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Ignaz |
Post subject: Bad Pony Garden Brawl II
Posted: Aug 09, 2020 - 04:39 PM
Joined: Jan 30, 2004
Posts: 5
Status: Offline
Erstmal auf deutsch, unten denn auf English.
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Da der erste so schön geklappt hat, wollte ich gleich nochmal einen probieren. Gespielt wird bei mir im Garten und ist auf 14 Spieler begrenzt (und Abstand und so). Sofern es aber der Bedarf da ist, werde ich auch probieren 16 Spieler unterzubringen. Da am 03.10. gespielt wird und das Wetter immer wechselhaft sein kann. Werden Pavilions für den nötigen Schutz der Spielfelder sorgen. Ansonsten wird für Bier und eine warme Mahlzeit gesorgt sein.
Anreise (oder so) ab 8.30 Uhr
start ist 9.00 Uhr und es werden 3 spiele gespielt. angestrebt sind 2,15 h pro Spiel.
(9.00-11.15 I 11.45 - 14.00 I 14.15- 16.30 I 16.45 - 19.00 I danach schön grillen)
Anmeldungen bitte an damit ich danach die anfahrtsadresse geben kann.
bezahlung vor ort oder so.
Pokale für 1st und 2nd sind wieder vorhanden. Und es wird auch mehr angestrebt
on 03.10.2020 with EB Rules
The tournament consists of four rounds. Round1 will be a random draw and rounds 2-4 will be paired by the Swiss tournament system.
The individual match-ups are decided randomly in the first round and by Swiss-draw thereafter.
Each round lasts 2 hours and 15 minutes.
A more detailed time table can be found in the side menu.
Team creation:
- 1100k gold to be used for standard team building and inducements
- A minimum of 11 players and a maximum of 16 are to be rostered. Star players can only be bought once 11 players are bought and a star player cannot take the roster to 17 players.
- 0-8 Re-Rolls
- Assistant coaches
- Cheerleaders
- 0-1 Apothecary or Igor, depending on race
- 0-9 Fan Factor
- Inducements. The cost will be as following and will count for all 6 games:
- 0-2 Bloodweiser Kegs for each 50 k
- 0-3 Bribes for 100k each, for Goblins 50k each
- 0-1 Master chef for 300k, for Halflings 100k
- 0-1 NAF-approved star players for their regular cost
Additional cash:
The additional cash as listed below cannot be combined with the initial team creation budget. This additional cash can be spend on additional skills, players, star players, inducements, assistant coaches, cheerleaders, fan factor, re-rolls or apothecary.
The cost of the additional skills are:
- 20k for normal skills
- 30k for double skills
- maximum one player in each team can stack an additional skill, the second skill costs 30k. Both skills have to be normal skills
- maximum one player in each team from tier 1-3 can have one double skill
- maximum two players in each team from tier 4-6 can have one double skill
- star players may not receive additional skills
- the Skill "Piling On" will be used according to Death Zone 1, i.e. Team Re-Roll is required.
- Initial budget and additional cash are discrete. First You need to spend initial budget and then get additional cash. But as mentioned above additional cash can still be used to buy Fan Factor for example.
- At the end in the roster there can be 0-1 NAF-approved star players (stars that can be taken only as a pair (for example The Swift Twins) count as a 1 NAF-approved star player)
Tier 1 - 100k for skills/players/star players/inducements
Amazons, Dark Elves, Dwarves, Lizardmen, Norse, Wood Elves, Undead
Tier 2 - 120k for skills/players/star players/inducements
Chaos Dwarves, Orcs, Skaven, Necromantc
Tier 3 - 140k for skills/players/star players/inducements
Bretonnians, Humans, Chaos
Tier 4 - 170k for skills/players/star players/inducements
Chaos Renegades, Elf Union, High Elves, Khemri, Nurgle, Slann
Tier 5 - 200k for skills/players/star players/inducements
Daemons of Khorne, Underworld Denizens, Vampires
Tier 6 - 230k for skills/players/star players/inducements
Goblins, Halfings, Ogres |