. Razz
Spazzfist - Aug 09, 2008 - 07:37 PM
Post subject:
      Eric.R wrote:
Now, lets drop it before I hijack another forum Twisted Evil

Like I hijacked yer mom!

      Spazzfist wrote:
. . . the other is a revamp of an existing team.

Do you mean re-Vamp by chance????

You'll have to wait and see! Vampire [/quote]

      Spazzfist wrote:
Eric count me in for the cabin - I figured this was assumed.but I just want to be clear! Razz

      Eric.R wrote:
As clear as rubbing a Fillet-O-Fish on a brick wall. Razz

Sounds good - is that the chow being served at the tourney? Yum!

Hey which mod do we have to pay off to get this thread stickied???

Please tell me it isn't Ben!
Eric.R. - Aug 09, 2008 - 10:25 PM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
Hey which mod do we have to pay off to get this thread stickied???

Please tell me it isn't Ben!

Well, it first has to be approved as a tourney (it currently does not appear on the list of tournies) and ten it will be stickied. I am assuming Ben is envolved in that somewhere. And seeing that he is [I assume] on his honeymoon we gotta find someone else who can do it.
Grell - Aug 12, 2008 - 12:41 PM
Post subject: I will be there
I will be there ready to hurt people and keep the cup here hehe.

Also I am opening my house to anyone that needs a place to stay for the weekend, just send me a private message so I know who all going to stay here. Have a huge basement for people so bring sleeping bags abd what not plenty of room(besides my wife got all excited when I said there was going to be aton of men in the house LOL)

Ben - Aug 16, 2008 - 07:56 AM
Post subject:
Unfortunately i will not be able to make this one as it is on the same weekend as my next big dance event.

Have fun boys!
andyinjapan - Aug 19, 2008 - 07:05 AM
Post subject:
Being from Hamilton, I'd love to attend this tourney! There are some small details to work out at home before I commit to it, but there's a good chance I'll be there.

As an aside, have you posted anything about this on the forum? As this forum is for NAF members only, you might be missing out on some possible participants.
Spazzfist - Aug 20, 2008 - 01:12 PM
Post subject:
One month to go!

I know one of the teams that I am bringing for sure, but still waiting on some pieces to come in the mail for it.

Still no luck getting this stickied, eh? Rolling Eyes
grant85 - Aug 26, 2008 - 08:10 AM
Post subject:
The NBBO Blow/Cup 2 looks like a strong possibility for me. I'm a little scared of LRB5 in general but I'm confident that I could win the
Wooden Spoon none the less. Broken Ogre Team anyone?
andyinjapan - Aug 28, 2008 - 11:17 AM
Post subject:
Has the location been finalized? Can the address be posted here and/or on the tourney info page?
Clan_Skaven - Aug 28, 2008 - 12:13 PM
Post subject:
Yes the location is the Boathouse in the Falls, I'll get the official address added this weekend, sorry.
Spazzfist - Sep 02, 2008 - 01:17 PM
Post subject:
Well it looks like the three newer teams will not be NAF ranked until next spring, so I will not be able tobring my Chaos Pact team that I have been working on so feverishly... Sad

I am pretty decided on one of the teams I am bringing which will be a new one for me (really working at keeping the title of "Most Diverse Canadian Coach")! Am pretty set on the second, but nothing set in stone yet.

Looking forward to it, only a couple of weeks away now!
andyinjapan - Sep 02, 2008 - 01:51 PM
Post subject:
      Clan-Skaven wrote:
Yes the location is the Boathouse in the Falls, I'll get the official address added this weekend, sorry.

If you could include the start/end times, that would also be great!
Spazzfist - Sep 04, 2008 - 08:06 AM
Post subject:
So do we have any rough estimates on how many people will be coming out? I think you can count Glenn Jones and the Little Pup as strong possibilities from Ottawa. I was speaking to Glenn on the weekend and he said that he wants to come. Dan, Eric and I are for sure from our area, not sure about Ben. I will see what I can do abut co-ercing a couple more from our neck of the woods.

So who else is coming?
Eric.R. - Sep 05, 2008 - 08:29 PM
Post subject:
      andyinjapan wrote:
      Clan-Skaven wrote:
Yes the location is the Boathouse in the Falls, I'll get the official address added this weekend, sorry.

If you could include the start/end times, that would also be great!

Usually start time is: Game 1 - 9:30~10:00 AM on Sat. With the with the award ceremony ending about 3:30~4:00 pm on Sun. Not exact numbers, I know,but that gives a good idea until CS posts the schedule.
Clan_Skaven - Sep 09, 2008 - 02:04 AM
Post subject:
      Eric.R. wrote:
      andyinjapan wrote:
      Clan-Skaven wrote:
Yes the location is the Boathouse in the Falls, I'll get the official address added this weekend, sorry.

If you could include the start/end times, that would also be great!

Usually start time is: Game 1 - 9:30~10:00 AM on Sat. With the with the award ceremony ending about 3:30~4:00 pm on Sun. Not exact numbers, I know,but that gives a good idea until CS posts the schedule.

Because the tourney is in the upstairs to a bar it may start later than the usual 9:30am Sat. I do plan on 4 games Sat. & 2 games Sun.

I'll know exact start times later in the week (very latest 11am each day, bar opening time in Ontario) If earlier I will post.

andyinjapan - Sep 09, 2008 - 06:41 AM
Post subject:
Is 3807 MacKlem Street the correct location for the Boathouse?

Also, there's a big difference between start times of 9:30 and 11:00, so when you figure this out please let us know.

I'm looking forward to my first BB tourney, but I'm not as practised at the game as some so hopefully I'll get some slack as I lose gloriously. Wink
Spazzfist - Sep 09, 2008 - 07:00 AM
Post subject:
      andyinjapan wrote:
I'm looking forward to my first BB tourney, but I'm not as practised at the game as some so hopefully I'll get some slack as I lose gloriously. Wink

Don't worry - even if you have very little experience you can probably still beat those Ottawa boys. Doesn't take much..... Wink
Clan_Skaven - Sep 14, 2008 - 12:58 PM
Post subject:
Ok because its to be held upstairs from a bar the start time will have to be when bar opens 11:00am , so I'm asking everyone to be there at 11:00am 11:30am start.

I know compared to most other tourneys thats a late start time, but the advantage is its held in a bar so we have till 2:00 am (not that I'm expecting it to take that long).

I'm shooting for 4 games Sat & 2 games Sun. (but if after 4th game the majority wants to push for a 5th game & play one on Sunday, I'm cool with that too)

Spazzfist - Sep 14, 2008 - 01:03 PM
Post subject:
We'll see how everyone feels, but I think only having one game on the last day would be kind of anti-climactic. May change my mind at the time, but that is my thought right now.

Looking forward to this! (Still have to figure out my teams though! But I do know what I am bringing)
Eric.R. - Sep 14, 2008 - 01:04 PM
Post subject:
Sweet, this means I have more time to recover from the friday night binge . . . Cool
Spazzfist - Sep 14, 2008 - 01:29 PM
Post subject:
      Eric.R. wrote:
Sweet, this means I have more time to recover from the friday night binge . . . Cool

Can people really recover from concussions that quickly?? Razz
Clan_Skaven - Sep 14, 2008 - 01:33 PM
Post subject:
In case of an odd number showing I may have to play, I hope not though. If I do play I was thinking of bringing Gobbos & Flings, Spazz can I borrow those two teams if I'm indeed to play?

Also, do you have that program on a yer laptop? or will I have the samer headache in round 6 making matchups????

Spazzfist - Sep 14, 2008 - 01:37 PM
Post subject:
You can borrow the teams - no problem. As for the program - I stilll hve it (are you kidding me? That thing is gold!) Do you want me to e-mail it to you?
Clan_Skaven - Sep 14, 2008 - 01:38 PM
Post subject:
So I'm sure it goes without saying, but you guys have a board please bring it, Laughing

Spazz if you'd like bring a couple of your Challenge of Q'errmit boards too, add some scenery to my tourney & may promote a few from down here to yours (at least more than just attending the 1st day Wink )

Clan_Skaven - Sep 14, 2008 - 01:39 PM
Post subject:
everytime you e-mail it to me i can never get it to work right.....

can you just bring it with you? You do have a laptop right?
Spazzfist - Sep 14, 2008 - 02:07 PM
Post subject:
I do have a laptop, but highly doubt that Monica is going to let me bring it....
Clan_Skaven - Sep 14, 2008 - 02:12 PM
Post subject:
ok bring program I think Joe has a laptop down here. we can load program on his right?

Clan_Skaven - Sep 14, 2008 - 02:12 PM
Post subject:
you can try & e-mail it to me
Spazzfist - Sep 14, 2008 - 04:58 PM
Post subject:
okay will do
Eric.R. - Sep 14, 2008 - 10:12 PM
Post subject:
I can bring mine [laptop]. That way you can fiddle with it the night before.
Cramy - Sep 15, 2008 - 06:32 AM
Post subject:
Hi guys. I can send the program as well if you don't have it. Just PM me your email address.
andyinjapan - Sep 15, 2008 - 06:47 AM
Post subject:
I was really looking forward to attending this tourney, but I've just been informed this morning that I'm being sent down to Texas Thursday to Saturday to do some "emergency" interpreting (i.e. covering for another guy), so I'm out.

I apologize for the late notice, but it's the nature of my job. I hope to get out to a local (southern/central Ontario) tournament at some point, however.

On a related note, is anyone running something at MigsCon this year?
Eric.R. - Sep 15, 2008 - 07:06 AM
Post subject:
      andyinjapan wrote:
On a related note, is anyone running something at MigsCon this year?

AFAIK, there is no one running BB at the Con as that is the same weekend as the Deathbowl in Ottawa.
Spazzfist - Sep 15, 2008 - 07:16 AM
Post subject:
      andyinjapan wrote:

I apologize for the late notice, but it's the nature of my job. I hope to get out to a local (southern/central Ontario) tournament at some point, however.

Sorry to hear that you aren't going to make it out. Probably not as sorry as Eric though. From what you were saying I think he was hoping that there was finally someone coming to a tourney that he might beat! Laughing

The Ontario tourneys for the next year (that I know of) are like this:
October - Deathbowl - Ottawa
January - Capital City Kick Off - Ottawa
March - Canadian Open (??) - Brampton
April - Challenge of Q'ermitt - Mississauga
July - Lakeside Cup - Coburg

There will also be the Bongo Bowl next November (but not this one) it was held in June, but the feeling is that November might be a more well suited time.

Look forward to seeing you out!
Notorious_jtb - Sep 15, 2008 - 08:42 AM
Post subject:
Sorry Rod, I can't come out this time. Good luck with it all. I'll miss the 2 combined trophies format!
Spazzfist - Sep 15, 2008 - 09:55 AM
Post subject:
      Notorious_jtb wrote:
Sorry Rod, I can't come out this time. Good luck with it all. I'll miss the 2 combined trophies format!

Sorry to hear that you won't be coming out Joe, I was brushing up on my cry of: "Wa'evah!" Very Happy

Who is coming down from Ottawa? I hope that Glenn and the Little Pup are going to be making it, as Glenn told me he wanted to come, and I owe the Little Pup our tiebreaker! three games played and neither one of us has beaten the other!
Notorious_jtb - Sep 15, 2008 - 11:50 AM
Post subject:
lil pup is planning on coming to prove he ain't so little.
Glenn wants to come, not sure if he is 100%.

Dwarfrunner and cramy are out though.

Clan_Skaven - Sep 15, 2008 - 12:13 PM
Post subject:
So as it stands attendance will be.....

Niagara Boyz

Greg Shelton
Chops (don't know his name , look Eric a rookie for you)
Joe Michaud
Rob Pharand
Jesse Geier
***Rod Davidson (odd man out)***

Toronto & srrounding area

Craig Thompson-Wood
Eric Rubli
Dan Campbell
Peter Meers



am I missing anyone?

Spazzfist - Sep 15, 2008 - 12:22 PM
Post subject:
Hmmmm.... you aren't coming, Glenn isn't coming and Ben won't be there either. Looks like the Canadian Giants will be leaving this one open for some new champion to emerge! (*No chance that the Pup will repeat his fluke that he pulle doff with the Bongo Bowl!)
Spazzfist - Sep 15, 2008 - 12:23 PM
Post subject:

You will need to PM me the rosters for the teams that you will need - just to be sure I bring enough of the right models.
Clan_Skaven - Sep 15, 2008 - 12:31 PM
Post subject:
gobbos, umm i dont know gimme the 2 trolls all the secret weapons & enough gobbs left to make 16

flings 2 trees 14 flings if ya got em

not even bother with rosters for them , if ya want whip up two (i trust ya, just make sure gobbo one has all weapons in it)

Clan_Skaven - Sep 15, 2008 - 12:32 PM
Post subject:
Glenn is an apparent strong maybe
Spazzfist - Sep 15, 2008 - 01:11 PM
Post subject:
What about Chairface and any of the London boys? I will ask Dan to give him a call.
Cramy - Sep 15, 2008 - 06:49 PM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
Hmmmm.... you aren't coming, Glenn isn't coming and Ben won't be there either. Looks like the Canadian Giants will be leaving this one open for some new champion to emerge! (*No chance that the Pup will repeat his fluke that he pulle doff with the Bongo Bowl!)

We have to let you guys win some of the times. If we attended all tourneys, we would win all tourneys, and that would get boring (for you, not for us, we like winning all the time).


And yes unfortunately I'm out. I was hoping that at the last minute I'd be able to pull it off, but it ain't gonna happen.
Spazzfist - Sep 16, 2008 - 02:12 PM
Post subject:
      Cramy wrote:
We have to let you guys win some of the times. If we attended all tourneys, we would win all tourneys, and that would get boring (for you, not for us, we like winning all the time).

Woah! Slow down there tiger! What is with this "we" stuff? I don't recall you winning any tourneys or sweeping any of the prizes! Nice try to ride on the coattails of your illustrious teammates, but you're busted! Very Happy

In case you forget what Spazz Justice feels like, I will be sure to give you a healthy dose of it when I come to the Deathbowl in October. Prepare to feel the pain!
Clan_Skaven - Sep 16, 2008 - 11:47 PM
Post subject:
The numbers begin to dwindle.....

Just got news Adam can not attend, (sudden unavoidable last minute circumstances) I understand Adam, shytt happens sometimes , so Glenn is out too. Crying or Very sad

We will still have a great time with what we got!!!!

Spazzfist - Sep 17, 2008 - 06:52 AM
Post subject:
Looks like this is going to be a Niagara Falls vs TBBF event! Do you suppose you could work it out to match it up that way? Could make it more interesting!

I am really looking forward to this. But just remember the first Lakeside Cup. If that is an indication of anything it's that you do not need a lot of people to make a great tourney. I love this tourney's format, and the time for me is great (gives me something to look forward to after school has started)!

Let's just say that if I had to miss one tourney a year, this one would not be it! Smile

See you on Friday!
Eric.R. - Sep 17, 2008 - 06:57 AM
Post subject:
      Clan-Skaven wrote:
Chops (don't know his name , look Eric a rookie for you)

Nice, maybe I can get 1 win!! Razz . . . I love your confidence in my abilities Crying or Very sad
Spazzfist - Sep 17, 2008 - 07:07 AM
Post subject:
      Eric.R. wrote:
      Clan-Skaven wrote:
Chops (don't know his name , look Eric a rookie for you)

Nice, maybe I can get 1 win!! Razz . . . I love your confidence in my abilities Crying or Very sad

Eric we have no question of you abilities. You just have the most piss poor luck out of any Blood Bowler I have ever seen! Laughing
Clan_Skaven - Sep 17, 2008 - 09:06 AM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
Looks like this is going to be a Niagara Falls vs TBBF event! Do you suppose you could work it out to match it up that way? Could make it more interesting!

I like Pete's format, but because I like it, it is the exact reason I won't do that here. Spazz ty for the suggestion, but have you not learned anything from me in the past? The whole idea that every tourney has its own flavour is what makes every tourney speacial ! Why do you want to make every tourney the same (thus, making them all less speacial & more boring IMO) I'm not trying to sound like I'm ranting on you..... but you have to get it out of ya head sometimes man Laughing Laughing Laughing just cause an idea is great for one tourney does not mean all tourneys should use it ...

Of coarse on the other hand, maybe we should lets have every tourney in Ontario use....
Custom Picthes
2 Teams per Coach Format
The Draft
Death Bowl Round
Dungeon Bowl Round
East vs West Format
There I have mentioned the best aspect of every tourney, lets have this tourney format at all the Tourneys then.... Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

Although extream & way over the top do you finally see my point Spazz why I do not believe in using good ideas from others tourneys (soley based on the fact that it works for them)?

Sorry again Spazz not trying to solo you out or pick on you, but I had to nip this idea in the but before, it got people backing it up & becoming the popular idea....

The only TBBF vs NBBA I will be using is in the 1st round so it makes sure you will for sure play at least one opponent from away from your playing area....

Spazzfist - Sep 17, 2008 - 09:12 AM
Post subject:
Slow down Skippy! Take a deep breath.....

I was not suggesting it as a permanent feature of your tourney - just for this one as the numbers seem to speak to it. Don't want to do it, that's fine. Just pointing out the fact that there seems to be an equal numbers from both areas.

.... and exhale...
Clan_Skaven - Sep 17, 2008 - 09:25 AM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
Slow down Skippy! Take a deep breath.....

I was not suggesting it as a permanent feature of your tourney - just for this one as the numbers seem to speak to it. Don't want to do it, that's fine. Just pointing out the fact that there seems to be an equal numbers from both areas.

.... and exhale...

Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

I was looking forward to your answer!!!!!

Plus it wouldn't work properly.....

5 vs 5 makes for 5 games per team for example :

Spazz vs the 5 from the Falls = 5 games
so in the 6th game who does he play (you don't want him playing a Falls Member twice) So that leaves two options (1st) turn it into a 5 game tourney (which can work, eccept it kills my 2 team per coach format) so that idea is out.... (2nd) have final game vs own faction, but this will not work as well since we have 5 teams per faction (for example lets say in the Falls final round matchups vs own faction, Greg vs Chops, Jesse vs Joe, Rob vs ???? (ahhh poor Piddles gets no game & same for one TBBF Member)

See I have thought many scheaduling formats over the past few months..... 10 is a crappy number to work with....

grant85 - Sep 17, 2008 - 09:39 AM
Post subject:
sorry to add my name to the list of no-shows but the intramural campus recreation schedule just got posted yesterday.
I have a hockey game at 3 on Saturday and a soccer game Sunday.
I???m sorry I can???t make it; I was looking forward to it.

Best off luck,
Clan_Skaven - Sep 17, 2008 - 09:53 AM
Post subject:
Wow I'd be happy if I was in a Battle Royal, but I'm not........

Wow still plenty of time for others to drop out, any takers???/


Spazzfist - Sep 17, 2008 - 09:54 AM
Post subject:
well you could have done the five games and then swiss it for the last - but Grant85 is out, so that scuppers that idea.

Glad to be there for your amusement! You saidistic prick! Wink
Clan_Skaven - Sep 17, 2008 - 09:59 AM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
well you could have done the five games and then swiss it for the last - but Grant85 is out, so that scuppers that idea.

Glad to be there for your amusement! You saidistic prick! Wink

Round Robin still wouldn't work , cause your final game would have to be vs your own faction & thus there being an odd number you have one player not playing per faction...

(but I'm sure that was explained Rolling Eyes Laughing )

Notorious_jtb - Sep 17, 2008 - 11:37 AM
Post subject:
sorry about the drop outs Rod.

Don't listen to tha' hayta's. Your two team thing is enough of a twist buddy.

b'sides who wants a pansy team luv fest every time?

Thats my 2cents worth from the coach formerly known as attending tournaments............

p.s. Go EAST!
Spazzfist - Sep 17, 2008 - 12:11 PM
Post subject:
      Notorious_jtb wrote:
sorry about the drop outs Rod.

Don't listen to tha' hayta's. Your two team thing is enough of a twist buddy.

b'sides who wants a pansy team luv fest every time?

Thats my 2cents worth from the coach formerly known as attending tournaments............

p.s. Go EAST!

Wa' evah!

Eric.R. - Sep 18, 2008 - 09:21 PM
Post subject:
Don't worry Rod, you are having a great turn-out. Check out the TBBF boys at the camp ground for the pre-tourny party. I hope this time I do not 'KO' myself Razz . Plus, I will be busting out Beer Money in respect to last years tourny even if that means playing with myself «yea I know what I said, and let the jokes begin Wink »
Spazzfist - Sep 18, 2008 - 09:56 PM
Post subject:
Oooooh man! You guys are in trouble! (Particularly those I am bunking with!) Ate a lot of cole slaw tonight and let's just say it is having it's usual effect on me.

Tomorrow night I might be known as Spazzfist Smearpants! Laughing

Oh yeah, and I am totally going to kill you all at Blood Bowl too! Razz
Eric.R. - Sep 19, 2008 - 01:50 PM
Post subject:
Few more hours to go and it is off to the Falls!! Be afraid, be very afraid!!!
Talons - Sep 19, 2008 - 02:02 PM
Post subject:
Eric, what time are you guys coming down tonight???? Trying to figure something out so we can all get together at the campground. Just talked to rod and he has no idea when you guys are coming down. call me at 905 353 0083 or call joe's at 905 358 6464. Rod is at Joe's and I will be in and out all afternoon so let us know what is going on.
Cramy - Sep 19, 2008 - 06:12 PM
Post subject:
Have fun guys. Can't wait to see what happened at the tourney. I'm a bit upset that I can't make it, but real life sometimes gets in the way of BloodBowl (which is unfortunate).
Eric.R. - Sep 20, 2008 - 07:46 AM
Post subject:
Talons you assmunch. called you twice last night... you never called back - didn't get this message till this morning. still drunk,..... you scuk/////
Eric.R. - Sep 20, 2008 - 08:43 AM
Post subject:
BTW, that was spazz using my account for the last post.
Spazzfist - Sep 21, 2008 - 04:05 PM
Post subject:
      Eric.R. wrote:
BTW, that was spazz using my account for the last post.

Wha'evah! Listen buddy if you cannot take it like a man and blame me for pissing Rob off when you get drunk, don't hide behind me!

Seriously though, Dan and I got to our homes safely, and I can only assume that Eric did too and that Pete is on his way back to Couburg.

A great time, and thanks to Rod for setting up the whole thing. Good to see you guys again.

A HUGE congrats to Greg for winning the whole thing - not bad for a guy who's first tourney was the NBBO last year!

I played Orcs and Ogres, neither of which could break armour to save their lives (in some cases this was literally the case!) The orcs went 2/0/1 and the ogres went 1/1/1. Pleasantly surprised by the ogres - something I would look to play again someday (unlike some other stupid team that I played last year....grumble grumble.....)

Once again thanks Rod for a great tourney and I look forward to seeing you guys out at the Deathbowl next month!

Eric.R. - Sep 21, 2008 - 04:44 PM
Post subject:
Here are all the stats from the tourny:

Participating Teams:

Tournament Stats:

Head to Head results:

Eric.R. - Sep 21, 2008 - 04:50 PM
Post subject:
Great tourny, great fun and great load of BS!! How in all reality do my Humans out perform High elves? AND that inludes dodging!!!

@Spazz: thanks for the Jelly Doughnut on the drive home Razz
Notorious_jtb - Sep 22, 2008 - 07:25 AM
Post subject:
nice stat presentation!

Sounds like it was fun. Shame no one from Ottawa came to reprasent!
Clan_Skaven - Sep 22, 2008 - 10:48 AM
Post subject:
Hey guys thanks to you all for making my tourney a successs.....

Wow I really don't like playing in my own tourney, lol !

Thanks to Joe for letting me crash at your place & driving me all over to get prizes.... Thankyou also Joe for collecting the tip fund for our servers!

Thanks to Rob for doing what Joe did this year last year (never thanked him last year)

Thanks to Eric for being my stats guy, wow, what a big burden that was off my back.

Thanks to Peter the owner of the Boathouse for letting us have the tourney upstairs

Thanks to Jesse for hooking me up with the Boathouse as a location.
Clan_Skaven - Sep 22, 2008 - 10:59 AM
Post subject:
Ok Congrats goes to all 9 who made the tourney it was all of you that made it a success, take a bow!

Congrats to the NBBO 2 WINNER Greg S. (Sewerrat on NAF)
5 Wins 1 Tie 0 Losses

Congrats to Greg S. for most TD's of 16

Congrats to Joe M. & Dan C. for a tie in most CAS of 18

Congrats to Peter M for best sportsmanship (technacly I won Shocked , but I awarded the next highest)

Shame on Rob P. for winning the Golden Soother for Worst Sportsman! Laughing

Better luck to Corey (Chops) for winning a new game for finnishing last place...
Clan_Skaven - Sep 22, 2008 - 11:23 AM
Post subject:
Eric thanks for posting the stats, but I beat Spazz 3-1, not he beating I ,3-1.

Thats the only error I noticed, will check more thorroughly later..


You guys have any suggestions or comments on how to improve my tourney?

( 1 ) Location: Is the current location better or worse than last year! Do you guys think the current location is good for next year?

( 2 ) TV Handicap format: Is the 105 vs 100 ok or would you want to see a greater spread like lets say 110 vs 100 or 105 vs 95?

( 3 ) Food, Booze, Service, Prices ! Was the food at the bar good, was the service provided by the bar good, did you guys think the prices were ok? Was $30 for the tourney ok a price for what was provided, (prizes tourney expieriance, location)

( 4 ) How was the Prizes?

( 5 ) If I can swing an earlier start time next year do you want me to do so , rather than 11 am?

Any other suggestion/complaints please say it (Pull no punches) I want to always strive to improve, & even a complaint can help to improve.

Thanks in advance Rod
Clan_Skaven - Sep 22, 2008 - 11:53 AM
Post subject:
Ok I will get the NAF stats in as soon as I get Chops registered in NAF & as soon as I iron out any errors in game reports.

Eric.R. - Sep 22, 2008 - 12:32 PM
Post subject:
      Clan-Skaven wrote:
Eric thanks for posting the stats, but I beat Spazz 3-1, not he beating I ,3-1.

Thats the only error I noticed, will check more thorroughly later..

good catch. Embarassed Forgot to invert the numbers when I entered it into your square.
Clan_Skaven - Sep 23, 2008 - 11:01 PM
Post subject:
Ok I got Jesse's picks for sportsmanship scores

Best team score is not needed Spazz won by a landslide!

NBBO 2 Sportsmanship standings.....

1 ) Peter M 29
2) Dan C 27
3) Rod D & Chops 25
5 ) Jesse G 21
6 ) Eric 20
7 ) Joe M & Greg S 18
9 ) Craig T-W 15
10 ) Rob P 12

those score are from a minimum of 6 to a maximum of 36

Spazzfist - Sep 24, 2008 - 04:26 AM
Post subject:
Wow. I know I was really hung over on the first day, but did not think that I was that bad! Laughing

Maybe Joe didn't like me screaming "JELLY....... DONUT" when I managaed to score when I kicked off to him at a four man disadvantage. But then his pounding the table and sending two games worth of minis flying was none too cool either! Laughing
Grell - Sep 25, 2008 - 02:44 PM
Post subject:
U know I will apolagize again to everyone at that table about the pounding on the table,as I didn't plan to do it in anger and make the models fall, I more or less did it in jest of me being stupid and letting u score Spazz.

I had a great weekend thanks for the great time guys.

Eric.R. - Sep 25, 2008 - 05:06 PM
Post subject:
      Grell wrote:
U know I will apolagize again to everyone at that table about the pounding on the table,as I didn't plan to do it in anger and make the models fall, I more or less did it in jest of me being stupid and letting u score Spazz.

I will give you the 'Heat of the Momment' factor as it happens to all of us at some point. On a side note: GO METAL MINIATURES!!! As my fig's did not move 1/16th of an inch from the incident. Screw y'all Pro-Plastic Fig freaks. Get some base weights will ya Wink

BTW, I find it much more rewarding to just punch Spazz in the face (especially when he is shouting Jelly Doughnut) than the table. That will throw him off his game for sure.
Eric.R. - Sep 25, 2008 - 05:16 PM
Post subject:
As a Lost & Found note: I had a stow-away sweater in my car that no one that came with me claimed. No idea who's it is or how it came to be in my car but I am stuck with it for now. So who is the owner? Otherwise, I am going to hand it over to the SAS (Sweater's Aid Society) to be placed in a foster home.
Spazzfist - Sep 25, 2008 - 08:12 PM
Post subject:
      Eric.R. wrote:
As a Lost & Found note: I had a stow-away sweater in my car that no one that came with me claimed. No idea who's it is or how it came to be in my car but I am stuck with it for now. So who is the owner? Otherwise, I am going to hand it over to the SAS (Sweater's Aid Society) to be placed in a foster home.

Maybe if you describe it, it will help us to figure out which poor homeless prick is shivering on the streets as we speak....type..... you know..
Spazzfist - Oct 31, 2008 - 07:29 AM
Post subject:
Hey Rod, wondering how the data entry is going? Do you think you will have the results up any time soon?
Clan_Skaven - Oct 31, 2008 - 10:42 AM
Post subject:
It will be this weekend , now that chops is officially NAF.

Spazzfist - Oct 31, 2008 - 11:10 AM
Post subject:
Cool- anxious to have it up, because that will finally put my wins higher than my losses! Very Happy
Clan_Skaven - Nov 04, 2008 - 12:11 AM
Post subject:
Stats are in for NBBO 2 Cup & NBBO 2 Bowl

Just need button pushed please....

Clan_Skaven - Nov 04, 2008 - 09:30 AM
Post subject:
button pushed, TY!
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