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Post subject: Death Bowl 2019 ''Year of Bretonnian'' October 19/20  PostPosted: May 01, 2019 - 08:31 AM

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DEATHBOWL 2019 ‘Year of Bretonnian’ Ruleset

****Registration is open for this year’s Death Bowl****
****L'inscription est ouverte pour le Death Bowl de cette annee*****

You can email me the money (40$ / 45$ NON-NAF) at
Please note that the first 26 to pay will receive the Fleur de Lys dice.
I will have other dice available if we go over the 26
Deadline for the pre-registration prize is Sunday October 6th
Deadline for the roster prize is also Sunday October 6th

Inscriptions son ouvertes pour le Death Bowl de cette année.
Vous pouvez m'envoyer l'argent (40 $ / 45$ NON-NAF) à
Veuillez noter que les 26 premiers à payer recevront les dés de Fleur de Lys.
J'aurai d'autres dés disponibles si nous dépassons le 26
La date limite pour le prix de pré-inscription est le dimanche 6 octobre
La date limite pour le prix de l'alignement est également le dimanche 6 octobre

***Please to a damaged package I only received 26 official sets of dice. So when I open registration the first 26 people to pay will receive the dice. I will have other dice for others donated by Colin but these are not the Fleur de Lys ones. Sorry about that***

Monkland Community Center
4410 Westhill av
Montreal, Quebec
H4B 2S9

Registration Cost: $40 ($45 with NAF fee)


09:00-09:30 Register
09:30-01:00 Deathbowl Game 1
01:00-01:45 Lunch
01:45-05:15 Deathbowl Game 2
05:15-06:00 Dinner
06:00-09:30 Deathbowl Game 3
10:00-01:30 Deathbowl Game 4
02:00-02:30 Awards/Prizes/Pictures

Please bring

All coaches should bring the following:
1) Minimum TWO copies of their team roster
2) A current copy of the rules
3) NAF Blocking dice, range rulers and scatter templates
4) A PAINTED bloodbowl team
5) Strongly suggest using skill rings/elastics. I will have if any need


The following things will be provided at the tournament:
1) Theme Dice
2) Game boards (Boards showcased from Fantasy Fields)
3) Baked goods and coffee on both days
4) Prizes awarded during the tourney for 'Highlight Reel' moments
5) Trophies and Awards for Performance after the Tournament

Tournament Rules

Games will be played using current Games Workshop Blood Bowl rulebook & (CRP as approved by NAF), available online.

Resurrection style tournament where teams will reset after each game. No injuries, deaths, or star player points are collected. Therefore, you will begin each game with exactly the same roster.

Team Creation

Each coach may select any of the approved teams from the CRP rule-set + 3 NAF sanctioned teams (Slann, Chaos Pact, Underworld), also including Khorne and Brettonians. They must purchase a MIN 12 players to field for the tournament. Inducements listed below are also available, but no mercenaries, Star Players or Special Play cards are allowed.

TIER 1 (1.25 million) includes; Amazon, Bretonnian, Chaos Dwarf, Dark Elf, Dwarf, Lizardmen, Norse, Orc, Skaven, Undead, Wood Elf
TIER 2 (1.30 million) includes, Chaos Pact, Khorne, High Elf, Human, Necromantic, Pro Elf, Slann
TIER 3 (1.35 million) includes; Chaos, Khemri, Underworld, Nurgle, Vampire
TIER 4 (1.35 million) includes, Goblin, Halfling, Ogres


TIER 1 – 2 doubles max, 2 of any skill/mutation (ie: only 2 blocks)
TIER 2 – 4 doubles max. 2 of any skill/mutation (ie: only 2 blocks)
TIER 3 – 6 doubles max, +1 movement and +1 armor each allowed, 3 of any skill/mutation (ie: only 3 blocks)
TIER 4 – 8 doubles max, +1 movement and +1 armor each allowed, +1 strength or +1 agility allowed, 4 of any skill/mutation (ie: only 4 blocks)

Inducement Qty. Price(gps) Notes
Halfling Master Chef 0-1 300,000 100,000 for Halflings
Igor 0-1 100,000 Only for teams not allowed an apothecary
Wandering Apothecaries 0-2 100,000 Only for teams who can buy a normal apothecary
Wizards 0-1 150,000

Improvement Cost
Regular skill +20,000
Double skill +30,000
+1 MA/AV +30,000
+1 AG +40,000
+1 ST +50,000

MAX: 3 upgrades per player !

Game & Turn Time Limits

The schedule is tight so the time limits for games will be strictly controlled. This is the only way to ensure fairness for all competitors. The alarm which goes off after 3 hours and 30 minutes brings the games to an end. There will be a warning given with 15 minutes remaining, after which the table finishes the round of turns it is on but does not start another round. This prevents a game ending with an uneven number of turns for each coach.

To make sure all coaches get an even amount of time at play, a turn time limit of 3.5 minutes per turn will apply. When the time limit runs out the coach is allowed to finish the move of the active player only. This turn limit enables us to play 4 games of Deathbowl.

The games may finish in ties and there is NO OVERTIME!

Turn Etiquette

You may bargain and negotiate as much as you like in your own turn or in an opponent coaches turn if they initiate the discussion. However, as all coaches have a time limit for their turns it is impolite and against the rules to initiate such a discussion during an opponent’s turn. It is unfair to all the coaches at the table and indeed the tournament for another coach to “advise” on another coaches’ actions. While it is acceptable to remind a coach to move a player to block a potential TD, it is not acceptable to plan their entire turn.

“Alliance Bowl”

The Deathbowl Association received numerous complaints over the past few years about the alliances that like races have been forming to further themselves in the tournament. The most recent being the Zon-Zon alliance from a few years ago. We have concluded that openly aiding each other in Deathbowl shouldn’t be part of the game. Of course, there are instances where getting in the way
on defence, assisting on a block, outright throwing a block to aid in your cause are perfectly acceptable. Throwing a pass or handing off directly to an opposing team has been banned. You may no longer throw a pass directly to the opposition, if it happens to scatter to them or bounce to them that is permitted. If they happen to have diving catch that would also be deemed acceptable as the target square is not directly at an opposing player.
Handing off the ball to an opponent is not permitted either as the fans in many stadiums have rioted and looted because of this, causing injuries and damage countless times.

Tournament Format

The tournament will consist of 4 games of Deathbowl following the SWISS-style format. In the first game each coach will be randomly drawn with an opponent and then each pair of coaches will be randomly drawn with a second pair of coaches to make up the four players required for a Deathbowl game.

Game results are only determined by the results for the whole table (i.e. there can be one winner, or there could be a 2, 3, or 4 way tie!). Tournament points are discussed below. The first round matches will be decided randomly. After the first round matches are complete, the game match-ups will proceed with 4 coaches facing each other on a table determined by tournament points and tiebreakers. Coaches may play on the same table as another coach a number of times but only face each direct opponent once!

Deathbowl Rules

The Pitch and Setup

Deathbowl is played on a specially designed pitch with four teams and two balls. The teams line up on or behind the “line of scrimmage” in their own set up section. Each coach must have at least three players on the line, with no players in the wide zones. Each coach lines up according to direct opponent matchup for the round. There is no kick-off. The balls are placed in one of the four center squares, randomly chosen (D4 & D3). All players must set-up their teams on the field at the same time with a minimum of 12 players and a maximum of 16 players. A D6 roll is made by each coach with the highest roll going first in gameplay and continue clockwise from there for the half.

Continuous Play is now in effect. After the initial set-up play continues until halftime and then does the same until the end of the game after halftime. Play does not stop for any reason, including touchdowns! After halftime the player who took the last turn in the first half has the first turn and play progresses counter-clockwise around the table.

Fame and Weather have no effect on the game of Deathbowl.


A teams turn ends if a player enters the end zone and scores a touchdown. If a player carrying a ball enters the end zone on a square containing a ball on the ground, the scatter is resolved before the turn ends. This is the only currently identified way to score two touchdowns in a single player turn. Once a touchdown is scored the ball is removed from the field and re-enters play on one of the four centre squares (roll a D4) and stops there, unless the square is occupied. If the square is occupied by a standing player, the player may attempt to catch the ball just like the bounce at the end of regular Blood Bowl kick off (bouncing ball). If the square is occupied by a prone or stunned player or the other ball the new ball bounces once from the square.

The teams continue to play after a touchdown with a new set up only occurring at halftime.


At halftime (as in Blood Bowl) the play stops and the teams set up as described in the set up and play order section. Additionally at half time all KO'd players return to action without rolling. Any players KO'd in the second half do not return to play. Any injured players who were able to regenerate or who were healed by an apothecary can only return to play at halftime.


Each team may take a blitz action against each of the opposing teams. Each team may make a pass action with each ball, but not twice with one ball. Therefore, a team could instead pass two players with the right stuff skill, or one player and one ball. However, no player or ball can be thrown twice in one turn. Each team may take a hand off action with each ball, but not twice with one ball. Each team may take only 1 foul action per turn against any opponent. However, there is no referee so you cannot get caught. A turnover will still end a turn with all unused actions lost as in Blood Bowl.

Additionally, if a blitz is declared and no block dice thrown, no further blitz actions can be taken against that team this turn. If you fail your Wild Animal roll while declaring to blitz an opponent, you cannot then declare a Blitz against the same opponent until your next team turn. You may refer to this as the Wild Animal rule. When declaring a Blitz against an opposing team, the player must be within range of the intended target to declare said Blitz at all.

Blocks and Fouls

Assists work as in normal Blood Bowl for the players on the teams involved in a block or a foul. However, the other teams may want to get involved as well. A player may assist a block or foul made by an opponent if the only opposing tackle zone they are in is the victim of the block or foul. If they are in any other opposing tackle zones they cannot assist. The only exception to this is if the player has Guard skill they can always assist a block. This applies to fouls in the same fashion as stated above.

You can only foul one opponent per turn

The edge of the field is the crowd just like in regular bloodbowl.

Deathbowl Referees

Referees do not dare appear during a Deathbowl match. So there is no chance of getting caught fouling and all special weapons do not get thrown out of a match

Halfling Master Chefs

During the Death Bowl match Halfling teams will be able to force their opponents to lose rerolls. First they must roll 3 D6’s to determine how effective the Chef will be. For each successful roll they must roll another D6 to randomly determine which opponent will be affected. Using large fans the chef and his assistant manage to blow the delicious smells into their opponent’s dugouts and the other teams that are unaffected just get a tantalising yet non-distracting whiff of the marvellous culinary creations.

Ball Handling - Passing, Handoff's & Interceptions

No player may at any time be in possession of more than one ball. Anytime a player with a ball interacts with the other ball resolve the situation as if he/she/it had the “No Hands” skill. The player may not drop the ball he has to attempt to pick up the other. A team may pass and hand-off each ball once a turn. A team may not, however, pass or hand-off the same ball more than once in the same turn, as in the standard rules of the game.

The ball may at no time be passed across any of the four corner squares. To determine this when passing a ball, the entire range ruler must be on the playable Pitch area. This also includes any throw team-mate


If players from different teams are eligible to make an interception the player closest to the throwing player may make the attempt first. If two or more players are equally close than the coaches roll off to determine which player may make the first attempt. If the first player fails to intercept the next player gets a chance, if the second player fails to make and interception a player from the third team gets a chance. However, each team may only make one interception attempt. If an interception attempt is successful and followed by a successful "safe throw" roll, a team who has not yet attempted to intercept can still try with one of their players. Safe throw may be used on all successful interceptions in any given turn. For example, a pass may be intercepted 3 times, each time by a player from a different team; the thrower gets to roll for safe throw in each case.

Tournament Points

Achievement Points
1st Place 40
2nd Place 30
3rd Place 20
4th Place 10

1st place CAS 5 (no ties, only awarded if there is an outright winner)

Ties share points e.g.
4 Way 1st 25
3 Way 1st 30 (4th = 10)

The number one factor in determining how teams place in the standings should still reflect their overall record and Table wins. While we feel bonus points for strong gameplay should still factor in, it should not outweigh the overall record of the competitors. It will definitely still play a part in determining placement but not override the standings completely.

Each coach’s total tournament points from game play will be used to determine each coach’s table opponents for the next round. In the event of a tie in the standings the following tie breakers will be used during the tournament and in determining the final standings.

# Tie Breakers
1 # Solo 1st place wins
2 TD +/- (Your TDs scored minus TDs scored by opponent on table)
3 CAS +/- (Your CAS caused minus CAS caused by opponent on table)
4 # Ties for 1st place
5 # 2nd place finishes

Best Team Categories

You must receive a minimum of 2.5 points for your team to qualify, which most people should be able to get. These points will not be added to your teams Tournament Points as they have no bearing on which opponents you will face. There are 6 painting categories, each worth 1/2 a point so you can miss one and still get your full 2.5 points. Of the teams that qualify 3-4 will be selected and voted on by your opponents to determine the overall winner.

Painting Points
Painted: All models are fully painted. 0.5
Based: All models have a painted and textured base. 0.5
Numbered: All models are numbered in a visible way. 0.5
Detailed: All models are highlighted/shaded or detailed in a noticeable way. 0.5
Conversion: At least one model on the team has been modified in a unique fashion. 0.5
Representative: All the models on the team are representative of the player they depict.
The models are identified by their appropriate base ring colour 0.5


After each game you must rank your opponent for sportsmanship. The default ranking is good sport (2). Each coach can mark their opponent up or down depending on their opinion of their sportsmanship.

The sportsmanship points have no bearing on the tournament standings and are solely to decide the “Most Sporting” award.

Sportsmanship Pts

A Good Sport
Your opponent was pleasant all game You would happily play this coach again, anytime.
The Default Score 2

A Poor Sport
Your opponent was not enjoyable to play. Constant arguing about the rules or constant complaining can be reasons for this score.
An uncommon tournament experience 1

A Terrible Sport
Your opponent was a miserable fool. They whined about everything. They also argued about the rules endlessly. You could live your whole life and if you ever saw them again it would be too soon.
No one should get this rating. If they do, an explanation is required. 0

An Amazing Sport
Your opponent made your game one of the best you’ve ever had. It is impossible to imagine them being any friendlier or accommodating. A unique experience. Giving more than one opponent this rating during a tournament would be questioned. 3

At tournament end you will add a bonus point to one of your opponents. This bonus will only be used in case of a tie.

‘Year of’ bonus

Each year there is a theme team. That team gets a small extra bonus. This year it is Bretonnian and any that play them can choose between one of these 2 extras

1- Free Apothecary
2- Free Leader skill (can be given to a player that already has 3 upgrades)

As always, shoot me a message if you have questions or need clarification on something.

1. Dan Chaput ( odd man out)
2. Jeremy Chaput (odd man out) ##
3. Cam Chaput (odd man out) ##
4. Dan Campbell $$ %% ##
5. Anthony Frainetti $$ %% ##
6. Simon Maltais $$ %% ##
7. Scott Campbell $$ %% ##
8. Adam Jones $$ %%
9. Felix D Deschamps $$ %%
10. Patrick Gilbert $$ %%
11. Ryan William Joyner $$ %%
12. PY Trole $$ %% ##
13. Manuel Leclerc $$ %%
14. Mark Hckling $$ %%
15. Colin Keillar $$ %% ##
16. Martyn McGowan $$ %%
17. Ben Tusim
18. Rod Davidson ##
19. Greg Shelton ##
20. Austin Shelton ##
21. Chris Despres
22. Isabelle Cousineau
23. Dany Dean
24. Zarek Giroux ##


*** 2023 ***
Dominion Cup - Stunty Cup

Last edited by Taxal on Oct 15, 2019 - 02:29 PM; edited 30 times in total
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Post subject: RE: Death Bowl 2019  PostPosted: May 01, 2019 - 09:02 AM

Joined: Aug 03, 2004
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Location: Canada
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Hey Captain!

I will try to make it.. but it's the girlfriend birthday week-end!

So i need to play my cards very well..or change girlfriend! Razz

Will let you know buddy!!

1st : Dagger VIII,CQN III/V,Border Princess III/V/IX,CCKO 2019,Dominium Cup II
2nd : Golden Sweetbun `10 , CCKO 2015 , Deathbowl XIV , X-MAS BOWL 2018 , Dagger X
3rd : Deathbowl XIII , CCKO 2017 , Dagger XI , OASIS 2019 , CQN VI, GLAMS 2019
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Post subject: RE: Death Bowl 2019  PostPosted: May 08, 2019 - 03:05 PM

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I trust there will be a glorious fanfare for the reigning champion as he enters the pitch?
Trumpets blaring, banners waving, wenches swooning !
I'm a legend in my own mind!

20/21 GLAM Series Champion
2020 CCKO Champion
2018 DeathBowl XV Champion

Rats gone wild! (.)(.)
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Post subject: RE: Death Bowl 2019  PostPosted: May 27, 2019 - 01:39 PM

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Just waiting on the ok from the higher ups and once all is good I will post the rules

*** 2023 ***
Dominion Cup - Stunty Cup
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Post subject: RE: Death Bowl 2019  PostPosted: May 28, 2019 - 09:33 AM

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Runki : You are a legend in my heart! Smile

1st : Dagger VIII,CQN III/V,Border Princess III/V/IX,CCKO 2019,Dominium Cup II
2nd : Golden Sweetbun `10 , CCKO 2015 , Deathbowl XIV , X-MAS BOWL 2018 , Dagger X
3rd : Deathbowl XIII , CCKO 2017 , Dagger XI , OASIS 2019 , CQN VI, GLAMS 2019
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Post subject: RE: Death Bowl 2019  PostPosted: Sep 15, 2019 - 03:19 PM

Joined: May 09, 2008
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Hands up whoever has won a Deathbowl!!
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Post subject: Re: RE: Death Bowl 2019  PostPosted: Sep 15, 2019 - 06:23 PM

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      Rando wrote:
Hands up whoever has won a Deathbowl!!

Who's won one with Goblins?
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Post subject: Re: RE: Death Bowl 2019  PostPosted: Sep 16, 2019 - 04:11 PM

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      Notorious_jtb wrote:
      Rando wrote:
Hands up whoever has won a Deathbowl!!

Who's won one with Goblins?

With the refs departing , Gobbos could do it again!

20/21 GLAM Series Champion
2020 CCKO Champion
2018 DeathBowl XV Champion

Rats gone wild! (.)(.)
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Post subject: RE: Re: RE: Death Bowl 2019  PostPosted: Oct 07, 2019 - 09:07 AM

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Under 2 weeks now till the return of Death Bowl to its original home of Montréal!!! Only received 1 roster so far. I will be bringing coloured elastics for skills on your players. I am asking to please use some way of marking any players with new skills. this way it makes the game a bit easier for everyone. Thanks

*** 2023 ***
Dominion Cup - Stunty Cup
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Post subject: RE: Re: RE: Death Bowl 2019  PostPosted: Oct 08, 2019 - 07:27 AM

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I'm in diplomaty mode with the GF...

My odds are at 25% right now.. (big increase!! Razz )

My roster is done...

I will let you know Razz

1st : Dagger VIII,CQN III/V,Border Princess III/V/IX,CCKO 2019,Dominium Cup II
2nd : Golden Sweetbun `10 , CCKO 2015 , Deathbowl XIV , X-MAS BOWL 2018 , Dagger X
3rd : Deathbowl XIII , CCKO 2017 , Dagger XI , OASIS 2019 , CQN VI, GLAMS 2019
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Post subject: RE: Re: RE: Death Bowl 2019  PostPosted: Oct 09, 2019 - 06:18 AM

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Roster submitted! Looking forward to mass mayhem! Twisted Evil

20/21 GLAM Series Champion
2020 CCKO Champion
2018 DeathBowl XV Champion

Rats gone wild! (.)(.)
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Post subject: RE: Re: RE: Death Bowl 2019  PostPosted: Oct 09, 2019 - 07:38 AM

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Please add me to your list! it's official.. i will be there!! Smile

Also Dany and isabelle will be there too!


1st : Dagger VIII,CQN III/V,Border Princess III/V/IX,CCKO 2019,Dominium Cup II
2nd : Golden Sweetbun `10 , CCKO 2015 , Deathbowl XIV , X-MAS BOWL 2018 , Dagger X
3rd : Deathbowl XIII , CCKO 2017 , Dagger XI , OASIS 2019 , CQN VI, GLAMS 2019
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Post subject: RE: Re: RE: Death Bowl 2019  PostPosted: Oct 09, 2019 - 07:50 AM

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Will this be Buffalo's DB Championship year? Or will the Woodies be turned into lawn fertilizer? Very Happy

20/21 GLAM Series Champion
2020 CCKO Champion
2018 DeathBowl XV Champion

Rats gone wild! (.)(.)
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Post subject: RE: Re: RE: Death Bowl 2019  PostPosted: Oct 09, 2019 - 08:41 AM

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I never played wood elf in the death bowl.. they are way too fancy for this!

I will try something different Wink

1st : Dagger VIII,CQN III/V,Border Princess III/V/IX,CCKO 2019,Dominium Cup II
2nd : Golden Sweetbun `10 , CCKO 2015 , Deathbowl XIV , X-MAS BOWL 2018 , Dagger X
3rd : Deathbowl XIII , CCKO 2017 , Dagger XI , OASIS 2019 , CQN VI, GLAMS 2019
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Post subject: RE: Re: RE: Death Bowl 2019  PostPosted: Oct 15, 2019 - 09:08 AM

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Less then a week !!!!

Very exciting!!!! Smile

1st : Dagger VIII,CQN III/V,Border Princess III/V/IX,CCKO 2019,Dominium Cup II
2nd : Golden Sweetbun `10 , CCKO 2015 , Deathbowl XIV , X-MAS BOWL 2018 , Dagger X
3rd : Deathbowl XIII , CCKO 2017 , Dagger XI , OASIS 2019 , CQN VI, GLAMS 2019
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