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Post subject: Election Voting methods?  PostPosted: Mar 25, 2005 - 06:08 AM

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I think the charter doesn't mentions what type of election will take place. In past NAF elections it has been one member, one vote, but I'll bring up the point I made in the 'sledging' thread again.

I know this would probably require a change in the charter, but for small organisations like the NAF (and therefore not likely for this election), a transferable voting system might be the best form of election for the NAF.

you name all the candidates you want to vote for in order of preference (if you really don't want someone to win you leave their name off)

After the 1st count, if your 1st choice is in last place, then all the votes for that candidate are transfered to the voters second choice (in some systems they are weighted (eg 80% of a 1st choice vote), but that is probably unnessesary) then the person in last place has all those vote transfered (1st and second choice) to the next favourite on the voters list. and then repeat again until there is a winner.

It sounds complicated (and a nightmare to count) but it does result in the most popular choice overall being elected, not the 1st past the post system (which is really the flaw in UK and US elections)

It is probably too late for this election, but I thought I'd raise the discussion topic.

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Post subject:   PostPosted: Mar 25, 2005 - 08:06 AM

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I don't know if I should really be talking about election methods before a pending election I'm in but since I have no say at all in how the election will be done I'll go ahead anyway Very Happy

It's definitely a different idea than I'm used to. Living in Canada we use the first past the post method as well so it's the only method I have any experience with. Is this method used in elections anywhere?

In any case something needs to be done about the way elections are governed. At present the only guidelines are that it has to be done online & you need a majority vote to win. Everything else beyond that from timetables to advertising to methods is left up to the decisions of the president at the time of the election. It's been a task just to get the current election even advertised. Not to mention that the polling scripts on the PHPBB forum system were never designed to be a secure way of doing an election. Those of you who run PHPBB forums probably know what the problems are but I'm not going to go into them now just before an election and no one else should either lest we end up with a bigger problem. Shocked

Brian St.James
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Mar 25, 2005 - 12:50 PM

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I think Austrailia uses STV (single transferable vote).

This is quite a interesting paper on voting systems and the benefit of system like the one I proposed

This system is best used when there are multiple candidates none of whom are guaranteed to get a clear majority (over 50% of the total vote)

It also allows eveyone to vote for the person they like most, other than having to vote tactically to ensure a candidate who has 'more chance' of winning and defeating a disliked candidate.

I think this method is widely used in UK student body elections where several people stand for positions and there is little or no partisan nature to the candidates. This results in a wide spread of votes and a situation where if using FPTP (first past the post) the winner could have a very small % of the total vote.

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Post subject:   PostPosted: Mar 25, 2005 - 04:28 PM
Ex-Rulz Committee

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I can confirm, as an electioneer and scrutineer in elections, that we use a system of preferences for national elections. (as Emberbreeze suggested). It is a good system, but is also contingent on members of parliament getting in, so the preferences are counted on a booth level.

For state elections, it's a first past the post system.

=-) Babs

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Post subject:   PostPosted: Mar 28, 2005 - 10:33 PM
Ex-Rulz Committee

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So what is the method? In fact, has there been any official annoucement over the format of the election at all?

Has Antony actually said its 1st past the post? Or will we have a french style run off for the top 2?

Ian 'Double Skulls' Williams
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Mar 29, 2005 - 01:03 AM

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looks like one member one vote, first past the post

although it hasn't been stated anywhere.

I think voting methods etc have to be discussed and the constitution changed to include more defined rules. (after this election of course)

we've got a while before the next one.

I was also thinking a voting option to re open nominatins (RON) is worth having to give some confidence in the system.

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Post subject:   PostPosted: Mar 29, 2005 - 03:08 AM

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No it hasn't been announced and it's quite annoying to be blunt. I guess we'll just have to wait and see if the members believe it's ok to continue along this same road of a two class NAF membership system or if they want to see some change.

Brian St.James
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Mar 29, 2005 - 10:51 AM
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To be fair this isn't exactly without precedent, it's following the same format (I assume) as both the Treasurer and Tournament Director elections. These issues (IIRC) weren't raised then on either occasion.

For the record, I agree it needs looking at in future though, a situation where a candidate could win an election on a (for example) 40/30/30 split where that candidate may well be the 3rd choice of 50%+ of the vote isn't going to do this organisation any favours. For that reason I'd like to see it narrowed down to a two horse race in a second round of voting or something similar to eliminate the possibilty of the 'popular vote' being split between (using the above example) two and thereby allowing a third candidate in that the majority don't actually want.

And although I'm sorely tempted, I won't respond to Brian's last post re. continuation of two-tier membership, we're supposed to be done with the debate process. Wink

Ex-UK NTO,ex- Senior Tourney Co-Ordinator, ex-VP and ex-President....because Lycos says that new members don't know who I was..
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Mar 29, 2005 - 10:54 AM

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all right, Woody, I'll follow your lead - though I suppose I am part of a second tier of membership that was created by choice and active effort, I too wil leave it alone....

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Post subject:   PostPosted: Mar 29, 2005 - 10:57 AM

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      Deathwing wrote:
To be fair this isn't exactly without precedent, it's following the same format (I assume) as both the Treasurer and Tournament Director elections. These issues (IIRC) weren't raised then on either occasion.

But that's the issue. We have to assume. We simply don't know Neutral

Brian St.James
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Mar 29, 2005 - 11:22 AM

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For that reason I'd like to see it narrowed down to a two horse race in a second round of voting or something similar to eliminate the possibilty of the 'popular vote' being split between (using the above example) two and thereby allowing a third candidate in that the majority don't actually want.

obviously for future discussions, but the weakness of revoting, means people can change their vote, and I imagine the number of voting will actually change from vote to vote, plus making the election process much longer.

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Post subject:   PostPosted: Mar 29, 2005 - 02:47 PM

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      CyberHare wrote:
      Deathwing wrote:
To be fair this isn't exactly without precedent, it's following the same format (I assume) as both the Treasurer and Tournament Director elections. These issues (IIRC) weren't raised then on either occasion.

But that's the issue. We have to assume. We simply don't know Neutral

It's exactly the same format, heck I even copy and pasted half of it. Wink

IMO this format is fine. To be honest, I would have though people would have brought this up when they were voting for the guy that is holding on to all of our money. I suggest a Charter amendment after the election if it is a big issue for everyone.

Anthony - Ex Presidente

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Post subject:   PostPosted: Mar 29, 2005 - 02:57 PM

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      AnthonyTBBF wrote:
I suggest a Charter amendment after the election if it is a big issue for everyone.

I believe I heard that somewhere before, wasn't it in one of the candidates platform? Razz

Brian St.James
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Mar 29, 2005 - 03:01 PM

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I think the Presidental election has more importance than tresurer. sure the treasurer has to be good with numbers and trustworthy, but he doesn't have much say in what the NAF do. (probably born out by the lack of votes)

Given the closeness of the S-NTO election I'm surprised it wasn't discussed (I wasn't really paying attention) as different election methods could have produced a different result.

or perhaps it isn't an issue at all, but I think it is worth discussing Smile

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Post subject:   PostPosted: Mar 29, 2005 - 10:02 PM

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Have to agree with Emb. (Not that I'm saying the Tresurer and S-NTO aren't important but) It was only when it became clear that we were going to be voting for the President of the NAF using the same system as we use to decide on wheter Clanskaven's drunk again or not(Wink) that I thought it became a problem.

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