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Post subject: SCARS 2023 - South Central Amorical Regional Series  PostPosted: Jan 24, 2023 - 01:10 PM

Joined: Oct 18, 2004
United States of America
Posts: 56
Location: United States of America
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Southern Central Amorical Regional Series
Rules Pack for 2023 Series
Updated 1/24/23

The Region:
The SCARS region for the purposes of this series will be: Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas. Any tournaments taking place in these states may apply to be part of the series.

The Timeline:
The SCARS season will run from Jan 1st to December 31st.
Final rankings and awards will be announced at the first tournament of the following year, and then posted on Facebook and the website within 2 days.

The How to Get Tournament Approval:
For inclusion in the series, the tournament organizer must submit their request to join at least 30 days before their tournament date. (This date may vary upon TSO discretion) Priority approval is given to those who give the most notice for a given weekend. Please make the request Either through the Discord server or by email:
For a tournament to be approved, it must be approved by the NAF already and it should not be on the same, the previous or the following weekend as another pre-approved tournament unless the competing tournament is more than 300 miles away. This distance between the tournaments, and the time between tournaments is a guideline, not a rule, and can be reviewed by the TSO on an individual basis.
Blood Bowl variations will not be allowed this year.
For Turncoat tournaments, the race you take is the one that counts for overall races.
You must notify the TSO by emailing , or contact one of the series organizers on Discord in order to secure your desired weekend. then the tournament that is first submitted for a weekend.

Result Submissions:
Tournament results must be reported promptly after your tournament ends. Required result information is: Ranking, Name, Race and NAF ID, TDs (For and Against) and Casualties (For and Against). Tournaments that do not submit results within 2 weeks of the tournament ending may be left out of the standings. Send all information (or Score file) to for inclusion.

Coaches Cumulative Scoring:
Coaches will receive points for each tournament they attend based on the following.
All participants receive 1 point per tournament, no matter how they finish.
In a tournament with more than ten coaches or more, the top ten finishers will receive points based on their final position. A 1st-place finish will be worth 10 points, a 2nd-place finish will be worth 9 points, on down to a 10th- place finish being worth 1 point.
Should there be fewer than 10 coaches, the top coach's score would be equal to the total number of participants and the rest would decrease as usual.
As a bonus, each finisher gets +1 point per 10 places below them in the standings. (Examples: A coach finishing 1st in a 32-coach tournament would receive a bonus of +3 because there are 30+ coaches below them. A coach finishing 8th in an 18-coach tournament would receive a bonus of +1 because there are 10 coaches below them. A coach finishing fifth in a 10-coach tournament would receive no bonus because there are only 4 coaches below them.)
Organizer bonus: For organizers who do not play in their tournaments, they will receive 1 point +1 per 10(rounded down, minimum of 1) coaches in the tournament . These are considered Organizer Points and are used as Tiebreakers as well as overall ranking.

Overall Ranking:
Coaches will be awarded points based on their performance in each SCARS event they participate in. Only the top 5 tournament points of each player will be tallied for the purpose of awards.
There is no minimum number of tournaments that a participating coach must attend, however in order to receive an award, the Coach must be a member of the NAF.
Coaches must use at least 2 different races for their scores to count in the standings if they played in more than 1 tournament. This does not apply to Stunty rankings.
There will be an award for the best Stunty coach of the year. This will be decided by highest scores of tournaments played in which the coach was playing a stunty team. These are traditionally Goblins, Halfings, Ogres, and Snotlings but may vary by tournament.

Tiebreakers for any award are in the following order:
1) Organizer Points(this is to encourage more people running tournaments).
2) Most First Place Finishes
3) The coach who used the most different races during the series
4) The tied coach’s head to head records in that season's SCARS games
5) Overall cumulative score for the year
6) Higher number of tournaments attended for the year
7) TSO Discretion.
No coach may win more than one prize. If the Stunty Champ is also 1st, 2nd or 3rd, they will get to choose which award they want.

There will be prizes for the top three finishing coaches and top Stunty coach that will be provided by the NAF. Prizes have been pins previously and that may continue. The TSO has no control over or guarantee of these prizes. No additional prizes for the winners are guaranteed, but may be provided.

Questions or Comments:
If you have any questions please contact or hit up one of the Series Organizers on the SCARS Discord, Facebook, or The NAF site.

Series Organizers:
Brad Wales
SCARS Discord: madmongol
NAF ID: temujin71

Jason Campbell
SCARS Discord: dashergeaux
NAF ID: dashergeaux

The most up to date information on the series can be found on Facebook at and on the web at

This Tournament Series is meant to encourage participation and fun.
Please be a part of the action and attend as many tournaments in the region as you can.


NAF Regional TC for South Central US (Texas, Oklahoma, Colorado, New Mexico, Kansas, and Missouri)
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