NAF World Headquarters

North America - Golden Sweetbun 2012 - May 26th / 27th

Taxal - Feb 08, 2012 - 12:54 PM
Post subject: Golden Sweetbun 2012 - May 26th / 27th
Will get all the info up asap, but so far we have joined with some friends and will be holding the Sweetbun downtown Montreal at a hotel that will also be holding a Fantasy and 40K tournament the same weekend.
-Cost is 40$ and I know that food is included, not sure what the menu is at this moment.
-The will be BAR service (so yes drinking during is always a good thing)
-Being right downtown we can easily go out Satruday night

There will be a website up for the tournament.

Taxal - Feb 27, 2012 - 10:27 AM
Post subject: RE: Golden Sweetbun 2012 - May 26th / 27th
Ok the website is now up (not at 100%) for the gaming convention. It has all the info of location and such, but it has nothing in the way of rules or schedule for Blood Bowl. That will be put on once Pat and myself finalize it all. The registration will only be up on the Sweetbun website and will be put up asap.
runki_khrum - Feb 27, 2012 - 01:06 PM
Post subject: RE: Golden Sweetbun 2012 - May 26th / 27th
Got myself a room at the Espresso.
Lizardcore - Feb 27, 2012 - 02:07 PM
Post subject: RE: Golden Sweetbun 2012 - May 26th / 27th
OMG Colin is on fire Smile

I tell you, he's so the 2012 coach of the year !
runki_khrum - Feb 27, 2012 - 06:52 PM
Post subject: Re: RE: Golden Sweetbun 2012 - May 26th / 27th
      Lizardcore wrote:
OMG Colin is on fire Smile

I tell you, he's so the 2012 coach of the year !

Haha! The rats are on a rampage!
Daggers - Mar 09, 2012 - 02:21 PM
Post subject: RE: Re: RE: Golden Sweetbun 2012 - May 26th / 27th
He will have to contend with my mighty Epic Iron Chefs, who will be looking to win their 4th consecutive Stunty Shield.
Taxal - Mar 12, 2012 - 08:09 PM
Post subject: RE: Re: RE: Golden Sweetbun 2012 - May 26th / 27th

- TV115
- Attributes/Mutations/Skills can be bought at regular costs
- No one player (fig) can have more than three (3) upgrades throughout the tournament
- At registration you will get to pick two (2) balls out of the SKILL BALL BOX. With these two (2) balls you will receive two (2) FREE skills to add to any player on your team that is still allowed upgrades.


- Each ball will have a skill written on it
- There is one of every skill with-in the skill box
- There will also be one STAR BALL ** which you get to chose any skill
- There will be NO MUTATIONS and ATTRIBUTES available
- You will be allowed to THROW BACK one (1) during the tournament and re-pick another, but you must keep the new skill received.


- After games 2 and 4 each coach will get to pick two (2) balls from the SKILL BALL BOX for further up-grades
- These up-grades can be given to any player(s) as long as they do not go over the three (3) up-grades


- Chaos pact, Slann and Underworld will be allowed
- No Wizards
- Star Players are allowed at full price
- No Inducements
- All armour rolls will be at a -1 to represent the lush soft green grass fields of the Halfling lands
- Injury rolls will be normal as per the rules
- All armour rolls from being pushed into the crown will be normal rules


Being a Halfling sponsored tournament any who bring a Halfling team will be allowed the following rules

- Treemen are at a reduced cost of 100K
- Deeproot Strongbranch ia at a reduced cost of 180K
- Puggy Baconbreath is at a reduced cost of 100K
- If two Halfling teams have Deeproot and/or Puggy and they meet up in the tournament they both get to use them in the game. It represents the quantity of Treemen and Halflings at the tournament.


- There will be no overtime. All games will finish after 16 turns


- We will be using timers and a 4 minute turn limit for the tournament is in effect to help us finish at a reasonable time each day


- In the first round each coach will play a random opponent (not from same town if possible)
- In each subsequent round the highest ranked player will play the next highest and so on.
- You will never play the same opponent twice during the tournament


- Win = 3, Tie =1, Loss =0


- If you show up on time on Saturday and/or Sunday
- Saturday – additional throw back for the weekend
- Sunday – Two (2) free Fan Factor


During the tournament teams with the same number of game play points will be separated by the following tie-breakers

- TD +
- TD –
- CAS +
- CAS –


After each game, each coach must rank their opponent for sportsmanship

- 0 = Terrible sport (WOW that was the worse opponent I have played against)
- 1 = Poor Sport (Arguing about the rules, complaining)
- 2 = Good sport (DEFAULT SCORE)
- 3 = Amazing sport (Fun opponent that made the game quite enjoyable)
Only one (1) of Amazing sport should be given out during your six (6) games

At the end of the tournament, the average of your six (6) games will be added to your total tournament points.


- Minimum three (3) teams will be picked for voting on the BEST TEAM TROPHY
- Up to 2.5 points will be added to your overall tournament score.
- .5 = Base coat – minimum three (3) colours
- .5 = Detailing – shading, dry brushing, etc
- .5 = Base – base has been flocked, sand, etc
- .5 = Conversions – one or more figs has been converted in one way or another
- .5 = WOW – the team as a whole is quite incredible to look at

At the end of the tournament your team points will be added to your total tournament points.


- 1st place
- 2nd place
- 3rd place
- Stunty Shield (best place stunty team)
- Most TD’s
- Most CAS’s
- Best Team
- Most Sporting
- Best Defense
- Iron Man (least CAS against)
- ?????


To promote people to bring stunty teams Pat and myself are working on some sort of small bonus to entice you all
Daggers - Mar 13, 2012 - 08:36 AM
Post subject: RE: Re: RE: Golden Sweetbun 2012 - May 26th / 27th
Sorry to be a stickler, but I mention this every year. Halflings Chefs should be 50K if previous years is any indication.
Taxal - Mar 13, 2012 - 09:57 AM
Post subject: RE: Re: RE: Golden Sweetbun 2012 - May 26th / 27th

Sorry about that, was suppose to fix that once again....

Yes all HALFLING teams can take the Chef at 50K.
nick_nameless - Mar 13, 2012 - 10:23 AM
Post subject: RE: Re: RE: Golden Sweetbun 2012 - May 26th / 27th
Does that -1 to armor get applied before or after claw?
Taxal - Mar 13, 2012 - 04:51 PM
Post subject: RE: Re: RE: Golden Sweetbun 2012 - May 26th / 27th
Claw brings it down to 7 but then the -1 takes into effect when the player hits the field.
Taxal - Mar 13, 2012 - 04:56 PM
Post subject: RE: Re: RE: Golden Sweetbun 2012 - May 26th / 27th

** 1 free bribe
** 1 free apothecary ( roll a d6 and if you roll a 1 the CAS stands. If you roll 2-6 then place the player in the reserve box. Still counts as a CAS in the game.)
Taxal - Mar 13, 2012 - 04:58 PM
Post subject: RE: Re: RE: Golden Sweetbun 2012 - May 26th / 27th

8am to 9am - Registration

9am to 9:20am - Welcome, questions and match ups

9:20am to 11:30am - Game 1

11:30am to 12:30pm - Lunch (supplied)

12:40pm to 14:50pm - Game 2

15:00pm to 17:15pm - Game 3

17:15pm to 18:00pm - Supper (not supplied)

18:10pm to 20:30pm - Game4


8am to 9am - Opening of doors, setting up

9am to 9:20am - Welcome,questions and match ups

9:20am to 11:30am -Game 5

11:30am to 12:30pm - Lunch (supplied)

12:45pm to 15:00pm - Game 6

15:00pm to 15:30pm - Awards, if someone wishes to make an announcement nows the time.
Daggers - Mar 14, 2012 - 06:43 AM
Post subject: Re: RE: Re: RE: Golden Sweetbun 2012 - May 26th / 27th
      Taxal wrote:

** 1 free bribe
** 1 free apothecary ( roll a d6 and if you roll a 1 the CAS stands. If you roll 2-6 then place the player in the reserve box. Still counts as a CAS in the game.)

Wait, every stunty team gets a free bribe AND an apothecary? THAT's AWESOME!!!!
Spazzfist - Mar 14, 2012 - 08:36 AM
Post subject: Re: RE: Re: RE: Golden Sweetbun 2012 - May 26th / 27th
      Taxal wrote:
Claw brings it down to 7 but then the -1 takes into effect when the player hits the field.

The last time you had run it this is the way you had started as well, but by the end of the tourney (second last game I think) you had switched it to make the claw stay as it was (because really how soft the pitch is doesn't matter when sharp nails are stuck in your intestines!)

Whichever way you decide to go ust be prepared to stick with it! I elt pretty robbed whedn you switched it part way last time! Especially when my wolves kept rolling 8's against Leathan's orcs!
Clan_Skaven - Mar 14, 2012 - 09:07 AM
Post subject:
I'd think the field would have no effect vs the claw, but i agree with Craig no matter what the rules are, they have to stay the same from game 1 through 6.
Taxal - Mar 14, 2012 - 09:46 AM
Post subject:
OK...I really do not remember that. If Pat or myself switched it half way then that was a HUGE mistake on our part. Damn feel like an idiot now.

Will talk with Pat tonight about it. It does make sense though that the field would not take into account when it is the claw doing the damage.

Once I talk to Pat we will put the final decision in the rules tonight.

Sorry if that caused any problems for you Spazz last time. Guess I will owe you a few beers next time I see you. Or maybe a night on the town with my Mum.
Taxal - Mar 14, 2012 - 09:42 PM
Post subject:
OK Pat and I talked and we both are apoligizing for the FU$K up we did 2 years ago concerning the claw incident.

For the final ruling on it....

CLAW, STAB, CHAINSAW, PILING ON (armour reroll) and FOULING are NOT affected by the -1 armour roll.
nick_nameless - Mar 16, 2012 - 08:50 PM
Post subject:
Man, I really hope to be able to make this event. There are not many that are within driving distance of Boston. Is the a pre registration deadline?
Daggers - Mar 18, 2012 - 07:17 AM
Post subject:
That would be awesome if you could make it. Never realized Boston was that close a drive to Montreal. Ottawa is about 2 hours farther away, but the last time I went to Boston I flew.

Not really, tournaments up here are a little smaller, and more flexible. So pre-reg is more for the TO, so he has an idea of numbers.
Taxal - Mar 29, 2012 - 06:48 PM
Post subject:
Registration is up and working on our website now.....
Daggers - Apr 17, 2012 - 11:59 AM
Post subject:
Dan, you want to update the rules to match what you are posting in the forum chat. Just to reduce confusion with conflicting information. If people don't pay close attention to the forums, they won't know all the rules.
Taxal - Apr 17, 2012 - 12:15 PM
Post subject:
Yeah already talked to Pat about it since its him and Jess that are in charge of the website. Will tell them again.
Taxal - Apr 20, 2012 - 05:12 AM
Post subject:
Ok here is the scoop on payment with this group we are trying out with tis year...

40$ prepay on thier website.
25$ At the door

Difference is you do not get any food if you pay at the door. We are right downtown so there is a HUGE choice of restaurants.
Taxal - Apr 20, 2012 - 05:19 AM
Post subject:

That is the site you would need to pre pay on.
Daggers - Apr 20, 2012 - 05:58 AM
Post subject:
Cool. Will do, count me in.
FYI Dan, rules still do not mention the discount for Halfling Chefs for Halfling teams. As well, the whole decision for Claw/Piling On etc etc that was posted above should be included as well in the rules.
Taxal - Apr 20, 2012 - 08:53 AM
Post subject:
Passed all the info to Pat. Will have to wait and see when it will be done. Thinking I will also make a small sign and have it with us concerning the stab/claws/etc .
Daggers - Apr 20, 2012 - 11:12 AM
Post subject:
Cool either way. Will you be like the girl from boxing who walks around in a bikini holding up the sign.
Taxal - May 03, 2012 - 05:29 AM
Post subject:
Well it looks like it might be a small crowd this year. So far we have Dwarfrunner registered on our site and 4 non-naf local players.
Daggers - May 03, 2012 - 06:03 AM
Post subject:
I know, I am a keener. Most of the Ottawa crew will likely be making it (Hickling, Adam, Gord, Colin R) and maybe we can convince Glenn to come out of his cave for this one.
Taxal - May 03, 2012 - 08:01 AM
Post subject:
If anyone is interested in making it out, please let us know so we can at leats get an idea of numbers.

Daggers - May 03, 2012 - 11:43 AM
Post subject:
Taxal - May 03, 2012 - 12:10 PM
Post subject:
That I will have to get back to you about....
runki_khrum - May 03, 2012 - 12:38 PM
Post subject:
      Taxal wrote:
Well it looks like it might be a small crowd this year. So far we have Dwarfrunner registered on our site and 4 non-naf local players.

I thought I already registered with Arena? I know I booked a room at the event.
Daggers - May 03, 2012 - 01:00 PM
Post subject:
I am pretty sure they are separate Colin. You pay on the Arena website, but Dan doesnt see that, so you need to register on the Sweetbun website as well.
Daggers - May 03, 2012 - 01:01 PM
Post subject:
Just pre-paid on the website for the tournament. That paypal account I created years ago is coming in really handy lately.
Taxal - May 04, 2012 - 07:37 AM
Post subject:
Ok Mark I can accomadate the Ottawa crew. Just would need to know how many of you.
Daggers - May 04, 2012 - 08:00 AM
Post subject:
Coolio, I will check and let you know.
Rando - May 04, 2012 - 06:36 PM
Post subject:
I'm in.

Might bring goblins ...
Daggers - May 04, 2012 - 08:47 PM
Post subject:
Not recommended. You can't beat me for the Stunty Sheild, so you might as well try and win the tournament. Better chance of winning hat. ;p
Rando - May 04, 2012 - 09:03 PM
Post subject:
Who says I'm not trying to win the tournament?
Taxal - May 06, 2012 - 10:29 AM
Post subject:
LOL...Also bringing Gobbos, and Pat is playign FLings. Looks like it will be at least 4 stunty teams.
Daggers - May 06, 2012 - 01:55 PM
Post subject:
Good. I can finally prove that I am the Stunty champion.
Taxal - May 13, 2012 - 11:27 AM
Post subject:
Two weeks away.....
runki_khrum - May 13, 2012 - 01:17 PM
Post subject:
      Taxal wrote:
Two weeks away.....

Adding warpstone to my breakfast. Smile
Daggers - May 13, 2012 - 02:08 PM
Post subject:
Adding runki to mine....
runki_khrum - May 13, 2012 - 08:11 PM
Post subject:
You won't be cooking my rerolls. Wink
Taxal - May 14, 2012 - 05:23 AM
Post subject:
Been playtesting my Gobbo team and will be having another game this week against Dan Campbell with his Norse. Thinking it might get messy for me. Next week should also be playing against Ryan and his Gobbo team. So its looking good for the quantity of stunty teams this year. Pat G and Mark D with Flings, Myself and Ryan with Gobbos. Pat L has hinted he might bring his Ogre team.
So whats the numbers looking like in Ottawa.
Daggers - May 14, 2012 - 08:45 AM
Post subject:
Man, all these stunty teams. Whoever brings dwarves is gonna have a blast.

Hopefully 5, but will try and confirm.
runki_khrum - May 14, 2012 - 09:09 AM
Post subject:
I think Steve Fourney will be bringing his long beards.

We must be up to 12 or 16 players?
Taxal - May 14, 2012 - 12:25 PM
Post subject:
Well I have....

Dan C
Pat L
Pat G
Ryan M
Colin K
Steve F
5 from Ottawa
2-4 local newbies that are not part of NAF
Daggers - May 14, 2012 - 12:49 PM
Post subject:
Thanks for the heads up, I will bring some NAF dice to sign people up.
Taxal - May 16, 2012 - 08:32 PM
Post subject:
So looking at maybe playing Skink/Krox combo. With a movement of 8 on all but 1, its going to be a very dangerous team.
runki_khrum - May 16, 2012 - 08:56 PM
Post subject:
      Taxal wrote:
So looking at maybe playing Skink/Krox combo. With a movement of 8 on all but 1, its going to be a very dangerous team.

This will be neat to see.
Daggers - May 17, 2012 - 07:30 AM
Post subject:
Looks like there will only be 3 from Ottawa. Adam, Colin R and myself. We won't be arriving til around 8:30-9pm likely.
runki_khrum - May 20, 2012 - 07:54 AM
Post subject:
Commie Rat Skaven painted. Roster made. Students and Anarchists mobilized. Where can I safely park my car? Confused
Daggers - May 20, 2012 - 12:44 PM
Post subject:
Daggers - May 20, 2012 - 12:47 PM
Post subject:
And the new dice should be on their way... So hopefully I will have them before Sweetbun. They look pretty sweet.
Taxal - May 20, 2012 - 01:33 PM
Post subject:
If you are staying at the hotel there is parking right there. If you are not staying at the hotel there is aprking lots just around the corner.
Taxal - May 23, 2012 - 12:49 PM
Post subject:
STUNTY SHIELD will be mine with the my all powerful speedy team....

Daggers - May 23, 2012 - 01:28 PM
Post subject:
The Stunty Shield will be renamed "The DeLasagna Shield" after I win it for a third consecutive time. I am the STUNTY CHAMP...
Taxal - May 23, 2012 - 01:40 PM
Post subject:

If you win this year it will be 4th. There has been no other winner.
Daggers - May 23, 2012 - 02:04 PM
Post subject:
Right, I was thinking I have ALREADY won three, this will be fourth.

My fuzzy little feet are gonna kick you scaly a$$ all over the pitch this weekend.
runki_khrum - May 23, 2012 - 02:47 PM
Post subject:

Taxal - May 24, 2012 - 05:26 AM
Post subject:

Those eyes are burning my soul.
Daggers - May 24, 2012 - 09:10 AM
Post subject:
runki_khrum - May 24, 2012 - 09:42 AM
Post subject:
Don't F with the skinky dirty Sanchez! Haha!
Taxal - May 24, 2012 - 09:57 AM
Post subject:
LOL.....almost fell off my chair p!ssing myself silly
Taxal - May 24, 2012 - 10:05 AM
Post subject:
Is Lee coming this weekend?
Daggers - May 24, 2012 - 10:48 AM
Post subject:
Lee has a girlfriend now, he is probably coming every weekend....
runki_khrum - May 24, 2012 - 12:06 PM
Post subject:
      Taxal wrote:
Is Lee coming this weekend?

Girl friend's B day, so he'll be in Niagra.
Daggers - May 24, 2012 - 12:19 PM
Post subject:
      runki_khrum wrote:
      Taxal wrote:
Is Lee coming this weekend?

Girl friend's B day, so he'll be in Niagra.

Called it...
Daggers - May 24, 2012 - 12:30 PM
Post subject:
Less than 48 hours to BLOOD BOWL!!!!!!!
Taxal - May 24, 2012 - 06:47 PM
Post subject:
At last count we now have 12 confirmed. There is local non-NAF that should be showing up and from what I ahve heard it could be 2 to 5 people.
Taxal - May 25, 2012 - 07:02 AM
Post subject:
Few more hours till Montreal gets invaded.........
Daggers - May 25, 2012 - 07:37 AM
Post subject:
FYI everyone, unless a miracle happens and the dice show up before I leave in afew hours, I won't have the new block dice for the tournament. If new members sign up at the tournament I will give them a free set of green dice and mail out the new silver dice when they arrive (one time deal, two sets of dice). Sorry for everyone else, you will have to wait until Lakeside, or re-up online.
Taxal - May 25, 2012 - 07:50 AM
Post subject:
Well that means I will have to head down to O-town for a visit and to get some new dice
Daggers - May 25, 2012 - 08:11 AM
Post subject:
That works too...
runki_khrum - May 25, 2012 - 04:02 PM
Post subject:
The Commie Rats have arrived at Arena 2012! Tonight we march with the students! That is if the students march to cinemas and titty bars.
DrunkZombie - May 26, 2012 - 12:25 AM
Post subject:
      runki_khrum wrote:
The Commie Rats have arrived at Arena 2012! Tonight we march with the students! That is if the students march to cinemas and titty bars.

Did someone say titty bars?
Daggers - May 28, 2012 - 07:12 AM
Post subject:
shhh are supposed to say "ballet". my wife might read this forum...yeah right....
Lizardcore - May 28, 2012 - 08:44 AM
Post subject:
so ?

what happened ?
runki_khrum - May 28, 2012 - 08:55 AM
Post subject:
      Lizardcore wrote:
so ?

what happened ?

Great fun! Plenty of cursing and threats of bodily harm. Adam took 1st place despite my Rats holding him to a tie. I fell to fifth after being brutalized by Steven's Dwarves. But I did win Blingiest team! Very Happy
Spazzfist - May 28, 2012 - 08:57 AM
Post subject:
What boring team did Adam play? Norse or Dwarves? Rolling Eyes
runki_khrum - May 28, 2012 - 08:57 AM
Post subject:
Chaos Dwarves.
runki_khrum - May 28, 2012 - 09:05 AM
Post subject:
As best I can remember...

Myself Skaven

Adam Chaos Dwarves 1st place

Manny Norse 2nd place

Steven Dwarf 3rd place

Dagger Halflings Stunty Sheild winner 4 years running!

Ryan Underworld

Chris Pro Elves

Francois Necro

Dan Campbell Necro

Dan Chaput Skinks and Krox

Pat G Dwarves

One more I can't remember???????
runki_khrum - May 28, 2012 - 09:06 AM
Post subject:
Oh yeah!

Colin R Goblins
jrock56 - May 28, 2012 - 09:08 PM
Post subject:
First off want to give a big thank you to Dan and Pat for another awesome tourney! Also to Dan for hosting us for the weekend had a great time, appreciated as always bro. Another thank you to Patrick Laforge and his wife for there generosity throughout, donating most of the prizes and a huge giveaway at the end of the tourney...a fully painted Dwarf Team!! that is way over the top as far as giveaways go.

Was stoked to win the Golden Sweetbun back to back, having only played Chaos Dwarf one other time I wasn't sure what to expect out of them. Thank you to all my opponents for a great time and Colin K especially for probably our best game ever as it was quite the nail biter! Also a big thank you to Dan's Kroxigor for taking his own Prehensile Tail...turning it somebit sideways and shoving it directly up his own CANDY ASS!!! (sorry Dan but he was rolling over as frequently and as easily as your mom tends to do anytime we come to town Razz )

I would respond to Spazz's comment but was too 'bored' with it by the end of reading such a jabroni's hot garbage! Mr. Green

Don't remember everything but the Top 4 in Standings were

1st : Adam (me)
2nd : Manuel
3rd : Steve
4th : Dan Cambell
Not sure of placing after that.

Most TD's : Francis (tied Chris in last game with 12, won with better +/-, myself and one other finished with 11)
Best Defence: Adam with 3 td allowed, 2nd place was 5 against don't remember who
Most CAS: Pat G with 22 or 23 i believe, Adam with 19 was 2nd
Best team: Colin K with his Comie Rats theme!
Most Sporting: Ryan
Least CAS against: Adam (me)
Stunty Shield: Daggers again!

That's about all I can remember, Taxal will have to fill in the rest of the details. Thanks again,

Daggers - May 29, 2012 - 08:19 AM
Post subject:
Thanks to Dan and Pat for another great tournament, and thanks Dan for housing us for the weekend, the non-blood bowl time is just as fun as the blood bowl time. Thanks to Patrick Laforge and his wife for some nice prizes, always like getting more figs for my collection, and there generous food/drink/merriment throughout the tournament. Thanks to all my opponents for some awesome BB games, even with halflings I never felt like a game was out of my reach and alot of them came down to the wire. All the games I had a blast, and will continue to bring my halflings until someone can dethrone me. Thanks for the great intro for my award Dan ("you know who you are, get the f$ck up here and claim your prize" was how he introduced me).

Taxal - May 29, 2012 - 02:58 PM
Post subject:
Final Standings
1 Adam Chaos Dwarf (1st, Least TDs against, Least Cas against)
2 Manu Norse (2nd)
3 Steve Dwarf (3rd)
4 Dan Campbell Necro
5 Colin K Skaven (Best team)
6 Mark Fling (Stunty Shield 4th year in a row))
7 Chris Elf
8 Francis Necro (Most TD's)
9 Pat Dwarf (Most CAS's)
10 Ryan Underworld (Sportsmanship)
11 Dan Chaput Lizardmen
12 Colin R Gobbo
orxymandiuz - May 29, 2012 - 03:04 PM
Post subject:
Thanks Pat and Dan for a great tourney weekend and Dan for the amazing hospitality.
Even though I finished last with the Gobbo's, I'm planning on bringing them again next year, so this year I was just psyching out my opponents for next year's games! They'll come in for the easy win and BLAMMO! Gobbo domination. Hahahaha
Taxal - May 30, 2012 - 10:05 AM
Post subject:
Would like to thank everyone that came out for this years Sweetbun. We had 4 out of towners and the rest were locals which also included 1 new local that loved the weekend so much he wants to come out to othertournaments now.
The hall we played in was not the best of places, but as a group we brought life into it. Everyone was making comments all weekend long that we were the party and the rest of the rooms were like libraries. Makes me proud as a BB player to show the Fantasy and 40K players what gaming is suppose to be like.
A big and I mean very big thank you to Pat and Stephanie LaForge for the support we got all weekend long from them. Bringing 2 cases of beer on Saturday for us (hotel lost their liquor licence for 7 days), Timmies coffee and donuts on Sunday and of course the 10 star player blister packs and the painted dwarf team as prize support.
It goes to show that our community might be small compared to the other systems, but we are one huge family and take care of each other every chance we get.
To my co-organizer Pat G, thank you for making this another great fun filled weekend.
Thank you to Dan Campbell for helping out in the computer problems we ran into the week before and letting us us your laptop.
The results will be posted this week/weekend

Dan C (taxal)
darkermac - May 30, 2012 - 02:39 PM
Post subject:
I would thank everyone that participate in the tournement, all the persons were cool and very funny. You were all great. That was my first tournement and I enjoy it very much. I will like to participate in others tournements ( if I have the time to with busy shedule with scholl/work)
thx again

Francis (darkermac)
Taxal - Jun 03, 2012 - 01:08 PM
Post subject:
Everything entered and just need the button pushed.
All times are
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