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28 Post subject: Brewhouse Bowl III - July 22nd-23rd, Waterloo ON Canada  PostPosted: Mar 07, 2017 - 06:53 AM

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Brewhouse Bowl III: Three sheets to the wind

Brewhouse Bowl is BACK for a third kick at the can.

Not all Blood Bowl tournaments in the Old World can afford to offer glittering prizes and fame to entice big name stars and famous teams. Outside of the capital cities, where Blood Bowl is just as popular, promoters and organizers have to find alternative methods of tempting teams to come risk life and limb for the fans enjoyment. They offered feasts hoping to draw Trolls, which always seem hungry. They brought in herds of sheep to attract Beastmen and Norse Berserkers (who are both rumored to enjoy a “snuggle” with the woolly creatures). But what they found worked best of all was booze! Blood Bowl players love a good drink, especially after surviving yet another life-of-death encounter on the pitch…

The Brewhaus Bowl is a Blood Bowl tournament, in it's third year, that mixes 5 games of traditional Blood Bowl mayhem with 4 rounds of “Brewhouse Bash”, a unique one-off GW game printed in WD magazine in the 90s.

Rules have been revised and will be posted
As the game was originally created by gw staffers as a fun goof around game there are several loop holes and unanswered rules questions. We have play tested the game over the past year and will provide copies to coaches on the weekend. Please still do familiarize yourself with the basics so we can launch into the first round without too much confusion.

The 2017 Brewhaus Bowl will be held on the weekend of July 22nd-23rd, 2017, and will be five games over two days (3 on Saturday, 2 on Sunday).

McCabe's Irish Pub & Grill
352 King St W
Kitchener, ON N2G 1B7
(519) 743-3400

$25, additional $5 for non-NAF members going towards NAF membership sign-up.


- Swiss-style match-ups after game 1.
- Bash rounds after game 1, 2, 3 and 4.
- Tournament points are W/T/L - 3/1/0
- Tiebreakers will be strength of schedule followed by TDs scored.

- Illegal procedures will not be called throughout the tournament.
- The 4 minute turn limit will not be specifically enforced throughout the tournament. There is however a strict time limit for each game.


- 24 NAF sanctioned teams are eligible.

- TIER 1: 1.150.000 gps
- TIER 2: 1.200.000 gps
- TIER 3: 1.250.000 gps
- With this budget, you could buy your 11-16 players, 0-2 Star Players, Team ReRolls, Coaching Staffs, Fan Factor and 0-2 Bloodweiser Babes.
- Halflings may purchase a Master Chef for 100.000 gps. Other rosters at 300.000 gps.
- Goblins may purchase up to three Bribes at 50.000 gps each. Other rosters at 100.000 gps.
- No other inducements may be purchased (including wizards, cards, extra apothecaries, mercenaries, etc).
- Star players can be purchased as part of a roster, but only after 11 roster players have been purchased. (In the case that opposing teams hire the same star, both teams will be allowed to use the player. )
- Teams must play with a minimum of 11 players.

Team tiers:

- TIER 1: Amazon, Chaos Dwarf, Dark Elf, Dwarf, Lizardman, Necromantic, Norse, Orc, Skaven, Undead, Wood Elf

- TIER 2: Chaos, Chaos Pact, (Pro) Elf, High Elf, Human, Khemri, Nurgle’s Rotters, Slann, Underworld

- TIER 3: Goblin, Halfling, Ogre, Vampires

- Stars cannot be given skills.
- One player may only be given a maximum of two skills.
- Each skill can be given to a maximum of two players per team (so 2 Guard is ok, 3 is not).

Starting skills :

- Tier1 : 6 normal skills on at least 5 different players
- Tier2 : 7 normal skills on at least 4 different players
- Tier3 : 4 normal skills and 4 double skills on at least 3 different players

Bash Rounds:

NEW rules posted below.

- Coaches will select a different player from their team roster for each Bash round
- The same player cannot brawl more than once as local authorities have been made aware of rowdy players smashing up pubs in the area
- Stars cannot be given skills even if they win a bash round
- Each pub will have 5 players in it with T.O. filling in if necessary.
-Each pub will produce a single winner that will be able to select from the rewards on a first come, first served order to encourage fast play and quick thinking.
- If player won previous BB game -1 to heath total, as they have been drinking their faces off in celebration.

- The winning brawler(s) will receive permanent skill additions for the remainder of the tournament:

- The winners of round 1 will be able to gain one skill from the passing skills.

-The winners of round 2 will be able to gain one skill from the agility skills.

-The winners of round 3 will be able to gain one skill from the strength skills.

-The winners of round 4 will be able to gain one skill from the general skills.

This tournament will be run according to the CRP ruleset with the following exceptions from BB16:
1) Underworld Slann and Chaos Pact are additionally allowed.
2) Human catchers cost 60k
3) When a player is sent off, a coach can Argue the call. Roll a d6. On a 6 the arguing was successful and the sent off player is put in the reserves box. It's still a turnover. On a 1 the head coach is also sent off. This means no more arguing for the rest of the game and if a brilliant coaching kick-off event happens, you suffer a -1 penalty.
4) Trees on the Halfling teams gain the Timber skill. Each teammate standing next to the tree and not in an enemy tackle zone gives you a +1 on the roll to stand up. A roll of 1 is still a failure.
5) Piling On is allowed and will not cost a team reroll to use.
6) Nurgle teams can hire: Guffle Pusmaw (Star Player) 5349, 210k (not 110k, see errata), Loner, FA, Monstrous Mouth (cannot be stripped and gets the catch skill), Nurgle’s Rot
7) All teams may hire Grak & Crumbleberry (Star Player duo) 290k (not 210k), both gain Loner, appropriate proxy models required (Warhammer World GW not needed)
8 ) Death Zone 2 stars are eligible for hire following team specific rules.
9 ) New goblin & Pact rosters from DZ2 will replace CRP rosters


10am-10:30 Reg
10:30-12:30 Game 1
12:30-1:00 Bash Round 1
1:00-2:00 Lunch
2:00-4:00 Game 2
4:00-4:30 Bash Round 2
4:30-6:30 Game 3
6:30-7:00 Bash Round 3
7:00+ Dinner
PM+ Drinks/Board Game at Grant's House

10:00am-12:00 Game 4
12:00-12:30 Bash Round 4
12:30-1:30 Lunch
1:30-3:30 Game 5
4:00-4:15 Awards


1st ~ 2nd ~ 3rd
Most Cas ~ Most TDs ~ Stunty Shot
Best Team ~ Best Name ~ Best Sport
~ Wooden Spoon ~

Brewhouse Bash Rules 2017

Health: Each player starts with 5 health. Lose one health for each bash event you have won. Lose one health if you won your last game. If you lost your last game add one health. There is no modification if you tied your last game.
Items on board: Place the items on the board (each player taking turns placing one). Chairs must be next to the bar or a table. Bottles can only be on a table or the bar. Items can not be placed adjacent to each other. If an item can not be placed than it is removed from the game.
Player placement: After the items are placed, determine who places first by a die roll. Place your piece next to the bar or a table. There must be two spaces between all other players.

Actions: During your turn, you may take 2 of the following actions. You can use the same action more than one time.
* Move - You may move up to 3 spaces. Thick black walls may not be moved through. You can try and climb on top of a table or the bar by rolling a d6. If you roll a 1 then return to the space you came from and the move is over. 2+ and you can continue movement as normal.
* Stand Up - While on the ground you can stand up. This is the only action you can take when prone.
* Throw a chair - Explained in the items section.
* Bash - Target an adjacent standing opponent. Roll a d6. Gain +1 to this attack if you are higher than them (Balcony can not use this action on another player lower than them). 1-2 nothing happens, 3-4 place the opponent prone, 5-6 place opponent prone and deal a wound to them.
* Pile On - Target an adjacent prone opponent on the same level as you. Roll a d6. 1 you are placed prone and take a wound. 2-5 deal one damage to them. 6+ deal 2 damage to them.
* Diving Leap - Only works if you are on the balcony and have not used an action this turn (Takes both actions to perform). Roll a d3+1 to see how many spaces you MUST move off the balcony. Roll on the pile on table with a -1 (if you hit a player or not). Double all damage assigned with this action. If you hit a player you are placed prone in an adjacent space of the same level of your choice.

During a move action you may spend 1 point of movement to pick up an adjacent item. You may only have one item at a time. You do not lose an item if you are knocked over. Choose before making your roll if you are using an item (optional to use).
* Bottles - Add one to a pile on or bash action. The bottle is removed after it is used. You may use a bottle with the diving leap action.
* Chair - You may throw a chair as an action. roll a d3 + 1 to see how far you can throw it. The target suffers a bash attack (gain +1 if you were on a higher elevation). After the attack, the chair is removed.

Each player rolls a 2D6 to gain a skill for the game (pick one of the results). Skills are not limited to one time a turn unless mentioned in their description.
1 - Poke in the eye - Target adjacent opponent and roll a d6. On a 2+ opponent can only take one action next round. Can only be used on standing players. Multiple pokes will have no effect.
2 - What table? - You do not need to roll when climbing on a table or the bar.
3 - Oi! Come 'ere - Target standing opponent within 6 spaces of you. roll a d6, on 2+ you may move the player per normal movement rules. (I almost want to say they must end closer to you than they were)
4 - I dead 'ard! - When ever a bash or pile on would knock you over roll a d6. On a 4+ you are not knocked over, but still take any damage. This effect can not be used if you were thrown.
5 - Heave Ho - Target an adjacent opponent and roll a d6. On 4+ you can throw them d3+1 spaces. If they land in an empty space roll on the pile on table with a -1. If you roll a 1 or less then place them prone with no injury, else they suffer the damage and placed prone. If they land on another player roll on the pile on table with a -1. If you roll a 1 or less the thrown player takes the damage, else the target takes damage. Both players are placed prone after this action. Thrown player chooses an adjacent space they end up prone (on same level as target). This may only be used one time per turn. Bottles can not be used in this action.
6 - Did you spill my pint - If you have not moved this turn you gain +1 on bash rolls. Standing up does not prevent the use of this skill.

Zero health:
If you are reduced to zero health you remain on the board as an impassable space. You may still be thrown by the "pick up and throw" skill. Roll a d6 on your turn. If you roll a 6 you gain 1 health back. Start your turn prone with two actions as normal.

End of game:
Everyone is knocked out.

Canadian Open, Feb 2025, Waterloo, Ontario
Brewhouse Bowl 9, May 2025, Waterloo, Ontario
Amorical Cup 2024, June 1&2, Ottawa, Canada

NAF NTO, Canada
NAF Membership Coordinator, Canada

Last edited by grant85 on Jul 21, 2017 - 10:05 AM; edited 10 times in total
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Post subject: RE: Brewhouse Bowl III - May 13th-14th, Waterloo ON  PostPosted: Mar 07, 2017 - 06:53 AM

Joined: Jan 19, 2005
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Sean H
Scott C

odd man out grant85

Canadian Open, Feb 2025, Waterloo, Ontario
Brewhouse Bowl 9, May 2025, Waterloo, Ontario
Amorical Cup 2024, June 1&2, Ottawa, Canada

NAF NTO, Canada
NAF Membership Coordinator, Canada

Last edited by grant85 on Jul 17, 2017 - 12:15 PM; edited 5 times in total
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Mar 07, 2017 - 07:59 PM

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That's the weekend of Rotuma day!
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Mar 09, 2017 - 05:53 AM

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      Stimme wrote:
That's the weekend of Rotuma day!

The annual celebration on the island of Rotuma, a Fijian dependency. It falls on May 13, the anniversary of the island's cession to the United Kingdom in 1881

....????? could I have been so foolish to double book myself?!?! new date TBD...LOL jk Brewhouse Bowl & Rotuma Day co events

Canadian Open, Feb 2025, Waterloo, Ontario
Brewhouse Bowl 9, May 2025, Waterloo, Ontario
Amorical Cup 2024, June 1&2, Ottawa, Canada

NAF NTO, Canada
NAF Membership Coordinator, Canada
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Post subject: Re: Brewhouse Bowl III - May 13th-14th, Waterloo ON  PostPosted: Mar 09, 2017 - 11:59 AM

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      grant85 wrote:

more info TBA

I'm in, unless this forthcoming info really sucks ass.
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Post subject: RE: Re: Brewhouse Bowl III - May 13th-14th, Waterloo ON  PostPosted: Mar 09, 2017 - 04:08 PM

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While in Waterloo participating at the Brewhouse Bowl, don't forget to buy some extra dice to celebrate Mother's Day. Your mother will certainly appreciate the gesture. And if the mother of your child also celebrates this Hallmark of holidays, offer her you left testicle if she does not yet already possess it. If she does, then offer her the right. If you haven't even this most precious offering to appease your wife, then Happy Mother's Day to you! Either way, best of luck husbands and fathers trying to worm your way to the Brewhouse Bowl. Bachelorhood and eventually dying alone does have its privilege.

I suggest a new strategy; let the Wookie win.
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Post subject: RE: Re: Brewhouse Bowl III - May 13th-14th, Waterloo ON  PostPosted: Mar 09, 2017 - 09:45 PM

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Ah... raspberries. I shall await the inevitable rescheduling.

Ursa Major '19 Champ.
The Tragically Hit - Amorical Cup 2517 Team Champs.
GLAM Stunty 2017

PLUS: 3x Stunty, 1x Most TD, 2x Best D, 2x Most CAS, 3x 2nd, 3x 3rd, 2x Spoon.
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Post subject: RE: Re: Brewhouse Bowl III - May 13th-14th, Waterloo ON  PostPosted: Mar 14, 2017 - 01:11 PM

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Hey, I can finally make this again...WOOHOO!!!

Stunty Champion: Golden Sweetbun I-V , Canadian Open 2014-2015, Brewhouse Bowl 2015 (all with the EPIC IRON CHEFS)
Check out for the latest tournaments in Canada.
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Post subject:   PostPosted: May 02, 2017 - 09:22 PM

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Im looking forward to attending my first BHB this year.
Whenever I click on the Ticket link on FB, it redirects me here.
Help please.
Where do i go to register and submit my team?
Have there been an arrangements been made for accomodations yet?

Thank you

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Post subject:   PostPosted: May 03, 2017 - 12:43 PM

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Hey Scott,

fear not, Grant, the organizer, will surely contact you soon (grant85 here on the forum).

Have you also heard of Orion Cup in Toronto? It's a one day event on June 24th:
Facebook link and local forum. I sent you an invite on FB.
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Jun 11, 2017 - 07:28 PM

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When are the rules getting posted?

1st: Warpstone 2012, Brewhouse Bowl, Brewhouse Bowl III
Best Paint: Blingtoof 2012, ZB IX, Brewhaus Bowl II
Team Champs: ZB VIII, Lakeside Cup 2013, Amorical Cup 2017
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Jun 13, 2017 - 09:55 AM

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rules posted now!

sorry for the wait & thanks for the interest

please feel free to ask for clarification if needed


Canadian Open, Feb 2025, Waterloo, Ontario
Brewhouse Bowl 9, May 2025, Waterloo, Ontario
Amorical Cup 2024, June 1&2, Ottawa, Canada

NAF NTO, Canada
NAF Membership Coordinator, Canada
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Jun 19, 2017 - 10:04 AM

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Didn't know you rescheduled again. Wink

Not sure how many people can take the time off work. Very Happy

Ursa Major '19 Champ.
The Tragically Hit - Amorical Cup 2517 Team Champs.
GLAM Stunty 2017

PLUS: 3x Stunty, 1x Most TD, 2x Best D, 2x Most CAS, 3x 2nd, 3x 3rd, 2x Spoon.
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Jun 19, 2017 - 10:12 AM

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Im in.

Life isnt to short its just that your dead for a long time.
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Jun 20, 2017 - 05:39 AM

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      Boshka wrote:
Im in.

YEAAAAAAH! Will be good to have you out sir!

I'll check in with Rolland about crash space for Americans lol

Canadian Open, Feb 2025, Waterloo, Ontario
Brewhouse Bowl 9, May 2025, Waterloo, Ontario
Amorical Cup 2024, June 1&2, Ottawa, Canada

NAF NTO, Canada
NAF Membership Coordinator, Canada
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