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Post subject: 2004 Rules Review is out.  PostPosted: Nov 17, 2004 - 07:52 AM
Ex-Rulz Committee

Joined: Feb 11, 2003
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This year???s rules review is split into two sections:
The first is the Rules Update ??? all previously published experimental rules have
been reviewed by the BBRC and their status changed to one of the following:
Official, Remain Experimental or House Rules.
The second section is Errata ??? this is corrections and changes to the core rules.
Please note that, miraculously!, this year we do not have any new additions to
the FAQ.

Ogre Team ??? Official
0-12 Ogre 120,000 MA 5 ST 5 AG 2 AV 9
Skills: Bone Head, Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Throw Team-Mate
0-6 Goblin 40,000 MA 6 ST 2 AG 3 AV 7
Skill: Dodge, Stunty, Right Stuff
AGILITY access
Re-Rolls: 70,000 gold pieces
Morg???n???Thorg, Nobbla Blackwart, Scrappa Sorehead, and Thrud will play for an Ogre team

Vampire Team ??? Official
0-6 Vampire 110,000 MA 6 ST 4 AG 4 AV 8
Skills: Hypnotic Gaze, Regenerate
0-12 Thrall 40,000 MA 6 ST 3 AG 3 AV 7
Skills: None
GENERAL access
Re-Rolls: 70,000 gold pieces
Count Luthor von Drakenborg and Thrud will play for a Vampire team.
Vampire Team Special Rules
Vampire teams may purchase an apothecary but it may only be used on Thralls.
In addition, a Vampire Team can hire Count Luthor von Drakenborg even if the
opposing team has hired him. In these cases, the second Count Luthor is
actually another very powerful Vampire Count Lord who has taken an interest in
assisting the team for the match.
Vampires must occasionally feed on the blood of the living. Because of this, roll a
D6 whenever a Vampire takes an action. On a 2+ the Vampire may carry out the
action as normal. On a '1', however, the Vampire is overcome by the desire to
drink Human blood and must carry out the following special action:
Blood Lust: The Vampire loses their declared action for the turn and must
instead take a Move action. If the Vampire finishes the move standing adjacent to
one or more standing, prone, or stunned Thralls, he attacks one of them.
Immediately roll for injury on the Thrall who has been attacked without making an
Armour roll. The injury will not cause a turnover unless the Thrall was holding the
ball. If the Vampire is not able to attack a Thrall (for any reason), then he is
removed from the field and placed in his team's Reserves box, and his team
suffers a Turnover. If he was holding the ball it bounces from the square he
occupied when he was removed, and he may not score a Touchdown (even if he
gets into the End Zone while holding the ball before being removed).
If the Vampire is Knocked Out or Injured before biting a Thrall, then he should be
placed in the appropriate box of the Dug Out instead of being placed in the
Reserves box. Note that the Vampire is allowed to pick up the football or do
anything else they could normally do while taking a Move action, but must bite a
Thrall to avoid the Turnover.

The following star players may play for the teams indicated as well as those they
can currently play for:
Count Luthor von Drakenborg: Necromantic teams
Grashnak Blackhoof: Nurgle teams
Jordell Freshbreeze: (Pro) Elf teams
Lord Borak the Despoiler: Nurgle teams
Morg ???N??? Thorg: Nurgle teams
Prince Moranion: (Pro) Elf teams
Rantut III: Khemri teams, Necromantic teams
Ripper Bolgrot: Nurgle teams
Thrud: (Pro) Elf teams, Khemri teams, Necromantic teams, Nurgle teams
Important Note: Hubris Rakarth remains an experimental star player.

(All page numbers refer to the printed handbook)

Page 6: Change the third sentence of the third paragraph to: Each coach must
set up 11 players or as many players as they have in Reserves up to 11 between
their End Zone and the half way line???

Page 7: Replace the second paragraph of MOVING THE TURN MARKER with:
A coach who is called for illegal procedure must use up a re-roll immediately (this
counts as using his re-roll for the turn). If he has already used a re-roll for the
turn when the penalty is called, or he doesn't have any re-rolls left, then the
opposing coach gains a re-roll. If a coach forgets to move the Turn marker, but
can rectify his mistake before the opposing coach spots the error, then he cannot
be called for illegal procedure. In addition, if a coach is correctly called for illegal
procedure, this counts as use of a team re-roll for the turn. If a coach incorrectly
calls an illegal procedure than he must remove a re-roll immediately. If he does
not have any remaining re-rolls left, then his opponent gains a re-roll.

Page 11: Replaced Stunned on the Injury Table to: 2-7 Stunned ??? Leave the
player on the field, but turn them face-down. All face-down players are turned
face up at the end of their next team turn, even if a turn-over takes place. Note
that a player may not turn face up on the turn they are stunned. Once face-up
they may stand up on any subsequent turn using the normal rules.

Page 17: Change Griff Oberwald???s price on his card to 380,000/90,000.

Page 17: Change the last sentence in second paragraph of STAR PLAYERS to:
Star Players may only be hired for a single match for league games (see the
rules for Freebooters later).

Page 17: Change last sentence on page to: Cost: The cost to purchase the Star
Player is the first listed price. The second price listed is the cost to hire this Star
for a single match during league games.

Page 18: Replace Riot on the Kick-Off Table with: 2 Injury Time: The referee
waits to allow for injured players and other debris to be cleared from the field. If
the receiving team's turn marker is on turn 4 or earlier, he does not adjust the
clock so both teams turn markers are moved one space forward along the Turn
track. If it is turn 5 through 8, he adjusts the clock to give the teams time to finish
so both teams turn markers are moved one space back.

Page 18: Replace Get the Ref! on the Kick-Off Table with: 3 Get the Ref! The
fans exact gruesome revenge on the referee for some of the dubious decisions
he has made, either during this match or in the past. His replacement is so
intimidated that for the rest of the half he will not send players from either team
off for making a foul or ban players using secret weapons.

Page 18: Replace Blitz! on the Kick-Off Table with: 10 Blitz! The defence start
their drive a fraction before the offence are ready, catching the receiving team
flat-footed. The kicking team receives a free ???bonus??? turn where any player not in
an enemy tackle zone may take a Move action. One eligible player on the
Kicking team may take a Blitz action rather than a Move. Players in an enemy
tackle zone at the beginning of this free turn may not perform an action. The
kicking team may use team re-rolls during a Blitz. If any player suffers a turnover
then the bonus turn ends immediately.

Page 18: Replace Field Invasion on the Kick-Off Table with: 12 Pitch Invasion:
Both coaches roll a D6 for each opposing player on the pitch. If one team has a
higher Fan Factor then they may add +1 to each dice roll. If a roll is 6 or more
after modification the player is Stunned.

Page 24: Change Rat Ogre agility to 2.

Page 25: Replace Big Guy entry with: Big Guys prefer to work on their own, and
in any case are not noted for paying terribly much attention to what is going on in
team practice sessions! As a result, Big Guys may not use Team, Leader, or
Trophy Re-rolls during their actions.

Page 25: Change the last sentence of the Bone Head entry to: The player loses
his tackle zone and may not catch the ball, assist either player on a block or foul,
or voluntarily move until he manages to roll a 2 or better at the start of a future

Page 25: Change the last sentence of the Really Stupid entry to: The player
loses his tackle zone and may not catch the ball, assist either player on a block
or foul, or voluntarily move until he manages to roll a 4 or better at the start of a
future action.

Page 25: Replace the Take Root entry with: Before taking any action roll a D6.
On a 2 or more the player may take his action as normal. On a 1, the Player
"takes root", and his MA is considered 0 until a touchdown is scored or the half
ends, or he is knocked over (and no, players from his own team may not try and
Block him in order to try to knock him over!). A player that has taken root may not
Go For It, be pushed back for any reason, or use any skill that would allow him to
move out of his current square. The player may block adjacent players without

Page 25: Replace the paragraph after BIG GUYS AND STAR PLAYER POINTS
with: Most Big Guys can only take Strength skills. Rat Ogres and Minotaurs can
take Physical abilities as well (representing mutations), but only if they roll a
double. A Big Guy that rolls a double while making a Star Player roll may choose
to take a Strength Trait, or General, Passing, or Agility skills.

Page 34: Replace the entry for Hypnotic Gaze with: Hypnotic Gaze ??? The player
has a powerful telepathic ability that he can use to stun an opponent into
immobility. The player may use the hypnotic gaze at the end of any Move action
on one opposing player who is in an adjacent square. Make an Agility roll for the
player with hypnotic gaze, with a -1 modifier for each opposing tackle zone on
the player with hypnotic gaze other than the victim's. If the Agility roll is
successful, then the victim is hypnotised and loses their tackle zone and may not
catch the ball, assist either player on a block or foul, or voluntarily move for the
rest of the team turn. If the Agility test is failed, then the hypnotic gaze has no

Page 35: Add to the end of Multiple Block: In case of each opponent being
pushed back, fully resolve the push back for one opponent before resolving the
second opponent's push back.

Page 35: Return Pro to a skill as in the text already.

Page 35: Replace the entry for Regeneration with: Regeneration ??? If the player
suffers a Casualty result on the Injury Table, then roll a D6 for Regenerate after
the roll on the Casualty Table. On a result of 1-3, the player suffers the result of
this injury. On a 4-6, the player will heal the injury after a short period of time to
"re-organise" himself, and is placed in the Reserves box instead. Regeneration
rolls may not be re-rolled. Note that opposing players still earn Star Player points
as normal for inflicting a Casualty result on a player with this skill, even if the
result doesn't affect the player in the normal way.

Page 35: Change the first sentence of Shadowing to: Shadowing ??? The player
may use this skill when the active player on the opposing team moves out of his
tackle zone for any reason.

Page 36: Pro should be listed with an S still in the Skill and Trait Categories.

Page 41: Replace the 6th paragraph of 1. Hire Freebooters, Wizards, & Star
Players with: Star players may only be hired for a single match when playing
league games. The hiring fee of the Star Player is listed as their second price
under the Star Player's cost. This means that the only time you will pay the full
cost (or first price listed) for a Star Player is when they are being used as a
member of a team in a non-league games.

Page 42: Replace the Handicap Table with:
11-12 EXTRA TRAINING: Your team has worked long and hard all week for this
opponent. You may take an extra Team Re-roll to use for this match only.
13-14 INTENSIVE TRAINING: One player is really psyched for this week???s
match, and has been working very hard preparing for it. Pick a player on your
team. He may take one extra skill to use for this match only, just as if he had
rolled a New Skill result on the Star Player Table.
15-16 INSPIRATION: Watching the opposing team in their previous match has
taught one of your players a thing or two. Pick a player on your team and give
him an extra MVP. If the additional SPPs are enough to give him a new skill then
generate it immediately.
21-22 I AM THE GREATEST!: The two opposing players with the most Star
Player Points refuse to be on the pitch at the same time in this match. Only one
may be set up on the field at the start of each drive. In case of ties, the coach
rolling this result may select the player effected.
23-24 BAD PRESS: Libellous stories you have spread cut the opposing team???s
Fan Factor in half (rounding up) for this match only.
25-26 ILLEGAL DRUGS: Declare this special play immediately (now!). You may
choose one player in your team to have either +1 ST OR +1 AG for this match
31-32 MORLEY???S REVENGE: The opposing team???s drinks have been spiked
with a powerful laxative. D3 randomly selected opposing players have drunk the
spiked drink, and must roll a D6 before every kick-off. On a roll of 1-3 they are
otherwise engaged and may not take part in this drive. On a roll of 4-6 they may
be set up normally.
33-34 SMELLING SALTS: You make all rolls to move a player from the Knocked
Out box to the Reserves box on a roll of 2 or better for this match.
35-36 PALMED COIN: You automatically win the coin toss to start the game. Do
not flip the coin.
41-42 DOOM & GLOOM: The opposing team is feeling uninspired. For the first
half, their Team Re-rolls are cut in half, rounded down.
43-44 IT WASN???T ME! One randomly selected player on the opposing team has
been getting a little rowdy in anticipation of today???s ???cakewalk,??? and he???s been
arrested! He must miss the match.
45-46 THAT BOY???S GOT TALENT In your last match you spotted a talented fan
in the stands, and he agrees to play for your team. Add one player at any
position to your roster for this match only. The player leaves the roster when the
match ends. Note that you may add a 17th player to a match in this fashion.
51-52 DUH, WHERE AM I?: One player of your choice from the opposing team
has been out all night on a bender, and isn???t really ready for the game. The Bone
Head rule that applies to Ogres applies to the player for this match only.
53-54 BRIBE THE REF: You have taken up a collection to ???convince??? the ref that
your players are a nice, clean bunch of fellows! You may ignore the first penalty
called against your team.
55-56 KNUCKLEDUSTERS: A player of your choice in your team counts as
having mighty blow for this match only.
61-62 VIRUS: A mysterious illness breaks out among the opposing team,
knocking out the unhealthiest members of the bunch. Any opposing player with a
niggling injury is too sick to show up for this match.
63-64 IRON MAN: A player of your choice in your team is determined to play
hard for the whole game, no matter what the cost ??? in fact, he refuses to get
injured! If an opposing player beats his Armour roll, he is only Stunned (do not
roll of Injury).
65-66 BUZZING! A player of your choice in your team has gone heavy on the
coffee in anticipation of today???s game. For this match only he gains the Jump Up
trait and the Frenzy trait, but will automatically fail any attempt to pick up,
intercept or catch the ball.

Page 45: Delete the last sentence from 3. Fan Factors: An unmodified roll of 1
always counts as a 1, and an unmodified roll of 6 always counts as a 6 (ie, the
rule of 1 & 6 applies to rolls on the Fan factor table).

Page 76: Change the re-roll cost for the Chaos Dwarf team to 70,000 gold

Page 79: Change the price of the Mummy on the Undead team to 110,000 gold

Page 81: Change the prices of the Star Players as follows (the first value is the
cost to hire the player for a one-off game, the second cost is used when the
player is hired as a Freebooter in league play):
Bomber: 80,000/40,000
Count Luthor: 380,000/90,000
Deathroller: 160,000/80,000
Deeproot: 250,000/90,000
Fungus: 60,000/30,000
Grashnak: 320,000/80,000
Griff: 380,000/90,000
Grim: 220,000/70,000
Hakflem: 230,000/60,000
Headsplitter: 350,000/80,000
Horkon: 120,000/60,000
Hthark: 360,000/90,000
Jordell: 240,000/70,000
Lord Borak: 250,000/80,000
Mighty Zug: 180,000/60,000
Morg: 430,000/100,000
Nobbla: 80,000/40,000
Moranion: 180,000/70,000
Ramtut: 350,000/80,000
Ripper: 200,000/70,000
Scrappa: 60,000/30,000
Silibili: 230,000/70,000
Thrud: 100,000/50,000
Varag: 290,000/80,000
Zara: 270,000/70,000
Zzharg: 100,000/50,000
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Nov 17, 2004 - 07:54 AM

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I've already started putting my Ogres together Smile

Nice work guys, good review.

Anthony - Ex Presidente

Orion Cup - June 8, 2013
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Nov 17, 2004 - 10:02 AM

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Thanks for your hard work! Very Happy

aka Rob (NAF #248)
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Post subject: Re: 2004 Rules Review is out.  PostPosted: Nov 17, 2004 - 10:31 AM

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Page 25: Replace the paragraph after BIG GUYS AND STAR PLAYER POINTS
with: Most Big Guys can only take Strength skills. Rat Ogres and Minotaurs can
take Physical abilities as well (representing mutations), but only if they roll a
double. A Big Guy that rolls a double while making a Star Player roll may choose
to take a Strength Trait, or General, Passing, or Agility skills.

Does this mean that Beasts of Nurgle lose mutations access or was that only implied by omission?
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Post subject: Re: 2004 Rules Review is out.  PostPosted: Nov 17, 2004 - 11:45 AM
Ex-Rulz Committee

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      Mordredd wrote:
Page 25: Replace the paragraph after BIG GUYS AND STAR PLAYER POINTS
with: Most Big Guys can only take Strength skills. Rat Ogres and Minotaurs can
take Physical abilities as well (representing mutations), but only if they roll a
double. A Big Guy that rolls a double while making a Star Player roll may choose
to take a Strength Trait, or General, Passing, or Agility skills.

Does this mean that Beasts of Nurgle lose mutations access or was that only implied by omission?

No it means that we (BBRC) are all so unused to the fact that the Nurgle Beast is a Big guy that when modifying the text of the rulebook we forgot to have him in the list. And since I typed that up ... 90% of that blame lies soundly at my feet. Grrrrrrrr. Good typo catch Mordredd. I'll add it to the list to fix for the LRB 4.0 so that its fixed when that is revised.

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Post subject:   PostPosted: Nov 17, 2004 - 12:25 PM

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Any idea on when there will be rankings available for the ogres and vampires?
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Post subject: Re: 2004 Rules Review is out.  PostPosted: Nov 17, 2004 - 01:09 PM

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      GalakStarscraper wrote:

Page 25: Change the last sentence of the Really Stupid entry to: The player loses his tackle zone and may not catch the ball, assist either player on a block or foul, or voluntarily move until he manages to roll a 4 or better at the start of a future action.

So would the normal +2 modifier apply if the RS model has a "babysitter"? Or do they have to roll an unmodified 4+?

#1 Nurgle coach in Canada (formerly the world!)
#1 Snotling coach in Canada
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Nov 17, 2004 - 01:29 PM

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      fe2mike wrote:
Any idea on when there will be rankings available for the ogres and vampires?

I will speak to our webmaster and have these races added.

Anthony - Ex Presidente

Orion Cup - June 8, 2013
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Nov 17, 2004 - 01:36 PM

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Well you now don't have to roll to see if Bonehead players will turn over from stun. It is now no longer an action it is just automatic.

Who really Knows???
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Nov 17, 2004 - 01:41 PM

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Hmm something is wrong here. No one is shouting or complaining.

Obviously the BBRC has failed again Wink

Anthony - Ex Presidente

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Post subject:   PostPosted: Nov 17, 2004 - 01:45 PM

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@Mike: the Ogre and Vampire teams are official as of this date - any tournament play with these teams cannot count towards a NAF ranking... I know that Steve played Ogres and you might have had a couple of others... we cannot backtrack to enter matches from before the teams were official.

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Post subject:   PostPosted: Nov 17, 2004 - 01:59 PM

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@Mike: the Ogre and Vampire teams are official as of this date - any tournament play with these teams cannot count towards a NAF ranking... I know that Steve played Ogres and you might have had a couple of others... we cannot backtrack to enter matches from before the teams were official.

May DynOmite have mercy on your souls!
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Nov 17, 2004 - 02:03 PM

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Yeah, I know - Snots is going to HATE that his first tournament victory won't count towards his ranking... Very Happy

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Post subject:   PostPosted: Nov 17, 2004 - 04:18 PM

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Yeah, I know - Snots is going to HATE that his first tournament victory won't count towards his ranking...

So he would have to play at my tournament to get his first rating then. Smile

Who really Knows???
Solace Spartan...defuncted pansy Elves. Pushback/Pow
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Nov 17, 2004 - 06:47 PM

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It sucks.

They will slowly add bits of the vault in on each RR leading up to 2007, starting with LRB 4.0, so it will be a slow and agonising death for BB.
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